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02x01 - Faith is All

Posted: 05/02/22 12:51
by bunniefuu
ANNE: Whoa!

ANNE: Shabby little Shibden.
MARIAN: She's here.

Is she here?
And my shabby little family.

MARIANA: You should marry...

..a man. Don't be absurd.

I thoroughly intend
to live with someone I love.

Miss Walker.
I've heard so much about you.

It appears you have my niece
quite under your spell,

Miss Lister.

You're playing with fire.

I can't do this any more.
It's wrong!


What is that?
ANNE: I believe

she can make a full recovery,
given the right sort of help.

What do you know about coal?
SAMUEL: You've a lot of it.

She thinks
you're stealing her coal.

ANNE: I think he
underestimated me, Mr Rawson,

with me being the gentler sex.

THOMAS: Uncle Ben's here.

Is your father in?

He-he went to America. America?

So you do want to come and live with
me at Shibden? Yes,

when Charles dies.

And what am I supposed to do?
Just wait, yet again?

ANN: I love you, Anne.

Might we not live together?

Set up home together,
as companions?

It'd be like a...marriage!

ANNE: Quite as good, or better.

Ah, there you are.



Miss Lister's at the door.




Miss Walker.

Miss Lister. How are you?
What do you want?

I'm going over to York later
today and I was wondering

if there was anything
you'd like me to take over.

What I would like... A letter?

A cake? A kind message? to know exactly
where my niece is

and when she's coming back
to Halifax.

As I've explained...
You have explained nothing.

As I have explained,

on a number of occasions,

Miss Walker is anxious

to follow Dr Belcombe's advice
to the letter.

And a temporary separation
from her familiar surroundings

and routine is considered a
necessary part of her treatment.

She has been away
more than a month.

None of us know
where she is or anything.

These things take time.

And the delicate nature

of her complaint
requires discretion, that's all.

She's doing very well,

and what she doesn't want,
or need,

is a constant flow of opinion

that could undermine everything
Dr Belcombe is doing for her,

which is why, for the moment,
it is right

for the poor girl to remain quietly,

and for some time, under his care.

You have cut her off
from her family.

You've isolated her
from everyone she knows.

Miss Walker is there
entirely of her own volition.

I've merely assisted her in
the pursuit of her own scheme.

You... I have been kindness
itself to your niece.

Do you understand that the merest
hint of your disapproval

for her chosen course of action

could sabotage all of the good
that's been done?

One kind word,

one cheerful sentiment,
on the other hand,

would lift her spirits no end.

Did you know, Miss Walker,

that when Miss Walker
was in Scotland,

and this is something
I found out myself

only a few short weeks ago,

that Captain Sutherland
had £1,000 off her?

Not content with trying
to shackle her

to his insipid cousin,

he persuaded her to part with £1,000
of her own capital.

She wasn't there to see a doctor,

as Captain Sutherland had promised.

She was there to be sadly used,

which is why
she is now determined... make a new will.

A new will? How?

Well, Mr Priestley
was her executor

and now
she's asked me to do it -

to which, of course,
I've said yes.

She'd never be considered fit
to make a new will,

given her mental...

Dr Belcombe considers her quite
competent enough in the matter.

Why is she discussing
matters like that with you

and not with members
of her own family?

She likes me.

I have one aim in this matter,

Miss Walker, which is...

Two aims,

both of which are transparent.

To serve a friend
as well as I can,

and to help her
on the high road

to good health and happiness.

You, madam,

may find that by crossing
swords with this family -

because it isn't just me,

it's the Edwards,

it's the Priestleys,
it's the Rawsons -

you may yet find, madam,

that you have bitten off
more than you can chew.


How do, ma'am?

Good morning.

Morning, ma'am.

Ah, the new water closets.


Morning. Morning, ma'am.


Morning, ma'am.

There's a note for you
from Mr Parker

and another one from Mr Holt
up at the pit.



Morning. Morning.
They're sick of all this banging.

We're sick of all this banging!
MARIAN: I've just said that.

You'll thank me in the end,

when you have a fire that
doesn't smoke the room out

and your own water closet -

Who? Yes.

Is Washington here?
He's in your office.

And I need to talk to you

WHISPERS: ..Cordingley. And then
I've got to go into Halifax.


I'll come with you,
into Halifax, if you're quick.

I have to be in York this evening.
When are you going?

Eh... I have to nip up to the pit
to see Holt.

I can meet you at the top of the Old
Bank in, what, ten minutes.

Morning, Washington.

You'll like this.

Staups is up for sale. Oh?

The house, the outbuildings,
the Stump Cross Inn

and Spiggs colliery,

and all on your doorstep.

Be daft to let someone else get it.

Who's dealing with it?

How much is he asking for it?


He'll get it.
I'll speak to Mr Parker.

Oh, and I've got
Mr Mitchell's evaluation of

the Crow Nest estate
that Miss Walker requested.

I can mail that to her
in York, or...

No. I'll take it.
Is that everything?

Morning, Mr Mann.

Is Holt here? He's keeping warm

in the office, ma'am.
And just to be clear, ma'am,

I've been labouring
under the impression

that he were getting the drift
dug for us separately.

What do you mean? He is.

I mean, we've only been
employed to sink the shaft.

Never been any mention
of a drift being dug.

We're at 30 yards now,
and we've hit water twice.

And I had assumed
he had it in hand, but...

..apparently not.

You know he drinks, don't you?

Morning, Miss Lister.
Mr Holt,

Mr Mann's just telling me
we haven't built a drift

to take the water away.

No, ma'am, not yet,
but we have it in hand.

We discussed this weeks ago.

It should've been started
t'same time as t'pit was started.

When I told you
this pit'd be delivering coal

come July, ma'am,
that was on the understanding

that Mr Holt had the drift
under way.

If you're wanting to control
the water

and use it against Mr Rawson,

a proper organised plan

under the ground is
the only way you'll manage it.

How long will it take
to dig this drift?

Down under t'colliery,
come out at th'existing pond...

That's 300 yards.
It's three months.

It was an oversight, ma'am.
All I can do is apologise.

I do remember the conversation,
now it's been said.

I could dig that for you
at, oh, four shillings a yard.

But there'll be a delay sinking
this while we're doing it.

Can you provide a plan?
The line of the tunnel,

depth, quantity of stone
we'll need to support it.

Yeah. Ma'am.

Yeah. I can do that for you.

I don't want to make
any more enemies

than I have to,
not in this business,

but I can't afford
mistakes like this.

You know that getting control
of the water

and taking care
of Rawson's trespass down there

is just as important to me
as getting any coal.

Sort yourself out.

So, Cordingley...

Keep up.

She says she's sick of the workmen
trailing dust through the house.

Well, it won't be for ever.

She's worried you'll think
standards are slipping

and she's not on top of things.

"It was only supposed
to be two weeks.

"It's turned into two months."

Yes, well,
good craftsmanship takes time.

And one job uncovers another.

And I...can't have Miss Walker
move in and regret it,

because it's draughty
and inconvenient.

And then the other thing -
she was seen,

Cordingley, arm in arm
with Thomas Beech.

Your groom Thomas Beech.

By whom?

Me! In the barn.

Arm in arm?


As in...?

Show me. Like...

Like in a sort of romantic...?

Yes! Like...

They didn't know I was there.

I'd been to speak
to little Hannah Booth.

And they were just
sitting there, talking,

gazing at each other's lips

..engaged lovers.

But he's getting married
in a few weeks -

that's why he's leaving us. I know.

She's old enough to be his mother.
I know!

I'll speak to her.

Mr Washington thinks £3,500
would be a fair price.

You could put in an offer now,
before it goes to auction.

And pay more for it?

Mr Stocks might fancy it,
for the same reason you do -

Staups abuts directly onto
his land on the other side.

I do want it, but I won't pay
over the odds for it.

Let's take the risk at auction.

It ties in with what I wanted
to talk to you about.

Mrs Scatcherd has given notice

to quit Northgate House
at the end of August.

Her lease isn't up till next year.

Mm. But...

I'm wondering if it mightn't
be a blessing in disguise.


Well, you could sell it.

Sell Northgate House?

It's not 17 years
since Uncle Joseph d*ed.

It's unthinkable.

Can I be frank?

Your, er, borrowing

has become, well...


..excessive might be
too strong a word.

And your new-found enthusiasm
for...borrowing is...

Well, risk-taking in business is
often something to be admired,

and we all know
you've got the stomach for it.


..if you sold Northgate House,

you could pay off your debts

and have capital to play with.

Northgate's in the town.

It'd fetch...8,000...

which would allow you to
buy Staups really quite easily.


We all saw her staggering out.
When she was...

Eugenie, is my imperial packed?

I was just...
Thomas, I want you

to go down to the Old Cock
and tell Mrs Peacock

I want the postboy
and horses here

no later than three o'clock.

Weren't you supposed to be
helping your brother?

I was. I... Rachel.

My aunt's ready
for you to do her leg.

She's just gone upstairs.

You were seen, apparently,

arm in arm with Thomas Beech.

I don't want to know why.

It's just to say that a housekeeper
seen arm in arm

with a footman,
a footman 20 years her junior,

a footman who is leaving us
in a few short weeks

despite not having been
with us for very long, is sadly...

..infra dignitatem.

And... W...

I don't want to hear
any more about it.


Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am.

Thank you, ma'am.

Oh, and a letter came, ma'am.

Miss Marian said
to leave it on your desk.

She said she thought it was
Mrs Lawton's handwriting.

Me, infra dignitatem?


MARIANA: Dearest Freddy,

my thoughts
are perpetually full of you.

I love you dearly and fondly,

and, despite
all our ups and downs,

my heart is not unfaithful,
and still,

as formerly and for ever,
my joys by yours are known.

I hope Steph sends you
good accounts

of your little friend in York.

But the pleasures of memory
still visit me

and urge me to bid you
take your time in this matter

and not fetter yourself
too soon or too tightly.

What you say on the subject
of making things work

with Miss Walker is, I doubt
not, true as applied to you

because you have energy
of character

to do with the mind
what you will.

But, nevertheless,
there is no reason why

you, with others,
should not profit

from the maxim
"look before you leap".


Er, yes?


Miss Lister's here, ma'am.

How are you?


Thank you, Lucy.

Would you like your dinners
brought through now, ma'am?

Are you hungry?


Erm, yes. Thank you, Lucy.

Mrs Bewley's put you in the

just next door to mine for the



Does my aunt...know about...

..what I did to myself
in Scotland?


Of course not.

How could she?

Just if Elizabeth had written
and said anything.

I've never had that impression.

No, I don't think
Elizabeth would. Do you?

Mrs Priestley saw it -

I didn't tell you.

In the carriage,
on the way back from Scotland.

Was it spoken of?

Yes, erm,

I told her it wasn't
what she thought,

but I could see her
thinking things.

And, of course, it was.

And people talk.

My family talks.

I've spent a good deal
of time at Cliffe Hill...

..and I never once got the idea

your aunt knows
a single thing about it.

It's just...

You know they'll use it
against me, if they can.

They'll have to get past me

I don't deserve you.

Now, tell me
how you've been getting on

with Steph. Mm.

Better and better.

He's encouraged me to take on
an art master -

Mr Brown. We're doing perspective.

Oh, and I wondered
about getting a pony.


I haven't ridden in years,

but Dr Belcombe thought
it was an excellent idea.

Would there be room for me
to keep one at Shibden?

Of course.

Oh, and did you correct
my letter?

Ah, yes.

The French.


I've brought Galignani's Guide To
Paris to look through.

Are we really going to go?

Oh, yes.

And then, when we come back,

you're going to move in with me
at Shibden.

Oh, I've brought
your estate accounts.

And I could go through them
with you...

..if you like.

The great desideratum
in business...I find... steadiness.

Mm, is it, then? Mm.


That, and having a firm grasp...

..of the facts and figures.


The more you understand
your estate

and the accounts...


..the more you'll get
out of your land.

And, apart from anything else...'s all so...


Ah! Is it? Mm.


I've brought Mr Mitchell's

of all your property - see how it
compares to Washington's.

And then you really ought
to write to Elizabeth

about the division
of the estate.

And then we can both
get on with altering our wills.






STEPH: How would you feel
about taking her

back to Halifax for a few days?
Before this trip to Paris?

Can do. Why?

Well, put her family's mind
at rest.

The tribe.
So they can see her.

See that she's responding
to her treatment

and that everything's
above board.

Has something happened?

A Mr Charles Priestley
was here -

four days ago.

Sent by a Mr Edwards,
of Pye Nest.

"No-one in the family
knows where she is

"and she's left home
without any of her servants."

I assured him that she was
being very well looked after,

that she was in discreet,
impeccable lodgings,

and that she sought my help
entirely of her own volition.

Well answered.
I'm sure they think

they're protecting her,
but they're not -

they're infantilising her.

If they can see she made
the choice to be here,

and it's having
a beneficial effect,

they'll start to see
that she can make choices.

I'll put it to her.

And I did wonder if it might be
beneficial for her

to have some society,

here, in York.

Build up her confidence,
her conversation.

Mrs Norcliffe's invited us
to Langton,

to dinner on Wednesday evening

and to stay the night.
I've said yes. Oh, perfect.

And I'm taking her
to Rievaulx Abbey tomorrow

so she can sketch, and then on to
Langton. Will Isabella be there?

Oh! Good Lord, no!

No, I wouldn't inflict Tib
on her - not yet.

I think we might have
to work up to dear old Tib.

She's at Croft this month.

It's just Mrs Norcliffe,
Major Norcliffe

and Charlotte, I believe.

I've got to go -
I'm interviewing new grooms.


Clayton. James.

Age? Who wants to know?

24. Married.

Six children, four living.
Church of England.

Apprentice to Mr Hepworth,

of Hob House.

Served there four years.

Four very happy years.

Then I moved on
to Beningbrough.

Oof! Nice girl.





CHILD: Samuel Fielding.



25, ma'am.


I need someone
who is polite, honest,

sober, well conducted,

trustworthy, active, obliging.

Someone who
thoroughly understands

his business as footman and will
maintain a clean carriage,

and will do housework
whilst at Shibden.

MR BROWN: Might I suggest a little
more shading under the arches?

Ah, no - observe how it follows
the curve.

Three very good kisses
last night.

She said we had never done it
so well before.

And however unreserved
and however amoroso

at night in bed...

..nothing escapes her lips
during the day.

In fact...

..during the day,
she is so modest,

so very nicely particular... much so that I am...

..really satisfied with her...

..and hope that we shall
get on well together.

Whoa! Whoa, whoa.



Norcliffe, get the dog out.

he's not doing anything, Ma.

Yes. Ruff-ruff! Hands up!

Fisher, get the dog out.

What will Miss Walker think?

Miss Walker doesn't mind.
She likes Nero.

She's already had a whole
in-depth conversation with him

on the stairs about
all manner of shiny things.

Oh, I often find I get on
better with people's pets

than I do with the people.

ANNE: Well said, Miss Walker.
Well said.

MRS NORCLIFFE: Oh, I do hope
you're hungry, Miss Walker.

Mrs Briscoe makes slightly more
than is necessary

when we have company.

NORCLIFFE: She must've thought
Tib was going to be here.

My big...bigger sister

eats like a herd of donkeys.

Miss Walker, have you met her?

Oh, Isabella? No.

NORCLIFFE: Oh, well, lucky you.
She's an ogre.

I love her dearly,

but she owes a great friend
of mine 16 guineas...

Thank you. ..and won't pay him.

Oh. Exactly.

Not on!

Don't make a wager if you're
not prepared to cough up.

Eh, Mama? I was talking

to Miss Walker about your pony,

You're looking
to sell the grey.

She's looking to buy one.

Oh, Nero? Oh, no. Too rough.
Only good for a servant.

I thought the dog was Nero.

Oh, they're all Nero -
easier to remember.

Perhaps we could take

a squint at him,
if you're looking to sell him.

Her. Certainly.
First thing in the morning.

Spirited -

that's the only word for her.
Spirited and stubborn.

Two words.

And I'll let you have her
for a song,

if you do like her, Miss Walker,

because, stubborn as she is,
I am fond of her

and I'd be only too happy
to see her go to a kind home.


ANNE: Do you not like her?

I don't dislike her.
I don't know her.

She's been ill.

Because she's been ill,

is depleted.

Is that why she's seeing Steph?

Is she...


She's...had things to deal with.

As we all do from time to time.

Sadness, loss...

She hasn't always had what it takes

to cope with it very well.

And yes,
it's left her...empty,

to the point where her family,
her wider family,

haven't always known
what to do with her.

She isn't really your sort,
is she?

She loves me.

She's in love with me.

And I...

You're not in love with her.

It's not that I'm not...

We none of us feel the same way
at 40 as we did at 14, hmm?

Do we?

I am fond of her.

Fond enough.

Really? Oh, I missed her

when I was in Copenhagen.

I didn't expect to, but...

I thought I'd get over her
soon enough, but I didn't.

There wasn't a day that passed
when I didn't think of her.

The fairy visions of youth
are gone.

Mariana saw to that.

But with her...

..I can be happy... least.


..I'll make it work.


I'd let the thing amalgamate...

..gradually, if I were you.


We've been amalgamating
for the last 18 months.

Does Tib know?

Does Mariana know?


Mariana knows about her.

She doesn't know about this.

Ah. How's it going?

Well, we've had to pull
both seats forward

so we can get the cistern
and forcing pumps in behind.

Still, it's gonna be grand
when we're done.

It's very clever,

the way that the water
replenishes itself

and you just flush everything
away. It's...

One day, every household
will have one.

Not in my lifetime, though.

I still have to sh*t in the woods.


Here... know
at our lass's wedding?


Right, you know Ben Sowden,
Sam's brother that turned up?

Not really.

Well, anyway, the thing is...

Mary told me
that he'd written to them

to say that he'd seen Sam.


Well, this is the thing -
at the wedding,

Ben told me he can't write
and that he hadn't seen Sam.

So, er, why would Mary say
that he had?

Do you know that they had him
in t'pigpen?

Who did? Who had who in t'pigpen?

Before he disappeared.

d*ck. Come here, love.

Tell Mr Washington
about that fight you had

over at Sowden's place.
With Sam?

He were drunk.

This lad were black and blue.

He hit Mary, so we all piled in
and tied him to a chair

and put him in with t'pigs. Why?

Cos he was behaving like a pig
and he was frightening everybody.

Nasty bastard.
And then what?


Well, did y'see him again?



Good morning. Morning, ma'am.

Morning, ma'am. Oh, Joseph.

I've had a note
from Miss Lister in York.

She wants you to get on
the high flyer tomorrow

and meet her at the Black Swan,
in York, at three o'clock. Me?

Oh, and not to go in livery,
just something ordinary.


Keep busy, keep occupied

and keep cheerful. Think of nothing
but the agreeable

and write to me - in French.


Carriage is loaded, ma'am.
And then...

Oh, chin up.

And then you're going to write
to your sister

and ask for a formal division
of the estate.

Yes? Mm.

And how about Crow Nest?
Have you given any more thought

to letting it out to a tenant?

I know. It's...

It's a decision.
It's where you grew up.

But you'll have a new home soon,

and Crow Nest will always be there.

It makes no sense
having it stand empty

when you could have
an income from it.

I just... I'm not sure
that it's the right time to...

To? To...

Argh, to do it!

Or to let it.
Or to write to Elizabeth.

Without a division of the estate,
you can't alter your will.

And I can only change mine

when you change yours.

There needs to be
a formal division

so that everything can be split

fairly...promptly... that we can both make
this final commitment

to one another.

I just... I worry it might not be
the right time to...

..brave people's opinions,
with my aunt being so...


Our intentions need to be made clear
to all concerned.

A proper respect for
public opinion is due from all,

but we, first and foremost,

must respect ourselves,

and each other,

and...what we want.

I just... I think, if I write to
Elizabeth, I...

I just don't believe
a single line

escapes Captain Sutherland's


..she's the one who'll suffer
if there's any...

unpleasantness, so...

I ju...I can't.
I won't be rushed,

about anything.

It's the same equivocations -
backwards and forwards.

If only she had the courage
to bind herself

so that I could have confidence
in her.

Does this seem as if
she really thought us united

in heart and purse?


Ah! Joseph.

Excellent. Well done.

This is Nero.

I want you to ride him -

her - back to Shibden.

What? You can ride?

Not recently.

What's the matter?
I don't know the way.

Of course you do.
You've just come that way.

Use your initiative.
I've never been beyond Halifax -

except once,
I went to Huddersfield.

And now you're in York.
The world just gets bigger.

So, stay on this road. Follow
the Leeds mails and stages.

It'll take you out of York via
Dringhouses and Tadcaster.

Then, in Leeds,
ask for the Halifax road.

And, if in doubt,
ask someone else. Up you get.

I don't think
this is a good idea.

My sister gave you a few shillings?
Yeah. Good.

Well, take your time.

And if necessary,
stay at the Old White Horse

at Boar Lane in Leeds.

But I want you back at Shibden
by nine o'clock in the morning.

Is that clear?
Why can't Thomas do it?

He knows more
about roads and travel...

Are you being impertinent?
No, ma'am.

How old are you? 19.

19! Fit as a flea
and bright as a button.

Nothing is beyond you.

On you go!




Do you think Miss Walker
will suit me better,

as a companion,
than Mrs Lawton?

I like Miss Walker, so does Father.

He says there isn't anyone he'd like
better moving in with us.



Do you not like Mrs Lawton?

Well, she's just upset you
a lot over the years,

hasn't she?

One way and another.

Then always worming her way
back in again.

There you go.

How long have you had that cough?

Miss Catherine Waterhouse

is in the early stages
of consumption. I heard.

Come here.

Say "aah".



You'll live.



Well, it'll be a trial run
for all of us

if she's coming to stay
before you go to Paris.

She's still blowing
hot and cold.

Why? Oh, the tribe.

Not about visiting.
Not about moving in, even.

It's more about her making
a more permanent commitment.

She's reluctant
to let Crow Nest out,

which I can understand -
it's where she grew up.

But, good heavens,
it can't just stand empty

like a mausoleum.

And then there's...

Then there's the other thing.

We intend to change our wills.

Leave each other
a life interest in our estates.



And Crow Nest?
She's agreed to that?

Once Crow Nest
is divided into two,

between her and Elizabeth,

and it can all be itemised in black
and white, yes.

She's just avoiding
writing to her sister

to get the thing started.

Well, that's a...


We shall never have children...

..and so we need to protect one

It will be as good as a marriage.

If I die first, Shibden will still
go to the Swansea Listers,

It's just I'd rather...

..leave it
in the more immediate aftermath

of my death, if and when...

..when that happens,

to someone I've had
some sort of a life with.

I've... I've been wearing it
for weeks.

She gave it to me at Easter,
and I...

..gave her an onyx.

I want you to be pleased
for me.

But you're saying
it could still all go off?


I can't think that.

I must keep my nerve...

..and have faith in her.

She does seem...fragile.

Oh, I don't know.

I think, deep down, she's really...

..really quite wilful.

She'll stay at Shibden? Why?

Doctor's orders.

She'll visit you all, of course.

Oh, lucky us.

And then what? Back to York?
And how long for?

Doctor's orders
to stay at Shibden?

Doctor's orders not to be at Crow
Nest all on her own.

Ah, well,
those are two different things.

Well, yes. And she could stay here.

And what after that? Here?

You perfectly astonish me,
Miss Walker.

Stay here? Miss Walker asked
you if she could stay here.

When? Two years ago. When?

Before my return from Hastings.
After her brother d*ed.

She told me all about it.
You declined.

You told her,
"Young and old don't suit."

She was cut to the quick and when
she was at such a low ebb, too.

I'm afraid she wouldn't dream
of coming here - not after that.

And what after that?

How long will she remain
with Dr Belcombe?

She'll have to return home
to Crow Nest at some point.

He thinks that's a bad idea -

all alone,
with such sad memories.

Which is why I've asked her
to come and live with me at Shibden.


Surely, would it not be better

to ask one of the Misses Atkinsons

to move in with her
at Crow Nest,

if the anxiety is about her
being so much on her own?

Miss Walker does everything
she can for the Atkinsons.

The last thing she needs
is them moving in with her.

No, this is the scheme
that's most likely to answer.

I'm sure she'll discuss it
with you all when she's here.

She has nothing to hide.

Quite the opposite.

Did you know, Miss Walker,

that, when Miss Walker
was in Scotland,

Mr Ainsworth visited her?


ELIZA: You see, I always liked him.

I got your note.

Um... Yes.

Please sit.


So, George Naylor

has offered you £8,000
for Northgate.

But he's stipulated that
that would have to include

the sheep croft. No. Right.

And then Isaac Green.

Do you know him?

He's also offering 8,000 -

just for the house,
doesn't want the sheep croft.

But he is asking to pay £1,000 now

and the rest over... No.

..the next four years... No. 4%...

No. Right.

So, we'll continue with the plan
to put the place up for auction.

With a reserve price of 9,500,
including the sheep croft.


And the auction for Staups
is Monday week

at the White Lion.
I mean to have it,

whether Northgate sells or not.

ANN: My dear Anne,
please forgive me

for not attempting this in French,

but I am eager to catch the post

I enclose a bottle
of blackberry syrup for Marian

in the hope that it will
relieve her bothersome cough,

and Mrs Bewley begs her respects

and sends a bunch of asparagus to
your aunt, which will do her good.

Sweet creature.

I count the moments to your return.

I am still in a mine about Crow Nest

and still have anxieties
about writing to my sister

just now, but have faith.

I will not disappoint you.

You know there's no-one in the world

I would rather be guided by than

Come back quickly,
for I get dull without you,

and I want you in...

..a thousand ways.

Yours entirely,

Ann Walker.


ANNE: Dear sir,

I would like to order from you
a silver wax seal,

which I will pick up from you

when I am next in York, on the 20th.

I would like an ornamental
banner design

for the seal itself

and the motto should read
"foi est tout".

Faith is all.

ANNE: Happy birthday.


You're so thoughtful.
You're so clever.

You're so...kind.
It's so you. It's so me.

I had an idea - about Crow Nest.

It's just a suggestion,

an interim measure.

What if,
when you move into Shibden,

Mr Washington and his family
move into Crow Nest,

into the servants' quarters,
as sort of housekeepers?

Just to keep the place aired,
lived in.

That way, it just nudges things in
the right direction for us...

..for us both...

..without causing too much of
a stir.

Can I think about it?

Yes, of course.


MARIAN READS: The public mind
has been much excited

during the present week by the
confidently asserted rumours

of a coming change in,
if not of, the Cabinet.

It is certain that
a great difference exists

among the ministers
on certain leading subjects,

but the Irish Church question is the
most prominent one that...

Carriage has been spotted, ma'am.

Ooh. Come on.

Oh, what? They're here.

Ah. Here we are.
How was your journey?

Oh, delightful.

Bit of a delay in Leeds, but...

Thank you for inviting me.
You're very welcome.

Captain Lister, how are you?
Not so bad.

Much the same. How are you?

Oh, I'm well. I'm very well, thank

ANNE: Where's Aunt?

She's upstairs.
She'll be on her way down.

Oh, and thank you for the syrup.

Oh, did you get rid of your cough?

MARIAN: I think so. They always
linger longer than you'd like, don't

Dr Belcombe has encouraged...
Oh, Joe, love.

..the importance of a good diet.

ANNE: Healthy body, healthy mind.

MARIAN: What else have you
been doing in York?

ANN: Reading, lots of fresh air,
keeping busy...

Everything Anne's always
talked about, really.

Physical activity,
mental activity...

You do look very well.

AUNT LISTER: You must pop over
and see your aunt.

I know she's been anxious about you.

I intend to. I will, first thing.

AUNT LISTER: Who was telling me?
Who was it called in, Jeremy?

It was either Mr Sunderland
or Mr Musgrave, or Dr Day.

It wouldn't be Dr Kenny. We don't
see Dr Kenny any more, not since...

WHISPERS: ..Copenhagen.

Telling you what?

About Miss Walker, about being
anxious about Miss Walker.

I don't think they knew
where you were.

I mean, they knew
you were in York, but beyond that...

I got Staups! The bidding ended
just over half an hour ago

down at the White Lion.

Mr Stocks dropped out
when it got too hot for him.

I got it!

I'm afraid the highest bid
for Northgate

fell rather short of your reserve
price -

just over £3,000 less, in fact,

at 6,350.

So, unless you want to let it go
at that price...

No. No.

So, what'll you do?
Look for a new tenant?

Or I might turn it into a hotel.


With the town expanding the way it

surely the demand for such things
will only become greater.

Well, yes, but surely

that would involve some significant
outlay and more borrowing.

Did you know that every minute
of every hour

of every day, around the clock,

whilst we've been talking
just now,

Christopher Rawson is still -
still stealing my coal?

Well, all right,
but what's that got to do...?

If he sees me spending money,
he's hopefully, sooner or later,

going to think a lot harder
about mocking me like this

without facing any consequences.

I'm glad it didn't sell.

It would've looked weak.

AUNT WALKER: The ingratitude!

That is what's so staggering.

I promised your father,
on his deathbed,

that I would look after you
and do what I could for you,

and, my goodness me,
it hasn't been easy.

People can cease
to care about people

if people can't behave
in a manner that's appropriate.

And there comes a point,
there comes a time,

when people have to say
enough is enough!

The hours I have spent
worrying about you.

And now this?!

I have had that...

..whatever she is...

..woman... here, in my house,
in this room,

telling me what's what.

And what you can't see,
or won't see,

is what a laughing stock
you make of yourself

by having
anything to do with her,

by even being seen with her!

We are respectable, landed ladies.

Do you think anyone
who knows the first thing

about Anne Lister believes that?

How was she?

Don't you ever tell my aunt
anything about me...

..ever again!

Please don't speak to me like that
in front of a servant ever again.

ANN: I'm sorry.

You're the last person in the world
I want to take things out on.


I wanted to keep her
well informed.

I shan't be accused
of doing anything by stealth.

When we're here,
together, properly,

I don't want anyone to be able to

that we weren't transparent about it
right from the beginning.

I've decided.

You're right.

I think it's a good idea

about asking Washington and his
family to house-sit at Crow Nest.



And can we fix a date?

To go to Paris?

Just to...just to get on
with it, just to be there?

We can be off in days,
you just have to say the word.

And when we're back,
I'll write to Elizabeth

about dividing
the estate...properly.

Will you?

I'll order us a set of rooms
at Meurice's -

it's by far the best.

What about your apartment?
In Rue Saint-Victor?

We can't stay there.

It's tiny. I'll take you
to see it. It's ridiculous.

I'm very fond of it, but...

Oh, we'll be comfortable
at Meurice's.

I love you.

Mrs Priestley said that,
when you were in Fortrose....

..Mr Ainsworth turned up.

Oh. I refused to see him.

And then Captain Sutherland
got rid of him,

which, I realised afterwards,

he only did because he wanted
me to marry Alexander.

Why didn't you tell me?

I thought it would make you angry...

..even angrier than it made
me, and... breaks my heart
when you're angry, so I didn't.

Oh, you are pretty.

In a certain light?

In a certain light.


ANNE: My dear Mary, since the past
cannot be recalled,

let us both make the best
of the future.

My days of solitude
are drawing to a close.

My father and aunt
and sister are well satisfied

by my choice, and all Shibden
disagreeables are smoothed away.

I doubt I will see you
this summer.

I am taking my "little friend"
to Paris.

When we return, she will move into
Shibden with me.



Miss Lister will say exactly
the same as me, I'm certain.

What's the matter?
James arrived,

just after Thomas left.

He says he isn't accustomed
to wearing second-hand livery.

I am not wearing cast-offs.

Mr Lowe will be here to measure you

and adjust everything
later this afternoon.

Good God, man, it's clean.

It's perfectly customary,
even in the finest houses.



You'd better gather
your belongings.

I'll pay you for the one day
you haven't worked for me

and then you can make
your own way back to York.

I knew I'd made a bad decision.

If you're still on the premises
in 20 minutes,

I shall sh**t you for trespassing.



What do you know these days
about carriages?

Well, I picked up a bit, ma'am,
from Thomas.

He was always showing me. Excellent!

You're coming to Paris
with me and Miss Walker.

Carry on.

Anne? Anne...

Anne? Anne. Anne.

If you and Miss Walker
take Joseph to Paris,

who will act as valet to Father?

I can't help dress him - I might see
something I don't want to see.

There was this boy I saw in York.

Knew nothing about carriages,

but otherwise presentable
and honest. Matthew...


I'll write to Mrs Williamson,
get her to send him over.

You can put him on trial
for a few weeks, hmm?

You're not really going
to sh**t him, are you?

Only if I have to.

Erm... Yes. Cordingley.

Mm? Just to say, I think I
might've got the wrong end

of the stick about her and Thomas.

His mother d*ed
when you were in Copenhagen

and he didn't know about it
until you got back.

And, when I saw them, he'd just been
telling Mrs Cordingley

how heart-broken he was that she'd
never get to see him be married.

And, well, she was just...

..comforting him.



Why didn't he tell me?
About his mother?

They're all a bit scared
of you, aren't they?


I-I don't know.


Excuse me. Mm.

Elizabeth. Yes, ma'am?


..that was a very good
plum pudding

we had at dinner the other night.

Thank you, ma'am.



MARIANA: Dearest Fred, I earnestly
pray for your happiness.

If I have in any way interfered
with it,

I have no less trampled on my own,

for I have never loved any but you.

Your image alone awakens feelings

for which I otherwise have no use,

for there is a string within me
that has never vibrated

to any other touch but yours.

And at this moment, I feel as little
caring for the future of the world

as if 24 hours
would close my existence.

ANNE: The more, my dear Mary,
I reflect upon the past,

the more I am appalled at the
inconsistency of your conduct -

that you should grieve so deeply now
is a heavy misfortune to us both.

Whatever you may have gone through,

I cannot easily believe
it exceeds the misery,

the ruthless desolation,
that fell upon myself.

To me, it was more sudden
than the lightning's glare.

In pity and in common justice,
Mary, remember this.

MARIANA: Dearest Fred,

the die is cast and Mary must abide
by the throw.

You at least will be happy and this
will teach her to be so

who has nothing to hope for herself.

Yours entirely and forever...




MUSIC: Gentleman Jack
By O'Hooley & Tidow

# A Yorkshire lady of reknown

# Ever so fine

# Won't toe the line

# Speak her name, gentlemen frown

# At Shibden Hall she had them all

# The fairer sex
fell under her spell

# Dapper and bright
She held them tight

# Handsome Anne seduced them well

# Gentleman Jack
Oh, Gentleman Jack

# Watch your back
You're under att*ck

# The husbands are coming

# You'd better start running

# For nobody likes a Jack-the-lass

# Jack-the-lass

# No-one likes a Jack-the-lass

# The code is cracked

# Your bags are packed

# The knives are out for
Gentleman Jack. #