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02x13 - w*r of the Worlds, Part 2

Posted: 05/23/22 07:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ben :

Alien Force...

The situation has escaladed.

The Highbreed armada caught us
totally by surprise.

They have conquered my home

The only planet with the
technology to fight them head on.

And their next target?


We met a bunch of Plumber's
kids with super powers

and a lot of them owe us favors.

Active the jump gate, now!

[gasps ]

We're too late.

It's never too late.

New plan.

Working on it.

That's reassuring.

Got it!

We break into the Highbreed
control room

and force the Highbreed captain
to make his ships retreat!

That's your big plan?

Hey, how many times have
I beaten you?

Twice, but just at this moment,
I can't imagine how.

The main control tower

will be the most heavily
guarded building in the city.

Precisely my point.

How do you propose to get

Leave it to me.

We're gonna drive to
the control tower?


When did you get all
this stuff?

When didn't I?

Every time we found some alien tech,
I tossed it in the trunk,

and whenever I have free time... work on the car.


[tires screech ]

You're not going to stop,
are you?


And this is why we always
wear our seatbelts.

Nobody likes a
backseat driver.

[tires screeching ]

Run to the control room.

Then we fight.

I was afraid you were
gonna say that.

[tires screech ]

That'll hold them for a while!

Kevin, come on!

I'm gonna miss that car.

[ panting ]
The Highbreed have starships

and they haven't invented
the elevator?

It's hero time!



That is you, isn't it?

All of you lesser species look
alike to me.

Yeah, yeah.

You're all superior and

and we're all

Don't have time for that today.

Do not mock me, Tennyson.

You can die quickly with
the rest of your insignificant race,

or slowly at my hands.

Or, I was thinking, not at all.

Call it off.

Foolish children.

Enough of this.

Destroy the other two.

Leave Ben to me.


So it ends.

Just as your grandfather
destroyed himself

trying to defeat me,
so you, too,

will fall at my --

I'm kind of mad now.


[grunting ]

[grunting ]

Leave him alone!

Very well.

I was nearly done with him

That won't keep me from you,

But perhaps I'll finish your
friend first.

So you can watch him suffer.

Yes, you're no threat to me now.

I said...

Leave him alone!!!


So much power.

Gwen, listen to me.

You've got to shut it down.


I think I can defeat the
Highbreed all by myself.

Your grandmother said
it would take at least years

for you to master that power.

We don't have years.

You'll lose your

You won't remember Ben or me.

Ben will find another
way to win.

You've got to come back to me,

I can't lose you. Okay?


You're finished, insect.

Not quite.

[straining ]

Okay, now I'm finished.

And as soon as you give
the order,

the whole invasion's

[laughs evilly]

You think this is funny?

I don't have the authority to
call off the invasion.

Only the Highbreed supreme
could end the attack.

And he is beyond your reach,
safe on the home world.

Well, at least things
can't get any worse.

[ muttering ]

Oh, man!

[ muttering ]

I'll try shoving them
back with the shield.

Maybe we can --


One side, alien freaks!

You're in my way!


Hey, Gwen.

Helen and Pierce!

But that means...

How's it going, kids?

Grandpa Max!

And Max Force!

What did I say about
calling us that?

I think it sounds cool.

What are you doing here?

I thought you were gonna stay in
the Null Void

until you cleaned
it up.

Pretty much got things
under control there.

Anyway, after all the work I put into
uncovering the Highbreed conspiracy,

there is no way I'm
sitting out the final round.

Then you've arrived just in
time to see the end,

Max Tennyson.

My fleet will uncloak and
destroy the Earth

in less than
one of your hours.

And we don't even have
a plan.

Sure we do.

The hyperspace jump gate

is like a door out from the
Highbreed home world to here, right?

Right. So?

So a door out is also a
door in.

Got your phone?

Sure. Why?

[ cellphone rings ]

Aren't you going to
answer it?

It's important.



[ chuckles ]

Told you.

All set.


Grandpa, can you hold the line

Keep them from retaking
the control room?

Consider it done.

Where are you going?

Just stepping out for a



Gwen! Kevin!

You coming?

We don't make it,
it's up to you guys.

Forget that, man.

We'll see you when you get back.

There they go!

Be careful, Ben.

It's about time I got to

I'm still trying to figure out
what bug-eyes is doing here.

If you're referring to me,

surely you didn't think I
would leave the Omnitrix unprotected.

Ben worries about you, too.

I am only concerned
with the Omnitrix, not Ben.

Of course you are.

Jump gate coming up.

I'm going to change into my
flight suit.


With my oversized cranium and
intellectual superiority

that naturally follows from it,

this is obviously the correct
form to pilot

this vehicle under these
trying conditions.

That's precisely why
I should pilot this ship.

[ chuckles ]

Are you inferring
that you're smarter than me

because your head is bigger?


I'm implying that I'm smarter
than you

because my brain is

Here's your chance to
prove it.


Prepare yourself.

The jump gate can be

How does it work?

It converts you into
faster-than-light tachyons...

them to the receiver gate

on the opposite side
of the galaxy...

...then reconstitutes you.


That's cool.

We've arrived.

Is everybody okay?

I-I don't feel so good.

[vomits ]

Oh, my dear fellow.

Sincerest apologies.


We've been hit!

Try and get us to
the high council building --

the tall one over there!

[groans ]

[groans ]
What happened?

A bunch of Highbreed guards

caught us right after we

The good news is that we made it
to the Highbreed's headquarters.

What about Ship?

He's okay.

I told him to hide until we
called him.

If I could just reach
the Omnitrix.

Why do you need to
reach it?

Oh. Right.

Omnitrix, Humongousaur!


[grunts ]


Take us to your leader.

Who dares?

I'm sorry, master.

They took me by surprise...

You are the Earth vermin
Ben .

Ben Tennyson.


You're the Highbreed top
banana, right?

I've read reports of your

but truly your gall
exceeds all description.


I want you to call off
the attack on Earth.

Just like that?

Pretty much.

What have you got to gain by
hurting us?

You are mongrels,
inferior life-forms.

Your very existence is an
affront to our purity.

Can we dispense with
these lies?

You accuse me of dishonesty.

Your race is the Galvin,

A slightly more intelligent form
of pond scum.

Don't be fooled by
his posturing, Ben.

They aren't attacking because of
their supposed superiority.

They're attacking because
they're dying out.

Their ridiculous belief in
racial purity led to inbreeding,

a loss of resistance to disease,
and finally sterility.

This is the last generation of
Highbreeds, is it not?

You are correct, vermin.

But we will not perish alone.

In a matter of hours, my fleet
will destroy not just Earth,

but every known inhabited planet
in this galaxy.

The fall of Galvin was the
signal for our final attack to begin.

Enjoy the view.

You are about to witness the end
of all life in the universe.

All is lost.

They are far too powerful to fight.

Why fight them
when we can help them?

Omnitrix, can you repair
the genetic damage

to the Highbreed?

All of them?

Genetic manipulation on that

will require all
available power.

Genetic recombination sequences

What are you doing?

Wait for it.

What have you done?!

I ordered the Omnitrix
to reprogram your DNA.

And judging from the
new look, I'd say it worked.


Program complete.

All Highbreed in range of
transmission are

now genetically fused with
random species

from Omnitrix database.

In range of transmission?

With the jump gates open
for the attack!

Every Highbreed in
the galaxy is now a, uh,

how did you put it?

He called us mongrels.

Welcome to the kennel club.

How could you do this?

I don't understand.

I saved you.

You have made us impure.

There is only one honorable act
left to us.


There is another way!


You know him?

I know a lot of people.

This human once cured an ailment
of mine by changing my DNA.

At first, I thought the impurity
a curse,

but I have since
learned otherwise.

Fellow Highbreed, we can live!

[grumbling ]

It is decided.

The high council elects you
Highbreed supreme.

Lead us wisely.

I will try.

To all Highbreed within
the sound of my voice,

the w*r is over!

Return home so we can create a
new future together.

Thank you for your help,
Ben Ben Tennyson.

That's the last of them.

It's a beautiful sight,
isn't it?

[ high-pitched beeping ]

Fusion grenade.


I've got to go home.

Since it's not the end of the
world, I'm still under curfew.

Okay, walk you to school

Grandpa, are you going
back to the Null Void?


After watching Ben 's recruits
in action,

I think they need some
training from an old pro.

You three sure don't need me

I'll always need you,

Come on, team.

You're with me.

Ooh, I'm gonna need a bigger
motor home.

[screeches ]

What happened to

He snuck away during
all the excitement.

We'll get him.

But not today.

Today I'm going
to the auto show.

I need a new ride.

I'll go with you.

You like cars?

Not really.

I like you, though.

Nice working with you again, Ben.

It's time to take Azmuth home.

There's a lot of
rebuilding to do back on Galvin.

Before you go, can you
re-engage the master control?

That DNA wave I made seems to
have reset the Omnitrix.

Yes, it has, hasn't it?

Have fun figuring it out.

[ beeping ]

Oh, man.

I don't recognize any of these

Oh, well, here we go again.