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04x06 - The Messenger from the Spade Kingdom

Posted: 08/04/22 09:30
by bunniefuu
And in the clover's fifth leaf resides...

a devil.

What Asta, who was born without magic,

gained from the five-leaf grimoire was

the power of anti-magic, which nullifies any magic.

Meanwhile, the Dark Triad of the Spade Kingdom

also possessed the powers of the devils from the underworld,

and began invading the other kingdoms.

Asta continued to fight while believing in himself,

along with his friends... to protect this world!

Asta and the others took over one of the Spade Kingdom's bases, the town of Tolon,

and returned to the Heart Kingdom.

They enjoyed a moment's rest,

but then...

Charmy's power and appetite had grown from training,

and along with all the hungry animals,

she was trying to eat all the food in the forest.

Picture Magic: Invasion of Heat-Infused Ice!

Thus things calmed down for the moment.

Around the same time,

Yuno received a message and returned to his home village of Hage.

He then received shocking news from the man he met there.

You belong to the House of Grinberryall.


You are the Prince of the Spade Kingdom!

The Messenger from the Spade Kingdom

Where's Vice Captain Yuno?

Apparently he received word from his hometown,

so he quickly wrapped up a mission and headed over there.

That quick? As expected.

His hometown? You mean Hage Village, out in the boonies?


Considering how much mana he has,

it's hard to believe he's actually from the Forsaken Realm.

It doesn't matter where he was born. Yuno is obviously a very skilled Magic Knight.

Oh? What's this?


You have a lot of rivals.


Yuno has fan clubs all throughout the kingdom right now.


It's not like that!

No, really. He's amazing.

A year and a half after he joined our squad, he's already vice captain.

He might just become the Wizard King.

Yuno... the Prince of the Spade Kingdom?!

I always knew he was amazing, but he's actually a prince?!

This is unbelievable!

I knew it! I totally thought that was the case!

He's royalty! Royalty!

Quiet down, both of you.

You're overflowing with dignity and class. Of course!

What is this creature?

I'm one of the Four Great Spirits, the Wind Spirit Slyph!

I'm the one who's closest to Yuno!

You have the Wind Spirit! Amazing, Prince Yuno!

Then what about Asta?


The child that was abandoned in front of this church alongside Yuno!

I-I have no idea.

I just know that Prince Yuno is the Prince of the Spade Kingdom.

Where are you even coming up with this?

Me? The Prince of the Spade Kingdom?


Even if I was, why would the Prince of the Spade Kingdom

be abandoned in the Clover Kingdom?

Th-That's because...

Let me change the question. Why did you come here?

I'm sorry. I should've said this earlier. My name is Ralph.

I came here you tell you the truth.

So with my brethren's thoughts and mana within me,

I traveled through the strong magic region to get here.

Just as my father did.

Prince Yuno...

Flame Magic: Trace Mirage.

Please take a look at your past.

This is...

Apparently, on that day, a ray of light managed to break through the thick clouds

in the sky over the Spade Kingdom.

It was as though it was a sign foretelling a bright future for the kingdom.

Your Majesty...

Perhaps you should calm down.


He's born!

He's a healthy baby boy.

Thank you so much for being born.

My beautiful child...


Thank you. You worked so hard.

My love...

I obtained this magic stone long ago when I made it

safely back through the strong magic region.

I will give it to Yuno for protection.

That name...

"If it's a boy, we'll name him Yuno."

That's the name you chose, isn't it?


He's born! The prince is born!

An heir has been born!

He's born! The prince has been born!

They said that the festivities continued long into the night that day.

Your birth was truly a ray of hope that shone through the long, harsh winter

that had closed off our kingdom.

Everyone always smiled around you, Prince Yuno.

How do I get him to stop crying?

Guess you're not so tough now, Captain of the Mage Defense Force's st Division.

Did you already forget what you did for your own son?

I let my wife handle all that.

Hey, he stopped crying!

He's the son of King Loyce and Queen Ciel.

I'm sure he'll be an amazing mage.

Yes. He's going to be a way more powerful mage than you.

Like you can talk!

Prince Yuno truly is adorable.

There, there...

Our duty is to make sure these days of peace are protected.

Ralph, you'll eventually join the Mage Defense Force.

Make sure you do your best to protect Yuno.

Yes, Father!

He finally stopped crying.


Will he be all right?


He's such a crybaby... but eventually, he'll need to take my place on the throne.


Yuno is still a baby. I think it's too soon to worry about that.

You think so?

Right, my little crybaby?

No one could've known that

those days filled with happiness would come to an abrupt end.

The Zogratis siblings have returned!

Well done on your subjugation mission.

Make sure you get plenty of rest.

And continue to work hard to maintain the peace of this kingdom.

As you wish... For the peace of this kingdom.

Always keep an eye on those three.

What do you mean, Father?

I have a bad feeling about them.

I see.

I heard those three k*lled all the rebels.


Did you order them to do so?

Don't be ridiculous!

Oh, there, there.

I cannot bring myself to like those three.

I wonder why Father said that.

Regardless, I swear fealty to this kingdom.

Ralph, why don't you take a break?

Yeah, sure. Thanks.

If I had listened to my father's words

and kept my eye on those three, the Dark Triad,

we may have been able to avoid that tragedy.


The Zogratis siblings have att*cked the castle!

This is the best!



Ooh, here we go!

I guess it's time to make that mountain of corpses even higher!


No! The Mage Defense Force's troops are being taken out one after another.

They're too powerful... We can't stop them!

Does this mean the rumor that the devil's power has been bestowed upon them is true?

Why would you do this?


Where are the king and queen?


They have left...

the future with me.

Isn't it boring that they're all so weak?

I'll buy us some time! Please hurry!

Don't you think so, Zenon?


Ralph, I swear to protect Prince Yuno with my life.

Make sure you survive.

I promise I will!

That was the last time I saw my father.

Is Prince Yuno safe?


I don't think they'd actually try to k*ll Prince Yuno, but...

There's no guarantee of that.

Wait. They have no right to the throne.

They would need Prince Yuno.

Do you think that those three are after the throne?

Are they not?

I'm not sure. But I feel something more ominous that I can't put my finger on.

We cannot let them have Prince Yuno.

They know everything about this kingdom, just like we do.

We must leave here.

So we will move according to plan!

They split into three groups!

It'll be all right, Prince Yuno.

Just hold on a bit longer.

I will risk my life to protect you,

and I'm sure that amulet will protect you, too.

Wait, did he enter...

...the strong magic region?

What shall we do?

It doesn't matter.

But things may be difficult if the prince is left alive.

If you think that, then k*ll him.

Y-Yes, sir.

I will protect you, no matter what...

Prince Yuno!

That's a church.

That place should be...

This is my final spell for you, Prince Yuno.

Please become strong.

I see they're already here.

Since I'm this far from the church, Prince Yuno should be safe.

Prince Yuno... Please stay safe.

I refuse to die at your hands!

Ralph... I'm leaving the future to you.


Considering how much mana you have, I'm sure you realize that

everything I've shown you actually happened.

There are no lies here.

That's exactly what a liar would say!

Don't believe him, Yuno!

My family served the royal family for generations.

It's not just me.

There are many citizens being oppressed by the Dark Triad

who are praying that you're safe.

What's the matter?

There's trouble, Vice Captain!

The Golden Dawn's headquarters...

is under attack!


So you don't mind us going wild...

Lord Zenon?

You can k*ll everyone other than the arcane stage mage we're after.


Please wait, Prince Yuno!

If they were able to get into the Clover Kingdom that easily,

they must be the Dark Triad, or almost as powerful!

You mustn't fight them carelessly!

I am the Vice Captain of the Golden Dawn.

Prince Yuno!

I'll go, too!

You must stay in bed.


Yuno, your face is really scary right now.

I bet you're thinking about how to kick those bad guys' butts!

I knew it! I'm so smart!

flashbackYou are our hope. You belong to the House of Grinberryall.


flashbackYou are the Prince of the Spade Kingdom!

Even so, I'm Yuno of the Clover Kingdom.

Faster... I need to move faster!

The look of them...

They're mages from the Spade Kingdom!

I don't know how they got here, but the fact that they got into our headquarters...

Make them regret ever coming here!

Everyone, concentrate your attack spells on them!



They're unharmed?

Where did the other one go?

Come on, now.

Is this all you've got? I heard you guys were the best squad in the Clover Kingdom.

Well, I guess I can't blame you.

We are the elite among those deemed

suitable to be bestowed powers by the Dark Triad.

We, the Dark Disciples, are all stage zero.

Stage zero?

He disappeared?

Hey, stone magic, just like me!

But man, you're weak!


The devil's powers elevate your magic to another dimension!

Our army's captains can handle about %.

But I can unleash about %!

And Lord Zenon, who's possessed by a devil...

can unleash %!

I've been looking for you.

So you're the arcane stage Magic Knight,

the Captain of the Golden Dawn, William Vangeance.

This mana...


Get away from Lord Vangeance!

Alecdora, don't! Stay back!

I may have been a vessel for the elves,

but it is my will to fight for you!


As a Magic Knight of the Golden Dawn...

I will strike down this invader!

This magic...

World Tree Magic: Magic Warding Ash!

Lord Vangeance...

No matter who you are...

I will not allow you to hurt any of my squad members!

So that's world tree magic.

To benefit the Spade Kingdom, I'll be taking you.

Bone Magic: Eternal Fangs.



What do you think you're looking at, little fly who was late to the party?

What do you think you're doing...

to my comrades?!

Petit Clover!

Yuno's Fan Clubs

Yuno's Fan Clubs.

It doesn't matter where he was born. Yuno is obviously a very skilled Magic Knight.

Oh? What's this?


You have a lot of rivals.


Yuno has fan clubs all throughout the kingdom right now.

I'm aware of that.

I mean, I'm in charge of the Golden Dawn's Yuno fan club.

There's one in the Golden Dawn, too?!

Of course there is!

You said so yourself. Yuno has fan clubs all throughout the kingdom.


Of course, I have buttons, clear files, acrylic stands,

and every other type of Yuno merchandise.

And of course, I follow him on social media, too.

Hang on a second! Yuno has social media accounts?!

You won't get away with this.

What do you think you're doing to my comrades?

I don't care if you have the devil's powers or not.

I'm going to defeat you!