03x13 - I See London...

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Total Drama". Aired: July 8, 2007 to present.*
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Canadian animated comedy of teenagers who compete in a reality show in parody of reality shows.
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03x13 - I See London...

Post by bunniefuu »

last time on total drama world tour

we had some mechanical difficulties and

ended up in hot water jamaica style

no problem except for izzy whose

squished brain was a

major problem and led to our first

elimination by injury

stranded and short on gas money we were

forced to improvise

and dj was forced to admit he was a big

loser so long team victory

but thanks to a rocking telethon that

raised a

t*nk load of cash from our viewers hey

thanks for that eh we're ready to get

back in the air

oh man that's refreshing vacation's over

it's time for some more total drama




and now i think the answer is


i'll get there one day




why are we in loser class we won last

time or didn't

lose anyway chris said he needed first

class today for a secret special guest

and what chris needs chris takes from us

ah sunburn ow

oops sorry how do you end up with

sunburn on just one hand

oh i don't know

make sure you get the bikini in the shot

say cheese bro

here soak your hand in this what is it

it'll cool the burn

it's a special mix of green tea and bird


ah wait guano isn't that a nicey nice

name for poop

poop that's full of healing ingredients

i learned how to make it at cit first

aid weekend

it's gross but it helps right ah

yes well thanks for being nice ish

bonding over poop juice ugh

is there anyone sane left around here

that would be a no sweeter update gwen's

hand smells like jamaican bird duty

cody is still cute uh 67 characters

okay 73 left what else can i say

considering buying myself a life

on fred's list but having trouble

deciding because they are all such

a major improvement

dude gross did i get some of my nose

milkshake on you

sorry it's the only thing that really

cools off a snoot full of jamaican

scotch bonnet peppers

like owen that'll impress cody oh

weak ah

my little buddy noah is like the

funniest guy i know so making him laugh

is awesome

it's like getting an a plus in hilarity

i want to top his honor roll

did that sound creepy


check it out i'll sh**t a pepper out

whichever nostril you pick

i mean choose yeah cause one nose shake

a day

isn't enough ah but i'm out of milk

hey courtney how much of that poop juice

have you got left

excuse me gentlemen i have to be

anywhere but here

a nose shake how many more episodes

are there he's half animal

he'll take them out like a lion praying

on a pack of chubby asthmatic gazelles

but what if he takes them out takes them

out legal says we're clear

and imagine the ratings that dip will

score major hits online

did you hear something

yeah attention helpless competitor

we've been denied permission to land so

you're going to have to jump

and chef may have miscounted parachutes

i'm a cook not a mathematician so you

might want to light a pepper under your

butt to grab one before the god


life why do you hate me so


did you know queen mary the second got

engaged when she was

only 15. cool can i have my hand back




well that wasn't so bad was it noah

wait where's alejandro yes where

is he the answer in a sec

but first g*n it chef

london home to loads of wicked stuff

big ben the london eye the sandwich

stuffed with french fries known as the

chip buddy yes please london's also home

to scotland yard

the world's biggest crime-busting outfit

but there was

one case even scotland yard couldn't


jack the ripper

the wacko serial k*ller who terrorized

victorian london

today you'll be tracking that bad boy


but be careful jack's also hunting you

that's why team chris is really really

really really hot

is now shorthanded what the ripper got


not out next stop tower of london

do you think he's okay um because wow

big advantage for us yay yeah also can i

just say i know

tons about the ripper i did a speech on

him in grade six

wow that's unexpectedly useful of you

the librarian said my fascination was

morbid and occasionally offensive

should we look for alejandro i mean you

know just in case this is all just some

kind of dirty scheme of his or her let

them look

get this my grade six speech the tower

of london

wow we're like a nerd at dream team

your challenge is to follow a series of

clues through the tower complex

all the way to the ripper's secret lair

bag the criminal mastermind before he

gets you

and you win your first clue will be

found during the changing of the guard

and when i say change i mean

change the guards your clue is hidden

in his uniform so one of you has to

strip him down to his gitch

until you find it whoa strip a dude

i'm out up to you bro million bucks

that's all i'm saying

and while you're at it ah

it's creepy how they stand there and

don't even blink

i don't wanna see his bum all naked and


hey buddy can we bribe you to strip


down yum yum happy go ty fish

don't k*ll him you clown

no way i can't strip him duncan will


and i'm allergic to uniforms okay that's

just weak

okay so then i have to do it uh hello

injury ow if we're gonna find that clue

there's only one thing to do for someone

to strip

him down i'm sorry when that's you


there's only one thing to do for someone

to strip him down

and tyler dude that's you sierra

look it's cody and i think he


yeah we're gonna find that clue


atop a southern spire oh

quick follow

oh my me this is the very room that anne

boleyn lived in before henry viii

beheaded her what is with the creepy

desk it's a medieval t*rture rag

clues inside tie someone on and stretch

i volunteer heather i second that motion

hey who'd like to carry the motion cody

sierra um where'd they go

oh this is just like in the olden days

when ladies and lords would sneak off

together to

kiss and get arrested for being in love

you lost rock paper scissors fair and

square stop throwing the game

i'm not you tried taking off a dude's

pantyhose with your teeth

uh dude no one said you had to use your


hey noah noah check this i

see i'm the queen oh heavens

i think i ate too many royal beans in

the royal luncheon

hold on stay with me here


come on just one kiss you know in the

name of historical accuracy

and then there were six will anybody

survive the ripper

and this show

come back after the break when we'll try

and answer at least

a couple of these questions

a pen in his pants pocket lint in his

socks that's

it no clue and no way am i searching his


we could find another guy to strip hey

look there's a clue in here

right i say pip pip


you did that on purpose you every cloud

has a silver lining

i know courtney i never thought i'd even

be able to tolerate her

but she's dealable we even have stuff

in common which is like the weirdest

thing ever

if i tip over the edge and start making

courtney type lists

rack me i know gwen

she's not completely a social freak

after all

sometimes she's even a good person to

have on your team

sometimes you know i wouldn't mind going

against her in the final two

obviously i'd still win she's incapable

of making a list

are we going to have to play rock paper

scissors again to figure out who's

getting stretched oh

i'm flexible to the extreme bro sweaty

moksha yoga

quick tie him down before alejandro

shows up and makes me do it just because


shorter why don't you like al he's great

i don't trust the guy

he's like an eel dipped in grease

swimming in motor oil

dirty slippery think about it he's like


only with social skills oh

oh stop it's too much stop

you do realize we haven't started yet



my bad it's cool i'll go silent sweaty

yoga-ish monk dude styles


stop enjoying this you sorry sorry but

come on like you wouldn't do the same

that is not the point there it is

if your teammate can still use her feet

bring her down for something to eat

the banquet hall back downstairs off the


heather please i'm fine

least tell me i look taller oh yes

you could be a runway model that's a


there's some kind of jewelry case on the


i guess we go in and get it can it be

that easy

you two gal pals go in i'll guard the


how is that fair i'll show you fair have

you even

seen the rack marks on my ankles

are you doing that yoga thing where you

breathe for your toenails

oh that is so cool the glue

yes hey noah

no it's hilarious we forgot tyler how is

that hilarious

sorry dude but you got so good at being

quiet that

no tyler

oh what is taking them so long


come on come on where's the clue

gold toothpick emerald studded


what is wrong with these royals and

their dentistry ask the guard dogs

hey got anything round in there

that's right follow the shiny ball

now sit oh

so cute how did you do that i taught my

lizard's obedience

i guess corgis are just as trainable and

in bread

oh clue the clue heather we found that

oh no

three teammates gone read the clue

the ripper's most natural place has

two levels inside its space go use your

sack to bring the guy

back at the red starting line to the


think think okay the ripper's natural


if i remember right for my speech he did

his dirty work in white chapel

so we go there and we look for a

two-story place

come on ah i got it i got the clue

you call that an attack hey noah

check it it's a fur coat for animal


the ripper's most natural place has two

levels that make up the space

sure easy peasy double-decker bus

yeah so there is a brain in there you've

been holding out on me

holding out i told you i smuggled some

wieners off the plane

i guess we forgot that most of white

chapel would be closed

and that the only place open would be a


punk club i guess my hunch sucked sorry

we are so coming in last place i

don't want to go back empty-handed we

should fill the bag with something

welcome your number one german pancreal


to schnitzel kickers

here ripper ripper ripper i have a

lovely bag for you

huh ah

nobody locks my little buddy in the


royal beasts second

ow my wiener

all right owen who's jack the ripper now

huh yeah

oh i touch cloth here noah i'll let you


no don't open the door until the air


sweet everybody's okay yep everyone's


you guys were so stupid to be worried

but it was reassuring to see some were


you were watching everything wow

that's awkward like an eel dipped in

grease where i'm from that's a

compliment tough neighborhood

but hey we caught the ripper type guy


old man


i jenkins him living in the cargo hold

homeschooling with the rats

i was gonna let him back in the game if

he could avoid getting captured

but since he could not

so who did courtney and gwen catch well

chris wanted a criminal

so okay we didn't catch the right one


duncan you brought me back here

ugh where's the stupid exit again not so


quitter thought you could skip out on

the game eh

thought i wouldn't find you hmm um you


we did sorry and that's why team amazon

wins today's competition yes

what head on back to the elimination

room dudes

first class goes to the ladies as a

consolation prize

the d-man's now on your team but someone

else is gonna have to go

uh-oh and how could you think it was

okay to just

leave like that because it was not ah

abandon me again and it will not be


now get over here you big lug

i'm not really mad i just missed you

every time i ran from the cops i thought

of you

and with three votes against him noah

it's time to say tallyho

cheerio if i

jump will you stop goodbye buddy

i'll win for you whatev

just beware of eels


i don't know how everybody else can

sleep especially

courtney i'm still fuzzy like i drink

too much coffee you know

cause we won and duncan's back and

he missed us

oh my gosh i didn't lock the door the

locks busted

what happened to your paw this is so

stupid but

i have no idea and i'm so glad you're

here to mock me about it

me too ow hey

now that's how you get some drama

started wait until courtney finds out

about this one

will tyler tell all and who's gonna fall

find out next week on total drama

world tour

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