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02x05 - Undercover

Posted: 05/23/22 07:16
by bunniefuu
This is a very bad idea.

I mean, we don't even know how
to work a teleporter pad.

Got to start somewhere.

Ben, tell Kevin this
seems like a very bad idea.


Are you hiding?


It's just if a fly lands on that
banana when it teleports

and it rematerializes as a
deadly banana fly monster,

I don't want to be standing
right next to it, is all.

Don't see the big
deal, Tennyson.

Didn't you used to turn into an
insect all the time?

That was different.

Here we go.

[whirring ]

That's not good.

Turn it off before it blows!

It's too hot!

I know who can take the heat.

Open the door.

[grunting ]

Everybody down!

Everyone all right?

Forget that!

What about the teleporter pad?

Deep down, he's really
glad we're okay.

It's totally trashed.

At least we don't have to worry
about any banana fly monsters.

I'm just saying.

I know a kid might be
able to fix it.

Fix alien tech?

He's a total super genius with
any kind of machinery.

Doesn't matter
if it's human or alien.

I'll bring Cooper
over from his lab.


Pasty kid?


Bad haircut?

Had a big crush on Gwen?


Sounds like the same guy.

But, uh, who wouldn't have a
crush on you?

He helped us out once
back when we were kids.

You should have told
us you knew him.

Didn't exactly come up.

You didn't think a kid
with the ability to manipulate

alien tech would have been
helpful against the DNAliens?

It's possible I know
two or three people

I haven't told you about, Ben.

Anyway, if you're so smart,
why didn't you think of him before?

Okay, that's a fair point.

Let's go.

[engine shuts off]

I thought you said we
were going to Cooper's lab.

We are.

So, Gwen,
excited to see your ex?

Zip it.

You had to mention the crush?

Probably not.

[door creaks ]

Why break in?

Couldn't we have just left a
message with Cooper's folks?

Because Coop never
leaves his lab -- never.

Something's seriously wrong.

He probably just went
out for a...



He really never leaves the lab.

Look for signs of a

This whole place looks
like a struggle.

[squish ]

[whirs ]


If anyone finds this


[ crash]




There you go --
signs of a struggle.

Smart kid.

Left behind a message
in a bottle

so someone would see what
happened to him.

Gwen, can you track Cooper,

figure out where they
took him?


His energy resonance is really
strong here.

Got him.

I can take us right to Cooper.

In other words,
you're attracted to him.

Can we just go?

Los Soledad?

Cooper's trail led us here?


At least last time we were here
there was a monster to fight.

I don't get it.

I did everything right.

Well, love is blind.

And apparently, it screws up
your powers, too.

My powers are not
screwed up.

My instincts are telling me
Cooper's definitely nearby.

Sorry, Gwen, but there's
nothing here except...


Tennyson, where --

You have got to see this.

It's DNAlien day camp.

Three of those
weather-control towers --

this cannot be good.

And whatever it is,
Cooper's right in the middle of it.

The cloaking field is
hiding the whole city.

Where did they get a rig
powerful enough to do that?


Cooper built it for them.

Everybody down!

With that shield up,

these guys don't have to worry
about anyone seeing them building...

Whatever that thing is.

You still have a fix on Cooper?

He's not far.

Got any spells that
will give us cover

so we can get to him?

They're not spells.

That's a no, then.

Come on.

[grunting ]

[speaking alien language]

Why don't we just yell
out, "hey Cooper"?

And have , DNAliens
crawling up our butts?

Good plan.

In here.

And if there's ,
DNAliens behind that door?

Good plan.

[ beeping ]


Cool, but gross.

Careful with those Varsidium
pieces, human.

They're priceless.

[ high-pitched squeal ]

[ both screaming ]

It was an accident.

Clumsy child!

You'll pay for that!

No hitting.


Cavalry's here.

Not that you, uh,
need it or anything.


You totally came to my rescue.

Yeah, excellent work there,

She's wonderful.

Let's go, lover boy.

[ panting ]

Ever think about
getting a treadmill?

We can't stay long.

We've got to get outside
the shield

before they realize
Cooper's missing.

The way you came storming in
there --

like how princess Elena
rescued me last week

from the caverns of unforgiving

Excuse me?

In Nations of Conquest --

the M.M.O.R.P.G. I play.

Excuse me?

Massive multiplayer online
role-playing game.

Yeah, Gwen, and your
power is being plus- nerd bait.

Guys, this is serious.

It's the biggest DNAlien plan
we've ever seen,

and as long as
their cloaking shield's up,

they can work / .

I'm the one they forced to
build the cloak projector.

Shutting it down shouldn't be
too hard.

Then that's what we're
going to do.

We've been lucky so far.

Sooner or later,
they're bound to spot us.

That's not a problem either.


Well, before I built the big
cloaking projector,

I built a smaller one first --

a prototype.

The field it generates is enough
to cover all of us

if we squeeze together real tight.

Oh, for the love of...

Let me help you out
there, Gwen.

Here we go.

I don't feel invisible.

Follow me.

Oh, no.


Nice work, Cooper.

Now let's get to the big cloak.

Hey, Coop, think about it --
the damsel rescued you.

Now you get to be the knight
that saves the day.

Jealous much, Kevin?

I'm not --


The cloak keeps us from being
seen, not heard.

So -- uh-oh.


There's always a few bugs
in the prototype.

[ boom! ]

Who are they?

What are they doing here?

Get them!

There's nothing around
here for me to touch.

[grunts ]

Don't worry.

I'll just -- ah!


[all screeching ]

There's too many of them!

Keep firing, Gwen.

You're our only chance.


- Gwen!
- No, don't hurt her.

I'm okay.

Only because you're worth
slightly more to me alive

than if I had allowed them to
tear you limb from limb.

Now then, you're going back to
work for us.

I won't do anything for you.

You'll do just what I say,
or your friends will pay the price.

Actually, we're not
all that close.

Is that what you want, human?

For your friends to pay?

Get your hands off her.

I'll do it.

I'll do anything.

Then get back to work!

So, now you can go all

and get us out of here.

Even Humongousaur wouldn't last
against all those DNAliens.

Plus they'd just use Cooper

against us like they used
us against him.

That is a lot of guards.

Kevin, touch this piece of --
what do they call it?



I'll show you.

Echo Echo.

Excuse us.


There's no bathroom in here,
and I really have to go.

Echo Echo:


[ high-pitched squeal ]

[all screaming ]

Did you have to hit me
so hard?

I did.

I really did.

[all screeching ]

[ high-pitched squeal ]

[all screaming ]

Come on!

Cooper's this way.


You have to make up for the time
you lost trying to escape.

[ high-pitched squeal ]


Ready to go?

Please say yes.

Stay behind me, Cooper.

[sighs ]

Just like princess Elena

rescuing me from
the Caverns of Unforgiving Dismay.

Stay behind me and
don't talk.

How close are we to
the big cloaking thing?

Just keep heading for where
they're building that arch.

Echo Echo:
What is that arch for anyway?

They wouldn't tell me, and --

Everybody stay where you are.

[screeches ]

One more blast,

Big, big one.


[ high-pitched squeal ]

[all screaming ]

This is it.

Then do your thing.

[gasps ]

What is it?

What's the matter?

I -- I saw equations,
machines, another planet.

Figure it out later.

Crash the cloak!


What the--?


On it.

[grunts ]

Now all that's left is to --

Run very fast.

Should have parked
closer to town.

[engine turns over]

[tires screech ]

Should we organize transport
for pursuit?


We don't want to arouse
suspicion from the local authorities.

The project at hand is too

They're not chasing us.

They don't need to.

Who'd believe us if we told what
was really going on there?

Anyone who checked it out

would just find what looks
like normal humans anyway.

We don't even know
what's really going on

in Los Soledad,
which means someday soon,

we're going to have to go back.

Can we count on you to help?

Anything you need.

Don't even.

Yeah, deed to the land,
construction permits.

Everything looks shipshape.

I swear, one second it looked
like there was nothing,

and then the next --

it must be the heat playing
tricks on you.

We've been out here for months.

Still don't know who'd want to
build a mall all the way out here.

Oh, our company's very
forward thinking, sheriff.

Trust me, some day very soon,

this will be where everything's


All right, then.

Sorry to bother you.

[engine turns over]

[engine turns over]

Continue to work.

The time of cleansing
is nearly at hand.