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07x23 - The Dress

Posted: 05/26/22 17:58
by bunniefuu
- Yes?
HELEN: It's Helen, sir.

Just a moment.

What is it?

Forgive me, but I thought
Kristina might be here with you.

- lsn't she in her room, in bed?

It's my routine : check.
Naturally, I thought she would be here.

Let's have a look.

Shh, shh, shh.

- Sarah, we were so worried.
- What is this, Sarah?

What is Kristina doing out here?

Oh, I'm sorry. Um, I didn't think--

I just stopped in her room
to kiss her goodnight,

and she was still awake,
so I thought l'd--

Did she have
some kind of a problem?

Oh, no, no, no, she was fine.
I just thought l'd...

Well, I mean, I used to rock Cathy in
my arms to sleep at night sometimes.

I was just putting her back.

I really am sorry.


There's no harm done.
She's asleep now.

- Should I take her?
- No, thank you.

- I'll take her.
- Goodnight, then.


She's so light,
I could have held her all night long.

I really am sorry.

It's all right, Sarah.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.

See you in the morning.


I don't understand it.

What could Sarah be doing in here
this time of night?

I don't know. Maybe she was lonely.

I suppose so.

Once and for all, McVane,
don't ever call me at my office.

Well, damn it, is that clear enough? I--

Well, that sounds pretty good.

Yes, why don't you send me something
to read and we'll be in touch? Right.

Darling, I know you're busy,
this won't take long.

Here's a list of people
I want to invite to the wedding.

- Mother--
- These are very important people,

so I want you and Dana
to go through the list

and tell me if there's people
that you're not familiar.

- Mother, listen--
- If I left out any of your friends--

- Mother, will you listen to me?
- What?

There isn't going to be any wedding.


The wedding is off.

Nut, Adam, what happened?

You were so in love.
And, well, she is a lovely girl.

Oh, drop the facade.
You never really liked her.

- That is not true.
- lsn't it?

You didn't exactly welcome her
with open arms at first.

And your instincts were right,
you sensed exactly what she was.

An opportunist.

Out to grab a Carrington,
and the Carrington money.

Well, if that's who she is
and what she is,

isn't it better
that you found out now?

I should have sensed it all along.

Well, you know it now.

Listen, darling,
I accepted her because you loved her,

but she was wrong for you,
and you don't need her.


No, I don't need her.

She's a small-town girl
with big ideas.

You're better off without her.

Here are those figures
you asked for.

Oh. Good, thank you.

Dana, this is the wrong report.

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought, um...

- Uh, I'll get the correct one.
- Are you all right?

I'm fine. I'll get the report.

Dana, wait a minute.

You've worked for me long enough
to know that I don't like to interfere,

but you're gonna be
my daughter-in-law,

and if there is some kind of trouble...

Come on now. Come on, what is it?

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean for this to happen.

- I'm just a little upset.
- Wanna talk about it?

My engagement to Adam is off.


- We had an argument and he...
- Oh, well, people quarrel.

It's no reason to call off
an engagement.

I didn't. He did.

He did? Why?

I don't know.

I've asked myself that question
a thousand times

and I don't know the answer.

- Alexis.
- What are you doing here?

- I have an important meeting.
- With your parole officer?

Ha, ha. You haven't lost your touch.

No. Actually,
I'm on the ground floor of a major deal

that's gonna put me back on top.

- Is it now?
- Yes.

It looks like I'm in the right place
at the right time.

Maybe you would like
to come in on it.


Are you serious?
Come in on a deal with you?

Not in your lifetime.

That's where you're wrong, Alexis.

That's where you're wrong.

Did anyone see you come up?

Please, give me some credit.

What do you want this time?

I want the same thing
I hear your mother wants.

Trouville lndustries.

They're ready for a takeover,

and when she moves in on it,
I want a piece of the action.

And I expect you to fill me in.

What choice do I have?

Considering what I know? None.

Oh, come on, relax.

Maybe this time, we'll go in together.
You and me.

Build yourself a new bank account.

No, thank you.

Suit yourself.

Just make sure
you keep me informed.

Dana was so good for Adam.
He seemed so happy.

Yes, and now he'd like me to believe
that he'd be just as happy without her.

- And you don't believe him.
- No, I don't.

We talked for a long time,

but, uh, the more I listened,
the less sense it made.

What did he tell you?

Hmm. It wasn't what he told me
that bothered me.

It was what he didn't tell me.

He says that he's g*n-shy
about marriage

because of the terrible experience
that he had with Claudia.

That he's not ready to take
that kind of a chance again.

He should have thought of that before
he gave her an engagement ring.

When I confronted him with that,
he had the right answers.

But all the time,

I kept feeling there was something
that he didn't wanna talk about.

- Like what?
- I don't know.

Just call it a father's intuition.

But I intend to find out about it.

do you think you should interfere?

Well, if I thought the problem
was only between him and Dana,

I wouldn't dream of interfering.

But I know the boy.
I wanna be able to help him.

But how?


I'm gonna hire a private detective.

- A private detective?
- Mm-hm.

There's something that is causing him
to walk away from that wonderful girl.

I could be very wrong,

but I don't think it has anything at all
to do with a fear of marriage.

Nlake, if he finds out,
he could be very resentful.

I'll just have to take that chance.


Come in.

I saw the light under your door.
I thought I'd say goodnight.

Is it that late?
I've lost all track of time.

Well, that's pretty.

Oh, thanks. I made it for Kristina.
I've been doing a little bit every day.

Well, she'll love it.

I hope so.
I think the colour is good for her.

Krystle, about last night.
I gave everybody a scare.

It's already forgotten.

Blake seemed so upset.

He was fine
once he knew Kristina was all right.

I want you to know
I would never do anything--

Sarah, put it out of your mind.
It's not a problem.

Look, it's getting late.
You'd better get some rest.

Yes, I am tired.

I know Kristina will love the dress.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.

Oh, Cathy, I miss you so much.

DANA: Sammy Jo?
- I'm in here.

- Good morning.
- Hi.

Um, I was on my way to work
and I wanted to return this.

Is the engagement really off?


Should I ask what happened?

Oh, you can ask. I have no answers.

I understand,
it's really none of my business.

No, that's not it. It's...

I really don't know what happened.

I mean, one minute,
Adam says he loves me,

and then the next, he doesn't wanna
have anything to do with me.

Nut he seemed so happy
the night of your shower.

I'm so confused.

It's almost like Adam
isn't Adam anymore.

Sammy Jo,
have you seen my blue shirt?

- Hi, Dana.
- Hi, Steven.

- Um, it's ironed and in the closet.
- Thanks.

I heard about you and Adam.
I'm sorry.

- If there's anything I can do...
- Thanks.


Oh, no, this isn't what you think.

I mean, Steven is living here
only because of Danny.

We're-- There's nothing between us,
we're just friends.

You trying to convince me
or yourself of that?

It shows, huh?


Does he feel the same way?

Steven's been very good to me,
but this is more one-sided.

I guess we have that in common,
don't we?


Is everything going well?

Yes, Mr. Carrington, we've had him
under surveillance since last night.

Fine. Fine.
Where are you calling from now?

The Carlton.
He hasn't left the hotel yet today.

We'll stay with him. Right.

DEX: Hungry?
- A little.

The lady will have a chilli burger,
medium, hot sauce and onion rings.

And I'll have the same, rare.

Thank you.

That was so long ago
and you remembered.

It's not so long ago.

You have any idea
how long you plan to stay?


Krystle and Nlake
have been so good to me,

I haven't even thought
about the ranch.

Don't. I'll give my father a call,
he'll check it out,

make sure everything's
running smoothly.

Thank you, Dex,
for being there when I needed you.

Now, why wouldn't I extend
a helping hand to a pretty woman?

I just don't feel
very pretty these days.

Sarah, you're a beautiful woman
inside and out.

I know that's hard to focus on
right now,

but the sun does come up again.

It's just so hard, Dex.

I feel so alone

and empty.

You're not alone.

And when you're ready, there's
a whole world out there to fill your life.

And right now, you happen to have a
very dear friend sitting across from you.

Thank you.

Leave it.

I like to know where I've been.

If you sit there,
one of you has to buy you a drink.

And me without my purse.


Don't tell me, you're the kind of girl
who drinks nothing but champagne.

You get the best, you give the best.

- Give her the best.
- Hmm.

You're a new face.

Cute one too.

And wearing clothes that most
of these guys couldn't afford to clean,

Iet alone own.

You're out of step, you know?

So, uh, what are you looking for?

Maybe I was looking for you.

You can call me April.

What do I call you?

- Depends.
- Mm.

A mystery man.

- Maybe.
- Ha, ha.

You sound dangerous.

Just who are you?

April, that's a real good question.

I'm nobody.

Michael Torrance.

Well, here's to knowing you,
Michael Torrance.

You don't wanna know me.

I'm a fake.

And a phoney.

Don't go away.

Who the hell are you?
And what are you doing in here?

- I'm just a guy having a beer, buddy.
- You're following me.

You were at my hotel this morning.

I don't drink in hotels,
they're too expensive.

Cut the bull. You're following me.

And I say I'm a guy having a beer.

But I don't want any trouble.

So, uh, I'm out of here.

Hey, you're not really dangerous,
are you?

I mean,
I don't do business with weirdoes.

And I've never done business
with a beautiful woman either.

How do we start?


Very slowly.

- Couldn't sleep.
- Same here.

Do you mind some company?


I always loved sitting in front of a fire,
even when I was a little kid.


- Me too.
- I'd burn logs in the middle of August.

It could be degrees out,
it didn't matter.

Oh. I remember one time,

Dad had closed the flue
and I didn't realise it,

and I lit a fire
and walked out of the room

and smoked out the entire house.

Well, all right, half the house.

It's nice to see you smile.

You had a sad look on your face
when I walked in.

I was thinking about Dana.

How she must be feeling
very alone right now.

Do you really think it's over
between those two?

It's over for Adam,
so it must be over for Dana.

But I like her, I think we'll be friends.

We seem to have something
in common.

Sammy Jo,
should I just go back to bed--?

No, no, no.

I'm sorry,
I didn't mean for it to sound like that.

It's just that I really do know
how she's feeling.

Loving someone
who doesn't love you back.

And the truth is,

when you walked into the room,
I wasn't thinking about Dana.

I was thinking about me.

And that made you sad?

I've been happy these past weeks.
I really have.

Danny has his parents again,

and you've been very good to me,

and it's been a home again.

Nut being together like this, so close,

it makes me remember how it was.

And I can't lie to myself anymore
about my feelings.

I'm just afraid
they might push you away.

You know, it hasn't been easy for me,
either, for a lot of reasons.

Maybe not all the same as yours,
but just as real.

I came out here
because I knew you were up.

I guess maybe,
I was remembering too.

What are you saying?

All I'm saying is that


when I look at you

- I feel.
- What do you feel, Steven?


You know what I feel
when I think about you?

I feel beautiful.

And warm, and loving,

and safe.

You make me feel all of that, Steven.

And sometimes it's hard
to hide that from you.

Remember the first time
we made love?

And how it started?


You said nobody kissed anymore.

Really kissed.


And we kissed.

And kissed.

And kissed.

And kissed.

God, Steven, I missed you so much.

Good for you.

- Hi, sweetheart.
- Mommy, I gained a whole pound.

- Well, that's wonderful.
- lsn't it? Ha, ha.

I'll go get her breakfast.

Okay, my little one,
what shall we do today?

Sarah said we could have a tea party.
Can we, Mommy?

A tea party?

Well, I don't know why not.

- You like Sarah, don't you?
- She's nice.

Yes, she is.

Can she stay with us?

- She can stay as long as she wants.
- Good.


You missed your : meeting,
Mr. Carrington. I was concerned.

Save your concern, Paula.

And cancel everything
for the rest of the day.

- Nut what about--?
- I said cancel everything.

- And no calls.
- Yes, sir.


I said, no calls.

PAULA: I'm sorry, Mr. Carrington,
but it's your fiancee.

What shall I tell her?

Uh, tell her...

Tell her not to call here again.


Kristina, these cookies are delicious.

KRlSTlNA: Sarah and I baked them.

I was only the assistant baker,
you have to give Kristina all the credit.

Well, don't tell Mrs. Gunnerson,
but I like them better than hers.


Darling, do you know what time it is?

- Nap time.
- Mm-hm.

But I took a nap yesterday.

Do you remember
what we talked about?

The more rest you get,
the stronger you'll be.

It's very important.

I remember.

- Come on, darling.
- Thank you for a lovely tea party.

Nicest party I've ever been to.

Isn't it funny, how the world changes
and little girls still love tea parties?

I'm so happy you and Kristina
are becoming friends.

So am l.

Oh, that looks great. Thank you.

Steven, you're home early.
I wanted to have this all ready for you.

I had a light day for a change.

Well, I'm glad you're here.

I hope Nlake doesn't dock
any of your pay.

- No, I don't think so.
- Well, I won't tell if you don't tell.

Where's Danny?

He's in his room playing fireman
or lndian.

I don't remember which.

You still like guacamole, don't you?

Oh, yeah, I love it. It looks great.
I'll get some in a minute, I just...


I just wanna relax for a little while.

Uh, when I woke up this morning,
you were already gone.

Yeah, I know, I'm sorry.
I had an early meeting.

- I should have left a note.
- That wouldn't have been necessary.

About last night,

my first thought was to apologise
and that was probably yours too.

Nut I don't think
that makes any sense.

I mean, we're both adults

and last night was very beautiful
and very loving.

- Sammy Jo, l--
- Shh.

I've been rehearsing this all day
and I wanna say it.

When I woke up this morning
and you were already gone, I thought--

I mean, I didn't know what to think.

For a minute, I actually panicked and
thought you might never come back.

I don't know how many times
I picked up the phone to call you,

but I couldn't think of what to say.

I wanted to call you too.

- You did?
- Yeah.

Steven, I'm so happy to see you.

You came home
and everything's gonna be all right.

I'm so glad we broke our promise.

No, I'm fine.
I just left the office a bit early, that's all.

- So you're not ill.
- No.

And in case you're wondering, Mother,
I am sober.


Well, I hope you stay that way,

You've got to stop
this excessive drinking

before you get into more trouble
with the police.

- That won't happen again, believe me.
- Well, I certainly hope not.

When's the hearing?

The day after tomorrow.

- Would you like me to go with you?
- No, no, I can handle it, thank you.


Yes. Uh, I'll see you in the morning.

- I thought we'd said all we had to say.
- We did, I guess.

I just wanted to return this ring.

I don't want it. Sell it.

You know I can't do that.


Why are you treating me like this?

You knocked on my door,

Yes, I did, because I thought maybe
if we could talk about it again,

I might understand
why it's happening.

What is so difficult to understand?

I just decided I don't wanna be
anybody's meal ticket.

Why are you saying something
like that to me? When have I ever--?

Dana, get it through your head,
it is over.

I'm trying.

I'm trying, but the more I try,
the less it makes sense.

- I know you love me--
- And you're kidding yourself.

Oh, Adam,
why are you doing this to me?

I don't know what is going on,
but I know this isn't you.

Please, Adam,

whatever is wrong, I love you,
let me help.

I don't want your help.

The only thing I want from you
is to be left alone.

LESLlE: How can you not sympathise
with the main character?

CLAY: Ha, ha. Are you sure we saw
the same movie?

Ugh. I'm beginning to wonder.

I mean, didn't you feel sorry
for the father in the courtroom?

Wha--? Why?
The guy brought it all on himself.

Because he loved his children.

No, because he was trying
to buy their love.


- You are hopeless.
NUCK: Ha-ha-ha.

He's hopeless all right, ma'am.
I ought to know. Ha, ha.

What do you want?

Well, I thought maybe
we'd drink a toast

now that Sammy Jo
is out of your life.

I like her better.

You're drunk. Come on, let's go.

Wait a minute now,
aren't you going to introduce me?

are your manners better than his?

My name is Leslie and who are you?

My name is Buck Fallmont.
He's my son.

Do you have a last name, Leslie?

Come on.

Carrington. Leslie Carrington.

Good God, boy,
don't you ever learn?

- Which Carrington are you?
- Come on.

I'm Nen Carrington's daughter,
if that's what you wanna know.

You just go from bad to worse,
don't you?

Oh, good evening, Mr. Carrington.

Good evening, Jeannette.
Where's Mrs. Carrington?

I'm not sure,
but you could try Kristina's room.

- Good. Uh, how is Kristina today?
- Just fine.

Mrs. Curtis organised a little tea party
for her this afternoon.

Mrs. Curtis did?

And Kristina had such a time.


SARAH: Turn around,
let me see how pretty you look.

Oh, you look so pretty.
Oh, that looks so pretty on you.


Come in.

Daddy, Daddy.

- Daddy.
- There's my girl.

- Hello, Nlake.
- Sarah.

Where's Krystle?
And, uh, Kristina's nurse?

Krystle had to go into town
for a few minutes.

The nurse is having dinner.
I told her I'd sit in for her.

I see.

- Daddy, do you like my new dress?
- Let's see.

Oh, my, yes. It's very, very pretty.

Sarah made it for me.

It gave me something to do at night.

Well, thank you.
That's very nice of you.

- Look, it's just like--
- Oh, no, no.

I don't think your daddy needs
to look at any photographs.

He wants to spend some time
with his daughter.

Daddy, we had a tea party.

Yes, I heard about that.
I'm sorry I couldn't have been there.

Sarah, are you coming?

No, no. No, I'm sure
that she's got other things to do.


Come on, darling,
know that game that we play...?

Nlake. Gerard told me you were here.
I thought you'd already left for the office.

No, I wanted to talk to you.

I've been thinking about Sarah.

Oh, well, what about her?

Well, maybe it's time she thought
about going back home.

Why? I don't think she's ready.

Kristina's getting too attached to her.
In my opinion, overly-attached.

Well, they're becoming friends,
but I think that's good for both of them.

Darling, I was just wondering

whether we weren't doing Sarah
more harm than good.

KRYSTLE: Nut how?
- Ny not urging her to go back home.

Ny not urging her
to start rebuilding her life.

She's gonna have to do that sometime,
you know. Sooner or later.


I can understand your concern,

but I don't think Sarah's ready
to face that yet.

The healing process is working,
Kristina's making it happen.

I think that she deserves this time.

Let's be patient a little longer.

So how's the new job?


It's all right, I guess. I'm learning.

Well, you don't seem very enthused.

Is Dex giving you a hard time?


Is it a problem with Clay?

His father.

Nuck Fallmont?
You met him, talked to him?

Yes, I did, and he was drunk,
and he was full of hatred.

And then I told him that I was
your daughter and he freaked out.

Now, what is it
between the two of you?

I've never met the man.

Did you ask Clay about it?

Yes, I did, and he doesn't wanna
talk about his father either.

You like Clay, don't you?

Why are you changing the subject?

Isn't there something that you wanna
tell me about you and the senator?

No, baby, there's nothing.

Look, I've gotta get started.
I have a busy schedule today.



Well, you sure got a lot of nerve,

They told me you were waiting
to see me. I couldn't believe it.

I thought we should talk.

What in the hell could you possibly say
that I wanna hear?

It's about my daughter and your son.

I got a better idea,
let's talk about you and my wife.

Look, Nuck,

I can't blame you for hating me,
but Emily is dead,

and taking it out on our two kids
only hurts them.

Don't you preach to me.
You, of all people.

Look, what happened between Emily
and me, happened a long time ago.

So you want me
to forgive and forget, eh?

Well, it doesn't work that way
with me.

I don't want my son to have anything
to do with your daughter.

You understand that?
Necause she's your daughter.

Necause she's a Carrington
and they're all alike.

- Buck, listen to me--
- Listen to what?

That your affair with Emily
was a long time ago?

Well, Emily told me about it
just before she d*ed,

and it's very clear in my mind.

I want you to stay away from me.

And I want your daughter
to stay away from my son.

Do you understand that?

You're full of hate, Nuck.

And it's spilling over on two innocent
young people who do not deserve it.

The only hate spilling over
is my hate for you.

Now get out of this house!

If I ever see you again, I promise you,
I won't waste my time talking.

I won't let your poison
ruin those kids' lives,

and that's a promise.

Mr. Carrington's attorneys
will be here for dinner tomorrow.

Very good, Mrs. Carrington.
How many people should we expect?

Oh, we should be eight.

I'll talk to Mrs. Gunnerson
in the morning about the menu.

Mommy. Mommy.

What is it, sweetheart?
What's wrong?

What is it? What's the matter?

- You said Sarah could stay.
- Well, she is staying, sweetheart.

- No, she's packing.
- Packing?

Mommy, please don't let her go.

The only one going anywhere is you.

- Now, back to bed.
- All right.

Sarah, why are you leaving?

I just think it's time.

You and Nlake have been
so good to me.

I needed the time here,

but I think it could do me more harm
than good, the longer that I stay.

I mean, I do have to leave sometime.

"More harm than..."

- Sarah, you heard Nlake, didn't you?
- That's not the point.

he was just concerned about you.

Look, we only want
what's best for you,

and if you feel
that it's time for you to go,

we'll always be here for you,

but don't leave
for the wrong reasons.

Maybe Nlake was right. Maybe I was
spending too much time with Kristina.

I think you've been very good for her.

I think she's been very good
for me too.

Well, then stay, please.

Do you really want me to?
I mean, all of you?

All of us.





It's kind of lonely in there.
Aren't you coming to bed?

In a minute.

I've created a problem for us,
haven't l?

I mean,
I should have known last night

when you didn't come to bed
until I was asleep.

And then you left this morning
before I woke up.

Sammy Jo...

It's not your fault, it's mine.

- Don't say that.
- No, I have to.

Last night, I wanted to talk to you.

- Nut we did talk.
- No, you talked, I listened.

I'm sorry.

I'm listening now.

I don't-- I'm not sure what to say.

Nefore the other night,
I thought I knew who I was,

and what I felt,
and what I couldn't feel.

And now?

Now I don't know.

Steven, when we made love,
you were gentle and sensual.

Everything a woman wants
in the man she loves.

And you made me feel
very beautiful.

Now, are you saying that,
that wasn't real?

No, of course not.

That you were faking it, for my sake?
Is that what you're saying?

No, don't you understand?

- It was very real.
- Steven.

I'm not an expert at this,
but couldn't it be that we...?

We have to just give it a chance?
Give us a chance?

Unless you're saying goodbye.

- No, I'm not saying that.
- Then you won't leave?

Yesterday I found myself going
through the clothes in your closet,

making sure they were still there
and that you weren't leaving.

And they were there, weren't they?
And I didn't leave you, did l?

And you're not gonna leave me now?

Just give us a chance, Steven.

Together, we're so good for Danny.

And I want us to be good
for each other.

Please come to bed with me,


I don't like to beg,
but I'm begging you now.

Please come to bed with me.
