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02x44 - Penguin's Disastrous End

Posted: 07/31/22 06:44
by bunniefuu
When we last saw
Batman and Robin...

they were locked
into suits of armor...

and about to be pressed into
paperweights by a giant hydraulic crusher.

In just one moment...

we'll see the crunching
finish of our adventure.

Batman. Robin. How
did you get in there?

The Penguin evidently loaded
us into one of your scrap trucks.

But of course you
couldn't have known that.

How did you manage to
stay alive inside that crusher?

It develops a hundred
thousand pounds of pressure.

Fortunately, we were able
to reach our Utility Belts...

where we always keep our emergency Bat
air pumps to pump up the Batmobile's tires.

You mean you countered the
hydraulic pressure with air pressure?

As the crusher
increased its pressure...

it automatically increased
the counter-air pressure...

and we were able to
maintain a small safety space...

inside this scrap-metal cocoon.

It's lucky you think fast, Batman, or both
of you would have ended up as paperweights.

Obviously that's what Penguin intended
when he put us inside your scrap truck.

I think it's time
we scrapped him.

I think so too, Robin.

I think so too.

Now, let's get that
priceless armor into the safe.

Why do we have to
put it in the safe, Pengy?

Don't you trust us?

- You got any more stupid questions?
- Uh, no, boss.

All right, then close the
door. And lock it, fink.

Now, where is that dizzy filly of
soul and her dizzier aunt, huh?

I'm not so sure I like
being called dizzy, darling.

And I'm not sure I like all those
bumpkins cluttering up my nice cave.

Where have you
two been all this time?

Out looking for
old toads, darling.

You did say you wanted
one of Aunt Hilda's potions.

Absolutely essential as a grand
finale to our diabolical caper.

Well, I don't know
if I'll make it for you.

Barging in here like a
rude g*ng of rowdies.

Oh, don't be angry, Aunt Hilda.

After all, Penguin has
no place else to go.

No, aunty. You wouldn't want a poor, homeless
bird thrown out into the street, would you?

- Quack, quack.
- You're lucky I'm softhearted.

Run along, darling, and make
your potion. Pengy and I want to talk.


Frankly, Pengy, I don't see why
you need Aunt Hilda's love potion...

to break into the
subtreasury building.

Why? Because those guards are
as dangerous as sharks, that's why.

There's $10 million worth
of gold in that subtreasury.

Why don't you just
use the suits of armor?

That worked once. It
won't work a second time.

No, we need your aunt's famous
love potion to demobilize the guard.

And once we're inside
the vault, then what?

You'd need a railroad
train to move that gold.

Once we get inside, we'll use
the plans I stole from the Hexagon.

- Ah!
- Ha-ha-ha.

Oh, dear.

My lizards are gone.


They must have escaped.

Unless those thugs ate them.

That's hardly likely, darling.

Are the lizards essential?

Not as essential as the toad,
but the potion won't be as strong.

It has to work. We
can't take chances.

Now, now, don't get
yourself in a stew, Pengy.

- I think I'll give the potion a little help.
- How?

You've heard of my famous dance
of the seven veils, haven't you?

Well, with my dance and Aunt Hilda's potion,
we'll have an unbeatable combination.

That swindler.

Throwing the Dynamic
Duo into a scrap truck.

I'd like to throw
him into a scrap pile.

Rock pile would be more appropriate, chief,
since there is one at Gotham State Prison.

Unfortunately, this won't
get back the medieval armor...

or the military papers he stole
from the Hexagon, gentlemen.

According to General
MacGruder, Batman...

when the Penguin broke
into Room Z at the Hexagon...

all he took were some old
plans dating from World w*r II.

With all the top-secret documents in that
room, Penguin just took outdated plans?

That's right. Now, what
would he want with them?

Did General MacGruder
say what plans were taken?

No, those old plans were taken
off the inventory lists years ago.

It will take the Army many years to check back
and find out which ones were stored there.

But it only took the Army hours to supply us
with those special metal-piercing b*ll*ts...

in case Penguin tried to use
those chain-mail suits again.

I'm sure Penguin
won't try that trick again.

But the problem is to
decide which trick he will try.

And where will he strike?

And how do we get
back that priceless armor?

And on top of everything else, the
police switchboard is flooded with calls...

about hundreds of lizards running around
the Murray Park section of Gotham City.

Lizards, Chief O'Hara?

That's right, Batman.

And weird ones they were too.

Robin, do lizards
ring any bells for you?

Marsha's aunt Hilda.

I suggest we take a trip
to the Murray Park section.

Meanwhile, in the basement
of the subtreasury building...

$10 million worth of gold
bullion is being carefully guarded.

Boy, this sure is a boring job.
Nothing ever happens here.

Yeah, it's pretty routine.

Who'd ever think of
breaking into a subtreasury?

That gold's too heavy
to move anywhere.

You hear anything?


Hey, you there.
Put your hands up.

That should take care
of them for a while.

All right, finks, bring that
stuff in here. Quick. Quiet.

Come on.

At least 20 people reported seeing
lizards come out of this manhole, Batman.

Yes, Robin, and I think we'll find
what we want at the other end of it.

There is no honor
among thieves, Robin.

Batman and Robin.
How did you get in here?

Put the Batcuffs on him, Robin.

Oh, you'll never crack
that safe, Batman.

Just put your hands in
these and cut the comments.

You did it.

It's not difficult if you have
steady nerves and a good ear...

qualities destroyed by
the tenor of criminal life.

Well, the laugh's
on you, Batman.

That's nothing compared to the
haul he's getting now. Heh, heh.

- And what's that?
- Well, he's...

Oh, no, you don't, Batman. I
might steal, but I don't squeal.

And like the Penguin says, after this
caper, Gotham City is gonna be in the soup.

Thank you. You've just
told me where Penguin is.

- What?
- Clip his cuffs to the safe door, Robin.

While we make a fast trip.

How did that remark tell
you where Penguin is?

It wasn't what he said, Robin,
but what Penguin had said.

You mean about
being in the soup?

Knowing the Penguin's twisted
mind, he could mean only one thing.

- Soup?
- Name a few, Robin.

- Chowder.
- Mm.

- Stew.
- Mm.

- Ragout?
- Mm.

- Bouillabaisse.
- Mm.



Exactly, old chum. Bullion.

Penguin is undoubtedly at the
federal subtreasury at this very moment.

And I'd better
call Chief O'Hara.

- Four.
- Four.

- Five.
- Five.

Hurry up. Hurry up.

How much longer is
Penguin going to take?

I'm down to two veils.

I'm just getting
warmed up, darling.

- Six.
- Six.

Good. That's the last of it.

Come on, Aunt Hilda, let's go.

- Oh. Really, dearie?
- Really.


- Oh, no, Marsha, don't go.
- No. Marsha, we adore you.

We won't let you
out of our sight.

That's very sweet, darlings,
but I really must be going along.

- No, no, Marsha.
- No, no.

Here, dear.

A little something to remember
me by. Come on, aunty.

Excellent performance. Your
audience is still spellbound.

It's a good thing you finished. I
was beginning to run out of veils.

And love potion.

Batman. How did that
fink get off the scrap heap?

Never mind that now, darling.

We'll be on the scrap heap
unless we beat them into the vault.

There they are, Robin.

We missed them.

On the contrary, Robin.
We didn't miss them at all.

I see what you mean, Batman.
He's got the gold, but we've got him.

Are we too late, Batman?

No, chief, we're just in time.

Where's Penguin?

That's beautiful, Batman.

What an ironic
end for that crook.

But he never should have
gotten in here in the first place.

- Have you got them, Batman?
- Yes, commissioner.

And this time I don't think there's much
chance of them slipping through our fingers.

Not through three
feet of steel, there isn't.

- Did you send men to that underground cave?
- Yes. We've recovered the armor.

And it won't be long
before we recover Penguin.

There's only enough air in that
vault to last a couple hours at most.

I can't wait to get me
mitts on that cackling bird.

It's been six hours, Batman.

How are they
breathing inside there?



How much longer?

It's gonna take a while
yet, Pengy. It's a big job.

Don't worry, we can stay
in here as long as we want.

Only thing is, if I keep having
to listen to that, I'll go straight.

Can't you make her stop?

Aunty only gets nervous
in closed rooms, darling.

This keeps her occupied.

Eugh. Not worth the price.

Why don't you try
biting your nails?

Penguin could have carried
tanks of compressed fresh air...

inside with him, but
that's not what worries me.

- What, then, Batman?
- Why, commissioner?

Why? Why did Penguin
let us trap him so easily?

I'm sure it has something to do with
those plans he stole from the Hexagon.

- Whatever they are.
- But he couldn't possibly escape, Batman.

Why, even if he blew a hole in the
wall, I've got 200 men stationed outside.

I'm sure that you and your
fine force of men in blue...

can handle anything in the
realm of the ordinary, chief.

But I have a hunch Penguin is cooking
up something quite out of the ordinary.

Robin, do you have your
Bat-sound amplifier with you?

Sure, Batman.

Holy stereo. Listen to this.

This is the third day
Penguin and his henchmen...

have been holed up
inside the subtreasury vault.

Three days,
Alfred. Imagine that.

What can he be
doing inside there?

I imagine that our law-enforcement agencies
are asking the same question, madam.

What could that mangy
creature be doing in there?

I wish I knew, chief.

And what's he doing for food?

I wish I knew, commissioner.

- And what's he...?
- I wish I knew, Robin.

Pass the paprika, dearie.

Mm, mm.

This is the best batch of
toad stew I've ever made.

Somehow I don't think the men are too
enthusiastic about your cuisine, darling.

I don't see why not.

Do you know how much vitamin
B there is in the average toad?


Just twice the daily
minimum requirement.

Well, what's for dinner tonight?
I'm starved. Huh? Let me see.

Oh. Agh.

Not again. Can't you
cook anything else?

Do you have any idea how much vitamin
B there is in the average toad, darling?

I have a feeling that Penguin
will make his move very soon.

Whatever it is, Batman,
we're ready for it.

I'd like to check the outside of the building
again to be prepared for every eventuality.

Well, Pengy, we're finished.


Ah, let me see. Let me see.

It's beautiful. It's
beautiful. Heh.

That Batman thought
he had me all wrapped up.

That should teach that
Caped Codfish something.

Never count your Penguins
before they're latched.

Everything looks
shipshape, Batman.

Even if he blows his way through the wall,
we'll nail him before he goes ten feet.

Yes, it would seem that
way, but I'm still worried.


What's that noise?

Holy armadillos.

Take cover.

A solid gold t*nk.

So those were the plans
Penguin stole from the Hexagon.

Yes, it all makes sense now.

He set up his film company to
steal the armor from the museum.

He used the armor to steal
the plans from the Hexagon.

And used the plans to
build a solid gold t*nk.

- Now he's invulnerable, Batman.
- No one is invulnerable, commissioner.

Not even inside a t*nk.

I'll stop that mangy bird if
it's the last thing I ever do.

- What's Chief O'Hara up to?
- Chief O'Hara!

He's blocked the t*nk.

- But he'll be crushed like a walnut.
- The brave fool.

- Chief O'Hara!
- Quickly. Help me with this.

Watch it, Batman.

I never ever thought I'd
see your face again, Batman.

That was a brave
gesture, Chief O'Hara.

We need more than
gestures to stop that fiend.

Quickly, to the Batmobile.

- Are you all right, chief?
- Look what he done to me.

How's it feel riding around
in $20 million, Marsha?

The springs aren't
very good, darling.

Springs? Every bolt of this
machine is worth a carload of springs.

Who's firing that g*n?

Must be Aunt Hilda.
She loves loud noises.

Oh! PENGUIN: Stop that!

Those shells are solid gold.

Every time she fires that
cannon, it costs $50,000.

Oh, let her have
some fun, Pengy.

After all, you're
a millionaire now.

Even a millionaire
blinks at $50,000.

We should be able to intercept
him at the next crossroads.


But what do we do
when we intercept him?

Can you handle the Batzooka?

The Batzooka.

I forgot all about it.

You bet I can handle it, Batman.

I hope your aim is good.

Heh, heh. They're
not even following us.

They knew it was hopeless. Even Batman
and Robin were smart enough to see that.

Looks like Batman and Robin
weren't so smart after all, darling.


Whoa! Blow them to bits.

Sound general quarters.
Batten the hatches.

Dive, dive.

Easy, Robin.

That's a low-down,
underhanded trick.

Oh, and foiled again.

It's exasperating.

Oh. Be a good loser, darling.

Page from your own
book, huh, Penguin?

It's your fault! Wasting
those golden shells.

Be quiet, dearie, or
I'll turn you into a toad.

Should I, Batman?
- Thank you, we have other plans for Penguin.

You know, darling,
it really is a shame.

You and I could have had a
marvelous career in movies.

I'm afraid your movie career will be
interrupted for quite a while, Marsha.

It was very nice of Batman
to donate Penguin's film...

to the Wayne
Federation of Boys Clubs.

I'm sure the boys will enjoy it.

Too bad Penguin and
Marsha can't see it.

Somehow I doubt if
they'd want to, d*ck.

Besides, by the time they get out of prison,
this film will probably be on the late show.

Whatever happened
to that weird old lady...

- who was related to Marsha?
- Aunt Hilda?

She's back at her old post,
teaching a cooking class...

at the Bruce Wayne
School of Home Economics.

She never would have left in the first place
if it hadn't been for her niece Marsha.

You know, Bruce, I think
Batman is quite a good actor.

Oh, my, he's very romantic.

I think Batman would appreciate
your compliment, Aunt Harriet.

Well, perhaps Batman has
some show business in his blood.

Hmm. Don't we all, sir?

Don't we all?