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11x43 - holl*back Girl: Part 2

Posted: 06/05/22 09:04
by bunniefuu

So you think about
what I said last night?

About us?

Like I could think
about anything else.

Look, I'm-

Kissing you last night
was my mistake.

I'm sorry.

But I'm not the girl
who goes after

Other girl's boyfriends

I'm going to break up
with katie.

You are?

(Hard thump)

What was that for?

So your relationship
goes south

And I'm your
default girl?

No, it's not
like that.

I want to be with you.

If we're gonna
be together,

This has to be legit.

I don't want to have
to hide us

From your mom anymore.

Can you just take
two seconds and...

Tell me you're happy
about this?

I'm happy.

Katie's in the hospital.


they had to pump
her stomach!

The doctors told my mom
and dad that she...

She overdosed last night.

(Shocked gasp)


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

morning, jake.

Hey, before you
head in,

Can I lie down
behind your truck

So you can drive
over me?

Morning to you too, mo.
What happened?

I took marisol on a date
last night, to the dot.

And bought her a latte.

Then she started
doing homework.


She didn't think
it was a date at all, man!

And now, to save myself
the embarrassment,

I promised her
a very elaborate

And expensive
"first date."

When I tell her
I can't take her, man,

I'm dumped!

Throw her in reverse

And put me out
of my misery!

All right, mo...
Why can't you take her?

'Cause I'm broke
as a joke.

No cheddar whatsoever.

Okay, listen.

My dad's putting me
on this paint job,

And if you help,
we can split the money.


Yeah, come on.

Thanks, man!
You're the best!

mo... I mean,
people are kinda staring.

Let 'em stare!

Mo! I can't breathe!

Mo: got it.
Jake: all right.

(Chuckles) sorry.

since her knee surgery,

She's been taking
more painkillers

Than she should.

yeah, no kidding.

Last night,
she was jonesing big-time.

She's got a problem.

so what, you think
she's addicted?

I don't know...

But she has been
acting weird lately.

Happy one minute,
then comes crashing down.

She'll be getting home
from the hospital soon.

(Bell rings)

(Sighs heavily)
I can't believe

My parents made me
come to school today.


I gotta go see
if she's okay.

Skip class?

You're gonna need
a ride.

Let's go.

ah! I see you've received
my invitation.

What is this for?

Our epic first date
is all booked.

Look, mo...

I can't go out with you
this weekend;

I have important stuff
to do.

Important stuff
like what?

I can't get into it.

So I go to all this effort

And you just bail on me
with no explanation?

What's up?
It's just none
of your business.

Fine! Be that way.

Fine! I will.


(Car rumbles passed)

(Katie starts crying)

Ow... My whole body hurts.

(Groans in pain)

Please don't hate me.

I don't hate you.

Katie, I just...
I just don't understand.

My parents think
I have a drug problem.

It's the extra oxy
that messed me up,

That's all.

Extra oxy?

The ones I got
at the club.

Bianca's friend
gave them to me.

hold up.

He's not my friend.

And you scored those pills
on your own.

After you pointed him
out to me.

Why didn't you
tell me about this?

I pinky swore.

Look, don't worry,

My parents don't know
where I got those pills.

Yeah, like I give a crap

About what your parents think,

(Katie sobs)

You're taking her side?!

There are no sides.

Katie needs help.

Maybe you should go.


I knew I was gonna
get blamed for this.

(Katie cries)

(Low hum of chatter,
approaching footsteps)

hey. Can I sit?


By the looks of what jacinta's
friends are posting,

You're right;

Definitely shouldn't
go visit her.

I saw that you tried
to defend me, though.

You know what?
How about we just try

And get you out
of your own head

For a while.

From now on,

It'll be all

All the time!

In fact, the dot's having
an all-ages comedy club.

We can go, have a few laughs,
nothing serious.

I don't know.

please. Let's just try to ignore
the elephant in the room

For one night, okay?

(Mimics an elephant trumpeting)

(Dave chuckles)


Let's save the comedy
for the pros.

Yeah. Okay.

(Bell rings)

Chef on tv:
now, I'm going cook
two at a time...

(Door opens)

Hey, juliana.

I need to book
my parent-teacher interviews.

I don't think so.
I have work.

You don't even know
what times are available.

You know, you must
really wanna spend

The rest of your life
peeing in a cup,

The way you act.

You broke your curfew
last night!

I feel like a piece
of trash as it is,

So just please
lay off me.

You've been with me
for five years

And the entire time
it's been hell.

The fights, not knowing
where you are at all hours,

The police showing up
at my door

With you in handcuffs!

Now you're just back-sliding
into your old ways.

Wow, everyone is so quick
to think the worst of me.

I just need someone
to believe that I can change.

One person,
that's all!


(Items in fridge clink)

(Truck rumbles)

Could this place be more
in the middle of nowhere?

Sorry I'm late.

Nah, you're just in time
to start taping.



uh-oh! What's wrong?

My date with marisol's off.

Aw, man.
What did you do?

Other than fail
to transform

Into the kind of guy
she wouldn't dump?

sorry, bud.

So are you still gonna
help me paint or...?

Might as well make
a few bucks,

Pick up dinner for one
on the way home.

that's the spirit!

Look, I'm not painting this
whole place black by myself.

wait. Why does it all
have to be painted black?

(Low hum of chatter)

Dude, dude, dude, dude!


Check out those girls.

They look like strippers.

Mo and jake:
they are strippers!





We have a front door,
you know.

Sorry. Habit.

The guys are out
picking up dinner.

That's fine.

I came to see you.

Oh! Everything okay?

I wanted to officially
thank you

For helping me

After everything
that happened at prom,

Giving me a summer job,
and paying for my lawyers.

It'll take me a while
to come up with the money,

But I'm gonna have this
bracelet made for you.


You helped me out
of a dark place,

And I hate that I can never
fully repay you for that.

But I can stay away
from your family from now on,

So that's what
I'm gonna do.

What? Why?

I just don't want
any of you

To get hurt again
because of me.

But before I disappear,

I just want you to know
how awesome you are.

Nobody in the world
had more reasons

Not to believe in me,

You still did.

Well, I uh...

Certainly can't tell you
what to do,

But I don't think
you should disappear.

Come here.

My auntie sucks.

I'm finally getting
good grades

And she won't even go
to my teacher interviews.

Why not?

She's given up on me.

Well, if you want,

I can go to your teacher
interview with you.

After all the crap

I've put drew
and adam through,

Why are you being
so nice to me?

That's a good question.

You know, this may come
as a shock to you,

But I wasn't always
this perfect,

Especially when
I was your age.

But I had help
and I changed

And made something
of myself.

And you can too.

It's pretty obvious
you're already trying.

thanks, guys!
Up next, aziz!

(Audience claps)

all right! Thank you!
Thank you very much!

My name is aziz.

Thank you for
the tepid applause.

makes me feel good.

Uh, I know you can't tell
by looking at me,

But I don't date a lot.

And by a lot,
I mean, um, never.

I just- I never date.

What are you doing?

I thought
we were ignoring

The elephant in the room,

Look, I know.
I know, I'm sorry.

It's just...

The things her friends
are posting about me...

Give me your phone.

Give me your phone!

Dave: (loudly)
look, I can't pretend
what happened didn't happen.

It's never gonna go away!

jeez, dude! Dude!
Just give her your phone!

um... Sorry.

sweetie, you don't need
to apologize;

Your boyfriend
should though -

To me for interrupting

And to you
for being a jerk.

okay, you made your point.

how could you go out
with a fine girl like that

And spend the entire time
just staring at your phone?

He's just joking.

people of the world,

Your cell phone is gonna
ruin your life.

Case in point
right there!

okay, what! Are you doing
any more jokes or no?!

What?! What?!

hey, sweetie, sweetie!

If you let me
take you out,

I promise I won't let a phone
come between us.

look! That's it!

Ooh! Ooh! Hey!
Now you're getting protective?!

Shut the hell up!

Please don't.

Stick a fork in it,

I think that relationship
is dinner.


Is it cold in here
or is it just me?

so let me guess,

You are a football player?

yeah, I like football,
don't get me wrong,

But the toughest guys wrestle,
you know?

No pads or helmets.

Just you and destiny.

Destiny's shift
doesn't start until eleven.

hah! Good one.

Hey, mo,
we gotta finish up.

The manager wants us
out of here

Before they open tonight.

Just trying to be
a gentleman, bro.

What's the rush?

We're underage,

sure thing, boss.
I'll get right to it.

I just have one
small request.


Take a couple of pictures
of me and the hot girls?

Are you serious?


This is a terrible idea.
Come on.

(Girls giggle)

You ready?

(Camera snaps)

You've had your fun.

Not yet.


Now I've had my fun.

Marisol's gonna see that,
you know.

Oh, really?

She's gonna see me hanging out
with these hot ladies

And realize
what she's missed?

I hope she doesn't
get jealous

And come running back,

Wow. You really
don't get girls.

(Bell rings)


How are you feeling?


My dad's in there
talking to simpson right now.

About what?

My parents are taking me
out of school

And sending me to rehab.


You know, my parents
are going overboard.

I don't need all this.

You od'd.

I'm fine.

Yeah, only because bianca
made sure you got home safe!

I know.

Look, this probably doesn't
mean much, but...

Before I messed
everything up,

I was actually having fun.

Same here.

Oh my god...

I'm going...
I'm going to rehab.

I'm the school president.

This was supposed
to be my year.

This is so humiliating.


You'll get through this,

You have a great family
and friends who love you.

They're all gonna
support you.

And you have drew.

He's gonna be there
for you, too.

Yeah... I know.

The best boyfriend
in the world.

(Katie sobs)

(Sighs) oh no,
have you been crying?

Only all night.

I thought you'd get mad,
not cry!


Okay, I know I overreacted,
all right?

But I planned
this amazing date

And you bailed
and it hurt really bad-


I know a normal guy would've
tried to talk to you,

Instead of posting
those stupid pictures

On twitter.

But despite
what it looks like,

I, percent,

Did not hook up
with two strippers.


You didn't see those pics?

No, I didn't see any pics of you
with any strippers.

I don't even follow you
on twitter!

Then why are you crying?

Because my life has been
a total hell the last few days.

My best friend is going through
a major life crisis

And I promised her
I wouldn't tell anyone.

Oh, and I just found out
that the guy I like

Is a self-absorbed,
stripper-loving turd!

I don't love strippers!

(Bell rings)


What jacinta's friends
said about me is true.

I'm a bad guy.

Bad guys don't feel guilty
about the mistakes they make.

You're torturing yourself.

That only proves
you're not a bad guy!

Well, you deserve
better than me.

Don't say it.

If you want
to break up...

Do you want to break up?

No, i-i don't.

Everyone keeps saying

The only thing
that'll make this better

Is time...

And maybe space.

And if that's true,
then we should break up.

Only can we just...
Not do that?

Can we keep having dramatic,
yet memorable dates?

Alli, I don't know when
I'm gonna get over this.

Me neither.

But I wanna be beside you
when that day comes.

I want you there, too.

♪ Sometimes all we have
are the lines on the road ♪

♪ To guide us ♪

♪ Sometimes all we have
are the stars in the sky ♪

♪ To shine like lights ♪

We need to talk.

Soon as your mom's
finished with adam,

We're going in
to see perino.

Then I'll make it quick.

Why did you tell katie

I was gonna be there
for her?

She's broken.

You leave her now

And it just might push her
over the edge.

Everything you've done
for me,

How hard you've worked
to turn your life around,

How strong you are...

I want to be with you.

I love you.

But we can't be together
right now.



This is gonna be hell.

We've survived worse.


♪ Sometimes all we have
are the stars ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

(Music plays in the dot)

I've been looking for you
all day.

Your turd-avoiding skills
are solid.

I have to study.

If I don't pull a "b"
this semester in math,

My parents are taking away
my car.

So what do you want?

I, uh,
I can be pretty thick.

My tatah says I have
a steel plate for a skull.

The thing is,

I don't even know why
you like me, okay?

And it made me act crazy.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

How's katie?

I'm not supposed
to talk about it,

But her parents are putting her
in a counseling program

For drug addiction.

Katie? Katie matlin.

You're looking at
the interim school president.

Well, that's good, no?

I just want katie
to be better.

Being president,

Katie did all the work,
I did all the rallying.

We were a team;
now it's just me.

Not exactly.

This is why I like you.

You just want to hold
my hand.

Mr. Perino:
bianca's debate skills
have gotten better as well.

Especially since she stopped

Trying to prove her point
so hard

By shouting obscenities
at her opponents.

Now if your final paper
is anything

Like the first two
you wrote,

You should be getting an "a."

Thank you.
You're welcome.

You're welcome.

very impressive.

Well, it seems
the three of you

Are doing great
in your classes,

In spite of yourselves.


Well, I mean the three of you
are kinda iffy sometimes.

Okay. Never mind.

I think it's time

For a little family
celebratory ice cream.


Thank you, ms. Torres,
I'll see you guys later.

No, you're coming with us.

Aw, look at that,

You finally got the daughter
you always wanted.


so not funny.

I think it is.

it's pretty funny.

Okay, let's go for dessert.
Adam's treat.

wait, I don't actually
have enough money.


Hurry up, nerds!

Are you coming?
You deserve a treat.

Yeah, I do.