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13x37 - Believe: Part 1

Posted: 06/04/22 16:38
by bunniefuu
(Cell phone buzzes)

(Sighs nervously)

zig, sorry I'm late!

Yeah, you should be!

Our history project
isn't gonna do itself!

Whoa! Since when are you
mr. Responsibility?

I'm turning over
a new leaf.


What's your excuse?

Have you seen
the mess outside?!

what are you talking about,

There is no way that the koreans
b*at columbus to america!

Look, you can't just
take maya's side

'Cause you're still hoping
to have sexual relations

With her someday!

I'm not!
I-i don't.

Unless she wants that too.


Sorry. Message received,
loud and clear.

Zig just texted me.

looks like someone's
in a jam again.

Yeah, zoe!

♪ I'm through accepting limits ♪

♪ 'Cause someone says
they're so ♪

♪ Some things I cannot change ♪

♪ But 'til I try
I'll never know ♪

♪ Too long I've been afraid
of losing love... ♪

Spoiler alert,
you're still dead to me.

Look, tris,
I know you're still upset

I got your "boyfriend"

But this is really important!

Tristan, there's like people
outside, okay?!

♪ I'll try defying gravity ♪

♪ Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity ♪

♪ And you can't
pull me down... ♪

(Tristan and maya argue)

like if zoe goes out there,

She's gonna get hounded
by questions and stuff!

You know I love you, maya,

But I've got two days

'Til the most important audition
of my life,

And I have to practice,
so vamoose!

actually, zo,
you'll wanna hear this.

come on!

(Students chatter excitedly)

They're looking for dirt
on your sexual as*ault trial.

I thought the judge issued
a gag order.

(Sighs heavily)

zoe! Zoe, over here! Zoe!

Zoe! Zoe, over here! Zoe!

Hi, sophia rosen
from buzzline.

Would you like to comment
on allegations

That your sexual as*ault charges
against luke baker

And neil martin are fabricated?

The facts are clear.

Those boys are guilty
and I'm gonna prove it.

Any other questions?

Male reporter:
were you asking for it, zoe?

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

(Reporters chatter,
cameras click)

Mr. Perino:
the only thing keeping you
from getting lost

On our orienteering course

Is this.

Any ideas what it's called?

(Takes a deep breath)

Yes, becky baker?

Does mr. Simpson know
what's going on outside?

(Students whisper)

That's not the answer
I was looking for.

It's a compass.

He needs to do something!

People are calling my brother
a r*pist!

Because he assaulted
a girl.

But he didn't have sex
with her.

And if these lies
get printed,

It could impact the outcome
of his trial!

are you defending
his actions?!

Of course not.

So he's admitted his guilt?

Apologized to zoe?
Her family?

No, not exactly.

come on, becky is not the one
on trial here.

So let's turn
our attention back

To our orienteering course-

then how can you
support him?!

He's my brother.

I can't just abandon him,

I want to move forward.

Ms. Rivas:
but she's got a very important
audition this week.

For the role I've dreamed
about playing

Since I was a little kid.

I know it's bad timing,

No, it's good to have
something else

To focus on during the trial.

Okay, but it's hard
to focus

With all those reporters
at my school.

You're the lawyer
on the case,

Isn't there something
you can do?

It's tough keeping a trial
like this quiet,

Especially when it involves
a celebrity.

So my name will be
all over the papers?

Not unless you give them
permission to print it.

Which means no more
talking to the press.

It could influence
the jury's opinion of you.

I only told the truth!

Those boys are guilty.

Not until I prove it
in court.

And how do we make
that happen?


There are no witnesses,
no proof of force,

Which means this trial's
going to come down

To whose story
the jury believes:

Yours or theirs.

Shorthand: we need to make
the jury love me.


That I can do!


Let's rehearse
your statement.

Tell me what happened
the night of the party.

I can't really say.

I wasn't there
when the as*ault took place.

Alleged as*ault.

And if you weren't there,

Then you have no proof
it happened.

But I talked
to the victim.


Plus, I saw the video clips
of the as*ault

On my brother's phone.

oh, dude!

(Luke and neil laugh)

Rhonda patterson:
ix-nay on the ideo-vays!

excuse me?

I had those clips expunged
as evidence

Because they were obtained
without a warrant.

The prosecution can't bring
them up in court.

So you're asking me to lie
on the stand?

Rhonda patterson:
no, because I could be disbarred
for that.

Okay, but even if
I can't mention the video,

I saw it.

I know my brother
hooked up with zoe!

And we're not arguing
he didn't!

We're arguing zoe consented.

(sighs heavily)

Rhonda patterson:
let's start with
an easy question.

Do you know,
without a doubt,

That your brother
assaulted zoe rivas?

Of course he didn't!

Mrs. Baker,
I need becky to answer.

I'm-i'm sorry,
can you repeat the question?

(Cars rumble)

(Spectators chatter)


What'd I miss?


The jury's just taking
their seats.

lots of women;
that could work in your favour.

What am I thinking?

That I watch too much
"law and order: svu?"

Yes, but no.

Then, I've got bupkis.


Impressing a jury comes down
to the three a's: attire-

Which you've aced,


Attitude -
"be polite and positive,"

And appearance -
"maintain a poker face."

So they can't
see you sweat.


even when the scum of the earth
walk into the room...

(Court spectators whisper)

I haven't seen them

Since the police took them
from school.

all rise!

Danny yegovan:
please state your full name
for the record.

luke baker.

And what is your relationship
to zoe rivas?

Uh, zoe and I go
to the same school,

But we never really,
uh, talked.

Until the hollingsworth party?

neil and I came across her
in the pool house.

Danny yegovan:
where you hooked up with her?

uh, we thought...

It was kinda weird that
she wanted to fool around

With two guys at the same time,

She's got this rep
as this celebrity party girl.

Danny yegovan:
so you're claiming this hook-up
was consensual?

Well, she never said no.

Danny yegovan:
so you did not take advantage
of zoe's intoxicated state

To as*ault her?


Danny yegovan:
and you did not continue
to violate her

While she was passed out?

absolutely not.

(Court spectators whisper)


What's with the furrowed brow?

Can you imagine what zoe's
going through right now?

Reporters stalking her
at school.

People saying all sorts
of things about her online.

We need to do something!

How about some placards?

That's an idea!

uh, yeah, and t-shirts?

People could wear them in court
to show their support.

Yeah, we could get
other students to help!

And there's a whole
bunch of supplies

Leftover from dad's campaign,

I can bring them
to the school this aft.

Great! Um... Yeah,
it's a date!

Yeah, it's gonna be
so much fun.

Rhonda patterson:

That's what zoe told you
she was after

The night of the party?

She was a little down;

She was getting over
a breakup.

She wanted to have
a good time.

Define "good time."

you know, let loose, dance.

Hook up with boys?

did zoe specifically say

That she wanted to hook up
that night?

And remember,
you're under oath.

Please, please, please,
don't say...

Yes. Yeah, she did,

But she was really, really,
really drunk at the time!

Rhonda patterson:
which is why you tried
to stop her,

Because you knew
that she'd regret it.


Rhonda patterson:
just like earlier this year

When zoe regretted having sex
with a different boy,

At a different party.

I believe his name
is drew torres.

What happened after that?

Did she publicly accuse him
of r*pe?

no, that's not what happened!

You need to object.
Why aren't you objecting?

Judge sanders:
is there a problem?!

Your honour,
may I request a short recess?

Five minutes.

(Gavel bangs)

This is a disaster!

Danny yegovan:
don't worry, I will talk
to the judge.

Given the circumstances,
he will forgive your behaviour!

Not me, you!


He's tanking my case, mom!

I never said winning
would be easy.

Well, right now
it seems impossible!

We need a new lawyer!

I'm not sure we can do that,

Why not?

Because technically,
this is not your case.

The prosecution represents
the government.

So there's nothing
I can do?


Stay out of court.

But I want to help win
this thing.

I need to do something!

Yeah, trust me!

Hey, you know what always
makes me feel better?

A trip to the mall.

I got booted from court.

I think I'm beyond
retail therapy.


Uh, look on the bright side:

You have extra time to focus
on your audition.

While people tell tales
about me on the stand.

I need to find a way
to influence the jury.

Well, you still get
to testify, right?

That won't be enough.

The defense has already
convinced everyone

That I'm just another
dumb slut!


what would gatsby do?

Hire a hit man,
take people out.

Hey, we swore we'd never
speak of season eight.

I guess...

I guess she'd find a way
to do some serious image rehab.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

that there are like
a million reporters

Dying to hear my side
of the story?

We could hold
a press conference!

The publicist at "west drive"

Always said one on one
was best.


I'm here with the beautiful,
young zoe rivas.

Zoe, what do you want
the people to know

About that terrible night?

The truth.

And you forgot to say,


that is definitely not the spot
for the purple.

yeah, well,
your hand's in the way

And I can't get it right!

you're colouring
in the wrong spot!

Hey, um, thanks for
doing this with me.

It means a lot.

Yeah, well, zoe didn't deserve
what happened to her,

And people need
to hear that.


Plus, spending time with you
isn't so bad.

Oh no?

That's good to hear.

Maybe when this
is all over,

We can like spend
some more time together.

Okay, I'm gonna go
sweet talk ms. Grell

Into letting us use
the photocopier for our project.

All right.


You're wasting your time,

Man, what are you
talking about?

I totally have another sh*t.

How do you think
maya's going to feel

When you testify
in court

That you pretty much
made out with zoe

While you guys were
still together?

Mr. Perino:
okay, before we head out,

I want all your cell phones
in this box!

We're using compasses today,
not smartphones!

Thank you.

Thank you.

(Becky's cell phone chimes)

Miss baker?

Thank you.

hey, stranger!
I didn't see you on the bus.

Um, the only seat left
was at the front

And I rushed straight
from court, so...

Well, that explains the duds.

Weren't you supposed to testify
this afternoon?

If I was,
would I be here?

True! Partners?

Is what imogen
would have said

If she hadn't already agreed
to be mine.


But that's before I knew
my bestie was available.

Nope, sorry.

The only person still solo
is drew,

And I can't spend the whole day
alone in the woods with him.

Didn't you guys
like kiss and make up?!

There was no kissing!

I don't understand,
drew's not even that cute!

Besides, I wanna hear everything
about the trial.

Uh, you know what?

It's fine,
I'll go with drew.

Are you sure?


I mean it's not like

I'll accidentally
make out with him.

You say that now!

(Imogen and becky laugh)

Drew: hey!
Becky: hey.

You wanna be in charge
of the compass?

Not unless you want
to get lost!

I won't ever
get lost!

Okay. Oh!

so I'll need this article
published as soon as possible.

We can have it online
this afternoon.

great! Here's my press kit.

Official bio,
approved pictures,

Standard media agreement.

Yeah, I'll take a look
at that later.

Right now, I want to hear
your story.


Um, well...
The morning after,

I woke up in the pool house

No, no, no,
I can get the facts

From the court transcript.

I want to know
what you were feeling.

Maybe this isn't
a good idea.

I have to testify
in an hour.

Plus, the lawyer
for the prosecution

Doesn't want me talking
to the press, so-

The lawyer who,
according to you,

Is "tanking your case."

Those boys hurt you,
didn't they?


Then I need
the whole story.

Where do I start?

all right, t-shirts and placards
are loaded.

We should get going
if we want to be in court

For zoe's testimony.

(Zig's cell phone buzzes)

um, actually,
I'll meet you in a minute.

Miles: um, yeah, okay.
Maya: okay.

What, am I in trouble
or something?

No, I just wanted
to talk to you.

Uh, can it wait?

It's just...
Would it be weird,

Like with us,

If miles and i...

You still love him.

I think so.

Believe it or not,

It is possible to get over
maya matlin.

Thank you.

(Exhales nervously)

she's pretty, ziggy!

Is she the reason
you've been ignoring my calls?

No, man, I've just been
super busy with...

With family, school,

Well plus, I have a job
at this restaurant now,

So it's like...

I got a job for you, too.

Vince, man, I'm retired.

Then you should've moved
to florida.

No one gets out that easy.

Exam time is coming up

And I need my soldiers
in the field.

What happens if I say no?

I think you know the answer
to that.

Rhonda patterson:
but you didn't say no,
did you?

I didn't say anything.
I was unconscious.

Well then, how do you know
that you were assaulted

By the defendants?

Because the next day
at school,

Everybody was talking

And posting pictures
over social media.

How did that make you feel?

Like I wanted to crawl
into a cave

And never come up.

You were embarrassed?

Of course.

You didn't like your classmates
calling you names.

Who would?!

And you wanted them
to stop?

Well, obviously!

So you told everyone that
these boys assaulted you!

No! No, that's a lie!

Then why did you tell buzzline:
and I quote,

"The whole school thought
I was a slut.

I wanted them to stop,

So I said those boys
assaulted me."

I-i didn't tell them that!

That reporter must've
misquoted me!

Rhonda patterson:

Well then, maybe this transcript
from "buzzline"

Will jog your memory.

Please read the highlighted
portions for the court.

"The whole school thought
I was a slut.

I wanted them to stop,

So I said those boys
assaulted me."

Okay, I might have said
these actual words,

But I didn't want it
to sound like this!

Just like you didn't want
the kids at school

Saying that you had
hooked up

With two boys
at the same time!

But that doesn't mean
you didn't consent to it.

"you've heard of the boy
who cried wolf.

Meet the girl
who cried as*ault."

stop, I can't hear any more!

Zo, it's just one article,

that's been tweeted
all over!

okay, but it's not all bad.

The journalist describes you

As a, "beautiful, talented,
young girl."

Obsessed with
male attention!

Yeah, but that part
is kind of true!

So you agree
with that reporter?


God, no, zoe,
of course not!

But you do care a lot
about what boys think!

First, my brother...

Okay, frankie,
leave me out of this, okay?!

Then drew!

plus, you were walking
around that party

Asking if you were sexy.

So you think I'm to blame
for what happened that night?!

Okay, it doesn't matter
what they think,

Just the jury.

It matters to me!

(Zoe sobs)


(Becky sighs)

it's ten o'clock!

We were supposed to meet
the bus at seven.

okay, well, according to the map
perino gave us,

The next marker should be
right over there.

I don't see it!

I think we're lost.

Becky: we're not lost!
Drew: yeah, we are!

We've passed this same tree
like five times!

And besides, we haven't seen
anyone from our class in hours!

Okay, well,

Have we been walking north
the entire time?

According to the compass,

Which you did not adjust
for declination!

Decli- what?

The difference between true
and magnetic north!

Didn't you listen to anything
perino said in class?!


But how could you make
such a big mistake?!

Look, you're the one who put me
in charge of the compass!

Oh, so it's my fault
we're in this mess?!

No, but-

And I should be the one
to fix it,

Even if it means doing something
really, really bad?!


Are we still talking
about orienteering?

Just give me the compass!

It's getting dark.

All right?
We should stop for the night!

No, we need to get home!

I've already caused
my family enough grief

By skipping court today!

Don't they send people
to jail for that?

What am I supposed to do?

If I don't lie on the stand
my family hates me,

And if I do,
I hate myself!


How could someone I love
do something so terrible?

Drew: he made a mistake.
Becky: a big one!


But it doesn't mean
you just give up on him.

My brother never gave up on me.

What would adam do?

Talk to me.

Try to understand
if there was more to the story.

Even if there was,

What would people think
if I took luke's side?

I won't judge anyone

For trying to keep
their brother around.

You are a good guy, drew.

(laughs wryly)

Right now,
I'm a cold guy,

So can we find some firewood?

(Drew pants)



distorted male voices)

zoe, what's wrong?

get off of me!


help! Help!

(Cameras click)

Help! Help!

It sure looks like consent
to me.
