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01x03 - A Jolt from the Past

Posted: 05/20/22 17:49
by bunniefuu
[ electricity crackling ]

[ cackles maniacally ]

Stinkfly: [ snorts ]

[ shrieks ]

[ speaking alien language ]

Stinkfly: Man, you
Megawhatts are annoying!

[ grunting ]
[ giggles evilly ]

Stinkfly: [ splutters ]

Ben: Oh, so annoying.
Blah! Smoothies?

Who'd ever want to drink
something like that?

[ laughing evilly ]

[ electricity crackling ]

[ cackles maniacally ]

[ grunts ]

Fun's over! At least this
time, there's only one of you.

[ rattling ]

Um... aah!

[ electricity crackling ]

Two, three, four.

[ maniacal cackling ]

Oh, man!

♪ Ben ♪
♪ he's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪

♪ but when you need
a superhero, he gets the job done ♪

♪ Ben ♪
♪ with a device that he wears on his arm ♪

♪ he can change his shape
and save the world from harm ♪

♪ when trouble's taking place ♪
♪ he gets right in its face ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ When lives are on the line ♪
♪ it's hero time ♪

♪ Ben ♪

[ electricity crackling ]

Ben: Great.
And, of course, I don't have

anything that can handle electricity.

Oh, wait. Yeah, I do!

[ beep ]

[ electricity crackling ]

Feedback: Totally forgot
about Feedback.

[ cackling maniacally ]

Feedback: Let's see you laugh
without any energy!

[ electricity crackling ]

Feedback: Oh, yeah!

Because nobody ...
and I mean nobody ...

makes a fool out of Ben !

Max: It's a good thing Ben
still needs his rubber sheets.

These should make for good

[ snoring, yawning continue ]

Feedback: Don't go there, Gwen.

[ elevator bell dings ]

Ben: [ slurping ]

Sorry I'm late.

Max: You're not on your own
schedule anymore, Ben.

You can't keep your partner

Ben: I was...
off saving the universe.

[ sighs ]
Come on, Rook, let's go.

- I'm parked over here.
- Rook: We'll take mine.

Ben: [ slurps ]

[ engine revs ]

I bet the girls all start

screaming when they see this
ride rolling down the block.

Rook: Females are not afraid of my
vehicle, but they probably should be.

Ben: Sometimes you're
actually kind of awesome.


[ tires screech ]

[ slurping ]
[ rattles ]

Rook: I'm not familiar with
human emotional cues,

- but are you angry at me?
- Ben: Nah, just bored.

I'm feeling more like a tour
guide than a hero lately.

Over here on your
right, you'll see a city.

Over here on your left, you'll
see what we call water.

Careful, it's wet.

Rook: Water is wet.
I'm familiar with that.

Ben: I'm sorry that I left
you waiting around.

I just don't want to change how I work.

I've saved the universe a
million times ... at least!

Rook: That is why I look
forward to this.

I hope the real Ben Tennyson
lives up to the legends.

Ben: [ slurps ]
There are legends?!

Rook: They can't all be true, though.
For instance, Alien X ...

That's just a rumor that a fan made
up and put on the extranet, right?

Ben: Alien X is real.

Rook: He is? Show me.
Change into Alien X right now.

Ben: I'd better not.
It's a whole thing.

[ slurps ]

- Rook: Just as I thought.
- Ben: Look, find us a little

heroing to do, and you can tell
me if I live up to the legend.

[ warbles ]

[ tires screech ]

[ beep ]

[ metal clatters ]

[ whirs ]

[ beep ]


[ whirs ]

[ beep ]

[ slurping ]

[ grunts ]

[ whirs ]

Ben: Some heroing so far.

At least the world is safe from
car-munching aliens.

Look, some normal dude.

Maybe we should arrest
him for jaywalking.

Rook: His phone shouldn't be
able to be powered here on Earth.

- Is that normal?
- Ben: No, that's not normal.

Well, you tell her that I'm
part of something big.

I'll call you back.

[ beep ]

[ clatters ]

[ w*apon whirs ]

Ben: You're welcome.

[ engine revving ]

Finally, some action.

Big chill will let me cut right
through these buildings.

Heatblast: Heatblast.

Time to improvise.

[ gasps ]

[ w*apon whirs ]

[ gasps ]

[ tires screech ]

[ tires screech ]

[ tires screech ]

Heatblast: [ grunts ]

[ wheel scraping ]

Ben: Aw, this one's gonna
sting a little!

[ grunting, groaning ]

[ gasps ]

[ grunts ]

- What is your deal?!
- I wasn't doing anything!

- Rook: Except sh**ting at a plumber.
- And a superhero.

Alien communicator, alien w*apon.
Please tell me you work for

someone big and dangerous
so I can kick his butt.

You guys wouldn't last a
minute against my boss.

[ pounding ]

Rook: This doesn't sound like
a typical Earth combustion engine.

- Ben: Maybe it's a hybrid.
- There's nothing in there, I swear!

[ whirring ]

Ben: Aah!

[ electricity crackling ]

[ sizzling ]

Ben: [ gasps ]

[ speaking alien language ]

[ electricity crackling ]

Ben: Megawhatts?

[ electricity crackling ]

[ cackles ]

Ben: Megawhatts? I haven't
seen any of these guys in years.

[ speaking alien language ]

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Stop ... Ow!
... that!

Rook: I've never faced
a Nosedeenian. Any advice?


[ electricity crackling ]

Rook: Unh!


Ben: Try not to let them zap you.

Rook: Unh!

Agh! Unh!

[ grunting ]

[ cackles ]

Rook: Duly noted.

[ both speaking alien language ]

[ electricity crackling ]

Ben: Stop them!

[ groans ]

[ crackling continues ]

[ tires screeching ]

[ car horns honking ]

Ben: Which way?

[ shouts ]

Ben: I'll keep after them.
Give me some eyes in the sky.

Rook: They seem to be moving
towards the water-port.

Ben: They can outrun me, but
they can't outrun XLR .

[ beep ]

It's hero time!

[ beep ]

Clockwork: Clockwork?
This is ridiculous!

[ clanking ]

[ electricity crackling ]

[ breathing heavily ]

[ crackling continues ]

[ shouts ]

Clockwork: [ sighs ]

[ breathing heavily ]

[ sighs ] I lost them.

They're too far ahead of
[gasps] wait, what?!

[ electricity crackling ]

Both: Na, na, na-na, na!

Clockwork: [ ticking ]

[ breathing heavily ]

[ electricity crackling ]

[ continues breathing heavily ]

[ sighs ]

[ electricity crackles ]

[ beeping ]

Rook: [ grunts ]
Are you hurt, Ben?

Ben: [ sighs ]
Give me a sec so I don't hurl.

Rook: It's a miracle they
didn't escape a Chronosapien.

Ben: That's the thing.
I think they want me to follow them.

Rook: Do you need more time?

Ben: No. But if you see my
face turning green, step back.

Rook: [ gasps ]

[ speaking alien language ]

[ whimpers ]

[ shouting in alien language ]

[ squeals ]

Ben: I see it, but I don't
believe it.

The Megawhatts need our help.

Rook: Someone has set up a factory
that uses them as a power source.

Ben: [ shouts ]

Hey, two of the batteries got out!

[ grunts ]

[ electricity crackling ]

[ both shout, squealing ]

[ electricity crackling ]

Ben: Better do something
soon, if you know what I mean.

Rook: I do.

Ben: [ grunts ]

[ both shout, grunting ]


Fistrick: You better be worth
interrupting my workout for.

Looks like spies, Fistrick.

Fistrick: [ grunting ]

We got spies in my house of

[ grunting ]

Ben: There's no sign out front.

Seems like you don't want people
to know your business.

Fistrick: [ grunts ]

Well [sniffs] this kind of alien tech
doesn't just fall off a truck.

Ben: I'm sure whoever you
took it from isn't too happy

about it going missing.

Fistrick: [ grunts ]
[ laughs evilly ]

He don't care anymore... bro.

Ben: You steal alien tech and
then use alien hostages to charge it.

Fistrick: One alien makes it.
Another alien powers it.

I mass-produce it and sell it to
the highest bidder.

It's just good business, bro.

[ beep ]

What is that?

Rook: An electron
entanglement disrupter.

[ whirs ]

[ beep ]

Blox: [ grunts ]

[ grunts ]

Blox: Yeah!

[ grunting ]

[ whirs ]

[ electricity crackling ]

[ grunting ]

[ electricity crackling ]



Fistrick: Oh, you just
made a big mistake, bro.

Ben: I make a lot of mistakes.

Shutting you down
isn't one of them.

[ gasps ]

[ grunting ]

Fistrick: [ grunts ]

[ whirring, rumbling ]

You never asked why we needed so
many of these Nosedeenians.

[ electricity crackling ]

[ squeals ]

[ whirs ]

Fistrick: Let's take this
baby for a test-drive.

Looks like I'm getting my
workout after all.

Ben: [ gasps ]

Rook: A class
armored mecha suit.

- Have you ever dealt with one before?
- Ben: No. How do you beat it?

Rook: Me?
You could try Alien X.

Ben: Stop it.

[ both gasp ]


[ grunting ]

[ moans ]

Fistrick: Whoa!
I love it!

[ all squealing ]

Ben: Stop sh**ting!
You might hit the Megawhatts!

Rook: If we can't fight back, that
does tend to make our job more difficult.

Ben: Oh, we can fight.

We just have to take him
down without hurting them.

Rook: That won't be easy.

Ben: It never is.

Okay, Omnitrix, no messing around.
I want four arms.

Do you hear me?
Four arms.

I don't want grey matter.
I don't want nano mech.

Four arms!

Rook: [ gasps ]

Gravitonn: Who's this?!

Fistrick: You can
presto-chango all you want.

I'm still gonna squash you like a bug!

Gravitonn: Ohh! Ohh!

[ grunting ]

[ sighs ]

[ grunts ]


[ warbling ]

Gravity powers?
[ chuckles ] Nice!

[ grunts ]

[ warbling continues ]

Rook: [ grunts ]

Gravitonn: Yeah, Rook!

Rook: Aah!

Focus your gravitational field lower!

Gravitonn: Sorry, man!

Fistrick: Unh!

[ electricity crackling ]

Rook: Oh, dear.


Gravitonn: Rook!
You okay?!

Rook, come on, partner.

[ shouts ]

Unh! Unh! Unh!

Fistrick: You...



Gravitonn: [ grunts ]
Not... really!


Fistrick: Too bad about your friend.

Too bad for you
that he got off easy.


[ chain rattling ]

Rook: You're welcome.

Fistrick: [ shouts ]

[ grunts ]


Rook: Ben, I think I can
separate the Megawhatts from the

suit, but it will be a difficult shot.

Try to get the suit to stop moving.

Gravitonn: Yeah, thanks, Rook.
I'll get right on that.

[ warbling ]

[ whirring ]

Fistrick: Got anything else, hero,

or are you just a one-trick pony?

Gravitonn: Hey, it's my first
time using this guy.

Now, you might be able to
withstand G's.

[ alarm blaring ]

But I don't think the docks can.
What do you think?

This is like one of those dunk tanks!

Are you having as much fun as I am?

Fistrick: [ moaning ]

Gravitonn: I got it to stop moving.

Rook: [ sighs ]

[ electricity crackling ]

[ popping ]

[ Megawhatts muttering ]

Gravitonn: Nice shot!

Power level critical.
% remaining.

Fistrick: Just enough.

[ beep ]

[ whirring ]

Gravitonn: Huh?

[ warbling ]

I have my own orbit?

That is pretty cool.
I wonder...

Fistrick: Oh, this is not good.

[ metal creaking ]

[ shouting indistinctly ]

Gravitonn: I think you've had enough.

Fistrick: [ moaning ]

- Rook: That was not easy.
- Ben: It never is.

Max: I hear there's a colony

of Megawhatts that
helps power undertown.

- Ben: Since when?
- Max: Since now.

[ Megawhatts cheering,
cackling ]

- Ben: Anytime, guys.
- Rook: The Tennyson legends

usually end with some
kind of blended beverage.

Ben: Smoothies?
Oh, they're more of a daytime thing.

At night, it's chili fries.

Rook: [ sighs ]

Ben: And, by the way, Alien X is real.

Rook: Why can't I see it?

Ben: Dude, there are some things
you're just gonna have to trust me on.