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08x12 - The Spoiler

Posted: 05/29/22 08:02
by bunniefuu

Okay, take him
downtown. Tag him.

Have Mary prep him for autop.

When you're finished in here,
hit the garage and dust his car.

- I got everything I need, lieutenant.
- All right, Nick, thanks.

- Wanna make a guess, Frank?
- Well, it doesn't look like a homicide.

No visible wounds.

Looks more like he OD'd.

I'll be able to tell you
more after I do the autopsy.

All right.

Miss Reece, are you up to
answering a few questions?

- Yeah.
- Why were you here tonight?

Josh was my friend and I
was concerned about him.

Was he alive when you arrived?

He was on the floor.

I don't know. He...

MAN: I'll call you later. Let you
know what I've got. Let's go, Macky.

Let's get him downtown.

Look, tell Mary to take full
blood panels, tissue samples.

Have him tagged and
ready by the time I get there.

STEVEN: I need you to
stop that man. MAN: Please...

have any reason to suspect

- he was using dr*gs?
- Sammy Jo?

- Steven.
- Miss Reece, please.

OFFICER: I can't let you through.
- Please stop that man.

- Miss Reece, now...
- I'm Steven Carrington.

Can I talk to her just
for a minute, please?

I have a lot of questions
to ask Miss Reece.

Just for a second, please.

- You all right?
- He needed us.

We didn't help him.

It's the middle of the night.

- What's the matter?
- Isn't it obvious? I can't sleep.

Let me guess.

You set a trap and your
victim just wriggled out of it.

Blake must not become
governor of Colorado.

He's the wrong man for the job.

Let me ask you something.

Is it politics or ego?

I mean, the party had been
considering you for the nomination.

It has nothing to do with
petty jealousies, I assure you.

Heh. Makes me wonder

what brought the two of
you together in the first place.

Well, Sean, that was a long time
ago and we were different then.

In what way? Kinder?

More understanding?

This is not about Blake and me.

I would oppose anybody
with his political beliefs.

He has got to be stopped.

And the more I think about it,

the more I come
up with one answer:

Ralph Dunbar.

Heh, Blake b*at
Dunbar in the primary.

What makes you
think he could win now?

Who said anything about winning?

- Mr. Carrington is expecting me.
- Yes, Mr. Fleming.

- I'll let him know you're
here. BLAKE: That's all right.

- Good evening.
- Ah, Mr. Carrington.

Forgive the hour,
but the network

- is holding a satellite feed.
- That's all right.

I don't mind telling you
the phones in our newsroom

are ringing off the wall
with this Josh Harris thing.

Yes, I can understand that.

Darling, you know R.D.
Fleming. This is my wife.

- How do you do? KRYSTLE:
Hello. I watch your show.

- Would you like some coffee?
- No, I'm on a very tight schedule.

Sit down, won't you?

- You don't mind, uh, for
accuracy? BLAKE: No, no, not at all.

I have some tough questions.

Did you know there was a
drug problem on the team

before you sold it to your son?

Now, hold on. What makes
you think it has a drug problem?

Are you saying it
was just coincidence

that both quarterbacks
were involved with cocaine?

I'm saying that we shouldn't
condemn a whole team

because of the
actions of two men.

Will you push your
son to test the team?

Nobody pushes my son.

Now, my position on
mandatory testing is clear:

I'm for it.

But my son owns the football team
and he makes his own decisions.

What's your reaction
to this, Mrs. Carrington?

Doesn't this effectively destroy
your anti-drug campaign?


- No, it'll only strengthen it.
- What do you think it will do

- to your husband's political future?
- Just a minute...

I'll answer that, darling.

You insist on tying my
husband's campaign

to his son's football team,
and I think that's wrong.

Josh Harris' death
is a terrible tragedy.

But it should be a
warning to all young people.

That's your story.

What if they prove that your son
was covering up for Josh Harris?

Mr. Fleming, I think
our interview is over.

The story won't go away.

Not with this cloud
hanging over the team.

Thank you for your time.

Good night, Mr. Carrington,
Mrs. Carrington.

I can see myself out.

Good night.

Josh broke this the
last time I saw him alive.

You're exhausted.

Why don't you try
to get some sleep?

I wanna talk about it.

Josh is dead and
we helped k*ll him.

That just isn't true.

He couldn't deal with
the pressures of his life.

You chose to ignore that.

And when he turned to me for
help, I chose to turn him away.

All right, let's talk about it.

Harris didn't have an
exclusive on pressure.

Everybody has to
deal with pressure.

And not everybody
OD's on cocaine.

So too bad for him?

I offered him help.

He was kidding himself.

Kidding himself.

I've been doing the same thing.

What do you mean?

I mean that I can't
live like this anymore.

And it took Josh's death
to make me realize that.

What happened to Josh
has nothing to do with us.

Steven, don't you understand?

I didn't love Josh.

I... I just need some...

I need someone to love me,

and to hold me, and
to make love to me.

I never misled you.

No. I misled myself.


I thought I could
accept your terms.

I can't.

I don't wanna
feel guilty about it.

I understand.

Maybe I should move out.



I tried.

I really did.



MAN: Good morning.

You wouldn't know if, uh,
Harry Thresher comes in here?

- Thresher?
- Yeah, the oil minister?

I had a meeting with him
earlier, but I missed him.

Yes, sir, he drops
in from time to time.

How about his business associate,
Sean Rowan, do you know him?

I'm sorry. Names
don't mean much to me.

- I just connect faces with drinks.
- I see.

I'll take a Scotch on the rocks.

Thank you.


Don't see you in years
then twice in the same day.

I thought you made plane
reservations from my office.

Oh, the best laid plans.
First, I missed the flight.

You know, hotel
room, I can't sleep.

- Gives us a chance to have a drink.
- Yeah.


Thank you.

Funny, you missing that plane.

I'm sure you're
anxious to get home.

Yeah, well, can't, uh, do
anything about that now.

Wrong, old friend.

Can I have the phone, please?

The oil minister's got
influence in Natumbe.

I'll have you on
the next flight out.

Oh, Harry, I don't wanna
put you to any trouble.

It's no sweat,
Dexter. Thank you.

Unless, of course, you have
other business in Natumbe.


No, no other business.

Good, then it's settled.

I don't know how to thank you.

By making the flight.

Why can't you ever find
what you're looking for?

Where is that?

It's here somewhere.

This house is a mess.

Look at that.
Nothing is in order.

Why is everything out of
order? Nothing's in order!

DANNY: Mommy, Mommy,
what are you doing?

It's nothing. Get back to bed.

- Everything will be fine.
DANNY: I'm scared. I'm scared.

SAMMY JO: It'll be all
right. Don't worry about it.

- Time to go back to bed.
- Sammy Jo.

Hey, hi there, Danny.

Hey, you know, your
daddy, he's pretty busy.

That's why he sent
me to tuck you in.

So why don't you show Uncle Jeff
how hard you can hit that pillow, huh?

- Okay.
- Good.

Where do all these things go?

Nothing's right.
Everything's out of order.

- This isn't in order.
- Sammy Jo.

I'm sorry, Jeff. I've gotta
straighten things out.

I've gotta get this in order.

- Can't you see what you're doing?
- It's all messed up.

- Everything's wrong!
- Sammy Jo, just stop it.

- Now, just take it easy now.
- Unh.

Come on. Take a
deep breath. Come on.


Josh is dead.

That's why I have to find Steven,
to... Do you know where he is?

No. No, he's not here.

Uh, he's gone. He
finally moved out. It's over.

- I hate to leave you here like this...
- Uh, it's okay.

- I gotta learn to be on my own now.
- I hope you understand.

I have to find Steven. But
if you need anyone to talk to

or just to listen,

- I'll be there.
- Yeah.


I'll be there for
you, all right?

I mean that.

- I'll be there, any place, any time.
- I'll be fine, really.

Everything's fine, really.


Damn it.

Nice catch.


What are you doing here?

Well, I was gonna
ask you the same thing.

Had a hard time finding you.

I thought I heard you
talking to someone.

Yeah, I've got a lot on my mind.

Got a game on Sunday
and no quarterback.

- You don't waste any time, do you?
- What do you want?

The press are like sharks.

Phone's ringing off
the hook at the house.

That's why I stayed
away from there.

Well, they're
hounding your father.

Trying to tie this in
with his campaign.

- I don't control the media.
- I'm not asking you to.

I'm asking you to
help your father.

Order mandatory drug
testing for the Monarchs.

No, I won't do that.

This could destroy your father's
campaign. You owe it to him.

I believe that mandatory
testing of any kind is wrong.

I don't understand how you can
just sit there with your principles,

while your father's taking all the
heat. You don't have a problem?

I don't have to justify my
family responsibilities to you.

You're the one who's
gonna have to live with it.

No, no, don't schedule
any interviews.

I don't wanna talk to
any reporters right now.

I'll be in the Hunt Bar waiting for
the attorney if you need to reach me.

Okay. Thank you.


Hey. Chris. How are you?

- All right, all right.
- Good.

Sorry, I didn't mean
to keep you waiting.

What do you mean,
keep me waiting?

Aren't you here to meet the attorney
for the quarterback you're interested in?

Yeah, I thought his
name was Thompson.

- Ha, ha. My little joke.
- Ha-ha-ha.

- Very good.
- Thought I'd surprise you.

So I, uh, hear you've
got some problems.

- Yeah. Why don't you sit down?
- Oh, thanks.

- How've you been?
- All right, all right.

- Good.
- You're looking good.

- I'd like a club soda, please.
- Same.

Well, haven't seen
you in over a year.

Why does it take somebody's
death to bring people together?

You've sure had your share.

I was in Tokyo during
the Blaisdel business.

I'm sorry, Steven. That
was a hell of a thing.

Now your quarterback.

Yeah. Maybe I'm cursed.

Is that guilt I'm hearing?

I don't know. Maybe.

I don't buy that.

- You care too much.
- Do I?

Look, you've been through a lot,

but you're good people.

I mean, you couldn't
have changed that much.

What makes you think
I've changed at all?

I heard you're living
with your ex-wife.

Not as of this morning.

Sorry, tell me to mind
my own business,

but, uh, were you
trying to go straight?


I don't know what I
was trying to do. I...

I wanted a family.

I wanted a home.

But I wanted them on my terms.

Is there a man in your life?

Hell, no. That's the last thing
in the world I need right now.

I've been living with
someone for almost a year.

He's an architect.

One-to-one. Makes sense.

Does it?


It feels good to have
somebody in my life.

Somebody to care about,
who cares about you.

It's a lot easier for you,
Chris. You're not a Carrington.

It gets cold at night, no
matter what your name is.

Not if you don't think about it.

CHERYL: Morning, Mr. Carrington.
- Morning.

Would you call the head
coach and set up a meeting?

- I've signed a new quarterback.
- All right, Mr. Carrington.

- Have you seen today's paper?
- No.

Ugh. Thanks.

Cheryl, tell them I
wanna talk to the players.

It's very important.

ALL: Ready, great.
MAN : Guys, let's go.

MAN : Teddy, look,
look. Teddy, look.

MAN : Let's go, buddy.
MAN : You, you, you!

MAN : Come on, come
on. MAN : Come on, let's go.

MAN : Set! Agh!

MAN : Ball, ball! MAN : Yeah!

MAN : Yeah, right. MAN
: Good job, you guys.


MAN : Good work,
captain. MAN : Yeah.

All right, you guys,
hang out for a minute.

They're all here.
Closed meeting.

Just like you
asked. No reporters.

- How are they taking it?
- Mixed.

Eh, they liked Harris.

But they see the newspapers
and the fingers pointed at them.

You know, about Josh,
I mean, I had no idea.

Maybe I should have
looked at him a bit deeper.

Yeah, maybe we all should have.

Come on.

All right, you guys, listen up.

All right, come on, move in.

Mr. Carrington has something
he wants to say to you.


I just wanted to talk to you guys
before the rumor mill got out of control.

It looks like Josh Harris did
die of a cocaine overdose.

Skip Maitland was
arrested for dealing dr*gs.

Those are the only
facts that we have.

They say the whole
team's on dr*gs.

We're gonna be hearing a lot of
that. We're all in the spotlight now.

I heard you're gonna call
for mandatory drug tests.

Well, you heard wrong.
I don't believe in it.

But your father does.

My father doesn't
own this team. I do.

Now, we have a very
serious situation here.

The only way we're gonna be
able to deal with it is as a team.

And just how do we do that?

By talking about it.

Finding a solution
that we can all live with.

Okay, Mr. Carrington, you're
saying all the right things.

Maybe you should hear
what we have to say.

ALL: Yeah.
- All right, I'm listening.

Maybe we all share the blame
for what happened to Josh.

We've been on the losing
end of the stick for so long,

we put on blinders
when we started winning.

DOUG: Mr. Carrington,

well, we appreciate what you've
done to turn this team around.

I mean, you stuck by us and,
well, that counts for something.

ALL: Yeah.
- I believe in you guys, Doug.

I don't think there's a
drug problem on this team.

But what we have to do

is to figure out a way to
let the public know that.

And if you guys have any
suggestions, I'd like to hear them.

Look, why don't you
give us a couple minutes?

Let us talk some things over.

- Just the players.
- You got it.

Let's go, guys. Come on.


Yes. Yes, of
course, I'm pleased.

No. No, I had
nothing to do with it.

It was my son's decision,
and a darned good one too.

Yes, you can quote
me on that. Yup.

Right. Bye.

Can you imagine? The
whole team volunteering?

- I think that's terrific.
- I think it'll help the campaign.

Yes, yes, it will.

And Steven did it the right way
too. He didn't force anyone to do it.

They did it on their own.

We're just talking about
you. We heard the good news.

Ah, well, I don't
mind telling you

I didn't know how it
was gonna turn out.

Whatever you said or
whatever you did was great.

To get those guys to do
something as important as this.

Not to mention what it could
mean all the way across the country.

I mean, about voluntary
testing and saving lives.

Son, I'm proud of you.

Thanks, Dad.

Steven. It's good work.

Thank you, Jeff.

If you had told me what
you wanted to talk about,

I could have saved
myself the trip over here.

The answer is no.

You know, Ralph, I just
don't understand you.

The Denver Mirror
backs Ralph Dunbar,

that is a great headline.

I am offering you a golden opportunity
to get back in the governor's race

as an independent candidate,
and you are rejecting it.

Come on, Alexis,
I'm smarter than that.

You don't expect me to win.

You're betting I'll siphon off
just enough of Blake's votes

to see him lose.

- You could win.
- No, I can't.

- But he can.
- Agh.

He's the wrong man for the job.

Why? Because of what happened
between the two of you years ago?

That has nothing to do with it.

You know something?

I was wrong about you.

You'd make a lousy governor.



Evening, Mr. Rowan.

Thomas. You have my
reservation for three?

Yes, however, your wife
phoned just a few moments ago.

She regrets, she'll
be tied up in meetings

and won't be able to join you.

I see.

- Will you still need a table?
- Oh, absolutely.

- Am I late?
- On time and looking beautiful.

This way, please.

Champagne, please.

I thought you said
Alexis was joining us.

My wife has politics
on the brain lately.

Hard for her to focus
on a mere celebration.

Celebration? Thank you. You
mean she accepted my proposal?

Tell me. What did she
say? Was she impressed?

I told you, Alexis has a
lot on her mind these days.

She relied on my recommendation.

Well, I suppose a big
thank you is in order.

How far are you willing to go?

Excuse me?

Well, I was just thinking,

you don't strike me as a
woman who satisfies easily.


This enough for you?

I'd like to think that we
never get enough in life.

You should always stay a little
hungry. It keeps you wanting more.

Mm. That can get
you in over your head.

I'm a good swimmer.

I bet you are.

I bet you are.

Steven, this could be
Denver-Carrington's first major project

without Daddy's involvement.

Look, good or bad, I
turned the Vitron deal down.

I don't even understand what you
were doing in Natumbe in the first place.

I had some personal
business there.

And I was doing
your sister a favor.

Fallon doesn't run

I thought you didn't trust their oil
minister, this, uh, Harry Thresher.

I meant a long time ago,
when I dealt with the guy.

Well, it doesn't matter.

I don't wanna do a
deal this big right now.

Well, that puts a
different complexion on it.

- Look, I think...
- Fallon, it's over.

Dex, you have wasted
enough time in Natumbe.

Let's talk about the pipeline.

I want oil flowing through the
major section in three weeks.

Come on, Steven, you're
acting crazy. There's no way.

Colbyco was playing
hardball with that easement.

Tough. Then I invoke
your penalty clause.

I want that pipeline finished.

You know something, Steven? You
don't have to invoke penalty clause.

Because I'm invoking
my out clause.

You want the pipeline
finished? You do it.

Steven, call him back.

It was his move. He made it.

What's happened to you?

Fallon, I know you meant well.

But don't ever discuss family
business with an outsider again.

This isn't over.

Not yet.

Okay. Oh, oh!

There we go.

What do you think, Daddy?

What do I think?

You'd better get some lessons, so you
can figure out how to use all this stuff.

When are we going,
Daddy? Can we leave now?

No. You and Danny and Mrs.
Wrigley are gonna fly up this afternoon.

I've got work to do, I'll
drive up and see you tonight.

- With Mom?
- No.

Without Mom. Mom's
not feeling up to a ski trip.

Besides, somebody's got to
take care of your little sister

while you boys are off
frolicking in the snow. Heh.

Your cousin Danny is
downstairs in his new outfit.

And he's looking for you.

I'm sorry you can't
come with us, Mommy.

Next time.

He looks so cute in that outfit.

I haven't told him about us.

I know. We'll have
to tell him soon.

Yeah, well, figured it was
gonna be painful enough.

I didn't wanna spoil his trip.

I, uh, have to take Danny
and L.B. over to Sammy Jo's.


Make sure he wears his gloves.



JEFF: Hey, take it
easy now. No running.

- Mommy, look, we're skiers.
- Oh! You certainly are. Heh.

They wanted to wear
their skis in the car.

- I think they're anxious to go.
- Heh.

- My daddy says we can have lessons.
- Well, that's wonderful.

There's a young man
who isn't going anywhere

until he straightens
out his room.

- L.B., can you please help me?
- Okay.


Hey. If you come with
us, you can watch us ski.

- How you doing? You okay?
- Oh, I'm fine.

- I'm just finishing up business here.
- Good.

You know, why don't
you come along?

No, I can't. I've got
stuff to do, but thank you.

Well, I could use some help
with those two Olympic hopefuls.

What about Fallon?

Fallon's not coming.

One big happy family, huh?

Well, listen, the more I
think about it, why not?

Why sit around here?
Look, I'm leaving tonight,

and I could use the company,
and I can guarantee you...

Well, yes, I think I have the
worst, worst jokes. Ha, ha.

I don't know. Heh.

Oh, come on. We could
both use the company.

It'll do us some good.

Maybe it would.

"Denver-Carrington board meets to
discuss reopening Vitron Oil proposal.

Steven Carrington votes no.

Fallon Colby votes yes.

Adam Carrington
tables, temporarily."

Dissension in the
ranks. I commend you.

- You're a woman of your word.
- And now it's over.

- I beg your pardon?
- No more. You got what you want.

Mrs. Carrington, I thought
we had an agreement.

Well, it's terminated.

And if you try to blackmail
me again, I'll tell my husband.

You know you won't do that.

And I want more information.

I will do that right now.

And you can go to hell.

Well, give me ten seconds
and then ask her in.

Adam, I have to talk to you.

I was just thinking about you.

I have to talk to you.

All right, but first things
first. Close your eyes.

- What for?
- Close your eyes.

- Oh, Adam, please, I'm...
- Eyes closed.


- Are they closed?
- Yes.

I was gonna wait
until I got home, but...

- Open it.
- Wh... Uh...


It's the most beautiful
thing I've ever seen.

For the most beautiful
woman I've ever seen.

- Adam, I...
- I should have done this a lot sooner.

But I didn't think of it until I
gave Karen those earrings.

Here you go.


You mean more than
anything else in the world to me.

And I don't tell you
that often enough.

What did you wanna tell me?

It'll keep.

I don't deserve you.

I love you.

Oh, I love you.

- Hi, Sammy Jo. Where's Steven?
- He's not here.

Well, his secretary
told me he was.

Well, she's wrong. He's
moved back into the mansion.

Well, I'm delighted he's finally
made the right decision. And Danny?

Danny? He's staying
with me, of course.

Heh. Staying with you?
Well, Steven won't allow that.

You can't speak for him.
We have an agreement.

Oh, an agreement.

Does that agreement include
sleeping with every Tom, d*ck and...?

Oh, don't ever do
that again, little girl.

Get out of my house. Get out!

This is just what I
needed. What a treat.

The only thing missing is an
ocean view and a strolling violin.

Well, we've been so busy, I'd
forgotten what a romantic dinner was like.

Well, I for one am glad and
grateful that you remembered.

I'm starving to death.

ALEXIS: I have to see him
and you are not going to stop me.

I knew it was too
good to be true.

Alexis, may I ask
what you want here?

- Steven has moved out of Delta Rho.
- I'm well aware of that.

- He's moved back into the house.
- But Danny hasn't.

Danny belongs with his mother.

Would you stay out of this?

Now, damn it, Alexis, I think
you ought to keep out of this.

Try living your own life and stop
interfering with other people's.

My children are
a part of my life.

Danny should be under
the supervision of his father.

Not that tacky little
niece of Krystle's.

Stop right there, Alexis.

Oh, Blake, when you
started running for governor

I knew it would be a
disaster for the voters.

What I didn't realize was it was
gonna be a disaster for my children.


She sure knows how
to ruin a man's appetite.

ALEXIS: Sean, do you
mind? I'm just not in the mood.

- Sure?
- Mm, positive.

How about driving
up to the lake?

- What for?
- A little late supper.

I'm not hungry, either.

Tell me, Alexis, what are you?

I'm thinking.

About Blake, no doubt.

I should be suspicious.

Please don't give me the
jealous husband routine.

- It's misdirected.
- Is it?

- Mm.
- Then why this obsession

with getting him?

If he were really out of your
system, you wouldn't give a damn.

Is that really what you
think this is all about?

That I still care
about Blake? Heh.

You and Dex. Neither of you
either know me or understand me.

Maybe I don't know you at all.

But what I'm seeing is a woman
who enjoys manipulating men,

who lashes out when
she doesn't get her way.

Am I next on your list?

Don't do this, Sean, please.

I'm going out. If I were you,
I wouldn't wait up for me.

Get me the managing editor
of The Denver Mirror, please.

Hello, Victor.

Victor, I want you to call a
press conference in my office

in exactly one hour's time.

Oh, Victor, I don't care
how you do it. Just do it.

That's why I pay
you so much money.



Who is it?



Who is it? Sean.

I got to thinking, now that
you're climbing up in the company,

your stressification factor
may take a dangerous upturn.



- My word. Pretty good, eh?
- Mm.

So I said to myself,

how do we destressify the lady?

Oh, let me think.


- For openers.
- Heh.

I'm not dressed for company.

Oh, yes, you are.

Don't tease me, Sean.

Who's teasing?

What's the matter,
Alexis have a headache?

Why don't you tell
me you don't want me?

Let it happen, Leslie.

Be with me.

Look, I worked hard
to get where I am.

What if Alexis finds out?
Am I gonna lose my job?

We're alike, you and I.

We want the same things.

And right now, I want you.

Nothing else matters.



Thank you.

Mrs. Wrigley called.

They arrived at the lodge
and she put the boys to bed.

Ha, good.


I hope you have good weather.

It's not too late to
change your mind.

Yes, it is.


- Yes?
- Jeff Colby.

- Yes?
- Just a moment.

For you.

I didn't mean for it
to happen like this.

How was it supposed to happen?

Is there a right way to
serve divorce papers?

For what it's worth, I
never saw it coming.


Pretty lively pair,
the two of us. Heh.


Guess I haven't been
the best of company.

Fallon served me with
divorce papers today.


I just didn't think
she'd do it that fast.

- How do you feel about it?
- I don't know.

I guess I feel depressed and
relieved at the same time. Heh.

Well, do you want
to talk about it at all?



No gloom and doom on this trip.

Just hopefully, some good snow,
some skiing and some fun with the kids.

- Deal?
- Deal.


Ah, um, maybe you should
pay attention to the road.

Oh, ha.

Piece of cake.

Okay, Sam, see you tomorrow.


Darling, do you mind if
I turn on the late news?

I wanna see how they handle
the story of Steven's football team.

No. Go ahead.

Blake, look.

She told the station

she had an important
announcement to make.

What next?

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

Up until this moment

your choices in this election
have been severely limited.

Limited to two men: Blake
Carrington and James Rayford.

These two men assume that
they can control your destinies.

Well, I am going to
challenge that assumption.

And I am going to fight them

until they wish that they had
never heard the word "governor,"

nor the name Alexis Colby Rowan.

I can no longer sit idly by

and not give the
voters of this great state

a real choice in this election.

Therefore, as of this moment,

I am declaring myself as
an independent candidate

for the governor's office
of the state of Colorado.

MAN : When did you decide...?

WOMAN: Have you
told Mr. Carrington?

MAN : Mrs. Colby...

She's finally found a way
to destroy my campaign.

WOMAN: What will be your
campaign promise, Mrs. Rowan?

You have any idea?