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12x01 - Teamwork is Magic

Posted: 06/12/22 07:51
by bunniefuu
[theme song playing]

♪ Everybody needs a hero ♪

♪ Someone to save the day ♪

♪ We’ve got a wing to ride on ♪

♪ We are the bold and brave ♪

♪ Look to the sky and
you will find us ♪

♪ High above the world ♪

♪ Racing through the sky ♪

♪ High above the world ♪

♪ We rescue and we ride ♪

♪ There’s nothing we can’t do ♪

♪ Together we can’t lose ♪

♪ We’re high above the world ♪

Well, Rocky, this
maple syrup business

may not have been a
great idea...[groans]

[wolves growling]

but it sure was a
super dangerous one!



Ah yes! The Rescue Riders
are here to save the day!

Wait, that’s not
the Rescue Riders.

♪ Inflato-Force 2,
Inflato-Force 2 ♪

- ♪ It’s Zeppla! ♪
- ♪ And Sparkle! ♪

To the rescue!

Ahh! It’s too bright!

Rainbow fail!

[both scream]

Uh, I may have spoken too soon

about the whole
"saving the day" thing.

[Sparkle and Zeppla whimper]

Aw, don’t feel bad.

Rocky and I were getting
sorta lonely up here anyway.

Weren’t we?

[wolves growling]


[Dak] Would you like
some more company?

[Elbone] Rescue Riders!

A sight for sore eyes!

And a sore foot!

And a sore,
well... everything!

C’mon Rescue Riders,
let’s do what we do best!

[wolves yelp]

That’s right, feel the heat!

And the spikes!

- Ah!
- Uh!

[chuckles] And the
comfortable in-flight seating!

[Sparkle and Zeppla laugh]

Now, that was a rescue!

Thanks for the
help, Rescue Riders!

And other two dragons who really
sorta-kinda tried to help!


Sorry for all the
trouble back there.

We haven’t done
many missions yet.

She means, we
haven’t done any yet.

Don’t get discouraged.
You’re just getting started.

We have been working
on some moves.

[both] Haa! Bzzzt! Chop!


- Oh...
- Uhh!

But you’re still
getting the hang of it?

Something like that?

Maybe you just need to take things
a little slower, that’s all.

I agree. Better to be
safe than sorry. [chomps]

Although I’m safe and
sorry a lot of the time.

It’s very confusing.

You guys sound just like my mom.

She always says, "Stay
safe, honey, fly slowly!

"Take lots of snacks
with you on long flights!

’Cause you can get real, real
cranky when you’re hungry."

Zeppla’s mom really didn’t want
Zeppla forming a rescue team.

But she’ll come around.

Well, maybe, you should hold off

on going on any
more actual missions

until you have more training.

Or more team members!

We’ve got seven,
they only have two!

More team members?

Dak, I really think
they need more training.

Or more team members, right?

Or just the training.

Zeppla, what do you think?

Mmm... I definitely
think we need...

- more...
- [all] Yeah?

Team members!

- Oh!
- [laughs]

my-goodness, yes!

I love, love, love,
love this idea!

There’s only one problem.

Only one problem?

We don’t really know
too many other dragons.

Oh, don’t worry about
that. We know a ton.

We can put the word out and
hold tryouts here at the Roost!

Or maybe they could
try out more training.


OK, team tryouts it is.

You guys should definitely
try out for the Inflato-Force!

They’re looking for new
members who are quick and brave

and have awesome flying skills!

[all] Huh?

Uh, actually, flying
skills not required.

And team members who
are willing to protect

both dragons and people.


Yeah! Just like that.

Dragons who aren’t
afraid to take risks

and can handle themselves
when things get... whoa!

Super dangerous!

And they want to find
someone who’s really friendly

and loves being part of a team.

[all chittering]

At least they like
the sound of it.

But most importantly,

it’s a chance to be a
part of something big,

exciting... thrilling, really!

So what do you say?


I don’t speak sheep,
but I know that’s a yes!

I’ll see you first thing
tomorrow morning for tryouts.


[Zeppla whimpering]

Maybe my mom was right.

Hey, it’ll be okay, Zeppla!

[Zeppla] Maybe I’m not ready
to form my own rescue team yet!

[Winger] Take deep
breaths so you can...

Stop doing that! Hmm.

But what if no one shows
up for the tryouts?

Zeppla, I’m sure at least
a few dragons will show up.

Only a few?

Uh, she means maybe lots
of dragons will show.

Only one way to find out!

[Sparkle gasps]

[all exclaim]

[Sparkle] They’re all
here for the tryouts?

Whoa! Color me
surprised... And excited!

[both laugh]

[both sing] ♪ Inflato-Force,
Inflato-Force ♪

♪ Inflato-Force is
the best, of course! ♪

Wow, so many came!

[Summer] There’s
Laburn and Cinda

and Whiffy

and the Flyhoppers!

And look! There’s even
another Puffertail

Uh, that’s not just
another Puffertail...

[laughing] Hi!

..that’s my mom!

Oh, no. This is not good!

Relax, Zeppla.

Maybe your Mom is just here to
wish you luck with the tryouts.

But I didn’t tell her
about the tryouts.

Don’t worry,
honey! I’m coming!

It’s OK. Deep breath and
you’ll de-puff in an instant.

In. Out. In. Out.

There we go.

Mom, I’m OK.

I just wasn’t expecting
you to be here, that’s all.

Oh honey, I missed you, too!

Riders, this is my Mom, Zee Zee.

Oh please, you can
all call me Mom.

Nice to meet you, Mom!

Wait, that felt weird.

I’m gonna call
you... Mama Zee!

That works, too!

Can I talk to you
for a second, honey?

So, what’s this about
tryouts for your rescue team?

I thought we talked
about this...

It doesn’t look like
we’re listening, right?

No way.


- [Summer] Burple!
- Sorry.

But the Inflato-Force is
really important to me, OK?

Being on a rescue team
could be dangerous!

If you’re zooming
around all the time,

I won’t be there to make sure

you’re staying safe
and flying slowly

and eating and drinking enough.

You know you get cranky

when you don’t eat
every few hours.

Mom, don’t worry.

I can take care of myself.

And I do not get cranky
when I haven’t eaten!

[Zee Zee laughs]


OK, fine. Maybe
a little cranky.

Zeppla’s gonna be
fine, Mama Zee!

We keep each other
safe out there!


Oh, I did not know
you could do that!

Mrs. Zee, I think what
Zeppla’s trying to say

is that she’s got
this, you know?

Got what?

- This.
- "This" what?

This... this?

"This-this" what?

He means she can handle
having a rescue team.

Exactly! So can I
do it, Mom, please?


If it’s that important
to you, honey, OK.

Really?! Oh, thank you
Mom, thank you so much!

But then I’m trying out
for the Inflato-Force too!

- What?!
- What?!

[all] What?!

[Burple] This?

[Dak] Thanks,
everyone, for coming!

Today we wanna see
your best blasts...

Your fastest flying...

And most importantly,
lots of smiles!

And positivity! Yay!

And with that, let the...

Wait! Before we start,
I brought snacks.


What? You can’t try out
on an empty stomach.

She makes a very good point.



Let the tryouts begin now!

First up are the Flyhoppers!

[all grunting]

Whoa! Red-iculous aim!

Right in the center.
Now, that’s impressive!

[Burple munching loudly]

Huh? C’mon guys!
That’s not funny!

Yes it is.

And tasty!

Wait, you guys can’t fly.
How did you get here anyway?

We came by sea!

[all] Gludge?!

I heard there were
tryouts today.

I wanna try out some salmon,

some sea bass, and
some northern lobster,

and a fruit plate...

Uh, these are not
those kinds of tryouts.

It’s for a rescue team that’s...

Not interested.

Don’t worry, guys. I’ll
take you home later.

Next up are fantastic
Firefuries Laburn and Cinda!

[both] Whoo-hoo!

- Ow!
- [both laugh]

That... looks... so...

[Zee Zee] Unsafe!

Mom, I can’t judge the tryout
if I can’t see the tryout.

[chuckling] Sorry.
Is it my turn now?

Not yet, Mom.

Next up is our old
friend the Ramblefang.


Wow! He seems pretty great!

Huh? [chitters]

Eh, on second thought...


Just how old a friend is he?

We’ve known him since he was
hatched... a couple of months ago.

He might be a little
too young for this.

Next up are Zoomerangs
Streak and Dart!

Hi guys. We are gonna
show you our speed.

We are fast.

- So fast!
- Better hold onto something!

[Aggro and Cutter] Whoa!

Are they coming back?

With those guys,
it’s hard to tell.

Moving on!

Coming up next is Snoop!

Wait. Snoop is trying out?

It’s Snoop! From
out of nowhere!

[Winger] Uh, Snoop,

you were supposed to be
aiming for the targets.

I was. Heh.


It’s Snoop! Going
back to nowhere!

Now he hits them?

Next up is Whiffy the Stinkwing!

[inhales, burps]

[all] Ew!


Wow. Well done, Whiff!

I think you mean...
smell done. [gags]

Thank you. I’ve been working
on my aim. And my blast.

And my positive outlook. Hmm?

My turn yet, Honey?

Not yet, Mom.

I think we still need to
see a few more... people?!

Wait for us! Every
rescue team needs...


[laughs] That tickles, Elbone!

Guys, this is a
tryout for dragons.

- Riders will come later.
- Much later.

Well, I guess it’s back to the
maple syrup business for me.

Wait! Can I help
with that, too?

I know where to find
some huge maple trees!

Lead the way, Finny!

OK, I think that
was the last one.


Yes, Mom. Now it’s your turn.

OK, get ready for Mama Zee!

I have an excellent and
incredibly safe fire blast.


That I only use in emergencies.

Now, I am a very speedy flier.

But it’s really windy out today,

so you’ll have to
take my word for it.

Oh, oh, but oh, I
can do this! Hoo hoo!

Whoop! Whoop-whoo! Hoo hoo!

Ooh. Oh! Oh! Oh...



Remember, I also
make great snacks!

Mama Zee is in!

[all] Huh?

Oh, right, not my decision.

But about those snacks...



Don’t worry, I’m sure
they’ll have an answer soon!

And until then at least
we have snacks, right?

At least we did.


What did I ever do
without you, Mama Zee?

OK, we have the results!

[Zeppla] First of all,

we wanna thank everyone
so much for coming today.

[Sparkle] You can color us
impressed by how well you all did!

[Dak] Sparkle and Zeppla wish they
could give you all spots on the team,

but they’re looking for just
the right combination of powers.

So, the new members of
the Inflato-Force are...

[all] Laburn, Cinda, and Whiffy!

[both] Whoo-hooo!

[calmly] Whoo. I’ve never
been more excited in my life.

And now, meet the
Inflato-Force 5!

Rescuing, helping, and
protecting dragons everywhere!

Wait. Rescuing,
helping, and protecting?

That sounds like a lot of work.

Yeah, I’m starting to think
being on a rescue team

will cut into our super-fun life
of not being on a rescue team.

Sorry, Zepp. We
changed our minds!

Firefuries forever!

As long as there’s no
responsibility involved...!

OK! Uh,

make that Inflato-Force 3!

Honey? What about me?

Mom, I’m sorry but you
didn’t make the team.

But you just lost two members.

Come on, you don’t really
wanna be on the Inflato-Force.

You just wanna
keep an eye on me!

But I told you, I can
take care of myself.

And I wanna be there to watch
you take care of yourself!

Mom, I’ve got this!

And I’ll help make
sure you "got this"!

There’s not gonna be a
team without you, is there?

Uh... no.

Meet Inflato-Force 4! Heh.

Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! Yay!

Anybody hungry?

I could eat.

Thank you so much for helping
us put the team together.

Happy to help, Zeppla.

Now we just need
our first mission!

Something really
rainbow-big! Exciting!

And not too dangerous!

Oooh, ooh! How about
a rescue picnic?!

[laughing] Oh,
that’d be fun, huh?

I am so in.

Or, maybe, this would be a
good time for some training!

It’s not like a mission is just
gonna show up out of nowhere, anyway.

Rescue Riders! Rescue Riders!

On the other hand...

Mrs. Borgomon? What’s wrong?

Have any of you
seen my Finngard?

He said he was
comin’ here earlier,

but I haven’t seen him since.

Oh, he we went off with Elbone

to help with his new
maple syrup business.

Did I just say that Finngard
went off with Elbone

to help him with a new business?

Yeah, when you say it out loud like
that, it sure doesn’t sound good.

At all.

What are they sayin’?

They look worried.

I-I-I’m sure Finngard is fine.

We’ll have him home
before you know it.

Yeah! We got this!

I don’t know what that means.


But thanks for your
help, Rescue Riders.

You can count on us.

I have an even better idea!

This can be the first official
mission of the Inflato-Force 4!

- Mom!
- Oh, heh heh, right.

First official mission
of the Inflato-Force 4!

We’re really going
on an actual rescue?

[Zeppla and Sparkle] ♪ Inflato-Force
4! ♪ ♪ Inflato-Force 4! ♪

♪ Ready for adventures,
danger and so much more! ♪

[hums along] Uh,
what they sang.

That’s a really catchy
theme song, honey,

but we’re doing this after
the rescue picnic, right?

Maybe you guys should let
us handle this mission.

And you could stay here

and do some, pfft, I
don’t know... training?

I completely agree with Zinger!

Ahem. Winger.


Yeah, who knows
what kind of trouble

Elbone and Finngard
got into together?

Mm-hmm! Zak makes
a great point.

- Dak.
- So, Zeppla, what do you think?

Stay here and train or...

[Zeppla] Inflato-Force
to the rescue!

Wait honey! Don’t get
too far ahead of meeeeee!

Or you guys could just go.

OK, Dak, we’re following them,

- right?
- Oh yeah.

We’ll stay here in case Finngard
and Elbone come back on their own.

Sounds like a plan!

Wait, so you’re going
to rescue the rescuers?

Eh. That’s new.

[Dak] ♪ Inflato-Force
4! Inflato-Force 4! ♪

[hums melody]

♪ And so much more! ♪

What? Mama Zee was right,
it’s really catchy!

[Sparkle and Zeppla] ♪
Danger and so much more! ♪

Aw, great! Now it’s
stuck in my head!

No, Wing, I think that’s them!

♪ Ready for adventures ♪

♪ Danger and so much more! ♪

♪ Not that danger’s ♪

♪ Necessarily what
We’re looking for ♪

[Whiffy] ♪ Not that danger’s ♪

♪Necessarily what
we’re looking for ♪

[Zak grunting]
So far, so good.

Finngard! Elbone!

And/or Elbone’s rock!

Where are you?

I can check that for you, honey!


Oh! I’ve got that one too!

Don’t worry!


Why don’t we stop for
a break? A snack break!

Uh, where did you
even have those?

Mom secret!

Works for me. [chews loudly]

Mom, we don’t need to
take a snack break,

and I can check the
trees on my own!

We’re just in the woods.

There’s nothing
dangerous out here!

- [wolves growling]
- Aaah!

Ohh! Well, there is now!

Watch out, honey!
I’m comin’ for ya!

[panicky yelling]

Zee Zee, look out!

Ohh! Ohh! Oh.

Mom, get up!

- [all gasp]
- [tree crackling]

[Zak grunting]

[Zee Zee] Ohhh!

[all grunting]

I have never liked maple trees.

[wolves growling]

[Zeppla] Oh, no! Oh, no!


What are we going to do?
We never trained for this!

We never trained at all!

Zeppla, listen to me.

You don’t need more members
or more training or even...

another verse of that really
catchy theme song you guys have.

All you need right now is you.

And your friends. That’s
all a rescue team is.

Zeppla, you can do this rescue!

You’ve got this!

I got this?

I do?

Wait. Do I?

Yes! Yes, I do!

Whew. Glad that ended up there.

Okay, Inflato-Force, it’s
time to show those wolves,

and ourselves, that
we’ve got this!

Sparkle, try to cut
through that tree trunk!

And Whiffy, show those
wolves what you smell like!


- [Whiffy exhales]
- [wolves yelping]

Smell ya later!

- [whimpers]
- [growling]

- [both gasp]
- Hey!

No one growls at
my mom like that!

- [roars]
- [wolves yelping]

Oh, that’s my baby
girl up there!

I never knew she
was so good at this!

Neither did we.

[Zeppla] How’s
it coming, Spark?

These branches are tough!

- [growling]
- [gasps] Uhh!

Oh, no!

[snarling, barking]

Wait! Mom, do you have any
more of those snacks on you?

I always have more snacks!

Good. ’Cause we
need a distraction!

You mean a dis-snack-tion?


Where do those
keep coming from?!

Zeppla, what are you doing?!

We’re gonna need more puff power

if we’re gonna get outta here!

On one, two... three!

- [all grunting]
- [wolves growling]


[wolf whimpers]



C’mon, let’s help
them outta there.

Way ahead of you there, Zinger!


Honey, that was...

- Too close?
- Too dangerous?

Too smelly?

No. Amazing!

You were like, "Bzzap! Chop!

Hai-yah!" And a "Ka-pow!"

And I couldn’t have done
it without you, Mom.

Actually, yes, you could, honey.

You don’t need me looking
over your shoulder.

- I don’t?
- No.

Today I realized
that you got this.

You really can take
care of yourself.

And I know the
Inflato-Force 3...

is gonna do great things.

Just as long as you
take snacks with you

and drink enough water, and
make sure you don’t forget...

Thank you, thank you!

I will, Mom! I promise!

And if we ever need
more puff power,

you’ll be the first to know!

I’d love that, honey.

I’m glad I was here
for that rescue.

But I’m even happier
I was here for that.

[Winger sniffling]

What? It’s lotta pollen
out here, that’s all.

Wait! We still haven’t
found Elbone and Finngard!

Oh, hey, Rescue Riders!

If you hadn’t made so much
noise, we would’ve slept all day.

[yawns] We took a break from
the maple syrup business

and fell asleep
right over there.

It’s been a lazy day.

Who! Who brought the snacks?


Hm. Needs syrup.

[all] Huh?

[theme music playing]