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02x18 - Shoe-Dun-It

Posted: 06/05/22 15:23
by bunniefuu
How are you, Swifty?
Sorry I missed your call.

-I'm turning on the blender.
-Gabby, I have some bad news.

Somehow to put it,
but there was an incident in the vault.


I'm sorry.

-What happened?
-Listen to me,

keep your mind clear.


What are my shoes?

What are my shoes?


My shoes have been k*lled!


Yes, yes

I'm as normal as a fish on a bicycle

Suitable like summer and frost

Don't fight, be genuine

I'm skating off the line

When trying to stay inside
That's not surprising

It failed, that's okay, I'm unique

I'm the only one

Every time I feel something

Feeling not understanding humans

Then why

I do what I like

You're like that

When we don't match

We stand out in the crowd
Then cheer

I do what I like

I'm the only one

Don't try to fit in

I do what I like

Those shoes mean a lot to me.

I bought it when I was eight years old.

Stores don't have kids sizes,

So, I bought the adult size
to wear at my wedding

or my graduation, or when I
need to show off to someone.

-May I speak?

They are my hope, my future.
Something I consider

like your own child.

Worst part of it all?

I didn't even get to wear it.

I guess I represent everyone
when said,

Please accept my condolences.

I just wish I could meet them.

No, that honor.

Please accept my condolences.

-Please accept my condolences.
-Please accept my condolences.

Apologies can wait.

Because even though there are
in super safe alien vault,

someone k*lled my shoe.
I wonder who.

Wait, you don't think the culprit
one of us, right?

Only you have access
to the communication room.

-Why not?
-Now I'm pissed off!

What an absurd idea!

Gabby, you know I won't
ever betrayed you.

To everyone in this room
in an instant, but you don't.

Someone is to blame!

I don't have to accept this!

I'm late for an important meeting
with toilets. I go.

I want to go too.

If you're really innocent,

you want to stay here and help
your friend solved this problem?

There he is.

I stay here! Because I want,
not because of what you just said.

I also.


Vault records show
last opened at . .

This must be when the crime happened.

Let's start with the proof
that I found at the crime scene.


What's that?

I guess if I squinted,
I can...

Not. Is lost.

Invisible clues.

You're really holding something
or is this an unusual joke?

-Odd time for jokes, Gabby.

It's a fingernail.

It only belongs to people
most nervous I know.

Wesley? Can you explain why?
your nails in the communication room?

Where exactly did you hit . this?

It's not what it looks like!

I was in the communication room,
but I didn't touch the shoes.

Let me tell you everything.

It all started at ,
when I was born.

-Small body. The head is big.
-Too far back, Wes.

-Let's stick to today.

The beautiful sunrise wakes me up
from my sleep around . this morning.

-Gosh, my bladder almost exploded...

Can you get straight to the point?

Basically I spent the morning
do my job

as Senior Executive Liaison
at home.

Leaks, I was successful.

First, I updated the manual
communication room software.

Encoding local firewall
to VPN Gor-Monite

may be difficult for some,

but not this old Code-Man.

You did it again, Code-Man.

Then, I prepared Swift's lunch,
my signature sushi roll.

Freshest fish, perfect jasmine rice,

hours of online sushi tutorials
which is very expensive.

You did it again, Roll-Man.

Then he lifts heavy weights.

I just feel the sofa
a little out of position

for the whole atmosphere of the living room,

so I moved it
with my strength like a cow.

You did it again, Ox-Man.

Feels better, doesn't it?

thanks to Ox-Man.

If all of that is true,
why are you biting your nails out of nervousness?

-I can't say.
-Can't or won't?

I guess both.

What are you hiding? Say it, Ox-Man!

-Wes lost Blurble!
-Good grief!

I know because I was with him.

Is that so? Give us enlightenment.

Everything he said was true.
Just a little different.

As Junior Executive Liaison,
I helped Wes with

-his job.
-Did I move it?

I think it's moving.

Then, I just finished
cleaning bookshelves, when...

I lost Jeremy Jr!

I cleaned his chest and he ran away!

Help me find it
and I will promote you

become a Senior Intermediary Executive Fellow!

No, I will demote my position.
You will be the boss!

I trust you! Please hold me.

Nobody wants to protect you.

Okay. So maybe I didn't succeed.

When Wes panicked on the couch,
I'm looking for the missing Blurble.


I convinced Blurble to leave
by challenging him to play chess.

If I win,
Blurble will return to the chest,

but if I lose, I enter.

I started with the Horse.

Just so Blurble can match
ingenuity with the Queen's Pawn.

Chess. Strategy game, but also...

Enough talk of chess!

So, obviously you won...

Actually no.

I'm as surprised as you are.

I can't k*ll your shoes
because I'm locked in a Blurble chest.

Neither can I because I
crying frantically on the sofa.

Feel how wet it is!

Yes, those were Wes's tears.

Fine, maybe you two

not in the communication room
when the crime occurred.

But you know who might be there?


The orb recorded everything.

Why didn't I think of this

Hey, wake up.

-Good grief!
-Good grief!

The saddest m*rder!

The story is getting more interesting.

With Orb dead now,
there is only one logical conclusion.

We have to take a break to the bathroom.

-I really want to go to the bathroom!

That Orb knows who
that k*lled my shoe.

Then the man k*lled Orb,
So, Orb couldn't tell.

We're after real madmen.

Maybe we should take it slow
and no rush...

Then he hurried off.

As a bona fide computer coder
or you could say, Code-Man.

I'm sure it won't...


There he is.

Julius, servant of Luchachos
with great biceps, who did it.

Why did he k*ll my shoes?

Because he hates shoes
and you never tip.

No offense,
but I'm Team Julius for this one.

I guess this means the case is closed.

But the case is wide open!

-Good grief!
-I went to Luchachos this morning.

Julius happens to be my servant.

I know Julius works double shifts.

Besides, don't forget, it can't be him

because he doesn't even know about aliens.

Julius in that video
must be disguised as him.

You two are shapeshifters.

-Presumably so.
-I want my lawyer.

You two don't look surprised either
see someone

without knowledge of aliens
in the alien communications space.

Im very surprised.
Too shocked to speak. Good grief.

One of you must speak,

I can't transform into Julius.

Why not?

Because I've changed
to be Jeremy Jr.

-Good grief.
-Good grief!

I just created, maybe,
greatest invention ever made.

Imagine a game
when two people chase each other

and when one person touches another,

others become people who have to
chasing the first person.

I call it,

Touch Sensation.

The game already exists.

-His name is Tag.

I'm so pissed off Wes
and Olivia don't want to play with me

because they are busy
with their stupid task,

so, I changed to Blurble
so that they have to play with me.

After making them chase after me,

I agree to play checkers on horses.

Another game I created.

After winning,
I celebrated by hitting the wall.

Something we agree on
is what I usually do.

Yes. That's new damage.

I can make sure I hear

my hit while I'm in the crate.

Losing to you is much worse
than Blurb.

I also heard the sound of hitting.
He couldn't possibly damage his shoes.

See, Gabby? My hands are clean.

Not literally.

Who washes their hands every day?

Jeremy probably has a strong alibi,

but there's still one
another famous shapeshifter,

Mr Swifty the shapeshifter
something unexpected.

We all said so.

What are you doing
before calling me this morning?

If you should know, I relax
of a long work week,

in the only way I know of.

By recording my sound effects
alone for my favorite movies.

But, I keep being bullied.

Should be the minister on the queen's side to C- .

So I went to the communication room
to seek peace.

That's when I found your shoes.

You recorded your own sound effects?
With vegetables?

I feel more involved in
a movie when I give him my style.

OK, when it happened,

Swift recorded, Wes panicked, cried,

Liv is in the chest,
and Jeremy hit the wall.

If not one of you,
Who else?

Let's go over it all again.

Sure, I can't wait to do that,
But can I go to the bathroom first?

I've been holding it in
since sunrise.

Hurry up.

From the start, everything. Fast...

How come I never remember
where is the bathroom in this place?

Unexplained clash?
That's unusual.

How's your pee break, pal?
Will you come here?

I'll be there, Gabby Duran.

Ok, we still don't know
who is disguised as Julius

or commit a crime.

As if the real culprit exists
right before my eyes. Wes, you're back.

Yes. Glad to be back.

Hey, I have an idea.

What if we close our eyes

and imagine what happened?

It's actually a great idea.

Everyone close their eyes and think about it all.

Check if there are details
that you missed.

Wes cried. Liv, crate. Jeremy, wall.

-Swift, freak.


He's not me! He tied me in the cupboard.

I'm the real one too. She is lying.

-I don't like this look.
-Come on!

If you really
like you said...

What's your name?

-Catch him!

He ran here. Spread!

He can change shape.
He could be anywhere.

He's nowhere to be found!


Finally caught me.

Unlucky! Damn everyone!

Obvious! He must be ex*cuted immediately!


It all started three months ago,

when I got fired the Supreme Leader
as a bad worker,

with a bad attitude that steals
millions of dollars from Finance.

Big problem, right?

By the way, humiliated in Gor-Monia,
I decided to hide on Earth.

I hid secretly,

use stealth power
and change shape.

Free lights! I'll take this!

I look for food wherever I can.

So you stole my nap-quito!

Execute him now!

Do guillotine!

Eventually, food became scarce.

I decided to turn into a mouse

to infiltrate the rat kingdom
under the house,

earn their trust
then devour them one by one.

But sadly, I fell in love.

The point is, long story short,
I'm still very hungry and heartbroken.

I will not leave you,
Jenny Pinktail.

Why don't you try the fridge?

I can't open that stupid door.

The door was pulled, not pushed.

Unlucky! Damn everyone!

That's why I ordered
everyone closes their eyes.

So that I can run away
and forced the door open.

I do not understand.
So, why did you k*ll my shoe?

m*rder? Shoe?

I do not understand what you mean.

-Come on! He's clearly lying!

-Yes and he tied me up!
-He stole my taquito.

This guy hates shoes, I know.

Sir, I'm good at everything,
But I'm not a k*ller...

Good grief.

Is it just me or is it dusty here?


I hate to agree with Jeremy,
but Glor-Bron is definitely the culprit you're looking for.

God damn it.

Of course. Maybe you don't have a problem
and Glor-Bron did k*ll my shoe.

After all, he's an outcast
who don't understand foot fashion.

Have you talked to the rat?

You all have very strong alibis.


Which means it's impossible
one of you.

-That's what we meant.
-But not one of you.

-But all of you!
-Good grief!

Good grief.


Olivia admits she finished cleaning
bookshelf when Wes lost Blurble.

But Liv, you're too


to leave
not even a speck of dust.

It means your story about
cleaning dust must be fake.

Which means Wes's story is fake.

Which means Jeremy and Swift's story,
you guessed it, fake too.

The only explanation
is that you are conspiring.

Which leaves one question, why?

-I guess I should explain.

I'm actually recording
my sound effects this morning.

I need a strong collision

and the wall in Jeremy's room
perfect pitch

Next, the chase scene.

Not satisfied with the footsteps
from pumpkin,

I used to wear your shoes
to record the chase scene.

They have a warm voice
which other shoes cannot imitate.

Very perfect.

That's when I saw
scratches on shoes.

I must have scratched him.

Panic because I dirty
your precious shoes,

I asked Jeremy for a little help.

But Jeremy's dirty hands
only exacerbates the situation.

So I called
My Senior Executive Liaison.

When it backfired,
we have one last option,

Olivia, the smart one.



We all agree

you will be very angry with us

for ruining your shoes,
You won't talk to us anymore.

So, there is only one reasonable choice.

Makes crime scenes look like
heinous m*rder to outwit you.


Thus, our friendship,

rooted in belief
and honesty, can continue.

I heard the irony when I said that.

Glad to be out of trouble.

I will go back to hiding and stealing.
This is fun!

-Wait, what about Julius?

Sometimes I change
be Big J to play restaurant.

It's quite fun.

I turned into Randy,

short order cook
Luchachos, which is lesser known.

The pillow was wet with my real tears.

I'm so pissed off for k*lling your shoes,
I can't help it.

Forgive me.

We're all sorry, Gabby.

Very sad.

I'm just sorry we got caught.

I guess I'm sorry we
brutally k*ll your shoes.

It doesn't matter. I guess I should
relying on my spare shoes now.

Do you have a backup?

Next in
Gabby Duran and The Unsittables.

You didn't plan on staying up all night

the weasel that ate your zucchini garden, right?

we'll catch that bastard.

-Project Mr. Boyle!
-Project Mr. Boyle!

We only have eight hours to
submit Boyle's year-end project

or we go to summer school.


You and the unusual disc in your hand
come with us!

We're coming, Bertha!

I don't think our project will come back.