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01x01 - Fame

Posted: 05/23/22 06:12
by bunniefuu
The Aliens are
already among us.

Strange creatures with

Unbelievable powers, aliens are

Real, but that isn't the

Amazing part.

This is.

All of the creatures you've

Just seen are actually alter

Egos of one man.

His name is ben tennyson.

kevin: You are so busted.

[ birds chirping ]

ben: That's not my best


rath: Ugh!

gwen: Every channel, ben, all

Weekend -- nothing but you

Wrecking things, and they know

Who you are.

ben: Nobody cares if I'm a


kevin: Supermenace.

[ reporters shouting ]

[ camera shutters clicking ]

ben: Okay, maybe a few people


kevin: You should lie low for

A while, maybe go to julie's.

gwen: Good idea, but how do

You get past them?

[ reporters shouting ]

[ camera shutters clicking ]

ben, ben! Ben, ben!

Ben, ben, can I ask you a


Do you have a statement?

ben: Yeah.

It's hero time!

humongousaur: Humongousaur!

[ roaring ]

[ tires screeching ]

[ roaring ]

[ coughing ]

ben: [ coughing ]

Hey, gwen, you got a lozenge?

Growling's rough on my throat.

kevin: You should have used

One of your new ultimate


ben: I wanted to scare them,

Not me.

Thanks for letting me hang out,


julie: I have to go to tennis

Practice in an hour, but you can

Stay here until I get back.

[ theme music plays ]

ben: Cable news?

julie: Extra credit for a.P.

Current events.

Whoa, this guy hates you.

welcome back to the

Will harangue nation.

Our top story -- it's got to be

Ben tennyson, -year-old

High-school student who's been

Outed as a one-man -- or should

I say "boy"? -- Alien invasion.

ben: Why does everybody use

That picture?

julie: You look cute.

ben: Really?

julie: Yes, sweet and goofy.

ben: [ groans ]

julie: [ giggles ]

footage gathered over the

Past year, but only now do we

Understand that all of these

Seemingly unconnected


ben: "att*cks"?!

...Were the work of

Ben tennyson in his various

Alien disguises for who knows

What sinister purpose.

ben: How about saving the

Whole entire universe?

How's that for "sinister"?

unbelievably, some people

Defend the actions of tennyson,

Claiming he's some kind of


Obviously ridiculous, but

That's not for me to say.

No, I leave that to you, the

Viewer, in tonight's poll,

"ben tennyson, threat or


Call in with your vote.

[ theme music plays ]

[ remote control beeps ]

[ television shuts off ]

julie: It's too nice a day to

Sit inside watching tv.

Why don't we go for a drive in

Your new car?

That always cheers you up.

ben: I don't need cheering


I'm not upset.

julie: Why not?

Everybody hates you.

ben: Maybe it's for the best.

Maybe I can do more good as a

Public superhero than I did in


Sure, most people think I'm a

Menace now.

julie: Only % of adult

Viewers think you're a menace.

ben: See? That's not bad.

julie: % think you're a


ben: But my point is, once

People get to know me, I can win

Them over.

julie: That hasn't been my


[ horn blaring ]

ben: What's the emergency?

kevin: Sometimes I think the

Only reason why you guys used to

Hang out with me was because I

Was the one who could drive.

ben: Well, maybe at first.

gwen: Ben!

kevin: While you guys have

Been moping around and hiding

From reporters, I've been

Working, looking for a real


julie: "real problem"?

kevin: You know, something we

Can hit.

gwen: Ah.

kevin: I found the guy who

Figured out your secret I.D.,

Then blabbed it all over the


I say we go give him a piece of

Our mind.

ben: Best idea I've heard all


[ siren wails ]

[ dog barks in distance ]

gwen: Julie is the only one

Of us with any common sense.

ben: She stayed back in


gwen: That's what I just


[ electricity crackles ]

ben: Oh!

kevin: Shh.

ben: Why are we whispering,


kevin: Because the guy in

There is the mastermind.

We got to be ready for anything.

What are you doing?

[ door creaks ]


You must be friends of james'.


jimmy: I'm coming, mom!

gwen: That's your mastermind?

jimmy: Ben tennyson!

I'm jimmy jones.

Great to meet you.

kevin: Why did you do this to Ben?

jimmy: I-I don't understand.

Do what?

kevin: Ruin his life.

jimmy: I would never do

Anything to hurt mr. Tennyson.

I'm a fan.

[ gasps ]

gwen: That's enough, kevin.

Put him down and let him talk.

kevin: Ugh!

jimmy: [ sobs ]

kevin: Dude, you are not

Gonna cry.

gwen: Stop being mean, kevin,


kevin: Whatever.

jimmy: [ sniffles ]

I'm sorry, mr. Tennyson.

[ nose blows ]

ben: Why did you post that


jimmy: Well, I run a website.

I collect pictures of aliens

That people have taken all over

The world.

I noticed that a lot of them

Came from bellwood.

So, I started sorting the


Lots of them were wearing this


gwen: And you pieced together

Ben's identity from a picture of

Him wearing the omnitrix.

jimmy: Yeah.

I found stories all over the

Internet about how you've helped

People and saved the world.

I just thought everybody should

Know how cool you are.

gwen: We know you were trying

To help, but by revealing ben's

Secret, you've made it harder

For him to help people.

jimmy: I'm sorry.

I thought you'd like the fame.

You know, all the attention and


ben: Attention?

kevin: Money?

gwen: Why don't you show us

What you've learned?

jimmy: I've got pictures of a

Lot of your alien forms --

Humongousaur, goop, jeffrey.

ben: Jeffrey?

You thought I named one of my

Aliens jeffrey?

It's jetray.

jimmy: Hmm, that does make

More sense.

gwen: Who is this one?

jimmy: I thought it was

Mr. Tennyson.

It just showed up a few months


All of the sightings have been

In orlando.

Hang on. I've got some video.

[ beeping ]

ben: No sound?

jimmy: I was lucky to get the


It's top secret.

ben: Road trip?

gwen: We can borrow ship from


kevin: Don't have to.

We'll take the rust bucket.

ben: You want to drive all

The way to florida?

kevin: Not that rust bucket.

The new one.

ben: Whoa!

kevin: Nice, huh?

It was a standard plumber-issue

Ship, but I've made some


ben: Specs?

kevin: Supersonic in

Atmosphere, subspace hyperdrive

For effective ftl, bonus gizmos

I've acquired here and there.

ben: Sweet.

This is going to be the coolest

Thing I ever crashed.

gwen: Extranet access.

We can use our plumbers' badges

To access any database on earth,

Even secure ones.

ben: Bor-ing!

Make it go.

gwen: I found the source of

The video -- security cameras in

A top-secret nasa facility.

I'm sending you the coordinates,


kevin: Got them.

We'll be there in two minutes.

gwen: According to this,

They're building a starship.

kevin: About time.

Earth tech is so primitive, I'm

Embarrassed to tell my friends

I'm from here.

[ beeping ]


We're flying into restricted



This is a brand-new paint job!

gwen: Kevin!

Those guys are on our side!

You can't sh**t at them!

kevin: No harm done.

He ejected, and his parachute is

Only a little on fire.

ben: Open it.

jetray: Jetray!

he's gone!

I don't see him, either.

I -- there he is!

jetray: Gotcha!

Um, take me to your leader?

if you so much as twitch,

You're going down.

jetray: Whoa, whoa, easy,


ben: I'm the famous

Ben tennyson.

I'm a superhero.

You have heard of me, right?

[ bars slam ]

I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to

Get a phone call!

let him out.

ben: How did you...

gwen: We showed him these.

even though the plumbers are

Secret, every government on

Earth recognizes your authority

In these matters.

kevin: Turns out nasa has a


a problem I understand is

Right up your alley.

It's called the orion.

It's capable of traveling at %

Of the speed of light.

kevin: [ whistles ] how?

nuclear pulse drive.

Once clear of the earth, a

Series of atomic bombs explode,

Propelling it through space.

ben: Whoa.

we've been building her for

Over years.

But now, only months from

Completion, a series of

Robberies has practically shut

Us down.

gwen: Robberies?

a creature comes in here

Every night and steals pieces of

The ship.

Nothing we've tried can stop it.

I'm hoping maybe you people will

Have more luck.

uncataloged dna detected.

Function not available.

Please stand by.

[ beeping ]

Function not available.

Please stand by.

kevin: We can't let you leave

Unless you show us a receipt.

gwen: Who are you?

What do you --

ben: Hey! Seafood salad!

Over here!

[ screams ]

That worked a lot better in my


bivalvan: [ snarling ]

function not available.

Please stand by.

[ beeping ]

ben: Oh, man!

ben: I don't suppose you want

To talk about this?


unknown dna sample acquired.

Scan complete.

bivalvan: What did you do?

ben: Oh, now you want to


[ beeping ]

chromastone: Chromastone!

Wasn't even sure I still had

This one.

[ electricity crackles ]

[ screams ]


gwen: Ben, are you okay?

ben: [ groans ]

we've got a big problem, son.

The first few times that thing

Came in here, it stole

Shielding, a control system,

Timing sequencers.

gwen: But this time?

this time he took the engine.

ben: And by engine, you


a nuclear b*mb. Yes.

[ beeping ]

ben: Come on, guys, anything?

You've been at this for --

kevin: minutes.

And, yeah, we found the b*mb.

It looks like it's underwater.

gwen: I can get us there.

ben: Now I get it.

He's doing the same thing you

Always do, kevin.

kevin: Stealing?

ben: I think he's just trying

To fix up his ship.

Am I right?

bivalvan: You are correct.

Now leave me be.

I want to go home, and I am two

Minutes from launch.

gwen: If you launch your

Ship, the expl*si*n will destroy

All of central florida.

bivalvan: I'm not sure I see

Your point.

kevin: k*lling a couple

Million people isn't cool.

ben: We can't let you do it.

kevin: Also, there's some

Good theme parks here.

bivalvan: You would stand

In my way?

gwen: That cable's live.

If I drop the shield, it'll

Fry us.

[ beeping ]

spidermonkey: Spidermonkey!

kevin: Don't touch it.

gwen: Stop the clam guy.

We'll think of something.

kevin: We will?

spidermonkey: A face full of

Web ought to slow you down.

Whoa! Whoa!

bivalvan: There is nothing

You can do to stop me.

spidermonkey: Maybe not me...

But my new ultimatrix comes

With some new features.

There's a time to go hero, and

There's a time to go ultimate!

ultimate spidermonkey:

Ultimate spidermonkey!

[ roars ]

Give up?

bivalvan: Why should I?

ultimate spidermonkey: The


kevin: Got it!

seconds to spare.

ultimate spidermonkey: You

Did that on purpose.

gwen: You okay?

ben: Y-yeah, that's a little


Time for you to start talking.

Let's start with a name.

bivalvan: I am bivalvan.

I come from a small planet in

What you call the andromeda


kevin: Long way from home.

What brings you here?

bivalvan: I was kidnapped,

Along with four others, by a

Monster named aggregor.

We managed to escape him but

Crashed here on your planet.

gwen: Where are the others?

bivalvan: I don't know.

We were separated.

ben: Four aliens that aren't

In the ultimatrix.

That's pretty cool.

gwen: Don't worry about your


We'll find them and get them all

A ride back home.

bivalvan: And...What about


ben: Same deal.

I'll call the plumbers.

They'll take you.

kevin: [ grunting ]

[ electricity crackles ]

ben: We'll make sure the

b*mb gets back to nasa.

kevin: Not that we don't

Trust you, but we don't.

julie: You have to go in


ben: I could drop out.

julie: Last night, you were

Two feet from an atomic b*mb.

You can't be scared of your


ben: Everybody knows my

Secret, julie.

And if they've been watching

The news, everybody hates me.

julie: Not everybody.

[ applause ]

you've helped a lot of people

In this school.

You're all right, tennyson.

bivalvan: Hello?

Are you the plumbers?

Ben said you'd be here quickly,

But I didn't think...


aggregor: No one escapes me,


[ electricity crackles ]