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03x02 - No Worries

Posted: 06/20/22 07:23
by bunniefuu
[distant airplane]

[door slams]

[sighs] Oh!


We didn't know how you were
getting on for food, Paul.

Being on your own
here and everything.

Thought you might
need some dinner.

Well, I'm just on the way to
the shops to buy my dinner.

We brought you some
supplies anyway.

The kids from the local
primary school brought us them.

Harvest festival.

They take cheap food to
the elderly and housebound.

- There's some nice tinned pies.
- Tinned pies?

Mum, I haven't had a tinned
pie since the 4th year

why are you really here?

We wondered if we could
"hang out" here for a bit.

I mean, our flat's so pokey.
And Leah's house is so...

- Roomy.
- Mm.

There's so many rooms.

Four bedrooms. And
we've barely got one.

And that's like a cell,

like we've been banged
up in Pentonville.

Actually, prisoners have got more
room to move about than we do

because they've got bunk beds.

Funny how the only people
who sleep in bunk beds

are children and
murderers, innit?

Okay, uh... don't
touch the thermostat

or the Wi-Fi router.

No trying on Leah's clothes.

- And that goes for you too, Mum.
- Thanks, son.

- [Gabby] Hey.
- Hey, Gabby.

- Who's that then?
- Just a neighbor of mine, of Leah's. Yeah.

[Ally] f*cking, f*cking
smoke alarm! Argh!

Ava! You need to
leave for school!

Ava! Are you still
in the bathroom?

Oh, Luke, I've done you a shirt!

And I'm gonna hang it here.

Oh, uh...

Oh, it's got a bit
of butter on it.

Um, is it your history
presentation today?

- [Luke] No, that's tomorrow.
- Okay.

The smoke alarm's going.

Yes, I know! I've got ears!
[mutters] f*cking hell.

Oh, thank you.

[classical music playing]


[mutters] What?

Alexa, what's this music?

Mm. Thanks, Alexa.

[whistles softly]


Hey, Nadia... um

it's a bit of, uh

bit of domestic stuff
happening here today.

I'll be in for ten, not
nine, if that's all right.

Um... I don't have much, um...

I don't have much work
going on today anyway.

So, um, I'll see you later.


[music continues]

[mutters softly]


Alexa, volume up, please.

[music increases in volume]

Ah. Mm.

- Are you done in the bathroom?
- Yeah.

Great, 'cause you
need to get going.

Ava, are you okay?

I mean, I know you're
not really, but are you?

I'm fine. Are you still okay to
take me to church group later?

Sure. And your packed
lunch is in the fridge,

and I've signed your homework
diary, and there's a fiver in it

for your trip to
the science museum.

- Don't forget your keys.
- Yep. Um...

Oh, no. Shit!

Don't... Don't say you've run
out, you slimy little bastard.

- [smacking bottle]
- No!


- Darren?
- Hi, Ally. Darren.

- I know.
- Of course. Is this a bad time?

Well, I'm on my own trying to
get both kids out the house

and I've run out of f*cking
HRT, so it's not ideal, no.

[Darren] Got you.
I'll be swift then.

Can you meet me before
you come into work?

Oh, I... I guess so. Where?

Uh, underground car
park, Rainham Road.

I don't want anyone seeing us.

Well, why not? Is
there a problem?

I'd rather speak in person.

- Right.
- But there is a problem.

- [Luke] Bye, Mum!
- Bye, sweet cheeks!

- [chuckling] Oh. Bye.
- No, no, not you. Bye.

- Have a good...
- [door slams]


[upbeat music]

Oh, f*ck's sake.


It's a bit mad, isn't it,
Darren? Why are we meeting here?

Berlin has fallen.

Right. Sorry, is it 1945?

No, we had to close the
Berlin studios last night.

For good, lay everyone off. Debts
had spiraled out of control.

Shit. We just shut it overnight?

The whole operation, no warning?

The lawyers told us
we had no alternative.

So we closed at
midnight their time.

Which might also be our time?
Have the clocks gone back?

I don't know, it's just
details. Doesn't matter.

Jesus, Darren. All those poor
people losing their jobs.

I know. And our guys here
will have got wind of it.

So they'll be worried about the
knock-on effect for our UK studio.

Okay, and will there be one?

So that's why I wanted us
to meet somewhere private.

We need to be all smiles
when we walk in there.

Yeah, positive, upbeat,

full of clever fixes and
left-field strategies.

Right, but are we
actually in trouble?

We are up to our chins in a
barrel of bollocks, to be honest.

But take a look at the figures.
You might be able to see a way out.

Hey, Darren! Hi, Ally!

- Hey, Annie!
- Hey.

Bad news about
the Berlin office.

- Are we okay over here?
- Oh, sure!

Um, safe as houses on
this side of the pond.

No, that's America.

[clears throat] The
smaller pond, I mean,

within which we are
still very big fish, heh.

Good to hear.

[Darren sighs]

I was going to
say, this car park

is very close to
the office, so...

No, I should have anticipated
we might see some staff here.

- Yeah, sure.
- [man] Hey, guys!

Bad news about Berlin!

[atmospheric jazz music]

[clicking tongue]

[inhales deeply]


Oh, shit.

Oh! [Chuckles]

Oh, bloody hell. Hello.

- [Gabby] Hi.
- Hi.

Uh, my gym's just,
uh... round the corner.

Oh, right. My work is just
round... another corner.

Round that corner, actually.

How come it's so busy?

I think they've started lacing
the tuna melts with fentanyl.

[laughs] Right.

I knew there was a reason
I kept order those.

Ah, man, it's gonna
take ages, isn't it?

Uh, you know what? I might actually go
and get a proper lunch at a cafe. Right.

- Classic.
- Yeah.

How 'bout you? Think
you'll wait here or just...

- Yeah. Right.
- It's a minute around the corner.

- Yeah. Cool. Yeah.
- Good plan.

[indistinct chatter]

Hey. Oh, good news?

No. Oh, sorry, I was just
putting on a happy face

for everyone in the office,
and I accidentally kept it on.

Got you some lunch.
Soup. Liquid brain food.

Oh, thanks. I've got a liquid
brain, so that's ideal.

Ooh. Are those the profit
and loss implications for us

now that Berlin is "kaput ten"?

Yeah, I'm just having a quick
scan of the current slate,

and it looks like we're
relying pretty heavily

on the Berlin office
making a profit

so we can break even over here.

Oh, bugger. I mean, I
honestly thought Seb

would be able to run our
Berlin outfit, you know?

- Right.
- He was such a brilliant all-rounder at school.

He was head boy, captained
the First XV rugby team,

played cricket and alto sax,

and he's just, you know,
really, really confident.

Sadly, it turns out he
needed a bit more than that.

Yeah, well, public
school bluffing

can only get you so far.

- No offense.
- Oh, thanks. Heh.

I suppose, in a
way, we were doomed

when you left Berlin to come
back here, really, so...

What? Wha... Hang
on f*cking second.

Are you blaming me for this?

God, no. That's the
last thing I'm doing.

Because it was always going
to be a temporary thing.

No, I know. I'm just
saying you're great.

Yeah, but you're saying
it in a really blamey way.

I'm sorry.

Am I going to lose
my job, Darren?

Because I don't
think I could cope

with losing my
job at the moment.

You know, I've already
lost my fertility,

my husband isn't in
the house anymore,

and I feel like I'm losing
my connection with Ava...

Oh, f*ck's sake.

Oh, it's Luke's school. Hang on.

Hello? Yeah. Yeah,
yeah, speaking.

What? Hasn't he? Are you sure?

Yes, yes, yes, of
course... Of course.


You could have told
me this morning.

You'd taken the shirt off the hanger,
so I thought you'd gone to school.

I didn't say anything because
you were in such a rush.

Well, that's not
my fault, Lukey.

- [Luke] No, I...
- [Ally] When Dad isn't here,

I'm on my own...
Everything is rushed.

- I am rushed right now.
- No, I know.


Luke, is this is your
first panic attack

since your Dad hasn't
been in the house?


Okay, look, I'm gonna stay
here and keep an eye on you,

but I'm going to need to get Darren
over here to do loads of work stuff,

and then I have to
go to the pharmacy.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Can I go back to bed?


I think that was the first
sit-down lunch I've had

on a workday since...

God knows when. Uh,
last Labour government?

[laughs] Well, that's why they used
to have work canteens, isn't it?

Exactly. Yes, it's
human. It's civilized.

You have a proper
break, you socialize.

Just... sandwich at your desk
while you're checking your emails

and a big bag of Wotsits...
That is no way to live, is it?

Do you have to trudge back
to your treadmill, then?

No, actually. No, I'm, uh...

I'm coasting a bit at
work if I'm honest.

I'm not sure they'd
mind if I stayed here

[chuckling] for the
rest of the week.

- What about you?
- Oh, day off.

I'm happy to be an alibi,
though, if you want.

You could say that I collapsed
and you had to do first aid.

Do you know what I might do?

Actually, I might...
take a half day

- and go to the cinema.
- You madman!

I know. It's the
dream, isn't it?

A sit-down lunch and afternoon
pictures. I'm living like a king.


Cinematography was amazing.

Oh, God, yeah. It
looked beautiful.

The soundtrack, that was great.

Yep, yep.

That '70s disco stuff
mixed in with the...

- Yeah.
- Atonal score...

- A-Atonal? Is that the word?
- Yes, yeah.

- Sort of wonky music, you mean? Yeah.
- Yeah.

[both chuckle]

So that was really exciting.

Mm. Yeah. Yes.

Yeah, I loved it.

[both laughing]

Who's going to be the
first one to say it?

Thank you. Me. I didn't understand
a f*cking second of that.

No, me neither. It was
completely impenetrable.

Okay. Who the f*ck
was the monk? Sorry.

But... Was it a monk?
The guy with the hood.

Was that meant to be his dad?

- No, his dad was dead!
- Right, no, but

in one of the time lines,
right, he was dead,

but alive when the
monk was alive,

or whoever the f*ck the
guy was in the hood.

I'd say, yeah, he can't
have been his dad. Right?


Next time, can we just
go and see "Paddington"?



Oi, oi, oi. Missed calls.

- Uh, will you excuse me?
- Oh, you're good, good, good.



I've been trying to
call you for ages.

Yeah, sorry. No,
my phone was off.

Well, for how long? That must
have been a massive meeting.

Well, actually, uh, I've
just been to the cinema.

Bunked off work for
the first time since...

Luke's had a panic attack,
and I'm about to lose my job.

Okay. What? Hang
on, is the studio...

Luke says it's nothing specific,
but it's something to do

with his history presentation.

You need to talk to him 'cause
I've got too much going on.

[slams phone down]

Is Paul still not
back in the house...

No, not yet.

Right, and do you think he...

I really don't understand how
we're so reliant over here

on the Berlin office
making a profit.

Right, um, the thing is,
Seb decided last year

that it would make a lot of
sense to turn the UK studio

into a subsidiary of the
German one, for tax reasons.

That's f*cking mental.
We're three times the size.

I know! Bonkers, in retrospect.

Ohh. Where is Seb now?

Uh, he's on holiday in Portugal.

North Portugal...
Blowy, quite cold sea.

He thought if he went to
his place in the Algarve

it might seem insensitive
given the circs.


- [door slams]
- Ava?

[Ava] Hi.

- You're early.
- Well, I didn't go to the science museum,

so... and they said
I could go home.

Well, why didn't
you go? Are you ill?

Not ill really, but I...

But you what?

I felt a bit funny.
I'm all right now.

- Hey, Ava. How's school?
- It was good, thanks.

- Is everything okay here?
- Sort of.

- No.
- Sort of no.

But it's nothing for
you to worry about.

Are you still okay with
taking me to church group?

Oh, shit! I completely forgot.

[chuckling] Church group?


It's okay, Mum, I...
I don't have to go.

[Ally] No, no, no, no. You
need to go, it's... church.

Um, I can take you after
I've picked up my HRT.


Hi, um, Ally Grant.

I'm just picking up
a repeat prescription

for my estrogen gel.

I'm afraid the estrogen gel
you're usually prescribed

- isn't currently in stock.
- [Ally] You're joking.

You're not joking. Okay.

Uh, well, when will it be
back in stock? Like tomorrow?

Because I've completely run out
and any longer than 24 hours...

How long until the estrogen
gel is back in stock?

- [Pharmacist 2] The gel?
- [Pharmacist 1] Yes.

- [Pharmacist 2] About ten months.
- About ten months, I'm afraid.

There's a shortage,
a global shortage.

We hear it's going to take
the best part of the year

for supplies to come
back to normal. Sorry.

We recommend as a substitute

a combination of
tablet and patch.

Look, I've been through all this
with my GP, and the thing that works,

the only thing that works
for me, is that gel,

and I need to have it.

Well, I'm afraid
you can't have it.

Uh... well, can I buy
it on the dark web?

Well, I don't know.
What's the dark web?

It's where you get
bit coins and machetes

and really horrible porn.

And HRT medication?

Do you understand
what will happen to me

if I stop taking this?

Okay, all the shit returns...

The hot flushes, the
anxiety, the insomnia.

Look, there has to be... there
has to be a way of getting this.

You can try visiting
other pharmacies,

but I doubt they'll have it.

As I say, we recommend
the alternative of...

Yeah, but it's not an
alternative, is it?

Because it doesn't work.

That's like me going
into a restaurant

and ordering [stammers]
a medium-rare steak

and then you bringing
me, oh, I don't know,

uh, a bra full of Lego.

- Mum, could I...
- Ava, sorry,

if this is a problem,
then you gotta park it.

Because I'm at my f*cking
limit with problems right now.

I am not a bad mother.

I am a good mother at
the end of her rope.

Would you like the pill
and patch alternative?

If that's all
there is, then yes.

Do you pay for
your prescriptions?


Ava, we're going. Come on.

[upbeat music]

I really think Magritte's
way better than Dali.

Dali's all, "Look
at me, I'm bonkers."

With his moustache and his
f*cking anteater on a lead.

- An anteater?
- Yeah, he used to walk it round Paris, the twat.

Yeah, I feel like Dali sort of
wanted to be bigger than his art,

but Magritte sort of just
wanted to disappear into his.



Yeah, that's very clever.

- Thanks for agreeing to meet me.
- That's all right.

It's nice to be out in a gallery
which isn't on a school trip.

[Paul] Mm.

Listen, uh, I'm sorry to
hear you had a panic attack.

Mum seem to think it was to do

with your history
presentation tomorrow.

No, no, it's just...
just a chemical thing.

Brain chemistry.

- Who's that by?
- Ah, Peter Blake.

I've talked to
you about him, no?

British pop artist. Brilliant.

Did the "Sergeant Pepper" cover.

- Was Warhol pop art?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I like Warhol.

The presentation's going to
be pretty great, actually.

- Mm-hmm.
- It's about the evacuation of Saigon

at the end of the Vietnam w*r.

- Oh.
- Mm.

Jacob wants us to perform
it as a beat poem.

- Okay.
- It's going to be really cool.

It's a very cool poem
he's written, actually.

It's kind of like
a Ginsberg thing.

Is it? Right.

Lots people might be too
embarrassed to do it, but Jacob,

- he doesn't care what other people think.
- Mm-hmm.

He's super-confident in himself.


- Yeah, he seems it.
- Mm.

I love that.


[Paul scoffs and mutters]

[Paul whistling faintly]


I mean, maybe it was a little
bit about the presentation.

- Mm. Right.
- My panic attack, but, uh...

Do you think you might
be a bit embarrassed,

even if Jacob isn't?

- It is quite a weird poem.
- Mm.

He wants us to perform
in American accents.

f*ck. What, in
front of the class?

- Oh, yeah.
- Okay.

Do you want to call
in sick, tomorrow?

- [Luke] Yes.
- [chuckles]

But I won't.

Jacob's my mate, and
I've gotta stand by him.

- So I will.
- Okay.

Am I doing the right thing?

Does it feel like
the right thing?

- Yeah.
- Okay, well

then it's the right
thing, isn't it?

- American accents?
- Yep.

Look at these chairs. So neat.

You are literally the
queen of chairs. Thank you.

You're welcome.

My mum needed to drop
me off early anyway

because she has to
drive all around London

trying to find her HRT medicine.

Ooh. Not the best evening out.

No. She's really angry about it.

I bet. Um

could you fetch that enormous
mountain of sandwiches

from the kitchen?

- Susie?
- Yes?

None of my friends have
got their periods yet.

Okay, well, it is
still quite young to...

And I have.


All right, um, put
those sandwiches down.

All right, so... unexpected?


Okay, so... feelings?

Well... scared. Embarrassed.

Funny. I don't know.

Well, you have a free pass to
feel whatever it is you want.

What does mum say?

I haven't told my mum yet.

She's got a lot of
problems at the moment.

I really don't want
to be another problem.

You really should tell her, Ava.

It's not a problem,
it's an important thing.

It's an amazing thing.

I'll... I'll tell her tonight.

All right.


I... I got these.

I don't think they're right.

Probably not for you
at this stage, no.

I stole them.

You st... You stole?

I don't blame you.
They're not cheap.

Well, don't worry. I keep some
period pants in the office.

And they're... they're best
for when you've just started.

Then you don't need to
worry about pads or tampons.

All right?

- Thank you.
- Okay.

Hi everyone! Come on in.

I rang three other pharmacies
as well as the four I visited.

Nothing. And they all
said they didn't know

when they'd get the gel back in.

- I'm sorry, Mum.
- [sighs]

How was church
group? Was it fun?

Yeah. Really fun.

Good. Are you still a bit
in love with the Lady Vicar?

[both chuckle] -Yeah,
just... just a little bit.

Yeah, she's great. She really
helped me out this evening.

Oh, what with?

Just some sociology homework.

It's a Bible thing.

It was boring, really.
But very helpful.

Ah. Good. That's good.

[Ally sighs and mutters]

[crying softly]

Try to look up as
much as possible.

It's all about projection.

So don't read into your
chest. Head held high.

No. Yes, right. Okay.

And try to make it
a New York accent.

All these guys were
from the east coast.

[Swedish accent] You betcha!

I assume that's not the
voice you'll be using, it it?

No. That was a joke.

- Okay. Ready?
- Yes.

What's this beat
poem called, Jacob?

It's "Saigon to the Dogs."

- [Paul] Luke.
- Dad? Is everything okay?

No, I'm sorry. It's Nana June.

- Nana June?
- Your Nana June.

Right. Is she...

Hours to live, I'm afraid.

She wants us all by her bedside.

It's not his real Nana, it's one of
those old ladies that you call Nana

because she used to look
after him when he was little.

No, no, no, no, of course.
Luke must go and see her, um...

Will you be okay to do
this on your own, Jacob?

- Yeah, of course.
- Okay, let's, uh...

Uh, Paul... I'm
sorry for your loss

when it happens.

Thanks, Jacob. Should we...

Yeah. Uh, good luck, Jacob.

[American accent] I got it. I'll
catch you guys on the flip side!

- Yeah.
- [chuckles] Yeah.

[Paul sighs]

Come on then, mate.

Let's get on the last
chopper, shall we?


[somber piano music]

[cap clinks]


- Hello, mate.
- Hi, Dad.

Everything all right?

Um, yeah. I just wanted
to say thanks again

for, um, rescuing me earlier.

Oh, no worries.

I know you have to make
your own decisions, but...

Well, you'd made the
wrong decision. [Chuckles]

Yeah. I think I would have been
sick if you hadn't arrived.


[clears throat]

Look, Dad, I was
just wondering if you

wanted to sleep
here tonight, maybe?

Uh... yeah.

Uh, what, you mean in the house?


You didn't cause the last panic
attack, you stopped it, so...

Well, yeah, great. Um...

Thanks, mate. Uh, I'll
see you in a bit then.

See you in a bit.


Looks like I'm going home.

And that means you two need
to sod off home and all.



[end theme]