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09x13 - Virginia Reels

Posted: 05/29/22 07:20
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Last time on Dynasty:

The minute Blake got back
from Switzerland,

you told him Fallon
was with that cop.

It was more important to you
to hurt her than it was to let him know

- how much you loved him.
- I'm sure you did that for us.

You're Blake Carrington's son.
He needs you. Start acting like it.

You used to have another friend
who handled special operations.

- Cray Boyd.
- Yes, he's a mercenary, isn't he?

He prefers to be called
a soldier of fortune.

The Bay of Natumbe
is not an easy place to operate.

It's going to take helicopters,
armed speed boats...

How do we know you can handle

- such a big operation?
- Can you?

Mm, that feels great. Oh.

That's very good, thank you.

- Jeff.
- What's going on?

- This is...
- Oh, I'm Tanner McBride.

We're working out a cramp.

Tanner and I met when he...

Well, it looks like you've got some
real company, so I'll just stop in

and see you another time?


My father made it very clear
we have nothing to say to each other.

So you figured you'd hustle your way
down here,

back down to the slums, huh?

And I thought you wanted to see me.

I don't know what I want.

Did you sleep with my cousin?

I told you I hadn't.


Because I can forgive almost anything
except you and that unspeakable slut.

I saw that scuba diver, Gibson, today.
He told me you sent him to Delta Rho.

- No, that's not true.
- Isn't it?

Well, did you or didn't you
hire Gibson?

Jason sent you here, didn't he?

What have we here?
A lovers' quarrel?

Get out.

It sounded like somebody
was being k*lled.

You know that sound,
don't you, Blake?

Damn it. I told you...

Are you going to hit me, Blake,
like you hit Roger Grimes?

I bet if you had g*n, you'd sh**t me,
wouldn't you?

My immediate concern right now
is Alexis.

I'm sure she's ready
to make her move.

- What are you gonna do?
- Whatever it takes to stop her.

- Sable.
- I need to talk with you.

Well, I was just on my way out.

It's very important.


You are truly a lady of many moods.

Last night, you welcomed me with
a kiss, then you asked me to leave.

- This morning, you're on my doorstep.
- Asking for a favour.

All right. Let me get you
a cup of coffee and we'll discuss it.

Thank you.

I do have to be somewhere very soon.

Look, it's very important
that I talk with Blake.


So I want you to setup a meeting
for me.

Wait a minute, now.

You wanna talk to Blake
and you come to me.

What happened?
Did you lose his number?

No, but I don't think
that he will take my call.

You see, I did something.
Something that may harm him.

It may harm you too.

I want the opportunity to explain
to both of you.

You are an amazing woman.

I mean, you blow into town,

you buy The Carlton out
from under Alexis,

- you steal her tankers...
- I purchased those tankers.

And now this. Heh.

Don't you ever take a day off?

I have old scores to settle with Alexis.

Please, Dex, set up this meeting.

Even if you don't want to do it
for my sake, you care about Blake,

and I want him to know the full facts.

Please, get him to meet with me.

I'll see what I can do.

Yeah, Rudy, Z.

Hey, listen, man, I got some kind of,
uh, stomach flu or something.

Yeah, I can't even look at food.

Right. You tell him for me.

Listen, I gotta go, Rudy.

- Morning.
- Morning.

- How come you're networking today?
- I am working.

I'm making a Denver omelette.

I mean, why aren't you going in?

Here. Try this.

Very good,
but it isn't a Denver omelette.

Well, I figure it's got eggs.
We're in Denver.

- Zorelli.
- I called in sick.

What are they gonna do?
Demote me?

I mean, how low can you go?

So you're, like, working behind
a desk for a while. You're still a cop.

What they've got me doing
is not being a cop.

Come here. Take a look at this.

Come on, you see this?
This is the Brown m*rder.

This kid here, he got in the way
of a street g*ng fight.

And this animal,
he k*lled his -year-old kid.

Take a look at him,
pride and joy of the neighbourhood.

Putting these people behind bars,
that's being a cop.

- You'll be doing it again.
- I'm not so sure, Fallon.

I'm beginning to think
I don't have a future here.

Of course you do.
You're just feeling down.

What I'm feeling is that maybe
I should've just stayed in Philly.

I don't talk the way
everybody else does here.

- I like the way you talk.
- Oh, yeah?

Yeah, I like it better
when you don't talk.

I'll tell you the way it works.
You're golden for a while, right?

On top of everything. But once
it changes, man, then it's all over.

Maybe I should go back to Philly.

I don't want any more
of your damn omelette,

and I'm never, ever going to bed
with you again.

The eggs are that bad, huh?

It's the same every time.

We make love, we go to sleep,

you wake up
and you start arguing with me.

I'm not arguing, Fallon.
I just don't know what the hell to do.

You? What about me?

I'm in your apartment, wearing
your robe, listening to you complain

about not being able to lock up
my father for m*rder.

Well, I guess when you say it out loud
like that...

Come here. Come here.

You are making me crazy,
you know that?

You are getting me into such a state.

Twenty, pay .


Tough luck, Mr. Heath.

The cards just aren't falling for you

Heh. Today?

How about the last six months?

I'll take another $ , .

I'll have to get an okay
on that. You're in pretty deep.

Yeah, I know.

Jim, let's have a new deck.

These gaming rooms
are truly timeless, aren't they?

- I beg your pardon?
- Curtained windows,

no clocks on the walls.

It could be midnight
or in the morning.

I hadn't noticed.

I believe that's the point. Ooh.

I'll stay.


All set, , .

- Thank you.
- I understand

serious gamblers don't mind
if they win or lose.

It's the excitement that counts.

Serious gamblers don't talk
while they're playing.

Actually, I only came here to talk,
Mr. Heath, to you.

How did you know my name?

Oh, I know a great deal about you,
Fritz Heath.

Comptroller at Colbyco
for the last, what is it, years?

- Who are you?
- You frequent this exotic

but illegal establishment
run by my friend Aly Samarkian.

- What do you want?
- But you gamble.

Rather badly, I'm afraid.
You owe a great deal of money.

I Pay my debts.

I'm delighted to hear it
since you now owe them to me.

Oh, let me introduce myself.
I am Sable Colby.

I believe you wanted to meet me,
didn't you?

Yes, but not here.

What do you mean I owe them to you?

Well, your gambling debts,
$ , .

I bought your markers
from Mr. Samarkian

so now I feel we should discuss
how you are going to pay me back.

Excuse me,
are you gonna place any more bets?

I don't think so.

I think Mr. Heath and I are finished
playing games.

Shall we adjourn
to Mr. Samarkian's office?


- You're not going in.
- That's one of my kids in there.

- Don't tell them anything!
- I'm warning you.

Take your hands off me. You have
no right to interrogate the child.

- We certainly do.
- You lied to me.

You promised my kids would have
anonymity here, no reports.

It wasn't us.
Somebody must have talked to the child

and she gave them
some kind of information.

Oh, never. She's too smart for that.

Every one of my kids will freak out
and split.

- I'm sorry.
- Sorry?

No, you will be. Because
the next one dies, I'll bring them here.

- You tell them how sorry you are.
- Tanner, what's going on?

Somebody identified Elizabeth.

Identified her?

They're trying to send her back
to her parents.

Nice, sweet folks
who enjoy b*ating her senseless.

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah, so tomorrow she runs back

to the streets to do dr*gs.
Or maybe she slits her wrists.

- She tried to k*ll herself twice.
- That's not right.

Mrs. Carrington, please.
The hospital has to follow regulations.

There's been a su1c1de attempt,
drug usage.

Look, all I need is hours to get
a court order for temporary custody.

If other kids hear I couldn't protect
Elizabeth, they'll take off.

Now, you know what that means?
I am the last stop before hell.

- Mr. Stanley, maybe we could...
- Mrs. Carrington, please.

- The hospital...
- He's only asking for hours.

Believe me,
I wish I could do something.

- But the hospital...
- The hospital is hereto help people.

That's why my family has always been
so generous in endowing it.

Mrs. Carrington, you don't understand
the delicacy of the situation.

Yes, I do. And I know that you're
a very competent administrator.

And that you will help us
with this young girl. Won't you?

Twenty-four hours, but that's all.

Thank you, Mr. Stanley.

I'm very grateful.

Dr. Kelly
to Maternity, stat.

But just keep some distance, Mother.

No, it's because I saw the way you
and Boyd were looking at each other.

Okay, just be careful.

- Adam, you got a minute?
- Sure, Dad. Come on in.

Um, look, I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Leo, would you excuse us?
We can finish this up later. Thanks.

Working hard, son?

I was supposed to be meeting
with Fallon, but she cancelled.

Said she was sick.

Well, what about the directors' meeting

Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know
if she's gonna make it or not.

I've tried talking to her, Dad,
about a lot of things,

but the minute I mention that cop:

I know. Well, we mustn't push her.

It only seems to make her
more stubborn.

Ha, ha.
Inherited that trait from Mother.

By the way, how is Alexis,
and where is she?

I haven't heard from her lately.

Europe for a few days.
Some kind of business, I think.

She doesn't confide in me much

She knows how close
you and I have become.

Actually, Adam, I came here
to talk to you about Virginia.

Now, you two have been together
quite a bit lately.

Yes. Yes, we have.

Now, you know, what she is is really
a very vulnerable young woman.

Now you,
you're a man of experience.

And Virginia...

I just, uh... I just wanted
to make you aware of that.

Oh, I'm aware of it.

Frankly, what worries me
is how erratic she can get.

It sort of scares me.

You mean that incident in the street.

Well, I understood
the man pulled a Kn*fe on her.

Dex didn't pull a Kn*fe on her
the other night.

Oh, that, well, I think that she was
deeply upset about Krystle that night.

Dad, I like her.

But in my opinion,
Virginia has a screw loose.

Sorry, but I think
the girl needs professional help.

Well, I'm sure she has some problems.
Who doesn't?

But I tell you, it's important to me,
because of Krystle,

that we give Virginia
all the understanding

and support that we can.

That's all I've been trying to do.


Oh, that, well, I think that she was
deeply upset about Krystle that night.

Just like you did.

Mrs. Colby, I appreciate the lecture,
but what is it that you want from me?

Your current gambling debt of ,
would do for a start.

I don't have it now. I will.

And where, if you don't mind me
asking, will you be getting it from?

- I don't see that's any of...
- Would you be dipping

into the kitty at Colbyco again?

- Now, just a sec...
- Like you did for the other million ,

or was it one million ?

Mrs. Colby, if you are implying...

No, I'm not implying.
That was a declarative statement.

You have absolutely no proof
that I was involved in any kind of...

Let me suggest the word:

You have my marker.

You'll get your money.

I haven't quite finished with you yet,
Mr. Heath.

Rumor has it that you were involved

with some very clumsy
business transactions at Colbyco.

With Sean Rowan.

Colbyco's stock dropping?

That's company business.
I don't discuss it with outsiders.

Good attitude. Very good attitude.

I'm sure that Alexis will have it
engraved on your tombstone.

Because rumor also has it

that you paid your last two years
of gambling debts from Colbyco funds.

Now, I'm sure you only borrowed
the money,

and you intended to pay it back.

Once again,

what is it that you want?

I'll tell you.

I am... Oh, how shall I put this?

Emotionally burdened by the idea
of Alexis at the helm of Colbyco.

Now, if you could help me wake up
one morning relieved of that burden,

I would be forever grateful.

If you're looking
for some kind of did...

Come on. You've worked
for that company for years.

A lot of skeletons can be buried
in that time.

No. No.

I'm sorry.

I cannot help you.

Oh, well.
I have another appointment.

I do think that you should
reconsider this, though.

The payment is due
in less than a week,

and it's secured by your house,
isn't it?

And a family trust fund?

Mr. Samarkian has always extended
that date.

Yes, well, Mr. Samarkian
is a warmer-headed person than I am.

Especially when my generosity
is not reciprocated.

Mr. Heath, consider your options.

You really don't have very many.

As difficult as it may be
for you to understand,

my search for what's buried
under the lake, my att*cks on Alexis,

and my friendship with you and Krystle
are three entirely separate things.

I came to Denver
for very specific reasons.

Becoming close to you and Krystle

wasn't part of the plan,
that just happened.

How did you find out
about the collection?

Well, several years ago,

I overheard Jason on the phone
talking about an abandoned mine.

He sounded frightened.
I'd never seen him like that before.

And who was he talking to?

At the time, I thought he was talking
to you, but whoever it was,

it was obvious from the conversation
that whatever was in the mine,

he wanted to remain there.

If all this happened
so many years ago,

why wait until now
to go looking for it?

Jason divorced me.

He ran off with my sister.

I was very hurt, very angry.

I think in time,
I could have forgiven him,

but he didn't just divorce me.

He divorced himself
from the children as well.

He was very cold, very cruel.

It was as if he blamed them
for being part of me.

And what does all this
have to do with you

sending a diver down
to the bottom of that lake?

I was determined to b*at Jason
in the one area

that had always dominated
his life: Business.

I wanted to hurt him
wherever and whenever I could.

That's when I thought of the mine,
the collection.

But strangely enough,
I didn't know what it was.

Are you saying you don't know
what's down there?

Well, only that it was of great value.

And that Jason wanted to keep it
a secret. That was enough for me.

But you did find out
what was down there later.

No, I never have.

I hired Gibson to dive at the lake.

He was responsible
for the body floating up.

And when I realised
that it was that boy, Roger Grimes,

I called Gibson off.

Well, then who sent Gibson
to Delta Rho?

I don't know.

But whoever it was,
it was nothing to do with me.

I was thinking about Jason.
I wanted to hurt him.

But, Blake,
whatever else you think of me,

my feelings for you and Krystle
are genuine.

It's deeply important you believe that.

You have a rose in your hand.

Oh, yeah. Here. I...

It's not much.
I just wanted to thank you.

That's very sweet of you.

I'll be going home tomorrow.

All of a sudden,
I'm not sure what I'm going home to.

I think getting sh*t
had a strange effect on me.

Getting sh*t has a strange effect
on most people.

- Yeah.
- Listen, if you feel like it sometime,

would you call me?

- I'd really like you to meet my kids.
- Sure.

I just...

What you did today...

Thank you.

For a tiny woman, you sure talk tall.

Who was that lady?

Was that the real Sable Colby?

Thank you for setting up that meeting.

If it was, she is someone
that I would like to get to know.

I'm serious, I was impressed.

Well, I didn't come here
to impress anyone.

I had a misunderstanding with Blake,
and I wanted to clear it up.

You cleared it up for me.
I believed you.

Thank you very much.

Did I say something to offend you?

What have I ever done
to make you disbelieve me?

- Hang on, let me...
- I've never been against you or Blake.

I have never lied to either of you
and I resent the insinuation

that my telling the truth
is some major event.

I'm sorry.

L just thought I saw a soft spot

in that suit of armour you wear
most of the time.

I liked you for what you did in there.

I know that it wasn't easy.

Take that for what it's worth.

Thank you.

- Virginia?
- Why, Dex?

Why'd you do it?

Is this how you remembered me?

With this trash?

- I don't understand.
- All I wanna know

is what'd you tell Alexis Colby?

Did you tell her I wore
this kind of filth?

Look, I never mentioned you
to Alexis.

Then how did Adam find out
about me?

Find out-J?

Virginia, come on inside.

Come on.

What did Adam say?

That you told Alexis

what I was when we met
ten years ago.

- That I was a kid working the streets.
- What?

Damn it, Dex, he even knew
all about how you saved me

from those guys in the bar.

Listen to me.

Listen. I never told anyone
about your past.

You didn't?

- Then why? Why did he try to...?
- Try what?

- What did he do?
- It doesn't matter.

It does matter, Virginia.
What did Adam do?

He brought those awful things
to my room.

He really humiliated me, Dex.

He made me feel like I was trash.

I can't stay here anymore, Dex.
I just wanna go home.

It's okay.

Adam won't hurt you anymore.


Oh, I will see to that.


You're late.

I don't recall giving you an assignment
to monitor my time.

I guess light banter
is out again tonight, huh?

Have we heard from Fritz Heath?

No, but I left a message
to remind him our markers are due

in a couple of days.

Was that wise?

Gambling is illegal in Denver.

- Are you gonna start on me again?
- I beg your pardon?

Well, for the last few days,
nothing I say or do seems to be right.

It can't be the work, because
lam doing a damn good job for you.

- So, what is it?
- You overreacting.

I don't think so. As a matter of fact,
I think this all started

when I began spending time
with Dex.

Out of line, Joanna.

If you're interested in him,
the field's open.

I'm not in the way.

Oh, do let me understand this.

If I developed an attraction for Dexter,
I have your permission to pursue it?

I didn't mean it that way.

Then you should learn to say
what you do mean, and very quickly.

Let's get down to business.

It's all here
and it's not a pretty picture.

Oh, it's a temporary slump.

Eliminating departments
isn't gonna help anything.

- What do you suggest?
- You can take an early retirement.

That would save
the company money.

Do you work here?

- This is a private meeting.
- You couldn't leave her alone, huh?

- Dex, what is it?
- How do you live with yourself?

- What kind of a warped mind, huh?
- Get out of here!

- What are you talking about?
- Have to create ugliness, right?

- I'm talking about Virginia!
- I didn't do anything!

- Hell you didn't!
- Call security!

Feel good to hurt her?
Make you feel good?



Did you play rough with her,
Adam, huh? Huh?

Slap her around a little?
Make you feel like a man?

Get him off me!

- Jeff...
- You miserable piece of...

- You wanna play rough, Adam, huh?
- Get off me, he's gonna k*ll me!

Break it up. What's going on?

Dex is upset because I know
all about him and his little whore.

I'm gonna k*ll you, Adam!

I'll k*ll you! I swear, I'll k*ll you!

I'll k*ll you! I swear, I'll k*ll you!

Get your hands off of me.
I'm warning you.

If you ever go near her again,
it'll be the last move you ever make.

Take it easy.

Let's get out of here.

Thank you.

Thank you.


- Well?
- Well, what?

What did you do this time?

Oh. Oh, that's beautiful.

You don't know a damn thing,

and you immediately assume
that I've done something wrong.

Seems like a logical conclusion.

Oh. Well, try this on for logic.

Virginia was Dex's little plaything
years ago.

Virginia and Dex?

Does tend to stretch one's imagination.

Yeah, she was , ,
working the streets.

Dex picked her up.

Made her do things
even she hadn't done before.

Working the... I don't believe it.

He called her Ginger.
Isn't that cute?

- Dex never said anything about...
- About what?

Taking a minor to bed?

About dressing her up like a whore?

Doing God-knows-what with her,
I don't know. Taking pictures of her.

Heh. No, he never mentioned
any of that to us, did he?

Even if it's true,
and I don't believe it is,

it still doesn't explain
why Dex came charging in here like a...

Because I found out
about his dirty little secret.

- I can't listen to this.
- No, I'm not surprised.

Vague parallels to your own situation.

Young woman doing things
she's ashamed of.

You and Sergeant Zorelli.

I always wondered
what you were made of, Adam.

And now I know.

It comes out of the back of a horse.

So you'd like me to believe
that you were diving in a lake,

but you didn't know
what you were looking for?

Mrs. Colby said look around.

Check out the mine
at the bottom of the lake, so I did.

Then the stiff popped up.
Scared the hell out of me.

- You dislodged the body.
- I guess so, yeah.

I mean, it was dark down there.
It was hard to see.

It must've been stuck in one
of the outer chambers of the mine.

I don't know.

The water was cold as ice.
I couldn't stay down there long.

- What happened after that?
- Well, nothing.

Mrs. Colby didn't want me to go back
down. Cops were all over the place.

Yes, but you stayed on in Denver,
didn't you? Why?

She was paying my way. Why not?

Did she pay you to go out
to Delta Rho?

- Did she?
- No.

- Who did?
- Nobody. I did it on my own.

I see. And why Delta Rho?

When I was waiting around
for the cops to clear out,

I went back to L.A.

I talked to a couple of old timers
who were around

when Jason Colby had his fingers
in the mining project.

And one of them remembered
that the stables at Delta Rho

used to be the old Colterion
mining headquarters.

I see.

So they told you there was something
buried down there.

No, no, they didn't know.

But I figured that it had to be gold.
Maybe coins, you know?

Something you're trying to hide
from Uncle Sam.

So that's what you thought
was down there, huh?

Yeah. Of course, I didn't know.

Mr. Gibson, you're a fool.

Don't you think if there was something
valuable buried on my land

that I would have dug it out myself?

I don't know.

Anyway, I really told you everything,

so you're gonna get me
out of here now, right?

I don't see any reason why I should.

- We had a deal.
- You sh*t my daughter-in-law.

Almost k*lled her.
We don't have a deal.

I don't make deals with people like you.

Guard, we're finished in here.


Carrington, come back here!

I could hurt you
when I get out of here.

You're not gonna double-cross me
and get away with it.

I just got finished talking to Gibson.
I don't think he knows anything.

Yeah, that's right.

I believe we're safe for now.

Hey, hey, Zorro,
heard they took away your sword.

Shouldn't you be watching
Sesame Street or something?

Wait till the people of Harmon Springs
hear about this.

- Oh, they'll be rioting.
- Shut up, Murphy.

You know you can't talk and file
at the same time.

For what it's worth,
I think you got a bum rap.

So you think maybe I should brush up
on my two-step, huh?

You know we got orders.
You're not supposed to be down here.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I'm just running an errand
for Martinez. Uh...

He wanted me to check
on File Number .

Some guy in a motel, I think he said.
A scuba diver?

Yeah, I got that.

Right here.

Right. Right. That's it.

- Doesn't look like they found much.
- Yeah, you know Martinez.

a**l personality.
Has to double-check everything.

Do you mind
if I make a copy of this?

- Zorelli.
- Just a copy.

You can keep the original.

I'm gonna have to have the okay slip.
Martinez gave you one, didn't he?

Oh, yeah, yeah, he did.
It's, uh, upstairs. I'll get it for you.

- Thanks. I owe you one.
- Zorelli, be careful.

I don't think you got a lot of friends

Good night, Angela. Don't wait up.

It's all right. I'll get it.

- Hello.
- Hello, Mrs. Colby.

- This is Fritz Heath.
- Oh, I am glad you've called.

I have to see you.

Yes. Well, will you be bringing
anything that I would like to see?


- When can I come over?
- Mr. Heath, you sound out of breath.

- Is something wrong?
- No. No. Please.

- I just wanna get this over with.
- I agree.

Um, tomorrow morning,
: in my office?

- No. Can't we do it tonight?
- No.

Tomorrow morning will be fine.

Good night, Mr. Heath.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, good night.

- Police!
- Aah!

Oh! Oh! Fallon!
Fallon, what are you doing here?

- How did you get in?
- You gave me your key, remember?

- Right. Right.
- Oh, you scared me to death.

Look at this.

In my kitchen.

With my Kn*fe.

My pots and pans.

- My oregano.
- I'm making you dinner.

I thought they took your g*n away.

This is kind of nice.

Coming home, finding you here.

I wanted to surprise you.

Have a nice quiet dinner
without any talk about your job,

my father or m*rder.

This is really nice.

Don't do that.

I thought you liked it when I do that.

And when I do this.

Don't do that.

Not until after the Caesar salad
and coq au vin.

Okay. Okay.

Why don't I take a quick shower,

then we'll have a little dinner
and, uh...?

When the moon hits your eye.

Like a big pizza pie.

That's amore.

When the world seems to shine.

Like you've had too much wine

where do you keep your matches?

That's amore


When the stars make you smile

When the stars make you drool.

Like a pasta fagioli.

That's amore.

Oh, God, what an idiot I've been.

Daddy was right. You were just
seeing me so you can spy on him.

You know, Fallon, I was thinking.

I've got a couple weeks coming.

I'd like to take you to this place
in Northern California. Point Lobos.

I visited once. It's beautiful.
The squirrels, and the...


Where the hell did you go?

Good evening, Robert.

Are you expecting company,
Mr. Dexier?

No, just me and the mineral water

Hey, stranger.

Hi, Dex.

Let me buy you a drink.

No, thanks. I really can't stay.

We've been doing a good job
of avoiding each other lately.

Come on. I could use the company.

I don't think it'd be a good idea
if Sable saw me with you.

- Why?
- Do you remember when I said

that I thought she had her eye
on you?

Well, then I was kidding.
Now I'm not so sure.

Joanna, I have nothing to hide
from Sable.

It's not you I'm worried about.

Besides, I have a hunch
the feeling's mutual.

What makes you think that?

I majored in body language.

I like you, Dex.

I think you are a great lover.

Just a lousy career move.

Are you two joined at the hip?

Every time I turn around,
you're together.

- I have been trying to reach you.
- I was just leaving.

Yes, well,
I don't want to spoil anybody's fun,

but Joanna does work for me.

And we work very long hours.
Don't we, Joanna?

Was that little show for my benefit?

What little show?

Kicking her out of here
like a junkyard dog.

Ha, ha. What, a junkyard dog?

You must teach me more
of your Wyoming witticisms.

Why did you let her getaway with it?

Pardon me?

Sable Colby is a bully.

The more you let her b*at you down,
the worse it's gonna get.

Who the hell are you?

Adam Carrington.

Oh. Joanna Sills.

- It's a pleasure.
- Mm. Pleasure's mine.

- What happened to you?
- Oh, uh, low-flying aircraft.

Extremely dangerous.

I poured my head out to him, Dex.

I don't know what else I can do
to prove to him I'm on his side.

Well, I told you, you convinced me.

- Blake will come around.
- I hope so.

- The man's been through hell.
- I know.

Especially with Alexis
holding an axe over his head.

Why don't you stop her?

- She hasn't done anything yet.
- She will.

I don't know. It's been some time.
She hasn't made a move.

What if she does?

Do you remain neutral?

I mean, doesn't Blake ever question
your loyalty?

You're close to him,
but you work for her.

I don't work for anybody.

I'm helping Alexis solve a problem.

You know what I'm talking about.

All right. How about this?

If Alexis goes after Blake
for the m*rder of Roger Grimes,

she's attacking me too.

Now, Alexis knows
where I've drawn the line.

And you really think
she won't cross it?

I don't know.

Maybe she's changed her mind.

Destroying Blake
is Alexis' life's work.

There's only one way to stop her,

and that's with a sharper axe.

That's what I'm looking for.

And when I find it, I will use it.

Oh. Mother and Sable
have been battling for years.

Sable has her buttons
and Alexis knows how to push them.

That's very interesting, but so far,
it looks like Sable's winning the battle.

Yeah, but we're gonna win the w*r.


If you're ever in the neighbourhood...

- I'll be sure to call.
- Please do.

Oh, Virginia.

I was hoping
that you would reconsider.


I know it was never your intention
to stay on here indefinitely.

But to leave because of...

Blake, I'm leaving because
it's really time for me to go.

Let me get my coat.
We'll talk on the way...

- Please, I have a cab waiting out front.
- A cab?

Well, at least you can let me drive you
out to the airport.

I know it seems like a small thing,
but I'd really like to leave here alone.

I need to feel like I have control
of my life again.

No, wait.

I don't know what happened
between you and Adam and Dex,

but I know my son.

I love Adam, but he is capable
of doing some very unkind things.

I don't wanna talk about it.

If he did anything to you,
I would like to know about it.

In some ways, Blake,
I think he did me a favour.

All my life, I felt like
I was less than everybody else.

I kept thinking I don't count.

And some people took advantage
of that.

Well, I don't feel that way anymore,

Ever since you and Krystle
brought me here,

for the first time in my life,
I felt like I belonged.

Belonged to something, a family.

Well, then stay. We'll work out
whatever problem there is here.

Blake, I can't.

I've put my life on hold
for too many years.

Now I'd like to see
what I've been missing.

Virginia, you remember this?

You gave it to me and said:

"Would you please give it
to Krystle?"

And you said that the magic of it
was getting it from somebody you love.

Well, I think the magic works
both ways.

From someone who loves you.

Thank you, Blake.

Angela, there's someone at the door.


All right, I'm coming.

Whoever it is,
this had better be worth it.

Who is it? HEATH: Fritz Heath.

It's not even dawn yet.
What are you doing here?

This is getting out of hand.
I just can't take it anymore.

- What's wrong?
- I mean, it's too much.

You're pushing me against a wall

- and I just can't take it anymore.
- Calm down.

How did you know
that I was taking money from Colbyco?

You earn, what, -,
$ , a year?

How were you expected
to pay back million on that?

Well, that's just the point.

They never paid me what I was worth.
Never. Never.

I should never have let them
take advantage of me like that.

Yes. Well, Alexis never has been
known for her generosity.

I mean, the money that I was taking
from Colbyco,

I was going to pay all of that back.

The whole thing.
Every single penny of it.

And I was winning.
I was winning very big and...

L just had a very bad string of luck
and I...

You were going to show me


This is going to cost you
a great deal

- more than you've been offering me.
- More?

Let's talk about
what I have been offering you.

I am offering you $ ,
to pay off your recent gambling debts.

And that is chicken feed
for what's in here.

I'm also offering to keep my mouth
shut about your embezzlement.

I cannot go to jail. I will not.

- I cannot...
- All right. Then let's be reasonable.

No, I'd go crazy if I were to go to jail.

Look, calm down.

Calm down.

And show me what you have.


It's big.

This is big enough
to bring down Colbyco

and Alexis Colby on top of it.

They did some things.

They did some things
that nobody knows about.


Nobody but me.

Sean Rowan knew about it.

But he never understood
how important this was.

But I want more.

Assuming that this is as big
as you say,

how much more?

Five million dollars.

- You're laughing at me.
- Five million?

You expect me to give you
$ million?

- This is worth it.
- I couldn't, in my wildest imagination,

dream of giving you $ million
in addition to the...

I thought that would be your reaction.

Have you lost your senses?

Put that g*n away.

I mean, I was...
I was hoping it wouldn't,

but I knew that it might.

You're making a very big mistake.

It's gone too far.

- I can see that. It has gone too far.
- Put that g*n away.

It has gone too far.

