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02x09 - Store 23

Posted: 05/23/22 07:54
by bunniefuu

Ben: Aah!
[ squawks ]

Ben: Are we really
fighting over stolen eggs?

Brr... I can't help myself.

Ben: [ grunts ]

Max: Ohh!

[ clucks ]


Feedback: It's hero time!

[ camera shutter clicks ]

[ clucks ]

Max: Ben, there's a lot of
worried Vaxasaurian parents

right now.
What are you doing?

Feedback: A sweet Ben
video that's about to go viral.

Check it out.
Over the shoulder.

[ whimpers ]

[ squawks ]

Feedback: Chicken dance!

[ clucking ]

Max: Ben, cool your jets!

Don't toy with the villains.
Contain them!

[ Omnitrix powers down ]

And even after all this time, wearing

the most powerful w*apon
in the universe ...

Ben: And I still don't
understand the responsibility I have.

This is the same lecture I've
heard since I was .

They're bad, I'm good ...
the end.

I'm getting a smoothy.

[ clucking ]

[ electricity crackles ]

Ben: Blukic, Driba, it's time.

M-Mr. Smoothy.

[ gasps ]

At last! We're finally gonna
find that elusive store !

The very thought makes
me belch in anticipation!

[ belches ]

Me, too.

[ belches ]

♪ Ben ♪

♪ he's a kid,
and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ but when you need a superhero,
he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ with a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ he can change his shape and
save the world from harm ♪

♪ when trouble's taking place ♪
♪ he gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ when lives are on the line ♪
♪ it's hero time ♪

♪ Ben ♪

Hmm. This could be a wild,
omnivoracious chase.

The Mr. Smoothy's website makes
no mention of a rd store.

No phone listing, either.

Ben: But we've seen store
on your GPS.

On and off, here and there,
and in different places.

Perhaps we're after
a Mr. Smoothy roach coach.

[ beeping ]

- You're getting a call.
- Ben: Uh, let it go to voice mail.

[ computer beeping ]

Just as I feared.
Only Mr. Smoothys.

- No, there it is.
- Ben: What's the address?

Whoops, it's gone again.

No, I saw the cross streets.
Corner of Pugsley and Klein.

[ horns blare ]

Both: Ohh!

[ sloop! ]

[ both groan ]

It's gone!

Ben: Huh.

[ groans ]

Clearly, this is no ordinary
Mr. Smoothy.

Ben: Aah!

[ door creaks ]

[ bell dinging ]

Cow: Oh, pooh! Will nobody
come out to serve us?

Chicken: Sister, you just said
a mouthful of something.

I'm out of here.

[ bell dings ]

Both: [ scream ]

That was a cross-dimensional
sunburst aurora.

- No, it wasn't.
- Yes, it was!

Not a sunburst.
More of a pinwheel shape.

A pinwheel aurora?
That's worse!

[ hissing, grunting, clanging ]

[ sloop! sloop! sloop! ]

You ... oh, you infernal

Why must you fail during
business hours?!

Ben: Professor Hokestar?


Why, Ben Tennyson!

[ chuckles ]
Welcome to my place of business!

Ben: You opened a Mr. Smoothy
that moves from place to place?

No, no, no, no, my boy!

Behold, and hopefully endorse,

a Mr. Smoothy that exists
in every dimension at once...

Just as soon as I get this
warp-field generator working!

Ben: So it's a Mr. Smoothy
that moves from place to place.

We're not moving between places.

We're staying in one place while
rotating through different dimensions.

This is a dimension-skipping
Mr. Smoothy.

[ expl*si*n ]

Not anymore it isn't.

Now, let us discover just
where we have been stranded,

and let us hope we have
the only smoothy joint.

Looks like Bellwood.

Look! There's even
an alien making trouble!

[ tires screech ]

[ tires screech ]

- Ben Tennyson!
- Ben: Right here, Tetrax.

Want to take a deep breath
and tell me what's going on?

Who are you?

Ben : Move it, yokel!

Stick a fork in yourself,
alien scum. You're toast!

Ben: Huh?

Attention, attention!

Ben has found another
evil-alien threat.

Which hero will our champion turn into?

Well, if no one else will say it,
this must be a dimension

that closely parallels our own.

- Oh, I hate those.
- The worst!

At first, everything looks
normal, but then, "wham!"

You find out that
super-Intelligent dolphins won

the civil w*r, and pretty soon
we all end up in an alien zoo!

Ben : All right, you off-world
hater, you're about to get beat by...

Articguana: Freeze Lizard!

It's Freeze Lizard!
If your club card says

"Freeze Lizard," stop by any
Mr. Gyro for a free -ounce soda!

Mr. Gyro ... Ben 's
favorite place on Earth.

- Ben: Mr. Gyro?
- Every single place that's a

Mr. Smoothy in our universe
is a Mr. Gyro in this universe!

Articguana: Last time, I took
your hover board, alien.

Now I'll take your ... ohh!

Hey, man.
Not cool!

[ people screaming ]

Ben: Should I interfere?
I might change history.

This is dimension
travel, not time travel.

Ben: Oh. Yeah.

Ben : It's Gyro time!

[ people cheering ]

Ben: You guys stay behind and
help fix the store's generator.

It's as good as done.

Maybe better.

Fix it?
Whatever for?

I won't be leaving here for some

Did you not hear what
they said? No Mr. Smoothys!

Ben: Professor, I'm not too
sure they like aliens here.

We'd all better keep a low profile.

Ben : It got a little
drastic there for a while, will,

but I just kept thinking of the

Ben: [ clears throat ]

Ben : ... and the new Ben poster
free with every large aegean meal!

It's better than the best!

It's Ben ... insanely,
completely Ben, yeah!

[ rumbling ]

[ people screaming ]

Xlr : I got him.

Ben : Hold it, alien!
Who are you?

Did the Intellectuary send you?

Xlr : The who-tellectuary?
Never heard of him, but don't worry.

Ben: I think you and I are
sort of related.

- Ben : Dude!
- Ben: I know, right?

Intellectuary, there's
a second Ben Tennyson.

Intellectuary: Unexpected,
but not unforeseeable.

We will take care of them both.

- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning.

Ben : Ben , huh?
I'm better than that ...

the richest, most
famous guy in the world!

I'm basically in charge.

Ben: Yeah, not quite the same
setup in my dimension.

Ben : That's too bad.

You'd really like being the
world's greatest hero.

Ben: I'm that, but
not the other ... famous.

Well, I am famous,
but not rich and...

Ben : Hey, this is my guest.
Load him up!

Ben pennants, poster, bumper
stickers, t-shirts, hamster

cages, stuffed gyros,
oh, and a pocket watch.

Ben: Man, you must really
love your gyros.

Ben : [ scoffs ]

Yokel food.
You want some?

These guys will hook you up for free.

Ben: Yeah, I'm more of a smoothy guy.

Ben : Smoothies? Yuck!
[ transponder rings ]

Frank! I'm at store , and
there aren't any more movie cups!

It opens in a month!

All right.
Get me that car endorsement!

There used to be a place that
sold smoothies.

I turned into giant-manster and
accidentally stepped on it.

Ben: Not into smoothies ...
got it.

Ben : So why only Ben ?
Is that all the aliens you got?

Ben: It used to be .
Now I have more than .

Ben : Yeah, I don't really
have just aliens.

More like, uh, fif... uh, !
How do you roll yours out?

Ben: Huh?
I hit the watch.

Ben : No, I mean, how do
you stoke the demand?

No more autographs!

[ sobbing ]

Ben : Always
leave them wanting more.

Know what I'm saying?

Ben: While you're busy
stoking your demand, what

happens if a heavy hitter like
Vilgax att*cks? [ bell dings ]

- Ben : Never heard of him.
- Who ordered the calamari?

[ metal clanking ]

Driba, my boy, a share in
store could be profitable,

yes, yes, yes ...
quite profitable, indeed...

[ chuckles ]

...for the right buyer.

I'm not about the profit!
I'm about the avoid being chased

by an alien mob
and put in an alien zoo!

Warp us out of here, Mr. Blukic!

That ought to hold.
Stand back.

[ machine powers up ]

[ hissing ]

What's the recursive quantum
delineator reading?

. Hmm...

rd dimension, on the
delineator, store , Ben .

- Something's going on here.
- Numeric concatenation.

You could argue it's the
basis for all physics.

- No, you can't.
- Yes, you can.

- No, you can't.
- But the point is you can argue.

[ bell dings ]

[ metal squeaking ]

- A lady.
- A paying customer?

- Ohh, but I am obviously an alien.
- Well, I'm not going out there.

[ whimpers ]


[ shudders ]

- You and your alien zoo!
- Mama Driba didn't raise no fools.

[ bell dings ]

Just a moment! Ohh.

Ben : See?

A little mystery, a little sucker bait.
"Who is alien ?"

Ben: Looks like Feedback.

Ben : Whoa, great name.
I was gonna go with "Plug-man."

So, when Feedback is revealed,
guess what I do? That's right!

I stop using one alien, he goes
back into the Ben vault for

a few years, and then
he makes a big comeback.

Ben: Uh-huh.

[ beeping ]

Max: Ben.
Call me when you get this.

Ben : Whoa.
Was that grandpa Max?

I haven't thought about him in years.

Ben: Wait, there's no grandpa here?

- How'd you learn to use that Omnitrix?
- Ben : You mean my hero watch?

Turns me into Ben aliens so I
can fight the evil monster hater aliens.

Nothing to learn.
I've been thinking, though.

[ expl*si*n ]

[ alarm blaring ]

[ people screaming ]

Maybe you flash me some more of
your aliens, you know, in case

there's, like, one I
haven't unlocked yet.

Shocksquatch: Now,
let's put a pin in that!

Ben : Oh, I already got that one.

Hey, we got cops for crooks and stuff.

Shocksquatch: Well, you can't
just let them get away.

Ben : Ugh.

Just hold them off till I call
in the cameras?

[ tires squeal ]

[ electricity crackles ]

Ben : Dude, that was
completely Ben!

Bye-bye, thug-mobile!

Now what? You just wait
for the cops or something?

Shocksquatch: Cops?
Or Plumbers.

Ben : Plumbers?
Why, you break a toilet somewhere?

Shocksquatch: [ screeches ]

Greetings, fellow hu-man.

We ...
I was using the Earth facilities.

[ squeak! ]

Would you like a grasshopper smoothy?

Push the bananaberry kelp,
my boy. We have tons of it!


[ bell dinging, door creaking ]

[ Omnitrix flashes ]

Ben : Vomit Man.
Mr. Mucky.

Don't know him.

- That's a pun, get it?
- Ben: I'm starting to get it.

Ben : Hey, my agent has an idea.

We should do a team-up.
I'm thinking reality show.

We both got evil aliens to catch
and Ben aliens to do it with.

Ben: A little more to it than that.

Ben : Sure, there's the
Intellectuary, too ...

always after your hero watch.

Ben: Ben, these aliens you turn into ...
they're not the only good ones.

Where I come from, aliens aren't
automatically evil monsters.

Some just live in town,
like my best friend.

Ben : Mind ... blown.

[ whooshing sound ]

Attention, attention!
We have another alien attack!

Which hero will our
champion turn into? Rollaway!

- Cannonball: Whoa!
- Ben: Hang on, Ben.

Xlr : Take him down, Ben.

[ crowd cheering ]

Ben : [ gasps ]

Xlr : Huh?

- Ben : I'm gonna blow up!
- Xlr : Don't worry.

Just got to run through all the
possible codes.

[ roars ]

[ car alarm blares ]

Xlr : Cover your ears!

[ crowd cheering ]

Ben : Dude, I can't thank you enough.

But now it's Gyro time!

Intellectuary: Tennyson!

Both: Oh, man!

Shocksquatch: Electricyeti!

Heatblast: I call
this one "Heatblast."

Shocksquatch: Oh, nice!
I had Charcoal-man.

[ groans ]

Ohh, this dweeb is mine.


[ roars ]

[ alarm blaring ]

Hey! I wonder where
the news cameras are.

Attention, citizens.

An entire nest of evil aliens
has been discovered!

Aliens, you have seconds
till we come in after you.

Heatblast: Ohh!

[ grumbles ]

Both: [ screaming ]

Heatblast: Let's wrap this up!

[ pavement hissing, bubbling ]


[ alarm blaring ]

[ Omnitrix beeping ]


- Ben: Azmuth!
- Ben : Make a wish, alien! I'm a ...

Ben: Ben, cool your jets!

- This guy created your watch.
- Ben : The hero watch?

[ groans ]

It's called an Omnitrix.

- Ben : Hey!
- You're rich, and you haven't

k*lled anybody yet, kid.
Stop while you're ahead.

Ben : Don't be hatin'!
It's mine!


It was meant for your grandfather.

Ben : That doesn't...
you knew grandpa Max?

Yes, sadly, it arrived too late.
He was already gone.

And it looks like other realities
have suffered the same fate.

Ben: Nope, I've still got my Max.

He gives me advice, keeps me from...
from becoming you, I guess.

Ben : Hey!
That's not fair!

- I... I miss grandpa Max.
- Of course you do.

Merchandise and endorsements
are no substitute.

- Ben : Who asked you, alien?!
- Ben: Ben, you don't get it!

You just almost crossed a line ...
one there's no coming back from.

Ben : Okay, whatever, I get it.
The little monster's not evil.

- Ben: So what you did was...
- Ben : Wrong. But ...

Ben: No buts.
You're gonna start acting your age

'cause I know you want to be
a hero more than a mogul.

- Ben : Says Ben blen!
- Ben: Says me, who is you.

Ben : Well, how am I
supposed to know the good aliens

from the bad ones?
I don't have a grandpa. You do.

There are other people out
there who can help.

You're not alone.

We just couldn't penetrate
that tough skull of yours.

Ben : Sorry I
tried to rip you in half.

Yes, but in another
dimension, another you found

a better use for another Omnitrix.
We need to explore that.

Ben: I think this is yours.

[ police radio chatter ]

On three!
One, two ...

Ben : Stop! I'll vouch for
this store and the monsters inside.

Ben: At least he didn't say
"evil monster hater aliens."

It's a start.

Ben : And now that I've
saved the day, it's ...

- Ben: Smoothy time!
- Oh, my, my, my, my, my!

What a booming business!
[ chuckles ]

Cleaned out of every flavor of
Mr. Smoothy, but smelt petunia.

Well, some people just don't
like smelt.

- Oh, well, well, well.
- That'll do.

Now switch off the stabilizers
between dimensions.

You've been doing the equivalent
of stepping on the brake and the

- accelerator at the same time.
- I feel silly.

Truly, you are the first
thinker, parallel-world Azmuth.

And you're brilliant scientists...

Both: Ooh! Earth standards.

For a couple of Galvans, you're
remarkably unintelligent.

Both: Ohh.

Ben: Listen to this guy like
you'd listen to Max.

I don't want to have to come back
and save your butt... or kick it.

Ben : You don't have to
worry about me.

The only big enemy I ever had
was the Intellectuary.

And it turns out he wasn't bad.

So what could go wrong now?

Nothing could possibly go wrong.

[ all groan ]

- You okay?
- Ben: Yeah.

Truly, this is not the
universe we know.

Ben: Which reminds me, I've got
some unfinished business back home.

Leave now?

Oh, but ... but, my boy,
this store just started paying off!

[ crowd cheering ]

Ohh, look at them ... sipping
a Smoothy like they were born to it!

Oh, my lad, what a lost
opportunity for profit!

- Ben: Grandpa Max!
- Max: Ben.

You can't just take off like
that without letting anybody

know where you're going. You're
gonna be , for crying out ...

Ohh, why are you
looking at me like that?

Ben: Nothing.
Just keep yelling at me.

Max: [ laughs ]

Well, okay.