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09x18 - Tale Of The Tape

Posted: 05/29/22 07:22
by bunniefuu
Don't touch my things, Sable.

- That painting, where did you get it?
- Mind your business.

Roger Grimes?

NARRATOR: Last time on Dynasty:

The collection.

It's n*zi treasure.

How did you find out?

That painting Alexis has.
It's a Friedrich Stahl.

Dr. Colby take a look.

So how are you?

Mmm. Much better.

- Why are you dressed like that?
- I'm a priest.

I had no idea.

Try getting back
into Blake's good graces.

Are you kidding?

When I make my move,

I wanna know how Blake
and his friends are going to counter it.

An old man
named Elsworth Chisolm,

who used to work
on the mining project in the late ' s,

claims he saw you
carrying Roger Grimes' body

into the mine before it was flooded.

Why are you telling me all this,

You're my father.

For once, you're gonna listen. I've put
the last eight years of my life on hold

- so that I could be there for you.
- I paid you for that.

What I needed was proof that
I wasn't acting like a complete jackass!

It'll take more than
a piece of paper to prove that!

It's the origins of the collection

that must remain a secret.

- Blake, we have the...
- No!

What Tom Carrington did must
remain buried with that collection.

Could I have ever
been with him alone?

You say he was a wonderful man.
Maybe he was.

But I know he did something
that scared me.

I hope you're not suggesting
that he molested you.

Roger Grimes
did not come near you.

- Sweetheart.
- No, it's not okay!

- Please don't make me remember.
- All right.

He was there.

Who was there, Fallon?

Grimes or your grandfather?

Oh, God.

He's coming up.

The vault has been opened.
Somebody blew the seal.

- It's Gibson.
- My God.

It'll all come out now.

I still can't believe
that there's nothing down there.

Not a painting,
not a piece of jewellery.


The Vault's clean.

Blake, I shined light
all along the passageway.

I nearly froze down there.

Are you sure you looked
at everything carefully?

The only thing I found
was the seal embedded in the mud.

What was that?

Well, it can't be anything.

Well, obviously,
Gibson didn't break that seal.

Because if he had,
if it had been done recently,

there would have been a lot of things
out of the collection down there.

That's true. And some of the stuff
would've floated up into the lake.

How do we know that
anything was ever in there?

Because I saw my father
put them in.

The collection must
have been removed back then.

That's the only way I can think of.

So then where is it?
Where was it moved?

That's the question, isn't it?


Sammy Jo,
what are you doing here?

Waiting for you.
I've been here for five hours.

- Where have you been?
- Did we have an appointment?

Come on, get into bed.

Wait a second here. You're gonna
pop my buttons here. I'll do it.

What were you doing
till in the morning?

What was I doing? What were you?
I thought you were outwith the priest.

- Did he renounce his vows for you?
- You smell weird.

- Now, would I say that to you?
- You smell funny.

- Fine. I'll take a shower.
- No, no, no. Stay here.


What do you mean "uh-uh"? I've been lying
here half the night waiting for you...

First of all,
I'm gonna take a shower,

then make coffee, then you and I
are gonna have a little talk.

A talk?


- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Blake, I can't believe
you called me so early.

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to wake you up.

- Would you like a croissant?
- No, thank you. Just some coffee.

- Just some coffee, Angela, please.
- Yes, ma'am.

You, uh...

You look a bit tired.
Didn't you sleep well last night?

No. No, no, no. I'm fine.

I have something to tell you.

Oh, thank you, Angela.

We can handle it from here.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Thank you.

I probably shouldn't tell you this,

but you already know
most of it anyway.

- But...
- What is it?

It's not Krystle, is it?

No. No, no, no.

We have a problem.

Dex and Jeff and I
did some exploring in the big lake.

I wanted to be sure that the seal
that covered the collection

was still in its place.

- Wasn't it?
- It didn't even cover the vault.

- What?
- No.

It had been blown off.

We thought that
it might have been done recently.

Maybe by your man, Gibson.

Blake, he never said anything to me
about diving in the big lake.

I know that. I know.

No, it had obviously
been blown years ago.

Sometime in the ' s,
before the lake was flooded.

Well, anyway,

Dex discovered that there was
absolutely nothing down there.


- But who could have...?
- I don't know.

I wonder if Alexis does.

It occurred to me

that Grimes might have given Alexis
something besides that painting.

Something that might tell us

where the collection
had been moved to.

I think she's moved everything
out of the storeroom

and into her suite.

Sable, you're a pad...

You're very much involved
with the art world.

Now, if some of the paintings
and the statues

that were in the collection
had shown up over the years,

- would you have known about it?
- Oh, absolutely.

Oh, the word
would have spread like wildfire.

In fact,
if Alexis shows that Friedrich Stahl

to the wrong person,
it could mean quite a lot of trouble.

I wonder if there isn't a way
that we could find out

what else she may have.

Any information we could get
would be so useful.

I do have the passkey to her suite.

Oh, no.

No, I couldn't allow you to do that.
That's much too risky.

- Oh, you could leave the risk to me.
- No. No, that's dangerous.

It's my hotel. Ha, ha, ha.

I'm sorry.
I didn't expect you to have visitors.

Oh, that's all right, darling. Come in.

- Hello, Monica. How are you?
- Hi.

You've been here for weeks now,
and you haven't been to the house.

Why don't you two come
to dinner tomorrow night.

Oh, that would be lovely.
Thank you.

- Sounds great.
- Good.

I'll see you tomorrow night then. Bye.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Breakfast with Blake, huh?

Every time I come here,
you're with another man.

- Don't be ridiculous.
- Heh, heh.

No, no, I think, actually,
you and he make a really lovely couple.

I will wash your mouth outwith soap.

I still owe you a spanking
from that episode with Dex.

Are you crazy?

Well, you didn't come here
to see me tonight.

Oh? Ls there some cute new servant
that I should know about?

- You know what I'm talking about.
- No, I don't.

Who else would I come to see at your
apartment at : in the morning?

You might have come here to see me,
but you weren't thinking about me.

Listen, Jeff, if you don't wanna
make love to me, okay.

I'm not gonna twist your arm.

What I'm trying to tell you
is you meet this guy,

you go outwith him,
and you find out he's a priest.

What? Are you saying
what I think you're saying?

When was the last time you jumped
into my bed to surprise me?

I have been in the hospital,
in case you forgot.

- Before that. Think about it.
- I don't wanna think about it.

What you're suggesting
is so outrageous.

Tanner is a priest.
And a priest is a priest.

- But you didn't find out until...
- I don't wanna hear it any more.

- If you don't wanna be with me, fine.
- Sammy Jo, all I'm trying to say is...

Come on, just relax, would you?
And have some coffee?

I don't want your coffee.

I come all the way over here and
all you can give me is instant coffee

- and suggest something so horrible.
- If I'm saying something horrible,

Why are you getting upset?

I don't want your instant coffee
or a frozen breakfast.

So when you thaw out,
Jeffrey, give me a call.

You're going to do what?

I'm going to have a look around
inside her suite.

I'll use my passkey.

I don't believe this.

Why are you getting involved?
It's none of our business.

The Colby name
makes it our business.

Mother, sneaking into Alexis' suite
is illegal, with or without passkey.

It's called breaking and entering.

You've got her in the palm
of your hand with this lawsuit.

- Why jeopardize it?
- Because Blake needs it.


Well, then, let's let Blake do it.

Darling, this is my hotel.

I'm allowed to snoop
along the corridors.

- Blake can't do that.
- Oh, so you're gonna do it for him.

- Mm-hm.
- You're gonna risk jail for him?

I don't think you quite appreciate
what's at stake here.

What's at stake here,
Mother, is your freedom.

Even rich and powerful people
get thrown in jail, you know.

I know. That's what I'm trying to avoid,
for Blake.

Alexis has this little painting
that could cause him a lot of trouble.

I have to get hold of it.

I had no idea
you cared so much for him.

Well, I do.

Blake is a...

A very, very good friend.

Now, that satchel that I gave you,

I want you to go
through the contents.

- There may be a clue.
- All right.

Jeff, what about the broken seal?

Well, I have a marine biologist
trying to determine when.

Good. And what about Grimes' partner
in that architectural firm?

Already put a call to him.

You mentioned
the collection was still out there.

How can you be so sure?

Well, if it had been removed
and sold,

Sable feels the whole art world
would have known about it.

- Sable feels?
- Yes.

- How does Sable know about this?
- Well, I told her about the empty vault.

- You told Sable?
- Yes.

She knew about the existence of it,

She sent the diver down there
in the first place.

We wouldn't be having these problems
if it wasn't for her.

I know your personal feelings
about her.

But she is on our side.

She told us about that painting,
didn't she?

You had misgivings
about her yourself.

I don't anymore.

I'm telling you, right now,
Sable Colby cannot be trusted.

Krystle trusted her.

Jeff, I'm inclined to agree
with Blake on this.

And Sable can help us, besides...

Sable Colby will only help herself.

Okay, I'm gonna tell you
how wrong I think you are here.

Sable has a way
of crushing Alexis and Colbyco,

and making a lot of money
for herself.

But she went to Alexis
and offered to back off,

If Alexis will stop hounding Blake.

She did? DEX: Yes.

She was willing to give up
the money and revenge for you.

She never even said
a word about it.

How do you know so much
about her?

I've been spending
a little time with her lately.

Well, look,
this whole discussion is meaningless.

I have already told her.

And if I was wrong, I was wrong.

And we're just gonna
have to live with it.

Well, let's just hope
we don't live to regret it.

What do you expect to learn
from this appraiser?

We'll see.

When Sable first saw this picture,

I thought her beady little eyes
were going to pop out of her head.

Well, let's hope we find something
that will really drive the lady mad, hm?

Bye, darling.

Would you like a splash
of something stronger in that, captain?

- This is fine. Bleeding ulcer.
- Ah.

Well, I appreciate you
coming to see me like this.

I wanted to talk to you
about the Roger Grimes case.

The young man whose body
was pulled from the lake.

- Yes.
- What's the status of the case?

- It's not active.
- Not active? Why?

The case you're asking about
goes back a whole generation.

The department just felt it wasn't
necessary to put too much time into it.

I see.

What if I had some evidence

incriminating someone
who is still alive?

What, uh...? What kind of evidence?

I have a letter here from Roger Grimes
to me shortly before he disappeared.

I'll read it to you.

"My darling Alexis."

Your husband warned me

if we continue to see each other,
he would k*ll us both.

"We have to be careful."

That husband he was talking about
was Blake Carrington.

Do you mind?

What's this about him
coming into a lot of money soon?

You know anything about that,

Shall I go over
the important part again, slowly?

Blake Carrington threatened to k*ll him,
and, obviously, carried out that thr*at.

I'll join this with the other material
in the file, and...

And then forget about it?
No, sir.

I want that case reopened.

With all due respect, Mrs. Colby,

one very old letter
hardly seems enough ...

What about
if I had an eyewitness?

- Do you?
- Yes, I do.

Someone who actually saw
the m*rder take place?

Why don't you ask him yourself?

Isn't that what policemen
are supposed to do?

For heaven's sake, I seem to be
making more progress on this case

than your entire department.

Do you have a name
for this witness?

I'll bring him down
to the station myself.

We'll examine everything you give us.
Can I keep this letter?

- I'll have a copy made for you.
- Appreciate it.

- Ma'am, may I ask you a question?
- Of course.

Mr. Carrington.
He's the father of your children?

- Yes.
- Why are you doing this to him?

Why don't you stop worrying
about my motives

and start finding out about
Blake Carrington's

for k*lling Roger Grimes.

Yes, ma'am.

Do you realise that every time
we get together we're eating?

- Well, that's not exactly all we do.
- True.

Did I tell you that I dreamt
about your lakes last night?

My legs?

No, no. Your lakes.

- You dreamt about the lakes?
- Yeah.

You know what that means,
don't you?

It means that your dreams
are getting into my head.

- Hm. Sounds serious.
- It's worse than that.

I dreamt somebody was trying to get
something out of that big lake of yours.

I couldn't tell whether it was
your father or your grandfather.

- My grandfather?
- Yeah.

He was married to a black woman,
wasn't he?

Uh-huh. Laura. Only they weren't
married. How'd you know about that?

I don't know.

I guess I read it
in the Grimes file or something.

- They had a daughter, didn't they?
- Uh-huh. Dominique Deveraux.

What is that, French Creole?

Well, that wasn't the name
she was born with.

You really think this is important?

What's important is that we
get to the bottom of your nightmares.

Think back.
What was Laura's last name?


Matthews. Laura Matthews.

Oh, look, Zorelli.

What happened between my
grandfather and Laura, it wasn't...

Well, they had a real love affair.

- So?
- I thought you might be thinking...

What I was thinking
was that your father had a black sister.

I think that's pretty interesting.

And you should see her.
She's gorgeous.

Her mother was too.
I saw a photo of Laura once.

Does your father's sister
still live in Denver?

I don't know where she is.

Laura d*ed, I think.

- She had a brother in Denver.
- A brother.

Look, Zorelli, this is Chinese food.

Where's the hot tea?

What's the matter?
You never learned how to boil water?

Lam a guest in your house.

Okay. Okay.

Well, at least put on some music.

- Uh, Zorelli.
- Yes?

Were you really dreaming
about the lakes and about grandpa?


Why would I make up
something like that?

Excuse me,
is this the Matthews residence?

Family of Laura Matthews? Uh-huh.

Thank you very much anyway.

You've been on the phone for an hour.
What the hell you looking for?

Just something of my own.

Well, if you'd get up enough guts
to ask, I might help.

Listen, Rudy, I got some stuff here
I really don't wanna do.

So do yourself a favour
and stay out of it, okay?


Yeah. Mr. Matthews. Right.

Right, thanks for calling me back.

Tell me. Would you be related
to a Laura Matthews?

Rudy, this is personal.

Yes, sir.
I know that she's deceased.

Doesn't sound personal.

Could I possibly make an appointment
to come by and see you?

Right. There's a few things...

No, no, it has absolutely nothing
to do with you personally.

Oh, you're so pretty, yeah.

- All right.
- Thanks. I'll check on him tonight.


- Hi.
- Hello, Tanner.

Haven't seen you in a couple of days.

- I've been busy.
- I got something for you.

This certifies you as an honorary
member of the Teen Centre.

- Lucky me.
- Hey, this is a terrific opportunity.

And you get
free auto repairs for a year.

If that's not enough, you get to hang out
with the greatest kids anywhere.

Thank you.

Sammy Jo, look,
I know you're upset.

But I had a reason
for not telling you.

You don't need to
explain anything to me.

- Well, you're angry.
- I'm not angry.

I'd like us to befriends.

Friends? Friends don't start out
by lying to each other.

I didn't lie to you.

Well, you didn't tell me
you were a priest.

You make being a priest sound as if
it's something terrible. Ls it so bad?

It's not what I mean
and you know it.

I'm not angry that you're a priest.
I'm angry that you didn't tell me.

All of a sudden
you show up wearing a collar.

Yeah, I know.
I just didn't know how else to tell you.

Sammy Jo, you asked me why
I took a leave of absence from my job.

- Your job?
- Yes, being a priest is a job.

It's a lot of other things too,
but it's a job.

I took a leave

because I needed to see
what life was like

as a civilian.

I needed to see
how people would react to me.

Not to Father McBride,
just plain Tanner.

Look, I'm just a guy.
I'm trying to find my way.

I'm trying to do good.

And I've had a lot of questions
about the priesthood,

wondering whether or not
I could make it.

But, I'm still a priest.

And my vows are solid.

That much, I don't have to explain.
I just wanted to see

how people would react to me
without the uniform.

You could have trusted me.

It's not a matter of trust.

People react differently to you
when they know you're a priest.

Maybe that's true.


I don't blame you for being angry.

But I just want you to know that I never
had any intention of hurting you.

Thanks for the explanation.

Why do you wanna know so much
about my sister?

It's not so much your sister.

It's Tom Carrington I'm interested in.

- He was the...
- We know who he was.

As I understand it,
he and your sister were very close.

- Ahem.
- Correct me if I'm wrong,

but Tom and your sister, they had
a daughter together. Ls that right?

A Miss Dominique Deveraux?

What if they did?

Look, I told you,
no one in your family

is under any kind of suspicion
or anything.

A man was k*lled years ago,
a man named Roger Grimes.

Maybe you read about it.

Look, I'm just trying
to put pieces together here.

This is kind of a strange case.

Right now the only suspect I have
is Blake Carrington. You know him?

He was my niece's brother.
You should know that.

- Look, it's just like you said.

Tom Carrington and my sister
had a child.

That's about it.

There was construction
out at the Carrington place then.

I didn't get involved
with the Carrington family.

Just Dominique.

- You know where I could reach her?
- No.

- No?
- Well, she travels quite a lot.

I see.

- Excuse me, I'll...
- Sure.

I have something cooking.

Charles, can I get you to help me
for a moment?

Excuse me.

Now, don't you tell him.
Don't you tell him one thing.

Mr. Carrington
was a real decent man.

And we've gotta protect him.

I'm not arguing with you.

What do you take me for?

I'm afraid I've taken up
too much of your time.

I didn't mean to press you,
but I'd appreciate your help.

If you remember anything about Tom
Carrington or Roger Grimes, call me.

- Would you please?
- I'll do that.

Sorry to have disturbed you.

JANE I don't know what's
going on, but we better find that stuff.[/i]

What stuff?

That packet of stuff
Tom Carrington lei? With Laura.

You have it?

It's around here somewhere.

She gave it to us for safekeeping.

We just gotta remember
where that thing is.

A packet of stuff.

I've just spoken
with that new chairman of the board.

- He's agreed to go with the lawsuit.
- I'll clear the paperwork with a judge...

Well, it looks like you won, Sable.

Oh, doing your daily exercises,

Opening mouth, putting foot in.

Yeah, I don't know how you did it,
but you sure did it.

I'll gladly help you clear that fog if you'll
only tell me what you're talking about.

Why do I feel this party should end?

Remember not too long ago,
you and I had a little talk

about your moving in on Blake?

And you slapped my face?

Looks like your plan is
right on schedule.

Heh. All that money of yours.

And you haven't been able to afford
an ounce of common decency.

- Mother.
- Ha, ha. You talk about decency!

- Jeff.
- Even a dog knows

- how to behave in a public place.
- Come on you guys.

Since you showed up, things have
happened. Body floats out of a lake.

You haven't got the sense you were
born with to talk about that in public.

I'm talking about your coming here
and opening up wounds.

That is not a secret.
Happens to be fact.

I don't give a damn what you think.
Blake knows I'm on his side.

- Recess time. That's it.
- No, that is not it.

Not as long as she's here.

Blake's got a blind spot for you,
but I don't.

If you wanna get to Blake,
you're gonna have to fight me.

I'm sorry.

All right now, Elsworth,
let's go over this one more time.

Exactly what did you see?

I saw Blake Carrington
carrying the body of Roger Grimes.

You're absolutely sure
it was Blake Carrington?

Well, he was wearing
that jacket of his.

Bright orange
with a big C on the back.

- For "Carrington."
- Wait a second.

Did you see the jacket or Blake?

Blake Carrington.
I seen him as clearly as I see you.

- It was night?
- So it was moonlight?

- You saw him in the moonlight?
- Why is that detective attacking him?

He's doing his job.

- He's putting words in his mouth.
- I'm sorry, this is the way it's done.

Well, I don't like the way it's done.
He's leading the witness.

They're not even listening to him.

Oh, come on, Elsworth.
You expect us to believe this?

That you can see a man's face
at night from yards away?

- Look, I'm telling the truth.
- They're badgering the witness.

If that's the truth, it sure took you
a long time to come around to it.

All I can tell you is that I saw him
carrying Grimes' body,

and then Grimes was gone.

I wasn't sure he was dead
until I read it in the papers.

That's why I waited so long a time.

All right, Elsworth, we'll have someone
take your deposition.

Why did you let Zorelli
interrogate the witness?

All he did was intimidate him.

- Mrs. Colby. How are you today?
- Very well.

- What do you think?
- I don't know.

I shook him pretty hard.
He didn't fall out of the tree.

I think he's gonna stick to his story.

So do I.
So I expect you to reopen the case.

Frankly, Mrs. Colby,
I hear what you're saying, but...

Mrs. Colby, a couple of months ago,
I came to your office.

- Remember?
- Of course.

I showed you a list of the people
that worked at the Carrington place.

One of them was Roger Grimes.
Why didn't you tell me you knew him...

and that it was his body
that floated up?

Oh, I see,
so now you're badgering me.

You badger everybody,
don't you, Mr. Zorelli?

Except the suspect.

Why is that, by the way?

Is that because
you have a conflict of interest?

This man is involved
with my daughter,

who also happens to be
the daughter of the suspect.

Yes, ma'am, I know that.
He's not on the case.

If he's not on the case,
why is he doing the interrogation?

He knows more about this case
than anybody else.

Well, if he knows so much about it,

why aren't you doing
something about it?

Ma'am, you have to understand

that with a man as important
as Blake Carrington...

Listen to me, captain.

Keep sitting on this case
and I'm gonna blast you

over the front page
of my newspaper.

- Readers are going to love that.
- Wait a minute, just hold it.

There is no cover-up going on here.

You tell that to my readers.
See if they believe it.

Even if we do reopen this case,

there's a big difference between that
and getting a conviction.

Seek and ye shall find, captain.

And you better seek hard.
Because if you don't,

you'll be back on the b*at,
directing traffic.

Good day, gentlemen.

Thank you so much.

Wait a minute.

- He's a priest?
- Yeah, but I don't mind that so much.

You mean the kind of a priest
with a collar and vows of celibacy?

- That kind of a priest?
- Yes, that kind of priest.

But what bothers me
is that he didn't tell me about it

- right from the beginning.
- That's what bothers you?


It's not that you got more involved
than you wanted to be?

They won't let me play in their fort.

- Who? What's the matter?
- Who, sweetheart?

L.B. and Danny.

Listen, Krystina, men are all alike.

They push us around
and try to keep us

in what they think is our place.

Not only that, the only reason
you wanna be in their stupid fort

is because they don't want you there.

I don't know.

It's called forbidden fruit.

- It always tastes better.
- Huh?

You'll figure that out one day.

More people are coming.

Was that for me or for her?

For all of us, I guess.


- Krystina, this is Monica.
- Hi, Krystina.

- Hi.
- Hello, Sable, Monica.

- Hi.
- Monica, Sammy Jo Carrington.

- This is my daughter, Monica.
- Nice to meet you.

Krystina, why don't you run
and get L.B. and Danny for dinner?


Good evening, everyone.

- Hi, Dex.
- Hi, Dex.


Looks like you're the only
rooster in the hen-house.

- Where are the other men?
- Talking of roosters.

You promised
you wouldn't att*ck him tonight.

Hello, everybody.

Listen, Blake asked me to tell you all
to start dinner without him.

- He's a little upset tonight.
- What's wrong with him?

He got word about his divorce
from Krystle today.


I don't understand.

Before the operation, Krystle insisted
that Blake agree to a divorce.

She just felt it would be best
for both of them and...

He received the final decree today.

That's the way she wanted it.

Oh, God. He must feel awful.

Sammy Jo.

Excuse me.


I talked to Grimes' partner
in the architectural firm today.

He said he didn't have plans
dating back that far.

But get this, he said I was the second
person in two weeks to ask for them.

Who else?

He didn't know. It was by phone.

I mean, it just might be fallout
from Alexis' ad in the newspaper.

Well, maybe. But I have a feeling

somebody is getting close
to the collection.

I told Blake about the architect.

But his mind was somewhere else.

Yeah, I know.

He'll be okay.



Come in.

Jeff just told us
about the divorce papers.

I'm so sorry.

I thought that the dinner tonight
would be the start

in bringing the family together.

All of us.

Divorce from Krystle.

It's like being divorced
from my right arm.

I'm sorry about tonight.
I just didn't feel like talking to anyone.

Before Krystle left,

I promised her that I would do
everything in my power

to keep Alexis at bay.

I know it's very little comfort.

I am carrying out that promise.

Thank you.

I left the Stahl with the appraisers.
He said it might take a few days.

Well, with any luck,

the sight of that picture
is going to give cousin Sable apoplexy.

Whatever happened with Elsworth?

- The police must've been impressed.
- Impressed?

Those morons
are so intimidated by Blake

that they wouldn't arrest him
for exposure

if he ran naked
through the opera house.

Heh, heh. That's a funny thought.

- You can't go in here.
- Pardon me.

Excuse me, ma'am.
Are you Alexis Colby?

- Yes.
- I'm a federal marshal, Mrs. Colby.

We have an ex parte order

that directs us to make copies
of certain files and computer data.

- My computer data?
- What the hell's going on?

- What does this mean?
- An ex parte order, Alexis.

Don't you understand plain Latin?

It means the party's over.

Oh, my God.

You're an attorney, Adam,

why don't you explain it
to your mother?

They're stripping our data banks
and taking out files.

Oh, not everything.
Just anything that has to do

with Agnew Holdings
and Breed-love Limited.

- What does it mean?
- I'm reading.

It says that Colbyco illegally interfered
with a deal in progress

between Agnew Holdings
and Breed-love Limited.

Colbyco is being sued by Agnew.

Well, this is what I think
of your damned ex parte order.

That won't help.

We're putting a lock
on certain of your files.

And then, we have days
to go through them

and find out some fascinatingly
unpleasant things about Colbyco.

can we do something about this?

I'll get the order vacated.

- Oh, really?
- Do you think for a moment

that we haven't dotted all the I's
and crossed all the T's?

I'll countersue you into oblivion.

I offered you a chance to stop this.

Is this your last desperate attempt
to worm your way into Blake's bed?

Ha, ha, ha. No, no, no, Alexis.

I'm not after Blake.

I'm after you.

And one way or another,
I'll sink you.

Good luck, cousin.

Because the last time you tried that,
you were the one who got torpedoed.

You can put them all in the second car.

Thank you. Leave us.

So that order
is in effect for days, hm?

Twenty days.

Well, I want to contact
whomever you have to

and get that order vacated
as soon as possible.

And their dirty little hands
off our files.

They've already made copies,

Well, they have their lawyers.
We have ours.

And now I'm off to Switzerland.

- To Switzerland?
- Mm-hm.

Adam, if we lose this court case,
we are going to lose everything.

I have got to get my assets
in a safe place.

But it's illegal to shift funds
while that order is in effect.

And it's very tricky
to backdate documents.

I have a little gnome in Geneva

who would backdate Christmas
if I asked him to.

Well, be careful.

Those who Swissify
sometimes wind up full of holes.

- When does your plane leave?
- Whenever I get there.

But first, I have one little errand
that I have to do.

Well, have a safe flight.

Well, darling,
hold the fort for me, will you?

See you in a couple of weeks.

Dad? BLAKE: Yes, Adam?

Remember that thing
we talked about a few days ago,

the witness I mentioned?

Well, Mother took him to the police
and he gave a deposition.


I hate being caught in the middle,
but I hate what she's doing to you.

Then why are you working for her?

I'm not.
I'm just doing a few things for her

so she'll think
that I'm working on her behalf.

And also so I can keep her

from doing anything
that can actually hurt you.

I see.

But the witness's name
is Elsworth Chisolm.

He lives at the Catalina apartments
on Ferrnosa.

Now, I'm seeing
his granddaughter tonight,

so if you wanna talk to him,
the coast will be clear.

Adam, why are you telling me this?

Why is it so hard for you
to believe that I love you.

In spite of everything that's happened,
I do.

And I want your respect.

And I don't wanna see you go to jail.

Well, thank you, Adam.

This is - .

Please leave your message
after the beep.

Mrs. Colby,
I'm calling from Bruskee Galleries.

Your son brought in a painting
to examine.

Mr. Bruskee would like to talk to you
as soon as possible.

Please call us at - .

Thank you.

To talk to you as soon as possible.

Please call us at - .

Thank you.

You know, when I was a kid,

my parents used to take us to this lake
every once in a while.

You know, boating and swimming.

- You...
- I did that one.

You missed a spot.

You, you had your own lakes
and you don't even wanna talk about it.

- Ugh!
- I don't wanna push you,

but if I had some dead guy
floating around in my mind...

That's all we seem to talk about.

Can't we talk about something else?

Sure. I just thought
that you wanted to find out.

You know, for yourself.

I do, but...

Well, I don't know.

- What?
- Well, it's hard, you know, my father.

Not with "betraying him"
and all that again.

Well, it's there, isn't it?

I mean...

- Look, I'm not gonna push you, okay?
- I'm back at the house now.

Daddy and I have made up and I'm
just not comfortable talking about it.

- That's all.
- Fallon, I'm not doing this as a cop.

The captain took me off the case.
I'm doing this for you.

The other day,
when we were talking like this,

and you hit a wall,

and you stared shaking and crying.

It really bothered me.

Oh. Now, look what
you made me do.

Oh, sure,
blame your natural clumsiness on me.

Don't worry about it.

You know,
I do have some vague memories

of when the lakes were created.

Oh, yeah?

Grandpa was holding my hand.

He was wearing that jacket
that he always wore.

What jacket?

"FALLON". Orange jacket
with the big black C on the back.

I'm on my way to the airport,

but I had to stop by
and tell you something.

Tell me what?

What your friend, that tart
you slept with, has done to me.

- I guess you're talking about Sable.
- Yes, I'm talking about Sable.

She has slapped me with a lawsuit

that is going to bring down
my entire company.

And I am telling you this
because you are the man

- who says he loves me.
- That's a b*llet you could've dodged.

- What?
- From what I understand,

Sable offered you a way
to avoid that lawsuit.

What are you talking about?

Alexis, she gave you a way out.

Are you telling me
that you knew about this?


I don't believe this.

Did she whisper it to you
between the sheets?

Was it a plot that the two of you
hatched while you pillow-talked?

- Look, I know you feel betrayed, but...
- Yes, I feel betrayed!

- Very good, Dex.
- You brought this on yourself.

With that stupid compulsion
to stick Blake with that m*rder rap.

It wasn't enough for you
to destroy our love, was it?

You had to help that witch
destroy me financially too.

Are you Elsworth Chisolm?

Mr. Carrington.

I wanna talk to you.

You asked me my name, didn't you?

You don't remember me.

I guess
you wouldn't remember somebody

who pushed a wheelbarrow
around on your estate, would you?

Why are you accusing me
of k*lling Roger Grimes?

Because I wanna see justice done.

Justice? Or is it that reward money
that my ex-wife offered?

That's closer to it, isn't it?

I'll tell you one thing, Mr. Carrington.

I haven't got much life left.

I could go at any time.

My granddaughter,
she could have a future,

with the right help.

I figured it was something like that.

All right, you wanna make deal,
deal with me.

You're going to have to pay
good money

because I haven't told
everything I know yet.

Not by a long sh*t.

All them tunnels under the house,
under all that property.

What tunnels?

The ones
I near broke my back digging.

I finally figured out
what you folks were trying to hide.

Well, you and me,
we both know what's buried there.

Don't we, Mr. Carrington?

Under all that fine property.

All right, then you wanna make a deal,
let's deal.

You tell me what you know and I'll sit
right down there and write a cheque.

Now, how much do you want?

Twenty-five or , ?

A cheque? Who are you kidding?

You bring me the cash.

Okay, Mr. Chisolm,
I'll bring you the cash.

But you better start packing up
around here

because when our business
is finished,

I don't wanna see you
within a thousand miles of Denver.

You understand that?



- Are you ready to go up?
- Sure.


Grandpa, are you here?

Are you playing a joke on me?


Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God.
- What is it?

- Don't look. Phoenix, don't look down.
- No. What?

- Don't look.
- Grandpa!

- No.
- I gotta help him!

Phoenix, no! No!
No, no. I know, I know.