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03x48 - The Maidens' Challenge

Posted: 08/04/22 06:56
by bunniefuu
In Clover Kingdom

where magic determines everything,

the only boy who cannot use magic

is called Asta.

With hard work and determination,
he joins the Magic Knights.

Despite being wounded and bruised,
he is still determined

to keep fighting towards his goal
with all his might.

Peasants or nobles,

poor or rich,

anyone in this world can shine.

He's working hard to prove that

and to become the Magic Emperor.

I can't go on like this.

Finral is getting more dependable.

Gordon has become more cheerful.

Magna and Luck got more powerful too.

Noelle has learned more powerful magic.

Asta keeps moving forward.

And I think Gauche
has become more amiable.

Everybody is making progress.

But I'm still shy

and afraid.

Although I'm better than before,

I really hope to mingle with others
with my true self

and not feel embarrassed.

I have to change.


What's going on?

What do you need?


Are you feeling unwell?


Please take me as your apprentice.

What? What's going on?

I want to overcome my shyness.


When we fight against
the Spade Kingdom or the devil,

I can't help anyone if I'm like this.

Why don't you just transform and fight?

Absolutely not.

It has to be the real me.

But why me?

Almost everyone
in our team is outgoing, right?

I can only rely on you!

You have the royal panache
and are always elegant.

I want to be like you!

You are a good judge of character.

Since you put it that way,

let me, the royal,
teach you a thing or two.

Thank you so much.

But I'm really strict though.


Thank you.

Since you feel shy
when others look at you,

you've to get used to it first.


Let me look at you.

Just be natural.

Show me your face.

I can't!


Okay, I've closed my eyes.

How about now?


It's okay.

All right then.

Her condition is serious.

How about this?

It's okay if I'm farther away, isn't it?

No, I'm still being looked at.

The normal way won't work then.

I'll help too.


I care about my friends

and I pay attention to what they do.

So I've been watching what you're up to.

You have?

This is embarrassing!

To help with my best friend's growth,

I hope to contribute too.

It's hard to get used to
the stares of others so suddenly.

Let's practice with my dolls first.

One step at a time, right?

This is a good idea.

We'll try to make sure you won't see us.

You can try in this condition.


-Hi, Grey.

Your attitude has to be normal.
You don't feel shy facing dolls, right?

Good morning.

Be more energetic!


I'm being looked at!

Pull yourself through it.

You want to be like me, right?

Be like Noelle?

Such dolls are nothing to be afraid of.

If you transform,
it would defeat the purpose.

You're right.

But don't forget how it felt just now.

That's right. You should transform,

but only mentally.

That sounds hard!

I don't care about being shy.

It's hard to become like me
all of a sudden.

After all, I'm a royal.

What should I do then?

Why don't you start with Asta first?

He's simple-minded and an open book.



what's for lunch?

That's good. Keep it up.

She is pretty good.

Noelle, thank you for your help.

It's great to know
that you're on my side in battle!

We will be taking on powerful foes next.

But with you around, we will win.

I don't understand why with me around,
we will win.



Yes, I look forward to working with you.

It's pretty hard
to overcome one's weakness.

I'm sorry.

I don't know what other advice
I can offer you.

In the first place,

I totally don't get how it feels to be shy
when being looked at.

I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

I'll pray that you will find
a good teacher.


Is it you, Grey?

Why did you transform into me?

I have a favor to ask.


I hope you can be my teacher.

What do you want me to teach you?
The attributes of our magic are different.

If I don't transform,

I'll feel shy when somebody else
is looking at me.

I hope you'll teach me how to be calm.

Why would I do that?

I'm busy. Get somebody else to teach you.

Don't be petty. Just teach me.

I won't get anything out of helping you.

That's true.

Then I guess I'll do one thing
you ask me to do.

What is this?

Transform into Marie

and read what's written here.


I like you so much, Gauche.

This is a must. And then…

I've worked hard to prepare
this for you, Gauche. Try it.

And then, this is a must too.

Gauche, we'll be together forever.

There are a lot more.
So you've got to say them with emotion.

Are you still happy
even though I'm not the real deal?

I only get to see the real Marie
once a month.

If you look and sound like Marie,
I can get through my frustrations.

I see.

Okay, come with me.

You only want to stop minding
about being looked at, right?


First, remove the transformation.

I'm being looked at

from all angles!

Try to survive this.


Let me recall
what they taught me just now.

Just transform my mind to Asta's…


I can't do it!

It doesn't work.

Hey, stand up and open your eyes.

I can't.

Calm down.

I'm not looking at you anymore.

Now, what should I do?

Could she be…

Hey, can you hear me?

Stand up.

Raise your right hand.

Keep your hand up and lift your left leg.

Did she look at the butterfly

and get hypnotized?

If so, this will work.

Okay, to stop minding the gaze of others…

A tortoise?

From now on, you'll be a tortoise.

A big tortoise.

Whether it's windy, rainy,

or being looked at,
you'll remain unbothered.

You're a tortoise.

I'm looking at you.

Okay, it works.

Hey, say something.

Right, tortoises can't talk.

This is bad.

You're now going to
turn back into a human.

But mentally, you're still a tortoise.

You're calm as a tortoise
no matter what happens.

I'm a human.

I'm looking at you.

I'm okay even though
I'm not covering up my face.

I can endure it.

This is perfect.

How do you feel?

I'm still a little anxious.

But I feel completely different
from before.


You are a human but a tortoise at heart.

Eventually, you won't care
about people looking at you at all.


If you feel okay being on this street,

you should be fine being surrounded

by the squad members at the base.

Gauche, thank you. I owe you one.



You have to keep your promise.

You haven't forgotten, have you?

Transform into Marie
and say the things I want you to say.


I like you so much, Gauche!

Marie, me too!

Why did you transform back?


That's because it's a bit…

Transform now.

I'm embarrassed.

You've gone back to how you were.

This is a waste of time.

I am so sorry.

If you don't feel shy after transforming,

you can stay transformed like before then.

But that is not the real me.

What are you talking about?

No matter how you look from the outside,

you are you.


Charlotte, you're incredible!

The time for you to initiate your magic
has become shorter than before.

It's not good enough.

This is not good enough.

I still can't take on the Spade Kingdom,

let alone the threat of the devil.

Keep coming at me.

Five of you…

I can't go on training
with them like this.

Okay, let's take a break.

Although it's hard not having a day off,

we must train properly before we take on
the fight with the Spade Kingdom.

To protect the Clover Kingdom,

we have to do our best now.

Captain, be strict with us
during the afternoon training.

I will.

But be careful not to get hurt.


Everybody is very motivated to train.

Maybe that's the benefit

that comes with relaxing the no-man rule.

After we take care
of the Spade Kingdom and the devil,

I really want to go on a date
with my boyfriend.


Me too! I want to go on a date every day.

To do so, I must become more powerful.

I'm so jealous.
I just broke up with my boyfriend.

What? Did you dump him or did he dump you?

He dumped me.

I see.

Both of you have been busy after all.

How sad.

It's not good to keep hanging on to him.
Get another boyfriend.


My boyfriend has some friends
who are single too.

Let's go for a drink together.

-Well, no matter what the motivation is,
-I can't just let it go.

-it's a good thing.
-It's okay.

-I just have to guide them.
-Don't be stubborn.

You guys are talking about boys again.

You're hopeless.

What's the fun of hanging out with guys?

Captain Charlotte will be going out with
Captain Yami once this is all over, right?

Captain, what's wrong?

No, it's nothing.

By the way, Captain,

have you made any progress after that?

What do you mean by progress?


Your romance with Captain Yami, of course.


That's right, Captain.

After the blind date,
have you gone on another date?

Blind date.

The atmosphere at that time
was great, right?

I think Captain Yami
just needed one more push!

How can that be?

No, judging from what happened,
it could be expected.

Since the angel of love, Puli Angel,
says so too,

then that must be it, Captain.


Really? Is that so?

So have you gone on a date
with Captain Yami after that, Captain?

Of course not!


Although I really want to…

On the way back
from the captain's meeting,

I worked up my courage

to give him a present and ask him out,

but I still couldn't do it.

Well, of course.

Charlotte shines more
on the b*ttlefield than in romance!

We're preparing to resist the threat
of the Spade Kingdom and the devil.


This is the best timing.

To take on the upcoming challenges,
we get frustrated very easily.

That's when we need comfort and love

to soothe ourselves.

I know I mentioned that
I want to go out on a date

with my boyfriend once this is all over,

but we still occasionally go on dates.

We might not see each other,

but we talk via the magic tool
every night until I fall asleep.

You guys…

Now is the best time.

What do you mean?

When a man and a woman share
the same anxiety or crisis together,

their relationship will develop quickly.

With the threat of the Spade Kingdom
and the devil looming,

this is the perfect timing.

This is completely nonsensical.

Anyway, it's a good time to fall in love.

If you can make good use of it…

I really want to be rescued by a man.

I shouldn't think like that though.

What are you talking about?

-You save me all the time.

My feelings for you

motivates me to fight.


Charlotte, I want to build
a family with you.


And then, they get married--


That won't happen, will it?

-It will.
-It will.

Even so, losing our next battle

wouldn't mean facing
mere anxiety or crisis.

We might die.

To avoid that tragedy,
we have to keep training.

You've taken enough rest, haven't you?

Captain Charlotte is incredible.

She won't get distracted by feelings
and forget about work.

To resolve the crisis as soon as possible,
we have to work hard.

Sol, Puli, Selena, and Galgaria.

The four of you can attack together.

Here I come, Charlotte!

Stone Creation Magic,

Stone Rain!

Water Creation Magic,

Cascade Destroyer!

Earth Magic,

Mud Wall Partition!



No! I can't make it!

Captain is incredible.
Her combat skills are dazzling.

Captain Yami will like it too.

That's weird.

I thought there was an opening!

Captain must have calculated every move.

Our captain is incredible.

We have to work hard not to drag her down.

Four of you can take a break.

Later, all seven of you
will attack together.

What do you think?

Of course not.

No, it might work.

It can also be part of our training.

-We can also root for Captain Charlotte.
-It's two birds with one stone!

What have they been talking about?

Are they coming up with a strategy
for attacking me all at once?

Captain, we have a proposal actually.

What is it?

It's embarrassing,

but we are not good enough
to be your practice partners.

No, not at all.

You let us off easy.

And even when all of us attack together,

we still aren't your worthy opponents.

Don't say such demoralizing things
to Charlotte.

But it's the truth.

So why don't we have a joint training
session with another squad?

Joint training?

For example, if we were to train

with the Black Bulls,

we can find
the right people for our training.


By the way, that squad members

have different characteristics.

They might be the best practice partners.

Captain, can we invite them
for a joint training session?

I see.

You are right.

Well, I don't know if they'll accept it,
but I'll try asking them.

Captain Charlotte, do you have a minute?


If you're in training,
I can contact you again later.

No, we were discussing about having

a joint training session with Black Bull.

So what is this about?

It's about the date
for the next captain's meeting.

I'm assuming your plans haven't changed?


I see.

Please excuse me then.

Okay, let's do what we can for now.

We will talk about
the joint training later.


Joint training session
with the Black Bull.

I won't be misunderstood, right?

No, it's about training anyway.

That's right. It's for our survival

and to defeat our enemies.

What are you doing here?


Charlotte, get ready

to ask Yami about
the joint training session.

Even though you're a prickly ice queen,
there are times when you slip too.

What a rare sight.


My delicate heart

will be smashed into powder like glass.

Besides the Blue Rose's captain,
everybody else is here.

Is Charlotte late?

During the Star Awards Festival,
she and Yami came late together.

What happened today?

By the way, the Blue Rose

seems to be planning for
a joint training session with Black Bull.

Maybe that's why she's late.

A joint training session?

I see. I have a good idea.

The citizens are still distraught

from the Eye
of the Midnight Sun's att*cks.

I agree.

They must feel uneasy if the kingdom
is unable to protect itself.

So we have to showcase to the people again

that the Magic Knights
are capable of protecting us

while raising the morale
of the captains and squad members.

The threat of the Spade Kingdom
and the devil is looming.

This can be a good strategy
to resist them.

Sir, what exactly should we be doing?

I'm going to have
the captains fight each other.

Black Clover, Page ,

"Clash! The Battle Of
The Magic Knights Squad Captains."

Captain Yami, we will root for you.

You too. Do you need special training?


-I look forward to your guidance.
-Do you want it or not?