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08x10 - A New Dawn

Posted: 05/23/22 08:25
by bunniefuu
Ben: Come on, Rook,

Hurry, Benjamin,

You haven't much time,

Ben: Ugh, "time" pun,

Good one, Professor Paradox,


Leave now, and you may still catch Maltruent in the time stream,

If not, then this time beast's egg will power your journey to

places beyond even my reach, I know you will not fail,

Ben: I won't,

So serious,

[ time beast grunting ]

Ben: Donuts!

Do maintain a safe distance,

Ben: Maintain, shmaintain,

Rook: Ben, be careful,

We do not want to end up like that time beast,

Ben: We're shielded, right?

Rook: Ben!

Ben: [ groans ]

[ chuckles ] That could've gone worse,

Worse?! You tore through the fabric of existence with no regard for our safety,

Our quarry is gone, and we are lost in time!

Ben: If we're lost, so is Maltruent,

Besides, Paradox put me in charge, so we do this my way,

This is not a democracy,

Rook: Huh?

♪ Ben ♪ ♪ He's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ But when you need a superhero, he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪ ♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪

♪ When trouble's taking place ♪

♪ He gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ when lives are on the line ♪

♪ It's hero time ♪ ♪ Ben ♪

Do not move,

Ben: George washington?!

Oh, man, this is amazing!

You have me at a disadvantage,

I have never met you, nor your w*apon-toting beast,

If it is any consolation, I don't know you, either,

The muck upon your arm speaks!

Ben: Yeah, but he never says anything worth listening to,

Rook: That is Ben Tennyson,

And I am no beast, sir,

I am Rook Blonko, a visitor from the stars,

Well, your conveyance does support your claim,

Are you from earth?

Ben: Mm-hmm, But from the future!

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Smile for me!

Pardon? Ben: Please?

Rook: I apologize -- for whatever he is doing,

Very well,

Ben: Hey, I thought they were wooden,

Wooden teeth? Are you mad?

If you two are from where you say, then what are you doing here?

Maltruent: [ groans ] ,

Still so far,

Putrid human,

He will wish he were never born,

Or,,,he never will be,

Ohh, That will do nicely,

I'll own curiosity about your "time-w*r," but I have my orders,

I hunt a poor soul, trapped in a deathlike state,

Ben: Like a zombie? If that is what you call it,

It's my duty to keep my countrymen safe from the things that go bump in the night,

Rook: That sounds similar to the original earth plumbers directive,

My society calls itself plumbiers -- french for "ironworkers,"

[ moaning ]

Perhaps my hunt is at an end,

Shouldn't we be going?

Ben: Shh! I want to see a zombie!

Rook: We have seen zombies,

In fact, I have been one,

Ben: But not a zombie Redcoat!

[ moans ]

At the ready!

Ben: Don't worry, Wash, I got this,

[ beep ]

A specter!

What witchcraft is this?!

Rook: Ben is not a ghost,

He has only turned into an extraterrestrial that resembles one,


[ moaning ]

Ghostfreak: Okay, time to take charge,


Ghostfreak: Ha! Gotcha!

[ grunting ]

Ghostfreak: Aah!

He has no mind to control!

Aah! Aaaah!

Ghostfreak: I might need some help!

[ groans ] Oof! Zounds, What happened?

You were enthralled by an ancient curse,

But you are well now,

Thank you, Thank you, sir,

Ghostfreak: Hey,

Aaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

[ omnitrix powers down ]

Ben: Why didn't you take him prisoner?

To what end? He is a soldier of the king,

Ben: Wait, wait, wait, Isn't the king the bad guy?

Rook: Perhaps your Revolutionary w*r has not started yet,

w*r? Rook: Yes,

Judging by the position of Alpha Centauri, we are in the early s,

Ben: What is it?

Rook: Plumber records show that the first recorded sighting

of an alien craft on earth was in ,

And what kind of ship was it?

Rook: The record does not specify, but they called it the cherry tree,

Hmm, I think I shall join you in your mission,

Vilgax: I received a distress signal,

Is someone in need of assistance?

Maltruent: Vilgax, What a pleasant surprise,

Vilgax: You know me, chronosapien?

Maltruent: Your,,, reputation precedes you,

Vilgax: From a time traveler, that's high praise,

The only reputation I've earned thus far is one of ambitious disobedience,

which is why I've been exiled to this armpit of the universe,

What are you doing in this sector?

Maltruent: I am currently stranded,

Vilgax: I have the tech you need, but why should I help you?

Maltruent: I assume a chronosapien time b*mb would be payment enough?

Ben: Do we seriously have to walk?

My horses are stabled for the night,

Else, we would ride,

Ben: Sarcasm, dude, You and Rook should hang out sometime,

Oh, well, if you're in such a rush, you could have taken your time cycles,

Ben: Why didn't you say anything earlier?!

Nobody asked,

Ben: Rook, go back and get the bikes,

Rook: You are right,

If we are to fight Maltruent, we will need them,

Ben: That's Maltruent,

And that's Vilgax! So not good,

We need to stop them -- now,

I want to believe you, but I have naught but your word that these creatures pose a threat,

Perimeter breached,

Ben: That enough of a threat for ya?!

All right, these are two of the most powerful bad guys I have ever faced,

so here's the pl-- huh?

Vilgax: Who is this savage?

Maltruent: I have no idea,

Dispose of him!

Ben: He's good,

Well? Aren't you going to help?

Ben: If Vilgax sees me, it might mess up the whole future,


That's only if he sees you,

Ben: Ohhhhh,

[ beep ]

Maltruent: Ignore the human,

The speedster is the true threat,

Vilgax: First a chronosapien, and now a kineceleran?

What an unexpected turn of events,

XLR : Yeah, well, this "turn of events" is about to kick your butt!

[ omnitrix powers down slowly ]


Vilgax: It,,, transformed?

Mole-Stache: Skurd, give Mole-Stache the upper 'stache,

And away we go!

Mole-Stache: I guess you aren't quite so Vilgaxy yet,

Maltruent: What?!

Back to the stars with you, beast!

Thank you, Dr, Franklin,

[ omnitrix powers down ]

Vilgax: The ability to transform at will,

The power of that device will be mine,

Rook: Maltruent is getting away,

We must leave immediately,

Ben: Thanks for your help, It was amazing to meet you and everything,

Oh, And a suggestion,

Maybe you guys should change your name from "plumbiers" to

"plumbers," Mr, President,


Ben: We got him this time,

Without a time beast, Maltruent definitely can't outrun us,

[ time beast growls ]

Must you always jinx us?

Rook: In my experience, yes, he must,

Ben: Hey!

Rook: Brace yourself!

[ alarms beeping ]

[ both screaming ]

Rook: Do you see Maltruent?

Ben: I don't see anything,

Rook: Is that,,,

Ben: No, No way,

Is that what?

Rook: A Contumelia ship, What is it doing here?

Ben: I think we're about to find out!

Ben: [ grunts ]

Rook: [ grunts ]

Ben: [ weakly ] Don't worry, I got it,

Rook: Yes,

Now let us find Maltruent,

If I remember correctly, this is the bridge,

If he is here, Maltruent is most likely ready for us,

Ben: I'm good, Let's clean his clock!

Rook: [ sighs ]

Ben: You are going down, ma-ma-ma,,,

[ high-pitched ] Are you seeing what I'm seeing?

Rook: Father? Ben: Exactly,

Wait, What?

Mr, Smoothy!

Or "smoothies" or,,,whatever,

Rook: I see three of my father,

Ben: No, I've met your dad,

He doesn't have a straw coming out of his head,

You are both correct,

We are the Contumelia, but our

th-dimensional forms cannot be seen by your eyes,

What you are seeing is only a projection of the thing that

holds the most sway in your hearts,

Then why am I seeing three masses of energy?

A genetometaformorphic, How interesting,

Do you have anything to do with our other guest?

Ben: Maltruent, Where is he?

Rook: Why have you not tried to stop him?

What can he do? He is as inconsequential to the experiment as you are,

Rook: They are no help, We need to move,

Ben: What experiment?

We are about to create a universe,

The countdown has already begun,

Rook: Ben, in the stories I have heard since childhood,

the Contumelia go from universe to universe destroying them, not creating them,

I suspect that if a universe already exists in this dimension,

the Annihilargh will destroy it,

Ben: But if there isn't one, the Annihilargh will create it,

How do you know of the Annihilargenesistoria- thimiorgost?

Ben: Maltruent has one of his own that he's gonna use,


Maltruent: A second too late, as usual, Tennyson,

And ha! Three alternate versions of myself,

Come, We shall relish in the victory together,

Ben: Do something!

Maltruent: The Contumelia?!

That extradimensional field protects us from the upcoming release of energy,

It is impossible to breach or turn off,

Ben: [ groans ] Well, if you're not going to do anything, I am!

Rook, you keep Maltruent busy while I find a way through that field,

Maltruent: Haven't you learned by now that your att*cks are fruitless?


Rook: Your powers are time-based, correct?

Too bad that time has not begun yet,

Would you like me to give it a go?

Ben: Eh, What difference does it make?

And voilà,

[ beep ]

Chromastone: Holy moly! It's Chromastone! Nice!

Rook: [ grunting ]

Chromastone: No!

It can't end like this,

What are you doing?

Making a point,

You never told me you had celestialsapien DNA in here,

So elusive,

Chromastone: Skurd!

You slimy genius!

Maltruent: Impossible!


Chromastone: Rook!

Rook: It has been an honor to fight at your side,

Maltruent: You vermin!

Well, we had a good run, dear friend,

Chromastone: Sorry I called you a snot rocket,

You never called me a snot rocket,

Chromastone: I thought it,

[ omnitrix powers down ]

Ben: I can't believe my last words are "snot rocket"!

Rook: Ben!

Maltruent: He failed!

I have dreamed for millennia of this moment --

an entire universe in my image!

What is happening?!

You are supposed to be observers,

You are not supposed to involve yourselves in any event that transpires!

What are you doing?!

We are observing,

Rook: Ben?

Feedback: [ grunting ]

Maltruent: You cannot do this!

Feedback: You wanted your very own big bang!

Maltruent: N-o-o-o-o-o-o!

[ omnitrix powers down ]

Ben: And that, as they say, is that,

Rook: I thought you were --

Ben: Nah, I always figured the omnitrix had a fail-safe

that wouldn't let me die, and sure enough,

it kicked in right when the big bang started --

gave me just the alien I needed,

Your recklessness never ceases to amaze,

Ben: Not reckless,

It always seems to give me the right alien, even when I want something else,

Guess I should stop fighting it,

It seems to know me better than,,, me,

Would you like to view the creation of your own universe?

It seems this may be the most interesting one yet,

Ben: This is the most amazingest thing anyone could ever see,

Rook: "amazingest" is not a word,

Ben: Do you have a better word for it?

Rook: No, [ beep ]

Ben: Huh?

[ gasps ] [ gasps ]

More of me! I thought I was alone in the universe,

No, Your species is the most important in all of creation,

For eons, these slime-biots will carry, gather, mix, and deposit

DNA across the growing universe,

Would you like to join your ancestors?

It seems you have forgotten who you are, which is understandable after billions of years,

When I first met you, I saw you as nothing more than a free lunch,

Ben: Are you talking to me or the omnitrix?

If I hadn't found antagonizing you so much fun,

I would have never stuck with you,

Thank you for everything, dear boy,

Ben: Thank you, Skurd,

I owe you my life,

And I owe you mine,

Rook: Goodbye, Skurd,

Well done, Benjamin,

I knew you wouldn't fail,

Ben: I knew it, too,

Rook: You did?

Ben: See, Maltruent is stuck in a time loop,

And he is doomed to failure, over and over,

Every time he pulls himself together,

he returns to the beginning of time and is defeated by Ben,

I gather up the pieces of Maltruent and scatter them

across the universe, and the loop begins again,

Ben: The only person who doesn't know about the time loop is Maltruent himself,

Oh, And,,,you, I,,,guess,

Pardon us for the intrusion,

We'll be on our way soon,

Now, help me pick up the rest of Maltruent,

We have a lot to do before I take you home,