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01x02 - I Just Went There to Study Anatomy

Posted: 05/02/22 13:13
by bunniefuu
- She's here.
- WOMAN: She's here?



We had a bit of a drama here on Monday.

The little boy had to
have his leg amputated.

Does she know about Briggs?

He won't be able to collect
the six monthly rents.

Is it wise to collect the rents?

Why shouldn't I collect my rents?

MARIAN LISTER: Because it's a man's job.

- I didn't know Miss Lister was back.
- Very much so, ma'am.

you ever met her, Ann?

Once. Years ago.

- We should pay her a visit.
- I'd like that.

Miss Walker, I've heard
so much about you lately.

ANNE: What do you know about coal?

Well, I know you have a lot of it.

The Rawsons, they don't
always play by the rules.

Wouldn't surprise me

if they were stealing
it off you already.







Miss Lister to see you, Miss Walker.


- Miss Lister.
- Miss Walker.

I was just passing.

Please, come in.

Sit down.


Do you know, I haven't
been in this room for years.

- It was after my mother died. You visited us.
- Was it?

M... my mother died, um,
quite suddenly after my father.

I don't know if you remember.

Yes, you... you came to tea...

for tea with me and
my sister, Elizabeth.

We walked in the garden.

You... you probably
had no idea at the time,

but you made my whole world a
little bit brighter that day.

I remember it very distinctly;

very fondly.

I do remember it.

I remember everything.

Well, do you remember
me running after you?

Remind me?

I was so embarrassed
about it afterwards.

I'm quite glad you don't remember.

It was on the Lightcliffe
Road, and I spotted you,

and I raced after you
to invite you to tea.

Afterwards, I thought... [CLICKS TONGUE]

Oh, how silly and foolish

I must have seemed to you.

Now you've said it, I
only remember thinking

how animated you looked.

Shall I sit here?



You must miss your sister.

Yes, I do.

She writes as often as she can,

but she has three little ones now.

- Three?
- So...

of course, she's very busy.


- What a delight.
- Mm.

I'm very fond of children, but...

I'm not sure that I'd want to...


[WHISPERS] Give birth.


No, it's not something I've
ever felt compelled to do.


I dissected a baby once.


In Paris.

- It was dead, obviously.
- Oh.

This was four years ago.

I was... I am fascinated

by the science of Georges Cuvier...

the anatomist and paleontologist?

I couldn't attend university
officially being the wrong sex,

so he gave me private instruction

in my attic apartment on the Left Bank.



I've always been fascinated
by the human body,

how it works,

especially the brain.

The brain is the most
extraordinary organ.

And when you see one, it's just meat,

offal like the rest
of our corporeal form.

And yet, what the brain does in one day,

in one hour, in one second...

right now.

Everything you see,
hear, think, feel, desire

in any one moment is all
processed and retained

in this one lump of
stuff inside the skull...

your skull, my skull.

You think about it.

Isn't it exciting that
we can think at all?

The brain of even the smallest animal

is ridiculously sophisticated,
but the human brain...

[SIGHS] We have language.

We invent. We analyze.

We build cathedrals
and cities and society.

[SIGHS] We write music and poetry.


We fall in love.


Aren't we lucky to be alive...

to have life?

Isn't every tiny moment
an inexplicable delight,

packed with potential?




- How do?
- Um, oui.

Is, um, everything all right?


Think she'd had the idea from somebody

that Shibden was quite
a bit grander than it is.

I don't think she'd understood
that she'd be expected

to turn her hand to a bit of all sorts.

And the other thing.

What other thing?

- What, your Joe not told you?
- What?

Well, I've been told not to say owt.

- Pregnant.
- Eh?

George Playforth's.

[STAMMERS] Does Miss Lister know?

Would she be standing there
ironing everybody's smalls

if Miss Lister knew?

Well, so...

what... what's she gonna do?

She swallowed a load of gin.

Goodness knows where she got it from.

It didn't work.

Has she not got any money to
get back to her family with?

They're in Rouen.

Well, tell Miss Marian.

I'm not telling anybody anything.


She reckons he said he'd marry her

as soon as they got back here.


poor kid.

Aye, well...

What'll happen to her?

She needs to find a kind fella

with a Christian heart
who will pretend it's his.

Only how?

And why would anyone?




No, I had no idea.

Oh, he's awful. I thought you did.

- When?
- When you got rid of him.

When you sent him outside
to look at your horse.


yes, I could see he was irritating you.


He's never touched me, as such.

It's just the way he
looks where he shouldn't.

Oh, and the last time he
was here, he was so close

I could feel him breathing on me.

Well, then you don't
send for him anymore.

You send for Dr. Day or Mr. Sunderland.

Oh, then there'd be the
whole inquest into why.

From who?

The tribe.

My aunt,

Edwards, Priestleys,

the Rawsons, the whole lot of them.

I didn't know you were
related to the Rawsons.

My family's been very adept

at strategic marriages over the years.

It's yet another reason

why I'm such a
disappointment to everyone.

- Are you?
- My, uh...

[SIGHS] I think so, yes.

And, of course, they all have opinions,

even when I barely see any of them.

Miss Walker.

You are an intelligent...



-year-old woman of substantial...

seriously substantial independent means.

Which doctor you choose to patronize

- is a matter for yourself...
- Yes.

And yourself alone.

You're right, but...

all I was going to say is that...

when one has been an...


or at least seen as
one by the whole family

for so long, it's...

it's hard to shake off
some people's idea that

they have the right to...

interfere in one's life.

An invalid. How?

You don't look very invalid to me.




Good Lord. [LAUGHS]

- I haven't been here four hours.

How did that happen?


There's nothing wrong with her.

Can I call again tomorrow?


At least, nothing that a little spice

of matrimony wouldn't cure.

All she needs to do now

is realize that the nature
of what she feels for me...

is love.


Miss Lister!


Good afternoon, ma'am.


I... I called at the hall.


No one seemed to know where you were.


So, coal.

Uh, James Holt is the man to talk to.

Very knowledgeable. Very
interesting, actually.

What is he?

Oh, he's a local coal agent, ma'am.

So he knows all the pits in the area

and the markets, as well.

He, uh... he says you'd
no doubt do very well

if you reopened the old Listerwick pit,

as, uh, suggested,

or, indeed, sunk a new one higher up.

But, uh, he says you should understand

that it's an expensive business,

time-consuming, and
there are alternatives.

Now, ma'am,

since I was approached

by Mr. Washington on your behalf,

I have been doing a
bit of asking around,


I assumed you wouldn't mind.

And Mr. Hinscliffe...
the coal merchant...

would be very keen to offer you

pound an acre for your coal.

But, this is the thing:

at present, he only wants
the one acre down at Mytholm.

Now, really,

if the coal were mine,

I'd be wanting nearer an acre,

and the Rawsons

are in a position to pay that.

I understand you don't
want to do business

with the Rawsons, ma'am, and...

Mr. Washington thinks
they're stealing my coal.

I think they very probably are,

given that your beds
abut directly onto theirs.

But how do you prove it?

I apply to the Lord
Chancellor for an order

to go down into the Rawsons' works.

And by the time you got it,

they'd have turned the water against you

and flooded your coal,
and nobody'd be able

to get down there to prove
anything one way or the other.

Water is the enemy, ma'am, in a mine.

Controlling the flow is half the job.

And the rivalry is bitter and lawless,

and people will use the
water against each other.

The object would be to
surprise them on the day...

Do you think that Christopher Rawson

wouldn't get wind of that before then?

He's a justice of the
peace. He's a magistrate.

He's Lord Lieutenant of the county.

I'll not be bullied on my own land.

Not by anyone, above ground or under it.

No, of course not, but...

If you'll give Mr. Holt
a moment, Miss Lister,

he has a suggestion.

I was saying, the
Rawsons are in a position

to offer more than Hinscliffe,

which, if they think you
are going to sell to him,

they'd have to.

Wouldn't they?

Otherwise they'd be worried
that he'd get down there

and see what he's
paid for already taken.

They don't know that he
only wants that one acre

to access this other bed.

And what'd be to stop the
Rawsons turning this water

on Hinscliffe if that's
what they're capable of,

and I'd sold to him and not to them?

Oh, I don't think it would get that far.

They want your coal,

even if they have to pay for it fairly.

And, do you see,

that if this was negotiated skillfully,

it'd be a way of upping the price.

So they'd end up paying for
what they've already stolen.

I'd like a breakdown
of the Rawsons' costs.

How much coal they get from an acre

and how much they can
sell it for in Halifax.

Can you do that for me?




Mr. Rawson.









Not in the gig again today, sir?

No, not, as you see,

nor any other day.

I've sent it back to the manufacturer

in Liverpool per canal.

It rattled and shook like
the devil had a hold of it.

- The thing was a death trap.
- Oh, dear.

And overpriced.

And you spoke so highly of
it just after you got it, sir.

No, I didn't.

Your brother's here, sir.


Afternoon, Christopher.


- How are you?
- Busy.

I'll be brief. Can I?

What's up?

You all right?

What can I do for you?

Miss Lister is back.

- Did you know?
- She was in here two weeks since,

depositing her rents.

Collected her own rents.

And she drove the
high-flier over from Wibsey,

someone was telling me.
You couldn't invent it, could you?

Right, well, I've got wind
of a rumor that Holt's been

talking to another company on her behalf

over her signing a lease over her coal.

I need to go and talk
to her, Christopher.

I need to be in a
position to offer her more,

more than whatever this
other one's offering,

because if I don't, if it's true,

then whoever it is
is gonna go down there

and find out what we've been doing.

What you've been doing.

Well, only because you told me to!

You know, it's never
sat comfortably with me,

even when she wasn't
here and didn't seem

to be doing anything with her coal.

We ought to do the proper
thing and make her an offer.

And then we can mine
the stuff legally and...

[SIGHS] Cover up any trespass

that might have accidentally occurred.

It was accidental.

To start with, yes, perhaps.

Don't let her run rings
around you over a price.

Because she will.





Afternoon, Hardcastle.

Oh, good afternoon, Miss Lister.

- Thomas.
- Miss Lister.

- This yours?
- Well, yeah.

Oh, cart.

Yeah, it were me father's,
and his father before him.

Seen a fair few years of work,

but we keep fettling it,
and it keeps on going.

And how is your other son?

Doctor said he'll be all right.

But he's more in himself.

He's not spoke since it happened.


How are things at home, Thomas?

All right, ma'am.

- Your wife in?
- Aye, she is.


We're fettling the cart.


Excellent. You carry on.


- Alice, Miss Lister.

Mrs. Hardcastle, how are you?

[STAMMERING] Uh, um...

- Good.

- How are you settling in?
- Oh, very well, thank you.

A... all things considered.

We're... we're very
suited with the house.

- Is this Henry?
- Uh, yes, ma'am.

And there's no infection, I'm told.

[STAMMERS] He's... he's...

been very lucky, he's healing very well.

Very good of you, ma'am.

To pay for Dr. Kenny.

It was my sister who paid for Dr. Kenny,

but yes, it was very kind of her.

Still nothing more
about the man in the gig?

Trouble is, ma'am, nobody saw him.

Someone must have seen something.

I went to speak to the constable,

and he said without
information we can't do owt.

You can't go to a magistrate
without information.

Only a certain kind of
person would have the money

to drive a gig like that, so
that narrows down the field.

Has anyone spoken to
Miss Walker's groom?

Because surely if he was facing
the gig as it was approaching

he was in the best
position to see something.

I don't... well, we haven't, no.


What do you think, Henry?

Are you a man?


Well, that's a question.

And you are not the
first person to ask it.

I was in Paris once,

dressed extremely well, I thought,

in silk and ribbons,
ringlets in my hair.

Very gay, very ladylike.

And even then, someone
mistook me for a...


So, no, I am not a man.

I'm a lady. A woman.

I'm a lady woman.

I'm a woman.

Now, who's this?

Jerry Greenwood.

He's an infantryman
in the Duke of Yorks.

My brother was in the
th Yorks and Lancs.

He was an ensign.

I taught him how to sh**t straight,

and he taught me how
to fight with a sword.

He drowned in a river

in Ireland years ago.

Just turned .

Jerry's .

Well, then, let's hope he fares better

than my poor Sam did.

Can you really fight with a sword?

After a fashion.

I've never been called upon to do it,

but you never know the day.


I shall go and talk to this groom

next time I'm at Crow Nest,

and before then, I shall
go and visit Mr. Rawson

in his capacity as magistrate
and see what he has to say.

Chin up.

Thank you.






Oh, no, that's gone in.




I'm going to make some
improvements to the estate.

I thought I'd run them past you, Father,

so you know what's going on.

In case I might have an opinion?

So... yes.

So I'm going to construct
an ornamental walk

from the garden gate down the Hall Ing

down the side of Calf Croft,
and into Lower Brook Ing.

- Why?
- Then at the top of Lower Brook Ing...

because it will look elegant, Marian...

I'm going to build an
ornamental moss house,

or a chaumiere, just a small one.

- What for?
- A what?

A chaumiere. Like a summer house.

- Like an ornament...
- Like a shed.

Then, at the same time,

I'm going to put up all of the hedges

in all of the fields below the hall.

- Why, though?
- Really?

Yes, to create more of a park.

A park land.

Because, Marian, I'm sick of the
place looking like an old farm.

It is an old farm.


Shibden Hall...

is the oldest house in Halifax.

It dates back, as you know,

to the reign of Henry V and Agincourt.

It's where the first manorial
courts in Halifax were held.

It is not, and never has been, a farm.

And it saddens me


that people might look at it like that,

so I would thank you very much
not to refer to it as such.

We are Listers.

And Shibden Hall...

is our ancestral home.

And it should always
reflect the quiet dignity

of our ancient lineage.



ã , .

I offered to give him ,

but he's still asking
to borrow , more.

And why does your cousin
Atkinson want ã , more?

Business? An... an investment?

I don't know, it's rather vague.

It's a lot of money to be
vague about to the lender.

Has he named the terms on
which he'll pay you back?

Has he said when he
expects to pay you back?

- Uh...
- Has he offered to pay interest?

No, nothing like that.

So these aunts and uncles and cousins

protect you from fortune hunters

and gold diggers out in the world,

but not the ones inside your own family.


What you need, Miss Walker...

is a well-worded letter.

You see, it would have
taken me three weeks

to compose a letter...

a firm, clear letter like this,

what with, oh, tying myself up
in knots trying not to offend.

And then I'd have been so anxious about

sending the thing, I'd
probably have ended up

throwing it in the wastepaper basket

and just lending him the money anyway...

You're a very kind,
good-natured person...

Yes, and, no doubt, never see it back.

Who just needs a little
more self-confidence.

If he writes you again, you tell me,

and I'll dictate something else.

Or perhaps now maybe
you'll have the confidence

to compose something yourself.

It is confidence, isn't it?

I never had any.

You see, my aunt at
Cliffhill, she suggested

and arranged this holiday,

this excursion I'm going on
with my cousin Catherine...

- Which holiday?
- The week after next.

To the Lake District.

And don't misunderstand me,

I'm... I'm very fond of Catherine.

I mean, she's my best friend.

She gave me that paper knife.

How long are you going for?

Three weeks.

And, you see, this is the thing:

three weeks is a long time
to be alone with someone,

even someone that you're fond of.

And, you know, I... I might...


get fed up with her?

Which one is Catherine?

Um, I'm more concerned that
she might get fed up with me.


She's Mr. Stansfield
Rawson's eldest daughter.

Do you have to go for
the whole three weeks?

Well, it's all been
organized and arranged.

- It's not really something...

Uh, good Lord. I'm so sorry.

Don't worry! You're
hurt, you're bleeding!

It's nothing I can mend this.

Doesn't matter. Here.

- I can replace it.
- If you like.

- Are you all right?
- I don't know what with.

It doesn't matter.

Because, of course, it would never
have the same sentimental value,

whatever I replaced it with,

if she's such a dear friend.

Oh, I...


I think it would.



Let me.


Would you like to come
to Switzerland with me?

In the spring.

I can't go any sooner
with my aunt, with her leg.

She has ulcers.

And Shibden... I'm
planning some renovations

which I must oversee or
they won't be done properly.


But I'd like to be in Rome
at Easter for the carnival.

It's glorious.

Switzerland in the spring,
and then on to Rome at Easter.

I've never been abroad.

Well, then,

you haven't lived.


Elizabeth and I...
my sister, you know...

we did once talk about traveling.

I see I must be uncommonly
and fastidiously delicate

in leading her into my own ways.


But I believe I shall succeed with her.


How do? [LAUGHS]

Josephine and Fanny are laying like fun.

I thought you might like a few.

- Ooh, lovely.
- And, uh...

The garden's beautiful out front.

I thought this little selection

might bring some cheer to the table.

Can you fill a jug with water?

Eau. D'leau?

Yeah, so, the thing is,

can you tell Eugénie...

thing is, I think she don't like me.

Because, thing is,

when we first met at coaching inn...

because Miss Lister
were in such a bad mood,

and I had to lug the imperial on
the handcart up the hill in the heat.

She might have got the
idea that I'm unpleasant

and unhelpful and short-tempered,

which I'm not, as a rule.

I think you'll agree.

Uh, so, if you could
explain that I'm sorry...

if we got off on a wrong footing.

I just... given the situation she's in.

I thought she's enough on

without thinking I'm some sort of ogre.




Um, rude. Grossier.

In Halifax.




She says, "Thank you."

You'll have to teach me a bit of French,

and then, uh, I can talk to her.


- Sorry?
- Oui.

- It means "yes."
- Oui.

[LAUGHS] Are you sure?

What's "no," then?


- Um, pocket holes?

They all have them.

I think it's to take
them to the theater.

Well, a certain sort of theater.

What? [LAUGHS]

- Pocket holes?
- Yes, sewn in specially.

What for?

Well, I did wonder for a long time,

and then I asked Mrs. Barlow,

this English lady I'd met.

And she... [LAUGHS]

I can't tell you. It's too outrageous.

Tell me, tell me! Go on, tell me!

You... you can't hint at
something so intriguing

and then not say it.



Well, it's very French.


Only the French. Only in France.

- No, only in Paris.



uh, apparently...

it's so...

a man...

might pleasure himself...

Without drawing attention to himself.

Oh, that...

Oh, you've gone red.

I shouldn't have told you.

That's not true!

Of course it's true. It's Paris!

- That's why people go there!

[LAUGHS] Not me, obviously.

I just went there to study anatomy.

Miss Lister! [GASPS]


Have you ever kissed anyone?



Perhaps you wouldn't tell me if you had.

Have you?

I asked you.

[LAUGHS] Good Lord,

how did we get onto that?

Well, have you never wanted to?

Only to see what it was like.


Have you?

Wanted to?



Well, who? When?

Every time I come here.


What do you mean?

Surely you know what I mean.

And I think you feel
the same way about me.



I think you're a little
bit in love with me.


Are you all right?

I, um...

Have I overstepped the mark?


- I've offended you.
- No.

I've embarrassed you.

No, no, no.

I have. [SCOFFS]

Would you like me to go?


Well, then...

have I misread it?

No, I...


I... I do have...

very warm and...

tender feelings for you.

I don't know, I...

it's... oh, Lord.

- I'll come back tomorrow.
- Um...

I'll be in a thousand miseries
between now and then

thinking that I've overstepped the mark

or that I've horrified
you or that you despise me.

I could never despise you, Anne.

Please don't ever imagine
that, not for a second.


I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry.


You don't need to be frightened.




Well, I think, by and by,

she'll fall into my
view of things admirably,

now that she's realized
that you can fall in love

with another woman.

Well, me.

And I really do believe that
if she's fond enough of me

and manageable...


Might we not be happy?


It was since your visit,

since you and Mr. Priestley
brought her to Shipton.

Oh, how delightful.

I returned the visit,
and I don't know how it is

but we seem to get on
so very nicely together.

- That's so kind of you.
- Is it?

Well, you know, she hasn't been well.

Yes. How?

Well, she has this problem...

this weakness in her spine.

I think it's menstrual.

And she gets anxious

and frets about the oddest things.

She always seems to think
people are after her money.

- Even people in her own family.
- But they are.

- Her cousin Atkinson.
- Oh, him.

Yes, but him aside,
she alienates people.

People who care about her.

And then the ones that really
are after her money, she...

Well, she's naive.

What she really needs is a good friend,

someone slightly older
and more worldly wise

than Catherine Rawson;

someone who can guide
her on a steady path

without her feeling us old
folk are constantly interfering.


And perhaps she's found one.







Jeramiah Rawson was here this afternoon

to see you about the coal.

You missed him.

- You're playing with fire.
- Good.

Dinner in half an hour!

And if we could not have muddy
boots in the dining room again,

that would be splendid

for the servants

who have to beat the carpets

and keep everything clean!

I've put your post on your desk!

[QUIETLY] Thank you, Marian.



Donald's asked me to marry him.

I shan't say no.

You're too old for this.





Thank you.


Now, then.

How would you all feel about it

if I got married again?


Why is that... [STAMMERING]

Why is that funny, Charlotte?

- Well, who to?
- No one.

I'm just... I'm just asking,
in theory, how you'd feel.

- Who'd have you, Father?
- Oh, that's nice.

Yes, very comical. Thank you, Hannah.

- Would she boss us?
- She'd take you in hand.

Which, by the look on
you, is what you need.

Is she pretty?

Does she have a face like a bust shoe?

- You...

You may be surprised one day, lady.











I'd like to see Mr. Rawson.

- Ah, Miss Lister.
- Yes, good morning.

What may we do for you today?

Did you hear about the accident

above the hall a few weeks ago?

Seven-year-old boy, son
of one of my tenants,

lost a leg, and above the knee, too.

I'd like to know what the
constable is doing about it.

And I believe you wanted to
talk to me about my coals, too.

In the absence of any evidence,

there's very little
the constable can do.

I have spoken to him about it.

And it's my brother Jeremiah

you need to speak to about the coal.

I tend not to get my hands dirty.

I'm surprised you do, Miss Lister.

Is it not the constable's
job to gather evidence?

Well, he's a very busy man.

And strictly speaking,

his jurisdiction is the town itself.

So I must gather my own evidence.

Well, that's one option,

if you've time.

They're good people,

and they're my people,

and I look after my tenants.

The boy will be very limited,
what work he'll do on the farm.

You realize the fellow probably dwells

in another part of the county entirely?

Surely only somebody
unfamiliar with Halifax

would drive so recklessly
along that road.

You'd never trace him.

You know a lot about it.

Only what old Miss
Walker told my mother.

Of course.

How lucky your cousin and her aunt

weren't damaged in it, too.

I'm surprised, for their sake,
you're not more interested.

Oh, I am interested.

And if I hear anything significant,

I'll let you know.

Tell your brother I was
looking for him, would you?

If he wants to make
an appointment with me,

I shall endeavor to be in next time.

If I know when he's coming.

Of course.



- How many bonnets are you packing?
- Three.

I've got seven.

Is that too many?

I can leave some here if it's too many.

- Are you taking a parasol?
- I am.

Do you think we'll need them?

I might buy a new one,
actually, when we get there.

I think we'll need them. I hope we do.

Which books are you taking?

Oh, um, Miss Lister's recommended

and leant me several.

You've talked about nothing but
Miss Lister since I got here.

Have I?

You do know what people
say about her, don't you?


What do people say about her?

That she can't be trusted

in the company of other women.

- Who says that?
- People.

Well, what do you mean?

- What does she do to them?
- I don't know.

- Well, does she bite them?
- I don't know.

No, come on, Catherine.

You can't say something like
that and then not justify it.

What does she do to them that means
she can't be trusted around them?

I'm just telling you what I've heard.

- From whom?
- People.

- What people?
- Just people.


it all sounds rather vague

and ill-mannered.

Why do you think people
say things like that?

Well, apparently she's a...

she's a bit like a man.



No, I'll tell you why they say it.

Because she's unusual

and singular and clever,

and because she doesn't
conform to the way people think

a woman should look or think or be.

That's why.

I... I don't know, but
apparently she's very odd.

Well, you've never even met her.

I'm not entirely sure I'd want to.

Miss Lister is one of
the nicest, kindest,

most clever and interesting people

I have ever met, so you can
tell that to your people.

And then perhaps you should meet her,

make up your own mind.

You probably will.

She'll probably call by before we leave

to wish us well and tell us

what all the most interesting
places to visit are.

She's very good at things like that.


So she's never tried to...


To touch you or anything?

Don't be absurd.



Are you taking your drawing
things and your watercolors?

Yes, of course.


I just got a new set, actually.

I'm very excited to start using it.

It's got a yellow in it that...
it's sort of a bit more...




Oh, here she is.



- Miss Lister.
- Mr. Rawson.

- Sorry I kept you waiting.
- Not at all.

So many jobs on hand around the estate,

and I do like to keep an eye on the men.

What can I do for you?

I understand you're
leasing out your coal,

and if that is the case,
my brother and I would like

to ask you how much you'd take for it.

- What will you offer?
- Oh.

[LAUGHS] You must set the price, madam.

- Per acre?
- Yes, that would be...

pounds, shillings, and pence.

- S... sorry?
- Per acre.

That's... [LAUGHS]

That's ridiculous.

Mm, it isn't.

I asked Mr. Holt, the coal agent.

He advised me it was worth an acre.

Why, even that's pretty steep.

I asked him to calculate
how much it costs you

to get your coal and
then how much it sold for,

which he did.

But I think he got
his calculations wrong.

Either that, or he
was trying to dupe me.

I think he underestimated
me, Mr. Rawson,

with me being the gentler sex,

which I know is something
you and your brother won't do.

The price you have
named is, with respect...

Ridiculous? Hmm, it isn't.

Let me explain why.

You sell your coal down in Halifax

at eight pence per coal.

It's actually seven pence.

I asked a number of
people who buy it from you.

- No one said seven pence.
- Some we sell at eight pence, yes.

So I'm reliably informed
that the cost of getting

and hurrying to the
surface corves of coal

is six shillings.

That's pence divided by ,

and, well, that's thruppence
ha'penny per corve,

which means you make four-pence
ha'penny clear gain per corve.

Now, let's times that by five,

and we have one shilling,
tenpence ha'penny...

or pence... per square yard.

, square yards in an acre times ,

and your clear gain

is pounds and shillings

per acre.

Now, if the getter and the proprietor

were to share their profits equally...

which, again, I'm told is the custom...

that divides into pounds,
shillings, and pence.

We never make that kind
of profit, Miss Lister.

Well, then, I suggest
you look narrowly into it,

because I could.

What you should know,
Mr. Rawson, is that I'm...

What's the word, Marian?

- Uh, I...
- "Indifferent." Thank you.

I'm indifferent about
leasing my coals because...

Shibden is rich in coal, madam.

You'd be ill-advised not
to do anything with it.

I'm indifferent about
leasing my coals, Mr. Rawson,

because if I don't get my price,

I shall sink my own pits.

Well, that... that would...

Well, open a new one
at the top of the hill

and then reopen Listerwick at
the bottom, down at Mytholm.

That would be an incredibly...

expensive undertaking.

Mm, in the short term, maybe.

In all seriousness, Miss Lister,

pound per acre would
be much nearer the mark.

[SIGHS] I think I've explained to you

as simply as I can why it isn't.

pounds, shillings, and pence,

Mr. Rawson, is what I shall
take for my coal per acre,

in all seriousness,

and I shall offer it to the other party

at the same price.

Well, I should have
to speak to my brother

before I offered you anything
resembling that figure.

Of course.


Was there anything else?



I knew she'd run rings round you.

Yes, well, maybe you
should have come with me.


It'd have made no difference anyhow.

She keeps herself very well informed.

I need to keep working
those beds, Christopher.

I can't stop production. I
have contracts to fulfill.

I used to know her, socially,

years ago, when she first
started coming to Halifax.

Has she not always lived here?

No, no, no.

They're from East Yorkshire,
her side of the family.

Poor relations.

She adopted...

her Uncle James and Aunt Anne
up at Shibden when she was...


Younger? ?

They couldn't cope with her at home,

so she came to live here.

- "Couldn't cope" how?
- I'm not sure.

Bit of an handful, I imagine.

She was at the Manor School in York,

only she'd been expelled.

Never knew what for.

I mean, I could guess.

- Is that true?
- Oh, yes.

She likes the ladies,

does Miss Lister.

I think she's bluffing.

Nobody'd pay pounds an acre.

And she'll not sink her own pit.

She can't afford to, not without
borrowing money. Big money.

And anyway, she never stays around here

any longer than she has to.

I think her tastes have become
rather more refined and exotic

than anything she could
pick up in Halifax.

And she'll not shit on her own doorstep.

She's too clever. She knows
there'd be repercussions.

I wonder if we shouldn't just...

gird our loins

and bide our time...

and see what happens.

- This your sister?
- Mm-hmm.

[SIGHS] You're very good.

- These are very good.


Maybe one day you could paint me.

I'd love to paint you.



Before you set off, I have
something for you to wear.

What is it? You shouldn't have.


I bought it in Venice two years ago.

Look, it's a little gondola.


Not as useful as a paper knife, but...

It's beautiful, Anne.

I wish I wasn't going.

I always like the idea
of travel, but then...

you know, my brother died in Naples.

You are not going to
die in the Lake District.

Quite the opposite.

It's going to make you feel alive.


Wear it always.

And then...

when you think of me...

you'll feel perfectly safe.

I'll miss you.

I'll miss you.

I wish you could come with us.

I've been invited to
a wedding in London.

I don't want to go.

I told my aunt I'm not going, but...

I'm worried it'll look
poor if I didn't turn up.

A lot of my London
friends are going, and...

I'd hate them to think ill of me.

Why don't you want to go?

It's complicated.

I imagine if you didn't go

all of your friends would
be very disappointed.

Sometimes when I've tried

to avoid doing something
or going somewhere

but then had to do it anyway,

I've often come away
feeling like it's been

one of the best days I've ever had.

So maybe, if you went,

the thing that seems complicated might

sort itself out.


Are you ready to let...
sorry, Miss Lister.

Are you ready to let James
take your trunk downstairs?

It'll be dark before
we get to Manchester

if we don't leave within
the next quarter of an hour.

Yes, thank you, James.

Think of me...

when you get to Wastwater.

It's so tranquil, it's so sublime.

We will.

Well, then, I'd better be off.

I have a man to see at : .

- Have fun.
- We will.

- Miss Rawson.
- Miss Lister.




How much?

pounds, shillings, and pence.

Oof, steep for the one acre.

It's what it's worth, Mr. Hinscliffe.

I only want it for the Listerwick shaft

so I can have access to
this other bed I've leased.

Miss Lister understands that.

Would you take any less, ma'am?


Well, if I can't get access,

I shall have to sink me own sh... shaft,

and it'd be barely worth the cost of...

Well, you've heard Miss Lister's price.

Perhaps you'd like a day
or two to think about it.


Miss... Miss Lister, ma'am...

You think because I'm a woman,
I'll be persuaded to take less?

Would you pull that face
and put on that voice

and ask a man to take
a lesser price, hmm?

No, course you wouldn't.

So don't ask me.

pounds and how much?

shillings and pence.

I can get a banker's draft to
you first thing in the morning.

- No, don't do that.
- S... sorry?

The other party has first refusal,

so before I accept your offer

I'm obliged to see if
they'd like to better it.

- Who is the other party?
- That's my business.

You do know the Rawsons are
stealing your coal, don't you?

My men heard their
men in your upper bed.

You can't loosen coal
without making noise.

And it couldn't be anyone else.

Not there.

As I say, I gave the other party my word

that I'd let them know before
I accepted any other offers.

Was there anything else?


Mr. Hinscliffe is leaving.

Thank you.

I'll write a note to the other party

informing that we've
been offered our price,

and if they could advise me
at their earliest convenience

how they wish to proceed, etcetera.

But in the meantime... [SIGHS]

Could you ask Holt to look into how much

it really would cost
me to sink my own pit

at the top of the hill and
reopen Listerwick myself?

Certainly, ma'am.

Well done.



- Eugénie!
- Oh!


Eugénie... [SPEAKS FRENCH] _

We're going to London.



How are you feeling?


I've decided... [SIGHS]

That it might look rather poor
if I didn't attend the wedding.

Lady Stuart might put me up in Richmond,

and I could be back by next Friday.

What do you think? Is that all right?

Of course.

Eugénie's packing.

We'll walk down to Halifax,
get the high flyer to Leeds.

We could be there by Wednesday night.

And Marian's here.












Dearly beloved,

we are gathered together
here in the sight of God

and in the face of this congregation

to join together this man and this woman

in holy matrimony,

which is an honorable estate

instituted of God in the
time of man's innocenency,

signifying unto us the mystical union

that is betwixt Christ and His church.

Which holy estate Christ
adorned and beautified

with his presence at the first miracle

that he wrought in Cana of Galilee,

and is commended of St. Paul
to be honorable among all men.

Therefore, is not to be enterprised,

nor taken in hand unadvisedly,

lightly, or wantonly,

to satisfy man's carnal
lusts and appetites,

like brute beasts that
have no understanding.




I spotted you. I saw you.


Excuse me.



Mrs. Cameron.

I am so pleased you changed
your mind about coming.


- You look beautiful.

Oh, you are curious.

You wear black even to a wedding.

Oh, I started wearing
black because of a wedding.

When my friend Mrs. Lawton
got married years ago

to a charmless buffoon.

It seemed inexplicably appropriate.

It's a tradition I've continued.

- Not that Donald is a...
- No.

- Charmless...
- No.




I came in spite of my aunt's illness

and my estate affairs
because I wanted to say...


I hope you and Donald will
be very happy together.


Thank you.

Our time on Earth is brief...


And we should all strive
to make the most of it...


And be as happy as we can be.


I'm sorry if I hurt you.

I was always very fond of you.

You must know that.


I'm just...


Not like that.






Hello, madam.


We're going to the Lake District.



♪ Behind her back she's Gentleman Jack ♪

♪ A Yorkshire lady of renown ♪

♪ Ever so fine won't toe the line ♪

♪ Speak her name, gentlemen frown ♪

BOTH: ♪ At Shibden
Hall she had them all ♪

♪ The fairer sex fell under her spell ♪

♪ Dapper and bright,
she held them tight ♪

♪ Handsome Anne seduced them well ♪

♪ Gentleman Jack, oh, Gentleman Jack ♪

♪ Watch your back,
you're under attack ♪

♪ Their husbands are coming,
you'd better start running ♪

♪ For nobody likes a Jack-the-Lass ♪

♪ Jack-the-lass, Jack-the-Lass ♪

♪ No-one likes a Jack-the-Lass ♪

♪ The code is cracked,
your bags are packed ♪

♪ The knives are out
for Gentleman Jack ♪


MAN: I thought that you might
be more reasonable to deal with.

More reasonable? Oh, you mean softer.

Well, now you know me better.

SAM SOWDEN: Hang on, hang on,
hang on. What's she accusing me of?

You're drunk, Sowden.

- Take him home.

- Leave him alone.

played a trick on me,

putting a bold spirit
like mine in this vessel.

If we want to be happy, we
have to risk getting hurt.

You're playing with fire.

ANNE: You're so selfish!

day, I shall have a son,

and he will have a greater
claim to Shibden than you!

- Yes. Certainly. Thank you.
- Oh!