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04x15 - The Devil-Binding Ritual

Posted: 08/04/22 11:08
by bunniefuu
And in the clover's fifth leaf resides...

a devil.

What Asta, who was born without magic,

gained from the five-leaf grimoire was

the power of anti-magic, which nullifies any magic.

Meanwhile, the Dark Triad of the Spade Kingdom

also possessed the powers of the devils from the underworld,

and began invading the other kingdoms.

Asta continued to fight while believing in himself,

along with his friends... to protect this world!

After a fierce battle, Yami and Asta defeated Dante.

We win!

But then Zenon att*cked, and Yami was taken away along with Vangeance.

Captain Yami!

That night, Asta tried to escape the infirmary tower in order to rescue Yami,

and he ran into...

The Vice Captain of the Black Bulls, Nacht.

If you so desire, I'll show you how to use the devil's powers.

Asta arrived with Nacht to an emergency Magic Knight Squad Captains' meeting.

Who are you?

He's a vice captain... with the Black Bulls.

He's been acting as a spy in the Spade Kingdom,

though I didn't know that he was devil-possessed.

Back in the Spade Kingdom, the ritual of the advent of Qliphoth was underway.

Once the ritual was complete, this world would be connected with the underworld,

and Yami and Vangeance would lose their lives as sacrifices.

In three days, the first of seven gates to the underworld will open.

They must fight the Dark Triad before that can happen.

Then we should also ask the Heart Kingdom for help.

Actually, I haven't been able to get a hold of them since yesterday.

Meanwhile, it looked as if

Vanica had destroyed the Heart Kingdom with her magic, but...


The Devil-Binding Ritual


The leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun,

and the elves from the Third Eye...


Where are we?

This is Elysia.

It's a secluded area in a strong magic region located deep within the Heart Kingdom.

This place is overflowing with incredibly dense mana.

So they're awake.

Who are these children?

They are the descendants of Princess Tetia of the Clover Kingdom and Licht.


Back then...

Lady Tetia...

She's still alive.

This mana... One of the twins she was carrying has also survived!

I immediately sealed Lady Tetia's wounds

and rushed to Prince Lumiere's side.

After that...

When I woke up in the form of a bird,

many years had passed,

and I had no idea what became of Lady Tetia.

But she survived.

Her life was saved!

Children born of an elf and a human...

Prince Lumiere... The lives you had hoped for...

The new world you wished for... is right here!

This is the new village of the elves.

Once we found out about this place,

I felt as though I understood why we stayed behind in this era.

Why did you save us?

Because Dryad, the guardian deity of Elysia,

sent a divine revelation telling us to save you.


After receiving the divine revelation, we rushed to the Heart Kingdom,

but we didn't make it in time.


All of you had somehow used your own powers to survive those explosions.

Thanks to you, the citizens of the Heart Kingdom were safe.

It's amazing that you weren't annihilated when faced with such powerful enemies.

You must've gotten even stronger over these past few months.

That's not enough.

I couldn't protect them. I couldn't defeat them.

Even though we'd trained for months and gotten stronger!

Now that Loropechika's been kidnapped, there's no guarantee she'll remain safe!

We have to...

We have to get stronger right now!


You're all stronger than we are, aren't you?!

Tell me how you got so strong!

Wow... Is that really how you ask someone for a favor, Little Miss Royalty?

Do you truly believe you can defeat an enemy that you

couldn't defeat after months of training

just by training a little more?

I know it won't be that easy.


It's even harder to give up on becoming stronger!

Right, you guys?!


I see.

Jeez! I see you're all still a pain in the ass.

Then you will be able to become stronger

by using the elves' esoteric art, ultimate magic!

I'm worried.

I hope Charmy and the others are okay.


I see... So that's what happened.

We're going to att*ck the Spade Kingdom three days from now, early in the morning.

What will you do?

We shall fight with you.

All of the Spirit Guardians are safe.

On the honor of the Heart Kingdom, we will reclaim our queen.

Lady Noelle and the others are also getting ready to reenter the battle.

But it will be up to them if they can make it in time.

I see. Thank you for contacting us.

I will save you, no matter what.

I will not let him die.

Wait for me, Yami!

Thank goodness Charmy, the other Magic Knights,

and the Spirit Guardians seem to be safe.

I guess Noelle and the others are training!

I want to train as soon as possible, too!

Vice Captain!


Vice Captain?

In three days, we will gather the Magic Knights' elite

and att*ck the Spade Kingdom.

You're... the Vice Captain of the Black Bulls?

Why are you here now?

Why have you never shown up even once before?

Because I hate the Black Bulls.

I'll do whatever it takes as long as I get to operate as a Magic Knight.

It's honestly quite convenient being a vice captain. I can do what I want.

I despise people who can't do things properly.

The Black Bulls are known as "the squad of good-for-nothings with more damage

than exploits to their name," right?

It sounds like you were involved in the battle six months ago,

but that doesn't exactly erase all of your past failures.

The vulgar witch who drinks all the time.

The spatial mage who's so careless with women that it interfered with his missions.

The former convict who's a ruined noble.

There's also... Though I don't see them here right now,

the obviously evil-looking delinquent peasant,

and the obviously evil-looking, belligerent, mask-wearing peasant.

Et cetera, et cetera.

Though it's clear that good-for-nothing assembled you all.

Th-They're all good people!

P-Please don't just judge them by how they look!

Well, if you don't want to be judged by how you look, don't look like that.

When evil-looking people

or those who have committed evil deeds in the past suddenly do something good,

that twist makes them more likable.

And I absolutely hate that.

The greatest people are those who are good from the start.

In the end, you're nothing more than good-for-nothings that Yami gathered.

If you still want to save that worthless man's life...

Get stronger in the next two days.

Hey, I've been wondering. What is this magic?

It's shadow magic.

I, and whatever I'm touching, can move from one shadow to another.

So it's like spatial magic. That's super convenient!

We're here.

What's this place?

Whose house is this?

This house belongs to a certain noble. A former noble, that is.

We're here.

Here? But there isn't anything...

Shadow Magic: Dark Garden Invitation.

Now where are we?

For the next two days, I'll teach you all I know about using the magic of devils.

And as a result, you'll grow exponentially.

So we're training, then? Heck yeah!

Currently, you aren't using the devil's powers to the fullest extent.

You're just using the power that trickles down from the devil.

We are about to perform a devil-binding ritual.

You'll make a contract with a devil and formally make its power your own.

It's a forbidden ceremony that puts a devil's powers at your command.

A devil-binding ritual...

This ritual will allow you to draw out the devil's powers.

This ritual requires a connection to a devil.

Usually, you'd use a relic connected to the devil, like I have.

This will temporarily allow you to summon the devil to our world.

But you're a different story.

Your arm, your grimoire...

Your existence itself has a deep connection to the devil.

Got it! So what do I have to do?



The devil...

My right arm!

To think you'd let me out yourself.

Fight the devil... and win.

Use your powers to make the devil submit to you.

That's the moment the devil's powers will become yours.

It's been a while since I've come to the physical world.

Devil... Is that your true form?

There's something I've been meaning to tell you forever.

Thank you!


Your powers helped me out time after time in battle.

Right here, right now... I'm going to surpass my limits!

This is everything...

that I've got right now!

The reason I've been able to fight up until now is all thanks to you!

So seriously, thank you so much!

Did you seriously just say that to the guy who stole your right arm?

Well, that was the deal!

I've got no complaints!

You really are so unbelievably stupid.

And that's exactly why I'm about to k*ll you.

I can't let you do that!

And, hey! I just remembered our first conversation!

A little dwarf like you has no chance of winning.

But you're short, too!

No fair acting all giant!

I don't want to get my butt kicked by anyone like that!

You moron. I guess you still don't understand the situation you're in.


There's no way you're winning this!

You just walked right into my turf.

This time, it won't just be your right arm.

I'll be taking all of you!

Hold it, you jerk! I don't intend to fight you!

I wanna talk—


You came here to become stronger, didn't you?

Then defeat him, whatever it takes.

If you lose... the devil will take over your body,

and you'll become a grotesque monster.

All the skulls you see in the altar are those who failed the devil-binding ritual.

If you fail, I'll dispose of you and add your skull to the collection.

Isn't this... forbidden magic?

Hey, is the devil-binding ritual something we shouldn't be doing?!

We only have two days.

Did you actually think you'd become stronger using decent methods?

This is the world you stepped into because you have

no magic and wanted to become stronger.

What are you doing?

At this rate, he's going to k*ll you.


He's not actually trying to k*ll me.

I can tell from his ki.

What are you talking about? The one in front of you is a devil.

Devils don't have any principles.

That's right! Every single devil out there is a piece of sh*t!

This guy isn't like the devil I fought before.

I'm gonna steal your body and—

Just because you're a devil...

doesn't automatically make you a bad guy!

Damn it...


You're not a bad guy!

Petit Clover!

Vice Captain.

Come to think of it...

The Black Bulls don't have a vice captain, huh?

Well, you know how Captain Yami is.

It's gotta be rough being his vice captain.

They'd need to be able to keep up with his drinking.

They'd also need to be tolerant enough to deal with any of his ridiculous requests.

Th-They'd need to be powerful enough to keep up with his heroics!

And they need enough patience to deal with his long shits.

Man, that's rough.

The Black Bulls...

I hate them.

In this world where magic is everything,

there was one boy who couldn't use magic.

He never gave up on the future, no matter what challenges he faced.
"The Faraway Future."