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04x08 - I Don't Belong Here

Posted: 04/28/22 16:54
by bunniefuu
You sublet my loft
without my permission.

Margaret had to cancel her tour

- 'cause she booked a movie.

SUMI: I know you quit
the tour. Why did you lie?

GAEL: Just because we're not together,

it doesn't mean that you don't
have a committed partner too.

DESI: I'm holding auditions
for a new dancer tomorrow.

Does it have to be a woman?

I'm a dancer, or I want to be.

JOAQUIN: How long
have you been homeless?

LUCA: Since I was .

DAVIA: No one really comes down here.

LUCA: You're sure you guys

ain't gonna get in any trouble for this?

DAVIA: It's just temporary until
we figure something else out.

If I buy Revitalize from Jackie,

then you could merge
them with Bulk Beauty

and then be free from
your non-compete contract.

They would never go for it.

I went to them first, and they said yes.

Impress me. All of you.

I'm going back to Bulk Beauty,

- and I'm taking Ava and Raisa with me.
- _

CHRIS: Jen and I dated for a few months,

but it was a mess, all we did was fight.

- I haven't seen her ever since!
- You left her in the middle of nowhere?

I had no choice!

She's crazy.

JOAQUIN: My mom thinks that she's dead.

I'm... I'm really worried

that something horrible happened to her.


♪ Pa-pa-paa, pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Pa-pa-paa, pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Then we'll find our peace of mind ♪

♪ You and me, Bel Ami ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa, pa-paaa ♪

Maybe you should reach
out to the police.

What am I gonna tell 'em?

That my mom didn't get a postcard

from my sister on her
birthday last year,

so I think her ex-boyfriend
might have k*lled her?

No, I just... I would... I
would need something concrete

to get them to even take this seriously.

Okay, well, then let's do a
deep dive on this ex-boyfriend.

Check his socials, reach out to friends.

They must've known your sister.

Maybe they can give
us something to go on.


Well, I'm happy to help. If you want it.

I'm not finding any pictures
of Jen on Chris' socials.

It's almost like he erased her.

Well, I wrote a program at MIT

that tracks any mention
or image of another user

across social media platforms.

I'll run that and see what we can find.

But in the meantime, I think
that we should DM Chris' friends

and see if they've heard from Jenna.


You went to MIT?

Oh, is that hard to believe?

No, it's just...

Smart girls don't look like me.

- No, there's just more to you than...
- Meets the eye?

Are you gonna finish
all my sentences or...


What I was gonna say was
that there's more to you

than I gave you credit for.

And I'm sorry if I was kind
of an assh*le when we met.

- Kind of?


Your sister's out there.

She's just... really good at hiding.

Yeah. Hopefully, not in
a shallow grave somewhere.


Don't go there.

She's alive and well,

and we're gonna find her.

- What's wrong?
- This was a bad idea.

Having lunch with your parents?

No. I mean, yes, that's
never a great idea.

But having you come. No offense.

I thought you wanted me
here for moral support.

I changed my mind.

Okay, do you want me to leave?

No! You can't leave now.

Just pretend you don't see them.

I changed my mind about letting
them know I quit the tour.


They finally get what I do.

But you don't wanna do stand-up anymore.

I know, but they're
also finally proud of me.

Okay, look, they just
can't know I quit the tour.


Oh, shit! Dad's on the move.

Pretend you see them.

I do see them!

Okay, I got it. I won't say anything.




This is your own flesh and
blood standing right here.


Hi. Didn't you see me waving?

ALICE: Uh... No. You were waving?

- [STRAINING] Okay, watch it.
- [LAUGHING] Sorry.

Yeah, maybe we should've
just ordered this online

and had it delivered.


But then we wouldn't have
got our ten-cent meatballs.

- Or got to play in the ball pit.
- I love a super store.

- I know. Me too.

All right, so all we gotta
do now is put it together.

How hard could it be, right?

- BOTH: Famous last words.

Ah, jinx!

Now you can't speak
until I say your name.

And if you do, I win.

Wow, that is... a lot of pieces.


Uh, read me the instructions.

Uh, okay.

So you want me to read them? Fine.

"Position short-head cap rail
above short head assembly."

Insert those Allen head bolts up top.

No, the Allen... The Allen head bolts.

This is the wrong way.

Wait, you... you need the dowels...

No, no, no. That's the head.

"Attach stationary posts S and T

by inserting nuts H

into the back face near the
top end of the stationary side."

This is a little harder than I thought.

Meatball break?

If you can catch a
meatball in your mouth,

you win and you can talk.



Bravo! We are halfway to our
baby not sleeping on the ground.

Okay, fine.

- Gael.
- Hah!

Loser! I win!

Okay, I see how you are.

Next time, I will show you no mercy.

I need some more meatballs.

You can have the ones
you let drop on the floor.

- Come on, share them.

You can have the rest.

They're all gone.

- Hmm. It's Dr. Bailian.


Hi. How are you?

Is everything okay with the baby?


And five, six, seven, eight.

And one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, cross, four.

Five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, step, four.

Five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, down, four.

Five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, touch, four.

Five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, up, four.

Five, six, seven, eight, and one!


- Nice! Come through!
- That was fantastic!

Luca, I'm so impressed with how quickly

you picked up the choreography.

You are a beautiful dancer.


DESI: Seriously, mad props.

Thank you. You've all been so welcoming.

And... it just feels so good to be here.

Well, we're thrilled
you've joined the team.

I'm honestly blown away by all of you.

You should be proud of yourselves.

Which reminds me, I need
your guest lists for the show.

You each get two comps.

And our first dress rehearsal
is Friday, so be ready.

Great rehearsal.

You really are k*lling it.

I got a great partner.


You're so nice.

Yeah, well, let it in.

You deserve all of it.

You know, I was, uh,
I was gonna tell you,

you can have my comps for the show.

I'm not gonna invite anyone.


Thanks, um, not really sure
I'm gonna invite anyone either.

You think? Why not?

I've been keeping all this
sort of on the down-low.

It's more something that I'm doing,

you know, for myself, for my confidence.

Yeah. I remember you talking about

how you feel like your life lately
hasn't been going, like, that great.

What is it?

Well, for one thing,
I was fired from my job

for posting this "Fat
Bitch" video a while ago

as, like, a clap back to someone

who called me fat online.

But in all fairness, I was
having an affair with her husband,

so I guess I deserved the "bitch" part.

Anyways, I've just always struggled

with the way that I
felt about my weight.

So I did this to sort of stop myself

from going into this shame spiral,

you know, about my body.

And I also got dumped.

So I guess I just wanted to
feel empowered and sexy too.

LUCA: Well...

you are sexy

and so powerful

and beautiful any way you are.

I actually, um, sent you some
pictures of you rehearsing.

You looked amazing.
And I just... I hope...

- Hope that's okay.
- Yeah.

Oh, you're right!

I kind of do look amazing.


Your fetal DNA test shows your
baby is high risk for Trisomy .

What's that?

It's a chromosomal condition

associated with severe
intellectual disabilities

and physical abnormalities.

I read sometimes these tests
can show a false positive.

They can. And let me be clear,

this is a screening
test, not diagnostic.

So there's another test?

- DR. BAILIAN: An amniocentesis.
- [WHISPERS] Which is dangerous.

It comes with a less than
% risk of harming the baby.

But it's the only way to know for sure

if your baby has it.

And, well, what if she does?

More than % of babies with Trisomy

die within the first year.

Many are never able
to leave the hospital.

Oh, my God.

How much do these tests cost?

We... We don't have insurance.

We have to do it,
whatever it costs, right?

So how's the tour?

Great! Busy.

Your father and I are looking
forward to your LA show.

Actually, Alice isn't
performing with Margaret in LA.

Yeah, Margaret already
booked comics for her LA show.


Does this have anything
to do with what happened?

No. No.

No. Cheers!

Wait, what do you mean "what happened"?



Did something happen on tour?

- Well...

Please. Alice, tell me.

I know something's wrong.

It's... It's not a big deal.

I was on stage and...
then there was this guy...


So I recently got a friend request

from my high school bully. Right.

She was always criticizing
me, so I messaged her back.

- "Dear Mom... "

"We are not friends. I am your daughter.

I don't think you wanna read my posts

about how to keep your
hair out of your mouth

when going down on your girlfriend."


"P.S. Please send money."

Hey, how do you keep
your girlfriend's hair

out of your teeth?

Sir, it's clear that you've
never gone down on a woman.

If you're using teeth,

that explains why you're here alone.

Never had any complaints, actually.

Or second dates!


MAN: You suck!

You suck!

I think that's part of your problem.

No woman wants her clitoris vacuumed.

Deep down, you don't want Hoover.

Sir, why don't you take a seat?

Or are you already sitting?

Can we get this man a booster seat?

- Better yet, maybe a taxi

back to his apartment

in his parents' basement.



You're not funny.

You're the joke.

Dumb ching-chong bitch.

I'm so sorry.

Did you tell anybody?

The police or Margaret?

Uh, we... we told her not to.

As long as she wasn't physically harmed,

there was no reason to make waves.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

She was assaulted!

We may be Chinese-Americans,

but this country sees
us as Chinese first.

Even if we are citizens,

we're still treated as guests here.

We've survived this long
by keeping our heads down

and not attracting attention.

Going public could make things worse,

make this man more angry.

And this time, it was a soda,

but next time, he could have a g*n.

TREA: We love Alice.

We wanna keep her safe.

It's not a big deal.

Okay? It's over.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Should we finish it?


There might not even be a baby.

Isabella, don't say that.

The doctor said we wouldn't even
be able to bring our baby home.

That's if the baby has it,

- but we don't know that yet.
- We don't know anything!

We should've never started

putting that crib together so soon.

- Hey.
- No, I'm just...

I'm just tired. I wanna be by myself.


Hey, has anyone noticed that
Davia's lost a lot of weight?

Yeah, actually.

It's been kinda gradual, though.

She looks the same to me.

Well, she posted on her Insta,
and she's got a lot of comments.

Looks like her last post

is about her slipping back
into her eating disorder.

- Should we be worried?
- Should we say something?

I have noticed her sneaking
out of here with a gym bag,

but I just thought she was
laundering money or something.

Really? You thought she
was laundering money?


What's so crazy about that?

I just wonder if these
are some red flags.

Oooh, red flags?

Are we talking about toxic exes?

'Cause I got some stories.

What's in your bag?

Uh, clothes.


Okay, what's going on?

ALL: Nothing.

Uh-huh. Sure.

Whatever you say, weirdos.

Yeah, definitely not clothes.



♪ Hey, my old friend ♪

♪ Have you lost where you're goin' ♪

♪ Hey, my dear friend ♪

- Thank you.
- Of course.

♪ Are you too tired... ♪

I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier.

I'm just so scared.

I know. I am too.

ISABELLA: Not knowing yet is so hard.

Yeah, I know. I can barely breathe.

Then why do you want to keep
putting the crib together?

An act of faith, I guess.

I gotta hold onto hope that
our baby's gonna be okay.

And building this is...

my way of not giving up on her.

That's beautiful.

I wanna have faith too, but...

Isabella, that's why you have me.

To lean on.

I've never been able to lean on anyone.

My... My parents, they
were never there for me.

They'd always leave me with babysitters.

And it was just like they were
so in love with each other.

But... there was never any room for me.

No matter what I did
or who I tried to be,

I could just never make them love me.

Your parents suck.

Yeah. [LAUGHS]

You know, I'm not
just here for the baby.

I'm here for you too.



If you believe the
baby's gonna be okay...

so will I.

Let's finish this thing.

- Let's do it.
- Okay.





Okay, well, how do you know
that it's actually from Jenna?

Exactly. It could just be
Chris trying to throw us off

so we stop looking for her.

Have you tried calling the number?

Yeah, just goes to a voice
mail that's not set up.

You know, what I'd really like to do

is go back to Chris' house
and beat the truth out of him.

Okay, well, let's file
that under "terrible ideas."

Getting arrested isn't
gonna solve anything.

Just try texting back and asking
something only Jenna would know.

Like what her favorite
childhood scented lip gloss was.

What? Mine was Butterfly Boo.


What song was it?

♪ I got the joy, joy,
joy, joy down in my heart ♪

- ♪ Where? Down in my heart ♪
- Where?

It's... It's... It's a dumb church song,

but it made us laugh for some reason.

Well, let's hope she answers.


It's the doctor.

I'm not sure I can handle this.


Dr. Bailian, it's... it's
Gael. I'm here with Isabella.

Yeah, we're ready.

Yes, thank you!

Yeah, that's... that's great news.

She doesn't have it.

She's gonna be okay.

Our baby's healthy.

- Woo! Slow.

And hit, hit, hit.



All right, all right, take five.

Hey, so I need the
money for your costumes.

Uh... Yeah. Yeah, how much was that?

Uh, $ .

And you need it by?

Tomorrow, if that's okay.

Yeah. Yeah, no, um,
no problem. Tomorrow.

Okay, great.

Hey. So, um...

I think I have to quit.


I just... I can't do this.

Does this have anything
to do with the reaction

to the Instagram posts?

I saw the comments.

Come on. Take a seat. Come here.

Sit. Sit.

I've also been through recovery
from an eating disorder.

It's part of why I
wanted to do this show

with dancers of all sizes.

Recovering isn't just about
restoring your mind and your body.

It's about restoring relationships too.

And regaining the trust of others

starts with trusting yourself.

Hiding from the world,


that's not what people
who trust themselves do.

Just think about it.


MARIANA: Are we even?

CLAIRE: You're a bit low.

Can you go up?

Not unless I have a
late-stage growth spurt.

Rachel, can you come down?

- Yeah, I got it.
- Thank you.

I can't wait for you to hear
Raisa and Ava's app idea.

I promise, joining forces

will make so much sense once you do.

[GASPS] Oh, they're here!

ALL: Welcome to the OG Bulk Beauty!

Oh, sorry. Was that too much?

- We're just so happy that you're here.
- Yeah.

- It's not...
- That.

- We have some...
- Bad news.

BOTH: We can't join Bulk Beauty.

Why not?

Well, remember how
you told us to hold off

on telling Liza about
our idea for the app?


I got so excited, I
sort of told her anyway.


Well, that's okay,

'cause she's coming over here too.

AVA: Actually...

BOTH: She's not.

After you invited Liza
to join Bulk Beauty,

she told Jackie everything.

And Jackie says since
Revitalize Beauty owns

every idea we've had since
we've worked for them,

we can't take any of those
ideas with us if we leave.

AVA: We don't like Jackie either.

And what she did to you was horrible.

But we truly love and
believe in this idea,

and we can't leave it behind.

RAISA: We're sorry.

- So sorry.
- Really I...

I think you should leave.


Hey, Mariana, it's okay.

No, it's not okay.

You know how hard I've
tried to win your trust back?

And I failed over and over again.

Just keep screwing
everything up, and I'm sorry.

No. You did not screw this up.

- And we do trust you.
- GINA: Completely.

RACHEL: You don't have
anything to win back.

We know you never meant to hurt us.

We overreacted.

And we're sorry.

It's not all on your
shoulders to save us, Mariana.

We love you.

And we're all in this together.

Thank you.

What are we gonna do now?

We go to Evan.

Him buying Revitalize
is our only option.

Thank you all for coming
to the intervention

I'm assuming you all think I need.


Listen, if you're laundering
money, we can help...

launder it.

- I have friends.
- ALICE: Kelly!


I'm not laundering money. But thank you.


Clearly, you saw the
comments on my Instagram post,

which is why you were all
acting really weird last night.

- We're here to help.
- Yeah, whatever you need.

That's the thing,
though. I don't need help.

I need trust.

For years, I felt like I had to prove

that I was in recovery
by keeping on weight.

I mean, God forbid I eat a salad,

because then I was afraid

that everyone would
think I was in trouble.

But sometimes a girl just wants
a beautiful, crisp Greek salad!

So... I ate them in secret.

Which felt lonely and somehow wrong,

like I was out of my eating disorder

but still letting secrecy
and shame control my life.

KELLY: Yeah, I understand.

Not the shame.

I've never felt that way.

But I too love salad.

- Can you please let her talk?
- Have some respect!

Anyway, I know that
I am happy and healthy

in all of my choices.

So in that spirit,
yes, I have lost weight,

and yes, I have been keeping a secret.

But it's not what you think.

Uh, I've joined a burlesque group,

and we've been rehearsing every week.

And it's been really empowering for me.

And I'm inviting you all to the show.

So I hope you will come
celebrate me celebrating myself.

Can I say something now?

- Please.
- Yes.

I think you're bad-ass, Davia.

- GAEL: Mm-hmm.
- ALICE: We all do.

- Come here.
- Oh, you guys!

KELLY: It's the coolest
thing you've ever done.



Here you go. I hope you
like almond butter and jam.

I need to go shopping.

Um, thanks.

You're welcome.

Okay, what's going on?

I don't have that, uh,

that bucks for my... my costumes.

Oh, that... that's... that's no problem.

Look, I'll cover you,

and you can just pay me back later.

No, no, no, no, please.

Um, you have...

You've already done,
like, so much for me.

It... It's just that

I... I don't, um, feel very comfortable,

like, depending on anyone.

In my experiences,

when something seems
too good to be real...

it usually is.

It's like I'm not even, uh,
supposed to be living here.

No, I understand that.

And I'm gonna work all of that out.

I just need to talk to everyone

and see if we can find
you a permanent place here.

I know once everyone meets
you, they will all welcome you.

And as far as depending on anyone,

at some point, we all
need to accept help.

Look, I promise you
that you are safe here.

And you can trust that this is real.


Hurry up, dinner's getting cold.

- Thank you.
- Of course.

By all means, please take a seat.

I know you're not fine...

as a woman, as a proud Asian,
and just as a human being.

What happened to you was
terrifying and humiliating.


Can you move now, please?

And though I don't agree,

I understand the advice
your parents gave you.

I've never shared this with anyone,

but in high school, I
joined the cheer team.

I was the only Asian,

and the other girls gave me the nickname


I hated it,

but I didn't say anything

because I wanted so
badly to be their friend.

But one day,

I just couldn't take it anymore,

so I complained to the coach.

My friends were reprimanded and...

then they stopped being my friends.

No more sleepovers or
sitting at lunch together

just because I spoke up.

What happened to me
wasn't as scary or violent,

but I understand there's
a price for speaking out.

But then, no one ever
called me "Sushi" again.

And even though I wanted
to, I didn't quit cheer

because I really loved it.

All I'm saying

is giving up something you love

is too high a price to pay
for the ignorance of others.

Thanks for sharing that with me.

SUMI: Of course.

Are you warm enough out here?

I have extra blankets. Yeah.

Well... good night.



Come in.

DAVIA: Everything okay?


Oh! Oh, wow! Oh, God!

Oh! Oh, ho, ho.

So did you come down
here just to tease me?

That and to say that I'm proud of you.

I can't wait to see your show.

Aw, thanks. But don't make
me regret inviting you.

So, um, Isabella and I
had a scare with the baby.

- Oh, Gael!
- No, everything's fine.

But I realized when I was
terrified about losing her,

I was also really scared
about losing Isabella.

What do you mean?

Like, if there is no baby,
there'd be no "us," right?

And... I realized

I can't imagine my life without her now.

So what does that mean?

Are you saying your
feelings for Isabella

are deeper than just friends?

I think so.



♪ Lately my songs have been lazy ♪

♪ Susan at the table from my neighbors ♪

♪ And their skeleton dog ♪

♪ My train of thought travels ♪

♪ At the speed of lightning
or something faster ♪

♪ I wonder what it means ♪

♪ I'm gonna go to sleep ♪

♪ And I'll dream ♪

♪ Distract me ♪

♪ So I don't notice... ♪


♪ Build a wall around me ♪

- ♪ To keep the eels out of my bedroom ♪
- _





Oh! Oh, I... I'm so sorry.
I did not mean to scare you.

Get the hell out of here!

- Just gonna grab my things.
- You can't squat here, man!

No. No. No, no, no. I... I'm going.

And don't come back!

I'm... I'm going.
