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11x38 - Need You Now: Part 1

Posted: 06/05/22 09:00
by bunniefuu
♪ She'll never get anywhere
near his heart again ♪

♪ Never near his heart again ♪

♪ Nowhere near his heart again ♪

(Camera snaps)

What were you
dreaming about?

I don't remember.
Was I snoring?

Nope. But you were
drooling a bit.

So, do you always
fall asleep at : ?

I wore myself out
with that big run.

Wanna watch a movie?

Very much!

But it's late,
and you're tired.

Not after my power nap.

Why don't you sleep over?

In your house?

In your bed?

All night?

That's what
sleeping over is.

No pressure, though.

You can go home
if you want to.

Your parents are home.

Are they cool
with that?

You've met bullfrog and cece.
They're cool.

I'll call my dad,

Tell him I'm at fiona's
for the night.

(Loud knock,
door opens)

Oh! Didn't know
you had company.

you remember imogen?

mr. Goldsworthy.

Nice to see you again.

It's getting late,
you should sleep.

I'm good.

No, you must be tired.

You can't mess
with your schedule.

Have you taken
your pills?


I was just leaving.
No, you don't have to.

It's late.
Bye, goldsworthy's.

Way to scare her off.

What did I do?

You just waved a big
bipolar flag in her face.

Not cool.

Get some rest.


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Papers rustle)

mom, have you seen
my permission slip?!

try the counter
by the phone.

My bad!

It was on my nightstand.

What's wrong?

I found a letter
from the powell's.

They invited you
to ty's christening.

Why didn't you
tell me?

It's only been
a few months

Since you gave ty up.

Seeing him now...

Might make it harder
to move on.

Jenna and I are finally
speaking again.

If she thinks
I kept this a secret...

I should tell jenna.

♪ When I need you most,
you're a shadow of ghost ♪

♪ You're sleeping on the job ♪

♪ My slumbering guy ♪

how long are you gonna leave
that guitar in the back seat?

Till I'm good
and ready.

Are you still mad
at me?

You embarrassed me,
last night, on purpose.

No I didn't,
come on.

Whatever. Next time just
leave me and imogen alone.

Uh...i'm not sure
I can do that.

Why not?

Girls staying over has never
been a problem before.

Well, this is now,

And I don't think
you should have a girlfriend.


'Cause you crashed
your car for a girl.

Yeah. Last year.

And then went manic
during that play.

Yeah, I'm better now.
I feel it.

Even my shrink
thinks so.

And what happens
when this relationship

Doesn't work out?

(Bitter chuckle)

Okay, just because
I'm bipolar,

Doesn't mean
you get to start

Telling me what to do.

♪ ...finished with me ♪

♪ Don't you know
I'm soaking wet ♪

(Car rumbles away)

♪ When I need you most
you're a shadow of a ghost... ♪

Nice job, terri.

Tori santamaria.

That was really good.

I don't know...

I mean, only one spot
opened up.

Question is: will marisol
give it to a niner?

She'd be crazy not to.

I've made my decision.

Brooke, welcome aboard.

Everyone else,
better luck next year.

Guess I'll have to put
my dreams on hold

Until next year.

It's not fair.
You deserve this.

You have to talk
to marisol.

(Bell rings)

Sorry, mr. Perino.

I forgot my assignment
at home.

Okay, no problem.

Just get it to me
when you can, okay?

No pressure.

So are you and perino
having an affair?

Ha! Special treatment
for being bipolar.

Well, it's better
than getting in trouble.

Oh, trust me,
I'd rather be in trouble.

It's more my style.

(Laughs) ooh!
How did your date go?

Until my dad decided

To give the whole
parenting thing a try.

He went on and on
about my disorder

Right in front of her.

You know imogen doesn't
care about that.

Yeah, but then why
did she leave?

She probably thinks
I could become unhinged

At any moment.

I should talk to her.

Um, you might wanna wait
'til after class.

(Laughs sheepishly)


(Door opens)

hey, so, uh...

I thought we could work on
our chem assignment at lunch.

It's worth thirty percent
of our grade.

Yeah, I can't.
I need to find jenna.

She's right there.

So, do you think
they're studying chemistry

Or... Biology?

That's real funny,

Thank you.

I've been working on
my jokes lately.



Oh, hey, kc.
What's up?

The powell's invited us
to ty's christening today.

I checked
the bus schedule,

And if we leave
school early,

We can make it.

Uh, sounds fun,

But I told jake
we'd go to the mall.

Maybe we can see ty
another time.

Well, I can't show up
on my own.

Then don't go.


♪ Bah-bah... Bah-bah... ♪

(Camera snaps)

♪ Bah-bah... Bah-bah-bah... ♪

Am I interrupting?

I just saw
the prettiest bird.

It was yellow
and black.

Did I scare it away?

Nope, I did...

When I tried to take
a picture of it.

(Both laugh)

You know, I didn't want you
to leave last night.

I know, but...
You were tired.

Well, good.

Because I was thinking
I wanted to do this...

Eli goldsworthy!


We're in a fishbowl.


Meet me in the art room
in ten.

There's something
I wanna show you.

♪ Bah-bah... Bah-bah... ♪

Marisol: (over p.a.)
Reminder, power squaders,

Today's practice begins
at p.m. Sharp.

I can't eat,
I'm too depressed.

Why, because you
didn't make

The cheerleading team?

I told marisol
all the reasons

Why I should be on
the power squad.

So what's her

Tristan said you k*lled
your tryout.

Marisol says that grade nines
are unreliable.

You really wanna
shake pompoms

At a football game?

It's more than that.

You get to travel around
the city to competitions,

And you're insta-friends

With the most popular girls
at school.

plus you'd look really cute
in the uniform.

Really, really cute.

Power squad was supposed
to be my thing.

Now what's my thing?

Well, there's a skateboarding

You submit a video online,
winner gets free gear.

I don't skateboard.

But your boyfriend does...

And he needs someone
to tape him.

It's not like
I have anything better to do.

pageant girl,

Brooke sprained her ankle
during lacrosse.

Does that mean...

You're lucky.

Practice starts at four.

can you believe it?!

Does this mean you can't
videotape me after school?

School ends at three.
I can do both.

Remind me to send brooke
a thank you card.

(Door closes)



Close your eyes.

(Acquiescing sigh)
(chuckles softly)

What are you doing?




It's me.

do you like it?

Please tell me
you like it.

I love it.

it's my senior art project.

I'm trying to show people
that mental illness

Is not a stigma.

Lots of people
struggle with it:

Authors, presidents,
painters... You.

Has your whole class
seen this?

They think I should submit it
to this art competition.

So even more people
can see it...

I thought you understood.

I'm trying to.

That's why
I've been reading

All these bios
on bipolar people;

So I can help you.

'Kay, I'm your boyfriend,
not your charity case.

(Camera crashes)


I'm sorry,
I'm sorry.

It's just a camera,

Think of a happy place.

I'm fine.

Mine's on a beach in winter,
covered in snow-

okay, I said I'm fine!

(Shaky breaths)

♪ ...growing a knot ♪

♪ Paint it like a flower
just for you ♪

♪ I'm waiting
and I'm waiting ♪

♪ In an empty room... ♪

yay! That was great!
You're the best!

Have to go now, bye!

One more!
My landing was off.

Power squad starts
in ten minutes.

Yeah, but the video deadline
is tonight.

I'll come back later.

It'll be dark.

I'm sorry.

This is my first
practice, zig;

I can't be late.

(Sighs) all right.

You know what?
I saw maya in the library.

Do you think
she'd do it?


Is...that all right?

Ten more minutes,
then I have to go.


(Treadmill whirs,
eli pants)

just the man
I was looking for.

We need to talk,
usain bolt.

Can't; gotta run.

(Button beeps,
treadmill shuts down)

What the hell?

Explain why you went
manic on imogen

In the art room.

'Kay, that wasn't manic,
that was mad.

And how would like it
if someone painted

A picture of you
and called it:

"Fiona coyne,
the alcoholic"?

Do I look good
in this painting?

I wouldn't like it.

But maybe you should've
told imogen that

Instead of freaking out
and breaking her camera.

It was an accident!

That crazy glue won't fix.

You like imogen,
don't you?

Yeah, of course.

I just don't think
I can be with someone

Who thinks
I'm a nut job.

You know how much
imogen likes you.

If you can't make it
work with her,

You might as well
join a monastery.

okay, let's try that
routine again.

(Music starts)

Five, six, seven, eight.

♪ I wanna hear my name
screaming in a crowd ♪

♪ I'm gonna be famous,
f-famous, ♪

♪ F-famous, famous, oh-oh ♪

♪ Gonna be, gonna be,
gonna be a star ♪

Um, what was that?

I'll do better next time,
I promise.

Everyone clear off.


The floor is yours.

I can't do it
by myself.

Why not?


Because I was late
for practice.

There are only three
acceptable excuses:

Death, dismemberment,
and detention.

I promise it will never
happen again.

Yeah, you've got
that right, niner.

You're off the team.

No, please. There must be
something I can do.

from the top, girls!


Are you ever
gonna go away?



The team still needs
a mascot.

You can't be serious.

Wear it proudly.

Okay, girls,
one more time!

(Music starts)

All right,
from the top, girls!


You weren't in class
this afternoon.

Yeah, I had something
to take care of.

I'm sorry about freaking out
over your project.

It's okay,
I understand.

No, I don't want you
to "understand."

I don't want
any special treatment.

I just want to be
your boyfriend.

Then you'd better get down
on your knees

And beg for forgiveness.

I can do one better.

Please tell me
I didn't get the wrong model.

Eli, it's perfect.


But it must've cost
five hundred dollars.

Impulsive spending
can be a symptom of-

Please don't say it.

(Sighs heavily)

Okay. Thank you.

I can't wait to start
taking pictures again.

Well, I've got a pocketful
of subway tokens.

Where do you wanna
go first?
I can't.

I have a long night
of much needed triple h:

Homework, a hot bath,
and harry potter.

Well, at least
let me walk you first.



The powell's:
thanks. Bye.

Kc, what a surprise.

hey! Sorry, I missed
the christening.

It's-it's a long bus ride.

Well, we didn't know
if you were gonna make it.

Where's your better half?

Jenna couldn't make it.
Something came up.

Ah. Well, we're glad
you made the trip.

(Car starts nearby)

Hey, little guy.
Look how big you are.

Can I hold him?


(Ty starts crying)

He must be hungry.

We just fed him.

Oh, then I guess
we've got a poopaggeddon

On our hands.

I think he's just
at that age

Where he's uncomfortable
with strangers.

What cathy means is...

People that he doesn't
see very often.

Well, I guess,
I guess I should go.

We were about
to take a walk.

Would you like
to join us?


(Video game beeps and pings)


when did you become
an atari master?

Since you started spending
all your time with imogen.

How are you two


Sounds like an eli

(Knock at the door)

Hey, bullfrog.

if this is another
relationship lecture-

it's not.

Have you seen
my guitar?

Adam and I are in
the middle of a game.

Eli, do you know
where it is?

I lent it
to a friend.


I'll get it back.

You'd better.

Don't stress.
Call imogen,

Tell her to bring the guitar
to school tomorrow.


'Cause imogen doesn't
have the guitar.

Where is it?

Taking pictures.

your neighborhood's
so quiet.

not all the time.

After school,
there are kids everywhere.

yeah. The kids set up
hockey nets in the street.

In a few years,
doug'll be playing with them.

Who's doug?

Um... (Chuckles)
doug is my dad's name.

Oh, so that's what
you call ty now.

Doug's a nice name.
It's simple.

Well, we should probably get
the little guy to bed.

I could help.

Oh, I wish.
No, we're ferberizing.


oh, a technique
to get him to sleep.

There's a specific routine.

Mess up once
and you start from scratch.

it was good to see you, kc.

You're a good man
for making the trip out.


Bye, little guy.

Goodbye, little guy.

(Doug cries)

♪ Just come back to my arms ♪

♪ You're the only thing I need ♪

♪ All the diamonds
in the world ♪

♪ Won't make you mine ♪

♪ Save me for a rainy day
and take your time ♪

I can't do this.

When I tell imogen
I pawned my dad's guitar

To buy her camera,

She'll think
I was being manic.

Maybe she'll think
it was romantic.



Mr. Moreno:
oh! Hi there.

hi, I'm eli,
imogen's, uh, friend.

Mr. Moreno:
oh, nice to meet you.

Volta likes you!

And I like volta!

Um, can I steal imogen
for a second?

Um... She's not home.

Are you sure?

I mean,
of course you are.

Do you know
when she'll be back?

Her note said
she's with a friend.

Try her cellular

yeah. Thanks.

Mr. Moreno:

(Door closes,
car rumbles by on the street)

She said
she was gonna be home.

Where is she?

(Door opens and closes)

the christening went late.

I stopped by the library
to get some books.

Don't you have a chemistry
assignment to finish?

I'll do it
in the morning.

"Parenting your toddler,"
"becoming baby wise,"

"The happiest toddler
on the block."

I'm sensing a trend.

Have you heard
of ferberizing?

Sounds painful.

It's a way
to get babies to sleep.

I need to know about it

If I want to spend
more time with ty.

When I first saw him,
he barely remembered me.

But by the time I left,
he wouldn't let go.

He wants me
in his life!

He needs me!

He's just a baby.

He's my baby.

How do the powell's feel
about you

Being more involved?

They invited me
to the christening.

I know.
And agreed to
the open adoption.

Look, I can babysit
for them.

Everyone wants
a free babysitter, right?

Are you sure
this is what you want?

More than anything.


Let's find out about
this ferberizing-thing.

(Keypad beeps)

Uh, hey, imogen.
Eli, here.

I need to borrow
that camera I gave you.

Uh, I'll explain later.

Maybe she didn't hear
her phone.

You know what?
I'll try again.

You've left
enough messages.

I'm bored.
Let's go do something.

Imogen could be
in trouble.

Why would she be
in trouble?

Something probably
came up.

That's better than
hanging with her boyfriend?

You know, there's only
one explanation.

She's still mad at me for
freaking out over her collage.

I just need to talk to her,
make her understand.

Maybe you should
take a pill.

A pill?

You seem upset.

yeah, because my girlfriend's
lying to me!

Well, you should
at least...

Calm down
before you talk to her.

Yeah. You're right.

You wanna go
catch a movie?

No, I'm just
gonna crash.

Um, your call.

I'll see you tomorrow.

♪ Tapping your fingers
on the window pane ♪

♪ In your seat
like a black statue ♪

♪ And you wish you wasn't
but you is, aren't you? ♪

uh...hey, imogen.
Uh, me again.

I'm getting worried.
Where are you?

This is like the th message
I'm leaving you.

I hope you're doing okay.

Call me back
when you get this.

(Shouts viciously)

(Phone smashes)

♪ Heaven! ♪

♪ Leave it to the man
with the weapons ♪