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03x10 - No More, Part 2

Posted: 07/12/22 17:46
by bunniefuu




JACKIE: It's good of
Ava to check on Jim.

- It's two buses away.
- ALLY: She's a good girl.

JACKIE: She's still very sad
about her friend, you know.

PAUL: No, I know. Yeah.

JACKIE: And about you, Paul.

She feels she's let you down.

And she wants to make things right.

Fix everyone.

Like she's helping out Jim.

WOMAN: [ON TV] It's getting
busier and busier and busier.

Remember, you have, of
course, got the opportunity

to order on our website,
check everything out because...


PAUL: Okay, well, one way
she can fix things with me

is by agreeing to retake
that entrance exam.

- Paul!
- Needs to be resolved.

- It has been resolved.
- Has it? Brilliant.

And there's me, thinking it's
still looming over our heads

like a f*cking zeppelin.

More toast, Jackie?

Oh, no thanks, Love. No.

That is very filling bread,
with all them bits in it.


Have you thought any more about
what you might do next, Mum?

Where you might wanna live?

Well, I can't be here forever, love.

- Ava needs her privacy, I know.
- Mm-hmm.

I was thinking about going
to stay with Bob and Lynn.

Right. Lynn's got really bad dementia.

Well, I could help Bob out.

He might like the company of
someone who's not demented.

[CHUCKLING] Yeah, I suppose he would,

but it's not really a
long-term plan, is it?

Well, I'm not thinking long-term, am I?

All I can think about now

is that I can't go back to your dad.

That's it.

- I'm sorry, Paul.
- Mm.

- I'm gonna go for me walk.
- All right, Mum.


Right. Al, we need a plan for her.

This can't go on much longer.


Ally, can we talk about all of this?

'Cause there's this, um...
fog of tension? [CHUCKLES]

And God knows whatever else between us.

I don't know how we're
gonna get past this...

You could start by apologizing.

What for? Do you... Is this about Gabby?

'Cause I told you we were mates.

- Yeah, bullshit!
- LUKE: I'm so angry!

Jacob's found out that
Ruby is in the band,

and he says I have to make a choice.

It's him or her.

Who the f*ck does he think he is?

He can't tell you who
to be friends with.

- Right.
- Mm. Imagine that.

Are you two having an argument?

No, it's fine.

You know, the more I think about
it, the angrier it makes me.

- I mean, who's Jacob to order me about?
- Exactly.

Telling me what to do.
You know what? f*ck him!

- PAUL: Oi, oi! Oi.
- ALLY: Hey! Oi.

Look, I'll make you some breakfast,

and we can talk about it, yeah?

[SIGHS] Yes. Thank you.

Where's Granny and Ava?

Uh, Granny's out for a walk.

Ava's gone to check on Granddad.



Have you been to see
your grandad this morning?

Not yet.

He won't mind waiting, though.


I had to come and... talk to you.

I-I was really nervous, but...

Had to come to see you.

Well, here we are.

I am so incredibly sorry, Grace.

I just had to tell
you that face to face.

And I have.

So... I will go.

Do you... think you'll
retake the exam...

so you can get into
St. Margaret's for Year Eight?

I don't know.

Maybe if I knew we could still
be friends outside of school,

I might stay at Corfield.

You're a genius, so...

whichever school you
go to, you'll do great.


And, yes, we can still be friends.


Well, you're still allowed to
be a little bit angry with me.

Okay. I'll stay a bit angry with you.

I said he needs to come
here and talk about it.

I was very unemotional
and straight. No anger.

- Good.
- Well done, love.

I'm just gonna pop on my headphones

and practice for a bit, if that's okay.

- Yeah, of course.

LUKE: I'll get it.


PAUL: Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Look.

- Al...

I'm sorry that I didn't
tell you about Gabby.

Of course I can see how it might look.

How it might look or
how it actually was?

- Ohh. Could we...

Sorry. Just here for my phone.

Left it in the car last
night like an idiot.

Here you go.

I hope you mooned the camera
and sent it to all my contacts.

Of course. [CHUCKLES] How
was the rest of the party?

Great. Actually, um,
do you remember Gabby?

- I remember Gabby.
- Uh, well...

she and I went for a late
drink afterwards at my club.

[CHUCKLING] Did you? That's brilliant.

Just for an hour or so,
but, wow, she is amazing.

I don't think I've met
anyone quite like her.

I mean, she knocked me
off my feet, to be honest.

Off your feet. Goodness.

Actually, I was wondering if you guys

had any intel on her.

You know, what's she
likes, doesn't like, uh...

Does she enjoy the theater, sailing,

Rugby Union, Middle Eastern food?

I'd love to see her again.

- Paul...
- Yeah?

- You got any intel on Gabby?
- No.

She was saying you guys hung out
quite a bit when you were at Leah's.

And I absolutely get
what you see in her.

Not "see" in her. Saw in her.

Oh, no. That sounds wrong, too.

Uh, it's not really a good
time for all this, actually.

No? Really? 'Cause it feels like
it's the optimum time to me, Paul.




It's just me, Granddad.

Sorry I'm late.


Is the TV meant to be on?

MAN: [ON TV] It's so
gentle. It's so, so gentle.


I'll make you some tea!

Can you hear yourself?

Loud and f*cking clear,

but can you hear me, Paul?

You fancy Gabby. Admit it.

- No, I don't.
- Yes, you do.

Of course you do.
She's exactly your type.

She's more your type than I am.

No, she's a laugh,
Ally. She's just a laugh.

And we could all do with a
laugh, couldn't we? Jesus.

Well, that is the other
side of it, isn't it?

- What's that?
- She's a laugh!

She's uncomplicated!

Your life back here is
as complicated as all f*ck

and pretty low on LOLs,
but when you and Gabby

are up to your f*cking
Brief Encounter bullshit,

you're a thousand miles away!

- Shall I let myself out?
- Sit down!

You have got this so wrong, Ally.

- Have I?
- She's a friend! All right?

Just a frie... Just like
Darren is your friend.

I tell you what. If it
makes it less weird for you,

the four of us can go out for
a drink, and you will see...

Less weird?! Jesus f*cking Christ, Paul!

You're tea's brewing, Granddad.

Granddad, are you okay?




This Gabby thing is just a symptom

of you not fully wanting to be at home.

I ca... I feel like I have
been doing everything on my own.

- Oh, no, come on. Everything?
- No, I have. I have. Yes.

So I've been doing nothing.
Is that what you're saying?

I've just been sitting
at home, pleasing myself?

'Cause it hasn't f*cking felt like that.

I have lost control of everything.

Of my health, the kids,
my job, my finances.

Everything! You didn't support me.

- I have been supporting you!
- No, you haven't.

- Okay.
- Not enough. You have not done enough.


Well, what's the f*cking point
of us being together then?


Leave it.

- It's Ava.
- Okay, give it.



- Calm down.
- What is it?

Cal... All right, calm
down. What's happened?


Can we call Jackie? Will
she have her mobile with her?

I've just tried. She never
turns the f*cking thing on.

Only uses it for emergencies.

Presumably, she'll be close by.
Could drive around and look for her.

Yeah, that would be great.

Luke, can you stay here in case
Granny comes home?

- Of course. Um, how ill is Granddad?
- PAUL: Uh, we don't know.

It's hard to make sense of what
Ava was saying. [EXHALES SHARPLY]

He's unconscious, but he's
still alive, all right?

Good luck.




- PAUL: Hey.
- ALLY: Hey.

- PAUL: Hey. It's all right.

- Come on. It's all right.
- ALLY: Oh...

- It's all my fault.
- Of course it isn't.

I was late. I went to go see
Grace before going to Granddad's.

If he dies, it's my fault.

It's not your fault,
Ava. Hey, listen to me.

It's really, really not.
You rescued him.

You're the hero here, okay?

Right. I'm gonna find out who
we need to speak to, okay?


DARREN: Temperature
okay for you, Jackie?

Yeah, nice and warm, thanks.

I like it pretty toasty in town,

but a fair bit cooler on the motorway.

Always a fear that you might drop off.

Yeah, you don't want that.

Mother's in Somerset, and
there's sections of the M

that feel like you're being read
a bedtime story in a hammock.

[CHUCKLES] By a hypnotist.

He's not dead, is he, Darren?

No. No.

Th-They would have called.

- They might have texted you.
- No, my phone's set up

to read out texts through
the car speakers, so...

- Mm. Clever.
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.

Although I wouldn't really want

a computerized voice

suddenly telling me Jim's dead.


Um, all right, let's get you
to the hospital, shall we?

Listen, if you need
to go to the hospital,

my dad can take you.

There's enough people there.

There's nothing I can do, really,

- so I'll just stay here.
- Yeah. Holding the fort.

- I'm pretty angry at you, Jacob.
- I know.

You do not have the right to
tell me who I can be friends with.

I'm sorry. I know I'm
being unreasonable.

Ruby broke my heart, and...

it just feels weird that you
two are such close friends.

Well, we're not friends.
More... well, colleagues, really.

I think I could just about
stand it if you and Ruby

are only mates...
Nothing else happening?

No, no, we're just...
We'll just be bandmates.

Okay. Cool.

So, you and me, still friends?

Yeah, of course.

- Coffee?
- Yes, please.

I also brought some chocolate liqueurs,

- if I can tempt you.
- Mmm.

Maybe take your mind off things.

I'd particularly recommend the cognac.

Oh, lovely.


We'll keep him under observation,

but for the moment he's stable.

He'll need his pajamas brung in.

Yeah, I can sort that.

Not the stripey ones. They gape.

Okay. Um, ab... about what
happened, what Dad did or didn't do,

can you tell us whether there's any...

Jim says, and we on
the care team also feel,

that this was an act of confusion

rather than one of
deliberate self-harm.

- And he didn't leave a note, so...
- Nothing was found.


Will there be someone
able to be with Jim

once he's sent home?

PAUL: Uh...

- We'll... we'll sort something out.
- Okay.

Thank you.

PAUL: Come on.

We don't wanna tire you out, Jim.

Oh, don't worry.

If I get too tired, I'll
give the secret signal...

which is me falling fast asleep.


What time is it?

AVA: Oh...

: .

I'm all over the shop with the time.

Well, I'm not surprised,
after what you've been through.

I must have done some mad
pill-popping last night.

But I don't remember.

I was very confused.

It's scary to be that out of control.

Brain away with the fairies.

I must have thought I
needed to take my pills,

took them, then I forgot,

so I took them again.

And on and on. [CHUCKLES]

Okay, I'm gonna go
and check in with Paul,

- and then I'm gonna get this one home.
- Okay, love.

- All right, I'll see you in a bit.
- Okay, bye.

I found your note, Granddad.

- I didn't leave a note.
- I haven't told anyone.

'Cause... I thought
Granny would be more likely

to come back to you if she thought...

this was an accident.

I don't know what you found, Ava,

but it wasn't a note.

Granddad, I know what you did.

I need to take some more blood, Jim.

NURSE: Sorry. Nurse Dracula back again.

There was a fair bit of garlic
in that soup I had before,

so mind out.

I'm gonna go. See you later, Granddad.


- Um, excuse me.
- Thanks.

Um, you're looking after
Jim Worsley, aren't you?

Yeah, I'm heading up his care team.

Hi, I'm Ava, his granddaughter.

I think he took an
overdose deliberately.

What makes you think that, Ava?

He left a note. I found it,
and I haven't told anyone,

but I think I need to tell someone

just in case he tries it again.

Absolutely. Do you
have the note with you?

Yes. I do.

These are instructions
for how to set the timer

on a central heating boiler.

I know. And Granny's
never learned how it works,

and Granddad's always saying
he'll have to teach her

before he dies or
she'll freeze to death.

You don't think he just wrote
these down for his own benefit

because he felt confused?

No, I don't.

I think he didn't expect to wake up.


Thank you for letting me know, Ava.

This was a big responsibility,

and you've done
precisely the right thing.

Oh, hi. Um, Granny and
Dad are gonna stay here,

- and I'm gonna take you home.
- Okay.

Um, can I have a word with you?

Yeah, su... One second.




That's sounding great.


I knew it was you playing. I could
hear it from the science block.

Oh, sometimes I get bored of headphones.

I wanna hear it out loud.

So your chest vibrates
and your teeth feel funny.

Will you need to take your
bass home this afternoon?

I was just gonna put
it in the store cupboard

for rehearsals tomorrow. Why?

I just wondered if you
wanted to go Westfield

and have a wander about and get
some food or a coffee or something.


Or you don't have to.

Sorry. Stupid of me to ask.

No, no, it's just, well, I
promised Jacob that I wouldn't.

Wouldn't what? Marry me?

[CHUCKLING] Well... no.
He basically just said

that I had to choose
between him and you, so...

- Did he?
- Yeah. Yeah.

- It's really complicated.
- Is it?


Just gonna lock my bass away,

and then we can go and get the bus.

AVA: I still feel really guilty.

SUSIE: Well, Ava, you've
come to the right place.

AVA: I feel like I make
these things happen.

Whenever I'm happy, it causes
problems for other people.

Does that make me sound mad?

SUSIE: It makes you sound...
mistaken, Ava. Not mad.

AVA: I was happy that
I did well on my marks.

And then it all went wrong.

And then I was happier
than I have ever, ever been,

about being friends again with Grace.

And now this happens.

You're allowed to be happy, Ava.

I don't know.

Feel like God punishes
me for being happy.

I do try and fix things.

I pray really hard every night

just to make sure
everyone's fixed and okay.

Sometimes I pray for over two hours.

To try and make it work.
Try and make it stick.

Do you want my advice?


Step away.


The church.

You're becoming a little
bit obsessed, and...

it's not healthy.

It's making you unhappy.

Stop praying. Leave Jesus
alone for a little while and...

- he'll be here when you come back.
- Really?

Stop trying to fix everyone else

and look after yourself.

Be confident in who you are,
separate from the church.

Separate from your family.

Fix that and then come back.


So... where's Granddad now?

Well, I think they're planning
on releasing him back home today.


Yeah. Yeah, it is.


Hey. Um, is this my charger?

Yeah. Mine's in the bedroom.

- Do you need towels, or...
- No, I've got towels, thanks.

I've got a pillow and
a duvet for the sofa.

I suppose you've got no idea
how long you're gonna be there.

Ah, God knows, really, uh...

Until we feel he can look
after himself, I suppose.

You'll be staying away from
home, though, for a while again?

Yeah, I know. It's bad timing.

Might be good timing.

- You reckon?
- Maybe. Um, I don't know.

For better, for worse, well... [SCOFFS]

this is... this is the
worst we've ever been.

We never said "for better
or worse," though, did we?

'Cause you thought
it was old-fashioned,

so we said all that humanist
shit about honoring each other.

Yeah, my point still stands, doesn't it?

- Hey.


Thought I might have missed you.

Listen, do you want to come with me

- to take Granddad back home?
- Yes, please.

All right, I'll just get my stuff.

Right, that's me done, I think, so yeah.

Yeah. Um...


- Bye.
- Mm.

Yeah. Okay.

See ya.


- Get that bag, would you?
- Yep.


- AVA: I'll get the door.
- PAUL: Thanks.


- Mind your head.

JIM: Yeah.

PAUL: Thanks.


PAUL: He regrets it.

I know he does, but... hmm.

What an enormous thing to do...

Try to do.

Does Granny know he did it on purpose?

Yeah. Yeah, I... I told her.

I think she suspected, anyway.

Dad, can we talk about schools?

Yeah. Sure. I've actually
wanted to do that for a while.

Well, I've been talking to Susie, and...

I'm starting to feel
more confident again

- about being me.
- Mm.

So, I think it's a good
time to talk to you.

Sure. Go ahead.

I know you're angry that I
didn't get into St. Margaret's.

Yeah, because you deliberately
failed the entrance exam.

Yes, but I think if I go to Corfield,

in the end, it will be better for me.


I'm really clever, Dad.

Yeah, I know.

Unless I become a mad drug addict

or have a brain injury,

I'm gonna ace my GCSEs and A-levels.

All right. Calm down, big head.

- Agreed.
- And the thing is,

someone from a non-selective,

- ordinary community school...
- Mm-hmm.

Is now much more likely to
get into a better university

than someone from a
posh selective school.

- Okay.
- So, if I go to Corfield,

and I get great grades,

then I am going to get
into a better university.

Do you see?


Yeah, okay. Right. Um...

Yeah, that does make some sense.


Where am I?

[LAUGHS] Heaven, Dad.

You died.

This is what Heaven is.

Just driving through Tooting
on a Thursday afternoon.

Oh, Jesus. What's Hell, then?

Driving through Tooting
on a Saturday afternoon.

- JIM: Oh.

- This is very kind of you.

Well, I'll be sleeping here
as long as is needed, Dad.

And I'll pop in after school.

PAUL: Yeah, and various
medics will come and go,

- so you'll be in good hands.





- Hmm.

JACKIE: Ohh! Stick the
heating on, will you, Jim?

It's like a fridge in here.

I'll do it.

Hello. How long are you back for?

I don't know.

We'll see.

But you're ill.

You need taking care of.

And what sort of a person would I be

if I didn't look after you?

You want a tin of soup?

That would be nice.


Well, uh, so I suppose I
won't be sleeping here then.

- No.
- Right.





Ava says she's going to Grace's,
but she'll be back for tea.





No, I don't know, either.