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01x05 - Plan B

Posted: 05/20/22 15:58
by bunniefuu

Carl Rogers, you've been served.

Did you really think I'd let you get away
with m*rder, you malevolent f*ck?

If we ramp up production too fast,
we blow the whole operation.

- People are bound to notice.

- You have one week.
- I need more time.

Don't f*ck around with these guys, Harry.

- Not to be trifled with.
- Neither am I.

[BOSCH] You had a son.
His name was Dominick Santanello.

Died in Vietnam
just short of his th birthday.

Name on the shirt. Lewis?

That was a friend of his,
a fellow medic.

You living here?

Time being.
They red-tagged my house.

The more you take,
the harder it is for me to hide it.

They're sure to notice
a second tap.

He was in the bedroom,
waiting for me. He had a knife.

The victim needs to be taken to
Santa Monica Hospital for her SART exam.

I'll bring her out.

- Stay in my lane?
- Exactly.

If anything starts to go sideways,
I can erase this complete operation.

- Can you hear anything?
- Not a damn thing.

[CRATE] Stick it in your phone
and hit record.

Rogers, Wakefield, and these two,
Pensak and Aslan.

Security like Fort f*cking Knox.

I need to get into that building.

Keep your hands up.

Easy, pal. You don't wanna sh**t me.
Put your g*n down.

I'm with Trident Security.
We're here doing a field test.

- Bullshit.
- You know what's bullshit?

The level of security here,
that's bullshit.

You're the first officer I've come
into contact with the whole night.

No wonder Mr. Aslan
wants us to do a security test.

- What if I was a t*rror1st?
- How do I know you aren't one?

- Keep your hands up.

I'm reaching for my wallet.

John Creighton,
VP Trident Security.

VP. Trident Security.

Put your f*cking g*n away.
Take this, put it here.

Let me see your badge.


Now what are you gonna do with that?

Well, that depends.

Please don't report me.
I need this job.

Tell you what,
you escort me to the front gate

and you give me
a couple of good reasons

why I don't shitcan you
here on the spot.

Let's go.


Beginning to think you were MIA.

Ye of little faith.

How'd it go?

[SIGHS] Let's get out of Dodge.

I'm buyin'.

♪ Oh, my, my, times are changin' ♪

♪ There's a fine, new day comin' round ♪

♪ It's a feelin' like
a cool rain comin' down ♪

♪ It's the rhythm of a new song singin' ♪

♪ It's the rhythm
of a new song singin' ♪

♪ Oh, my, my, times are changin' ♪

♪ Oh, my, my,
times are changin' ♪

♪ Oh, my, my,
I've been waitin' for this moment ♪

♪ Oh, my, my, oh, my, my ♪

♪ Times are changin' ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, my, my, times are changin' ♪

Stolen gas gets siphoned
into Aslan's tankers.

Crate and Barrel tailed one
to a Sokol station in Palmdale.

Hmm. Free gas.
Can't beat the profit margin.

Well, Rogers is in hock to the Russians.

He's under serious pressure
to deliver more gas.

How's he gonna do that?

Install a second tap.

But if he tinkers with the output,
won't the refinery notice?


Triggers all kinds of alarms

and hot-tapping into a live pipeline,
it's off-the-charts dangerous.

So what's his move?

He needs to get a section of the
pipeline shut down for routine maintenance

so he can install the second tap,
start a new baseline.

We need to know when.

Any ideas?

[MADDIE] Oregon.


The driver asked her to perform
a sex act, she said no, got out.

Great, thanks.
We're on our way.

Hope you like sausage.

Starved. We both are. [CHUCKLES]

Any luck?

They'll take her.

Rockin' good news.

Let's go.


Mr. Vance, it's Harry Bosch again.
Could you please give me a call?

I have some new information for you.
You have my number.


Mr. Vance, it's Harry Bosch again.

Could you please give me a call?
I have some new information for you.

You have my number.


Come in.

How is he?

Mm, he's still breathing. Barely.

Where's the nurse?

She's on a break.

Do you mind?
Um, I really should get back to work.

Happy to.

Great. She should be back
in about ten minutes.

It's fine. I don't mind.

I'll read to him.


Almost done, Mr. Vance.

Almost done.

Forty years.

Where did we leave off?


"It had begun to snow again.

It lay thickly drifted on
the crooked crosses and headstones.

On the spears of the little gate.

On the barren thorns.

His soul swooned slowly as he heard

the snow falling faintly
through the universe."


"And faintly falling,
like the descent of their last end.

Upon all the living and the dead."


It's done.



Forty years.

And you never knew. [SIGHS]

Where are the snows
of yesteryear, Mr. Vance?

Where are they?


Grandpa, can I get
another chocolate croissant?

If you can pronounce it,
I guess you can have it.

Don't let him take advantage, Pop.

Who's taking advantage?

Simon. Thought I might find you here.

Honey Chandler.

Garrett Wakefield.

Pleased to meet you.
I'm practically a neighbor of your dad's.

Simon, a word?

Our civil suit will expose your son's
fraudulent real estate appraisals.

Which Carl Rogers
and his cronies

have used to obtain
millions of dollars in bank loans.

What do you want?

I wanna know
when Rogers and Aslan

are gonna shut down the pipeline
and install the second tap.

Feeling all right, Simon?

Having a little klong?


A sudden rush of shit to the heart.

f*ck off, Chandler.



Don't forget your bag, ma'am.

Want us to walk in with you?

I don't wanna stay here.

Why not?

Don't like the look of it.

You lucked out.
There's a waiting list to get in here.

So somebody else can have my spot.

It's all set up for you.

I'll be fine on the street.

We can find you somewhere else.

- Thanks for breakfast.
- Let her go.

She needs help.

We can't force her to take it.

Dominick Santanello. June ' .

Boot camp at Naval Training Center,
San Diego.

After basic, Balboa Naval Hospital.

Finished up at Field Medical School,
Camp Pendleton.

Anybody in his class
make the same stops?




Yeah, eight other corpsman
were assigned to Balboa Naval Hospital.

And from Balboa to Pendleton?


Three of those eight.

What happened to them?

Two of them KIA in Vietnam.

Halley Lewis did his tour
and came home.

Lewis? Where's home?

I'll give you the address.

Hopefully he's survived civilian life.

The Russians leaned on Willie Datz
to change his testimony about Carl Rogers.

Datz won't testify to that.

Rogers will.

And to hiring the hitman
and everything that followed.

All four murders, etcetera, etcetera.

You were a part of that etcetera.

Mm-hmm. I have the scars to prove it.

What does he want?

Leniency and protection.

Protection we can give him.

Why would we show him leniency?

Because of what he can give you
on Bratva in LA.

Murders, money laundering, racketeering...

Why has he come to you?

Well, he hasn't. Not yet.

His attorney has reached out
to settle the civil suit.

I'll convince him
his client would be better off inside.

Think they'll go for it?

His life expectancy
out in the world is pretty grim.

Isn't that just what you want?

I want him to live to a ripe old age.

And suffer.


Holy moly. You got any Dramamine?

There. Punch in right there.


[MO] Hell's that?

Plastic expl*sive.
Connects to a receiver.

How you know that?

I've seen it before. Tora Bora.


Afghanistan. The tunnels.

So that's an IED?

That's a daisy chain
of ANFO blocks.

Ammonium nitrate fuel oil.

It's easy to use,
you can find it at any construction site.

They wired up their own tunnel?

It's a k*ll switch.

Destroy the evidence
with the push of a button.


So what's the plan?

Help 'em push it.

Excuse me?

Push the button.

We're gonna blow the tunnel?

When the line is shut down.
No casualties.

I'm for that.

I'm gonna need to be boots on the ground
to give you the go-ahead.

You'll set it off. From a distance.
When the time's right.

Mm, with what and how?

You'll figure it out.

You know there's no such thing
as a universal remote, right?

That's, like, a myth.

No pressure.


If you think of anything, see anything,
just give me a call?

You got it.



Officer Bosch.

Who's this?

Preeda Saetang.
You gave me your card.

Is everything okay?

I wanted to ask your advice.


A security system.
I-I don't know where to begin.

Listen, I-I happen to be
in the neighborhood. Is now a good time?


Awesome. I'm-I'm right around the corner.
I'll see you in a few.

Halley Lewis?

If you're here about
those milkweed cuttings,

I gave 'em all the way this morning.

Oh, I don't know from milkweed.

My name is Bosch.
I'm a private investigator.

I understand Dominick Santanello
was a friend of yours.

Well, that's a name from the past.

Fifty years.

Yeah, Nicky Santanello.
What's this about?

He may have come into some money.

You're a little late.

Not for his child. If he had one.

Did he have one?

How am I supposed to know
if Nicky had a kid?

Well, maybe you wouldn't know.

I was under the impression
you two guys were tight.

Oh, man. That was the day
Nick took the swim test for me.

Saved my ass.

I would have been washed right out
of the Navy. [CHUCKLES]

How about a lemonade?

One in the front door
and one in the back door.

I'd also install entry sensors
on the doors and windows.

That make sense.

Honestly, the best thing you can do,
buy a shotgun.

Or a large dog.

How are you?

Okay. Hard time sleeping.

Yeah, I can only imagine.

I'm also on this app all the time.
Neighborhood. You have it?

Heard of it.

I'm always checking it.
For crime in the area.

Like, I can't help it.

Anything we should know about?

Anything like what happened to you?

No r*pes. Some break-ins.
Uh, cut window screens. Peeping Toms.

Try not to obsess. Okay?

And get some sleep.

Thanks for coming over
and helping with all of this.

You're a good person, Maddie.

Thank you.


I was sent to Subic Bay.

Nick... he was sent to Da Nang.

We lost touch.

And... [SIGHS]
I hear his chopper went down.

He was k*lled in Tay Ninh Province.

Something I wanna show you.

Nick took this picture?

Yeah. On the beach, at the Hotel Del.
Middle of his tour.

He snuck back?

He was one nervy bastard.

You know the woman?

Yeah, I remember her.

She was a little older than us.



Maybe , .

Maybe .

Boy, he saw her, he was...
he was smitten.

Remember her name?

No, I can't remember that.


Any idea where they met?

Yeah, yeah, at the Surfrider.

In Oceanside.

That was our hangout.

Do you remember anything about her?

She was a photojournalist.

For some Chicano paper
out of Los Angeles.

She was sent down to Pendleton
to do an anti-w*r story.

She does an interview with him
and you could see right away...

...that this guy was gone.

One gone pecan.


Remember the name of the paper?

No, no. El something or La something.


Anything else?

No, I can't remember anything anymore.
It's all gone. I'm...

I'm having trouble remembering
what Nick looked like.



You've been very helpful.

You come back here.
You drop by anytime.

Will do. Thanks, brother.

And hey, good luck with that.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.




Have you considered
what we discussed?

I have.


Hands off my son?

When is the shutdown?

I have your word?

You do. Now, when, Simon?

I don't know yet.

Then you're out of time.

I will. Soon. Today.

Tick tock.

Oh, f*ck me.

I can't authorize this, Russ.

We've already got maintenance
scheduled for three weeks out.

You gotta pull it up.
We can't wait.

This situation
needs to be dealt with.

What situation?

Our smart PIGs
detected corrosion in .

And this is the first
I'm hearing about it?

It was in my overnight report.

I'm telling you,
we're gonna have leaks.

And the last thing we want
is another CalGEM violation.

So I cleaned up the recording
of the meeting at the diner.

[ASLAN ON TAPE] Just remember,
if anything starts to go sideways,

I can erase this complete operation
in an instant.

When Aslan said that,
he took out his car keys.

Car keys?
Was there a key fob?

Key fob. Yeah, could've been. Why?

Could that be the remote
for setting off the IED?









Are you here?






Yeah, it's me.

I'm gonna need to connect
with your tech guy. ASAP.




Carl. What an unexpected pleasure.

f*ck happened to Simon?
Why'd you k*ll him, for Christ sake?

- He was talking.
- Like hell he was.

With lady lawyer you tried to k*ll.
One suing you.


Saw with own eyes.

Sell you down the river.
Make deal.

I don't believe that.

Also sonny boy. You should know.

Bank fraud. Mega loans.

You think we don't know?

You're still above ground
for one reason.

To get us our f*ckin' money.

So get tapping.


Tap, tap.


How's the housing situation?

I'll know today
after I meet with the contractor.

How's work?

It's good.

I told you about that r*pe call
we got a couple weeks ago.

Yeah. And?

I gave her my cell.

The victim.

She reached out.

What'd you do?

Dropped by her place.
Tried to reassure her.

How's the case? Any leads?

Not that I know of.

I just can't let it go.

I understand that.

Yeah, you took every case personally.

Well, as a homicide detective,
I had to.

My victims couldn't call me.

I had to speak for them.

What about when you were a beat cop?


You have to pick and choose your battles.

At the end of the day,
you have to decide

what kind of a cop you wanna be.

It's either a mission
or it's just a job.

You knew him?


Sometimes a person
tries to set things right.

You just run out of time.

Carl Rogers wants to settle.
He wants to put this thing to bed.

My client may be open to that.

Uh, depends on the details.

How do we move forward?

We set a time and place of our choosing
and he has to be there in the room.

No Zoom, no teleconference.

I want him face to face
as we negotiate.

I'll, um...

I'll get back to you.

This is Larry Mantle.

News of Whitney Vance's death reverberated
through the markets today

as shares in Advance Engineering
took a % tumble.


The entire aviation sector was down...

Who's this?

This is David Sloan.

Sloan, what do you want?

Mr. Vance has shuffled off
this mortal coil.

Your services are no longer needed.

Hey. Am I late?

Oh, I got here early.

Just give me a sec,
I gotta throw on some coveralls.

No need.
I've already been under the house.


Did you ever sort out your insurance?

[SIGHS] I let my quake coverage lapse.


Shit. Maybe I should just sell.

I'll work up an estimate
for repairs and retrofit.


Let me run the numbers first.

You have a nice day.

Yeah, you too.

I appreciate the quick turnaround.

Just popped this SIM card
in a big ass bowl of rice.

Oh, and I data-dumped everything,

including his contact, calls,
apps, and texts.

Whatever he's paying you,
it's not enough.

Amen, sister.

Thank you so much.

Appreciate you.



[BOSCH] Chandler.

{an }It's happening. Tonight.

Let's go. All right, get in there.




Filing a petition for probate as we speak.

Barring any hiccups, all of Mr. Vance's
shares and interest in the company

should pass smoothly to the board.

How long?

Weeks, not months.

Good to hear. I'll be in touch.

John. What's up?

Harry Bosch.

Stay on him?

Pull back for now.

Your guy's a genius, by the way.

He likes to think so.

So I combed through
all of Wakefield's texts.

Last week,
he sent Rogers a photo of a blueprint.

I'm texting it to you right now.

I'm driving. I'll look at it later.

A blueprint of what?

A x rectangular structure.

Any text?

Just the word "Plano."

A town in Texas.

It's also an import-export company.

Rogers is a major shareholder.

Oh, and there's a number.

Seven digits.

Stick a pin it for now.
I gotta go.

Good luck.

The tunnel's coming down.

That would be my preference.

And mine.

Oh, Matthew,
could you come here for a sec?

What's up?

Would you look into
this Plano business?

The blueprint.
Let me know what you find.

Sure thing.

Okay, thanks.

How's that looking?

I'm working on it.

Clock's ticking.

You think stealing an RFID signal
off a key fob's a walk in the park?

Okay, take me through this
one more time.

You got the key-spoofing device
I gave you.

How close do I have to get to Aslan
to grab the signal?

Fifty-foot proximity in order
to spoof the key fob signal.

And then I'm gonna decrypt
the spoof and relay hack

between my RFID transponder
and the electrical.

Yeah, that'd been easier
if it was in Braille.

Maurice. English, please.

You steal the signal.
You toss it to me.

At the right moment,
I toss it to the tunnel... kablooey.

You see? How hard was that?

We'll communicate with these.

Keep at it.


I'll see you there.




Let's go.


Almost showtime.

[MO] Copy.

How long does it take to decrypt?


As soon as you steal the signal,
I do my thing.

Just make sure you're ready.



Here he comes.

How long you guys gonna be?

Ninety minutes, tops.

Cutting it close.

Open the f*ckin' gate.


Not yet.

You said feet
this thing can grab the signal.

Can you get any closer?


Look, man, you gotta catch this
before he drives off.


- Am I good?
- Negative.

Does this f*cking thing even work?

What now?

Uh, I'm thinking.



Ready for plan B?

You really think you can get close enough
without getting caught?

I gotta get the guards
to take the bait first.

Yeah, but what if Aslan and his boys
go down in the tunnel?

Then we're f*cked.
We'll have to abort.

I'm not blowing up anything
with people down there.

So plan B has to work.

There's no plan C.


[MO] You're clear. Go.


You expecting someone?

Probably a coyote.
Go check it out.


They coming?

[MO] They took the bait.
Hook, line, and sinker.



It's nothing.
Maybe it was a coyote.

Copy that.



Let's get the stuff downstairs,
yeah, guys?


Tell me the pipeline's down.

You got minutes.

Nice. All right, let's do this.

Shit. Intruder. Coming your way now.

Hold it right there.

Just a little bit closer.

I said stop, pal.

You understand English?

f*cking stop.

Just a little bit closer.

Private property, assh*le.
Get the f*ck out of here.

You got it?


Got it, got it, got it.

Here comes the hammer.

Wrong place, wrong time.

That'd be you.


What'd you say?


Damn, yo. Bosch, talk to me.
You good?

Something like that.




[LAUGHS] We slick or what?

That we are.

It's more than reasonable.

It's less than adequate.

Well, we're not going
to negotiate against ourselves.


Fair enough.

You kidding?


Would you like to take that?

It can wait.

What if it's Aslan?


[SCOFFS] How did you know?

Answer it and find out.



I'm in a meeting.


I'll call you back.

Bad news?


How will you pay them back now?

What is she talking about?

Shut the f*ck up.

You can run from the Russians,
but you can't hide.

Why don't you quit
beating around the bush

and tell me what you have in mind?

You walk into the US Attorney's Office
and confess.

To what?

Witness tampering,
hiring the hitman, everything.

I thought we were here
to settle the civil suit.

Why would I do that?

To keep breathing.

What about leniency in sentencing?

What does the US Attorney
say about that?

You give them everything
you know about the Bratva

and hope that gets you
some leniency.

Either way, the Russians
won't be your problem anymore.

- Carl, listen to me.
- Shut the f*ck up!



What about the civil suit?

I will take double your opening offer
and not a penny less.

[CHANDLER ON TAPE] You give them
everything you know about the Bratva

and hope that gives you
some leniency.

Either way, the Russians
won't be your problem anymore.

- [KADING ON TAPE] Carl, listen to me.
- [ROGERS ON TAPE] Shut the f*ck up!





[BOSCH] Chandler.

Nicely done.

Did he cave?

He did.

So far, so good.

More to come.
Goodnight, Harry.
