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03x08 - A Mixed-up and Splendid Rescue

Posted: 05/04/22 06:09
by bunniefuu
(tires screech)


Please, please help us!

Maybe you should
put some clothes on first.


-Where the f*ck is Ramos?!

Anything Santo Padre needs,

I got you, brother.


Something you want
to get off your chest?

I want to bring this M.C.
back to its glory.

But first...

there's got to be a reckoning.

f*cking looking for me?

(shouting, clamoring)


This three king bullshit
doesn't work,

Ramos and Canche
aren't stepping down.

Anything I can do
to help you or your family.

he money transfers--T
hey were used to hire a gunmant

to k*ll my parents.

Dita ordered the hit.

One of you Reyes men
has to help me

right a wrong today.

-What is it?
-Single tire tracks.

Looks like a Harley.

Where's Maria?

She let Peña
blindside me today.

Just let her
right inside the house.

had no choice but to fire her.I

Lobo Sonora is
sending a message.

-Hey, are you on your way?
-EZ: Not yet.

Might be a little late
for dinner.

You good with all this?

Being in two places

at one time's a sure way
to end up in neither.

(all cheering, clamoring)

Your brother Palo--

he wants to hurt people
I care about.

And I need to find him
before he does.

I never wanted to see anyone
that knew David again.

Especially you.

Well, I got these things,

these things that I did,
and they make it

so no matter what,
when I close my eyes,

that's all I see.

-(keys fall on table)


Coco, wake up!

Coco! Coco?!

f*cking wake up, Coco!

Don't you f*cking die on me!

Please! Coco!


Wake up, please!

Coco, wake up!


What are you doing?

What are you doing?
What the f*ck are you doing?!

What the f*ck are you doing,
you f*cking bitch?!

This is your fault!
This is your fault,

-you f*cking bitch!


I got you, I got you, okay?






Oh, shit, I'm so sorry.

It's all yours.



-(knocks on door)
-NAILS: Oh...

-(toilet flushes)
-You okay?

Someone needs to fix
that f*cking door.

(water running)

Rough night?

(smacks lips)
Rough life.


You've been, uh...

down lately.

I'm good.

You can talk to me.


Well, there's
nothing really to say

except that I'm a f*cking idiot.

You're one of the smartest
people I know.

(Nails chuckles)

Well, I know everyone
you know, Hank.

The bar's pretty low.

For real.

You all right?

(short laugh)

I'm f*cking pregnant.




Oh, shit.

You know, but it doesn't matter,
because he's not

even in the picture anymore.

It's my problem.


No, it's not.

Hey, whatever you need...

...I got you.

No, Hank.

You're not alone in this.

I'll help.

I got you.

(low sobbing)

I'm all in.

f*cking come here.

(Nails crying)

I don't deserve you.

Muncy is taking a hell
of a lead on first.

We have to move that
pot to this burner.

I know. I'll do it.

-EZ: It's too heavy for you.

ANNOUNCER : Everyone knows
he's the slowest Dodger.

Does he even warrant
a throw over?

GABRIELA (laughs):

For now, the Padres say no.
-(TV volume increases)

I think we're being too loud.

No, he's mad
that we didn't ask him to help.


-One stubborn Reyes
at a time, please.

Um, okay...

I think, uh...

I think we need
more limes, right?


You're cute.

I just want everything to be...

I know.

You know, me, Angel and my pop,

we haven't done anything
like this in a long time.

I... I really liked
seeing your family

all together like that.



What-what is it?

It can wait until
after brunch.

Oh, shit, what's wrong?

Really, nothing's wrong.

It's good news.

You know I applied
for nursing school.


Well, when I was home,

there was a letter
waiting for me.


I got in.


That's great, right?


It's great.

It's in Lodi.



I applied there
before we started dating.

Hey, Frick and Frack.

I'm hungry.

It's almost ready, Pop.

Uh, we're just waiting
on Angel now.

(siren wailing in distance)

(sighs deeply)


(grunts softly)



-Are you sure?

I am.



Thank you.

For being patient.

You're growing it back?

-I think so.


-See it growing back?
-Who's back?

-Huh? Is it growing back?
-Is Daddy back? Is Daddy back?

-Oh, wow.
-Is he?


Are you gonna grow one, too?

Are you sure about this?

Never been more sure
of anything in my life.

Can I talk to my dad?


It's not Mountain Dew.

So, last night was fun.

I f*cked up, Leticia.

I need help.

I don't think I can
do this by myself.

W-We've been talking, and...

...we're gonna get clean.


Me and Hope.

Uh, her name is Hope?

That's f*cking ironic.

She saved me.

Not just this morning.

That was the second time
she saved my life.

Oh, well, good thing your
guardian angel carries Narcan

for when she kills you
with her f*cking heroin.


I can't do this
on my own, Letty.

I need her.


I guess I'll just go back
to cleaning up your shit

and puke
in the living room, then.

Great talk, Dad.

There you go, Pop.

He's an hour late, man,
let's eat.

Oh, let's wait
a few minutes more, Pop.

Just a few more minutes.

-Maybe we should just eat.
-FELIPE: Yeah.

Good idea.

Oh, please tell me
this is not an intervention.

-You're late.
-Sit, Angel. We haven't started.


I'll just...

Seriously, bro.
What the f*ck is this?

Well, I thought we could,
you know, it'd be nice

to eat together as a family.

(laughs softly)

(Angel grunts)

(Gabriela speaks Spanish)

Oh. I forgot I had this on.

How is it, Pop?


(opens can)

Um, so, hey, this...

this was just supposed
to be a brunch, but...



-(chuckles): But...

But it's, it's kind
of a celebration.

-GABRIELA: Ezekiel...
-No, you worked so hard.

I want to share the news.

Gaby's been accepted
to nursing school.

That's great.

I haven't made any decisions.

It's up in Lodi.

And I'm not sure
I'm ready to leave just yet.

So you're gonna stay?

Here in Santo Padre?

I don't know.

Why the f*ck would you do that?

How many of those have you
had this morning, son?

Pop, I can't ask
a reasonable question?

So, what, you gonna,
I don't know,

stick around here
and play house?

Walk around
in my dead mom's apron?

I didn't-I didn't know.

I gave it to her to wear.

Well, that's just
f*cking weird, bro.

I mean, I knew you were
a mama's boy, but Jesus Christ.

(Angel laughing)

That's enough, Angel.

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

What the f*ck
is wrong with all of you?

Sitting around here,
eating brunch?

Playing make-believe?

What kind of shit is that?

I'm so sorry.
Gaby, I need to know

this-this master plan of yours.

So you gonna stay here in Santo
Padre with the golden boy here,

shit out a couple golden kids?

And then what the f*ck
you gonna do?

You think there's
any happy endings in this town?

In this house?

Ask the last lady
to wear that thing.

What the f*ck is your problem?!

(Angel laughing)

You're right,
what is my problem?

I'm so sorry.
Where are my manners?


Welcome to the family.

(door closes)

Leave it.

I said leave it.

(knocking on door)

(latch clicks)

(man speaking Spanish on TV)

(man screaming over TV)

(man speaking Spanish on TV)

I don't believe he is,
but, uh, let me check.

(knocking on door, door opens)

Yo, Mike.

It's the medical examiner's
office again.

Want me to say you're out?



Yeah, I'll take it.

Close the door on the way out.

You know I don't
actually work here, right?

(door closes)


It's Miguel.

Look, no, I...

I don't understand.


What does that mean?


Don't do anything more.

You did the right thing
talking to me first.

What the f*ck, Steve?
I was talking to you.

Oh, hey, Angel.

Why are you out here?

Canche took Ibarra's patch,
so he can't go in the Templo.

They sent me out

so they're gonna have
the meeting in the clubhouse.

Aw, f*ck.

(door opens)

What the f*ck, Angel?

My bad, Bish.

Lost track of time.

That's another fine, Treasurer.


One more time,
I pull that f*cking flash.

And f*cking Coco?


Yeah, he, um...

he's still recovering
from that new surgery.

What surgery?

I thought I told you, Bish.

My bad.

Look, I don't care
if he needs a cane

and a f*cking German shepherd.

He's not here
at the next Templo,

he's f*cking out bad.

sorry for the maintenance.

Same shit, different area code.

I feel your pain.

How's it going with the prisons?

Not good.
Canche's keeping the spigot off,

blaming Santo Padre.

He's waiting
for things to get worse

so he can turn it back on
with the haul he stole from us

and be
the pinche f*cking hero.

f*cking arsonist fireman.

What's the word
with the other charters?

nobody's heard from Ramos.

-Must've taken a vacation.

Down f*cking under, I hear.

That was a beautiful play,

Thanks. Bishop was the one
that hooked that cop months ago.

I just thought of cashing it in.

Just happy I didn't have to do
the f*cking digging for once.


Stockton green-lighting
a brother,

and then what the f*ckers
did to Ibarra,

got people's attention.

But there's some sore feelings
about Chepe and Flaco.

-They were popular.
-Man, f*ck them.

That was an eye for an eye.

Come for one of ours,
we're taking both of yours.

And Gaeta...

Fog of w*r. I get it.

Ramos made a move
on one of your guys,

and you took out three of his.

But Canche,
he gets people fired up.

Some say he's the future
of the Mayans.

But now let's say Canche decided
to visit Ramos down under.

Hear it's beautiful
this time of year.

Well, that scenario,

being able to avoid a civil w*r,

I think I can deliver
the rest of the club.

We do it as the kid planned.

Take Canche off the board,
there's only one f*cking king.


-That's right.

Can I help with anything?



I'm sorry.

(dog barking in distance)

Our mom was a piece-of-shit
junkie just like you.

Always saying "sorry" while she
stabbed you in the f*cking back.

My mom, too.

She must be so happy that
you followed in her footsteps.

She's dead.

So what?

So, nothing.

Coco is all that I f*cking got.

Did you even know
that he had a daughter?

Yeah, of course not.

I guess that's what it means
to love an addict.

You always come f*cking last.


Do you love my dad?

You love him enough
to get clean?

I'm gonna try.

(scoffs softly)

I don't like your f*cking odds.

(door slams)

Jesus, Chi Chi. Come on.


Didn't hear you come in.

They were out of two percent,
so, uh,

I got you cashew milk instead.

It's healthy, Mom.

Oh, that's why you're so skinny.

Drinking cashew.

Both my men, you and Chi Chi,
you don't eat.

Hey, uh...

you remember the girl,
uh, Stephanie,

the one that, uh,
the one I told you about?

Oh, the one they call,
uh, Hammer?

Or Wrench.


(sighs) Who would like
to be called that?

I'm sure she doesn't like it.

It's just her name, Ma.

But, uh...

you think it'd, uh...

you think it'd be okay if, uh,
she could come to dinner night,

uh, Thursday?

Oh, Hank...

It's not a big deal.

She's just going through stuff.

And I want to help her out.

You know? Let her know
there's other options.

Maybe our Thursday night dinners
will, uh,

be a little more crowded.



(speaks Spanish)

(music playing faintly)


Are you okay?


Is there a place we could talk?

I figured it would only be fair
to barge in on you like this.

-Return the favor.

-It's the least I deserve.

You coming to see me,
it, uh, it stirred up a lot.

Things I thought I had buried.

-TAZA: I'm sorry.
-No, no, no.

It's... it's not you, Che.

I, um...

(sighs heavily)

I blamed you.

For David.

For his death.

And I know it's not fair

and it's not true.

I saw you together.

You and David.

I didn't know how to process it.

You know how we were raised.

Two men is just...

I was the one who told Palo.


I never thought
he would do what he did.

(Laura shudders)

You were a kid.

You didn't know
what you were doing.

But if I hadn't told Palo...

David would still be here.

You been carrying this
for years?

You didn't k*ll him.

And as much f*cking guilt
as I feel,

I didn't either.


All we did is love David.

(both sigh deeply)

Do they know?

You've never...

I had one love in my life.

I couldn't live
through losing another.


Oh, shit.
I almost forgot.

I brought you something.

It was David's.

You should have this.

(Laura sniffles, sighs)

I think he would have hated...

to see how unhappy
you've ended up.

(doorbell chimes)

Señor Galindo.


I used to come up here
to get away from everything.

Mm. Would you bring the girl
who was at your trailer?

Thought you didn't care.

Oh, when you're bleeding
from a g*nsh*t wound, no.

But now that you're healing,

I might be more curious
about the gavacha.


Well, she did say
you were pretty.

Oh, EZ, so smart,
but still have so much to learn.


Do you realize how many
white girls have told me,

"You're so pretty,"
when what they mean is

"pretty for a Latina"?

They always use words
like "ethnic" or "exotic."

Because I don't have
the blonde hair or pale-ass skin

they're used to seeing
as beautiful.

-Well, I don't think
she meant it that way.

Well, I don't think she thinks
she meant it that way either.

Doesn't mean she didn't.

(EZ grunts)

-I'm sorry.
-No, I'm sorry.

All I wanted was for today
to be perfect,

and... then Angel ruined brunch,

and now I find out
my ex-girlfriend's a n*zi.


Shut up.
I said I'm sure she's nice.

Did she like it up here?

I never brought her.

Or Angel.

-He's afraid of heights.
-(laughs softly)

Of course he is.

If you look out,

you can see
all the way to El Centro.

That's about as far as the world
goes for a lot of people here.

I know you didn't come to the
States to stay in Santo Padre.

I don't want you to go,

but I don't want
to be the reason

you don't follow
what you dreamed of.

I didn't let anyone stop me.

They didn't try?

They all did, in some way.


Except my mom.

She said, "f*ck 'em,
go take on the world."

-She said, "f*ck them"?

No, my dad used to say
that she had a little devil

that lived in her mouth.

(laughs softly)

She didn't swear often,
but when she did,

-she could take paint off.

I'm sorry about Angel today.

He's in a lot of pain.

I never should've
let him say all that.

I should've done
something about it.

I just...

I just didn't know what to do.

I want him so badly to like you.

I know how much
you miss your family.

I guess I just wanted to give
you a little bit of that here.

I left Oaxaca because...

there was just so much darkness.

So much fear.

I came here to feel safe.

And what happened
the other night...

You getting shot?

I can't ever let that
back into my life.

Nothing like that
will ever happen again.

I promise.

What I dreamed of...

...was la felicidad.

And you, EZ Reyes...

...make me happy.

But when they bring home
those tough stains,

turn to the detergent
you know can knock them out.

Now with even more
cleaning power

to lift stains at the source.

ur patented activated crystalsO
ig deepd

to clean dirt, grass,

and anything else
your kids throw at them.

Combined with our color-safe

our family's clothes will looky

as new as the day
you bought them.

o go ahead, let them play hard.S

Because we're there
to clean even harder.

hat good is your beautiful viewW

when your windows are
too streaky to see it?

When you need clear,
streak-free windows,

turn to the name
you have always trusted.

This is glass cleaned
with another brand.

No matter how much you wipe,

those streaks just
can't be cleared away,

but with our cleaner,

dirt, dust, and fingerprints
come right off...

(line ringing)


What are you doing?

(toilet flushes)

I'm done with the bathroom
if you need it.

(grunting softly)

(R & B music playing faintly)


I need to ask you a question.

Get rid of her.

What the f*ck?
Hey, f*ck you.

Get up.
Get your shit.

-What the hell, Nestor?

(door opens, closes)

What's up, Mikey?

Have you ever seen Emily
with EZ Reyes?

Or his father the butcher?

Only the times
you were there. Why?

And what about right before
my mother died?

Mikey, what's up?

I... I don't think my mother
committed su1c1de.

The medical examiner,
they-they found that her throat,


a bone, the-the hyoid,

had been crushed.

Uh, it usually happens
with... strangulation.


-I wanted to say something.

I didn't know what it meant,
so I kept my mouth shut.

f*cking say it.

The night we found your mother,

there were motorcycle tracks
at the house.

Let's go to the room.


This is so stupid.

-I shouldn't have come.
-What the f*ck?

What's your deal?

(short laugh)

Where's your girlfriend?

Is that what this is about?


Look, I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have kicked you out.

All right, but she's gone.

Look at me.

She's gone forever.



I've been practicing
how to say this all night.

-But now it's weird.
-(stammers) What the f*ck
is happening right now?

Are you, are you f*cking
breaking up with me?

We're not even going out!

f*ck you!

I'm pregnant, assh*le.

God, that's not the way
I practiced it.

Are you being serious, Nails?

(Nails laughs)

Stephanie, are you being
f*cking serious?

A baby?


A baby?


-Our baby.


Our baby.

(Nails chuckles)

-(dog barking)
-(siren wailing in distance)

Forget me.

(microwave beeps)

(footsteps approaching)

-(door closes)
-(sets plate on table)


(low moaning)


(gurgling, sputtering)


(electric saw whirring)

(saw grinding)

(saw whirring)

(imitates mockingly)

(speaks Spanish)


(crickets chirping outside)




(glasses click)

(crickets continue chirping)

(low moaning)



Oh, God, oh...




(panting, moaning)

Oh, my God.

That was so f*cking hot.

(engine shuts off)

(indistinct radio chatter)

-(entry bell jingles)
-(phone vibrates)

(indistinct chatter)

-Oh, hey, it's Bishop.

-I'll be right back in.
-I'll order.

All right.

(indistinct chatter)

Oh, shit.

Hey, Bish.


I got a plan.

This was your game, kid.

You ready to start
a new chapter for the Mayans?

Whatever the club needs.

Hey, excuse me, miss?

-Can I see your papers?

¿No hable ingles?

Hola, mamacita.
You deaf?

Where's that scumbag boyfriend
we've seen you with?

-He get deported?

No, it's all right.

You can sit with us.

-Aw, where you going? We're...

we're just playing.

What's up?

Uh, I don't feel like ice cream.

EZ... let's go.

Adios, señorita.

What the f*ck do you want?

-(people clamoring)


EZ, stop!


Gaby? Gaby?

-Gaby, are you okay?
-OFFICER: Hey! Hey!

-(overlapping shouting)
-Gaby! Gaby!

-Are you okay?
-You got to relax!
You got to relax!

Gaby! Gaby!

-(all grunting)
-Come on!

-Get off me!
-Relax, man!

-Gaby! Gaby!
-Cuff him.



(baby laughing)