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02x01 - Darkstar Rising

Posted: 05/23/22 07:05
by bunniefuu
[ car door opens, closes ]

Ben, you sure this is
the place?

That's what the tip said.

Yeah, that's what
worries me.

You don't get tips.

I get tips.

You got no connections.

Come on, Kevin.

I got connections.

Yeah, like who?

Um -- uh --

like Gwen?

It's true.

He does know me.

A lot of support there, Gwen.

We could just go take a
look and see.

Forever Knights.

Up to no good,
as usual.


[ beep]


All right!

Nobody move!

[ reverse alarm beeps ]

Did you guys hear us?

I don't think so.


Good guess.

Magister Gilhil of the Plumbers.

Magister Prior Gilhil.

I'm the commanding officer of
this entire quadrant.

You're all under arrest for
impersonating officers of the law.

[ beep]

Under arrest for what?!

Impersonating a Plumber.

We're the only law-enforcement

recognized by all signatories of
the Milky Way treaty.

That makes what you've done an
interstellar class felony.

Sounds bad.

If I were you,
I'd keep my big mouth in check.

If I were you,

I wouldn't thr*aten a guy who
could kick your can

halfway up the street and back.

You feeling froggy, son?

Then, jump.

And if you're feeling
smart, don't.



[ bones crack ]

[ breathes heavily]

Stay down, son.

Much as I'd enjoy going a few
more rounds with you,

I don't have the time.

[grunts ]

[ beep]




You want to talk?

Let's talk.

I don't see why we got
to talk to him.

Because I'm the Plumber officer

in charge for this whole
section of space.

Then, you know we're
the good guys.

What I know is that over
the last couple of months,

I've gotten several reports of
you kids

passing yourselves off as

Our grandfather was a

Max Tennyson.

He was a good man.

But that doesn't make you

And you.

You don't even have a claim
by blood.

Yes, I do.

My father --
my real father --




Never mind.

The point is,

there's a reason we shut down
Plumber operations

on Earth five years ago.

After Vilgax was destroyed --

You mean after
I destroyed him.

Credit due.

But Earth is a backwater
level- planet.

Without an imminent threat,

I can't allow Plumbers'
resources to be wasted here.

I've got over inhabited
planets under my watch.

Look, Magister --

can I call you "Magister"?

The other Plumber we
met was named Magister, too --

Magister Labrid.

"Magister" is a rank,
not a name.

You pretend to be Plumbers, but
you know nothing about the job.

I've never pretended to
be anything!

Aliens are attacking our

We're just fighting
to keep it safe.

I've read a number of reports
on your activities.

There is no evidence of
significant alien activity here.

We've seen them!

I wrecked one of their ships.

I've assigned a new magister
to this region.

He'll check in on Earth sometime
in the next few months.

If you have proof,
present it to him

and let him take care of
Plumber business.

A few months?!

I'm inclined to give you kids
a break.

Ben, you wear the Omnitrix,

so you already have special

The Galvin have
requested that you

not be interfered with in
minor matters.

And the reports I've read
indicate that, as you say,

you've never impersonated a

But you...

Yeah? What?'ve got a record.

You've done time in
the Null Void

for a variety of

He's changed.

He did his time.

He's been helping us.

He's been impersonating
a Plumber.

Give me the badge you stole.

Don't take my badge, man.


Or you're going back
to the Null Void.

Thank you.

You're free to go.

But if you ever get involved in
Plumbers' business again,

I don't care what Azmuth says...

you're all going
to the Null Void.

Even you, Ben.

Is that it?

Is this the end?

[slurps ]

[ burps ]

[slurps ]

Cheer up.

Mr. Smoothy makes
everything better.

[slurps ]


How does turnip-and-wheatgrass
sludge make anything better?

Well, I like it.

Besides, it's also
got ginger in it.

Oh, ginger.

That solves all our problems.

Seriously, Ben.

Magister Gilhil pretty much just
put us out of business.

What are we gonna do?

We're gonna keep doing
what we've been doing --

find the aliens,
fight the bad guys.

He said he'd put us in
the Null Void.

He also said Plumbers
never come around here anymore.

We'll worry about it when --
or should I say --

if he ever shows up again.

He took my badge!


We don't need no stinking

You think this is a joke?!

Kevin, let him go!


I want to be a
Plumber, okay?!

When I was little, my mom would
tell me stories about my dad,

how he was a Plumber and he did
all this cool stuff.

I never met your dad.

Me either.

But I still want to be like him.

That's why you know so
much about the Plumbers

and alien technology and

It's why I agreed to help you
guys in the first place.


[ car door opens ]

I need my badge back, Ben.

It's the only thing that

[tires screeching ]

[speaking alien language]

[ footsteps ]

[speaks alien language]

[ roars ]

[all groaning ]

[speaking alien language]

[speaks alien language]

Who are you?!

What insignificant alien speck
dares to enter

the command center of a
Highbreed lord?!

It doesn't matter.

Dead men don't need names.

Nice shot.

You're just as strong
as I'd heard.

[ roars ]

That's it.

Show me all of your power.

Give me your strength.

[groaning ] you want from me?

I want to make a deal.

[wrench turning ]

Who's out there?

I brought you something to drink.

Yeah. Thanks, anyway.
I --

It's not a smoothy.

[ ice rattles ]

[slurps ]

See? Regular soda.



I just wanted to see
how you were doing.

Fine, you know.

Listen -- I don't want to talk
about my dad.

Never crossed my mind.

I brought you a present.

What's this?

A wooden ball.

Absorb it.

How about this one?

It's a ball bearing
made out of...

I don't know,
ball-bearing stuff.

Stainless steel.

I brought you a whole bag of

all made of
different materials.

That way when we're in a fight,

you can change
to whatever you want.

Thanks, but it doesn't
really work that way.

I need a lot of whatever
I'm copying.


And what makes you think

I'm still helping you
guys, anyway?

Because you've changed.

Maybe, but I'm still
on parole.

That magister can put me back in
that Null Void

any time he wants.

[expl*si*n ]

Human scum!

I will cleanse
the world of your filth!

Looks like I picked
the wrong day

to give up
fighting monsters.

It's a Highbreed.

Ben says they're too strong for
us to fight.

Well, Ben ain't here.

[gasps ]

That won't save you, human!

[glass shatters ]

[ rumbling ]

[sighs ]

[groans ]

Hey, ugly!

Why don't you pick on somebody
your own size?

[groans ]

I wouldn't if I were you.

[ roars ]

Didn't take you kids long

to get yourselves into trouble
again, did it?


We were just...

Attacking me for no reason.

He's one of
the aliens we told you about.

He's attacking the Earth!

Sure, kid.

How about some proof?

They att*cked me for no

They said they were Plumbers.

I've heard enough.

You three are under arrest.

And you.

I don't know what's going on here,
but I'm going to find out.

You're coming with me for

I beg to differ.

Nobody's going anywhere.

Not until I make your
powers my own.

Why me?

You promised that
if I helped you...

I can't be trusted.

I'd almost forgotten how strong
you are...


Who are you?

How did you...

Gwen, run!


You've got to get away!

You're our only hope!


You can't run forever,
lovely Gwen.

I'll have my revenge on you,

But first things first.

I don't understand what's
going on.

That's the guy who tipped me off

that you were impersonating

And he scammed
big ugly, too.

[snarls ]

Well, he did.

Don't snarl at me.

I know who he is.

Do you really?

You had to be somebody who knows

all about the Plumbers
and the Highbreed.

But most importantly,

you have to be someone with a
grudge against us.

Why don't you take off the dopey
mask, Michael?

That's Michael Morningstar?

The creep who tried to steal
Gwen fro--

Who -- who stole all his powers

from those girls at his prep

When you ruined my plan,
you nearly destroyed me.

But over the weeks, my powers
returned stronger than ever.

And so did my hunger.

My old method of feeding is no
longer sufficient.

High-school girls too
tough for you, huh?

To the contrary.

I need more power than
they can supply.

Michael Morningstar
no longer exists.

Now I am Darkstar.


You did this to me, and you
will feed my hunger!

I will take your strength

and make it my own until you
have no more to give.

If you could reach your Omnitrix --
maybe Alien X.


If he absorbed all of that power,

nothing could stop him!

I'll have it all, anyway.



I swear you were better-looking
when we used to go out.

Laugh while you can.

I've got all the power of your

plus the Highbreed
and the Plumber.

How can you possibly hope to
defeat me alone?

Who said anything about

They're pretty mad about you
kidnapping their boss.

[all speaking alien language]

Thanks, kid.

What about me?

Hang in there.

Too absorb!

And the bad news keeps
on coming.

[ beep]

Nighty night!

The Highbreed is gone.

The DNAliens

must have sprung him while we
were fighting.

[groans ]

[ beep]

You okay, man?


Sit down and catch your

Is he okay?


going dim...



He's fine.

You sure that rig will
hold him?

It's level- technology,

He isn't going anywhere but
The Null Void.

What about us?

I've been giving that some

You guys made
a difference today.


Maybe I don't need to reassign
good men to this quadrant.

Maybe they're already here.

What's that mean?

You've been drafted.

Here's your badge back.

And here's one for you.

Don't push it, kid.

You've already got
the Omnitrix.

As of now, you're the only law
in the quadrant.

Do a good job.

Hey, where are you

I got to tell my mom.