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01x02 - Duped

Posted: 05/23/22 06:15
by bunniefuu
this will rip that door open

Like it was made of tissue


rath: Let me tell you

Something, forever knights.

Nobody's ripping open nothing

Except rath!

That's your first mistake.

When you sh**t rath, it just

Makes rath mad!

[ cellphone rings, beeps ]


gwen: Ben, where are you?

Julie's in the middle of her


julie: [ grunting ]

rath: Let me tell you

Something, gwen tennyson --

I was on my way there, when I

Saw this t*nk pull up to the

Museum and --

gwen: I don't care.

Get here!

[ beep ]

rath: That was harsh.

Now, where were we?!

both: [ screaming ]

rath: [ roars ]

[ grunting ]

What? It was already busted!

welcome back to our coverage

Of the national junior tennis

Championships, where an exciting

Semifinal round is in progress.

Newcomer julie yamamoto is at

Match point.

[ audience cheering ]

hold on.

There's a celebrity in the

Crowd -- the infamous teenage

Media sensation ben tennyson.

[ cheering continues ]

[ camera shutters clicking ]

ben: [ grunts ]

julie: [ grunts ]


ben: Sorry!

gwen: Shh!

julie: [ grunts ]

[ grunts ]

game, set, match.

[ cheers and applause ]

ben: Nice game, julie!

julie: How would you know?

ben: What? What did I say?

gwen: It's what you did, ben.

You were late, and when you

Finally showed up, you made a

Big entrance and completely blew

Her concentration.

ben: I can't help if I'm

Famous, right?

I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

gwen: It better not.

The finals are in three hours.

That should be enough time for

You to figure out how to make

This up to her.

ben: Any suggestions?

kevin: Yeah, there's a

Plan -- ask me for girlfriend


[ birds squawking ]

king urien: Explain


we attempted to show

Initiative, king urien.

king urien: And by doing so,

You revealed our intentions to

Our enemies...And lost our sole

Remaining plasma-beam t*nk.

we didn't lose it, sire.

It's right outside the museum.

Ben tennyson tore it into tiny

Pieces, but...

we know exactly where.

[ chuckles nervously ]

Actually, it is almost funny

When you think about it.

[ chuckles nervously ]

king urien: Do you know what

Else amuses?


[ grunts ]

king urien: I can see that if

I'm ever to restore the honor of

This pathetic organization,

It will require a more hands-on


ben: Come on, gwen! Wait up!

Okay, so I was a little late.

I was kind of busy.

gwen: And this tournament is

Important to her.

kevin: If we're doing

Important, maybe we could try

Figuring out why those

Forever knights were trying to

Bust into that museum.

gwen: Forever knights?

Like that's a big riddle.

They're trying to steal some

Piece of alien technology so

They can slay dragons or take

Over the world or whatever.

kevin: So, now we just ignore

Them when they try and take over

The world?

gwen: They're always taking

Over the world, but this is

Julie's first professional


We should be supporting her.

She should be the center of

Attention, especially from ben.

[ beeping ]

What are you doing?

ben: I was thinking that

While we were waiting around,

I could go and catch

"sumo slammers: The movie."

kevin: You're either the

Bravest man alive or the


ben: What?

kevin: Okay, the dumbest.

ben: It's opening today.

And there's a : p.M. Show

Just a few blocks --

gwen: No.

ben: But it's

"sumo slammers" -- in d!

gwen: Ben.

ben: It's their first

Live-action movie.

Everybody knows live action is

Better than cartoons.

gwen: Benjamin kirby

Tennyson, don't even think about


You can't be in two places at


ben: Or maybe I can.

[ beep ]

echo echo: Echo echo.

Okay, boys, set your ultimatrix

To "human" and follow my lead.

[ beep ]

On the count of .

... ...


ben: I didn't really think

That was going to work.

ben # : Why not?

You're a smart guy.

You don't give yourself enough

Credit for that.

ben # : I don't know.

I think you're kind of a dope.

ben: Yeah?

Well, this dope's going to see

"sumo slammers."

ben # : You work hard.

You deserve to treat yourself

Every now and then.

Tell you what -- I'll go with

Kevin and keep an eye out for

Those forever knights.

ben: Perfect.

And you...

ben # : What?

ben # : We were thinking you

Could go watch julie play in the


After all, she's always so nice

To us.

It's only right that we --

ben # : Yeah, fine. Whatevs.

gwen: Where have you been?

Julie's match is about to start.

ben # : I'm here.

Why don't you put a sock in it?

gwen: Whoa.

What's with all the attitude?

ben # : I'm ben classic.

Miss me?

ben # : Hello, kevin.

Hope I didn't keep you waiting.

kevin: Didn't I just see you

With gwen?

ben # : I guess so.

Didn't you want to go

Investigate the forever knights


kevin: Yeah, but gwen's

Pretty mad at you.

You better --

ben # : Gwen might seem

Inflexible, but her heart is as

Big as all outdoors.

She'll forgive my transgression.

kevin: Gwen will forgive you?

Gwen tennyson?

ben # : This mission's

Important to you, and you're

Important to me, my good friend.

Let's go.

kevin: Something's definitely

Wrong here, but so far, it's

Working out for me.

ben: Julie's covered, kevin's

Covered, and I'm off to the


[ beeping ]

king urien: Onward, my


This time, nothing will stop us

From gaining power beyond all


ben # : Go, julie!


Julie yamamoto is number one,


[ hoots ]


gwen: You're embarrassing


ben # : She loves the


gwen: No, she doesn't.

ben # : My bad.

Hey, other girl!

You're a terrible tennis player,

And my girlfriend's gonna kick

Your butt!

[ crowd murmuring ]

[ camera shutters clicking ]

what's happening up there?

julie: Uh, that's my...


you must be very proud.

ben, any comment on

Will harangue's editorials?

He says you're a menace.

ben # : Yeah?

I say tv is a dead medium.

Sorry, man.

You know it's true.

I'm your biggest fan!

ben # : Well, that makes two

Of us.

is that really your

Girlfriend on the court?

ben # : Hey, things cha--


What? I'm just having fun.

[ whistle blows ]

would you mind?!

ben # : We'll talk later.

Sorry, ref!

julie: [ grunts ]

[ grunts ]

kevin: Whatever the knights

Wanted, you kept them from

Getting it.

I say we stake out the museum

And wait till they try --


Do I have corn dog on my face?

ben # : No.

I'm just thinking about how long

We've known each other.

kevin: Why?

ben # : Because I don't think

We've ever honestly talked about

Our feelings, about how we're

Friends now, but we were

Enemies -- which is

Understandable, what with you

Being criminally insane back

Then and all.

kevin: I talk about my

Feelings all the time, like when

I'm mad or hungry or when I have

To go to the bathroom.

ben # : Not to mention

There's probably still

Unresolved tension from that

Whole "hacking the omnitrix"

Thing that turned you into a

Monster, which, though I didn't

Want to say anything at the

Time, made you really hard to be

Around -- not that I blame you,

Since it was absolutely my fault

That things went so south.

julie: [ sighs ]

I can't believe I blew that last


gwen: It's okay.

You're still ahead.

Just remember, I'm here for you.

Kevin's here for you.

Ben's here for you.

Okay. One out of three.

julie: What is wrong with


gwen: You! Shoo! Go away!

Especially you.

[ yelps ]

gwen: All julie wanted was a

Little support, but no!

You're too busy being celebrity

Chick magnet.

ben # : Come on!

It's just a dumb old tennis


Besides, she was supposed to

Lose, anyway!


Sound really carries in here.

[ asian music plays ]

all: It's slammer time!

[ button clicks ]

sire, um, I'm not certain

I know how to read these


king urien: I have little

Patience for failure, knight.

Plant the device.

ben # : And, of course, we

Haven't even begun to unpack the

Team's interpersonal dynamics,

What with your relationship with

Gwen, who is, after all, my

Cousin, which means you and I

Might someday end up related,

Which could get kind of --

kevin: Ben!

You've always been kind of

Girly, but today...

ben # : Yeah?

kevin: You're creeping me


ben # : I understand.

I'm truly sorry.

kevin: Stop understanding,

Stop apologizing, stop talking

About your feelings.

I just want to find some

Forever knights and pound them.

ben # : Hmm. Interesting.

kevin: Cut that out!

[ rumbling ]

ben # : Deterion energy mine?

kevin: Yep.

ben # : How bad?

kevin: Major dangerous.

They can burn a hole through

Feet of solid --

It must be the knights.

We better suit up.

[ beep ]


♪ humongousaur ♪

kevin: Never do that again.

humongousaur: Just trying it


Can you tell which way they're

Coming from?

[ rumbling ]


both: Aaaaah!

Who dares


it's ben tennyson, the alien

Changeling, and his lackey.

kevin: Oh, now I'm a lackey?

humongousaur: I'm sure he

Didn't mean to hurt your


You didn't mean to hurt his

Feelings, right?

king urien: Destroy them.

kevin: [ grunting ]

humongousaur: I think you're

Being deliberately hurtful.

[ men grunting ]

ben: Love a good fight scene.

kevin: Ben, do something!

humongousaur: Why me?

kevin: Because you're a

Giant, indestructible dinosaur?

humongousaur: Okay, but

Shouldn't we work towards a

Consensus that lets us both feel

Invested in the plan?

kevin: Forget it.

Just throw me.

humongousaur: Okay.

[ grunts ]

[ both grunt ]

kevin: Let's go.

[ clunk ]

ben # : Ow!

kevin: When did you get to be

Such a baby?

ben # : Well, it hurt!

king urien: It's mine.

After all this time, it's mine.

ben # : Excuse me, sir?

But the signs clearly say "do

Not touch the exhibits."

kevin: Signs?

That's the best you got?

Where's the usual smack talk?

First we crack on the bad guys,

Then we trash them.

It's what we do.

ben # : That's bad


And we should respect the ego

Space of our opponents.

Villains are people, too.

king urien: This is toltech

Battle armor -- a little parting

Gift left with the ancient

Aztecs by a race of aliens.

ben # : There were aliens in

Central america?

kevin: They came for the

Scenery, but they stayed for the


ben # : [ groans ]

kevin: How could you let your

Guard down like that?

ben # : I'm not myself today.

kevin: Yeah?

Well, pull it together!

Okay, tin man, it's you and me.

[ cellphone rings ]

both: Hello?

ben # : I hate to interrupt

Everyone's evening.

Is everyone having a good time?

ben: This movie's awesome!

ben # : It's okay.

ben # : Well, we're fighting

An ancient alien battle robot,

And we're not doing too well.

kevin: Aaaaah!

ben # : [ grunts ]

I think I feel a knot.

ben: On my way.

ben # : Heads up! One side!

Hero stuff to do!

[ both panting ]

ben: Where's the other us?

ben # : What am I -- a gps?

[ door opens ]

kevin: Go, go, go!

ben # : Going, going, going!

[ panting ]

kevin: If I wasn't running

For my life, I'd totally demand

An explanation.

ben: "sumo slammers" opened

Today and...

ben # : We were trying to be

Sensitive to everyone's needs.

ben # : What's it to you?!

kevin: Again, running for my


king urien: Three of you?

The more, the bloodier.

ben: Boys, it's slammer time!

[ beep ]

big chill: Big chill.

upchuck: Upchuck.

cannonbolt: Cannonbolt!

upchuck: [ vomits ]

cannonbolt: Oh, oh, oh!

[ grunts ]

big chill: Sorry.

upchuck: [ vomits ]

[ grunts ]

This is a lot less fun than I

Thought it would be.

cannonbolt: You're telling


upchuck: Hold him off, kevin.

We'll -- uh...

I'll be right with you.

big chill: Time for a meeting

Of the minds.

echo echo: Echo echo!

ben: Huh?

kevin: [ grunts ]

Your turn.

king urien: You've gone back

From three to one.

Really, tennyson, haven't you

Learned there's safety in


ben: You'd think so.

lodestar: Lodestar!

king urien: I can't move!

What black magic is this?

lodestar: No magic.

Just my natural magnetism.

Which isn't to say you're not

Every bit as attractive.

[ rattling ]

king urien: [ grunts ]


kevin: Every time. Ugh.

king urien: N-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!

ben: Rest in pieces.

Hey, kevin.

You're totally right about the


I'm glad you won your

Tournament, julie.

julie: Yeah. Thanks.

gwen: You should have been


And by that, I mean, you should

Have been there.

ben: Okay, gwen.

julie: Ben, I know you were

Off fighting bad guys.

I was upset.

But I guess that's the deal when

You decide to date a superhero.

ben: Julie, I promise I'll

Make it up to you.

Whatever you want to do -- I'm


Just name it.

julie: Well, maybe we could

Go see "sumo slammers: The

Movie" together.

ben: Actually, I...Uh...

Already saw it.

julie: When?

ben: Uh...During your match.

julie: Well!

That's just --


gwen: [ scoffs ] nice.

kevin: Man, you are so


ben: [ sighs ]