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01x08 - Bloodline

Posted: 05/20/22 16:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bosch: Legacy.

Take this. I'm paying you
to conduct an investigation

in support of a petition
for factual innocence,

if you believe Jeffrey Herschstadt
is innocent

and that the k*ller of Dr. Basu
remains at large.

Stay away from my investigation.

Is that what you call it now,
railroading an innocent man?

You're not a cop anymore, Bosch.

Nicole had nothing to do
with that sh**ting.

She wasn't even there.

He forced her.

He needs cash to get away.

I need you to go get him some
so I can come home.

Kalon and I aren't safe
while he's around.

Got a g*n!


Well, T, what happened here?

Sharp went for his g*n.

I was hoping you could bring
an old man some peace and redemption.

You may have an heir.

You tryin' to take me
for a ride, Mr. Bosch?

The money you've already paid me
is more than sufficient.

- Then why?
- I know how it feels.

You're on very dangerous ground.

That sounds like a threat
or a bribe, or maybe both.

You knew him?


Billions of dollars on the line.

People will do anything
to get their hands on it.

You tell me how Vance was k*lled
and I'll tell you who he hired me to find.

I'd like to meet Vibiana.

There's some things I need to discuss
with her regarding her grandfather.

Tell me, Mr. Bosch,
were you close to your father?

I never knew my father.

[doorbell rings]



What's your name, pal?

I'm Harry. Is your dad home?

What did I tell you about opening
the door to strangers?


- Go finish your lunch.
- All right, all right, all right.

How did you find me?

You were the lawyer listed on
my mother's appeal for custody.

I figured out the rest.

She worked her butt off
to get you out of that youth hall.

I know she did.

I tried to convince the court that

anybody that goes to the lengths she did

to get her son back

is clearly a good parent.

Guess the judge had
a different view of prostitutes.

How involved were you?
With my mother, I mean?

Marjorie was a special friend.

You tell your wife
about your special friends?

Look, if this is about me
not tracking you down...

Save it. I don't need your excuses.

So, what? You need money?

f*ck off.
I have a job.

I'm a cop now.

Okay, take it easy.

Good for you.

Look, I didn't mean to offend you.
It's just, you know...

I mean, after all these years,
you suddenly show up on my doorstep.

I mean, why now?

I wanted a face to go with the name.

I get that.

But I got a life.

Got a family, got a kid.
Law practice.

You don't have to worry about me.

I'm not here to upset
your cozy little applecart.

You were dealt a bad hand, kid.

I'm really sorry.

Take care of yourself.


[♪ opening theme music playing]

Officer Vasquez.

[♪ jazz music plays softly on stereo]

[♪ music volume increases]

This bug's no joke.

Top-of-the-line, state-of-art.
Mucho dinero.

You want me to quash it?

- Not yet.
- You sure?

Might come in handy later on.

You scan your laptop, phone?

Yeah. Clean.

So, who are these guys?

I mean, to plant a bug in your office.
They got eyes on you / .

For your own safety, confidential.

Well, let me put it this way:

How you gonna get to where you need
to go without tipping off Big Brother?

[♪ jazz music plays loudly]

You're a boot, I see.


How's that going?


You know.

First O.I.S.?


I'm a League attorney.

I'm here to navigate you
through the process.

Okay. Good.

Tell me what you saw after the crash.

My... my T.O. and I were...

were positioned fourth unit
on Sharp's car.

We had eyes on the passenger side.

On Nicole Davis in the passenger seat.


What did you observe after Sharp
crashed the car and came to a stop?

Davis had both hands on the dash.

Lieutenant Cosgrove is the one who gave
the order for Sharp to put his hands up.

Nicole Davis didn't move.


I couldn't tell if Sharp did.

Best to confine your statements
only to what you actually saw.

No need to speculate or offer answers
to questions not asked.

What happened then?

After Cosgrove gave Sharp the order
to put his hands up?

Someone yelled "g*n."

- Could you tell who?
- No.

- And then?
- They opened fire.

Who did?


Did you see specific individuals
discharge their weapons?


You may be asked that.

Better to say: "From my vantage point,
I could not see which officers fired."


At any point, did you see
a g*n in the car?

I did not see a g*n.

You had eyes
on the passenger side, correct?


So, from your vantage point,
you did not see a g*n.


Phrase it that way.


Best to be precise.

By the way, they found a g*n in the car.

On the driver's side.

They're running ballistics on it now
to see if it's the same w*apon

Sharp used to sh**t Officer Calderon.

I'd be more than a little surprised
if it isn't.

Do you think it's Trident?

Who else has the know-how
and the resources?

- Mo wand your office?
- He did. Clean as a whistle.

Any update on Vance's probate?

It's still uncontested.

We need to confirm Vance's heir.

If it stays uncontested, all shares
and interests will pass to the board.

I'm working on that.

Once we have DNA confirmation

and a valid heir,
we'll file for an injunction.

They'll litigate it
till the last dog dies.

Mmm, they have a lot to lose.

Especially Corwin.

Oh, um, gotta go.
Give Maddie my best.

Will do.


Hey, Marty.

Got a minute?

I know that look.

You want to pursue
a wrongful death suit.

On behalf of Nicole Davis's son.

Well, take a number.

Every litigator in the county
is ringing their doorbell.

Well, we'll just have to convince
the Davis family

we're the right firm to represent them.

What's our pitch?

Sharp sh**t an LAPD officer.

S.I.S. sets a trap, lures him out,

hunts him down, gives him
no chance to surrender,

and executes him and his ex-girlfriend,

who's with him under duress.


Premeditated retaliation.

An eye for an eye,
and collateral damage be damned.

It's worth a try.

I think so.

Apparently, they--
they did find a g*n in the car,

on the driver's side.

There you go.

Doesn't S.I.S. have something
of a reputation?

They did, back in the day.

And now?

They changed, supposedly.

What do you mean by supposedly?

Old habits die hard.


Once there's a g*n in the mix,
the gloves come off.

De-escalation goes out the window.

[♪ jazz music plays on stereo]

[cellphone buzzes]

Hey, Mads, what's up?

Mr. Bosch, it's Gabriela Lida.

Did I catch you at a bad time?

No. Routine paperwork.

Are you free to meet with Vibby tomorrow?

Not a problem.

I'll text you the address in the morning.

Sounds good, sweetheart.

"Sweetheart"? Do you know
who you're talking to?

Text me in the morning.
I'll take care of it.

Good night, Mr. Bosch.

[line beeping]

Sleep tight, Mads.

[♪ jazz music continues]

She was taking classes online.

She wanted to be a social worker.

Help people.


Thank you.

Thank you.

We're so sorry for your loss.

We told her that boy was trouble.


How long had they known each other?

They dated a while back,

but broke up about two years ago.

We told the detective this already.

You were in contact with
an LAPD officer before the sh**ting?

A detective.

He came to the house.

Do you remember his name?


And I told him that Nicole had
nothing to do with that cop being shot.

That boy was forcing her to help him.

Detective Morrison said he would do
everything he could to keep her safe.

The detective said that?

He sure did.

Those exact words.

Did Detective Morrison ask you to set up
the cash drop with Nicole?

That's right.

He-- he showed me
how to record the call, too.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis,
with your permission,

Rose & Associates would like to file
a wrongful death suit

against the LAPD.

And what will that do?

Hold them accountable for your loss.

Send a message
about overaggressive policing.

Receive some recompense for your loss.

Not enough money in the world
to make up for it losing our daughter.

I don't think we can afford an attorney.

We work on a contingency basis.

It won't cost you a dime.

You good back there?

I'll survive.

Not a fan of vans?

We have a history.


Best I could do in a pinch.

- Where'd you get it?
- Well, my uncle, he's a florist.

Maybe next time,
something with suspension, yeah?

[soft chuckle]

[cellphone rings]

- Morrison. - Detective Morrison.

- Who's this?
- Honey Chandler.

I'm an attorney with Rose & Associates.

Yeah, I know who you are.
What do you want?

It's my understanding you met with
Nicole Davis's mother

prior to the sh**ting?

I can't discuss
an active investigation with you.

Well, you should know that
Rose & Associates

will be representing the Davis family

in a wrongful death action
against the LAPD.

Always looking for the pot of gold.

Her death could have been avoided.

Can we meet?

Talk about the audio recording
you had Mrs. Davis make?

You know what?
Go piss up a rope.

I submit all my reports
and recordings to RHD.

You want access?
File for discovery.


Hey, Bosch.

I heard what went down.

Crazy shit.

Yeah, it was harrowing.

Good sh**t?

- They found the g*n.
- The g*n?

Same one he used to sh**t Paulina.

What do you have there?

My day for the Calderon meal train, so...

Magaly's tamales. Best in town.

Take your word for it.


No. Paulina's mom asked me
to grab these from her locker.

I told her I'd stop by after my shift.

I should visit her too.

I'll drive.

I'm off at ten.

Cool. Find you later.

Sounds good.

Nicole Davis
was an innocent bystander.

She was in that car under duress.

LAPD was fully aware of her whereabouts.

They knew Nicole was not a threat.

They assured the family that everything
would be done to keep her safe.

But due to the aggressive tactics
of the S.I.S.,

this family is in mourning.

This is not acceptable.

Rose & Associates have begun
the process of filing a civil suit

against the City of Los Angeles
and the LAPD

on behalf of Nicole's son, Kalon.

- Questions.
- [reporters clamoring]

[♪ salsa music playing on radio]


Where'd you get these?

Long story.

What is it you want, Mr. Bosch?

I want to talk to you
about your grandfather.

My grandfather?

I never knew my father.

I don't think my "grandfather," in quotes,
ever gave my existence a second thought.

My client was the biological father
of Dominick Santanello, so...

your grandfather.

What are you saying,
el viejo's still alive?


He was. He recently passed.

But I can assure you,

he would have been very pleased
to know of your existence.


Thanks for letting me know.

I was hired to find his descendants.

He was trying to right a wrong,
make amends.

Yeah, and now he's dead.
Bye-bye, abuelo.


You should know
his estate goes to his heirs,

you and your son,

if DNA confirms bloodlines,
which it will.

So he had money.


That's what this is
really all about, right?

So, how much?


Now I get why you're riding around
in the back of a delivery van...

and why you were so odd
on the phone last night.

- I had to take precautions.
- Precautions?

I didn't want to lead
the wrong people to your door.

Well, thanks for that.

Are we in danger?

We'll need to do a DNA swab
to confirm the genetic link.

We can do it today,
get the results back in a few days.

Then what?

Then Vibiana has the option
to use a lawyer I know,

or she can seek her own counsel.

What was his name?

My grandfather.

It's Whitney Vance, isn't it?

That's who we're talking about.

Well, you're not denying it.

It was Vance.

I read about him.

He built helicopters.

His company was part of
the w*r machine that k*lled his son.

My father, who I never knew.

How could I possibly take his money?

Depends what you do with it.

How you use it.

Who you give it to.


this is serious money.

You can effect some real change.


All right, f*ck it.

Let's do this.

Nicole called her mother, setting up
a cash drop at Lemon Grove Rec Center.

Sharp was supposed to do
the pickup himself.

Instead, he called an audible,

threatening her son
if she didn't cooperate.

Making her a co-conspirator.

What do we know about
the S.I.S. officers involved?

Their names haven't been released yet,

but I was able to identify
the S.I.S. lieutenant

through a Google search:
Spencer Cosgrove.

Let's find out more
about Lieutenant Cosgrove, huh?

You still want to speak to the sister?


Away from Mom and Dad.

She's got something to say.

[cellphone chimes]

What's shaking?

[Rose] Need help with
an open source investigation.


Who's the target?

S.I.S. Lieutenant Spencer Cosgrove.

sh**t me what you got.

- How'd it go?
- As expected. Let's go.

[engine starts]

[fragmented television audio]

[Rose] ...but due to the aggressive
tactics of the S.I.S.,

this family is in mourning.

This is not acceptable.

Rose & Associates have begun
the process of filing a civil suit

against the city of Los Angeles
and the LAPD

on behalf of Nicole's son...

I called ahead to tell 'em
I'd be coming by late.

Better guard those with your life.

Oh. I'm gonna take them straight there.

BioRight Testing's good. Reliable.

Better be.

What's the matter?

You don't look happy for someone
who may have just found

the long-lost heir of Whitney Vance.

Well, we're not out of the woods yet.

- You're worried about Trident?
- They're dangerous.

We just have to stay one step ahead.

Thought you told Bosch to stand down.

Clearly, he didn't listen.

What options am I looking at here?


We need to do something
about this DNA situation.

We need to strangle the baby
in the crib, so to speak.

If you're implying what I think you are...

deal me out.

You're turning Eagle Scout on me, John?

Trident Security has its red lines.
I'm not about to cross them.

Vance Engineering pays Trident
millions each year.

When I take over-- and I will--

I'll reevaluate our current contracts.

Don't be hasty.

Thought we were in this together.

Guess... I should go.


- You want to come in?
- Yeah.

Well, come on, then.

[♪ soulful ballad plays]

Thank you for dropping by,
Mr. Rendon.

You're lucky.
I have an appointment in the area.

Well, I promise,
I won't keep you too long.

You said this was about Dr. Basu.

Yeah. According to his calendar,
he met with you the day before his m*rder.

He did.

To discuss some irregularities
in his clinic.

Not sure. We discussed a hypothetical.

What if one of his doctors
was overprescribing,

writing scripts for nonexistent
patients, that sort of thing.

What was his ethical obligation.

- Any names?
- Pressed him on it, didn't budge.

Started talking about redirecting
patients to pain management.

I told him it was a good idea...
hypothetically speaking.

That it?

I ran the clinic's numbers.
Some cause for concern.

I called Dr. Basu to follow up.
He didn't get back to me.

Next thing I know, he's m*rder*d.

And you didn't report this conversation
with Basu to the cops?

I left several messages with a detective

who didn't return my calls
until after they arrested that suspect.

The homeless guy.

Detective Gustafson.

He told me it was random. Nothing to do
with what Basu was looking into.

And has he reached back to you
since they cleared this kid?

Here you go.

What are you doing here?

Craving a decaf coffee.


I saw your reaction when your father
mentioned Nicole and Sharp's relationship.


She didn't stop seeing him
two years ago, did she?

They were on and off.

Nicole swore me not to say anything.

Were Nicole and Sharp involved
at the time of her death?

No. Not really.

She got her shit together.
For Kalon's sake.

But who's gonna believe that?


[distant siren wails]

[telephone rings]

Can I help you?

Yeah, I'm looking to get
my hands on some records.

I got a name and a docket.

Sorry. Divorce records are sealed.

Oh. There's... nothing we can do
about that, right?


Okay. Uh, was there anything
that's not sealed?

[clerk sighs]

Not that... wait.

I'm showing a T.R.O.


Temporary restraining order.


We wouldn't have copies of
the supporting documentation here,

only the certificate that was issued
to Mr. Cosgrove.

I'll take it, please and thank you.



Oh, don't stop on my account.

- You see that press conference?
- I did.

Chandler and her bleeding heart crusade.

Don't get me wrong.
Sucks about the girl.

Yeah, it really does.

She did take the cash,
she got back in the car.

What could we do?

Yeah, I-I'm not sure she wasn't
coerced into getting into that car,

either physically or emotionally.

Well, let's see what the bodycam
and cellphone footage tells us.

Facts are facts.

Chandler will distort the truth.
She'll enflame public opinion.

It won't be hard.

We need to stick together on this.

Thank you.

k*ller knew what he was doing.

Dr. Basu had five s*ab wounds,
all to vital blood vessels.

Maximum bleeding.

What can you tell me
about the m*rder w*apon?

The pathologist characterizes
the wounds as...

as smooth slices.

Given the point of entry,

I'd say the blade was anywhere
from between four to six inches in length,


Doesn't narrow things down.

I'd wager the assailant has some

military or... or medical background.

Dr. Basu deserved a better investigation.

Thanks for your help, brother.

[cellphone rings]

Excuse me.


It's Vibby.

What's wrong?

There's a man outside.
Been here all day.

I can see him through the window.

He's watching the building.

What does he look like?

He's white. Gray hair.

Okay, okay.

Stay calm. I'm on my way.

I gotta go. I'll call you later.


The f*ck are you doing here, Sloan?

Doing the same thing as you are
and watching Mr. Vance's heirs.

- How do you know about them?
- Mr. Vance told me before he died.


Look, he asked me to help you,
and I tried... when he took ill.

But you wouldn't believe me.

I'm not the enemy.

Creighton and Corwin are.

I'm on your side, Mr. Bosch.



Gonna need to move the family soon,
somewhere safe.

Mr. Vance has a place.


This really doesn't tell me anything.

His wife filed a restraining order,
but, uh...

doesn't say why.

Well, I checked their social media,

and Cosgrove and the missus got
in a heated argument over his job,

how he's never home.

Hm. Number-one cop show cliche.

Oh, yeah, I know, right?
Anyway, the neighbors call the cops.

One guess whose side the cops took.

Single incident.

Doesn't prove much one way or the other.

Need me to keep digging?

Can't hurt.

Up late?

Yeah, I went to see Paulina.

You and Perez.

So, how'd that go?

It was very, very nice.

Nice nice?

It was lovely.

All right.

Gonna see him again?

Not a word, okay?

I got you.

He spend the night?

No, I made him go home.

[soft scoff]
I had to get some sleep.


Stop. Back up.


I-I think I saw something.
A-- a man standing outside of a window.

- It looked suspicious.
- Screen Cutter?

I-I don't know.

Call it in.

Six Adam , we're Code
on the block of Cherokee,

on a possible attack suspect.

Requesting backup and an airship.

Put your hands up!

- What the f*ck?
- Down on your knees, now!

Just taking a leak.

I said get the f*ck down.

Taking a leak, huh?

You put this on the Internet, you perve?

Good job, boot.

[Mrs. Davis]
And you're sure he'll leave town?

[Nicole] He knows
he's f*cked if he stays.

[Mrs. Davis]
Okay, I'll give him the cash.

[Nicole] Thank you, Momma.

[Mrs. Davis] Do you remember where
we had lunch with Kalon the other day?

[Nicole] Lemon Grove.

[Mrs. Davis] Four o'clock. I'll leave
the money under the same picnic table.

- Does he still have his g*n?
- Yes, it-it's in the trunk.

Are you sure?

I saw him put it in there myself.

I'll be okay.

How's Kalon?

He misses you.

Tell him I'll be home soon, okay?


Just saying, if you go down the street,
they won't even notice.

Theodore Vaughan.
The Thai Town Peeping Tom.

Seriously, he confessed?

Didn't have a choice.
Found other videos on his phone.

Other women. Stay-at-home moms.
We've got him dead to rights.

- Good work, ladies.
- Detective Coleman.

Anything new on Screen Cutter?


Look at you.

Bagged the Thai Town Peeping Tom.

Not bad, Maddie.


Don't let it go to your head.

Do you believe him?

Enough so.

What if she doesn't want it?

It's blood money.

Yeah, it's also change-the-world money.

She'll take it.

We'd better buckle up
'cause they're comin' for her.



Mr. Creighton.



I understand you have work for me.

Indeed I do.

[♪ end theme music plays]