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01x67 - With New Hope!! In Our Hearts – Farewell, Trunks

Posted: 06/30/22 04:35
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Here we go, everyone!

I'm defeating Zamasu!

At the end of a hard-fought battle,

Trunks accepts the life energy
of those living in the future.

This isn't about gods and mortals!

You don't believe in anything but yourself,
and I won't be beaten by you!

I don't give a damn about your justice!!

Impossible! This cannot--

"With New Hope in His Heart--
Farewell, Trunks."

A god being defeated by a mortal... something that cannot be...


You got him, huh?


Thanks, everyone.



You did it! You really did it!


You got him, didn't you?

I wish that I, in this era, could have seen it.

--I gotta say, that sword
sure acted like a Genki Dama, huh?

--I gotta say, that sword
sure acted like a Genki Dama, huh?

Thanks to everyone's help.

It was the combined power
of all of us that defeated him.


What's that?

Th-This can't be... Is he...?



This deity never quits.


What are you waiting for, Kakarrot?!

It's the effect of having launched
a Final Kamehame-Ha as Vegetto.

They don't even have enough
power left to turn Super Saiyan.

In that case, I'll take this!

Even so, we gotta do what we can!

Let's go!

Ka... me... ha... me...


Gyallic Ho!!

Final Flash!!

Didn't hurt him one bit.



Zamasu may be trying
to become the cosmos.


At this point, he has shed
even his divine form

and is trying to become
justice and order itself.

The cosmos, you say?

What is that?!

It's scaring me!

It couldn't be like that time
Goku Black came through, right?

Don't tell me something else
is about to appear!


Hmm... Something is
making my skin tingle.

I am picking up the most unpleasant vibe.

It's Zamasu.

Something has happened in the future.

And its effects are being felt
all the way here in the present.

That rotten Zamasu...

What's going on here?

Mai! Mom!


What is this?

What on earth is happening?


I can't sense anyone's Ki.

I don't sense even a single Ki
that I felt from the other survivors... the time I defeated Zamasu.


You don't mean all the others
just died because of this?

It can't be.

It can't be!ll

It can't be! It can't be! It can't be!

It can't be! It can't be! It can't be!

All the others can't be dead!

They can't be dead! They can't be!


That miserable Zamasu...

How are we supposed to fight him now?

If only I had one more senzu.

Senzu? We've already used them all up.

Found one!

Hmm? Aw, this ain't a senzu.

Hey, Kaioshin-sama,

do you think the Zeno-sama
of this world is still around?

Huh? Zeno-sama, you say?

I-I think he would still be alive, naturally.

Nobody can defeat Zeno-sama,
no matter who they are.

Ha-ha, you don't say.

What are you thinking?

I wonder if this will work
on the Zeno-sama here, too.

Oh! Zeno-sama! It really worked!
Thank goodness you're here!


Who is this?

This is Zeno-sama,
the greatest deity in the universe.


Who are you? Did you summon me?

Yeah. My name is Goku.


What is this? This is awful.
There's nothing here, you know?

Did you do this?

Huh? Not me, not me, not me!
He's the one who did this.


--Disgusting, huh?
--Ain't he, though?

Wh-What is going to happen?

I cannot even guess.

Don't you think
that oughtta be obliterated?

Yes, I do.

--This whole world.

Guys! Get aboard the time machine!

Quickly! Kaioshin-sama,
you should get away, too!



Bulma! Trunks! What are you waiting for?!

Hurry and start up the time machine!

This whole world should just go away.

They're back!




--Are you all right?!

Oh, are you okay?

Are you okay, Goku-sa?

Mama! Welcome back!

I'm home.


Welcome back! I can't believe
I get to see you again!



--Are you...?
--Are you...?

There are two of our Mais! What do we do?!

What do we do? What do we do, indeed?


Is our world...?


Judging by how you look,
you had a run for your money.

Thank goodness!
You all made it out then?


I am sorry for having caused you to worry.

From now on, screen your
apprentices more carefully.


Bulma, get the time machine ready again.

Huh? Where are you going?

I'm coming with you.

--Mom, please get some rest.

Thanks, Trunks.

Well? Do you see anything?


Oh, there he is!



I'm gonna take you
some place great, okay?



They're back already!

That was really fast!


Wh-Wh-Why, if it isn't Z-Zeno-sama!

I-I hope today finds you well!

So, Kaioshin-sama, could we get a lift?



--Goku, who's this?
--Goku, who's this?

Zen-chan, as promised,
I brought a great friend for you.

He's your friend.




--Let's play!
--Let's play!

Whis-san, was this your idea?

Oh, no. This was Son Goku-san.

I envy the th Universe.

If you would like,
please come and visit us...


Yes. Someday.


Bigger Trunks-san,
I do believe that it is possible

to return to your world
at a time before it is obliterated.


Whis! You stay out of this!

If you do that, it will create
yet another time ring.

Do so, and we won't be able to
explain ourselves to Zeno-sama, will we?

How can you say
such a thing after all this?

Beers-sama, you have already created
a new time ring yourself, have you not?

Wh-What did you say?!

Have you forgotten?

Beers-sama, when you destroyed Zamasu,

it spawned another world,

one in which Zamasu
was not destroyed, did it not?

You cannot explain yourself,

because Beers-sama, you personally
went and did a very naughty thing.

I-I did? I guess you're right...

Just a minute!

If they go back to the world
before Zeno-sama obliterates it,

that means that they'll have to
fight Zamasu again, doesn't it?

Doesn't that mean that
this whole thing will repeat itself?

You need not worry about that.

I will go to your future and
speak to the Beers-sama there,

before he vanishes as
a result of Kaioshin's death,

whereupon I will ask him
to put down Zamasu there.

Yeah, but not even Beers-sama
can destroy Zamasu

once he's immortal, can he?

Besides, even assuming that
the future Beers-sama destroys Zamasu,

the whole thing is just going
to start over again anyhow.

I have something even better
than your pot with the seal on it.


Th-Then why didn't you tell us about it?!

Don't act so needy!

You guys are too spoiled by deities.

Yeah, but...

Still, there is another matter.

If Trunks-san and Mai-san
return to that era,

they will, of course, already be there.

There will be two of each of you then.
Are you all right with that?

That would be...

I'm okay with it.


--It's a time when the others
I fought alongside will be alive.

--It's a time when the others
I fought alongside will be alive.

That's the most important thing to me.

You're right.

Aww... a couple supporting each other,
while gazing at each other...

How great is that?

Let's be off, Whis.

Yes, sir.

Hey, future boy.


For Whis' sake,
I'll overlook everything this time.

Have a good life.

This one was my sin.


Are you leaving already?

Yeah. Take care.

Nice new outfit. It really
looks good on you, doesn't it?

Thank you.

Trunks, you really have gotten stronger.

No matter what enemy you come across,
you can blow them away now!

I sure hope that's true.

Take these with you.

They're full of food and
all sorts of other things, too.

Thank you very much.

Whatever you do,
hang in there, and find happiness.

--It just may be that I'll have
grandkids in the future first, huh?


Give me my regards there, too.



See you, future me!

I'm going to get stronger, too!

Do you think she's heartbroken?

Don't cry, Mai. Forget the future guy--
you have the young lad now.

Buzz off!



Gohan-san... I couldn't...

.«..Save our...


Take care!


Let's go into the future.


Thank you very much, everyone.

I'll see you again someday.

Hello! , , , !
Hello! , , , !

Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Tasty!

Riding on a ladle
I don't even know its name

A four-thousand-year-old monster

Mixing it all up
And then it's finished in no time

Mysterious story

Softly sprinkling in the spices
It's the world's biggest obsession

Here, bon appétit!

My passion's on a rampage
A Chinese spoon in my right hand

It's time to finish them off!

Hello! , , , !
Hello! , , , !

Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Tasty!
Super! Thank you! Fried Rice! Music!

Heya! I'm Goku!

I'm thinking it's about time
to bring Kaio-sama back to life,

so I'm collecting the Dragon Balls,

but what is all this?
Everybody's gathering around!

Eh?! You all have wishes
you want granted, too?

Hold on a second!
I made a promise to Kaio-sama!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"Come Forth, Shen Long!
Whose Is the Wish to Be Granted?!"

Be sure to watch, okay?