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02x04 - I'm Not the Other Woman, She Is

Posted: 05/02/22 13:16
by bunniefuu
I always thought I was coming
to you when Charles died.

So what am I supposed to do?
Just wait, yet again, for this

maybe-sometime-never event?

My days of solitude are drawing to
a close. She's in love with me.

And with her, I could be happy.

She needs a husband. Who?

I'm taking my "little friend"
to Paris.

When we return,

she will move into Shibden
with me.

Could Miss Walker spare you
for one or two nights

to visit me at Lawton?

Come back.

Everything I'd ever pinned
any happiness

or hope on is gone.

And all because of some
insipid little...

Steady on. ...heiress,
who you're not in love with.

I know. I can see it,
I can hear it.

I can read between the lines.

I know when you're in love,
and this isn't it.

So you've sacrificed everything,

you've thrown everything away,
you've destroyed me,

and you're not even
in love with her.

You're ridiculous.

And I'm even more ridiculous

for still being
in love with you.

Well, good heavens,
what a reception!

You do know I could walk
into Halifax

and get spoken to like that?

I needn't cross
the Pennines for it.

Stop being glib.

Well, it's one antidote
to melodrama.


Do you know, I think I needed to
see you because a part of me

just still thinks the whole thing
can't really be true.

I mean, has she really...moved
in with you at Shibden?

Good Lord.

Have you taken oaths with her?

Have you taken
the sacrament with her?

Eight months ago in York.


I might as well be dead.


I waited for you
for nearly 20 years.

I always had to dance
to your tune.

For 20 years.

When I came back from Hastings -

and I'm not using this
as a stick to beat you with,

I'm merely stating a fact -
you put an end to everything.

I didn't!

It's how I heard it.

It's unequivocally how I heard it.

Oh! Which is good,

and we should thank God for it.

It's just perhaps a conversation
we should have had sooner,

but did you really think
I wouldn't move on?

Yes, yes, but...


What is she, even?

I mean, we all know she's got
problems, but Charlotte Norcliffe

says she isn't ladylike.
Charlotte would never say that.

And Mrs Milne said if I saw
my successor

I'd be far from flattered.
Oh, I know she did.

"But Miss Lister won't be
without money."

I know she did, because she said it
in Adney's hearing,

knowingly in Adney's hearing,
when we were in Paris.

Adney? But Adney...

Yes, Adney, being nothing
but ladylike...

What does she call you?

...never even named it to me
until nearly three weeks later,

when we were halfway up Mont Blanc!

And whatever you, or anyone,
thinks about it,

money had nothing to do with it.

But it is true that
she has 3,000 a year?

Our fortunes, ultimately,

will be about equal.

And between us, we should have
5,000 a year, yes.

You're fooling yourself, Freddy.

No-one else.

Your little Martha Booth isn't doing
very well in the kitchens.


Not entirely her fault.

Our new housekeeper, Mrs Duff,
who we're very pleased with,

had to get rid of two cooks
in succession.

So we think she may have been
damaged by their bad example

in the way of laziness
and deceit.

Oh, good Lord.

But then her head was rather
full of novels,

apparently, when she came to us,
which hasn't helped.

Let me speak to this Mrs...

Duff. the morning,

and try and get to
the bottom of things.

By all means.

How often are you and Miss Walker


Well, you asked me the same question
about me

and Charles all those years ago.

I can't imagine why you think
it's any different

me asking you the same thing.

How much does she know
about you and me?

I told her all that was necessary.

Does she know of our...


Not explicitly, no.

Nor will she. Nor will anyone, ever.

Not from me.

What if you fell out with her?

I mean, with her...


You don't know who she might
just blurt things out to.



Miss Lister. Ah, Charles.

How was your journey?

Excellent. Good, good.

Well, I've already eaten
and had coffee, so...

Yes. Sorry I couldn't set off
from Halifax

any sooner than I did.
Oh, not at all.

A lot of business on hand
at the moment,

one way or another, in the town
and on my estate.

I was just popping in to say hello,
and I dare say I will see you

in the morning at breakfast.




Fergus, Captain, Teddy!

Come on, boys!


Is everything all right?

With him?

We're ecstatic.

The fun never stops.

I don't want to be too late to bed.

And I promised everyone
at home I'd write

to let them know I arrived safely.

But you take my point,
about Miss Walker?

If she's not all there...

Miss Walker is the soul
of discretion.

She's very nicely particular on
all matters of etiquette,

spoken...and unspoken.

And you know, if you met her,

if you could just bring
yourself to meet her,

you'd see she's really
very sweet and very kind

and really very, very normal.


...I'd like to think that,
in the fullness of time...

..the three of us could become

perfectly good, kind friends.

AUNT ANNE: I was perfectly happy.

MARIAN: Well, she dragged her
all the way to Paris.

I wanted to go.

Then, as soon as the militia
start sh**ting students,

she's off to the Pyrenees
with the Stuart de Rothesays.

Her poor Aunt Anne's
stuck there on her own.

That wasn't it at all!

Well, she'd never have left me
if she'd thought the whole thing

was going to erupt.

It's exactly what she did.

Are we playing this game?

Oh, is it me? It's you.

You're giving Miss Walker
completely the wrong idea.

She knows Anne would never do
something like that.

I had a letter from her.

"I've left Aunt Anne in Paris,
and, oh, by the way,

"it's a seething hot-bed
of insurrection."

I did hear the cannons.

I contemplated hiding under a bed,


But then I realised
that was an overreaction.

We were on the fifth floor.
Nobody was interested in us.

People think I haven't lived,
you know, Miss Walker.

But I have. Hmm.

Have you told Miss Walker
about tomorrow?

Oh, tomorrow, Miss Walker,

my father was thinking of taking
the britzka over to Cliff hill

to pay a call on your aunt.


Would you like to come with us?

I... You be careful, Marian.

You know she upset you
last time you were there.

My aunt? Did she? Oh, briefly.

She was just being difficult.

Because of...? Oh, no.

Anyway, Anne suggested it
before she left,

and I don't do everything
she tells me

but I do agree with her that
we should make every effort we can

to be on good terms with
our neighbours,

even when...

Well, she's just old,
isn't she?

And I do wonder... Well, I'm old.

It isn't a licence to be unpleasant.

Whose turn is it now?

It's yours.

Is it?

And I agree, but there it is.

And I do wonder how poor
Mary Rawson's getting on with her.

I can't fathom that at all.

Neither can I.

I can't imagine it's anything
other than excruciating

for both of them.

You don't have to come,
Miss Walker.

I know it's awkward.
Anne did explain.

I just didn't want you to think
you hadn't been asked.



Oh! Oh...

Well, at least that was yours.

ANNE: My dearest Adney,

we reached the Roebuck
in Rochdale at 2:38,

changed horses and were off
again in 14 minutes.

We stopped again at
the Manchester Royal Hotel

at 4:20, and were at Wilmslow
at two minutes past six.

We reached Congleton at
five past eight,

stopped for six minutes,
then arrived here at Lawton

at quarter to nine
by their clocks

and gone nine by my pocket watch.

I am now happily ensconced
for the night in my own room

with a good fire

and thinking of you,

all cosily tucked up
at Shibden.


Will you welcome a visitor?

Or will the door be closed
against me?

You know I'd never do that.

I couldn't sleep.

All I can think about

is what a wretched mess
I'm in here.

With him.




Shh, shh.

How did we end up like this?

I mean, how could we let it happen?

Have any two people ever loved
each other more than you and I?

And how could it all have
come to this?


My life's over.

Don't say that.

I can't stand it. It's impossible.


We'll always be friends.


The heart that's truly loved
never forgets.

If you go home the day after
tomorrow, I'll...

I don't know what I'll do, but... might never see me again.

Mariana, that's...

Mary, I don't want to hear that.


It's very hard
to only be a friend

for one who has been a wife.

Have faith.

Have hope.

I believe your happiest days
are yet to come.


Because I trust providence.

Do you still love me?


Do you remember in Leamington,

before we went up to London,

before you went off
to Copenhagen,

you said to me, you said,

"She was never one of
my grand passions.”


And it only ever really started
just because you were lonely

and she was there.

And I worry that...that
won't be enough.

For you.

No, don't.

Kiss me.


Kiss me. I can't.

I won't do that to Adney.

She deserves better,
cos she trusts me.

It's why she let me come here.

She won't know.
No-one'll know. Only us.

I took an oath,
and I shan't break it.

I did. For you.

Yes, well...

...I can't.

You married for convenience,
for money.

Don't pretend otherwise.

You're wrong, Mary.

I'm happy with my choice.

She touches something
deep inside me.

And the biggest thing of all...

...she's moved in with me.

She committed to me.

She braved the world's opinion
just to be with me.

And I shall respect that
above all things...

...until the day I die.


I'll leave you to your journal.

Your crypt hand.

Whatever it is you're putting there.



And I know she came from a good,
hard-working family at Shibden.

But there have been a few incidents
that have indicated

that she's inclined towards
the easiest route

in completing any given task.

And then she'll make something up
about why she hasn't had time

to make a better job of it.

But you'll find her with
her nose in a book...


...novels, full of ideas.

Well, I'm sorry to hear it.

Carelessness and deceit
are two bad faults.

Make it known to her, Mrs Duff,

that she has nothing more
to expect from me at Shibden

if she disappoints you here.

Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.

Thank you, Mrs Duff.

How careless of you, Freddy,

letting a dairy hand learn
her letters.

Did you sleep well?

Yes, very.

But you didn't come and wake me up
this morning.

Did you expect me to?

You always come and wake me up.


You thought I'd come to you
this morning?

No, not for anything...

Just, you know...


A bit of chit-chat,

before the day starts,
as we always do.


Well, after last night's rejection,

I didn't think you'd like it.

I'd like us to remain friends.

Good, kind, close friends.

Just not that close.

Where does Martha get these
novels from?

Oh, I don't know.

She probably pilfers the odd little
volume from the library

and then puts it back before
anyone's noticed,

because Charles would never notice.

He only uses the library
to smoke in.

Mm. Well, I'll have a word
with her myself

at some point before I leave.

Did you sleep well?

I never sleep well.

I told you that yesterday.

I've been telling you the same thing
in my letters for months.

Well, what does Steph say about
these dizzy spells?

Oh, that it's some sort
of inner-ear thing

or that I'm not eating properly.

Which I'm not.

Again, not for months.

It's just...

...when one's low,

it's always hard to resist
that niggling anxiety

that it could be something worse.

You need fresh air.

Oh, I have more fresh air than
I know what to do with.

Fresh air and exercise.

That's your answer to everything.

Well, there's a good reason
for that.

It works.


It's all been very unfortunate.

But when did this happen,
Miss Walker?

Just this morning.

Well, she left just this morning.

It's been brewing for a while.

Oh, no.

And where has Miss Rawson gone?

Back to her parents'?

Back to Mill House.
Yes, back to her parents.

I've said it before and
I should've stuck to it -

young and old don't suit.

Anyway, the good news...

Oh, good news! that Miss Rogers
is coming to be with me.

Miss Rogers?

Oh, yeah, well, you won't know her.

Miss - soon to be Mrs - Rogers.

Oh, is she... That's...

Is she... Oh, she's a lady
of more senior years,

assuming the brevet "Mrs”
through seniority of years,

not because she's marrying
someone of the same name, no.

No. I have met her several times
and, yes,

yes, I think we'll be
better suited.

It was elderly Mrs Rawson's idea.

She's, erm...

She's very taken up with
your sister, isn't she,

Mrs Rawson?

Oh, yes. Yes.

She's always been fond
of Anne's company.

It's mutual.

Anne's always enjoyed the company
of more senior ladies.

She says they're so much wiser
than younger ladies.

Of course, she does like
younger ladies as well.

But in a different way, obviously.

And, ah...

How is my niece?

Oh, she's very well.

Very well indeed.


Is it a good idea,
Captain Lister, a britzka?

At his age?




What am I looking at?

In the tan-coloured waistcoat.

It's the Grantham boy.

Good Lord, he's grown.

He has the same build as Charles.

Oh, good heavens, he walks like him.

All the other servants know.


Well, apart from the fact that
he looks so like him,

he makes such a conspicuous
fuss of him.

The other day I saw them
laughing together

and then he gave him
a sovereign,

right in front of Grantham.

He didn't know I'd seen.

I was watching at
an upstairs window.

Secrets and lies.

Isn't life sordid and banal?

It's a good job we get harder
as we get older,

or Lord knows how we'd get
to the end of each day.

I'm sorry.

I wish you could stay longer.

I can't.

I have to attend this meeting

with the shareholders
of the navigation.


I know it doesn't always
sound like it,

but in my more equitable moments...

...if it really is what you want...

...if she really does make you
feel settled and content...

...well, then, how can I be anything
other than thankful for it?

It's just there are so few things
in this world

more important to me than
your happiness.

So if I've been unable
to make you happy

then should I not rejoice
that there lives one who can?


You know, this whole thing...

...need cause no interruption
to our friendship.


No, but, erm...

...I think if I did come
to stay with you,

that it would all be...

...pleasant enough during the day

and we'd all get along
perfectly civilly

with one another, but I...

...don't think I could bear
to see her go off

to bed with you at night.


...we are where we are.

And it is all your own doing.

There's no other human influence...
No, look, stop saying that.

...but yours. Stop it. We're going
around in circles. It's...

I just hope that you don't forget
the nights

that we had together.

I'm not likely to.

Do you remember that night
in Scarborough,

in the thunderstorm?

And you made love to me all night.

By the sea, and the sun came up,

and we hadn't slept all night,
not for a moment. Do you...

I think that was the most
blissful few hours of my life.

Scarborough, sadly, for me,

is marred by other memories too.


You know, one of the things
about Miss Walker is

I never once, not ever,
got the impression

that she was embarrassed
by the way I look.

Well, if she'd seen you in
Scarborough in 1823

you might have got
a different response.

No, not just what I wear,
but my manner,

the way I walk, everything.

I've never once heard her say,

"Oh, why can't you be
more ladylike?"

Do you remember that first time
that you came to

my father's house in Peter gate?

Yeah, what was it? 1814.

Oh, good Lord, 20 years ago.

I had to cry myself hoarse
before he'd let you

in the house, you had such a... know, reputation in York.

And I made myself ill,
properly ill,

just so they'd let you in.

I just... I resent the fact
that you always imply

that I just went along
with everything,

that I never defended you,

and that I showed no courage,

because it's just not true.

And the way that you imply
that I had any choice

in marrying Charles...

I mean, what young woman
in her right mind

would choose that?

You had a choice.

You see? We always have a choice.

I had no choice!

You could've run away with me.

My family would have disowned me.

Well, perhaps you should have
disowned them,

for shackling you to that...

...fat idiot.

We'd have been penniless.

Only until I inherited Shibden.

Which, what, would have been
another ten years?

Could well have been more
for all we knew.

I would've conquered empires for
you. I would've made it answer.

We wouldn't have starved,
not even remotely.

But you doubted me.

You always doubted me.

Perhaps if I'd had the benefit
of a few more years,

I'd have been less cowed by them.


Certainly, neither of us have
got anything to thank them for.


They treated me abysmally,
your parents.

I didn't think at the time,
but looking back

they must've been terrified of you,
to make me marry him.

Terrified of me?

Good Lord, I was 25.

I even wonder if they didn't like
him any more than I did.

But he was just there.

Rich, available, hideous
and willing.


Ma'am, there's a Mr James Ingham

asking if you're at home.

Oh. Is...

Where's... Is Miss Marian still out
with Captain Lister?

Yes, ma'am.

Oh. Erm...

Ah, well, show him
into the drawing room.

Mr Ingham.

Miss Walker.

How... How are you?

Well...enough, I think.

You look well.

I am.

Would you like to sit down?

Are you...alone?

Oh, well, Aunt Anne...

Erm, Miss Lister and
Miss Marian's Aunt Anne,

is upstairs. She has ulcers
on her...

She's expecting
Mr Sunderland, her doctor,

at any moment. Ah.

And Miss Lister is in Cheshire.

She's gone to spend two nights
with her friend Mrs Lawton,

of Lawton Hall.

So... long have you been here?

Since September.

After we returned from travelling.

Miss Lister and I,
we went to the Alps,

via Paris!

And any number of other
small towns and villages.

It was the most extraordinary
thing I've ever done.

How wonderful.

It was.

Oh, it really was.

I-I... I'm trying to paint

from preliminary sketches
I made.

Miss Lister's really clever.

She knows all the best things
to see and to do.

We hope to travel more.

It's one of her passions.

I don't know a lot about
Miss Lister.

I know she's...

Isn't she meant to be, erm...

...sort of eccentric?

Yes, I've never found her so.

I've always just found her
to be very clever

and very interesting.

No, you should come by when
she's here and say hello.

Oh, it is nice to see you, James.


And my brother got married.

Yes, I think I knew that.

Why weren't you there,
you and Elizabeth?

I don't...

You were in mourning.

It was just after John died.

Was it?

Four years ago, good heavens.

What a tragedy. Poor fellow.

I am sorry.

I think it was after that I...

I got so low in spirits...

But you do look very,
very happy now.

Oh, well, Miss Lister's been...

...ridiculously kind to me.


Well, I had come...


What, James?

People keep telling me I ought
to get married.

Your name was mentioned.

By who?

Your cousin, Mr Priestly.

He visited us in Mirfield
a few weeks ago.

Did he?

It would be a no, I'm afraid.


I'm really very happy where I am.

What else did my cousin
Mr Priestly say?

That you didn't quite know
what you'd got yourself into...

I'm really very

And my cousin Mr Priestly needs
to understand that.

Look at it.
It's like the Bastille.

CHARLES: Ah, there you are.

There was a letter for you
in the postbag, Miss Lister.


I've left it on the table
in the drawing room.

I'm just popping into the village.

Oh, don't forget we have
the Reverend Ford and

Captain Mainwaring coming for
dinner tonight, Mariana.

Ah, not the most rewarding company,
I'm afraid, Miss Lister.

Mainwaring's a radical,
bit of a firebrand.

Oh, dear. And Ford's just the usual
sort of irritating little clergyman

they tend to inflict on us
around here.

So we'll be relying on your
abundant wit and charisma

to keep us entertained.

Fergus, Captain, Teddy...

...come on!

Good boys. Off we go.

Here, boy.

Is it from her?


Can I see the handwriting?

You can read it to me if you like.

Oh, good Lord...


What is it? "..dearest..."

What does that say?



Oh, I'm sorry, you're going to
have to read this to me.


"My dearest Anne...

"I hope you've arrived safely
and not too late in the evening

"and that you find all
at Lawton well

"and in cheerful spirits."


"I hope the weather
was kind to you

"as you crossed the Pennines."

It was.

"It has been rather
indifferent here,

"with persistent showers

"which persuaded me
against venturing outdoors

"this afternoon for more than
five or six minutes."


"Your aunt suffered a slight spasm
just before luncheon today,

"but since Mr Sunderland is
due to visit tomorrow,

"she insisted Marian
not trouble him any sooner."


"She was quite low during the day
following this,

"but rallied towards the evening

"when she played
four rounds of hearts

"in which your father

Trumped? Triumphed!

"Much to his delight.”

"I think, on the quiet,
he is as..."

"..Competitive as you are."


No, he isn't.

"All else is well here
and if the rain stay off..."

I think she means,
"if the rain stays off".

Or "if the rains stay off".

Who knows?

"..I shall venture out tomorrow."

"Please remember
to give Mrs Lawton

"my very best regards

"and tell her I look forward
to a time

"when I can welcome her at Shibden

"in the, I hope,
not too distant future."


She writes to you
like a dutiful schoolgirl.

And you with your
towering intellect.

She always surprises me.

When we were travelling
through France,

a lot of it was difficult and
the weather was bad,

and she complained,
and we did fight.

A little.

But when we were up in the mountains

and we were really battling
with the elements...

...she became so alive.

It was such a delight to see...

...after she'd led
such a sheltered life.

I think there's a lot more to her

than anyone's yet seen.

Even me.

Well, let's hope that you're right.

And you say she asked after me?


And I think if you were
gracious enough

to venture over there and offer
the olive branch again

you might meet with a very
different reception

to the last.

And how did you get on
with the britzka?

Oh, Aunt, you've...

We've got to stop him.

If Anne had been with him
on that journey today

she'd have been livid.

May I...?

Would you mind if I took my tea

to my little sitting room?

I'd like to paint a little more
before the light goes.

Yes, yes, of course.
You must do whatever you like.

No need to ask permission.

No, you go up, Miss Walker.

I'll ask Mrs Cordingley
to bring you a tray.

Thank you.

He's bruised his spine.

That's why he's lying down.

He's going to cause himself
a mischief.

Well, I think if he can't learn
a lesson from a bruised spine,

there's very little I can say
to alter the situation.


Is Miss Walker comfortable
with us, do you think?

Oh, I think she's fitting in
very well, don't you?

It's odd of Anne

to leave her alone with us and
go off to Mrs Lawton's.

I don't...

I've never liked Mrs Lawton.

She's used Anne so much
over the years.

And Miss Walker is so
devoted to her,

and I just...

I know, I know, I know.

I just hope Miss Walker is...

...enough for her.

Well, then! Well, no, there are
references in scripture

that point to the origins
of the sign of the cross.

No, no, no, there really aren't...
Oblique references, perhaps,

but there they are, for all to see,
if you know how to look.

Tertullian in the year 200
was the first person to say... Who?

"We wear our foreheads out
with the sign of the cross."

Good old Tertullian, absolutely.

Bear with me, and consider Ezekiel,

who tells us that
the Lord said unto him,

"Go through the city, through
Jerusalem, and set a mark

"upon the foreheads of the men
that sigh for all the abominations

"that have been done in the midst
thereof." Well, yes, that's...

But... Revelations.
"They were told not to harm

"the grass of the earth
or any plant or tree,

"but only those people
who did not have the seal of God

"on their foreheads.
And then I looked, and behold.

"On Mount Zion, stood the Lamb,
and with him, 144,000,

"and they had his name,
and his father's name,

"written on their foreheads...

ECHOING: "Surely, this is all
part and parcel of the origins

of the sign of the cross. The place
on the body, not just the symbol..."


Can I come in for a minute?

That would have been a very dull
evening without you.


Do you know, I often think I can
trace all nobility of mind

that I've ever felt
back to your influence.

You're flattering me.

What time has Joseph ordered your
horses tomorrow? George. 12 noon.

So you can come to church with me,
then, in the morning,

before you leave? Of course.

And then, I could come with you
as far as Middlewich, if you like.

To keep you company.
If you'd like to.

I wasn't flattering you.

Well, I was, but only because it's

When I think of the
tawdry day-to-day here,

in contrast, it's your
influence that I...

...hold on to in here.

It's your image that stops me
giving in to despair.


You must put your faith in God.

Yes, I know that.
And I do. And I will.


I didn't tell you everything
this morning about Charles.

And if I don't tell you now,

it''s not the sort of thing
you can put in a letter.

He's been...

His niece.

STUTTERING: His brother's youngest.

Will... Poor William's sister.
He's...been...pestering her.

Touching her.

Cornering her and inflicting
himself upon her.

She's 18. Just gone 18.


They live on the other side of the
village. No.

She came to me.
She and her mother,

who I never really got on with,
but it seems, yes,

he's been saying things,
lewd things.


...he's had his tongue in her mouth.

We all know that's the next thing
before... Has he debauched her?

We don't think so, no, but
the poor girl was in tears

and could barely articulate it,
so who knows? Lord, I hope not.

So I spoke to Charles, and of course
he denies it, says it's nonsense.

But why would she make that up?

And then, the stupidest thing is...

...he's talked about moving
her in, here.

What? He's deluded

because he's infatuated
with her, so all common sense

has flown out the window
and he doesn't realise how...

...blatant and sordid it all
looks to everyone else.

Good God. So when he said he was
going to the village this morning,

that's where he goes.

You see, she has no father
and now no brother to protect her.

And Charles is the big fish and
thinks he can do what he likes.

And he can do what he likes,
more or less.

And here I am, his wife.

Redundant and ridiculous.

And trapped here.

Come here.


If he does insist on bringing the
girl here, in whatever guise,

or if anything comes out
about him and her,

then you must leave. Immediately.
You must go to Steph.

Or come to me at Shibden.

Good Lord, Mary. I am...

I am sorry.

It's been so nice having you here.

You do still love me, don't you?

You know I do.



I-1... I can't.

Why not?

Why not? Can we not have one
last kiss in this life

before we turn to dust?

The King had no right to ask for
Melbourne's resignation

in the first place. Nonsense. Within
the constitution, he had every...

No, no, no. The constitution
depends upon the compliance

of the body politic. Al very well
and good for those in power

when the people had no voice, but

The King has every right to protect
the institutions,

within government, that offer
the country its stability,

but the country isn't stable.

It isn't stable, precisely because
of those institutions of state

that the working man now knows don't
protect his interests at all...

The people will roar in this
election, Mr Lawton.

They will roar. Rubbish!



SOFTLY: Oh, Anne...

She says the work's too hard
and it doesn't suit her.

Work is hard, Martha.

Whatever station in life
we're born into.

Everyone is met with challenges,

but it's our duty, all of us,
to accept our allotted tasks,

desirable or otherwise, and perform
them to the best of our abilities.

She keeps saying she just wants to
go home.

There's no place for you at Shibden,
if you don't do well here.

All of this crying...'s a bit too clever for my
liking. I'm not falling for it.

Someone like you needs to impress

the people you work for, so you
can take away good references.

If Mrs Lawton was asked for
a reference now,

she'd have to say you didn't like to
work, complained a lot

and were sulky.

Then where would you be?

What sort of work would suit you,
do you think, Martha?

Milking cows, cooking...
Like at home.

Well, the reverend, Mr Wood,
in Middlewich is looking for

a kitchen hand, I'm sure that
he'd be... Well, if not that,

then you must stay here,
promise to work hard,

and endeavour to make
a good impression

on Mrs Duff and Mrs Lawton.
And promise me that, in future,

you will take influence only from
those people

who you know to be of good

And then, when you come home

and visit your father
and your sisters,

and my aunt and my father
and Miss Marian

and me and Miss Walker,
we needn't be ashamed of you.

Go on.


Oh, we'll sort her out.


Are you still coming to church?

REVEREND FORD: Ye that do truly and
earnestly repent you of your sins

and are in love and charity
of your neighbours...

...and intend to lead a new life,

following the commandments
of God and walking, from henceforth,

in his holy ways,
meekly kneeling on your knees.

MUSIC: Miserere mei, Deus

I don't know why you're being
so hard on yourself, Fred.

Nothing's changed.

And I haven't slept
so well for months.

Be aware that I show
Adney all my letters.

So be careful what you put.

I'm not the other woman.

She is.

What time do you expect
to arrive back at Shibden?

At 11. Half past.
Hopefully no later than midnight.


Goodbye, then. Give my regards to
your aunt and to your father

and to your sister.
And Miss Walker.

Oh, and for Miss Walker,
it's a little something.

It's nothing particular, just a
rather pretty little pocket book

I saw in Chester a few weeks ago.

What's the matter?

I don't...think it's quite
the thing.

I thought you wanted me
and Miss Walker to be friends.

Well, safe journey. Mm.


Hup, hup!



Oh, John... John! They're 'ere.

Ma'am. Ma'am.

Yes. Hello. How's our little Martha
getting on at Lawton Hall?

We'll discuss that.
Help your brother with the carriage.


I missed you.

Um, how was Mrs Lawton?

I've astonished myself with
how little I've thought of her,

either going or returning.


leave you again.

Would you like some tea, ma'am?
Tea, splendid. And then bed.

I love you.


CHAIRMAN: 13 to 11, carried...
HE BANGS GAVEL favour of the new part
of the canal being 50 feet

rather than 60 feet wide.

For the sake of £2,000...

Say something, madam.
I'm sure they'll listen to you.

May we move on to the second
resolution, Mr Chairman?

We may. Order.


The second resolution is that
double and parallel locks,

to act as side ponds, be adopted.

Mr Rawdon Briggs? I would like to
propose an amendment to that

and suggest that single locks,

similar to those we already have,
be adopted.

I'll second that.

And I'd like to call on Mr Bull

to account for why he
seems determined to mire us

in unnecessary debt and expense
at such a difficult time.

NERVOUSLY: I have...

I've written answers

to this and other...anticipated

If-if-if anyone would like to, um...

Mr Briggs. Mr Bull.

Parsimony, Mr Briggs,
is not always economy.

And I fear in this case,

you are advocating
the former and not the latter.

Mr Palmer, who we've employed
at considerable expense

to draw up this plan, is a man of
great ability and credit,

and I for one, who, by the way,

has read his report, all of it,

cannot help agreeing with
him that whatever we do

should be done in the
best manner possible,

and that only the quantity
of our work

should be limited by our means,
not the quality.

Hear, hear. Well said.

Well, then, madam, you'd have us
involved in idiotic expense.

The trade in the town does
not require it, nor will it ever.

Oh! Oh, so you mean to limit
the progress of improvement

within the town by hindering
its capacity to transport

the goods it produces?

We all know what the town
is at present.

But who amongst us dares venture to
say he knows

how great the town may become?


Let's put it to the vote, gentlemen.

And Miss Lister.

Those in favour of
double and parallel locks

to act as side ponds,
show of hands.

And for single locks?

Double and parallel locks, carried.

According to the Act of Parliament,

we have a right to ascertain

whether the majority is against
us not just in a show of hands,

but in the number of shares owned.



The committee will retire and look
at which side has it

by number of shares.

Well said, madam.

Mr Rawson.

Could I ask, with the
election almost upon us,

on behalf of Mr Wortley's committee

if we may rely, as we usually do,

on the support of everyone
at Shibden Hall?

Of course.
Us Blues must stick together,

put our differences aside -
briefly... such...challenging times.

Good. My brother feels the same

and will be gratified to hear it.

Mm. Is this generally the way
with public meetings in Halifax?

Well, it's not... We treat a great
concern like a little one,

we prate like a
parcel of children. Well...

Thank goodness you're here. Oh, I
know my being here, and speaking,

will be talked of, but...


If such be public meetings
in Halifax,

I can see there is a sad
want for some mastermind

to lead the multitude.

Miss Lister, how do you do?
John Abbott.

We meet at last, and I'm so
delighted to make your acquaintance.

And well said, madam.

Mr Rawson, how do you do? Mr Abbott.

Absolutely. Hear, hear.

Why spend £40,000
on an indifferent job

when another £10,000
would secure a good one?

Order. Can we call the meeting
to order?

For single locks, 176.

And for double locks...


Double and parallel locks to
act as side ponds, carried.


We'd best move a motion
to empower the committee

to borrow another £60,000
from the government.

Ridiculous. Short-sighted.

You will regret this. In less than
five years, you will regret this.

Madam. Well done.

Very well done.
Thank you, sir. Thank you.

Well done. Thank you.

Miss Lister.

Mr Briggs.

An exciting choice -
to brave public opinion,

attending a meeting like
this at such a volatile time,

with the country on the
brink of civil unrest,

no doubt, come the election.

And you with your...

...unusual arrangement...

...up at Shibden Hall...

...with Miss Walker.
I beg your pardon?

You should be more careful...

...Gentleman Jack.

WHISPERED: That's her, that's...


♪ Behind her back,

♪ She's Gentleman Jack

♪ A Yorkshire lady of renown

♪ Ever so fine, won't toe the line

♪ Speak her name, gentlemen frown

♪ At Shibden Hall, she had them all

♪ The fairer sex

♪ Fell under her spell

♪ Dapper and bright

♪ She held them tight

♪ Handsome Anne seduced them well

♪ Gentleman Jack, oh, Gentleman Jack

♪ Watch your back

♪ You're under attack

♪ The husbands are coming

♪ You'd better start running

♪ For nobody likes a Jack-the-lass

♪ Jack-the-lass, Jack-the-lass

♪ No-one likes a Jack-the-lass

♪ The code is cracked

♪ Your bags are packed

♪ The knives are out