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02x07 - Camp Fear

Posted: 05/21/22 07:31
by bunniefuu
change it!
no way!
You change yours!

it's your turn!

sorry, but i already
picked the cake,

Color-coordinated the balloons,
and sent the invitations.

By the way, here's yours.

ugh! Who plans their birthday
party months in advance?

the one who gets to
celebrate it on her actual
birthday this year!

i don't think so.
Grandpa promised he's taking me
for laser tag for my birthday.

but you can't miss my party,

now you two have shared the
same birthday for years,

And if you don't stop arguing,
neither of you
will make it to .

Here, ben.
Try this on your foot.

It gets rid of
all kinds of fungus.

athlete's foot powder?
Well, i am an athlete.

more like an athletic
supporter, if you ask me.


they're coming!
Help me!


¶ it started when
an alien device did what it did

And stuck itself upon his wrist
with secrets that it hid

Now he's got super powers
he's no ordinary kid

He's ben ¶

¶ ben ¶
¶ ben ¶

¶ so if you see him
you might be in for
a big surprise

He'll turn into an alien
before your very eyes

He's funny, freaky,
fast and strong

He's every shape and size
he's ben ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ all new powers
he's on the case

Fighting all evil
from earth or space

He'll never stop till it's ok

'cause he's the baddest kid
to ever save the day

Ben ¶

¶ ben ¶

¶ , , ¶


Unh! Ugh!

stinkfly to rescue!

Oh, man.
Can't this ever get it right?


got you!

You ok?


uh, i'll take that as a no.

just a few scrapes
and bruises.

That's good, but he's out cold.

his name's gilbert.
whoa! How'd you know that?

women's intuition.
that, and he's wearing
a name tag.

he must go to camp opinicon.

That is one scary-looking rash.
it's obviously
some kind of fungus.

i saw the sign for the camp
a little ways back.

They must have a nurse.


Anybody home?

ooh! It looks abandoned.

yep. Definitely abandoned.

hmm. Food's still warm.

Looks like they left in a hurry.

I'm hungry.

here. You two can share.

like we don't
share enough already?

will you let it go?

only if you do first!

well, then. Never plus one.



is it safe to come out?

you two ok?


what happened?
Where did everyone go?

we heard something outside,

we were too scared
to come out.

i'm andy...
and i'm mandy.

we're twins!


where's the camp nurse?

with all the others.

the storm must
have taken out the land lines,

And there's no
cell phone reception either.

Let's get back to gilbert.
We'll drive into town.

Here. To help you dry off.

Sorry, but i've only got
two clean ones.

that's ok.

we'll share.

let go!

ha! Couple of kids
i know could learn a thing
or two from you guys.


huh? Engine's covered
in some kind of fungus.

Well, looks like we're
hunkering down here for a while.

athlete's foot?
everyone gets it here.

now you kids remain put.
Keep an eye on gilbert.

I'll see what i can rustle up
for us from the kitchen.

grandpa rustling up a meal?

now that's a scary thought.
there's got to be a care
package around here somewhere.

can't you guys just share?

like sharing the same
birthday with a relative
every single year?

You don't get it.

ben, they're twins,
as in born on the same day.

i knew that.
they're here!

All around us!

who's here?

that sounded like grandpa!

don't go out there!
They'll find you.

I have animal instinct.

ben! Unh!

Unh! Oh, man!

Not now!

Huh? Unh!

Aah! Unh!

How do you work this thing?

I'm taking you guys out
at the root!

Ok. So much for that idea.

You won't believe it.
There are--

k*ller mushrooms everywhere!
and they're taking over
the camp!

uh, right,
and they've got grandpa.
oh, no!

they must be a--a dormant
species that came alive when
the camp dug in this new area.

See, that's what i was trying
to tell you when your rv
almost ran me over.

We got to get out of here!
i'm not going anywhere
without my grandpa!

make that both of us.
what do you think they want?

well, i took this advanced
botany course last semester,

And i think--

They want us for plant food!

Everyone out!

Ok. They stopped.
That's good.

actually, it's worse.

Those are puffballs containing
billions of mushroom spores.

If those mushrooms mature
and release those spores...

they could spread over
the whole state or
even the whole country.

that's it.
I'm going accelerate.

I'm gonna save grandpa and
start chopping them down.

actually, the only way
to eliminate a mushroom
is to destroy its mycelium.

its what?
its brain.

you guys know
way too much about mushrooms.

I'll see you.

i'm coming with you.
He's my grandpa, too!

we might share
a bunch of stuff, gwen,
but we don't share this.

be careful.

this doesn't look good.


if we make it to the dining
hall, maybe we can barricade
ourselves in the kitchen.

and fight these things
off with what, a spatula?

we are so dead meat.
I hate it, hate it,
hate it here!




keep your roots to yourself.

move it!

we need to get to
higher ground!

but the rock wall is only
for the older campers!

call me crazy, but right
now, i think some camp rules
are meant to be broken.


save your strength.

I'll have you free in just a...


ben, behind you!


come on!
We got to keep moving.

me first!
no. Me!

does it really matter?
Now, zip it!



can you reach your watch?

i'm trying. Unh!

I think it needs more time
to recharge.

what the heck is that?
beats me.

I never went him before...

But i like what he can do.

Let's get out of here, grandpa.

you're not going anywhere.
did you hear that?

hear what? Unh!

no! No!

i communicate
with all vegetation
on a telepathic level.


Oh, oh, aah!


in there!


we wouldn't even be here
now if you didn't make us
hide in the kitchen!

me? It was your idea
in the first place!

well, you didn't
have to listen to me!

stop it!
she started it!

it doesn't matter who
started it or whose fault it is.

What matters is, you're family,
and you need to stick together.

Got it?

good because we're gonna need
to fight our way out of here.

let me guess.
You're the braniac.

i prefer mycelium.

ben, who are you talking to?

mr. Mushroom head.

It's like we're connected
or something.

Oh, man!
Why can't you be a vegetarian?

struggle as you may,
you cannot stop me.

Soon i will consume every

Living creature on this planet.

well, you're not
starting with us!

surely as a plant,
you must understand the wisdom

Of sharing
a single intelligence.

i'm not good
at sharing anything!

Just ask my cousin.

unh! Hyah!

Hyah! Unh!

Hyah! Hyah!


hee hee hee!
nice shot!




everyone thinking
what i'm thinking?


take no prisoners!



Aah! Unh!

resistance is futile,
for even if you destroy me,

You cannot possibly destroy
the billions of my spores

I am about to release
into your atmosphere.

i'll worry about them next!

Grandpa, i'm sorry.

aah! Aah!

if i'm going down,
i'm at least gonna take
the fun out of this fungus.

that's it!
that's what?

you said the foot powder
kills all kinds of fungus,


what just happened?

ben just happened.

this camp rocks!

oh, yeah!
I can't wait to come back!

you did it!
almost. We still got to
stop those spores.

Did you say everyone at camp
gets athlete's foot?

Any brilliant ideas on how
to let this stuff go?

as a matter of fact...

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

nice work, cuz. Couldn't have
done it without you.

and i was thinking.

I guess i can have
my birthday anytime.
You take the real date.

that's nice of you,
but it's really no big deal.

You take the real date.

sneak! I knew i'd get it
after only one,
"you take the real date!"

oh, well.

Guess you two really
can't agree on anything.


well, almost anything.