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11x23 - Drop It Like It's Hot: Part 2

Posted: 06/05/22 08:45
by bunniefuu
Let me get this straight.

Not only did you
patch things up

With dave last night,

But you also just slaughtered
that math test.

Yes, and yes.

I've been staying
at your place

For two weeks now.

When's your luck going
to start rubbing off on me?

Well, when you're
as good as me,

You don't need luck.

So I guess that means
you'll be a hit

With dave's parents

Uh, not exactly.

See, I've got this
poker thing.

(Jenna gasps)

The guy you just won back

Wants you to come over
and meet his fam,

And you're ditching him
for poker?

Look, I'm good.

No, I'm great at this!

When I play,
I get this rush,

Like I'm in total control.

Everyone underestimates me,

And then...
I take them down.

I can rain-cheque
dave's parents

For a day or two.

Think of my poker
as a...

Summer job with better
earning potential.

Well, I'm sure your parents
will love to hear

About your new job.

Oh no. No way.

When my parents ask,
I'm out with dave,

And as far as dave knows,
I'm sick in bed, okay?


Good luck tonight.

You don't need luck.

Ah, you learn fast.


Do I look sick?

Oh, you're sick
all right.



(Alli coughs)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪


♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooh-oh-oh ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪
(I can make it!)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Alli coughs)

all ready to meet your parents?

You better brace yourself
for my mom's lasagna,

It's off the hook!

coughs deeply)

You all right?

yeah, I'm awesome,
I just have a cough,

A little nausea,

You know, chills.

Alli, you're sick!
We can postpone.

no! No, no.
No, I'm good.

Look, I just have
a little cold

And I'm feeling a little woozy,
but that's-

heaving on my parents

Isn't the first impression
I'm looking for.

We can wait
'til you're better.

Are you sure?

Want me to walk you home?

It's sweet of you to offer,
but I'm good.

(Half laughs)
all right.

(Coughs deeply)


liam, you should've seen
wes driving yesterday,

It was magical.

Just call me dumbledore!


I can't wait
'til you get your own car.

Your uncle's sedan
doesn't really suit you.

oh no?

What would suit me?

Definitely something

You know, wes,

You've inspired me
to get my license.

Where'd you get lessons?

oh, nowhere special.

I think this tubing
should be angled

Slightly more
to the left, no?

Ah! Water valve step.

Very nice.

It will be
if we get it working.

Trust me,
it's our golden ticket.

Mr. Betenkamp:
well, get it sorted soon.

Project's due
end of day tomorrow.

You know, the science centre's
got a goldberg machine exhibit.

It could be a good
research opportunity

For you to work out
that water valve situation.

Oh hey, whoa!

Don't worry about my situation,

I've got it covered.

but liam is right!

It could be what we need
to work out the bugs

And make it
to the city finals!

We could go tomorrow
at lunch.
I don't know...

look, I know your uncle has that
one passenger at a time rule,

But I think he'd let us go

If it was in the name
of science.

Or you two could go,
and I could stay here.

What? No, that's nuts.
We'll just go ask him.

Whoa! Okay, no.
Uh... It's fine.

If it's in the name
of science,

I'm sure he won't mind.

(Muffled chatter)

(Door creaks)

(Door slams shut)

Uh... Hi.

This is a private function.

You gotta go.

I replied to your post.

I'm alli b.
I have the buy-in.

Frat guy:
you can't be more than fifteen.

Then I don't stand a chance,
do i?

Pull up a chair,
little girl.

So are aces high or low?

(Frat guys scoff)


(Cars rumble in the distance)

What took you so long?

I had school.

My little academic.

Did you ask me here
so you could make fun of me?


You're in a feisty mood today!

vince, come on.

I just wanna say how proud I am
about yesterday's profits.

You're making
the other guys jealous.

But they already know
you're my favourite.

not again, vince.

Not at degrassi.

What do you care?

I just want one place
that's free.

Free of what?

That hurts!

Is mr. Squeaky clean
making time with you?

Drew and I don't talk.
You know that!


Are you gonna do
what you're told?

Screw you!

(Cries out)

we have a deal, b.

You don't want me to break it,
do you?

(Crying softly)

(Bell rings)

(Students chatter)

so, how much did you win
last night?

Oh, you know,
nothing big;

Just a few hundred

Alli, that's amazing!

What's amazing?

Just that I'm feeling
a lot better.

you look great.

I knew my mom's soup
would do the trick.


oh! Um...

You remember the soup
that uh...

Dave dropped off
that I warmed up for you?

that was delicious.

Yeah? Yeah,
what'd you like about it?

What do you mean?

The soup -
what did you like?

The chicken...
And the noodles.

It was spicy tomato,

You weren't sick,
were you?

Uh, look,
I'm really sorry.

You lied to me.
What is it?

Is it another guy?
What? No!

Are you afraid
to meet my parents?

No! I...

I was playing poker.

Please tell me
you're kidding me.

I won big at a tournament
last night.

You lied to me
so you could go play poker

Instead of meeting
my folks?

I did it for us!

Sure. Very classy.

(Sighs disgustedly)


Slow clap
for the criminal mastermind

Who stole my birthday money.

Look, I needed cash.
It was important.

Oh, it was important,
I see.

Oh, wait,
I still don't care!

Imogen, I'll pay you back,

By stealing
from somebody else?

Keep it.

Stupid me thinking
we could be friends.

(Locker door bangs)

You got that right, chump!

I never wanted to be
your friend.

Uncle mike!

Bad news, buddy.

Last minute pop quiz

Equals a last minute
marking blitz.

Um, why is that bad news?

Well, I know how badly
you wanted

To get behind the wheel today
after school,

But your next driving lesson's
gonna have to wait.

That's okay,
uncle mike.

Don't worry!

You'll be in driving shape
by the end of the summer.

Oh, hey.

Can't wait to see
the finished product!

It's gonna be awesome!

Hey, wes, got my stuff.
You ready to go?

Well, I was thinking,

Why can't we just stay
and finish this up?

Uh... Really?

It's a ten minute
drive away.

We will be back
for our next class.

You really want to go
see the exhibit?


Okay. Go find liam
and meet me at the car.

But we have to go now!


You're the best.

(Keys jingle)

(Car rumbles)

science centre,
here we come!

Uh, wes?

Think you could drive
any faster, man?

This is like granny style!

Liam, do you have
your license?


Uh, yeah, then don't tell me
how to drive.


(Siren blares)

It's the cops!

g*n it! g*n it!

I'm not gonna outrun
the cops!

What did you do?!
I don't know!

There you are, alli.

This came for you,

And it looks like
it's the scholarship

From the spalding
science program!


Two thousand dollars
for dorm fees and meal plan?


Between this
and last night's earnings,

This is more money
than I've ever had.

And of course,
with no one to share it with.

But you know what?
Maybe it's for the best.

I mean, if dave and I are
gonna be apart all summer,

We might as well
just be apart, you know?

Oh, no way!
I am not gonna spend

The next two months
on the phone

Listening to you cry about
the one that got away.

We're gonna fix this!


You and alli
need to talk.

For what? The summer
of dave and alli's off.

Okay, look, I messed up
with the stupid soup,

But everything alli did
was for you.

Even the poker.


Is this true?

I thought I could
maybe win enough

To have you come visit me
a couple times

While I was away.

But... I understand
why you're mad,

And I'll never choose poker
over you again, okay?

I promise!

How much did you win?

It doesn't even matter.

No, seriously,
how much did you win?

I don't know,
like three hundred,

Maybe more.
Three hundred bucks?!

And that's just the tip
of the iceberg.

But like I said,
I'm done.

Unless... You maybe wanna
come with me next time,

See your lady in action?

Well, I mean, we should try
and spend time together

While we can, right?


Oh my god, oh my god,
oh my god!

What do I do?

Yeah, take it easy, guy.

Everything's gonna
be okay.

Can I help you,

Do you know how fast
you were driving?

I'm sorry, officer,
I'll never speed again!

Police officer:
you were driving twenty
under the limit.

License and registration!

I don't have those exactly.

Police officer:
they're not on your person?

Only my learner's permit.

Hannah: wesley!
Liam: seriously?

Police officer:
neither of you
have a license?

I'm showing
the plates registered

To a michael betenkamp.

That's my uncle
and this is his car,

I swear!

Police officer:
okay, everyone out.

I'll need your information.

We'll call your parents.

Way to go, wes!

You're the man.

all right, I'm out.

Twenty bucks is already more
than I can afford.

don't worry,
I'll get it back for you.

I'll see you,
and I'll raise a hundred.

All right, I call.

What do you got?

read 'em and weep, boys!

Three aces!


Frat guy:
it doesn't b*at my straight.

This is almost too easy.

maybe we should
just cut our losses

And get out of here.

You have to know
when to fold 'em, right?

No, no, no,
this is how it works.

Sometimes you're up,
sometimes you're down.

I just have to
turn it around, okay?

Relax, I got this.

(Takes a deep breath)


♪ We wanna get out of here ♪

♪ Why don't you call my name ♪

♪ Take me away ♪

♪ I be drowning ♪

♪ Feel like they found me
on another planet ♪

♪ 'Cause my style
they don't understand it ♪

(Car door slams)

Hi, honey.

How was your day?

I feel a cold front
coming on.

I'm not going to push your dr*gs
at degrassi.

If you wanna slap me,
go right ahead,

But I'm not doing it.




I shouldn't have hit you.

I got you this
to say sorry.

(Paper rustles)

What's this for?

You're still my girl,

I wanted you
for a long time, b.

We're epic together,
you know that, right?

And just think,
school's almost done.

Soon we can spend
every minute together.

Unless there's someone else

You'd rather spend
the summer with?

I told you,

I don't care about
drew torres.

That's good, b!

Then neither one of you
has anything to worry about.

That's just the way
I want it.

(Door slams)

I'm all in.

Alli! That's the last
of your money!

Frat guy:
the lady's made her decision.

Two pair, king high.

Pleasure doing business
with you.

Okay, look, it's over.
Come on, let's go!

No, I can get it back.

I have this.

This right here is
a $ , dollar scholarship

With my name on it.
Deal me in.

Y-your scholarship?
What, are you crazy?!

I'm playing the percentages.
Okay, deal me in!

Did you hear me?
Alli, you don't have
to do this!

Do you wanna visit me
this summer or not?

If you lose,
there's not gonna be

A science program
for you to go to!

But then I'll get to spend
the whole summer with you.

It's a win-win.

Okay, I've done this before,
you haven't,

So don't try to stop me!

Well, someone has to,
because you can't stop yourself!

I can do this!

Frat guy:
listen! If she put
her money in,

She made up her mind,

Are we gonna have
to kick you outta here?

Just back off, okay?
I'm doing this for us.

No, you're doing it
for yourself.

Mr. Betenkamp:
well, I can't even begin
to tell you

How disappointed I am!

Never mind your mom and dad!

I know!

(Mr. Betenkamp sighs)

I smoothed things over
with the police,

But you're still gonna
have a fine

And a court date,

And you're not gonna be able
to get your license

For at least three years.

Okay, I know,
uncle mike!

Just tell me, wes,
why did you do it?


You don't want to know.

If she's worth it,

There are other ways
to impress her.

(Diners chatter)

Hey, thanks for coming.

What's this about?

You wanna copy
my assignment?

Or better yet,
steal it?

I totally get
that you're pissed.

I deserve it,
and I'm sorry.


Like you said,
we're not friends,

So what's the diff?

Imogen, bad stuff is going on
with me right now

And it's not the kind
of thing

That you should be
involved with.

How do you know?

Because you're good,

And the stuff
I'm dealing with,

It changes you,
it makes you hard.

I kinda like that
about you.

Trust me, it's overrated.

But until I get
your money back,

Will you take
a peace offering?

I know it's kinda weird,


Sexy lingerie...

Yeah, a guy bought it
for me.

But the thought
of wearing it for him

Makes my stomach turn.

You two are really
meant to be, huh?

So, do you want it
or not?

It's cute.

Peace offering accepted.

Did you see this?

"Student council
volunteers needed

For grade nine orientation."

And spend more time at school
after exams?


(Bell rings)

so, I just finished explaining
to my parents

Why I was in a car
with a guy

Who didn't have
a license!

They were not impressed!

look, I'm sorry, hannah!

Why did you lie?
Because liam likes you

And you seem
to like him, too!

Based on what?
You laugh at his jokes,
you take his side,

You even take
the same bus home!

I thought
if I could drive,

Maybe I could
keep you close.

You thought I'd dump you
for liam

Because we have
the same bus route?!

I thought you were smart,

so here we are.

The washington generals
of rube goldberg machines.

So I guess we're all here
to beg for an extension, right?

Nope. We're done.


I finished the machine.
Hope that's okay.

And the water valve?

It was too complicated.

You're right, liam,
simpler is better.

All right, g*ng,

It's a little late,
but let's see it.

will you do the honours?

(Marble clatters)


(Dominoes clatter)

(Balloon pops)

(Liam and hannah laugh)


Very nice.

Frat guy:
don't feel bad,
little girl.

This is a big man's game.

I'm all in too.

(Laughs, relieved)
thank goodness.

Frat guy :
whoa! What are you doing?

We haven't shown
our cards yet.

(scoffs) oh!
Well, you don't have to.

You have a ten of spades,

And want like a queen.

You bet like you had
all four tens,

But I know you didn't,
because you're holding one.

You're chasing
the straight flush.

But, you know,

You got a little antsy
when you got the ten,

So I knew you had
the other one.

So you have a flush,
not a straight.

And of course,
none of this is any match

For my full house -
you know, three fives, two tens.

So thank you for the game,
but I'm just-

You're counting cards!

No, I'm playing
the probabilities

And paying attention!

There's no way you're leaving
with any of that!

Alli: let go of me!
Dave: get your hands off her!

dave, i-

Hey, you, let go!

Game over, everyone!

(Alli gasps)

What took you so long?

You called your dad?

Which one of you bozos
wants to show me

Your gambling permit?

Get out!

(Frat guys mutter)

(Door slams)

So this is your girlfriend?

Hi, mr. Turner.

(Sighs heavily)

how'd things go
with your parents?

Let's just say,
when they locked up galileo,

He got off easy.


On the bright side,
galileo's got nothing on you

When it comes
to rube goldbergs!

Let's see
if it was good enough.

Mr. Betenkamp:
morning, class!

Yeah, I know you're all waiting
on pins and needles

To find out who's going
to the city wide competition!

And the wait is over.

The winning team is...

Liam, hannah, and wesley.


(Smattering of applause)

Hannah: you nailed it!
Wesley: it was a team effort.

Where are we celebrating

You're on your own.

I'm grounded
'til halley's comet returns.

I guess I deserved it though.

Okay, I have no idea
why you like me!

Because... You're you.

But when you
doubt yourself,

It makes you do
stupid things.


I'm so sorry
I put you through all that.

So, after school,

Shall we celebrate
on the ?

My bus doesn't go your way.

My way is wherever
you're going, dummy.


(Sighs heavily)

What're you doing here?

Well, you're ignoring
my calls!

I'm not supposed to be
around you anymore.

Says who?
Your parents?

You're lucky my dad was
the only cop that showed up!

Well, you didn't have
to call him!

Alli, you wouldn't leave
the game!

My dad saved us
from a b*at down!

Well, now we have to do
major damage control

If you ever want
to come visit me.

My dad stopped
an illegal poker game

Starring you
and your science scholarship.

It's not happening.

Well, what if we did
that dinner?

I could meet your parents,
show them the real alli?

Who's that?

Look, alli,
I like you.

But the fact is,
you're going away all summer.

Are we breaking up?

Let's just see
where we're at

When you get back.

But a lot can happen
in two months.


♪ Take me take me away ♪

♪ Make me feel it's okay ♪

♪ I be drowning ♪

♪ I be I be drowning ♪

♪ Take me take me away ♪

♪ Make me feel it's okay ♪

♪ I be drowning... ♪