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04x03 - Self Portrait in a Blue Bathroom

Posted: 05/02/22 18:39
by bunniefuu
♪♪ ♪♪

Since Canche took over,

profits are four times higher

than when you guys
were f*cking up the pipeline.

Galindo is dead.

LNG, Canche
and the Yuma pipeline.

That's the new world order.

- You know El Banquero?
- Only by reputation.

I need to know where
everybody's loyalties lie.

Am I gonna have a problem
with Bishop?

That thing
that happened up north?

I can't stop seeing him.

Look at this place, man,
it's sad.

At least get a dog.


If you're serious about her,

let one of the volunteers know.

Welcome home.

This house, this town,
could you give it up?

Why would I ever want to?

I think something
happened last night.

She said to give
these to you, sir.

Finally, my sister's
gonna be free.

- Where's our baby?
- Dead.

Tell me where Potter is.

Don't believe a word he says.

Your son is very much alive.

You'll get another shot.

You'll meet the right girl
and have a family.

- A baby?
- Yeah.

You may have wanted
something else,

but that shit's over.

You got to let go, man.

Ezekiel made a deal with the DEA

while incarcerated.

If this is exposed,

there comes an agonizing end.

Somebody came looking for you.

Sounds important.



♪♪ ♪♪

What's all this?

I thought it would be nice

to have a proper breakfast
for once.

- I-I'll make you a plate.
- Nah.

Mmm. I'm running late.

It's good, though.

- Yeah?
- Mm.

Mmm, thank you.

Will you be home for dinner?

I don't know.

I'll catch you later,
though, okay?

♪♪ Well, I gave you
my heart, now ♪♪

♪♪ I thought... ♪♪

You f*cking kidding me?


- I understand.
- He's old, he's sick.

But there are programs
that can help with vet bills.

He's not ours.
We just found him.

Please, don't take Max.

At least take him
to a no-k*ll facility.

It's your f*cking job,
take the dog.

We're over capacity, and no one

is going to adopt
an old, sick dog.

What the f*ck kind of lesson
are you teaching your kid?


Why don't you get
some fresh air, okay?

Hi. I'm so sorry about that.
Um, I can help from here.

Come on. Let's go.


- There's something wrong
with this dog.
- Is she sick?

Nah, she, uh,

uh, well,
she trashed my trailer.

You live in a trailer?

For now.

Is there enough space for her?

There's more space
now that she ate half of it.

She's just anxious.

She's in a new place
with a new person.

Whatever world she knew before
has been turned upside down.

My daughter...

had terrible anxiety.

So we learned to play games.

I'd secretly drop pennies

at the bottom of our pool

and wake her up
to go "treasure hunting."

World's not so scary
when you can believe in magic.

Don't give up on her.

You just got to be patient.

Sofía, can I see you
in my office?

Hey, uh...



Good luck with that one.

Thanks, I'm gonna need it.

I was talking to Sally.

-Excuse me.


Yo! Shut up!

It's a good-looking pit.

She's a d*ck.

Ate my bed this morning.

b*tches, man.

Your dad said you were staying
outside the clubhouse.

Living the dream.

Where you at now?


Suze is working
at the beef plant in Brawley,

but you get more space
in Niland.

Got a good spot
over by the Navy.

f*ckers be blowing shit up
all the time, though.

Got kids now. Two girls.


Congrats, man.

You were just gone, man.

One day, just...

Yeah, they rolled me up
in the middle of the night.

On some fed-type
diesel therapy shit.

I had no idea where I was going.

After a week or so,
landed at High Desert.

You hook up with Smokey?

Sh... Which one?

There was, like,
five f*cking Smokeys there.

No, man, I just...

just kept my head down,
finished out my time.

Yeah, it's just...

People talk.


What'd they say?

You asking to see
my f*cking paperwork?

Shit, bro, it ain't like that.

It's just been a minute
and I'm trying to reconnect.

It's f*cked up being out.

Dream about it,

it's all you
f*cking want, but...

Shit's just a lot more
complicated out here.

Diesel therapy.

Moldy bologna sandwiches.

f*cking tiny orange
you can't even peel.

Well, now that we're both out,

I just wanted to see
how you were doing.

Like you said, bro.

Just living the dream.

It's good to see you, bro.


Hey, you want a hand?

Nah, I got it.

Oh, you got the, uh,
the adjustment tool for that?

- My pop's got an old one.
I could bring it over...
- I'm good.

All right, bro,
I'm just trying to save you

- a trip to the mechanic.
- I said I'm straight!

- Yo, man, are we good?
- f*ck!

f*ck it.

Really gonna do this, huh?

What? Dude, what? What...

What the f*ck
is up with you, man?

What the f*ck's up with me?

Yeah, homie, I'm just trying
to f*cking help you.

m*therf*cker, now you trying
to help, right?

Where the f*ck
were you at before, huh?

- When? I-I have no idea
what the f*ck...
- When?!

When I had snot running down
my f*cking nose, huh?

When I was running around
like a f*cking dope fiend.

When I was hurting.

But you didn't
give a f*ck, right?

Too caught up
in your own f*cking shit!

What the f*ck
was I supposed to do?

Not be a selfish f*ck!

What the f*ck?

Good to see you guys.

- Good to see you, bro.
- Yeah, yeah.

♪♪ ♪♪

Welcome, brother.

I heard you guys were bitching

about wanting
something to do, so... it is.

Not a good idea.

It's too high-risk.

But high reward.

El Banquero needs us.

If we pull this off,
we'll be fully in bed with him.

But if Santo Padre
doesn't think they can do it...

- What's this dude wanted for?
- Some white guy,

white-collar bullshit.

It ain't our problem.

If this guy's been indicted,

feds will have eyes
up and down the border,

especially since
he's connected with El Banquero.

Sounds f*cking impossible.

I can do it.

Me and Angel.

We take him over on tribal land.

Feds can't step foot there.

Can take him over in Arizona.

Tohono O'odham territory.

I used to ride ATVs
out there when I was a kid.

It's desolate as f*ck,
but won't be any feds holed up.

I'll go with the Reyes brothers.

Hey, I don't remember
volunteering for this.

You guys think
you can pull this off?

I do.

If Manny knows the area,

doesn't sound like
there'll be an issue.

- We'll just have Banquero's
people meet us in...
- Near Sonoyta.

We can pinpoint a kilometer
marking on Highway 2.


Okay, we got this.

You got something to say, primo?

f*cking Bobbsey Twins.

You gonna go sing kumbaya,

suck each other off
out in the desert?

This is exactly what
I'm talking about, Marcus.

Your cousin continues
to disrupt the healing process.

f*ck the healing process,
and f*ck you.


There's no need for that.

We're one club.

One club.

If you got an issue with that,
you got an issue with me.

I do got an issue
with you, primo.

What happened
to the great El Padrino?

Slumming, hustling for Galindo,

and now you got us
out here shuffling

and grinning for El Banquero,
and this m*therf*cker?

You ain't
a m*therf*cking leader.

You're a g*dd*mn pimp.

And Santo Padre is always
the one getting f*cked.

Your flash.

I stand with my president.

Anybody else got an issue
with my leadership?

♪♪ ♪♪

The future of this club
starts today.

♪♪ ♪♪

Jesus, you're late.

Sorry. The bus broke down
in Cincinnati.

- Mommy!
- Hi, baby!

You-- Aww.

♪♪ ♪♪

You're blind, Marcus.

Blinded by blood,
blinded by the past.

- Santo Padre...
- Has got to f*cking go.

It's more trouble
than it's worth.

Your little experiment
down here is not working.

You know what you mean
to the club.

We-we wouldn't be here
without you.

But this chapter is dragging you
and your legacy down.

This kid EZ and your guy Manny.

That's the future.

What I've seen with them--
what we saw today--

gives me hope.

I'm not ready to give up
on this charter.

Well, the rest of the club is.

We need to do this
for El Banquero, que no?

To secure the relationship
and secure our new pipeline.

We do. Badly.

Well, let's see
how tonight goes.

If they can pull it off.

My money's on that they do.

That move Alvarez
pulled today was bullshit.

I don't even recognize
this club anymore.

And why in the hell are
all these guys still around?

What do you think
Canche's digging for?

Did I not make myself
f*cking clear?

That shit you pulled in there,
you think that means something?

I don't need pity
from a f*cking f*gg*t.


f*ck I tell you
about congregating here?

It's a free country,

Not here it ain't.
This is private property.

Sieg heil, you f*cking fascist!

I've told you guys again and
again you can't hang out here.

If you don't leave,
I'm gonna call the cops.

- That's it.
- I'm calling the cops.

Oh, f*ck it.
f*ck this rent-a-cop.

Get a life, f*cking loser.

Have fun!

Jesus Christ.

♪♪ ♪♪

Bish is taking
this whole thing pretty hard.

You blame him?

Yo, what are you doing, bro?

Why don't you have Cielo or,
uh, what's-her-face

- do that for you?
- What's-her-face?

Yeah, f*cking, uh...

- Jess?
- Yes. Jess.

- The girl you slept with
multiple times?
- I know.

Whatever, bro, you knew who
the f*ck I was talking about.

That was f*cked up
how that went down.

Yeah, well, I didn't ask for it.

Don't know what else
I was supposed to do.

Alvarez didn't
leave me much choice.

I mean, f*ck.

I'm not afraid
of the responsibility.

- This club needs...
- Yo, you think I'm selfish?

You? Nah, bro.

Yeah, Coco's tripping, man.


Was that homie from upstate
earlier by your trailer?

Jay-Jay. Yeah.

Thought it looked like him.

Well, what's up with him,
is he out or something?

I don't know what he wanted,
but it didn't feel right.


You think he knows about you?

The deal?

I don't know.
But I'm-a find out.

- Congratulations, man.
- Thanks.

I know that ain't the ideal way

to level up, but...
it's well-deserved.

Far as I'm concerned,

you're exactly what
this charter needs, bro.

Thanks, man.

- That's what I said.
- It ain't.

f*ck is this?


Hello, gentlemen.

I believe someone here
is arranging transport for me?

I think this
is our package, gentlemen.

I'm Randall.

Uh, can you tell me, uh,
where I should put my luggage?

Back in there.
None of it can go.

Uh, that's impossible.

I-I need these things.


- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Minimalism it is.

It'll be nice, perhaps.

A fresh start.
Literally no baggage.

Is that a kid?

Why does he have a f*cking kid?

I don't know.

We can't bring a kid, man.

We're crossing the desert
on foot at night.

This is Noah, and leaving him
is nonnegotiable.

Well, uh, I guess
we ain't going, then.

You must be Randall.

I-I am,

and I'm heartbroken
to have traveled all this way

just to find out
from these gentlemen

that our travel arrangements
are not possible.

My employer
will be disappointed.

I don't know what these f*cking
idiots told you, but we're good.

He brought his f*cking kid.

El Banq...

Your employer didn't say
anything about your son.

Well, let's just call him

and tell him that he'll have
to make other arrangements

- because you are not willing...
- All right.

It's all right, it's all right.

We got you.

You and your son.

No need to call anybody.

My luggage?

Only if your ass wants
to carry it 50 miles

in the desert.

I ain't your Sherpa.

We'll condense.

Come on.

What the f*ck
did you get us into now?

He seems good.

Really good.

And you cook now?

Who knew?

Well, you got him
used to all that organic shit.

I couldn't get him
to eat anything else.

What kid doesn't like
Kraft mac and cheese?

We get by okay.

I'm not a substitute for you.

He needs his mom.


Em, how much longer
is this gonna go on?

Until I'm sure.

Even if Miguel was alive,
there's no way he'd find us.

We have been so careful.

You don't know
the lengths he'd go to.

You have no idea.

♪♪ ♪♪

Everybody good back there?

All good, Creeps.

- It's exciting, isn't it?
- An adventure?

He's nervous about the trip.

Hey, what's up, little man?

You know, my little girl Bella's
about your age.

She hates when I mess
her hair up, too.

Mexico will be
all right, though.

It's beautiful there.

And not just the girls,
am I right?

Yo, EZ,

didn't I hear Randall say
something about,

like, buying Noah
a PS5 or something

- when they get there?
- What?

Oh, shit.

Yeah, I heard that, too.
And all the games he wants.

Right, yeah, that's it.

We'll see.

- Sounds like
a promise to me.
- Yeah.

Better hold him to it, Noah.

Hey, you guys
should get some rest.

You're gonna be
out there all night.

That's a good idea. Why don't
you close your eyes, okay?

♪♪ Your love... ♪♪

A is
attached to a different panel.

♪♪ What I'm thinking of... ♪♪

So here.

♪♪ What's happening... ♪♪

♪♪ Feeling... ♪♪


Angel isn't home.

Think he'll be caught up
in the club for a bit.

Well, he should be here
with you.

I think I'll manage.

Uh, do you want me to give him
that when he gets home?

It's actually for you.

Thank you.

I was clearing out
some old boxes I had,

and I came across that.
I thought you should have it.

My wife made them

for my boys.

That one was Angel's.

Thank you.

That's really sweet.

♪♪ I need you all the time ♪♪

♪♪ No, I won't waste your time ♪♪

♪♪ Love ♪♪

♪♪ Just can't get enough... ♪♪

Can I get you something
to drink?

For your ride home?

♪♪ What's happening... ♪♪

Sure. Coffee, black.

Okay. I'll go make a pot, then.

♪♪ Good feeling ♪♪

♪♪ I need you all the time ♪♪

♪♪ No, I won't waste your time,
babe. ♪♪

Your son, Steve.

He was one of the good ones.

He understood.

He understood brotherhood.

That's a lot rarer than
you'd think in our world.

A lot of patches,
they talk loyalty, but...

But Steve...

I'm sorry, ma'am.

I'm not trying to cause you
or your daughter any more pain.

I just want to give you this.

♪♪ ♪♪

Steve, he was a good Mayan.

I was proud to have him
as my prospect.

And I was honored
to be his sponsor.

I'm so sorry for your loss.


- You really don't have to...
- I'm happy to help.


Hold up.

We got two more miles.

Then we hit flatland.

Let's keep moving.

Maybe, uh, maybe we could take
a little break, huh?

We've already taken
a dozen breaks since we started.

We can't get caught out here
after the sun comes up.

we get through the mountains,

sooner we get you two to safety.

Just a...
Just a quick one, all right?

- To catch our breath.
- Hey.

It may be tribal land,

but Border Patrol monitor
with planes.

You want to explain to them what
the hell we're doing out here?

Is that Border Patrol?

Or someone worse.

- We got to keep moving.
- Are you crazy?

No. No.

Might make sense
to lay low for a bit.

Get some rest.

f*ck that.
Let's get the f*ck out of here.

Manny's right.

We'll lay low for now.
Wait it out.

Make sure it's safe
before we start moving again.

Let's try to find some shelter.

Let's lay low.


♪♪ ♪♪

So, I'm gonna see you
this time next week?

What do you do if I don't show?

- Em...
- Erin, what do you do?

Take the emergency cash.


Drive to Indianapolis.

Access security-deposit box

at United General Bank
on East Washington.

- Code?
- 12-4-18.

Leave the car in Indianapolis.
Use the fake ID

from the security box
to rent a car. Drive to Chicago.

- Take a flight
from O'Hare to Oslo.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah, but don't use...

Then-- Using our new names.
Then we take the keys,

and we're gonna go
to the apartment

at Torsten Collins Gate 244A.

Thank you.

I love you.

Don't get all sappy on me, okay?


We're gonna see you next week.


Yeah. Come on.

Can we at least start a fire?

- No.
- No.

We should get moving.

Let's just wait it out
a little longer.

Hey, you're gonna be
a-a father soon, yeah?

That's what's up.

Everybody's gonna tell you how,

"Oh, your world's
about to change and..."

What they don't tell you,

is how f*cking painful
that change is.

It's like all of a sudden

you're wearing your heart
on the outside of your body

for anyone to just...


To love something that deep,

it's f*cking terrifying, bro.

On the real, I didn't become
a man till I became a father.

Man, until I-I loved something
not only enough to-to die for,

but if anything
ever happened to her,

I wouldn't be able to go on.

That's what I don't get
about Alvarez.

You heard the story, right?
About-about his...

his kid, Esai?

- Nah.
- All right.

It ain't my place
to talk about, but...

I heard some of the OGs
discuss it.

He chose the club
over his family.

I guess something happened.
Shit went sideways,

and he supposedly
let a f*cking reaper

take his son out.

Some fucker with a bunch
of smiley face tattoos

or something.


That somebody's name?

Yeah, we know him.

I don't know, man.
People talk some crazy shit,


Anybody put his hands
on my family?

He wouldn't be out in the world
just walking around.

Yo, I love this club.

I'll die for this club, but...

my little girl?

My blood?

Hell no.

You're gonna be a good dad, man.

I can tell.
You're gonna be just fine.

I don't want to f*ck them up.

Oh, that's gonna happen.

Ain't no way about it, man.
The trick is

just to f*ck them up less
than you got f*cked up.

That's all you can really do.


This whole
"giving my brother sage advice"

is kind of my thing, you know?


You got some competition,
my boy.

It's actually
really f*cking annoying.

It's like having a Boy Scout
in stereo.

Hey, you know,
I was a Boy Scout.

Me, too.

Get the f*ck out.

On my honor,

I'll do my best to do my duty...

MANNY and EZ: God and my country

and to obey the Scout Law.

You guys are f*cking nerds.


can you please keep it down?

Sorry, Randall.

Ah, shit.

♪♪ Mama, there's wolves ♪♪

♪♪ In the house ♪♪

♪♪ Mama, they won't let me out ♪♪

♪♪ Mama, they're mating ♪♪

♪♪ At night ♪♪

♪♪ Mama, they won't make nice ♪♪

♪♪ They're pacing ♪♪

♪♪ And glowing bright ♪♪

♪♪ Their faces all snowy
and white ♪♪

♪♪ Bury their paws ♪♪

♪♪ In the stone ♪♪

♪♪ They make for my heart ♪♪

♪♪ As their home ♪♪

♪♪ They tumble and fight ♪♪

♪♪ And they're beautiful ♪♪

♪♪ Blazing with light ♪♪

♪♪ Is the whitest and the tallest
and the biggest one ♪♪

♪♪ All muscled and fine ♪♪

♪♪ When she runs ♪♪

♪♪ Mama, there's wolves ♪♪

♪♪ In the house ♪♪

♪♪ Mama,
I tried to put them out. ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪

It's our little secret.
I'm scared.

Shh, shh. Trust me.

It'll be okay.

- I don't want to.
- Shh, shh, shh.

Noah, I've got you.

- No. Please.
- What the f*ck?

Angel, what the f*ck did you do?

What the f*ck did you do?!

♪♪ ♪♪