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08x06 - Mi Amore Wing

Posted: 06/09/22 08:11
by bunniefuu
[exciting music]

[exciting music]




This changes everything.


A little to the left.

Little bit more.

Little bit No, no, no.

No, now we got to go back right.

Let's head back to the right! Failure is not an option.

The entire known world is counting on us! So does everything have to be a game with them or? They share a pea brain, Hiccup, and peas are really small to start with.

[laughs, yells]

[crashing and clattering]

Nailed it! [Hiccup]

Okay, look, come on down, you two.

We have to decide what to do with all this scrap metal.

Throw it in the water with those Nuts.

And pollute the ocean? Unh-unh.

Not on my watch.

If only there was a way, some some way that this metal, this very metal here, could benefit all of dragon-kind.

Yeah, like if there was a dragon that could somehow reuse all this junk.


Armorwing! The Armorwing? That thief? This great deed shall be known forevermore as re doing the thing.


We'll figure it out, bro.

Re-figure it out, bro.

[dragon growls]

- Hiccup! - Dagur.


A-Arrow? Are you guys okay? Never better! Why do you ask? You have an arrow sticking out of your Nothing.

We have a very important announcement, Hiccup Haddock.

I just finished the Defenders of the Wing King Trials.

Nailed it! - We are getting married.

- Yes, we are.

I'm over the moon! - Huh? - Oh-ho-hoo! Now, if, uh, someone could fix this before the ceremony, I would greatly appreciate it.

Don't want to scare the new in-laws.


[laughs nervously]



[Dagur giggling]

- Eskimo.

- Mm, butterfly.

Beard tickles.



You are the Dagur in my heart and the king of my kingdom.



And you are my Queen Mala-poo.

Poopy, poopy [grunts]


Uh Hiccup? They did seem to get along after the Twins' whole mediation thing, but ugh.

Marriage? Wait, w-when? How? Let me set the scene, Fishy.

One day, I was sitting, pondering this one little spot of fat that I just can't seem to get rid of, no matter how many crunches I do.

Then it just It hit me, Fishy.

Or more specifically, I hit him.

Ah, it was love at first fight.

- Hit me again.

- Oh, no, no.

- Hit me again.

- Dagur.



Hit me again.

Hit me again.

- Now's not the time.

- Hey, lovebirds.

Know what you're gonna need? You need someone to plan the wedding.

We offer our services to the rightful king and queen.

It will be the grandest event the known world has ever known.

That which it cannot know, it will not, but this, the known world, will know what it is.

- Uh-huh.

- You've done this before? Never.

Not even a kid's birthday party.

Not worried about it.

It's gonna be awesome, 'cause we're the best in the biz.

Don't focus on those Nuts, my queen.

Your boo is yearning for your affection.


Would it be insulting if I barfed everywhere? Well, I think it's kind of sweet.

Proof that true love knows no bounds.

Right, guys? Hey, how come you guys never use sappy names or rub your beards on each other? Uh, because we don't have beards, Snotlout.

Drop the act.

It's obvious what true love really looks like.

[Dagur giggles]

O-Okay, look, Astrid and I have a different kind of relationship, built on years of friendship.

[Dagur smooching]


Yeah, um, years of friendship.

[growling softly]


[knock on door]

You, uh You want the yak or the fish? Huh? What? For the royal wedding.

It's important to have an accurate count before we [whispering]

k*ll all the yaks and fish, all the fish.

[normal voice]

Hey, nice necklace, A.

Uh, thanks.

Please tell me it's not that disgusting salt-encrusted sea bass.


How would you like your yak cooked? I knew we should've offered a meatless option.

Hey, so can you believe this wedding deal? I mean, I've never seen Dagur so passionate about anything.

Well, except maybe k*lling me.


They can't seem to take their eyes off each other.


Yeah, no kidding.

So want to deliver some scrap metal? Yeah, sure.

Let's go.


Hopefully the Armorwing will accept it.

Why, Hiccup? Why? Uh, uh, well, the dragon uses metal to protect itself, so it would No! Why must I be away from my beloved? My heart bleeds without her, like it's been ripped from my heaving chest and left to die on a lonely, distant rock.

Aw, that's so beautiful, Dagur.

Very poetic.


Hey, is everything all right? Hiccup, brother! I know this question might come as a shock, but will you honor me by being my best man? [sniffles]

Before you answer, I-I know I don't deserve you, but I-I just can't imagine that glorious day without you by my side.


Uh, Dagur, I- I don't I don't know what to say.

Say yes.

Uh uh, yes.

Oh! Brotherly hug? [grunts]

Hiccup hasn't even chosen a best man? Ugh! That's weird, right? [grunts]

Ow! [Armorwing roars]

Oh, hey, it's the Armorwing.


Everyone hide.





It's working, Hiccup.

- Hiccup? - Yeah? Have you n-noticed anything? I mean, does anything look, like, I don't know, different to you? Yes! How could I miss that? [sighs]

Right in front of my face the whole time.

A Dragon Eye lens! [Hiccup]

The Armorwing has a Dragon Eye lens on it.



I can't believe it.

A Dragon Eye lens on a dragon? How did you see it, Hiccup, hidden in all that metal? Of course he did.

Hiccup would never miss something as important as that.

Don't you die before my wedding.

[Hiccup grunts]


[growls quietly]



Hyah! Come on! Thanks, bud.


Flyers coming in hot! Hyah! [grunting]

Aah! [man grunts]

En garde! [Snotlout]

Yeah! Keep flying, suckers! Me and Hooky chased 'em off, guys.

Hookfang! Snotlout! Oy, oy, oy! No, you didn't.

They were scouts.

They left to go report in.

You say "scouts," I say "deadly assassins.

" Who's to say who's right? - Astrid's right.

- Shut up, Hiccup.

Look, as soon as Krogan finds out we're here, he'll be coming to find out why we're here.

We have to find the Armorwing and get the dragon lens off him before they get here.

Mala, Queen of the Great Protector and someday half Berserker, if you'll please, close your eyes.

Jeepers creepers, shutter those peepers.

Is this entirely necessary? Shut 'em! Your Majesty.

Picture this.

The sun is starting to set over the island, leaving the sky a dingy, rusty orange.

Your guests have just finished eating not completely finished.

They're still pokin' around with the potatoes.

They're hungry for more.

They want something sweet yet tangy.


Voilà ! Oh? Oh.

Sweetbread sherbet.

Ah! My own personal brainchild.

Don't ask me where I got the filling.

And this one, I call Mangy Mutton Meringue [chuckles]

for obvious reasons.

[food squishes]

Quite obvious.

Now, get ready to have your wings blown up.

I present you fermented flesh flambé! The pinnacle of pastry perfection.

Harvested from the fangs of a rabid Grim Gnasher.

Foam to table.

[flies buzz]


Ahem! I said fermented flash flambé! [snorts]



We're still working on the tableside presentation.

There will be no dessert served.

It is not in the tradition of the Defenders of the Wing.

That time is reserved for the Dance of Blades, which Dagur and I will perform for everyone in attendance.

The Dance of Blades? [plate breaks]

[woman screams]

Sounds awesome.


The Armorwing has to be here somewhere.

[Stormfly hisses, snorts]


[Stormfly snorts]

So a-anything you want to talk about? If you don't already know, I'm not telling you.

See that? Classic passive-aggressive move.

He should quit now before it's too late.

Look, if you don't tell me what's wrong, Astrid, how am I supposed to help? Ugh! And it's too late.

Hiccup, I've been wearing this betrothal necklace all day.

Did you even notice? No.

Never mind.


No, of course you didn't.

Uh, oh, hey! Wow.

No, it looks gr It looks great.


Seriously? Uh no, no.

I mean, yes.

Well, it does It does look great on you, but What would you like me to say? Do you have any idea how that feels, Hiccup? Astrid, just because I didn't notice the necklace right away doesn't mean I don't care.

I don't know.

When it comes to accessories, I'm not the noticing type.

Oh, well, you had no problem noticing the lens on the Armorwing.

Oh, right, wait a minute, because it's a dragon.

- Astrid - It's like I'm invisible to you.

I noticed the medallion right away.

Never too late to join Team Jorgenson.


[intense music]

Okay, yeah, you know yeah, just an option.

Dagur and Mala have known each other a few months, and they can't stand to be apart.

We've known each other our whole lives, Hiccup, and I've never felt further away from you.


[Armorwing growls]

[sword swishes]

Hyah! [grunting]

[sword scraping]


Ah, the Dance of Blades.

Such beauty.

Such grace.

- Ugh, such a shame there's no dessert.

- Look at how effortlessly she - Hyah! - Whoa! [Mala chuckles]

plunges the sword - right through Dagur's heart.

- That's definitely gonna leave a mark.

Wait a minute.

Is this whole wedding just a twisted setup so she can k*ll him after the ceremony? It's so obvious! And he fell right into her tangled web of passionate lies.


Poor Dagur.

He'll never see it coming.

Got to give her Viking cred, though.

She should be in the Loki Hall of Fame.

Mala, Queen of the Great Protector and someday half Berserker and soon-to-be slayer of the deranged, anything else we should, uh, know about your traditions? Yes, actually, there is.

Every guest at the wedding will be receiving a very special gift from me.



[both screaming]

Stop! Stop! [Ruffnut groans]

[Tuffnut yells]

[suspenseful music]

[Armorwing growls]

Look, we have to get the lens.

If we don't, Johann, Viggo and Krogan will hunt down the Armorwing until they have it.


Aah! And how exactly are we supposed to do that? Oh, Snot-hat.

You know, I thought we were past that! My name Oh, I get it.

It's 'cause I'm wearing a hat.


I know a thing or two about winning over people that want me dead.

Well, Mala, Heather, uh, Savage, Alvin Ooh, that merchant from the Northern Market most of the Archipelago, really.

I have a gift for you.

[Armorwing roars]

[Snotlout grunts]


Aah! Come on, guys.

We can't let him get away.


Look out, bud! [Fishlegs]

Calm down.

We're not here to hurt you.

Toothless, climb! [Toothless growls]

[Armorwing growling]


When my scouts told me you were chasing an Armorwing, I was pretty sure I knew why, but I didn't expect you to deliver the dragon and the lens right to me.

Thank you.

[Toothless growling]

Careful, Night Fury, you don't want to hit the poor Armorwing.


Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo! Who doesn't love a good face-off? [dragons growling]

You have friends.

I have friends.

The difference is, I don't care if mine live or die.

Now! [men shouting]

Watch out for the Armorwing! [music]

Hiya! Look out! Aah! The Armorwing has another defensive move.


What an amazing dragon! Big deal.

It tosses metal.

So can Gobber.

Aah! [music]

Hiccup, the Armorwing.

I know.

It's a powerful move, but it leaves him vulnerable.

[Armorwing shrieks]

He's hit! [Armorwing roaring]


Fall back! Protect the Armorwing! [music]

[Tuffnut and Ruffnut chuckle]

It's right over here, Mala.

Just a little bit further.

Yeah, we want to show you some fancy place settings.

And why would place settings be in stables? [Tuffnut chuckles]


[Barf and Belch hiss]

Ah! G-Grab her! Grab her.

Grab her.

Get her quickly.

[Ruffnut grunts]

Have you lost your collective mind? [Ruffnut growling]

Come on, Barf and Belch! [grunts]


Say uncle.

Say Uncle Tuffnut.

Say your favorite Uncle Tuffnut.




Okay, now, yes, uncle, uncle.

What you want me to say? I'll say what you want.


[growls, hisses]


Since it's going to be a bloody wedding, uh, I don't think white linen is the way to go.

Definitely something that complements red.

A forest green might be nice.

Really a dark, dark forest green.

Something where you can't see the evidence of a m*rder.


Ugh! We're sitting ducks down here.

He's right, Hiccup.

It's only a matter of time until we all go boom! He can't fly, Hiccup.

He's not gonna make it.

We have to do something.

Come on! [music]

I'm with you.

I know.

Okay, here's what we're gonna do.

[Dagur screaming]

Come on, Strykey! Make me proud! [music]

He's trying to escape with the lens! Okay, bud, now's our chance.

[man yells]



Why are we stopping? He's getting away! Hiccup! Ah! [indistinct shouting]

Fire! [music]

Snotlout, Fishlegs, I know you guys can carry the Armorwing - all by yourselves.

- What? Hiccup and I have some unfinished business.



Out of the way! Go there! - Aah! - Sorry! [man]

Quickly! [men yelling]


Remember me? Ooh.


Oh! [screaming]


Oh, no! Dagur! [grunts, growls loudly]

This one's for you, Mala-poo.



Oh, no.


[laughs maniacally]


Krogan! You want the lens? Go get it! [music]



Hiccup, what did you do? I gave them the lens.

And maybe that will come back to haunt us someday.

All I know is today we are saving this dragon.

[Armorwing growls]


[men shouting indistinctly]


Oh, Eskimo, butterfly, ooh! [gasps]

Beard tickle! I thought of you, darling, every time I sent a dragon flyer screaming and plunging into the sea.

You are too sweet.

Yeah, but what about the Dance of Blades? Nothing sweet about disembowelment.

The Dance of Blades is the first dance between the bride and groom.

Traditionally, it takes place on the royal lawn on fresh "blades" of grass.


Okay, well, then that is a terrible name for that dance.

And what about the gift that everyone is getting after the ceremony, huh? Gift bags with Eruptodon trinkets carved from lava.

I'm sure by now Throk has worn his little whittler to the nub.

What? Sweet! [Toothless growls softly]

Don't say anything.

I was being silly.

No, you weren't.

I should have noticed that necklace right away, but it's not about that.

I've been taking you for granted.

I have, and I realized that today.

I couldn't have done any of this without you, Astrid, not the Dragon riders or the Edge.

You've always been there for me, and I want to always be there for you.

I love you, Astrid Hofferson, with everything I have.

And I always will.


I know you do.

We don't have to be like them.

I mean, we have a different kind of Oh! [romantic music]


Um Oh, my.


Come on, Meatlug.

Let's go make some Gronckle Iron for the Armorwing.

[Toothless gurgles]
