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08x08 - Most Dangerous Game Show

Posted: 05/23/22 08:24
by bunniefuu
[ monster roars ]

[ channel changes ]

[ light music plays ]

[ omnitrix ringing ]

Rook: Why do you not answer, Ben?

Ester clearly wishes to speak with you,

Ben: She's been acting kind of weird lately,

I think she may want to make our relationship a little more,,,

you know -- relationshippy,

Rook: I was not aware that you and she --

Ben: Aah! There's nothing on!

Rook: Why not watch something on the extranet?

Ben: You can watch alien shows up here?!

Nobody ever tells me anything,

It's time to get yummy!

Ben: Who's this clown?

Rook: You do not know Charles Zenith?

This is quite possibly the most popular show in the universe, Ben,

Ben: Ehh, If it doesn't have sumos or slamming in it --

Tastier than a cake crammed with pies, it's the universe's

favorite reality game show, "The Most Delicious Game"!

[ audience cheering ]

Ooh! Charles Zenith!

It's time to get yummy!

Ben: I feel bad for the loser who gets stuck being the next contestant on this show,

and our next contestant is,,,

,,,Ben Tennyson!

[ audience cheering ]

Ben: Yeah, I probably should have seen that coming,

♪ Ben ♪ ♪ He's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ But when you need a superhero, he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪ ♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪

♪ When trouble's taking place ♪

♪ He gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ When lives are on the line ♪

♪ It's hero time ♪ ♪ Ben ♪

[ cheers and applause ]

You know him as Ben ,

the earth man who saves the universe on a regular basis,

Today he's our,,,

Audience: Chumpadoodle!

Ben: A chumpa-- wait! What?!

Oh, my tentacles are vibrating!


[ snaps fingers ]

[ tires screech ]

Ben, you're the chumpadoodle

in today's deliciously dramatic showdown,

But first, we must assemble your team,

Ben: I,,,get to pick a team?

In a manner of speaking,

I've peeked into your brain bank and chosen your team for you,

Yummy, [ snaps fingers ]

Huh? What's happening?

What's going on here?

Hey! No!

What's going on? Ben: Wow,

That's, like, every girl I can think of,

Did you know about this?!

That's what makes the show so exciting, dear boy -- the embarrassment,

Today, these lucky females compete for your affection till

the winner captures your heart and your hand as the new Mrs, Tennyson!

[ audience cheers ]

Ben: But -- but there's

already a Mrs, Tennyson in there -- my mom!

And,,,cousins and a couple girls that --

[ snaps fingers ]

No, no! You just used up your smart b*mb!

Ben: Smart what? Okay, look, I don't want to play,

Not play? And forfeit all your lovely prizes?

[ audience boos ]

Ben: Hey! Who threw that?!

Okay, okay,

All in good fun, right?

Sure, Just have a seat on your chair-pumple,,,

[ laughter ]

,,,and let the competition begin!

[ audience cheering ]

The first round takes place in this earth library,

It's simple -- just be quiet,

Who am I kidding? That's gonna be tough for this crowd,

Ben, I've been trying to call you,

There's something I want to --


[ audience murmurs ]

Last warning, Any further sound,

no matter how small, means instant elimination,

And,,, begin,

[ roars ]


Suemungousaur, out!

[ snaps fingers ]

[ audience cheering ]

[ snarling ]

[ yowls, hisses ]


Nuh-unh, Nancy Chan,

[ snaps fingers ] [ cheers and applause ]

Ben's two top contenders are face-to-face, So much to say,

The irony is delicious,

Aaaah! [ gasps ] "Jennifer Nocturne stinks up the screen in 'Darkfall '"?!

[ snaps fingers ]


Jennifer Nocturne, out!

[ females gasp ]

Frightwig, Myaxx, Yetta --

out, out, out!

And that's the end of round ,

[ cheers and applause ]

[ snaps fingers ]

Rook: Mm, interesting,

Okay, I've had enough,

What do we win? What is going on here?

When do we fight? Who needs this?

Ooh! Yummy, Drama's brewing,

Listen, flapjack, some of us don't want to play your game anymore,

Yes, I, for one, refuse to --

You refuse, you lose,

Anyone else want to go to the losers box?

Oh, I am not getting snapped away,

Rayona of revonnah didn't fit in,

But in the next round, you'll all have to fit in,


[ audience cheering ]

[ audience gasps ]

So limber up, ladies, or you'll be all wet,

I'm serious, We really have to talk before we go to the next level,

Ben: Oh, Uh,,, Ester! Look over there!


[ snaps fingers ]

[ cheers and applause ]

Drew Saturday, out,

[ snaps fingers ]

[ audience cheers ]

[ audience cheers ]

[ audience cheers ]

[ shape gasps ]

[ laughter ]

[ audience cheers ]

Julie Yamamoto, not even trying,

She's out,

Empress Attea isn't trying, either, but she's still in the game,

For Khoros!

[ grunts ]

[ audience cheering ]

Oh! Princess Looma has strategized on Agent Swift and Sceles Vreedle,

And that's the round,

Four more down,

[ cheers and applause ]

[ snaps fingers ]

[ echoing ] And now a simple game of "capture the flag" -- this flag,

Only, I'm going to put it,,,

over there,


[ all shouting ]

Charmcaster, out,

[ audience gasps ]

Cadet Rook Shar, out,

Eighteight, out,

[ audience cheers ]

Got you!

Cheater! I tie you in a knot, starting with you face!


Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Oh, Magnanimity,

Kinda dull,

The gastric vistas of peptos

are the exotic locale of our next round --

the eating contest,

[ laughter ]

Ben: Eating contest? Wish I could compete,

I haven't had anything since breakfast,

[ chuckling ] Oh, silly,

I forgot to mention -- the goal is not to get eaten,

[ rumbling ] [ all gasp ]

That last round was a bore, so let's spice it up,

Ben, you can choose one contestant to be saved,,,

[ all gasp ]

[ screeches ]

,,,or you can join in the fun and try to save all !

[ roars ]

What is it going to be, Ben ?

Choose a female to be saved from our corrosive friend,

risking the others, or jump into the fray and risk your own neck?

The tension is palpable,,,

and palatable,

Pick Kai! Pick Ester!

Pick somebody, dear boy!

[ roars ]

Ben: Ugh! Fine!

[ omnitrix beeps ]

[ screeches ]


Ow! Ow!

[ roars ]

Ballweevil: Those usually work!

[ roars ]

Nice moves!

[ omnitrix powers down ]

Ben: Thanks, I've been practicing, Aah!

I was talking to Ballweevil,

[ screeches ]

[ grunts ]

Empress Frog Girl, barf creature, hit him with you blast!

[ burps ]


Get down!

Ben: Hey! I'll do the heroing here!

Be my guest, I don't want to have to keep saving your hide,

Ben: Oh, yeah? Well, what makes you think I want you to save me?

We're all still fighting the giant worm!

Or do you guys need a minute?

Ooh! Burn!

[ roars ]



[ gasps ]

Hey! Don't block my shot, peewee!

[ gasps ]


Let a warrior handle this,

Aah! Ohh!

Ben: I've fought Slamworm before!

You have to -- oongh!

[ all grunting ]

Get off of me!

Ooh! Aah!

Yes, yes!


Ben: Wait a minute! Guys!


They can't hear your skinny little voice, dear friend,

Ben: [ amplified ] Guys!

[ grunting stops ] Ow,

Ben: Stop fighting each other and start fighting together!

Otherwise, we're worm food!

[ roars ]

No, no, no!

Boring, boring, boring!

This is not how the game is played,

There is no "I" in "team" and no "team" in "game show,"

Ben: Hey! You can't just change the rules!

Oh, can't I?

[ snaps fingers ] There are six females out on my say-so,

Ho ho! Surprise,

Now there's one final challenge for dessert --

the sudden-death round, a race on Anur Transyl,

[ cheers and applause ]

[ owl hoots ]

It's a race to z'gate of z'castle z'skayr,


Ben: Hey, that's not fair,

These two don't have vehicles,

[ whistles ]

[ whinnies ]

Kid, you know what's not fair?

You telling me how to run the game,

[ snaps fingers ]

Ben: [ grunting ]

Skurd, get me Rook,


Only one life-support call,

Ben: Put me through to my partner,

[ intercom rings ] [ beep ]

Rook: Whatever you are about to ask, Ben,

does it involve leaving my exceptionally

strategic position in front of the television?

Ben: Sorry, I need you to fire up the teleporter,

[ gasps ]

Ben: Just trying to even out the odds,

What makes you think I can't take care of myself?

Ben: I didn't say that! I thought,,,

That I'm a damsel in distress?

That I need a knight in shining armor to save me?

Ben: I just -- wait -- you think I'm your

knight in shining armor?

I didn't say that,

Ben: Oh, you totally just did,

Ironically! Enough!

Racers, take your marks,

[ whinnies ]

[ engines revving ]

First to the finish line wins the whole shebang,

On your marks,,,


[ tires squeal ]

[ all shouting ]

I said the rules were simple, not the race,

There they go -- our four finalists,

Can you follow me into the sky, moldy ones?


[ tires screeching ]

[ muffled grunting ]

Ha! You lose, moosie!

Princess Looma, out!

[ muffled ] N-o-o-o-o!

This turns out to be one heck of a race, folks, with the

three finalists approaching the finish line neck and neck,

That's right, And if they are going to save their necks,

they'd better be on their toes,,,

because this pumpkin patch is not fond of trick-or-treaters,

[ chuckles ]



[ muffled ] No one jumps Attea!

Attea, out,

A tie, Oh, no, It's agony, It's ecstasy,

These two could fight to the bitter end, but we've seen that a thousand times,

Should we have the audience vote?

[ cheers and applause ]

Nah, We've seen that a million times,

You, Ben Tennyson, have the honor of making the final elimination,

Come on, It's easy, Pick a winner,

and the loser goes on an all-expenses-paid vacation,

Ben: A vacation doesn't sound too bad,

You have seconds,

And if you don't choose, you lose, they lose --

everybody loses,

Ben: Uh,,,uh,,,I thought we were past the choosing part,

Never, Choices are so exciting,

Ben: Uh,,,

eenie, meenie, miney, moe,,,

catch an apoplexian by the toe --

Huh? Really, Ben?

One second,

Ben: Uh,,, Ester!

You've been looking kind of stressed,

Ester the kraaho, off on vacation -- to the losers box,

[ audience cheers ]

Ben: Hey!

Kai green is going to marry Ben Tennyson!

[ audience cheers ]

Please! I've heard that one before,

But what did you think, studio audience?

Audience: Yummy!

So, this losers box?

Ben: I know, Let me make sure Ester's okay,

[ omnitrix beeping ]

Huh, The omnitrix isn't getting through,

That'd only happen if she were in -- oh, no,

If she were where?

[ all gasp ]

[ cheers and applause ]

Well, that just about does it for this episode,

Ben: Zenith!

I don't know what your game is,

but you have to bring all those girls back from the null void now!

My game is this, and this is over,

And anyway, they all agreed to be on the show,

I never signed anything!

[ chuckles ] Well, I don't remember you saying no,

[ omnitrix beeps ]

Feedback: Bring them back, Zenith, or I'll --

[ omnitrix beeps ] Huh?

Look, kid, you don't really have to marry her,

For entertainment purposes only,

I'm not the villain,

We're just giving the people something they want,

Am I right?

Audience: Yeah!

Ben: If he's not going to bring them back, we have to go get them,

You coming, Kai?

I'm coming!

Ooh! Double yummy!

Lightning round!

[ snaps fingers ]

Both: Aaaaah!

Ben: [ groans ]

Look out!

Nice for you to join us, hero boy,

[ growls ]

Ben: It took me a while to realize what Zenith was doing,

Uh, what's he doing?

Got to be a pugnavore,

They feed on drama, so he needs constant conflict to stay alive,

Ben: Well, that explains a lot,

Yes, Zenith is storing us here to feed on once his show is on hiatus,

So not yummy,

Ben: You girls sit tight,

[ omnitrix beeps ]

Shocksquatch: Hey, give me that bullhorn again, eh?

[ amplified ] Hey! Bet this hurts!

[ clears throat ]

That isn't an ear,

Shocksquatch: Oh, Right,

[ thud ]


Ugh, How am I supposed to save them if I can't even save myself?!

Who said we need saving?

You guys, on my signal, attack!

[ all shouting ]

[ omnitrix powers down ]

Rook: Ben!

Ben: Hey! Wait! This way out!

Scrumptious show, everyone,

Same time next week?

Kickin' Hawk: We're here from the network,



[ omnitrix powers down ]

You think you can pull my show?

In your dreams!

Ben: Good idea,

[ omnitrix beeps ]

Pesky dust: [ trills ]

But let's do this in yourrrrr dreams,

But I --

[ drowsily ] but -- no,,,

[ snoring ]

Rook: And then, on the nd day of each month on revonnah,

we get up, we have amber ogia for breakfast, we chase muroids

out of the amber ogia silos, repair any damage, and have,,,

Both: Amber ogia for evening meal,

Rook: Yes, exactly,

On the rd day of each month on revonnah --


I can't stand it anymore,

I've never been more bored in all my life,

Pesky dust: [ trills ]

By the prime time lord Omega, make it stop!

Every single day,,,

[ snores ]

,,,eat, farm, eat what you farm,,,

[ snores ] ,,,eat, farm,,,

Rook: What did you do to him?

Pesky dust: [ trills ]

Let's just say,,,I know the currrrre for entertainment,

Rook: This turned out well,

Many of the females who emerged from the null void are wanted criminals,

Eat what you farm,,,

[ snores ]

That alien is so cute!

[ omnitrix powers down ]

Ben: You mean "dangerous,"

Pesky dust is nobody to mess with,

Ben? Uh, can we,,,talk now?

[ motor revs ]

Ben: Hang on, Looks like trouble,

Hey, babe,

[ chuckles ]

I've been trying to tell you --

I'm,,,kind of seeing someone,

Actually, I'm totally seeing someone -- Antonio,

Ben: But -- but what about all that "we've got to talk" and

"going to the next level" stuff?

That was about the game we were in,

Look, I like you, I do,

You're really cool, and I even got used to that, but I'm tired of fighting fate,

[ motor revs ]

What was that all about?

Ben: Not sure,

You don't,,,believe in fate, do you?


Ben: Aah! Aah!

Ben: Yeah, Me neither,

Hey! Where's my kiss?!

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪