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08x04 - The Announcement

Posted: 05/29/22 07:57
by bunniefuu
Well, so do you wanna tell
me what this is all about?

You saved my life.

I just want to
thank you properly.

By taking over my screening
room with your caterers.

Heh. Lady, you're
something else.

I'm gonna take that
as a compliment, so...

You can stay for dinner?

Adam, please calm down.

I'm being maneuvered
out onto a limb.

Before dinner, you were
going on about Jeff and Fallon,

now you're worried about Steven?

What are they talking
about in the library?

Steven's price for
staying in Denver?

- An important job in the campaign?
- Would you listen to yourself?

I am listening to myself.
Know what I hear, Dana?

I hear that limb being sawed
off with me at the end of it.

- Honey, that's not going to happen.
- You're damn right it's not.

We are as much a part of
this family as any of them.

Yes, we are. So why
are you going on like this?

Because I wasn't seated next
to father at dinner, Fallon was.

Because I was not invited into
the library for an intimate chat,

it was Steven.

What does it take to be treated
like an equal around here?

I don't know, darling, but you're
making more out of this than you should.

It's the grandchildren.

Steven and Fallon have
given Dad grandchildren.

It makes a difference.

It was great having everyone
here for dinner, wasn't it?

Yes. Yes.

Heard a lot of good political
talk around that table tonight.

Nothing from you, Steven.

I haven't been thinking about
much of anything these days,

except getting my life
and my family's life in order.

Oh, I'm happy to hear that.

That you're gonna stay in Denver.
You gonna go back with Sammy Jo?

Wait a minute, Dad.

Don't read "husband and
wife" into our relationship.

Well, I didn't ask you in here
to pry into your private life.

I wanna make you an offer.

Son, I'm heading into a
very tough primary battle.

I'm gonna need a good
campaign manager.

What do you think?

That's very flattering.

I don't wanna sound ungrateful,

but there's no way I
can accept that job.

You mind if I ask you why not?

Because politics requires

an acceptance of and a
commitment to the rules of society.

- You don't think I have that?
- No, I know you do.

I'm talking about me.

I have no interest in serving a
society that brands me a misfit.

Don't you think that you're
acting a little prejudiced now?

Yeah, maybe.

But I'm tired of
apologizing for who I am.

I have a different
set of goals, Dad.

I'm going to take care
of my family and myself.

I don't have the time or the
inclination for public service.

Well, doesn't seem there's much
room for negotiation here, does there?

- I hope you're not angry.
- No. No.

A little disappointed,
but not angry.

Well, for what it's worth,
Dad, you have my vote.


Thank you, son.

JEFF: All I'm suggesting is that we go
back to Los Angeles and work this out.

FALLON: I'm not going anywhere
with you thinking I'm out of my mind.

Well, put yourself in my shoes.

What would you do
if I sat there calmly

and told you that I had just
taken a ride in a spaceship?

FALLON: I would at least
listen with an open mind.

You're not even giving
me the benefit of the doubt.

Okay, fine, I believe
you. Let's just end it, huh?

Geez, get on with our lives.


KRYSTLE: Maybe Steven will
change his mind after you announce.

No, no, he was quite firm.

You're not thinking of
changing your mind, are you?

I don't know. Maybe the
boy's got the right idea.

Darling, he has the
right idea for him.

Look, when Steven
said he gave you his vote,

he also meant his full support.

He believes in you. And so do I.

I wish I could be sure that
I was making the right step.

Blake, you made
the right decision.

Don't even think about
giving up your dream.

You're a big part of that
dream, you know that, don't you?

Then let me share it with you.

You know, you talk about
how lucky your life has been.

Well, so has mine.
I've had a wonderful life.

Maybe it's time I
gave back something.

You mean that we'd be
working together again?

Not as your campaign manager,
but I'll do anything I can to help.

Anything that'll
do the most good.

You know something, I sometimes
wake up nights in a panic,

wondering what my
life would be without you.


Mm. Peach-apple pie.
Mrs. Gunnerson, I love you.


You're delirious.

But famished.

Feed me, I'm not a well person.

You can say that again.


So how was dinner?

Alexis behave herself?

Uh, well, she didn't
have a chance.

She got a phone call before dinner
and off she went, never to return.

Same old Alexis.

I got one for you.

What's with my cousin Fallon?

What do you mean?

Well, is it me, or is, uh,
she just a little strange?

What are you getting at?

Either I overheard a bad
science-fiction movie on TV,

or Fallon claims that she
took a joyride in a... Don't laugh.


I swear. She and her husband
were arguing right before I came here.

Well, maybe you shouldn't
have been listening in.


Fallon's had some
tough times in her life,

but she's good people.

Oh. Oh, she's the best.
Probably was the TV, anyway.

Look, let's not waste
this food of the gods.


SEAN: Let me see if
I've got this straight.

Alexis Morell
Carrington Colby Dexter.

Have I, uh, forgotten anyone?

No, you were very
accurate, as a matter of fact,

except after my last divorce, I
reverted to the surname Colby.

Why? This Dexter
guy leave a bad taste?

All ex-husbands
leave a bad taste.

Even your first husband?

- What's his name?
- Blake Carrington.

Right, so now you know all about
me, but I don't know anything about you.

Oh, well, you're far more
interesting than I am.

Oh, let me be the judge of that.

For example, I don't
even know your name.

- What is it?
- Sean. Sean Rowan.

Sean Rowan.

I like that. Irish?

On my mother's side.

I took her name.

Ah. And what do you
do, Mr. Sean Rowan?

I'm a Renaissance man.

A Renaissance man, hmm?

I like that too.

- Hobbies?
- Hunting.

- Faults?
- Unforgiving.

- Wives?
- Never my own.

- Family?
- Dead. Too soon.

Oh, I'm sorry.


Wasn't your fault, was it?


Well, it's been, uh,
an interesting evening.

I'm sorry it has to end.

- All good things...
- Hmm.

You know, Sean, as
outlandish as this all may seem,

it really is a woefully inadequate
way of repaying you for saving my life,

so thank you.

Well, now, I'd better
be saying good night.

And goodbye.

Goodbye, yeah.

Oh, they told me at the cabin that
you weren't staying there anymore.

Now, I own a whole
wing at the Carlton Hotel,

so if you ever need
a place to stay,

I've got a great room there
with a spectacular view.

Yes, well, that's very
tempting, Mrs. Colby.



But you've said thank you.

I say you're welcome.

Now, why don't we
just leave it at that?


You don't b*at around
the bush, do you?

Well, enjoy your
popcorn, Mr. Rowan.

And whatever it was
that you were screening

that you find so fascinating.

All right, run that news clip.

husband came into the bedroom

and he found us together.

He started shouting
hideous words at me,

and then, he picked
up a candlestick,

a large brass candlestick, and
he started hitting Roger with it.

He hit him on the head,
he hit him on the chest.

He nearly k*lled him.

Blake bought people off.



He bought off a lawyer.

He bought off one of our servants
who knew what had happened,

and he promoted him
to a life-long membership

in the Carrington household.

The sins of the father.





Heh, I didn't mean to
scare you. Are you all right?

No, I'm fine. You
just startled me.

I thought I saw you
leave with Sammy Jo.

No, she went home without
me. I wanted to talk to you alone.

About what?

Well, unless I don't
know you anymore,

you didn't look like a very
happy camper at dinner.

That obvious, huh?

Is it Jeff?

In a way.

I'm listening, if
you wanna talk.

I'm afraid you
wouldn't believe me.

Mrs. Colby. Rebecca
Payne, Q and A Magazine.

- Excuse me.
- I've been waiting for hours.

If you could give me
the courtesy of a moment.

Courtesy? I'm amazed that
you're obnoxious publication

even knows the
meaning of the word.

Oh, you'd be surprised
at the words we know.

Including "political party
dumps Alexis Colby."

I see you know those words too.

What do you want?

Our sources say that
you were a strong choice

as gubernatorial
candidate in the primary.

Until your unfortunate accident.


Tell me, Miss Payne, are
you happy in your work?

Heh, you're taking it out on the
wrong person. I'm on your side.

What I'm hearing is
prejudice to its core.

Really, and what
exactly are you hearing?

That there was strong inside
support for your candidacy,

but that it sank,
along with your car.

You're a very able woman, a
genuine force in the business world,

but they're afraid that you could be
perceived as an unstable personality.

An unattached woman,

driven to extremes in her
personal life, tries to end it all.

Very calmly and very clearly,

I would like you to take your
disgustingly vile accusations

and get out of my sight.

All right, Mrs. Colby, we'll
just say "no comment."

Good night.

FALLON: And that, as they
say, is the story in a nutshell.

Well, I can certainly see how
Jeff would have a tough time with it.

And you?

Nothing surprises me anymore.

But I'm not Jeff. Ever
since we were kids,

if it didn't come in a neat little
package, he couldn't deal with it.

He certainly can't
deal with this.


You know it happened.
Jeff can't handle it.

Close it up. Put it
away. Agree to disagree.

Are things always this cut and
dry with you and Sammy Jo?


The difference is
we've talked about it.

We don't have any
illusions between us.

What do you mean?

Fallon, I shouldn't say anything,
this is between you and Jeff.

No, help me, Steven.

All right.

For what it's worth.

Whatever your desert experience
was, it was very real to you,

- the emotions are still very much alive.
- Yes.

That's the feeling you
wanna share with Jeff.

Fallon, don't you understand? You
have always wanted that with Jeff.

I don't think it's possible.

I mean, he's a great guy, but if
there aren't any lines on the pad,

he gets very nervous.

And you have always
colored outside the lines.

Until you married him.

Stop me if you don't
wanna hear any of this,

but you have
become more like Jeff.

And now he's forgotten
who you really are.

That's why he doesn't
listen to you anymore.

Maybe I've forgotten too.

I haven't.

DANNY: Mommy.

is it, sweetheart?

I had a bad dream.

Well, I'll hug that bad dream
away. You'll be all right.

Mommy, where's Daddy?
He said he would be here.

Well, honey, he'll be here soon.


DANNY: Daddy.
- Hey, champ.

What are you doing up so late?

- A monster was trying to get me.
- Oh, he was, was he?

Well, I'll just bop him
in the nose. How's that?

- Bop him twice if he comes back.
- I'll do that.

Now, let's get you into bed and
I'll guard the door. Sound good?

- Okay, say good night to your mom.
- Night, Mommy.

Good night, honey.

He was asleep
before he hit the pillow.

Oh, I feel about the same.
Early day tomorrow too.

Good night.


- Yeah?
- We need to talk.

I'm not sure I understand
all the ground rules.

We went to dinner as a couple,

and I assumed we were coming
back as a couple. Is that a mistake?

No, I just wanted to talk to
Fallon. I'm sorry it got so late.

Okay, I understand that.
But I've been here all night.

Does this mean I
should stop worrying?

You live here, take
care of Danny and me,

I can't just turn off
any care and concern.

I'm not asking you to.

Well, what are you asking?
Because I don't understand.

Sammy Jo, I don't
have all the answers.

And I know I have to make
a lot of compromises too.

The bottom line is,

if you don't wanna
try, you should tell me.

No. No, Steven.

I just need some time.

So do I.

And I don't want you to stop
caring. That's part of being a family.

I just don't want you to
be disappointed because...

Don't say it,
Steven. I understand.

Or I'm beginning to.

I'll try.

Me too.

How about a, uh,
little late-night snack?

After that big dinner?

So we'll start jogging
again. Come on.

Yes, Norman, I
know how late it is.

But if that filthy rag libels
me in tomorrow's edition,

I want you to hit them with a
lawsuit so fast their heads will spin.


Look, Norman, I don't
care how you do it, just do it.

All right? Good night.

All right. I'm coming.

- Who is it? SEAN:
An ungrateful wretch.

And what can I do
for you, Mr. Wretch?

Is your kind offer still
open? The room with a view.

Yes, with, uh, all mod cons.

Last door on your right.



No. Not again.

Oh, I knew you wouldn't
disappoint us, Blake.

And you are gonna make Colorado
proud, as first lady of the state.

BLAKE: Easy, Bill, we haven't
even got the nomination yet.

I think Bill's using the
power of positive thinking.


Krystle, you are gonna be
an asset in this campaign.

Now, I'll set the press
conference for this afternoon,

in time for coverage
on the evening news.

Where would you like to hold it?

- I hadn't really thought about it.
- How about Blake's office?


Perfect image for
your candidacy.


Bill, I think we should
understand each other.

I've always been a little
uncomfortable with the word "image."

It's a media word. It,
uh, lacks substance.

But you don't.

Now look, Blake, I know you're aware
of what it takes to get elected, but...

Well, now wait a minute.

Now, if what you're
saying means making deals,

I think you got the wrong man.

Oh, no, no, no, I wasn't implying
that. We wouldn't have it any other way.

But there is one thing, and please,
both of you, don't be offended by this,

but with the press focusing its
spotlight on candidate's morals, well...

Uh, let me put
your mind at ease.

There's only one
woman in my life.

I do hope you understand.

You needn't be concerned.

That's one issue we
can meet head on.

Now, if you gentlemen
will excuse me,

I have to change for
the press conference,

and to set up Blake's office.

Uh, you will have the staff
keep this under wraps, hmm?

Oh, of course.

Uh, she's quite a woman, Blake.

Oh, by the way, would it be
helpful to have my children

at that press conference
this afternoon?

Oh, absolutely.
Perfect for your image.

Sorry. Sorry.


Dana Carrington.

Dana, it's Dr. Davis.

Dr. Davis, you're not canceling
our appointment, are you?

No, not at all. But I wonder, could
we move it to this afternoon?

DAVIS: Would that be all right?
- Uh, yeah. Absolutely.

Um, thank you,
Dr. Davis. I'll see you at .


Darling, what a nice surprise.


I wanted to bring you
the news in person.

- News?
- Yes.

Dad's invited us to share the
podium at his press conference

this afternoon at : .


- Four o'clock?
- Yes.

Right there next to him.
With my brother and my sister.

What do you say we go home
and play honeymoon until then?

Mm... Wouldn't it be incredible

if you conceived on the day
Dad announced his candidacy?

- Adam...
- That would be something

- to tell his favorite grandchild.
- Adam.


Do you want a child just
to impress your father,

or because we want children?

I'm sorry. I deserved that.

I didn't mean it that way.

I love you.

That's why I want
to have our children.

It's just that...

I wanna make sure

that they're as much a
part of the Carrington family

as anybody else. That's all.

Now, in the area of judicial
support, the problem...



Come on in, Jeff, I wanna
talk to you about something.

Boy, did you ever try to write the
most important speech of your life?

- Your declaration speech?
- Yes.

That's what I wanna
talk to you about.

Now, tell me.

How would you feel about
being my campaign manager?


I know it's a lot to ask.

Blake, I...

What about Steven or Adam?
I'm sure they'd do a good job.

Very honestly, I thought about
Adam, but with his job at Colbyco,

I didn't want him to be
torn between Alexis and me.

And as for Steven, well...

He's not, uh,
politically inclined.

Blake, heh, I don't
know quite what to say.

Now, you and I think
alike, we always have.

And, Jeff, I'm going to need all
the help I can get in this campaign.

Blake, I wish I could give
you an answer here and now.

You're right, we do think
alike, but this is a big decision,

and I'd like to discuss
it with Fallon first.

Fair enough.

But I think she'll be
on our side, don't you?

Well, I hope so.



Yeah. Uh, come in.

Good morning, sir.

I trust you slept well?

Uh, fine, thanks.

Mrs. Colby is expecting
you for lunch in her suite.

Lunch? Is it that late? Uh...

Yeah, by the way,
where are my clothes?

Right here.

No, I mean my clothes.

Yes, of course. You were asleep.

Mrs. Colby had
me dispose of them.

In favor of...?

Do you mean you've
thrown my clothing away?

Excuse me, sir,
I only work here.

I just do what I'm told.



There's something else I
should've told you about me.

I don't like being manipulated!

- I don't understand.
- Then allow me to explain.

Uh, you offered me a place
to sleep, and I accepted.

But that's all I accepted.

Look, if you're talking
about the clothes...

Yes. Thank you.
But you had no right.

I don't take charity
from anybody.

Sean, it wasn't
meant to be charity.

I've seen your kind before.

You've got self-indulgence
written all over you.

You enjoy making people dance.

Now, last night, when
you invited me back here,

I wanted to say yes,
but you backed me off.

Did I?

You come on very
strong, lady, very strong.

I know you're rich and
I know you're powerful,

but don't play games with
me, I'm nobody's puppet.

- Nobody's.
- Well, why did you come here, then?

Maybe because you intrigue me.

You didn't have to
take the guest room.

I don't take anything for granted.
I don't want your gratitude.

What do you want?

Look at me.

I said, look at me.


- I'd better get...
- No, leave it, leave it, leave it.

We'll never have
this moment again.



I love the way you touch me.

My aunt, all her life, wore
clothes that bared her arms,

- Mm.
- So my uncle could touch her skin

whenever the mood struck him.

It struck him often.

Ha, ha, what a lucky aunt.

You know, Sean, you
really are such a paradox.

I mean, sometimes, you
can be so incredibly hostile,

and then, sometimes
madly sensual.

You inherit that
from your uncle too?

No, my father.

What was he like?
Do you look like him?


- I'd better get that.
- No, no, no. We're not home.

- Uh, Sean, I'm a business woman. I...
- We're not home.

Please, please, please.
Give me the phone, Sean.

Thank you.


Mrs. Colby. I've been trying
to reach you all afternoon.

Yes, well, I've been,
uh, a bit busy. What is it?

We got word just after
lunch that Blake Carrington

is holding a press
conference this afternoon.

Press conference?
What's it all about?

I was hoping you could tell me.

The release just gives time and
place. Four o'clock in Carrington's office.

Four o'clock? That's in
less than an hour from now.

What is Blake up to?

Do we cover it?

Yes. Um, yes. I think that
you better get down there,

and I'm gonna get
there as soon as I can...


I'll get there as
soon as possible.

- Right. ALEXIS: Bye.

Did I hear you mention
your ex-husband's name?

Yes. He's, uh, having a press
conference. I don't know why.

I have to leave. But I'll
be back, I promise you.

I'll be back in a little while.

But you promise me that you'll
still be here when I get back?

- If you promise to come back hungry.
- I think I will.


Be sure you don't distribute
the copies of his speech

until just before he takes the
podium, all right? Thank you.


Would somebody mind
telling me what's going on?

We're about to have
a press conference.

I'm sure your
newspaper was informed.

To announce what?

To announce Blake's
candidacy for governor.

Blake? Governor?

I don't believe it. Where is he?

He's looking over his speech,
but he asked not to be disturbed.

I don't appreciate
surprises like this, Krystle.

Alexis, it wouldn't
be a surprise

if you hadn't left the dinner
party so early last night.

Really? Well, maybe, just maybe,

it was because the
champagne was flat,

the caviar was mushy,

and some of the company,
to put it bluntly, very, very dull.


Adam, Adam, Adam. Have
you heard what's happened?

Yes. Father told us last
night. Have you seen Dana?

No, I haven't. Can you believe
that they've cut me loose for Blake?

She had an appointment.
She said she'd meet me here.

- Maybe she's with the doctor.
- The doctor?

Yes. She was talking
to Dr. Davis last night.

Her obstetrician?

Do you know what
this means? Excuse me.

Mrs. Colby, sorry I'm late.

I heard a rumor he's
announcing for governor.

Yes, it's true.

- How do you want us to cover it?
- Well, it's news,

and we are in the news business.

I want you to get your
best people on it right away.

Our editorial policy,
for or against him?

The place for you
is in bed, my dear.

I would've thought you'd wanna
be at the press conference.

What, and have you
released on your own?

Hobbling along on a cane,
unable to take care of yourself.

Oh, I'm a big boy now.



You've been very good to me.

Well, you know,
butter up the boss.

Oh, is that all it is?

I've wanted to do that.

Do you think it's a good idea?
I mean, heh, I work for you.

Leslie, you work with me.

Oh, Dex, I haven't been very
lucky with relationships lately.

I'm not looking for
any involvement.


Fair enough.

But I didn't say anything
about entanglement.


I think that we are gonna miss
the press conference on TV.

I already know how it turns out.


I don't see Dana
or Adam anywhere.

- Blake.
- Yeah?

We should start.

So it begins.


Oh, sorry, Dana.

I had to wait for the results of
the ultrasound and the x-rays.

Well, as long as
the news is good.

Would you like something?
A glass of water?

No, thank you. Uh, I'm
sorry, I don't mean to be rude.

It's just that my husband is expecting
me at a very important engagement,

and I'd like to know the
results of my examination.

Can I have children?

May I ask you a
delicate question, Dana?

Did you have any reason to believe
you couldn't, before you came to see me?

No. I mean, my...

My husband is very anxious to
start a family and I wanted to be sure.

Please, tell me the truth.

All right.

I gave you a very
thorough examination,

and it appears that
conception for you is impossible.

Those are never easy
words to hear. I'm sorry.

Well, are you...?

Are you sure?


you do know what the examination,
these x-rays, showed me.

But isn't there
anything you can do?

You can get a second
opinion, of course.

But I'm afraid the
answer will be the same.

I'm sorry,

but from what I can see,
you cannot have a baby.



Blake, we can't wait any longer.

Go right ahead.

Ladies and gentlemen,
may I have your attention

and we'll get this press
conference underway.

Well, by now, it's no
secret why we're here.

So let me get to the heart of
the matter and introduce a man

who is going to do great
things for the state of Colorado.

Blake Carrington.


Thank you. And thank you
all for coming here today.

As you suspected,

I'm here to throw my hat into the
ring for the governorship of Colorado.

I come to you today with a deep
sense of urgency about our state.

We can be even
better than we are.

There are still so
many things to do,

and we are still, all of
us, we are still pioneers.

Now, to me, the people
are the soul of a state,

and each state is a small
part of the soul of this country.

I remember when
I was a little boy,

my mother took me to see
something very, very special.

It was the July th celebration.

And I remember the red,
white and blue fireworks

lighting up the sky.

And I remember the
enormous thrill that I felt

when I saw the reflection of
that light all over our small town,

and on the faces of all the
people standing there watching.

And now, years later,

I want to shine a light
on the soul of Colorado,

and I want to see the
reflection of that light

spread itself across
this great land of ours.

The incredible thing
is, he really means that.

SEAN: Why aren't you there?

Because I've
heard it all before.

Wish it were you next to him?

Instead of him, you mean.
They dumped me for him.

What do you want with politics?

You've got power,
you've got everything.

- It's not everything.
- You're right. This is.

Why don't you go put
something less political on.

We'll drive to the
lake for dinner.

Does that mean that
you're not leaving Denver?

Those clowns just
backed you off a cliff.

You're gonna come back fighting.

- Ha, ha.
- I'd like to stick around.

That I gotta see.

Oh, I like the way you
think, Mr. Sean Rowan.

I'm glad I didn't
let you get away.

Nobody gets away.
