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11x28 - Dead and Gone: Part 1

Posted: 06/05/22 08:49
by bunniefuu
class is over.
Exams are done.

I should be at home,
sleeping until noon.

Come on, future grade nine
orientation day's gonna be fun!

Yeah, volunteering to show
newbies how to find wood shop?

Nah, the new student council
president owes me big time.

She sure is an upgrade on-


Ugh, even hearing her name
makes me want to hurl.

The further we all stay away
from her, the better.

uh, that might be tough.

I saw her name on the niner-day
sign-up sheet.

You're not gonna
talk to her.

(Exhale) well...

Okay, a g*ng b*at you up
because of her...

And that guy, vince,
still has a hit out on you

Because of her.

That's all behind me.

I've got a smart, amazing,
a-list girl now.


No, katie. Adam, please
just try and keep up.

No... Bianca.

no... That can't be her.

it's her, standing by a car,
talking to some dude.

that dude is vince.

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

thank you so much
for coming!

Let's make next year's new
panthers feel totally welcome.

Hey... I need a favour.

Anything for my prom date.

Can you pair me
with bianca?

your ex?! Why?

I thought you hated her.

I think she's up
to something.

Sounds a little paranoid.

Why else would
she be here?

Come on,
you've gotta trust me.

Please? Tonight at prom?
I'm all yours.

You'll fast dance?

You'll slow dance?

Celine dion
"my heart will go on"?


I just gotta get to
the bottom of this, okay?


So are you gonna show me
your prom outfit or not?

hey, you're lucky
you even get to go.

If I wasn't in grade eleven,
you'd be stuck waiting tables.

Which is what my mom thinks
I'm doing, in case she asks.

okay, be honest...

Do you like the tie?


My mom is gonna be back
any minute!

Come on,
what's the big deal?

Status update:
our parents are still dating.

Which means they won't be happy
when they find out we are.

Can't we live

No! After tonight,
everything is dangerous.

With school over
and the reno done,

They're gonna be suspicious
every time we hang out!

Don't worry. My dad doesn't
do the long-term thing.

They'll break up and we'll be
free to do whatever we want!

Mrs. Edwards:
oh... Jake?
What are you doing here?

uh... The reno!

My dad wanted me to do one
last water pressure check on-

Mrs. Edwards:
doesn't really matter.
I'm glad I've got you both.

Clare, what time does prom
volunteering start, tonight?


Mrs. Edwards:
glenn and I just thought we
could all have dinner together.

That work?

That's perfect.

Mrs. Edwards:
great. Can't wait.

That's a disaster.

We still get go to prom.

And she didn't suspect
a thing.

We'll miss pre-prom pictures
with our friends.

It's our last chance to go out
with a good excuse

And our parents
are going to ruin it!

Then we won't let them.

I'll talk my dad
into letting us reschedule.

You think
he'd go for that?

Well, he better.

I won't get to wear my tie!

all right, new niners?

Who's ready to party,

(cheering, applause)

welcome to grade nine

My name is katie matlin

And I'll be your student
council president next year.

school's out for summer!

School's out forever,

You get that prom

Yeah. Thanks, man.

I think you'll find there's
a string of sad songs

That'll make the lonely girls
feel extra lonely!

You know, maybe someone'll need
a shoulder to cry on?

Then you swoop in...

Thanks, man.
But I'm okay.

You already found
another date?

Remember when I said that
there's nothing going on

With me and ms. Oh?

No way...

She gave me her phone number
for when school's over.

And now school's over!

Yeah, so I thought tonight
would be the perfect night

For our first date.

You lucky bastard.
Sav for the win!


now, everyone to your
stations and have fun!

(cheers) whoo! Ya!

can we talk for a sec?

I thought we weren't
talking at all.

This is us.
We should start.

I saw you with vince.

So? Why do you care
what I do?

You know I have that
restraining order

Against him, right?

What were you two
talking about?

It's really none
of your business, drew.

Hey bickersons,
why can't I get onto youtube?

Just drop it, okay?

Consider it dropped.

The future niners
await us.

I'm here for orientation,
and I have yet-

hey, big red!
Just 'cause you're new here,

Doesn't mean that I won't
stuff you into a locker.

But if you pay attention,
I can teach you

How to avoid that fate.

That goes for all of you.

Okay... And this
is the resource centre.

A fancy name
for the "computer room"...

If you're a keener,

You'll probably spend most
of your spare time here,

Getting your homework done.

If you're looking for somewhere
to socialize, this isn't it...

That goes for social
networking, too.

As your friend big red
here discovered,

Social networking sites
are blocked...


I know we shouldn't be seen
together at school, but um...

I got to inspect
this oboe!


So... I'm not
your student anymore.

We're a couple of adults...

...who should go
on a date tonight.

What about prom?

I'll skip it.

But I have to chaperone.

I gotta drive alli to ottawa
for that science thingy.

The next night?

I'm away getting my music
accreditation for six weeks.


But after that,
I leave for uni-!



Maybe some things
are better left unfinished.

Yeah. Maybe...

The oboe's fine,
by the way.

She's dating vince!

The guy who wants to k*ll me
is her boyfriend.

Are you're sure?

"sweetie," "hun," "boo!"

They're all there in their
texts to each other.

She's messing with me,

Why else would
she even be here?

Drew just chill out!

You've got a great
new girlfriend.

Summer ahead of you.
Prom tonight just...

Get through today
and you're free.

Free of the nightmares?
The ptsd?

I can't live in fear
anymore, adam.

Well, what if you
confront her,

She gets pissed off
and tells him?

What if that makes him
come back for you?

I've been training
all semester for this.

I'll be ready.

Thought you were done
with the fighting.

Just let it go, man.

oh, I may need your help
on the chapman job

Just mornings next week.


So, family dinner tonight?

yeah, helen thought
it'd be a good idea.

You don't like her?

Oh... She's, who mrs. Edwards?
She's nice...

Oh, that's good...

So what?
You hate dinner, then?

(Laughs) no, naw,
it's just...

Tonight's prom.

(Laughs) prom?

I didn't think you were
into all that stuff.

Uh, it must be a girl.

hey, attaboy.

Well, I'll tell you what,
we'll speed up the chicken

And we'll skip
the key lime pie.

We'll get you there
on time, okay?

Yeah, but we need time to get
ready and take pictures-

This is important, jake.

What's the big secret?

We're getting married.

What, that's it.
No opinion?

It'd mean a lot to me
to have your approval, jake.

If you're happy, dad...

Then, I'm happy.

Thanks, son.

And don't let it slip
to clare, okay?



(School bell rings)

oh... And that's lunch!
Meet in the foyer for pizza,

And we'll pick you up
for the afternoon session.


What, I don't get pizza?

I know you're dating

Let me out.

Is it to get back
at me?


Are you spying on me
for him? Is that it?

Can you just tell me!

I'm doing this
to save your life!


He came back and said
he'd finish you off

Unless I did stuff
for him.

Like what?

Sell dr*gs.
Play the dutiful girlfriend.

You get the picture?

Like you would do
that for me.

You took the heat
on anson for me.

You kept me out
of juvie and...

You're the one good thing
I've ever had in my life.

And I couldn't live with myself
if you got hurt again.

You can't keep doing it.

It's why I'm here.

Anything to get away
from him for a few hours.

Vince has that kind
of hold on you?

Bianca, we can't let him
get away with this!

Promise me
you won't try anything.

Please, drew...

You can't fight
this battle.

(Punching thuds,
effort grunts)


hey, champ.

We're about to start
the afternoon session

And here you're in here
pummeling that bag.

Everything okay?

I'm fine.

Did you talk to bianca?
Is she up to something?

No. But she sorta
needs a favour.

And I don't know
if I should help her.

A favour for your ex?

I kind of owe her one.

She's being harrassed
by this guy.

You've got that look
in your eye again.

That fear.

We've been over this
in tae kwon do...

What's the last tenet?

"I shall build a better
and more peaceful world."

the power to strike,

But the discipline
to never have to.

You don't want me
to help her.

There are other ways.

Every journalist knows words
are more powerful than fists.


No black eyes for prom.

And wipe yourself down.

We can't have some
big sweaty dude

Scaring off all the niners.




How's the hospital's
most beautiful patient?


Prom seating chart?

You guys came here
to ask me for prom help?

No. Of course not.
We came to see you.

How'd the surgery go?

Uh, well... We're still waiting
to make sure my body

Doesn't reject the kidney,
but so far so good,

And the doctors said
the procedure was flawless!

As with everything
you do!


So... Um...

Okay, what prom help
do you need?

Sorry. You just seem
to be the only one

Who knows how
to do this stuff.

I have one name left,
heather poulette,

And all the senior tables
are full!

Holly j:

Hm... You can put heather
with the swim club girls

And move zane to our table.

But riley would
hate that.

Fine, but they're serving
onions with dinner.

And heather poulette's

All right,
riley can suck it up.

He's gotta have to
talk to zane sometime, right?


Um, are there any
private corners...

Or adjacent rooms...

Or lockable closets
at the prom venue?

Simpson barely let us have the
prom off-campus, remember?

Secret rooms,
equal secret trouble.


No, I was just wondering...

You know, heaven forbid
a student tries to sneak off

To make out.

Sav, you're so weird

I can't believe
we both dated you!

No... I-i'm charming!


I am...

yeah... Yeah, we know...

Also known as flash paper.

Often used by magicians.

You expose it to heat,

niners: whoa! (Laughs)

Mr. Betenkamp:
thank you.

Next up...
A rube goldberg machine,

Now does anyone
know what it is?

thought you bailed
on me again.

look, bianca,

I know this isn't gonna
fix everything,

But it's a start.

A prom ticket?

There's an extra seat
at our table.

Gives you somewhere
to go tonight.

We'll figure the rest out,

And your girlfriend
doesn't mind?

No. She'll be cool.
It's fine.

I don't know
what to say.

Here. I'll put it
in your purse.

Don't want you
to miss the show.

Mr. Betenkamp:
neat, huh?

Okay, I got one more
trick for ya.

What do you think will happen
when I add yeast

To hydrogen peroxide?

Ha. Watch this,

Like the pride you will soon
have in your new school

The beaker is overflowing
with degrassi blue! (Laughs)

Jake: oh, thank you.
Mrs. Edwards: sure.

Light or dark meat?

oh c'mon, helen,
you know, I'm a leg man.

Mrs. Edwards:
glenn! (Laughs)

I can't believe we're
missing prom for this.

so mrs- helen, you think
you and clare will brave

The cabin this summer?

Mrs. Edwards:
your father's been trying
to get me to go up there.

What's it like?

Oh this time of year
it's beautiful.

The wolves are howling,
the fish are biting,

And the only tweets
are made by birds. (Laughs)

Mrs. Edwards:
sounds rustic.

Just think it's just
important that

We spend more time together.

well, I couldn't agree more,

Which is why I think it's time
for a little announcement.

Mrs. Edwards:
this may seem sudden but...

Glenn and I have known each
other for a long time,

And we love each other
very much, so-

Oh no.

We're getting married!

that's so great!

Oh, congratulations!

Isn't that great, clare?

Mrs. Edwards:

I don't know what to say.

I guess we're just
really surprised.

I can't believe you're
just gonna let it go.

Ms. Oh is a woman!

I don't have any other
choice, man.

There's nowhere private rooms
at the prom venue.

And after that,
we're both away.

Maybe we'll hook up
some day, but...

Some day? Sav, if you don't
prove you're the man now,

She's always gonna see you
as a student. A kid.

Okay, so what do you
want me to do?

Find a way!
Overcome the odds!

Create a movie-level romantic
moment, and get the girl!

Did you grow the beard
for nothing?


Then put it to use.

You in a tux.
Looking manly.

Ms. Oh in a slinky dress.

Romantic music
in the air...

Yeah. No, it's got
to be tonight.

It has to be tonight.

Okay but, like, how?

Where do I unleash
this romance?

You know where everyone
at degrassi won't be tonight?


It has to be tonight,

Whoa, man. Don't you have
a restraining order?

I ain't trying
to catch any trouble.

I won't tattle
if you don't.

Where's b?

She couldn't make it.

I've been afraid of you
for far too long.

I'm not backing down now.

You looking for a fight?


I just wanna talk.

All right...

I'm listening.


Don't you think
it's a tad quick

To be getting married?

I don't know.
We both know we want this.

Why wait?

Because you just
got divorced?

Clare, we're not getting

Companionship is important
at our age.

And we love each other.

and what about me?

Did you feel like involving me
in this decision?

Mrs. Edwards:

Well, I mean...

Of course we want you
to be involved.

I was hoping you'd be
my maid of honour.


is that the real -
real time?

Can we get a lift
to prom, dad?

Clare, you have
to volunteer, right?

How can you not be
freaking out right now?

Let's just get ready
for prom. Dad?

Uh yeah, I think
we're all done here.

no... No, not yet.

I have an announcement,

Jake and I are dating.


We have been for a while.
Probably as long as you two.


Mrs. Edwards:
you can't be serious!

yup. We've all got

Mrs. Edwards:
well then...

I'm sorry, but it obviously
has to stop.


Really mom?
You're gonna drop this b*mb,

And then try to tell me
what to do?

I'm out of here.

Mrs. Edwards:
let's talk about this.


Don't. Just...

I'll meet you at prom.
I need some time.

Bianca and me?
Our debts are paid.

That so?

Well, between the beatdown
your thugs gave me

And all the extra time
bianca's put in...

I'd say we're pretty
well even.

Bianca talks a lot
like that.

Always comes back,

Not this time.
This ends now.

Or you'll find yourself
in a lot more trouble

Than violating
a restraining order.

Bianca knows things.


I'll stay away.

(Cell rings)


Oh, hey bianca.

I have your phone?

Sorry, I must've grabbed it
by accident.

Yeah, of course
we're still on for prom.

I'll meet you there.

Okay, bye.

So this is over, right?

Yeah, man.
It's over.