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01x06 - Too Hot to Handle

Posted: 05/23/22 06:19
by bunniefuu
You guys here for
the safe-cracking job?

take a number.

so, what's the story about

This guy?

he's shelling out a cool

Million to bust open a safe.

That's all anybody needs to


p'andor: Next!

so, where's the safe that

Needs cracking?

p'andor: You're looking at



[ electronic crackling ]

[ zapping ]

What is this made of?!

p'andor: Next!

this should be fun.

[ laughing maniacally ]

[ metal scraping ]

[ metal clattering ]

I've got another blade right


p'andor: Next!


[ metal clanging ]

[ breathing heavily ]

p'andor: Next!

I said, "next!"

[ footsteps approaching ]

kevin: Sorry. Am I late?


p'andor: I didn't realize

There was an osmosian on this

Planet or a supply of taedenite.

kevin: You guys might want to

Move back.

[ taedenite scraping ]

[ grunts ]

That's $ million cash, right?

[ beeping rapidly ]


What do you got in there, big


p'andor: Don't ask questions.

Just open it.

kevin: Don't think so -- not

Until you tell me what's going

On here.

p'andor: You open up this

Suit, and I pay you.

That's all you need to know.

kevin: That's not how I do



p'andor: $ , to whoever

Stops him!

[ laughs maniacally ]

kevin: [ grunts ]



kevin: Wasting your time,


Nothing's harder than taedenite.

[ grunts ]

[ grunts ]


do I still get the grand

If I bring him back in pieces?

p'andor: Let him go.

I have everything I need.

gwen: Any sign of our alien


ben: Nothing.

I'm starting to wonder about

Jimmy's alien-sighting tip.

gwen: Because -year-old

Internet fan geeks are known for

Their scrupulous fact checking?

ben: Jimmy's usually right,


Maybe kevin had better luck.

gwen: We should've heard from

Him by now.

It's not like him not to call.

ben: What do you mean?

It's totally like him not to


gwen: I mean not to call me.

ben: Oh.

[ tires screeching ]

kevin: I found one of our

Missing aliens.

This one's hot -- really hot.

ben: P'andor?

kevin: Yep.

And whatever he is inside that

Armor, we do not want to let him


gwen: So, how can we help


kevin: Help him?

I'm gonna go back there and put

A beating on him.

You guys in or what?

gwen: We're supposed to be

Rescuing the escaped aliens,

Not attacking them.

kevin: Fine.

Rescue what's left after I pound


ben: I hate to take sides,

But kevin's right.

gwen: He is?

kevin: I am?

ben: Well, half right.

We need to go back there to


kevin: Fine.

We'll investigate.

Then we'll pound him.

gwen: I'm not picking up any


You sure this is the right


kevin: Yeah, and we need to

Find p'andor fast before he

Escapes from that armor.

ben: I thought nothing could

Penetrate it.

kevin: Except the taedenite

Sample I might've accidently

Left behind.

ben: Why were you searching

For alien fugitives with a

Taedenite sample?

kevin: I might not have

Exactly been searching for


I mean, I was at first.

Then I heard a rumor about a guy

Offering big money to bust open


Difficult thing to bust open.

ben: And so you thought you'd

Pick up some extra cash by

Irradiating an entire city?

kevin: I didn't open it, did


ben: No.

You just left behind the one

Thing he needed to do it


And now we have no idea where to

Find him.

gwen: Yes, we do.

Whoever touched this case last,

He's close.

[ drill whirring ]

whoa, shut it off -- now!

Did we just strike uranium?

Radiation levels are spiking

Like crazy!

We need to clear out of here

Right --

[ expl*si*n ]

step away from the drill!

I'd hate to mess up my nice, new

Buzz saw!

[ indistinct shouting ]

p'andor: Out of our way!

humongousaur: Road's closed,



humongousaur: Ow!

[ groans ]

[ shouts ]



humongousaur: I'd like a word

With your boss.

kevin: I want that taedenite



gwen: We should try talking

Before we start hitting.

kevin: [ grunts ]

It works better for me the other

Way around.

gwen: It's all right.

We know you're on the run from


We've already helped two of your


We're not here to hurt you.

We just want to help you get


p'andor: If you really want

To help, then free me from this


I am starving inside this


[ warbling ]

kevin: Don't!

gwen: Unh!

What are you doing?!

kevin: I'm telling you, you

Do not want to bust that thing


gwen: Busting things is your


I was just trying to read the

Armor -- figure out how it


[ warbling ]


kevin: What did you do to


[ metal clanging ]




humongousaur: Enough of this!

Time to go ultimate!

[ beeping ]

ultimate humongousaur:

Ultimate humongousaur!

You mess with my friends, you

Mess with...


kevin: Ow!

ultimate humongousaur: Sorry.

kevin: I totally forgive you.

Anybody can make a mistake.

gwen: Like leaving the

Taedenite behind?

kevin: For instance.

ultimate humongousaur:

P'andor got away with the drill!

gwen: Only because you guys

Have been thinking with your

Fists instead of your brains.

kevin: Well, what were you

Thinking when you tried to help

That guy?

gwen: I'm thinking he's

Scared, on the run from

Aggregor, and probably starving

To death.

Wouldn't you be desperate to get

Out of that armor?

kevin: So, desperation makes

Him trustworthy?

gwen: No.

He'll never trust us if we keep

Attacking him.

kevin: Ever think maybe he's

Sealed inside that armor for a


ultimate humongousaur: Guys,

I'm getting a cramp here!

kevin: He's radioactive.

If we let him out of that suit,

He'll k*ll everybody who comes

Near him.

gwen: So we let him starve to


That's cold, even for you.

kevin: Not cold -- sensible.

You're the one who's not

Thinking strai-- aah!

You did that on purpose!

gwen: I lost my


kevin: That's it!

I'm out of here!

[ metal scraping ]

p'andor: At last!

[ metal clattering ]

[ sizzling ]

we're gonna need another


p'andor: No.

We need the osmosian.

[ tires screech ]

[ shouts ]

kevin: Just what I needed.

[ tires screech ]

[ tires screech ]

[ saw whirring ]

kevin: [ groans ]

let's open him up and see

What's inside.

wait. We need him alive.

This operation requires

Precision and accuracy.

kevin: [ groans ]

[ footsteps approaching ]

p'andor: Time to finish the

Job you started, osmosian.

kevin: How stupid do you

Think I am?

stupid enough to get caught.

stupid enough to pass up a

Million bucks.

stupid enough to take us on.

come on, you lousy freak!

what, are you afraid?

your little girlfriend would

Put up more of a fight.

kevin: [ shouts ]

[ shouts ]

p'andor: Also...

You're stupid enough to do that.


p'andor: At last, no longer

Bound by the shackles of that


[ tires screech ]

gwen: Kevin, are you all


kevin: Thought you were mad

At me.

ben: More like afraid you'd

Do something stupid.

kevin: Good call.

ben: Nothing I can't handle!

[ beep ]

uncataloged dna detected.

ben: Not now.

gwen: He's just celebrating.

He hasn't done anything.

p'andor: [ grunts ]

[ electricity crackling ]

[ beeping rapidly ]

gwen: Your natural form is

Harmful to humans.

We can arrange a ride home for


p'andor: Now, why would I

Ever go home?

This planet is like an

All-you-can-eat buffet.


unknown dna sample acquired.

Scan complete.

p'andor: Your w*apon cannot

Hurt me.

gwen: It's not a weap--

ben: Gwen!

jetray: Jetray!

kevin: Gwen!

gwen: [ moans ]

kevin: Gwen...

Oh, man, don't ever do that.

jetray: Whoa.

P'andor, you can't stay on


Your radiation will eventually

k*ll us!

p'andor: I appreciate the

Snack, aerophibian.

jetray: Unh!

p'andor: But I sense a full

Meal nearby.

this mean we're not getting


[ all shout ]

[ groans ]

That's a "no."

[ rocks clatter ]

gwen: Go ahead -- say, "I

Told you so."

kevin: Forget it.

You're almost always right, and

You never call me on it.

I do have a plan, though.

jetray: So, how do you stop

An alien you can't even touch?

What would gwen do?

Make friends with him.

That's stupid.

Or maybe not!

He's already got friends on


[ beep ]


It's me.

p'andor: Bivalvan?

I thought you already found a

Way home.

this planet's a waste of


Take some advice from a friend

And go home.

p'andor: This does not

Concern you.

I can't let you stay here.

p'andor: It's not up to you.


[ steam hissing ]

[ glass shatters ]

[ alarm blaring ]

[ indistinct shouting ]

[ monitor beeping ]

ben: Maybe not the best


p'andor: Yes...

Sweet, pure energy!

[ beeping rapidly ]

ben: Radiation level's off

The scale.

Better cool this guy down.

[ beep ]

big chill: Big chill!

p'andor: You dare interrupt

My meal?!

big chill: I can't touch you.

You can't touch me.

Oh, man!

kevin: Get the armor back on


gwen: Easier said than done.

[ whirring ]

both: Aah!

kevin: Unh!

p'andor: Aah!


[ groans ]

kevin: If this stuff can hold

You, I'm betting it can touch


p'andor: Unh!

[ rocks clattering ]

[ metal creaks ]

I need...

To refuel.

Now I must feed off the source.

[ grunts ]

[ radiation crackling ]

[ beeping rapidly ]

[ crackling continues ]

kevin: Forget it, gwen.

Radiation level's in the red.

Get out now!

gwen: I can do this!

kevin: I know you can, but

You're not protected like me and


gwen: But...

kevin: Think with your

Brains, not your fists.

That's my job.

gwen: Okay.

[ crackling continues ]

[ ice clattering ]

[ steam hissing ]

p'andor: Not a meal -- a


[ metal clatters ]

[ steam hisses ]

kevin: Ugh!

gwen: Guys, you can't fight


He just fed on the uranium


He's a living nuclear reactor!

big chill: So, what do we do?

gwen: Kevin, you see those

Carbon rods?

They absorb excess neutrons and

Control the rate of the nuclear


kevin: On it.

[ grunts ]

p'andor: Unh!

kevin: Unh!

p'andor: [ grunts ]

[ electricity zapping ]

kevin: Unh!

p'andor: [ grunting ]


[ whirring ]

kevin: I can't hold him!

big chill: I know who can.

p'andor: Ohh!

Cannonbolt: Cannonbolt!

kevin: [ grunts ]

cannonbolt: Maybe I've got

Something that'll work better!

[ beeping ]

ultimate cannonbolt: Ultimate


kevin: How'd you know I'd be

Able to absorb the armor and

Morph it around p'andor?

ultimate cannonbolt: Is that

What you did?

p'andor: [ grunting ]

kevin: Don't worry about him.

I made some alterations to his


[ metal creaking ]

we'll make sure he's deported

Back to his home planet.

[ air whooshes ]

ben: That leaves two of

Aggregor's former captives at


gwen: Hopefully, they'll be a

Little more cooperative than


[ alarm blaring ]

[ blaring continues ]

[ both shout ]

[ metal pings ]

[ air rushes ]

aggregor: Did you really

Think you could escape from me?

p'andor: Aggregor!