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02x03 - Framed

Posted: 05/21/22 07:25
by bunniefuu

We've been in this line for two

Hours, and it hasn't
budged an inch.

Small price to pay for
sumo slammer . .

I'd do anything to get this

Game, even be seen in public
with you.

Don't you already have this

Stupid video game?

Hello! This is sumo slammer . !

You can change your fighter's

Color at any time
during the match.


You know, there's a nice

Air-conditioned bookstore
over there.

Maybe we could wait inside

Until this line thins out a bit.

And lose my place?

Not an option!
You two go.

I'll get my game and meet you
guys back at the rv.

Want us to pick up anything
for you at the bookstore?

I'm on summer vacation.

Why would i read anything?

So think ben's gone stir
crazy in that line yet?


Uh, why is ben going berserk

And tossing around police

Good question.



He must have snapped his cap.

All this for a video game?

I don't believe it.

Lieutenant steel, special

Alien containment team.

We'll take it from here.

Concussion bazooka.

That doesn't look good.

Ben, what are you doing?






There must be a logical

Explanation, right?

Are you demented?

Going alien just to get a

Stupid video game?!

What are you talking about?

You going fourarm freaky in

Front of that store--that's

What i'm talking about!

Now i'm sure he has a good

Don't you, ben?

Yeah. I don't know what

You're talking about.

Oh, sure. Just like you

Never put an empty milk bottle

Back in the refrigerator or you

Never leave the shower all

Gunked up or you never, ever

Leave the toilet seat up in the

Middle of the night!

You never do anything wrong,
do you?

Sounds about right.


Look. I don't know if some

Encyclopedia or something fell

On your head at the bookstore,

But you have no evidence i did
anything wrong.

Oh, yeah?

That's not me!

Oh, no?
I'm sure it's just some other

Fourarmed alien going postal in

Front of a video game store.


It's possible.

Remember when that diamondhead

Alien turned out to be
a good guy?

In fact, all the alien species

In the watch live out in the
universe somewhere.

That's true.
Besides, ben wouldn't be so

Irresponsible with his alien

Powers like that.

Grandpa, please.

All right.
Maybe you have a point.

No one's gonna ruin my

Aliens' reputation except me.

Criminals always return to

The scene of the crime.

Will you give it a rest?

I am trying to solve
a mystery here.

Now what do you expect to
find that everyone else


There he is!


Come on. Accelerate.

Fine. I'll catch him myself.

Oh! The mint!

Who said retirement
was relaxing?

Are you sure he came in here?

Ok. I was willing to give

Him one, but two of ben's

Aliens terrorizing
san francisco?

That can't be a coincidence,

I'm stopping this right now!

Yo, hothead!

Back off the fireworks before

Somebody gets really hurt!

Now, if you take responsibility

For all the wacko stuff you've

Been doing lately, i'm sure we

Can help you.


Not now, dweeb!

Can't you see i got to deal

So who are you?

Me? I'm a hottie.

Can't you tell?

Now do you believe me?

You and grandpa get everyone

Else out of here!

I don't know who you are, but

You're giving aliens a bad name.

So why don't you cry about

It, or are you gonna go run and

Tell on me to your grandpa max

Or that smart-mouth cousin
of yours?


Hey! It's raining money!

Who are you?

You still haven't figured
it out?

Maybe this will help.


I don't get it.

I thought you were drained of

All my powers back in the

Subway in new york.

That's what you get for
thinking, benji.

Turns out, i absorbed enough of

That weird watch energy so i

Could turn into any of those

Aliens inside if i just

Concentrated hard enough.

Only problem is, i can only

Stay human for a short time.

You made me into this freak.

Unh. Like this is my fault?

Whose idea was it to drain out

All the powers of the watch?

Not mine.

I don't care because now

It's payback time, partner.

Everything / .

I do the crime,
and you'll do the time.

You'll never get
away with this.

Wrong! You'll never
get away with this.

I'm not me.

I'm you, remember?

Ha! Keep the change.

You can use it to pay your bail.

Got to fly.

Sorry, rockhead.

No unauthorized withdrawals
on my watch.

But you don't get it.

The bad alien just got away.

I'm the good alien.

Yeah. Sure you are just like

Those alien heroes all over the

News nowadays.

No sale.

To me, you're just a walking

He's telling the truth,

There was another alien, who--

I don't try them, kid.

I just catch them.

We'll let the boys at area

Figure out who's naughty
and who's nice.

Chicago, tallahassee,

Barstow--you and your outer

Space pals have been keeping me

Real busy, but you're not

Getting away with it this time.

This time?

Get that thing!


Unh! Don't hurt me.

Oh, is that monster gone?

Thank goodness you found him!

We were so worried!

He's always wandering away.

We're considering getting
a leash.

Hmm. Nice watch.

Never seen anything like it.

Yeah. It's from, uh, japan!

No sign of the alien, sir.

It's like that thing
disappeared into thin air.

And i don't suppose you

Know anything about this alien.

No. If we did, we'd tell you.

Yeah. Of course you would.

Keep an eye on them.

They know more than
they're saying.

It was kevin at both the

Video game store and the mint.

They were setups.

That would explain a lot.

I don't mind telling you, that

Kid's rowboat is missing a

Couple of paddles.

Why does that alien swat

Team guy think all aliens
are bad?

Looks like from personal

Check this out.

Your friend has been busy, and

Not just here in san francisco.

Look. Wildmutt terrorizing

Tallahassee, ripjaws in

Chicago, ghostfreak in barstow.

I'm gonna get blamed for all

That stuff, and i didn't do any
of it!

Can anybody say, "ironic"?


The boy must have gone upgrade
to hijack that cable car.

Anything he can upgrade, i

Can upgrade better.


Nice choice, fido.

Mobile one, a wild dog alien

Just emerged from the rv.

Now both are heading down
california street.

Maintain visuals.

I'm on my way.

Now, why are you doing that?

We're just starting to have fun!

Sorry, ben.
No pets allowed!

You know, times like this,

My stock car driving experience

Really comes in handy.


Heel, boy, heel!

That's a good little hero.

Huh. Let's see.

Brakes are out, hero's trapped,

And everyone's about to go for

A dip in the bay.

My work's done.

Ben, attach the line to the

Bottom of the rv.

Not bad for an alien
with no thumbs.


One move and you're
all swiss cheese.

You have two choices--tell
me what you had to with these

Aliens or get measured for your
prison uniforms.

It has something to do with
this watch, doesn't it?

Is it some kind of signal to
call the aliens?

Sir, we're getting reports
of a crystal alien rampaging on

The golden gate.
It looks like it could bring

Down the whole bridge if it
isn't stopped.

Falcon one, pick up at my .

We're not done.

Those guys don't stand
a chance against kevin.

I have to stop him!

Oh, yeah!

Lieutenant steel, so nice to

See you again.

Uhh. Just one more thing i'm
gonna get blamed for.


Let him go, kevin.

This is about you and me.

Sounds good to me.


Still trying to be a goody
two-shoes, ben?

Let me guess.

You just want to help me.

Ha ha ha!

You had plenty of chances to

Get help, but you
always messed it up.

This time, you're getting what

You deserve.

Aw. Does this mean that

We're not best buddies anymore?


You risked all those

Innocent lives just to get even
with me?

Nobody's innocent.

They just haven't had the

Chance to make fun of me yet.

You can't do this.
He's trying to help!

Targets locked on, sir.

Permission to fire?

Fire on my command only.

Repeat--on my command only.

We got to blow those alien
freaks back into outer space.

You really want to a disobey

A direct order from steel?








Get back here and fight,

I'm not through with you yet.

But i'm through with you.

You're not worth it.

You never were.






I--i can't change back.

I'm stuck like this.

Look at what you've done!

Oh, man!

Is there anything i'm not going

To get blamed for today?



You'll never beat me because

You're one of the good guys,

And good guys never have the

Guts to finish guys like me.

But i do. Fire!



Are you still looking for me?

Second target locked on.

Permission to fire.

We got our alien.

Stand down.

Well, what are you waiting for,
a pretty please?

Get me down off of here.

Not even kevin could have

Survived that blast and that

Fall, right?

You're asking the wrong guy.

I thought he was gone for good
the last time.

Now why is it you are

Always around when
aliens show up?

Really? Is that a fact?

He hadn't noticed.

Yeah, guess
it's just a coincidence.

Maybe we'll cross paths again

Drive carefully.

Lots of weird stuff out there.

Yeah, you're telling us.