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05x09 - Catfight

Posted: 05/25/22 06:58
by bunniefuu
Is that the last of them?

So I have fought everyone on Khoros, and
none is worthy of my hands in matrimony?!

Never before has a tetramand princess
reached the age of ascension un-betrothed!

Looma the first will be Looma the last!.

A pitiful spinster with only dozens,
of pet Bharthaks to keep me company.

No! Anything but that!

I shall marry the only tetramand in the
entire galaxy to ever defeat me.

By Tetrus' fist, this princess
is willing to settle!



[ Screams ]

Are you kidding me?

[ Ribbits [ Ribbits ]

I am the mighty Attea,

conqueror of worlds, soon to be crowned
high sovereign, grand empress,

et cetera, et cetera of the
whole Incursean empire!

How am I supposed to make
an iron-fisted impact

at my coronation with one of these
stringy weaklings by my side?!

[ Ribbits ]

The only Incursean who was ever man
enough turned out to be a human!

That settles it.

There's just one Incursean in the
universe who's even close

to being worthy of me.

[ Screaming, fighting sounds ]

Ben: Mmm!

[ Slurps ]


♪ Ben ♪

♪ He's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ But when you need a superhero,
he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ He can change his shape and
save the world from harm ♪

♪ When trouble's taking place ♪
♪ he gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ When lives are on the line ♪
♪ it's hero time ♪

♪ Ben ♪

[ Fighting sounds ]

[ Sneezes ]

Burr! It's awfully chilly in here.

Ben: Here you go.

Yeah! Yeah!

[ Yawns ]

Ben: Go, sumos!

Are you sure Ben is from this planet?

He does not seem to understand
its courting rituals at all.

Rook: Yes, he is.
And, yes, he does not.

Ben: Is this the greatest movie or what?!

- Ben: Shh. Movie.

Rook: How are you enjoying
this double date?

Well, I find these "Sumo Slammers"
somewhat interesting,

but I do not care for the felines
under the chairs.

Rook: I think the Earth expression
you're looking for is,

"let the cat out of the bag."
If so, you're misusing...

[ Boing! ]

[ Meows ]

Rook: Ben.
- Ben: Shh! This is the best part.

Rook: Is this what is meant
by the term "cat burglars"?

Ben: Dude, seriously, you're ruining the...

Hey. There's a cat in here.

And it just stole the guy
in front of me's wallet.

Come on, Rook.

What are you just sitting there for?
It's hero time!

Rook: [ Groans ] Excuse me, ladies.

Ben's probably gonna turn into
some awesome creature out there.

While Rook executes some dazzling
acrobatics and marksmanship.

[ All gasp ]
[ Meows ]

Ben: Nyancy Chan.

Rook: In retrospect, she would
be the logical suspect.

Nyancy Chan: Ben Tennyson!

The hair ball in my saucer of milk!
- Ben: Um, ew?

This'll just take a second. Nyancy
doesn't even have any powers.

Except one.

Ben: Any real powers. Cat
control doesn't count.

It does sound adorable, though.
- Nyancy Chan: It is.


[ Cats yowling, hissing ]

Ben: Ooh, I'm so scared!

Wildmutt's just gonna chase you
up the nearest tree, you know.

Rath: [ Roars ]

Nyancy Chan: Kitty!

Rath: Let me tell you somethin', crazy
cat lady who's making me miss the best

part of "Sumo Slammers : The
dark side of the mawashi"!

Rath is gonna...

[ Whirring ] whatever you command.
- Nyancy Chan: Aw!

Who's a good pussycat?!

Rath: Rath's a good pussycat!
- Nyancy Chan: Yes, you are.


Now sic 'em!

Rath: [ Yowls ] [ Growls ]

What are you doing, Ben?
Don't listen to her.

This is becoming less adorable.

Rath: [ Grunting ]

Look out!

Rook: Ester!

Nyancy Chan: Faster, pussycat! Meow! Meow!

Rook: I do not want to harm you, Ben.
- Rath: [ Growls ]


Why, you little...

Ow! Not the whiskers! Ow! Ow!

Rook: Rayona!

Hey, mean mousey whose girlfriend
from back home is visiting Earth

for the first time, gimme that!
Nyancy Chan: Attaboy, tiger!

Now, who's the bestest kitty-witty
in the whole wide world?

Rath: Rath is the bestest kitty-witty
in the whole wide world.

The cat lady.

If we can knock her out, rath's
mind will go back to normal, right?

Rook: As normal as it ever is.
- Nyancy Chan: Save me, my pet!

Rath: Okey-dokey!

Rook: What are you doing?!

[ Both groaning ]

Nyancy Chan: Such a good kitty.

Let's go get you
some yummy num-nums!

Rath: Yummy num-nums!

[ Cats meowing ]

We've got to save Ben.

[ Rumbling ]

Both: I have come for Ben Tennyson.

I have come for Ben Tennyson!

I have! I...

Ben Tennyson come for I have!

Ha! In your face!
Well, where is he?

Rook: You just missed him.

I, princess Looma, claim Ben Tennyson in the
name of the royal house of the Red Wind.

Well, you're too late. I already claimed
him in the name in the royal me!

You already had your chance
with Ben, and you blew it!

I know you, aren't you that steamy
runt I invited to my wedding?


You call ransacking my village and
kidnapping me an invitation?!

And the wedding was cancelled, remember?
- Yeah, so hit the road, sister.

You should talk, princess Attea!

Soon-to-be empress.

The only reason you didn't
destroy the Earth was so,

that you could betray and
depose your own father.


Those were good times.

I do not know who you are, and I do not care.
But we all seem to be seeking the same thing.

Would it not make the
most sense to combine our efforts

to recover Ben from the criminal cat lady?
- Both: What criminal cat lady?!

Stop copying me!

Rook: Rayona, might we speak in private?

I think the safest course of action
is to separate those two volatile warriors

before they come to blows and destroy
any of bellwood or any of us.

And I think we can use
all the help we can get.

Rook: You do not realize what
Attea and Looma are capable of.

Are they capable of helping us
rescue your partner so we can

resume our date before I
have to leave the planet?

Rook: As rayona said, the most logical
course of action is for us to work together

toward our common goal.


Both: Fine.

Rook: Fortunately, time is on our side.

Nyancy Chan considers herself
a master cat-related villainess.

She will want to carefully plan a
crime befitting her chosen theme.

[ Transponder chirping ]

Robbery in progress at Argit
boulevard in undertown.

Crazy cat lady and giant
tiger with anger-management issues.

Rook: Or she could just go on
a spontaneous crime spree.

He's mine!
- He's mine!

My yarn!

[ All screaming ]

Rath: Listen up, large ball of yarn!

If you think you're too big for
rath to handle, think again!

Aaah! Ohh!

[ Growls ]

I, princess Attea, general, scion, and
teen supreme soon-to-be high empress

and sovereign...

I, princess Looma of the royal
house of the Red Wind...

Rath: This is getting outta hand!

You think you can get
the upper hand on me?!

Take your flabby four
arms and get out of here!


Nyancy Chan: Attaboy, Mr. Fluffykins!
- Rath: Meow!

[ Chuckles ]

Rook: I cannot overstress the
importance of coordinating our efforts.

You need to stay focused.

Both: She started it!

[ Sing-songy ] You're in trouble!

[ Transponder chirping ]

Cat lady and loudmouth tiger sighted
on Spaceman's wharf in undertown.

Approach with caution...
And/or kitty litter.

Ah, ah, ah! As a team, remember?
- Mnh-mnh. I don't really do team, okay?

Ohh, whatever.

Is it always like this around here?

Rook: No, it is usually much,
much worse.

Rath: [ Grunting ]

Nyancy Chan: Yes! My babies
will eat like kings!

Rath: Yummy num-nums!

Rook: Nyancy Chan, cease your
criminal activities at once.


Nyancy Chan: Since when is fishing a crime?
- Rook: It is... not.

But mind-controlling my
partner to fish for you is!

Rath: [ Growls ]

Nyancy Chan: Speaking of mind-control,
get him, Mr. Fluffykins!

Rath: Let me tell you somethin', lady!
Your wish is my command and all,

but rath is not entirely comfortable
with being called "Mr. Fluffykins!"


Rook: Aah!

You have got to fight this, Ben.
Remember who you are.

Rath: Who I am is Mr. Fluffykins!
And don't you forget... ooh,

what's that?


Stun him, Attea!

Stun him?

This is an Incursean blaster, thank you
very much. Incurseans don't do stun.

[ Grunting ]

Just fire it, then!

Rath: [ Growls ]

Ohh! Oopsie!

Rook: Our efforts thus far have
been less than successful.

Thank you, magister obvious.

Rook: Which is why I've requested
some specialized equipment.

[ Tires screech ]

Here you go, Blonko, courtesy
of Blukic and Driba.

Rook: Does it work?

They said to tell you, quote "absolutely,
probably, maybe."

[ Tires squealing ]

What is that thing? It won't
hurt Ben, will it?

Rook: Absolutely not...
Probably, maybe.

Not helpful, Rook.

Rook: Sorry. It is a remote control
of sorts for the Omnitrix.

If we can get within range,
it will force a timeout,

turning rath back into Ben.

And that'll free him from
Nyancy's mind control.

But we've been one step behind
this Nyancy nuisance all evening.

So, what? We just keep
chasing them all over town?

Good plan, fuzzy.
- No. We take the battle to her.

Rook: Rayona overheard
where they are going.

[ Cats meowing ]

Nyancy Chan: Now, that's a good
boy, Mr. Fluffykins!

Now grab dinner, and let's go home!

Ooh, sneaky. I'm beginning not
to hate this one so much.

If we hurry, we can rescue Ben,
hand Nyancy over to the human authorities,

and still have time for
a romantic stroll.

[ Cats meowing ]

[ Zip! Sloop! ] [ Meowing continues]

Rath: Rath has had it up to here
with you, brown paper bag!

You think you're better than me?!

Nyancy Chan: What should we steal next,
my darling? A solid gold litter box?

, kilos of Catnip?!

[ Laughs ]

Rook: Your feline felonies are finished!

Nyancy Chan: Oh, Mr. Fluffykins,
tear them apart!

Rath: Aaah!

Nyancy Chan: Now go get 'em, tiger!

Rath: [ Growls ]

Absolutely, probably, maybe?

Rath: Rath doesn't know what you
mean by that, but I want to play!

Give it here!

Aah! Aah!

Rath: [ Laughs ]

You'll pay for that, Ben! I mean it!

That was an expensive w*apon.

Rath: [ Chuckles ]


Hey, come back here! Now I got... huh?
Where'd you go?!

Lemme tell you somethin', little red dot, which
is curiously devoid of mass or volume...


Ben: Oh, man.
Thank you, Rook.

I don't know how much more
cutesie cat talk I could take.

Blitzwolfer: [ Howling ]

Now I get to shut you
up and shut you down!

[ Howling ]
Nyancy Chan: [ Screaming ]

Now that he's back,
Tennyson's mine.

I was engaged to him.
I have dibs.

He's my date, and our
date's not over.

[ Scoffs ]

Doesn't matter, anyway.

You're right because my tetramand...
- My Incursean...

Both: ...Armada is here to back me up.
[ Growls ]

[ Ribbits ]

Ben: Oh, man.

Rook: This is what it is
usually like around here.

Give it up, Looma!
Ben's mine!

Call off your puny fleet, Attea! I claim
my rights as his former betrothed!

Are you two crazy? You
don't even like him!

Ben: Uh, excuse me, ladies,

thanks for your help and all, but
I'd like to get back to my date.

Thank you.

No! You must fight for your love!

Ben: Huh?

[ Ribbits ]

[ Wind howling ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Limbs whirring ]

Ha! Some warrior! Hmm?!

Rook: Rook to plumber H.Q. Despite the
presence of two heavily armed armadas,

the Earth is not under attack.
Repeat... not under attack.

Ben Tennyson is just having girl problems.

Terraspin: Don't blame me.

[ Metal clacks ]


[ Device beeping ]

[ Wind howling ]

Bullfrag: What? Whoa! Hey,
what gives?

You give... up.

Bullfrag: [ Croaks ] Funny.
But no chance.


Rook: The situation is hardly serious.

See for yourselves.

[ Fighting sounds ]

[ Fighting sounds ]

[ Fighting sounds ]

That's my girl!

[ Sniffles ]

She could do better than
that ape, though.

Bullfrag: [ Croaks ]

[ Croaks ]

Four arms: Oh!

That's more like it!

Four arms: I'm not liking
where this is going.

Why doesn't it just have an "off" button.

[ Cats meowing ]

Nyancy Chan: I want my
Mr. Fluffykins back!


Bullfrag: [ Croaks ]

Ew! Gross!

Bullfrag: Attea!

Yes, bullfrag, my love?

[ Meows ] [ Grumbling ]

Rath: [ Growls ]

Listen up, all of you! If you
girls keep trying to Chang me...

four arms: ...Into what you want
me to me instead of what I Am...

Bullfrag: ...I'm gonna hurl!


Rath: You're...

four arms: ...Over...

Bullfrag: ...Loading...

Rath: ...It!

Ben: Let me tell you something! Uh...

Oh. Aw!

All: Aw!

[ All grumble ]

Rook: You have the right to
remain... de-clawed.

Nyancy Chan: But who will.
Take care of all my babies?

Rook: They are also criminals,
so they are coming With you.

If you think I'm gonna be the only
Incursean in history Crowned empress

without an emperor, you've got
another think coming!

I must be wed before
my ascension ceremony!

Ben: That's what all this is. About?
Listen to yourselves.

You both defeated me at
some Point or other.

Neither of you need some trophy
guy hanging on your arm.

You're both strong, capable
leaders on your own.

And it's high time your
Four-armed and froggy followers,

respectively, well, respected that.

Those are wise words, Ben Tennyson.


I don't need some skinny
wannabe hogging my spotlight.

Of course you do.

You are clearly more in need of a man
by your side to make you look powerful.

You take him.

Me? Oh, I'm already plenty
regal Enough.

You take him.

Ben: Uh, that's not
quite What I...

he's yours!

I don't want him!

Neither do I!

Well, don't try to pawn him off on me!

Rook: Sorry to interrupt. Would you mind
commanding your armadas to stand down?

Yeah, sure. Whatever.

My armada shall stand down first.

[ Ribbits ]

[ Grumbles ]

Ben: What just happened here?

Rook: I... Am not sure.

Makes perfect sense to me.

And me.
- Nyancy Chan: Me, too!

Ben: Who asked you?

Don't be so grouchy, Mr. Fluffykins.

The important thing is There's still enough
time to get back to our double date.

Ben: Awesome!

I can't wait to see "Sumo
Slammers " again!

Race ya!

Nyancy Chan: Pbbbbt!