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01x26 - A Glint of Hope Shines Through in a Crisis! Time to Fight Back, Son Goku!

Posted: 06/28/22 09:18
by bunniefuu
Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me
Go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage
Don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of god


Let's Go! Go! Big panic!

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothin' gonna stop me no mo'
Try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going
Power pumpin' up

Something greater waiting not so far away

Faced with Goku unleashing his new power,

Freeza decided to unleash
his own hidden power, as well.

I thought that the gold color
might be overly simplistic,

but I am pleased that it was
so easy for you to grasp.

If you will forgive the tacky naming,

shall we call this "Golden Freeza"?

The two of them appeared to be
evenly matched in strength.

However, Golden Freeza's power
far exceeded even Goku's imagination,

and gradually, he found himself
backed up against a wall.

"A Chance Appears in a Tight Spot!
Launch a Counteroffensive, Son Goku!"

Well, well, what an undignified spot to be in.

The fight ain't over yet.


Yes! Yes! That is the look! Go ahead...

...and amuse me...

...even more...

...and more!

Tch, what an idiot.


Who'd have guessed that Golden Freeza
would have this much power?

Come on, Son-kun s in
a real tight pinch, you know!

Geez, the earth really is going
to end if we don't do something!

Ugh... I don't feel so good...



Stay where you are.

Huh? But...

There's still a way to win this,
don't you know?


Freeza definitely appears
to have gotten stronger,

but if Vegeta fights, too,
there's no reason they can't beat him.

That's right! Vegeta can
fight him, too, can't he?!

Vegeta! Go and fight alongside Son-kun!

Beers-sama, that is out of the question.



Those two would never team up together.

They would probably rather
be beaten than choose to do that.

Basically, they have too much pride for that.

Ah, geez, what a pain in the neck!

Silly, aren't they?

Truly. Just like you, Beers-sama.

Huh? Did you say something?

Oh, no.

Why, you...!



Don't push your luck!



That's Freeza-sama for you!
My plan was foolproof, all right!

By bringing him back to life,

our forces can once again
strive to rule the universe!

Hey, Bulma, make your husband
start fighting, right now!

If he's been beaten,
that puts me in danger, you know!

Huh? If that's what comes about,
I won't have any trouble with it!

Being next to Bulma is
the most dangerous place of all.

Oh, my.

Have you now had a taste
of even a fraction of the humiliation

I experienced from you on Planet Namek?

Someone sure is holding a grudge against me.

If, at the time, I had obtained
eternal life with the Dragon Balls,

I would have been ruling
the entire universe by now.

You did a masterful job
of standing in the way of that,

in a manner most humiliating to me.

You deserve... to be k*lled by me!

You dumb-ass!

Ever since that moment,

not a day has passed that I haven't
thought of my vengeance toward you.

Aw, crap!

Oh, dear.

The quarrel between you and me...

...IS NOW... an end!



Gohan, how is Goku?

I can't... I can't tell, either.

This isn't happening, right, Son-kun?

No, Bulma...

Look closer.

That's your friend, right?

It looks like he's okay.

How is he still alive?!

That attack really hurt...

Even / thought there ain't
no hope for me on that one.

Oh, my, I cannot believe that I did that.

I must have held back against you.


That's enough, already!

If it's going to take you forever to catch on,

I've got no problem
being the one to k*ll Freeza!

What did you say?


You hold your tongue, Vegeta-san!

You are going to k*ll me?

Kakarrot, switch with me!

Ain't no way, Vegeta!

The fun is just getting started, you know!

I ain't gonna budge on this, understand?!

Shut up! I can't wait anymore!

Just a smidge! Give me just a little longer!

Your "little longers" aren't very credible!

I promise! Just a little longer, really!


You two... stop making a mockery of me!

Heh, sorry about that. This fight... just getting started!

Hey, Freeza,

you've come back to life,
and put me this far through the wringer.

Shouldn't you leave now, on a high note,
while you're still winning?

What kind of nonsense is that?

Do you really think I would leave,
when victory is right in front of me?

You're sure?

The way things are headed,
I think I'm about to turn the tables on you.

You have some nerve,
promising something you cannot deliver.

It looks like you
still ain't realized it, have you?

The weakness that
"Golden Freeza" business has?

If you are trying to rattle me
by saying something so ridiculous,

I will not be taken in by you.

I guess we'll see.

After fighting me just now,
you ought to know better.

You cannot turn the tables.

What weakness are you talking about?

Sure, it ain't there just yet,
but it will become clear soon enough.

In that case, I need only
k*ll you before that happens.

Heh, I don't think it's gonna be that easy.


Hmph, if you had that kind of power,

you should have been using it from the start.

I'm gonna hit you with everything I got!

Very well. In that case,
I will pummel you with my full power

until there is nothing left of you,

and k*ll you for certain this time.

You really are out of this world, huh?

This is what you wished for, is it not?

Yeah. From here on, we both play for keeps.

Goku and Freeza were both
keeping that much power hidden?

We're into territory that I can't even imagine.

Father, we're counting on you.

Not yet...

Just a little bit more...

You're not getting away!


Lousy Saiyan, trying to
frighten us about some "weakness."

Freeza-sama really does
have the upper hand, doesn't he?


Son-kun is in yet another
terrible predicament, isn't he?!

What's going on with you, Goku?


Now... do you...


Oh, crap! I'm at a disadvantage in the water!

I am not going to let you drown to death!

I have won. Die!!


It looks like your time has run out first.

I... have won!


Goku really has turned the tables!


You did it, Son-kun!
Keep on going and kick Freeza's butt!

This isn't...


Yes, sir.

Now you get it, right?

That's what your weakness is.

Wh-What do you mean by that?

You came here immediately
after making all that progress, right?

So? What about it?

This "Golden Freeza" state
consumes power at an alarming rate.

You ain't got enough
power left to defeat me anymore.

I was this close to buying the farm
there for a little while.

Heh, nice piece of thinking there, isn't it?

For Goku-san, I would say
that that is using his head.

You should have waited longer,

until you were accustomed to it,
before coming to this world.

If you had, I'd be the one who's losing.

That is something... that I...

...will not accept!

Freeza, you ain't gonna
be able to defeat me now.


Now you get it, right?

Damn it!

There ain't no point
in carrying this on no longer.



This should not be happening!

Go on and leave, now.

I'll take you on again anytime--

I got him!

Tch, that idiot!

Sorbet-san, for once, you did come in useful.

That was good work.

Thank you very much.

It really is a good thing
that I had this planned, just in case.

That was fighting dirty, but still
nicely done by Freeza, wasn't it?

Aww. And after I so pointedly told him,

"You have a bad habit
of letting your guard down too easily."

Oh, no...


You lower your guard
because you are so overly strong.

That bad habit is your weakness.

I wonder, how does it feel

to have as much strength
as you do, and yet be laid low

by a simple ray g*n?

And so, the epic tale of revenge
is about to reach its climax!

Now... will die.


time to tag in.

Say goodbye

Our paths diverge beneath the twilight sky

"I love you. I'll never forget you."

Words die in my heart
before coming out of the mouth

The petals rain down on us

The melody echoes in the air

I wish you would be dyed
by the twilight and concealed

I say goodbye as you fade away

Heya! I'm Goku!

Whoops! I got careless.

Vegeta, use the power
you gained in your training

to clean Freeza's clock!

What? The earth, and everyone on it!

What the hell did you do, Freeza?!
I'm gonna make sure you pay for this!

Next time on Dragon Ball Super,

"The Earth Explodes?!
A Decisive Kamehame-Ha."

Be sure to watch, okay?