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04x07 - Ken 10

Posted: 05/23/22 08:07
by bunniefuu
Four arms: I do not have time
for this.

There's no way I'm missing
another one of his birthdays, so
I'd appreciate it if you'd just

chill out in the null void.

Ben: Some scum just can't
take a hint.

Told you I wouldn't miss your

Ken: Thanks, dad.
Ben: You only turn once.
All: Happy birthday, Kenny.

¶ It started when an alien
device did what it did ¶
¶ and stuck itself upon his

wrist with secrets that it hid ¶
¶ now he's got superpowers
¶ he's no ordinary kid

¶ he's Ben
¶ Ben
¶ so, if you see him, you

might be in for a big surprise ¶
¶ he'll turn into an alien
before your very eyes ¶

¶ he's slimy, creepy, fast, and
strong ¶
¶ he's every shape and size

¶ he's Ben
¶ Ben
¶ armed with powers, he's on

the case ¶
¶ fighting off evil from earth
or space ¶

¶ he'll never stop till he makes
them pay ¶
¶ 'cause he's the baddest kid to

ever save the day ¶
¶ Ben
¶ Ben

Ben: Mind dropping this

garbage in the null-void

chamber, grandpa?

Ken: It's our danger alert.

The call comes in, and my dad

takes off to, you know, save the



My dad's just a boring old


Ken: And some day, I'll be

right beside him.

Gwen: Kenneth Tennyson.

Aunt Gwendolyn!

Ben: Actually, your first

doofus cousin, once removed.

Gwen: Aren't you ever gonna

grow up?

Sorry I'm missing the party.

I'm still stuck here on

zoraster, tracking down the red

dragon from the eighth pit of


But I got you this in the

All: Happy birthday, Kenny!
Max: Time for presents.

Ken: Cool! The new x !
Thanks, great-grandpa.
Max: You're welcome, kiddo.

Ken: An aqua limbfader!
Dude, you rock.
Ben: I think that just leaves

my gift.
Now, you know I haven't been too
psyched about bringing you into

the hero business.
Ken: Really?
Hadn't noticed.

Ben: Fighting aliens is not
kid's stuff, Kenny.

Ben: But since I got the
omnitrix when I was your age, i
thought you should have this.

Ken: Yes! My own omnitrix!

This is fully cool!
Mmm, which of your , aliens
should I try first?

Ben: Which of alien
If I started with , so can

Ken: Oh, okay.
Let's see...

Four arms, definitely.
Way big. Diamond head.
Ooh, atomix, yeah.

Ben: Actually, I've already
downloaded for you.
Ken: I don't even get to

Ben: don't worry.
I gave you a couple of

old-school classics --
accelerate and stinkfly.
That way you can get away if

things get too intense.
Ken: Who said I was gonna run

Ben: There's also wildvine,
ditto, buzzshock, spitter,
snakepit, and sandbox.

Oh, and shellhead and toepick.
Ken: Dad, most of those dudes
are so feeble.

I mean, shellhead's just a big
turtle who's only power is to
hide in his shell.

And toepick even grosses me out.
Ben: Well, if you don't like
it, I can always take it back.

Ken: No, no!
But you got to at least trade
toepick for...I don't know,

grey matter?
Ben: Deal.

Danger alert.
Sector b, delta niner.
Xlr # : Got to run.

Xlr # : don't you mean we
got to run?
Race you!

Megawhatt: Dad, I had him!
Ben: Just wanted to make

Grandpa, can you chamber this?

Max: So, how was the first
day as partners?
Ben: Three up, three down.

Can't complain.
Ken: Sure, you can't 'cause
he aced me out of all the

Ben: Just having an omnitrix
doesn't make you a hero.

Your job is to watch, learn,
then pitch in when it's safe.
Ken: How can I "pitch in"

if you never give me a chance?
Ugh. I'm out of here.
Ben: Kenny!

Ken: At least I got one
present that isn't completely

Ben: Where does he get that
attitude from?

Cool board!
Can it do this?

Wildvine: But can you do

You win.
Kind of cheated, but you win.
Hey, name's devlin.

Ken: Kenny Tennyson.
No, duh.
I saw you fighting with your dad

on the megascreen.
Nice omnitrix.
Doesn't look like your dad's,

Ken: I know!
This is what his used to look

like and work like.
It has a limiter, so it always
times out.

Still cool.
Ken: What would be cool is if
he trusted me to help him out

He won't let me do squat.
Yours, too?

Join the club.
Ben: Kenny, dinnertime.
Ken: I better go.

Yeah, if I'm late, my dad
locks me out.
Ken: If mine did that, I'd

just sneak in through the sewer.
Well, see you around.

Intruder alert.
Intruder alert.
Ken: Who'd be dumb enough to

attack us here?
Ben: Every once in a while,
someone thinks he has something

to prove.
Let's take care of this

Ken: A real team?

Miss me?
Ben: Kevin?!

Ben: Kevin?!

Initiate emergency lockdown.

Four arms: Kenny, your room!
Ken: You just said we'd
handle this guy together.

Ben: That was before I knew
it was Kevin.

Ken: Ah! Aah!

Did you really think that
would stop me?

Ken: Aah!
No way I'm skipping this fight.

Nice one, benjy.
We're exactly where we need to
be -- in the null-void chamber.

Xlr : You're in for a big
surprise, pal.
Hey, where is it?

Xlr : After animal broke in,
i hid the containment unit.
Now it's time to go back home.

I like my eggs fried.

Grey matter: Now's my chance.
I'll prove to dad that --

Oh, man!
Xlr : Kenny?

Ken: don't give me that look.
If you trusted me to help, i
wouldn't have been in the vent

in the first place.
And why didn't you tell me you
moved the null void?

You totally have no faith in me!
I'm so hacked off at my dad.
Ken: You, too?

I was supposed to see him last
night, but he was a no-show, as

Ken: Mine promised I could
join the action, then fully

And I could have helped him kick
Kevin 's butt after he broke

in, but it's too late for that
Kevin ?

He's major, big-time trouble.
I thought he was in the null

Ken: He was.
Oh, and you know what else?
My dad moved the null void

chamber without telling me.
He doesn't trust me at all!
If Kevin escaped from it, I

wonder who else did.
It might need to be fixed.
But, hey, your dad will probably

take care of it.
Ken: Or I could fix it

Yeah, but do you even know
where it is?
Ken: Come on.

Why are we --
Ken: Shh.
My great-grandpa always go for

his morning walk right about

Voice recognition -- Tennyson
There's got to be a switch or a

button around here.
Help me look.
A switch for what?

Ken: Duh, the null-void
containment unit.
My dad's always giving null-void

eggs to my great-grandpa.
I thought he was just taking
them downstairs to the chamber.

But if the unit's been moved...
How's something that big
supposed to fit inside some

crummy, little r.V.?
Ken: You'll see.
We got to speed this up.

Gwen: You're looking at this
the wrong way.
You think this is about the hero

Ben: Isn't it?
Gwen: Every parent has

trouble letting their kids grow
up, but you're living proof kids
have to make their own mistakes.

Give Kenny a chance.
He'll earn your trust.

Ditto: Got it!

don't ask.
Maybe this one.

Dad thinks he's so smart.
Wait, wait, wait. don't!

Guess again, loser.

Hello, son.
Hey, dad.


Ditto: You're Kevin's son?
He's a real chip off the old
block, eh, benjy?

He's not Ben.
That's his son, Kenny.
Ditto: Do you know what

you've done?
Dad, we'd better get out of

Now, what's the best way to take
revenge on my good buddy benjy?

Hey, I know.
Trash his son.
Ditto: Devlin, you don't have

to be a part of this.
You made a mistake, okay, but
you can fix it.

You're easy for me, aren't you?

Max: Aah!
Xlr : Grandpa! Kenny!

Four arms: Not much of a

Was I supposed to think my
family tied themselves up?
Oh, Ben, you always were too

smart for me.
Or was that the other way

Four arms: Kevin.
And I believe you've already
met my son, devlin.

I guess I should thank you.
With all that time in the null
void, I was able to absorb a few

tricks from all those aliens you
locked in there with me.

Ben , , meet Kevin , !

Four arms: Aah!

Time to finish you once and
for all.
Dad, stop.

You proved you're the best.
We can go now.

You think I have something to
I already know I'm the best.

I'm doing this because I like

Ken: There's only one hero
that stands a chance against the
new Kevin.


Grey matter: Not so fast!

How are you changing so fast?
Ken: Used grey matter's

brains to hack the omnitrix and
removed the limiter.
No limiter -- no timing out.

Instant hero switches at my

Still won't save you.
Maybe not, but I will.

This isn't the way it was
supposed to be.

I finally get why you spent most
of my childhood in the null

Way big: How dare you?!

Ken: I'm all right, dad.
Here, I got you something.

That the best you got,



Goodbye, dad.
Max: I've got a special place
for you this time.

Ben: You did real good today,
Ken: Thanks, dad.

So, does that mean I get to use
all , of your heroes?
Ben: don't press your luck.

Well, I guess I'll be seeing
you guys.

You gonna put me in the null
void, aren't you?

Max: We could, or you could
stay here with us and be part of
our family.

Ben: That is, if that works
for you guys.
Both: Totally!

