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03x15 - Catch a Falling Star

Posted: 05/23/22 19:09
by bunniefuu
[ Buzzer sounds ]

She's back!

Are you sure?

Where is she?

I see her!

[ All whistling, murmuring ]

Afternoon, miss.

If you don't mind...
I never have to do this at the airport.

They just let me through.

I was wondering if I could
maybe get your autograph?

Most of my fans
are teenage girls.

Oh, yeah.

It's for my daughter.

[ Chuckles ]

I've seen -- she's
seen all your movies.

Thank her for me.

How do you figure it, captain?

Maybe the biggest star in the
world, and every day she comes

to visit that louse
who att*cked her.

She's just good people.

Nesmith: Well...
How's my favorite celebrity?

I can't keep pretending
like this, Carl.

Nesmith: After today
you won't have to.

Did you bring what I told you?


Nesmith: Then it's showtime.

[ Beeping ]

What did you say?!

You sad, sick man!

For all I care, you can
rot in jail -- forever!

[ Phone slams ]

Let me out!

[ Door opens, closes ]

[ Alarm ringing ]

[ Grunts ]

Nesmith: Keys.

[ Door opens, closes ]

Do you have the gauntlet?

I found it right
where you said.

Nesmith: Good girl.

In only a few hours, captain
Nemesis lives again!

Gwen: Kevin's gonna
hate missing this one.

Ben: Why's that?

He likes refitting the
rustbucket a lot more than he

likes going on missions.

Gwen: But he likes ogling
movie stars more than anything.

Ben: Is "ogling"
really a word?

Gwen: Yes, and Kevin's
really good at it.

Ben: So, you're assuming
Jennifer nocturne's still alive.

Of course she's-- Wait.

You really think Nesmith just
took her against her will?

Ben: Well, what else?

Gwen: How about
she's an accomplice?

Ben: Come on.

Her limo driver testified that
captain Nemesis surprised them both.

Gwen: You trust eyewitness testimony
from a man with a concussion?

He's lucky to be alive.

Ben: Maybe she
wasn't as lucky.

She's an innocent girl.

If she's still alive,
we've got to help her.

Gwen: Why does every guy's IQ
drop points at the

mention of her name?

Ben: That's ridiculous.

Gwen: Look! It's Jennifer!

Ben: Where?!

[ Tires screech, horn blares ]

[ Gasps ]

Ha ha.

No more crowds.

No more photographers.

Just you and me on a beach.

Nesmith: As long as it's a beach
in a country that won't extradite me.

Uh, I guess.

But we'll be together.

Nesmith: Yes.

It all sounds wonderful.

But there's something
I have to do first.

What's that?

Nesmith: Destroy
Ben Tennyson.

But why can't we just go--
I'm... Sure you know what's best.

Nesmith: Yes. I do.

Ben: You're sure this is where
Jennifer nocturne grew up?

Gwen: Of course.

I did research.

Ben: On the Internet?

Gwen: At the
grocery checkout.


Gwen: Mrs. nocturne?

My name is Gwen Tennyson.

This is my cousin, Ben.

The alien boy!


I seen you on the news.

Ben: Right, anyway, we want to
ask you a few questions about

your daughter.

Well, that depends.

Ben: On...?

First, you turn into somethin'.

One of them big, scary,
bug-eyed guys.

Ben: We're trying to
help your daughter.

Yeah, and I am tryin'
to see me an alien!

Gwen: Ben, just do it.

Ben: Maybe I don't
feel like it.

Then maybe I don't feel
like answerin' any questions.

Humongousaur: [ Sighing ]



For starters.

Now, do something strong.

Go on.

Humongousaur: [ Grumbles ]

[ Crash! ]

[ Grunting ]


[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Whoa, fella.

You just keep holdin'
that up-- Real high.

[ Sighs ] Gwen?

Gwen: I thought you
liked helping people.

How long can you
hold that up there?

Humongousaur: [ Sighs ]

I don't know. A while.

Prove it.

I'll answer questions as
long as you hold it up.

This is ridiculous.

Gwen: But he'll hold up
his end of the bargain.

Humongousaur: Oh, hilarious.

She was when she left
home to be on that TV show.

Ain't never heard
from her since.

Gwen: What about her father?

Ran off before she was born.

Humongousaur: [ Grunting ]

Ben: Told you this
was a waste of time.

We're done here.

Suit yourself.

Gwen: Last question.

Do you have anything of
Jennifer's I could borrow?

Don't ask me to explain how,
but it will help me find her.

Gwen: Oh, I couldn't.

I'm sure it means a lot to you.

You want it-- Take it.

I don't care either way.

[ Door opens, closes ]

Nice meetin' you, alien boy!

[ Laughs, coughs ]

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Electricity crackling ]

[ Water running ]

[ Water stops ]

Problem solved.

Nobody will recognize me now.

Nesmith: Captain
Nemesis was

never quite as famous as you,
but he was famous enough that

I'll be recognized.

You should have worn a mask.

Maybe if you shave your
mustache and dye your hair?

Nesmith: Unfortunately, my
makeover is going to be a bit

more... complicated.

Gwen: We're getting close.

[ Vehicle approaches ]

That one.

Remember, keep it quiet.

[ Hissing ]

[ Click ]

That's your idea of quiet?

Ben: Sorry, accidentally
melted the doorknob.

Nobody home.

Gwen: But they
haven't checked out.

I'll go ask the night clerk.

Ben: I'll stay here
in case they show up.

[ Coin drops ]

[ Whistles ]

[ Door opens ]

Hey, Gwen, check this out.


[ Both grunting ]

Nesmith: [ Straining ] I'm
stronger than you, boy.

Ben: [ Straining
] Also, older.

[ Grunts ]

Nesmith: [ Grunts ]

Ben: You're going
back to prison.

Nesmith: Never.

Ben: You know, you aren't
wearing your battle suit, so I

tried to make this
a fair fight,

but now you've gone
and ruined it.

Clockwork: Clockwork!

Face it, Nesmith.

Your time is up.


[ Groans ]

Gwen: Ben?


[ Clang! ]

Wake up!

Ben, don't do this!

Come on! [ Grunts ]

Come on!

Ben: [ Sighs ] Huh?

Aah! Ah!

[ Dogs barking ]

Why are we here?!

Nesmith: For most of my
life, I've been a famous man.

Now I'm a wanted man.

If we're going to elude Tennyson,
I have to make sure no

one recognizes me.

[ Buzzing ]

Ah, Mr. Nesmith.

Miss nocturne?

Nesmith: Well?

Can you do it?

Anything's possible
with the proper incentive.

Nesmith: We're going
to need some money.

[ Dogs barking ]

[ Car jolts ]

Ben: [ Groans ]

Are we following them?

Gwen: No, we're just
leaving the emergency room.

Ben: You let them get away?


Gwen: By the time I came
back, they were already gone.

Besides, you were hurt.

The E.R. staff wasn't very happy
with me wheeling you out before

the anesthesia wore off.

Ben: Okay.

So, how are we gonna
find Nesmith?

Gwen: While you were
under, I called Kevin.

He showed me how to hack into
Jennifer's phone records.

Ben: What'd you get?

Gwen: She just wired
money to the account of a

Dr. Randolph Pervis, DVM.

Uh, that's where we're headed.

Ben: Great!

What kind of doctor is a DVM?

Gwen: That's...
The weird part.

[ Dogs barking ]

[ Flames roar ]

[ Barking continues ]

Swampfire: Unh.

I know I'm one to talk, but it smells
like something died in here.

Gwen: Well, bled
a lot, anyway.

Swampfire: He did
something to Jennifer?

Gwen: Relax, Ben.

America's sweetheart is fine.

Anyway, that's not her aura.

I think the patient
was Nesmith.

Ben: Guess I beat him
up pretty good, huh?

Gwen: Possible.

He's wanted, so he can't go to a
regular doctor, figured a vet

was close enough.

Ben: Well, let's go
see if the doctor is in.

Gwen: [ Gasps ]

Ben: It was a
good plan on paper.

Okay, open wide.

Nesmith: [ Gasps ] Enough!

Carl, you need to eat.

Nesmith: The only thing I need
is to get to Nemesis corporation.

But they'll be
looking for you there.

Nesmith: I am not
asking your opinion.

Why should you?

Nobody cares what I think.

I'm just some stupid girl who
got lucky 'cause she's pretty.

Nesmith: I never
said you were stupid.

Then listen to me.

You have new fingerprints.

You have a new face.

You can have a new life!

Nesmith: Theyare my new life.



Then let's forget all of this, slip
out of the country and disappear.

Nesmith: We can't.

We can fool the cops, but Tennyson
will never stop looking for me.

I have to get him first.

He took everything from me.



[ Grunting ]

[ Sighing ]

My face.

Is it awful?


You're... Beautiful.

[ Vehicle approaches ]

Hold that thought.

You folks okay?

Nesmith: We're fine now.

[ Electricity crackles ]

[ Crickets chirping ]

Gwen: Jennifer's
aura is getting weaker.

Ben: What's that mean?

Is she out of range?


Gwen: No, it's more like...
She's losing touch with herself.

Ben: So, he's
brainwashing her?

Gwen: Not exactly.

You ever heard of
Stockholm syndrome?

Ben: Sure, I have.

Refresh my memory.

Gwen: Victims start to
identify with their captors,

especially when they feel like their
old life was empty and meaningless.

Ben: Come on, she's rich.

She's famous.

Gwen: She has a mom from
"trailer park confidential" and

a dad she never knew.

Plus, she dropped out of "vampire
summer " for behavioral problems.

Jennifer is a train wreck.

Ben: I don't know.

Gwen: Prison records show
Jennifer sent dozens of letters

and packages to Nesmith,
sometimes several a week.

She visited him
almost every day.

She was obsessed with him.

Ben: So you're
saying she's gone bad?

Gwen: I'm saying she's a mess,
and that it's a lot harder

to rescue someone who
doesn't want to be rescued.

All units, be on the lookout for a
gray sedan, license -o-r-d- - - .

This is a code .

Suspect is armed and
extremely dangerous.

Ben: Nesmith again?

Gwen: He used the
gauntlet from his old armor.

You okay?

Ben: All those
aliens we fight?

Usually, they want to steal
something, or take over the world.

Fine, I get that.

But Nesmith?

The prison guards, the limo driver, Dr.
Pervis, that guy

over there-- Look
what he did to them!

And for what?

Gwen: You don't have to
be an alien to be a monster.

Nesmith doesn't care who gets hurt
as long as he gets what he wants.

Ben: But what does he want?

Gwen: You, Ben.

He left this in the truck.

It says where he's going,
dares you to follow him.

It's obviously a trap.

Ben: Obviously.

[ Tires screech ]

Gwen: I can't get
a bead on Jennifer.

[ Groans ]

Ben: They won't
be hard to find.

[ Electricity crackles ]

Nesmith: Tried to take my company
away from me, but I won't let them!

You wait. You'll see.

Gwen: I got something.

It's weak, but--
Ben: [ Inhales sharply ]

Gwen: Ben?

Ben: Pulled some stitches.

No big deal.

Gwen: It is a big deal.

You're in no shape for a fight.

Ben: No choice, Gwen.

Jennifer's in danger, and
I'm going to save her.



We're here to help you.

Go away!

You'll ruin everything!

Don't you see?!

I love him!

Ben: [ Grunts ]

Nesmith: I'll destroy you, Tennyson,
like you tried to destroy me!

Gwen: [ Grunting ]

[ Groans ]

Ben: Hang on, Gwen!

Nesmith: [ Grunting ]

Ben: I'll get
you out of here.

Gwen: I know.

Now get to work.

Eatle: Eatle!

Give it up, Nesmith.

Let the girl go.

Nesmith: [ Grunts ]

Eatle: [ Grunts ]

Nesmith: Yes!

Ben Tennyson is finally--
Eatle: [ Munching ]

[ Burps ]

Nesmith: [ Grunts, groans ]

Eatle: Why don't you
come along quietly?

[ Thudding ]

Let... Him... Go!

Eatle: This man
is not your friend.

He's pure evil!

He's all I've got!

Eatle: [ Gasping ]

Nesmith: Finish him!

Then we can be
together forever!

[ Screams ]

Gwen: We have to get
her to a hospital.

Nesmith: Jennifer,
you have to listen.

They're going to put
me in prison again.

- No, we can still--
Nesmith: - I'm going to tell

them I took you, that you
didn't have any choice.

Carl, I love you.

- I can't--
- If you love me, you'll do as I say.

Keep your mouth shut,
and wait for me.

Promise me.
