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03x03 - Tummy Trouble

Posted: 05/24/22 06:13
by bunniefuu
Both: [ grunting ]

Cat's out of the bag, Tennyson!

Thanks to my meow-meow
militia, Bellwood's about

to rub up on its new
master ... Nyancy-Cchan!

[ cats meowing ]

[ meows ]

Ben: [ grunting ]

Which one is she again?

Rook: The woman who controls cats.

Ben: Right. Cat lady.
Is that just a little gimmicky?

Rook: On the contrary.
I find her strangely compelling.

Ben: Okay. Let's do this.

Better hope they don't have squirt
bottles in the null void, Nyancy.

[ cats meowing ]

Rook: Because you
have been a bad kitty.

Cry havoc!

And let slip the cats of w*r!

[ tigers growling ]

Ben: You pick, Rook.
The lady or the tigers?

[ gasps ]

Ugh! Meow!

You don't really want
to arrest me, do you?

Rook: I do not want to arrest you.

[ tigers growling ]

Ben: Huh, I won't even need
my heavy hitters.

Upchuck: Just my big eaters.

[ groans ]

[ burps ]

[ tigers whimpering ]

You'll help me escape,

But first, beat Ben Tennyson to a pulp!

Rook: I am... not nearly as
hypnotized as that.

But I control cats.

Rook: Yes, and I am catlike.
But, no.

Well, fiddlesticks!

[ scoffs ]

A galactic tribunal?

[ gasping ]

Boy, you try to take over one city...
- Keep moving.

[ engine powering up ]

Rook: Are you okay, Ben?

It cannot be wise to swallow
tigers whole, even for a moment.

Upchuck: Nah. When I'm Upchuck,
I eat punks like those for breakfast.

[ groans ]

Rook: I see.

Upchuck: No.
Something's wrong.

As if millions of stomachs
suddenly cried out in hunger.

[ beeping ]

Rook: Ben!

Ben: [ groans ]

Come on, Rook.
Road trip.

♪ Ben ♪

♪ he's a kid,
and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ but when you need a superhero,
he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ with a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ he can change his shape and
save the world from harm ♪

♪ when trouble's taking place ♪
♪ he gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ when lives are on the line ♪
♪ it's hero time ♪

♪ Ben ♪

- Rook: Peptos XI.
- Ben: Home world of the Upchucks.

Rook: According to the alien
life-form database, there are

two distinct subspecies of Gourmand
... the Murks and the Perks.

Ben: Anything that explains
my stomachache?

Rook: Gourmands
share a swarm gastronomy.

Ben: Anything that explains
what you just said?

Rook: Swarm gastronomy ...

all Gourmands' stomachs link to
a trans-spatial bladder dimension.

How else do you think
they can eat that much?

Ben: Gross!
- Rook: It is a big universe, Ben,

full of wonder and variety and...
yes, incredible grossness.

[ beeping ]

Ben: What was that?!

Rook: Some kind of debris field.
Hold on!

Ben: Rook, is it just me, or
do those look like...?

Rook: We have only a few
suspects to consider ...

Vilgax, Aggregor... perhaps
the highbreed at one time.

[ thud ]

Unknown vessel, this is Lieutenant
Rana of the celebrated Calaveras legion.

Prepare for glorious destruction
at the hands of the Incursian empire!

Ben: Or it could be the Incursians.
- Rook: I was coming to them.

Ben: What are they doing here?

[ thud ]

Rook: Excellent question. I suggest
we not stick around to find out.

Ben: I don't know. A little space
battle sounds right up my alley.

Rook: Ben, that would be unwise.

[ beep ]

Ben: Jetray's got it covered.

[ beep ]

Or Big Chill, I guess.

Rook: And so it begins.

[ gasps ]

Big Chill: These your controls?

[ beeping ]

Ben: There.
Was that so unwise?

Anyway, there's a planet over
there that's still in one piece.

Rook: We've taken several
hits. I do not know whether

this vehicle can survive
the strain of re-entry.

[ engine powering down ]

Ben: Awesome!
We did it, buddy!

Rook: Computer, set a reminder
to review Earth grammar.

I may not fully understand
the pronoun "we."

Ben: Come on. The Upchucks have
got to be around here somewhere.

[ rumbling ]

Rook: Ben...

Upchuck's stomach was warning
us of a full-scale invasion.

[ indistinct shouting ]

[ whimpers ]

[ beep ]


[ croaks ]

[ all croaking ]

Echo Echo: You frogs. Are in.
Deep trouble.

[ vibrating ]

Hey! Let go!
- Echo Echo: Don't worry!

We'll. Get you.
Back. To your group.

[ beeping ]

Ben: No need to thank me.

What are you, crazy!
I'm a Murk!

You just returned me to the Perks!

[ shing! ]

Where'd you get these
off-worlders, Murk?

What are you,
consorting with the enemy?!

Ah, blow it out your gullet, Perk!
That's Ben Tennyson.

It's time to act.

You Perks think too much, Cookmeister!

You Murks act too much, Cast Iron!

- Yeah! Just like a Perk!
- Just like a Perk!

Who you calling Perk, Murk?!

Ben: You sure that the
Incursian empire is your enemy?

I know!
Aren't they infuriating?

Private Brown Bag.
Appreciate the assist

back there, even if you did muck it up.

Ben: What's going on here?
- This? Brass is having it out.

Queen Rumbeltum was captured by
an Incursian raid last night.

The Murk's got no
head for this fight.

We got to execute plan Omega
before it's too late!

There's way too much at stake!

All: Mmm! Steak!

Rook: Plan Omega?

The big one.
Only the queen can order it.

[ all talking ]

Both: Order! Quiet!

[ beeping ]

Upchuck: Hey!
Quiet down, you!

Yeah, quiet!
Let's hear 'em talk!

[ beeping ]

Ben: Hey, Ben Tennyson.
Saved the universe a few times.

[ crowd oohs ]

Some of us are Perks,
some of us are Murks.

So what? I'm human and my
partner's a Revonnahgander.

We don't see eye-to-eye,
but we work it out.

[ squeaking ]

I'm leading a mission to get
the queen back today.

Ben: Yeah!
Who's with us?!

You got to be kidding me!
If we're not gonna execute

plan Omega, then we
attack the enemy directly.

All: Yeah!

Rook: That is much less risky,
and it leaves our options open.

Ben: Dude, they took
the Upchucks' queen.

All: Yeah!

Rook: If the Incursians win,
the queen will have no country.

All: Yeah!

Ben: Great.
Let's do it my way.

Rook: No, Ben.
- Ben: Huh?

Rook: My mind is made up.
- Ben: Well, so is mine.

Good luck, man.

Rook: To you, as well.

Attea: Raff! Raff!
- Right here, Princess Attea.

Attea: What did you call me?
- Forgive me, General Attea,

Princess, scion, and team
supreme of the deathless Incursian

empire, highest commander of
the celebrated Calaveras legion.

Attea: Better! Make yourself
useful and call my daddy.

Tell him my moment of glory is at hand.

Far be it from me to correct
you, highest commander, but the

Gourmand army is more
resilient than expected.

Attea: I am leading this
fleet, Raff, not you!

Get the queen!


Well, hello.

I've been planning the most
wonderful victory banquet.

Attea: You're gonna sign this
planet over to me, barfbag,

or you will pay the price.
- Ooh! Ha!

Oh, that does it!
You shan't be invited!

[ burping ]

Unhand my royal person!

I have seating charts to make!

[ grunting ]

Oh! Ooh!

Where are you taking me?

[ indistinct shouting ]

[ g*n beeping ]

Big Chill: Piece of cake.

All: Mmm! Cake!

Big Chill: Now, that's cold-blooded.

[ static ]

Who's there?
Guard station . Report!

Ben: Uh, this is
guard station .

This is commander Raff.
Is everything all right there?

Ben: Oh, yeah, great.

Uh, we're all great here.
Ribbet, and, uh...

[ all groan ]

Well, just ribbet, and just,

you know, super psyched for...
the Emperor. Go, w*r!

[ all gasp ]

Well, stay alert.
Raff out. [ beep ]

[ all sigh ]

Ben: Last time I was
on an Incursian ship,

the holding cell was...
this way.

[ croaks ]

[ g*ns beeping ]

Stay frosty, Murks.

All: Mmm! Frosting!

Sergeant Cast Iron!
- She's in stasis!

Get her out of there!

Get back!
Give the queen some air!

Oh, what happened?

Don't worry, your highness.
We'll get you out of here.

Attea: Ben Tennyson!

[ g*ns beeping ]

Did you really think you could sneak
aboard my ship without my knowing?

Ben: Wait. Attea?
- Attea: Uh-huh.

Older and wiser.
Now stand down, all of you!

I'm only saying this once.

[ beep ]

Spidermonkey: Don't have to
tell us twice!


Attea: No!

[ screeching ]

[ chuckles ]

Oh, my tract!
A rescue! How delightful!

[ screeches ]

[ beeping ]

Ben: [ grunts ]

Attea: Enough monkey
business. Surrender!

Or you'll have a royal mess to clean up.

[ croaks ]



[ grunts ]

There sure are a lot of them!

Rook: Yes, perhaps I should
have listened to Ben.

Ben: I should have listened to Rook.

Attea: You heard me. Weapons
down or the queen gets it.

Don't listen to her, boys.
Next to my people, I am nothing.

Attea: Aah!



[ beep ]

Kickin' Hawk: Big mistake, kid.

Attea: Hyah!

[ shing! ]

There's too many of them!
- Rook: We hold the line!


I don't think there's
much of a line left.

[ rumbling ]

Rook: Huh?
Bralla da.

Attea: Aah!

Come on, boys!
All pushing!

[ burps ]


[ all burp ]

[ grunting ]

[ straining ] I would do literally
anything to get out of this airlock.

[ electricity crackles ]

Kickin' Hawk: You think?

[ exhales deeply ]

Rook: [ grunts ]


Attea: I am General Attea ...
Princess, scion, and teen

supreme of the deathless
Incursian empire.

[ beep ]

Kickin' Hawk: Huh?

[ beep ]


[ grunts ]

Ohh, my tract!

Rook: The queen!

[ grunts ]

Hang on tight, your highness!

Attea: Hey!

Kickin' Hawk: Keep it level!

Oh, dear!
Ohh, my tract and tummy.




[ all cheering ]

[ beeping ]

Ben: Aw, man.

Attea: Tough toady, Earth boy.



Ben: [ grunts ]

[ beep ]

Attea: [ screams ]

[ gasp ]

- Run away!
- Run!

[ beeping ]

Ben: Be right down!

[ indistinct conversations ]

What are you? Deficient?

Plan Omega is our only chance!

There's an invading force on
Peptos XI.

Plan Omega's gonna do the work
for them!

I'll be the judge of that.
- Queen Rumbeltum!

Your majesty.

Sergeant Cast Iron, thank

you for your bold rescue
of my royal person.

[ burps ]

Well, of course, your grace.

My boys, I had the most
wonderful feast planned.

Oh, well!
Perhaps in the next world.

It's moving day!
Bon appétit!

Rook: Huh?

[ slurp! ]


Ben: They're eating the planet!
- This is plan Omega.

They can't take our planet if
there's no planet to take.

[ all munching ]

It's called Peptos XI, dumpling.

What do you think
happened to the other ?

Ben: Wait, you mean those

other planets, the wreckage
we saw ... you... ate them?

[ scoffs ]

And just when we got this
planet the way we liked it...

Attea: [ grunts ]

Your highness...
- Attea: No!

We can't let these
little freaks beat us!

Highest commander, our troops!

We can't take much more of this!

[ all munching ]

Rook: Is my vehicle
still spaceworthy?

Ben: But I...
who's with the...?

What the... this?
Ugh, I can't.

Rook: It is not uncommon.

Many species develop such
defense mechanisms. It is...

Ben: A big universe. Yeah.

[ munching continues ]

When in Rome, I guess.

[ beeping ]

Upchuck: [ burps ]

[ burping ]

Rook: The Gourmands?

Ben: Yeah.
Kind of beautiful.

[ burping continues ]

And the moment passes.

Rook: Perhaps the Gourmands
will be happy in their new home.

Ben: Sure, provided they can
keep from eating it.

[ beeping ]

Attea: All hail lord Emperor
Milleous, light of the Incursian

empire, destroyer of entire galaxies,

all living creatures tremble in your ...

Attea, you're stalling.

Attea: The operation on
Peptos was a complete success.

So, it's ours now?
- Attea: I... changed my mind.

Better to destroy it and let it
serve as a warning to others.

You are wise, daughter of mine.

Soon the rest of the
galaxy knuckles under...

or there will be fireworks.

And soon, many places do not
even get to knuckle under.