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03x28 - The New Magic Knight Captain Conference

Posted: 08/03/22 15:46
by bunniefuu
In Clover Kingdom,

where magic determines everything,

the only boy who cannot use magic

is called Asta.

With hard work and determination,
he joins the Magic Knights.

Despite being wounded and bruised,
he is still determined

to keep fighting towards his goal
with all his might.

Peasants or nobles,

poor or rich,

anyone in this world can shine.

He's working hard to prove that

and to become the Magic Emperor.

Clover Kingdom's Royal Capital,

which was destroyed

in an attack
by the Eye of the Midnight Sun,

has been steadily rebuilt.

Today, the citizens are gathered
at the Royal Capital's square

for the declaration that

the threat of the Eye of the Midnight Sun
has been eliminated

and the kingdom will ensure
continued peace for its people.

Lord Vangeance!

He's the best!


He's the kingdom's hero!

The pride of the Magic Knights!

Lord Fuegoleon!

Not only has he returned as captain,

but he has also tamed Salamander!

Lord Nozel!

His fringe is still as cool as ever!

I heard he was the most active
on the front line of the battle!

Lady Charlotte!

Beautiful roses have thorns.

What are Yami
and the captain of Green Mantis doing?

How can they be late
on such an important day?



What's the matter with him?
He looks spaced out.

By looking at his face,
I know he must be in love.

I wonder where that girl is.

Young Master's first love.


Young Master is already
on the journey of becoming an adult!

Madam, I'm sure you will
be holding grandchildren soon!

Look, it's Lady Dorothy!

Is she awake?

I didn't know her eyes were so pretty!

Hi! How are you all doing?

Lord Kaiser exudes
the charm of a mature man.

But why does he look so dispirited?


Lord Julius!

-Magic Emperor!
-Magic Emperor!

-Lord Julius!
-Lord Julius!


Is he injured?

It's said that it was Lord Julius

who protected all the kingdom's people
from Eye of the Midnight Sun's att*cks.

He must've fought a fierce battle
to protect us.

He must've gotten hurt from that!

He will always be our hero! Magic Emperor!

-Magic Emperor!
-Magic Emperor!

You want me to pretend
to be the Magic Emperor?

He can't do that!

I can't appear in public as a small child.

The king can't know about this either.

However, it will be suspicious
if I don't appear on stage, right?

But won't anyone notice?


You just have to stand there.

Here, cover up your face.

Although his appearance has changed,

his way of doing things
hasn't changed at all.

Please don't notice!


the Magic Emperor has a sore throat.

He will not be speaking today.
Please forgive him.

I really wanted to hear
the Magic Emperor speak.

-It can't be helped if he's sick.
-That's true.

Please give a warm round of applause

for the one who bravely fought off
the enemies who att*cked the palace,

our great king,

Augustus Kira Clover XIII.

It's the king!

He's so cool.

The king is the best.

What are you dawdling for?

Hurry up!

This is a rare chance
for me to be on the grand stage!


Why am I doing this?

It was by force of circumstance,
but why am I the King's attendant?

Don't stand next to me!


You too!

Dratted Julius.

You handed off the job
of speaking to the people

with some excuse that
you have a cold and can't speak.

However, I can show the people
that I am majestic and kind.

Julius, your popularity
won't last forever.

My citizens, good day!

I am Augustus Kira Clover XIII!

Has my splendor rendered them speechless?

I wonder if he can finish this quickly.

My King,

the people can't wait
to hear Your Majesty speak.

Do not make them wait. Please get to it.

And do try to keep it brief.

Is that so?

Dratted Vangeance,
how dare you give me orders!

Thanks to my actions

and a bit of help from the Magic Knights,

I have resolved the crisis
brought on by the Eye of the Midnight Sun,

protected Clover Kingdom,
and restored the peace.

This must be because of
my fine character and behavior.

However, there must be some
who fear for the future.

How will you live your everyday lives?

Will there be other enemy att*cks?

You don't need to fear!

Look at my Light Magic!

It is dazzling and fierce!

Light Magic,

Absolute Monarch of Divine Brilliance.


I will take it upon myself

to ensure the safety of Clover Kingdom!

I guarantee that your lives
will be worry-free

as if you were on a large and stable ship!

Straw Man, we'll see who's stronger today!

Foreigner, you overestimate
your abilities!

I'll show you clearly who is stronger!

What are you all doing?

What's going on here?

Yami and Jack,
you were given prior notification

that today is the big day
that we tell the citizens

the Eye of the Midnight Sun crisis is over

and peace has been restored.

Was it today?

I completely forgot.

I thought you were just running late,
but you were having an absurd fight.

He started it.

You were the one who started it!

Stop it, you two.

Look where you are.

Black Bull and Green Mantis
sure are barbaric.

I read in the newspaper

that someone in Black Bull
is possessed by a devil.

I knew it was pure luck
that they placed second

in the Star Awards Festival.

They certainly are
the worst Knights squad.

What are the two of you doing?

I was showing off
my absolutely invincible Light Magic!


You're asking me?

You stole the spotlight from me!

Your Majesty,

this is the time to show the people
your forgiving side.

It would be better to appear magnanimous.

Is that so?

I didn't ask for your suggestion!

Don't let it get to your head
after being praised as a hero!

It is very good that you are so energetic.
Continue to work hard.

Fight well for Clover Kingdom!


The King of Clover Kingdom
is departing now.

Please send him off
with a warm round of applause.

Captain Jack?

Isn't it time to summon me back
to Green Mantis?

Who are you?

What are you still doing there? Come!


Isn't he in your squad?

Would I have someone like that?

I suppose we should leave too.


Lord Vangeance!

Thank goodness it's finally over.

Mr. Owen, what are you wearing?

All Magic Knights squad captains
are present.

I feel an overwhelming sense of pressure.

Why were we summoned to what is clearly
a Magic Knights captain conference?

I'm sorry, Yami.

People shouldn't be praising me,
but your squad.

I'm used to being booed.

I'm sorry.

No big deal. Don't dwell on it.

Calm down, Charlotte.
Do not get flustered.

Stay calm.

Prickly ice queen, what's wrong?

Your face is all red. Are you all right?

I'm totally fine!


If you need to poop, don't hold it in.
Go take care of it now.

Of course not!

Why are you always so crude?

You don't need to go?


You really don't get it, Yami.

That's why everyone says
you're dense. Right?

Do you need to go "number one"?


Are the captains

always like this when they're together?

In a sense, it's a very rare sight.

Anyway, Sir Julius called us all here,

but he ended up running late himself.

Did he forget that he summoned us

and went off traveling somewhere?

That old man.

No, it's "child-like old man."

At least this time…

It's possible.

It certainly is possible! Yes!


What's wrong with this guy?

Who knows?

He has been lost in thought
ever since he woke up.

Everyone, I'm sorry to make you all wait.

It looks like everybody's here.


Mr. Damnatio!

He was summoned here too?

Excuse me.


If you're coming after
my squad members again,

you'll have to get past--

Yami, I asked Damnatio to come here.

You did?

I was told today's meeting
also concerns me,

so I was invited to attend this meeting.

On today's agenda is

the devil that has seized Spade Kingdom.

A few of our people

were sent to the Heart Kingdom
to investigate the devil.

Everyone was sent a report,

but if you will,

we would like to hear
a first-hand account in detail.




The Heart Kingdom uses
a ranking system called Magic Stages

to measure a mage's ability.

The Magic Stages

are numbered as Stage Nine,
Stage Eight, Stage Seven, and so on.

The smaller the number,
the stronger the mage.

According to Queen Lolopechka,

the strength of mages is more important
than the number of them in a battle.

The number of mages
who are close to Stage Zero

is an indicator of a kingdom's strength.

There is also one very important detail.

In a fight against a devil,
anyone below Stage One

basically doesn't stand a chance.

Stage One?

The strong curse that Asta and others

went to Heart Kingdom to investigate,

was actually inflicted
on Queen Lolopechka.

According to her, the curse has
left her with only one year to live.

And who cursed her?

It was the devil, Megicula.

A report from another team
in Black Bull points out that

Diamond Kingdom is currently suffering
from att*cks by Spade Kingdom.

Spade Kingdom's strength has
rapidly increased in recent years.

I fear it's because…

They are aided by that devil.

What we should do
to fight the devil and Spade Kingdom

is the main agenda for this meeting.

Queen Lolopechka plans

to attack Spade Kingdom in half a year
before her strength declines.

We plan on joining forces
with Heart Kingdom

and fighting alongside them.

I hope that you will all do your best
to train your squad members.

Even if it's a mere six months,
you must do all you can

to elevate your Magic Stages,

to go to Spade Kingdom
and deal with the threat of the devil,

and to protect this kingdom.

Queen Lolopechka has stated that

the Spirit Guardians will assist us.

Do you all agree to this?

Of course.


Even without your request,

we've already begun.

I told everyone in Black Bull

to do their own thing
for the next six months.


I will assist in the w*r,

but after all my transgressions,

it wouldn't be a good example
to other members

if I resume my role
as captain of Golden Dawn.

Please relieve me of my duties as captain.



Please also assign me a new mission.

I am willing to risk my life
to defeat this devil.


In that case, I am guilty of the same.

Although I was possessed by an elf,

not even my death could atone for the harm
I have done to Clover Kingdom.

Same here.

It would be dishonorable
to cling to my captain's position.

I actually don't feel that guilty though.

Try to feel a little guilty!

Hold your horses, everyone.

I understand that you feel guilty
and therefore blame yourselves.

However, I cannot dismiss any of you
from your position as captain.

Besides, what William just said

would also apply to other Magic Knights
who had been possessed by elves.

If everybody were to be dismissed,
who would defend this kingdom?

If you truly want to redeem yourselves,

then let go of that stance

and act to protect this kingdom.

I trust in all of you.




As you wish.

In that case,

Damnatio, will this be acceptable?

What are you referring to?

The Magic Knights must focus
all their effort on becoming stronger

over the next six months
in order to fight the devil.

Therefore, I ask that
Asta's case be postponed

until this matter
with Spade Kingdom is dealt with.

I have no objections.

However, make no mistake.

I am only agreeing to this

because objecting would not
be beneficial for Clover Kingdom.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

That irritating scales bastard.

Thank you, Magic Emperor!

No need to thank me.

Yes! Thank you, Magic Emperor!

I will once again
be counting on all of you.

Leave it to me.

Just thinking about
how I'll slice up those squad members

has me shaking with excitement!

Don't slice them.

I can't wait!

I must draw up
a special training plan right away.

How about having
all the squads train together?

That's one way to do it.
Mock battles would also help.

I won't hold back!

Those are my words!

It looks like we'll need
to gather healing mages too.

Don't get carried away.

Right, Marx.

Please bring him in.



Isn't that the Hard Ham bastard?

As everyone knows,

he is the former captain of Purple Orca,

Gueldre Poizot.

Gueldre was at the Shadow Palace.

Together with former Magic Knight, Revchi,

they brought back
many ancient magic tools and treasures.

You haven't learned your lesson.

I was waiting for you
to fully recover before slicing you,

but I can't wait now!

I'll turn you into sliced ham right now!

No, you're all mistaken.

I want to pardon Gueldre.


That's because Gueldre has
a knack for business.

He will surely be able
to use the riches he brought back

to yield us an even greater profit.

I hope to use that money
to support the kingdom.

For example,
renovations for the kingdom are costly!

It's not like our kingdom has
an inexhaustible source of wealth!

Are you willing to help?


If I agree, that means
I'm guaranteeing that I can turn a profit!


Of course!

I will do my best.

That's great. Thank you.


There was no way he could decline!

It's a different pressure tactic
from what Captain Yami uses!

Hard Ham,
you'll have to earn lots of money.

If you screw up, I'll turn you
into sliced ham and sell you!

There's one last thing.

As I just said,

the kingdom definitely does not
have ample funding.

So to show that everyone is
in the same boat,

I hope I can reduce
captains' salaries by half.

That is very reasonable.

I have no objections.


I understand.

No problem.

That is the least I can do.

It's settled then.

-Hold on a minute!
-You must be kidding!

What's wrong?

Reduce by half?

I have debts to pay off!

Are you trying to wring me dry?

The ones at the top must lead by example.

I strongly oppose it!

We already have a majority vote.

That settles it.

This concludes
today's Magic Knights captain conference.

-This is outrageous!
-This is outrageous!


How long do you plan
on drinking your sorrows away?

I won't stay for this.

Leave if you want.

You'll be fine anyway.

You were rich, to begin with.

Salary cut in half?

Water off a duck's back for you!

-Damn you!
-Damn you!

What idiots.

Remember to drink in moderation.

Ciao! See you later!

Hang out with us a bit longer.

You can do that, right?

Big hero who saved the kingdom.

Let's play a little game.


We'll get the salary we lost
by winning it from you!

Very well.

-Prepare to lose the shirt off your back!
-Prepare to lose the shirt off your back!


I won.

Tripled my salary.

I'm very grateful to both of you.

Despite what happened,

you haven't changed the way you treat me.

I give you my promise.

I will do everything I can
to fight against the devil.


Sir, sorry about the racket.

Thank you.

The Magic Knights prepare for the fight
against Spade Kingdom and the devil.

In the meantime,
Asta and Yuno visit Hage Village.

Black Clover, Page ,

"A New Resolve."

Keep pushing forward towards
the goal of the Magic Emperor!