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03x19 - Three Problems

Posted: 08/03/22 15:35
by bunniefuu
It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

His name is Lemiel Silvamillion Clover.

He was called the first Magic Emperor

and became a legend.

I managed to survive,

but I shrunk a bit.


I shall entrust the future to you.

No, you were definitely dead.

Those are things you say
when you're about to die.

Those were clearly your last words.

Weren't you going
to entrust the future to me?

Can you give me back my determination?

Yami, you're scary.

I'm sorry that I was so useless
when the kingdom was in danger.

I had thought the magic would
take effect earlier.


It's worth about years.

I stored this time
into a certain magic tool.

I took a gamble that it would activate.

Good grief.

You're such a reckless old man.

Well, seeing a face that I thought
I would never see again

isn't such a bad feeling.

Lord Julius.


I am…

William Vangeance.

Whatever reason you may have had,

treason is a serious crime.

Anyone who gets hurt

needs time to get back on their feet.

I don't plan on letting you
spend that time leisurely.

Sir, aren't you being too lenient?

After what he did,

aren't you going to punish him?

No, because I was the one
who recruited him into the Magic Knights

and appointed him squad captain.

I bear some responsibility.

I am also responsible

for losing to the other soul in his body,
the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.


there will be some who will hate you
for your part in this riot.

However, I also understand
your difficulties.

Do you have the resolve
to bear that ripple of hatred with me

and continue moving forward?

Once again,

I pledge my grimoire

to stand with you and the kingdom!

For goodness sake.

Even though he became smaller,

he's still the same on the inside.

All right.

All of you have worked hard.

The battle is over
and everything is back to normal.

That's what I would like to say,

but three problems will occur
at this rate.

Why was I called here
and who is this person?

He's clearly a kid,
yet he acts like he's in charge.

But this magic feels familiar.

Captain Yami!

This ki! Don't tell me this person is…

The first of three problems is that

the Magic Emperor is gone.

Isn't he right here?

It's you.

I was right!

I lost the majority of my magic power.

This is what's left of my grimoire.

Not only am I unable to fight,

my influence over the king

who has a monopoly
over the wealth and power in the kingdom

has also been diminished.

I have a question!

Magic Emperor,
why are you younger and still alive?

The spunky kid sure doesn't know
how to be polite.

Thanks to my incognito travels,

I discovered magic storage technology
that was left behind by ancient mages.

According to information
in the city's archives,

it's called Swallowtail.

My Time Magic was extremely compatible
with Swallowtail's function.

Bit by bit, I stored my time and magic
into the mark on my forehead.

If anything should happen to me,

I could use that time to start over again.

However, it doesn't
take effect immediately

and I am only able
to revert back to this age.

Anyway, nothing's perfect.

No, it's perfect enough.

Normally, people don't get
to start over again.

You're insane, old man in a kid's body.

Secre, this is great!

The first prototype is finally complete!

We're one step closer to your dream
of a world of equality and peace.

Secre, it's all thanks to you.

You always think your magic isn't useful,
but that's actually not true.

Your Highness.

I also came up with a name
for this magic tool.

But I'm keeping it a secret, for now,

Secre Swallowtail.

Your Highness, our magic tool

survived the test of time

and saved the life of someone
who carries on your legacy.

Anyway, I'm glad you survived,
Magic Emperor!

Thank you.

Asta, you're still as energetic as ever.

You also made
great contributions this time.

I did my very best,

but I have a long way to go!

Noelle and Mimosa,

you're barely recognizable
after the growth of your magic.

It's not hard to guess that
you must've risked your lives in battle.


Now, this lady
whom I've never seen before.

What magic do you use?

I have a strong intuition
from my years of incognito travels.

I'm sure you have a unique magic power!

All right, okay.

That's enough, sir. Get back to business.

We need to help the others.

I'm sorry.

The Magic Emperor is still the same.

The same old Magic Emperor.

The Magic Emperor hasn't changed.

You mentioned three problems.
What are the rest?

The remaining two are closely related.

Based on my predictions,

at this rate, the Clover Kingdom
will be wiped out by foreign kingdoms.

Do you mean…

Wiped out by the Diamond Kingdom
or other kingdoms?

Or, Asta might die.


Asta will die?

Why is that?

Why is it either that
the Clover Kingdom gets destroyed

or I die?

Or maybe both will happen.

His predictions have always been accurate.

Don't dwell on it, kid.

Namo Amitābha.

Why are you acting like it's a sure thing?

Magic Emperor, what is going on?

Asta, your black power
comes from the devil.


Is it like that disgusting black thing?

When I'm in my black form,

I do get a vague sense
that the nature of my ki is similar.

So it's of the devil!

As I thought,
the look of Asta in that form

is similar to the devil
in Grandmother's stories of ancient times.

Can your body withstand
the usage of that kind of power?

I'm absolutely fine,

although my whole body
hurts like hell afterward!

Asta, that's not called fine!


Scary. Disgusting.

Evils, stay away.

Captain Yami,

words can sometimes
hurt more than a blade!

Your black horn is proof

that humans stepped
into a forbidden realm to another world.

It's a curse called Weg.

It seems that other Magic Knights
have been affected by similar curses.

Who else is there?


Did you say another world?

I don't know the specifics either.

It's said that devils live there.

Moreover, the Five-Leaf Clover Grimoire
that one devil failed to obtain

seems to have
another devil residing in it.

You are…

So those horns really are…

Five centuries ago,

I was cursed after using Forbidden Magic
to seal away a devil.

The curse and my magic mixed together
and I turned into this.

However, I seem to be able
to transform at will now.

Nero talked! That's so cute!


It seems different
from Transformation Magic!

You sealed yourself
in the form of a bird, didn't you?

Combining exotic magic
and the price of using Forbidden Magic

yielded such a surprising result!

Ancient magic sure is interesting!

I have a question, Magic Emperor!

So why will I die?

Will the devil explode?

I'm sorry.

First of all, Clover Kingdom
has three neighboring kingdoms.

There is Diamond, an aggressor kingdom
that relies on mage scholars

to create a powerful army,

doesn't shy away from human experiments.

Another is Heart, a neutral kingdom
hidden from the eyes of outsiders.

They fully embrace
and adapt to natural mana

and have reached great heights
with their unique magic techniques.

Then there's Spade, a demonic kingdom

and wintry land full of mystery
that seeks total domination.

They serve an ancient scourge
who slumbers beneath their arctic land.

Like Diamond,
which we share a border with,

the Spade Kingdom, separated from us
by a Grand Magic Zone,

wants to expand their influence.

However, at present,

the Magic Knights that
protect this kingdom

are experiencing
unprecedented levels of fatigue.

That's not all.

Some became enemies for a time
when they were reincarnated.

They aren't in a great position now.

On top of that,
there's Julius's current state.

This can't be right!

Those people didn't do anything wrong!

The elves possessed them!

Then again,

it was all that chuckling devil's fault!

Everyone just needs to understand
that they were manipulated

and it was all the devil's fault!


Then the Magic Parliament will put
the power of Asta's devil on trial

and declare you guilty

so that you will become a scapegoat
for the Magic Knights.

As a peasant who can use
the power of a mysterious devil,

you will be the best person
to pin all the crimes on.


I didn't do anything wrong!

What the heck is
this Magic Parliament anyway?

You don't even know that?

The Magic Parliament is
made up of royals and nobles

who make laws and carry out
judgments on major matters.

It is one of the highest authorities
in this kingdom.

The core members of Parliament are
one of the three great royal families.

-House Kira.
-House Kira.

The current King's royal family,
which presently holds the most authority.

Well done!

Thank goodness you protected me,

Sekke Bronzazza of Green Mantis!

Although you're a commoner,
you performed so well!

Is this what Julius meant

when he said that
even the lower class possesses potential?

Green Mantis is just a bunch of commoners

and their captain is insane,
so I didn't like him,

but you did very well!

What exactly is going on?

The Royal Capital was in a deep crisis,

so I was running for my life when…

The King? He doesn't look dead yet.

I didn't do this, did I?

I just happened to be there.

Your Majesty.

This awakened Sekke only has
to bring out his true strength

and everything becomes a piece of cake!

You sure are dependable!

Ever since I met that kid
in the entrance exam,

everything has gone downhill.

Now my successful comeback story
is finally about to begin!

I'm just naturally lucky!

Found him.

Although there's a Magic Knight,

he's just an ordinary member
with little magic power.

He won't be a problem.

Augustus Kira,
I have come for your wretched life!

Who are you people?

What's going on?

You don't need to know.

Everything will be blamed
on the Eye of the Midnight Sun anyway.


I don't know what they're doing,

but I'm counting on you, Sekke!

I barely have any magic power left!

My magic shrunk?

Anti-monarchist nobles
taking advantage of the kingdom's crisis

to take revenge on the royal family,

you are sinners.


Such immense magic power!

I can't move!

You're from House Kira!

Your Majesty, are you all right?

Damnatio, how could I be all right?

My clothes are all filthy!

Speaking of filth,

this reaction has finally appeared.

In the name
of the royal family and justice,

I will convict

this devil-possessed person.

Several days later,

the Royal Capital,
destroyed by the elves' att*cks,

was being restored steadily

under the command of Fuegoleon and Nozel.

Smiles were finally returning
to people's faces.

As for Asta and the others…

Come, please eat more!

Charmy's cooking can
replenish magic power!

Are you Asta?

I heard about your outstanding performance
in the battle!

I'm honored to meet you!

You flatter me.

So who are you?

I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.

I am a messenger sent
by the Magic Parliament.

The one that the Magic Emperor mentioned.

Can you testify before us

about what happened during the battle?

We want to know the truth.

The truth?

That is our mission.

An enigmatic girl!

Please come and listen in as well.

Yes, Nero, let's go!

Wait, Asta! What are you saying?

It's okay!

They actually seem to be quite reasonable.


we're the ones who can best explain

everything about the elves, the devil,

and how the reincarnation was undone.


All right, please enter.

I'm starting to get nervous!

You're in an unfavorable situation
because of your black power.

You must proceed with caution.

We got through to the elves.

If we explain clearly,

they will understand.

What's going on?

What is that boy doing?

Uncouth and rowdy.

Who knows what he would do
if he weren't in handcuffs?

This is Clover Kingdom's
legislative and judicial center,

the Magic Parliament.

As chairman, I, Damnatio Kira,

will be convicting Asta of Black Bull.

This isn't what I agreed to!

Why are you treating me like a criminal?

It seems like we fell for their trap.

I was right about him.

This brat is no ordinary folk.


I don't know what crime he committed,
but he's in for it now!

To think I let you into the Royal Knights!

You've sunk so low!

Asta of Black Bull

hails from a church in Hage Village
on the outskirts of the Forsaken Realm.

An orphan.

He's a peasant with no magic
that can be sensed from him.

The Forsaken Realm?

No way!

Filthy peasant.

And this young lady.

Are those horns?

The kingdom has no record of her birth.

Those horns are clear proof
that she has used Forbidden Magic.

Forbidden Magic?

Truly terrifying!

They claim that
the culprit of the riot was a devil

who controlled and framed
the Magic Knights.

That's right!

All those knights were possessed
because of that devil!

Did he say "devil"?

No way! This is taking a serious turn!

A peasant's word can't be trusted.

He looks uncivilized.

He might be a Magic Knight,
but he's in Black Bull.

Those horns are proof
that she sold her soul to the devil.

There's no mistake about it!

Lord Julius has been trying for so long,

yet such severe discrimination
and prejudice still exist.

It is tearing apart Asta's belief

that we can all reach an understanding.

Rather, it should be said

that only the prejudiced
have been gathered here.

Everyone, listen to me!

I'm not lying!

From the start of this trial,

you only had two choices.

Either be sentenced for being a devil
or let the Magic Knights bear their sins.

You're one
who couldn't possibly sacrifice others.

The scales are loaded.

A simple, straightforward,
and easily-controlled peasant

versus the Magic Knights
who are key to the kingdom's defense.

It is evident
which way the scales will tip.

Where might this devil you speak of be?

As I said, we defeated the devil!

Nero has worked hard
for a very long time to defeat the devil!

Everybody present will have no doubts
that you are the devil.

No, in my grimoire is another…

They will twist your words
no matter what you say.

It's unwise to reveal
the existence of your black power.

Since the devil is no longer here,

I will have to punish everyone one by one.

Bring her in.



This is Marie Adlai.

Originally a daughter of House Adlai,

she is now an impoverished noble
living in a church orphanage.

Her brother, Gauche Adlai,
is a former criminal.

We now know that her Eye Magic
was used in this w*r

and indirectly harmed
Magic Knights and the kingdom's people.

Don't accuse her!

That wasn't Marie's intention!

You're right.

If a devil did exist,

she must've been under his control, right?

But if there is no way to prove that,

then all we know are her clear offenses.


she ought to be punished

in the name of justice.



You are a sinner.


I now see clearly how you operate!

Look at him!

I don't approve of your justice!

This devil or whatever it is and I

are unable to reach an agreement.

Damnatio is inflexible and pedantic.

He probably won't let Asta go so easily.

Black Clover, Page ,

"As Pitch Black as it Gets."

I thought of a great idea
that could save Asta!