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03x01 - Glass Houses

Posted: 04/25/22 08:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on "brothers & sisters".

-I now pronounce them.

You owe a substantial amount of money.

A merger is our only offer.

Who would run the company?

Sarah and I would be copresidents.

Holly will assume the
role of chairman and C.E.O.

-Let's adopt.

Rebecca is not your biological sister.

What if it was all
just a way to meet you?

The only reason dad left you any money was
that he thought that rebecca was his daughter.

-Are you joking? -Explain
his passwords then--

the initials of all his
children,the last one was "R.

" There was another "r,"
but it was never rebecca.

It was a boy,and his name was ryan.

Mom,we have something
we need to tell you.

"dear birth mother,"my
name is sarah walker.

"If you're reading this,"you must be hoping
to find someone "to adopt your unborn baby.

"There is no one I know who would be a
better mother "than my little sister kitty.

"First let me tell you a
little about our family.

"Justin,the baby of the
family,"is a w*r veteran.

"Kevin is a lawyer who
married his partner scotty.

"And tommy,the oldest of the
boys,he's married to julia.

"He runs our family business,which
now includes a winery.

"As crazy as it sounds,"they
are each other's best friends.

"And what holds this big brood together?

"Our mother nora.

"A better role model "I
could not wish for any mother.

"A better grandmother "I
could not wish for your baby.

"A better friend I could
not wish for the world.

"And when she brings us all
together,"it is family at its best.

"A walker dinner is a sight to
behold. "The love just radiates.

"And any new baby would be welcome "into
this joyous scene with open arms and hearts.

"But no heart is bigger,no arms more
open "than my wonderful sister kitty.

"Imagine a fountain "that
overflows with unconditional love.

"Imagine a magical glue
that holds people together.

"Imagine a pied piper from pasadena.

"Children are drawn to
her wherever she goes.

"That's our kitty.

"What gives this remarkable
woman her strength?

"We do-- her brothers,her
sister,her mother,her family.

" blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah.

It goes on like that for six pages.

I mean,some poor woman could spend her entire
last trimester slogging through this thing.

I don't think she wrote it. I
think she got it off the internet

at schmaltz-fest.Com.

More likely she sat down one night,

cracked open a bottle of merlot and just
kept writing until she lost consciousness.

Maybe she hired somebody to write it.

I mean,you gotta admit,this
is laying it on pretty thick.

Honey,we're asking someone
to give us their child.

It's hardly a time for humility.

We should be glad she finished it.

Yeah,I guess you're right.

There's no point in obsessing over it.


look how long it is.

well,is it a crime to go on about
how much you love your sister?

Well,she goes on about everybody.

What'd she say about me?

Nothing compared to
what she says about mom.

Get--oh,here. Get
a load of this.

"A better grandmother I
could not wish for your baby.

A better friend I could
not wish for the world.

" Okay,the world.

All right. Maybe it's
a little over the top.

But what do you want her to do,be honest?
She's trying to put us all in the best light.



What are you doing here?

-Does she need a reason?

Actually,I was just,uh,I was gonna
ask you if I could borrow the,

-uh,the lamp in the attic?
-The floorlamp?

-Absolutely. Take it.

Awesome. Thank you.

your place?

Uh,you know,right now
it's so empty it echoes.

But,hey,at least with the lamp,now
I'll be able to see what I don't have.

do you even have any sheets and towels?

Oh,nora,it's okay. Really.

No,no,go up to the
closet. Take some linens.

I have more sets than
I know what to do with.


Cool. Thanks.


Oh,she better not take
the ones with e robots.

Those are my--
you remember those.

Yeah,well,I gotta go,mom.
I'll catch you later.

Well,don't forget your letter.

I'm tellin' ya,there's a
ghostwriter in here somewhere.

don't be silly.

When you see her,you
might wanna thank her.

Well,if she ever stops
rescheduling our plans,maybe I will.

All right.


Oh,god. You didn't tell
her you wrote it,did you?

Of course not. Have
you even read it yet?

Well,I tried. I fell
asleep on page four.

Oh,for god sake'S.

Would you please read it so at least you
can be familiar with what it is you said?

I should have just told her
the truth--I'm insanely busy,

the kids are driving me
crazy,not to mention holly.

No,no,no. You can't tell her the truth.

She's so stressed out by all of
this,and it'll just hurt her feelings.

Sarah,just don't act
guilty. It'll all blow over.

Mother,you should know that the
cover-up is always worse than the crime.

Didn't you learn anything from dad?

God,sarah. You don't
have to slam things.

If you would stop dredging up the
past,then your father wouldn't be an issue.

Mom,I'm not dredging up anything,

and I'm trying to get the
air conditioning to come on,

and excuse me if I'm a little curious about the fact
that I have a half brother lurking out there somewhere.

I told you I don't want to
talk about this ryan person.

Read the letter. We never
had this conversation.

Okay,mata hari.

we're being summoned,sarah.

-By the almighty?

We're gonna condense
the packaging department.

Walker landing has a
more efficient system,so--

w-wait a minute.Are you telling me that you're
getting rid of entire department in this company?

Saul,you have to stop looking at this
as if there's two different companies.

We are in this precarious
situation because of the merger,

and we are stuck with
these difficult decisions.

wrong? -Nothing.

It's just nice and
cool in here,that's all.

I replaced the air conditioner.

Oh,I thought we were
trying to save money.

With a more energy efficient one.

Look,sarah,nobody's happy about this,

but we have a $ -million
loan hanging over our heads.

Cuts are gonna have to
be made across the board.

Why do I get the feeling
I'm about to be fired?

You're not,but other
people will have to be.

-Oh,that leaves me,then.
-No,not you,sarah.

No,we are looking at the legal team.

The legal team? You mean kevin?

-No,I mean his law firm,which has been charging ojai foods an exorbitant amount of money.
-Come on. They're competitive.

Holly,just a minute. You're not serious?

You know what kevin has
done for this company?

You can't just throw him
overboard for just a few bucks.

No,no,saul,I'm not
talking about a few bucks.

Now I have found a law firm that
is so much more cost-effective--

are you really gonna go
along with her on this?

-Do you think I want to fire my own brother?
-I don't know.

Well,I don't,and if things turn
around,we can bring him back.

-That's nice.

Kevin's gonna be so happy to hear that.

Are you gonna tell him?

We got our earnings report today.

-Did you know that you were our number one associate this month?
-No,I didn'T.

All that extra work you put on the
ojai merger put you over the top.

Now we were very impressed
at the partners' meeting.

We're keeping our eye on you.

-Thank you.
-One more thing.

Cynthia and I are not using the
house in laguna beach this weekend,so.

you're welcome to it.

I. I don't know what to say.

Feel free to invite your family.

It's sort of a,uh,well,

a token of our firm's appreciation.

Thank you s-so much.
That's so generous.

But,uh,there's-- there's
actually a lot of them.

It sleeps .

So he just gave you the keys?

U know who else got these keys?

Alice rogers,and she's a partner now.

Yeah,and you know who else?
Joe jensen--partner now.


-Are you gonna invite your whole family?
-What,are you crazy?

-I thought it slept .
-Yeah,it does.

But this weekend,it's gonna sleep two.

I've got doug manning to see you.

Bring him in.

-Did you hear that?
-Do you have to go?

Yeah,I do. Call you back. Bye.

Mr. Manning,I am so
glad you could come by.

No problem. M-my office is
just a couple of blocks away.

Take a seat.

I'm sure you don't remember.

We did actually meet several years
ago at a conference in chicago.

You were speaking with my father about a lady
you both worked with who died in a car accident.

Connie lafferty.

Right,because this is A.

this is a picture you gave my father.

Did connie have a son named ryan?

Is this his picture?

What's this about?

I'd like to get in touch with him.

I didn't keep track of connie's
family after she died. Sorry.

Mr. Manning,please.

I just need to get in touch with him.

I heard her husband moved the
family to bakersfield after she died.

Thank you.

I asked you both not to do this.

Yeah,and we haven't done anything yet,which
is why we wanted to talk to you first.

But we really think
the family should know.

Know,know what? We don't know anything.

Kevin's tracked down a phone number.

This isn't hypothetical.

-He's out there.



I know this is hard for you mom,

but do we really want to wait
until there's a knock at the door?

You know,I-I am not going
to be sucked into this.

Things are crazy enough in this family right
now without you wanting to bring another walker--




What are you doing here?

Oh,I'm,um,meeting sarah for lunch.

-Bring another walker where?
-Bring another walker where?

I don't know,sweetheart.

well,then what are you talking about?

We were just talking about,,

uh,bringing another walker to laguna.

who's in laguna?

Uh,m-my boss has given me the keys to
his place in laguna for the weekend.

Oh,well,that's nice. But why did you
come all the way over here to say that?

Because we're all invited.

wh--I mean,we're talking
about that as a possibility.

-A possibility.
-I would love to go to laguna.

Oh,I see.

Robert and I are the only
ones who aren't invited,right?

Oh,no,no. Everyone's invited,right,mom?

Paige and coop are gonna be thrilled.

oh,I don't know,mom. You know,kevin and
scotty probably want the place to themselves.

-They only just got married.

and they're practically newlyweds.

But wait a minute. Didn't you just
drive all the way over here to invite us?


Isn't it exciting?

Your brother is on the
fast track to make partner.

I am so proud of you.

Yeah,and speaking of which,I--
wow,I have to get back to the office.

So I'll-- I'll tell scotty the
good news. Everyone's coming?



-Enjoy lunch.

call tommy from the car.

Oh,god,no,not tommy.

well,what's wrong with tommy?

-I don't even know how
to tell you this. -Sarah--

no,mom,what you don't
know,what nobody knows,

especially kevin,is that tommy
and holly have decided to fire him.

They're gonna fire kevin?

And there is nothing I can do about it.

Well,just say no.

Oh,I work for holly harper now,mom.

Remember? You were there
when we did the deal.

This is outrageous. She can't do that.

Well,good luck stopping her.

You don't still want
to have lunch,do you?

-Yes,I still want to do lunch.


Well,I see I no longer
have a parking spot.

God,you scared me.

I'm sorry. Or maybe not.

What are you doing here?


I forgot how quickly news
spreads in your family.

Well,did you think I was
just not gonna say anything?

No,but I would've appreciated a call.

-I'm feeling ambushed.
-Join the club.

Nora,saving a business
requires sacrifice.

-Now you asked me to step in-- to keep
ojai in the family,not to fire my son.

We're only acting responsibly.

Well,I wonder if you would be acting
this responsibly if it were about rebecca.

You know,if this involved rebecca,I hope
that I would do exactly the same thing.

Well,that certainly explains why
she isn't talking to you anymore.

You know,I am trying
to be patient right now.

But you are making it very hard.

I'm making that hard?

You know,nora,this is
really tommy's call.

I thought you were the C.E.O.


Then as the C.E.O.,Let me
make this perfectly clear.

This is a business decision,which is very
fitting since ojai foods is a business.

This is no longer william's company.

So you don't have the right to
barge in here and make demands.

If you have something
that you need to say,

then pick up the
phone,make an appointment,

park in the visitor's parking lot and
hike on up here just like everybody else.

Now I know this is hard for someone like
you to stomach,but the family circus is over.

I swear,holly thinks
she's running U.S. Steel.

She keeps coming up with these
ridiculous organizational charts,

and every day,my square gets
smaller and smaller and smaller.

Do me a favor.

Just tell me what it's like to have a great job
and a gorgeous husband and a ranch in santa barbara.

Don't leave any details out.

Okay,if you promise to tell me what
it's like to have two beautiful kids.

Oh,gosh. I wouldn't know.

My angels have recently morphed
into these little monsters.

I swear. I'm very close to just driving a little
woon stake through both their little hearts.

well,so much for unconditional love.

You don't remember?

First I gush it out on
everyone like--like a fountain,

and then I use it to
glue people together.

Too maudlin?

Well,it--you know,it just
didn't sound like you.

I think I got a little carried away.

I'm sorry it took me so
long. Are you mad at me?

Oh,god! And the other thing--
we're cost cutti at work,

but holly installs a brand-new air
conditioning unit in her office.

Now it is sucking the life
out of everybody else'S.

Rebecca,give me. all your s.

Ooh,go fish.


Paige,what did you say?

Mom says it all the time.

I don't want to play anymore.

No,that's not fair. I'm winning.

That's so not fair.
You're just a sore loser.

You're the loser.

Okay,okay,I think that it's time to
go upstairs and get your homework done.

Oh,crap. Oh,crap. Oh,crap.

What's going on in here?

Cooper said "crap.

" Yeah,I heard him,and I also heard rebecca tell
you guys to go upstairs and do your homework.

I don't have any homework.

Paige,do you realize that your uncle justin invented the
"I don't have any homework" dodge. before you were born?

So why don't we march our cute little butts
upstairs and do some homework,all right?









We really need to get better this.

-No,the hiding it part.

We don't have to hide anything.
We're not doing anything wrong.

Look,I just--I don't want to announce anything yet ada
malo. Because,you know,we're not even sure what we are--

you want to spend the whole
weekend in laguna pretending?

Unless you want your family watching us
the whole time to see what's going on.


uncle justin?


Okay,so I go to make a pitcher
of martinis,and I look in the bar,

and i find about "up" glasses,and
all of them are baccarat crystal.

They're gorgeous.

Yeah,well,put 'em all back. 'Cause this
is my family,so they can use paper cups.

-Where were you?
-Bathroom number five.

My goal for the weekend
is to pee in all eight.

Well,then you better drink up.

-Why is this pink? -It's
pomegranate-- full of antioxidants.

No,no,no,no. I like my family oxidized.

And you know what gets
pomegranate juice stains out?

Absolutely nothing,okay?

Clear liquids from now
on--g,vodka and consomm? Cheers.

okay,time to move everything
my family could ruin.

Like our romantic vacation for two?

Look,I am so sorry,okay?
I just panicked.

No,it's okay. I'd freak out,too,if I had
random new siblings springing up all the time.

Please remember you're
not supposed to know,okay?

Mom's head would explode. And
don't ask kitty about the adoption.

She's really stressed out about it,and please
don't mention to sarah me making partner.

I don't think we should rub her nose in it
now that her career is circling the drain.

Wow,this fish is really heavy.

Yeah,that fish is a whale,and
it cost more than your car.


Now I hate my car.

You know what? I'm glad we're hosting.

It's the least we can do after
everything your family's done for us.

You're so much nicer than I am.

You know what? When I make partner,I'm
gonna buy you two whales-- moby and d*ck.

-you had a head start.
-That's not fair.

Cooper. Coop.

hey,kids. You ready to have fun?

Hey,can we go outside?

Of course. Check out the pool.

-be careful!
-oh,I got an eye on 'em.

Everyone's right behind me. It was
like a motorcade coming down here.

-This place is obscene.

I'm so sorry you got roped
into having the whole family.

You know what? I've decided
this is gonna be great.

I mean,come on. Look at this place.

You're right.


let's enjoy ourselves.
You gonna give me the tour?

It's okay. You can leave 'em there.

With a good wind behind
it,this place could take off.

-Mommy,can I have some soda?
-No,absolutely not.

You're jacked up enough as it is.

You can have grape juice with water.

-Uh,how about just water?
-I hate water.

Hey,you guys,we're here.

How are you?

Well,I didn't expect to see you here.

Why not? We were invited.

Well,it should be interesting.

When are you gonna tell him?

Hey,kev,this-- this
place is incredible,man.

The life of a partner,and since
ojai's a big reason I may become one,

you get the master bedroom.

Come on. You know,you
don't have to do that.

Yo,this place freakin' rocks.


You guys carpool?

Us? No,no. I-I drove alone.

Oh,I came with mom.

I can't believe it. Tommy's here.

Just keep smiling. Let's not
ruin the weekend before it starts.

Don't worry. I'm gonna talk to him.

He just has to learn to
stand up to that woman.


Oh,my gosh! Look at this. It's amazing.

-Uncle justin.

Can you get coop a soda?

Uh,is it okay with your mom?

Of course not,but you don't want anybody
to find out about you and rebecca,do you?

this is blackmail.

You promise to keep your mouth shut?

All right,here,you little monster.

It's diet.


-uncle justin.

-These don't work.
-All right,let me see 'em.

The screen went dark,and it just
said "video . " Can you fix it?

Uh,yeah,yeah. You know what?
I'll,uh,I'll fix it later.

No,I want to watch "hannah montana" now.

fine. I'll see what I can do.

I can't believe kevin gave us this room.

I'm gonna spend the entire weekend going back
and forth between the pool and the hot tub.


Tommy,what is it?

It's too beautiful of a day
for you to be in a bad mood.

What? Nothing.

Look,I just-- I have some work
stuff on my mind,all right?

I know,but can't you just
forgeabout the business for a minute?

Sorry to interrupt.

I-I left elizabeth with scotty.

I-I think she's
getting a little hungry.

Oh,okay. Uh,I'll get her. Thanks.

Look at that view.

Yeah,smooth move,mom. Let me guess.

You talked to sarah.

Tommy,I know how hard
you're trying with ojai.

I don't blame you for any of this,

but you can't fire kevin just
because holly wants you to.

You have to learn to push back with her.

Mom-- if you and sarah stand
together,there's nothing she can do.

You don't understand.

This was my idea.

-Your idea?

Holly just agreed with me.

If you look at the
books,we can't afford him.

I am doing this to save the company,mom.

You can'T. You can'T.

You see how proud he
is out there. You can'T.

Do you think I want to do this?

Tommy,he's your brother.

I know.

Here you are.

I'm thinking of heading down the
hills to the beach. You want to come?

What,and leave my family
unchaperoned? I don't think so.

You know,kitty and sarah have already started
throwing back your pomegranate martinis.

-You love it.
-Love what?

All of them being here,hosted by you,

Mr. "I've got the keys to a fabulous beach
house, soon-to-be partner of a major L.A.Law firm.

" You forgot just married.

Oh,right. That little detail.

You know what? I think I do.

I think I love being lord of the manner.

Mm,that's 'cause you like being the center of
attention,like everybody else in your family.

Yeah. Actually,it's amazing none
of us went into show business.

Well,you've been working
like a crazy person.

You deserve to be the
center of attention.

don't go to the beach just yet.

Why? What do you have in mind?

Kevin,your family's here.
What if they spill something?

I've already taken care of that.

-Kevin's making me drink outside.

Oh,god. You know,it's really
actually quite beautiful out here.

You know,sarah,I know I've
been really weird about it,but.

-your letter meant a lot to me.
-Oh,don't worry about it.

No,really. You said some.

very nice things,and. and I.

I loved that story about
me in the third grade.

that one.

Yeah,the one where I used to give the cookies to the little
girl because her mother only gave her apples for dessert.

yeaH. I just.

I thought it epitomized you.


That story was never in the
letter. It never even happened.

God. I should've known. You would
never give your cookies away to anyone.

It's not funny.

Oh,god. Why didn't I
finish reading that letter?

You didn't even read it?

No,I did,most of it.

God,I almost even wrote it.

I ran out of timE. I was talking to mom.

Oh,of course,mom. Mom wrote it.

She offered to help.

You didn't have to say yes.

I mean,come on,sarah,what's
going on with you?

You had,like,a month to write it.

Sorry,kitty. I'm just--
I'm at the end of my rope.

I have never been this stressed.

I'm about to do the biggest thing I've ever
done in my life,and I asked you to help me.

God,what are you even worried about?

You're married to a senator.
You are gonna get a baby.

You know what? You always do this.

You always,always make the
assumption that my life is so easy.

You know,I think it's because
you're so obsessed with your own life

that the only thing that you can
see in mine is what you don't have.

That is not fair.

You don't even know
what's been going on.

-Then why don't you tell me?
-I can'T.

oh,god. I shouldn'T.

Okay,it's about dad. Kevin
found out some things.

You remember the photo?

-Oh,god,please,not again.
-I know you think I'm crazy.

-I'm not.
-It's true.

-No,seriously-- dad
had another child.

Mom doesn't want anyone to know.
Otherwise,we would've told you.

Speak to kevin.

We have a phone number.

His name is ryan lafferty.


Oh,my god. Paige,cooper,are you okay?

I left you alone for five
minutes. What happened?

I wanted to get the whale.

Oh,this is bad. This
is-- this is really bad.

Oh,my god. What happened?

Oh,my god.

Oh,my god.

The whale.

Look at the whale. I'm a dead man.

I'm a dead man. Who did this?

Who did this?

I did,kevin.
I'm--I'm sorry.

You know,when I was a kid,I
made a ton of model airplanes.

So this is gonna be as good as new.


Maybe when you're done.
You could repair my career.

It'll be all right,honey. We're
gonna get this all cleaned up.

Mom,please,don't even
try. I'm inconsolable.

Tommy,don't let the kids come in
here. They'll step on the glass.

It's okay,mom. They're
with scotty and julia.

You know,I still don't understand
what you were doing in here,justin.

I'm sorry,okay. Jeez,drop it,kevin.

Kitty,we could use some help over here.

-I'm not even talking to you.
-What did I do?

Oh,don't play dumb,mother.

You wrote sarah's
letter of recommendation.

-You told her?
-She figured it out,mom.

-You were right.

Yeah,apparently there are certain
members of this family who are--

are keeping all kinds of secrets.

-what exactly did you tell her?

Does this concern
me and-- justin.

Yes,yes,justin,this concerns all of us.

I've just been informed that dad
does have another child out there.

Oh,you know what? If this is another one
of sarah's crazy ideas,I'm not listening.

I'm not crazy. Kevin,can
you please tell them?


A couple of days ago,I met
up with an old friend of dad's

the photo we found is
of a boy named ryan.

Dad was very close to his mother.

-Well,that's hardly concrete evidence.
-I know.

We could call him.

-Kevin has his number.
-You have his number?

No one is calling anyone.

-Mom,the cat is out of the bag.
-Put it back in.

you okay?

I'm fine,I'm fine,I'm fine.

Believe me,nothing your father has
done will surprise me ever again.

I just don't think there's
any value in pursuing this.

well,I'm sorry,but I disagree.

What do you think will happen
if we actually find this guy?

I mean,we got lucky with rebecca.

We don't know anything about him.

yeah,I agree. Even with rebecca,it
was a little touchy in the beginning.

-I'm right here,you know?

Can't just sweep this
back under the rug.

It's just better if
everything is out in the open.

Yeah. Rebecca and i have started dating.

-Justin,not now,sweetheart.

Yeah,we kind of assumed that anyway.

I didn't assume anything.

You know what? While we're telling the
truth,I didn't break this damn whale,okay?

-Cooper did.
-Who cares?

I care.

Okay,justin and rebecca,doesn't it
feel better now that everybody knows?

Sarah,thiis different.

-Ryan is a very loaded situation.

We can't just go cold-calling potential
family members because we're curious.

I'm not curious,mom.
This is about the truth.

We owe this ryan the truth.

Why are you so worried
about what we owe him?

yeah,really. Look,sarah,ojai's
having enough trouble right now.

We don't need another person
trying to make a claim to--

a claim?Oh,my god. I'm going for a walk.

Wait. Rebecca,wait. I'll come with you.

No,stay here.

-You're unbelievable.

Not everything is about money,tommy.

No,no,of course not,sarah,because
it's all about you.

Why don't you try being
a sister to me first

before you start dragging
somebody else into the mix?

-I have done--

You see? This is why I
didn't want everyone to know.

Look what's happening. We're
just talking about the guy.

-Mom,our problems started way before ryan came along.

I mean,tommy's plans have
nothing to do with ryan.

-No,I'm done.

-I am done. Keeping the family secrets.
-sarah,do not say anything.

Sarah. sarah.

I'm sorry. He's letting you go,kevin.


Holly and tommy have decided
that you're expendable.


-We're making cuts at ojai.


Oh,my god.

If you knew how important
that account was.


-you know,mom,forget about the mess.

Sarah,you are like a dog with a bone.

You guys make politics look tame.

Yeah,you know what? Let's go.

Look,I wanted you to hear it from me.

Yeah,that would've been nice.

Ojai is having a cash

-and now that's my problem.
-You mean I'm your problem.

No,it's the business.

Dad did whatever he had
to do to make it a success.

Now I didn't always
understand his choices--

yeah,you're right.He was an enigma.

You're not listening to me.

He knew that without a healthy,profitable
company,none of us would feel secure.

Now I'm sorry. I know
this feels cd and ruthless.

But I'm doing this
for the right reasons.

I'm doing this for the family.

Tommy,did it ever occur to you that dad
wanted me to be a part of this business,

that he did that for a reason?

You can go on about him all you want,but
this is not what he would've wanted.


you're my brother,and I love
you,but this has to be done.

And I'm sorry,really. I'm--I'm
not trying to hurt you.


if you want to draw a
line in the sand,please do,

and put me on one side
and stand on the other.

But if you do,there is absolutely
no going back from that.




Justin,I asked you not to say anythinG.

I know my family,okay?

And I knew it'd go over a lot
better if they were distracted--

go over better?

Becca,why are you so upset?

Because,justin,now that
they know,everything changes.

I mean,have you ever honestly thought about
what's gonna happen to me if we break up?

You'll be fine,and I-I will be the
ex-girlfriend that everyone wishes

would just be polite
and--and disappear.

Look,that is so not true. Okay?

Everybody in that house loves you.

No,they are completely wrapped up in
how to deal with my replacement. What?

And honestly,it's not like there's enough room
at the table for ex-girlfriends and ex-sisters.

Rebecca,where are you going?

I just--you know
what? I gotta go home.

I don't want to be here anymore.

oh,uh,is kitty still up?

You know,she's had a pretty tough day.

I think maybe you ought
to talk to her tomorrow.

She's that furious?

She's that hurt.

Right. I really want to fix this up.

I mean,she's my sister.
I love her,obviously.

Nobody can slide the knife between the
ribs quite like the people who love us.


You're not gonna let me
off the hook here,are you?

Is that what you came for?

Look,come by tomorrow. I'm
sure she'll be more receptive.

-Good night.

Yo,can you pass the sports section,kev?

-Scotty,the frittata is wonderful.
-Oh,thank you.

take your time.

-It's white bean and rosemary?

-It's really lovely.
-Thank you.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

good morning.


Um,is kitty up yet?

-They left early this morning.

I guess I'll have to talk to her later.

Mom,I think we're just
gonna pack up and--

hey,you know what?Can
I bum a ride with you?

-Sure. Where's rebecca?
-She left last night.

Yeah,tommy and julia
left last night,too.

We're like rats
deserting a sinking ship.

Hey,sarah,can I get
you any,um,breakfast?

No,thanks,scotty. I
just lost my appetite.

Sarah,scotty made a delicious frittata.

At least you can sit
down and have a few bites.

-Okay,mother. I shall stay for breakfast.


Okay,kevin. I am so
sorry about the shelf.

-Of course I will pay for anything that broke.
-Don't worry about it.

And before I do any more damage, I'd just like to
say that I've been thinking a lot about everything,

and I realize that perhaps I am not the best
person to decide about what we do about ryan.

-Well,that's big of you.
-Oh,give me a break.

I'm done with trying to
convince anybody to do anything.

You're the head of this family.
I think you should decide.

It would've been nice if you'd
come to that conclusion yesterday.


-You need some help?

It's my first apartment. I
should probably do it by myself.

rebecca,look,about last night.
I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

I mean,god,you've lost so much in this last
month, I mean,your mom and--and david,and.

I should've been more sensitive
to what you were feeling.

I'm just scared.

if I lose you and your
family,what do I have left?

Look,you-- you're not the
only one who's scared,though.

Rebecca,you're my best
friend in this world.

Do you think I want to risk losing that?


the thing is,I think we have to.

Risk it,I mean.

Maybe we should stop wasting time
worrying about how it might end.

because maybe.

you know,maybe. maybe it won't end.

Can we start over.

without all the pressure?

there's a roller right behind
you. We could start with that.


so is this a bad time to tell you that
this is the worst color on the planet?


well,that was a quick trip.
I don't even have any laundry.

I think your family's got enough
dirty laundry for all of us.

-is that her?
-She's worse than my mother when she wants to talk.

You're gonna have to
talk to her eventually.

-Because she's not gonna stop until you do,and.

you love her.


Too late.

Look,she was sorry when she
came to talk to you last night.

-Oh,robert,I know. You keep on telling me that.
-I don't understand.

Out of all of the horrible things
I've seen your family do to each other,

-what about this is so terrible?
-It's notust about the letter.

Sarah has a completely
unrealistic view of my life.

She always has.

She thinks that everything comes so
easily to me,and that is not how it is.

I have struggled in my career.

It took me forever
to meet you--

ah,but it was worth the wait,wasn't it?

Robert,I'm serious.

How can I rely on sarah to help me if she
doesn't even know that I have any problems?

She probably doesn'T.

I mean,you put on a very brave face.

Well,so what? She's my sister.

She's supposed to
know me better--

and by the way,who are you defending? Because
it doesn't sound like you're defending me.

I'm not defending anyone. I'm just saying that if you think
this is part of a larger problem,you should say something.

Okay,but when do you get to the point
where you stop expecting somebody to change?

Do you really think
you and sarah are there?

I don't know.

How much damage was there?

Uh,some--some pottery,a ceramic
bowl and two glass vases.

They were la marina vases.

I didn't know that.

Anything else?

-A whale.
-The whale?


There is one other thing.

-We lost ojai as a client.

My--my brother
fired us.

They're in a financial bind.
They're trying to save money.

You had a hell of a weekend,didn't you?

Yes,sir,I did.


-you better get back to work.



Your brother tommy's on the line.

He's called about four times now.

Tell him I'm in a meeting.

-Are you sure?

Okay. No problem.


Don't worry. I parked
in the visitor's lot.

Yes,but you didn't make an
appointment,so I-if you'll excuse me.

No,I won't excuse you.

I've been excusing you
for months and months,

giving you the benefit
of the doubt,when really,

I should've known
that nothing--

nothing you have done since you first met william
has been in the best interest of my family or me.

Nora,you live in a dream world where no one
gets hurt and everyone gets what they want.

Well,I do expect when I make a
deal with someone,they stick to it.

Oh,well,then maybe you
should've read the fine print,

because I don't owe you anything.

You promised you would not
micromanage this company,

that you would let
sarah and tommy run it.

Instead,you have put yourself
in a position to hurt kevin.

I told you,talk to tommy about that.

And you've poisoned tommy.

You have never stopped relishing
in trying to humiliate me.

Well,right now,you're doing a pretty
good job of embarrassing yourself.

I wasn't really sure I was
gonna tell you this,but.

I realize,my whole
family knows about it.

It's really only a matter
of time until you find out,

and I want to be here when you do.

Find out about what?

Oh,holly,it must feel so good sitting here and
looking around at what was once william's world.

But you don't know the half of it.

He had another lover.

And they had a child together.

a boy. ryan.

I don't believe you.

Yes,you do.


I know you have a party. When I saw all the
cars,I almost turned around and went home,

but I wanted you to get this in time.


That's really sweet of you.

But I've already sent all
the materials to the agency.

Well,then give me the
address. I'll overnight iT.

Honestly,you have to
include this in your packet.

After I wrote it,I wanted
to give you my kids.

They're really strict
about deadlines and.

I don't want to ask for
any special treatment.

Listen,kitty,I want to fix this.

I want you to know how sorry I am,

how much you mean to
me,before another day goes by.

Sarah,I already know that.

I mean,you're my sister.

We love each other unconditionally,

just like mom's overflowing
fountain and her magical glue,

but that's not the problem between us.


Then what is the problem?

-Can we talk about this tomorrow?
-No,tell me now.

It's trust.

The problem between us is trust.

sweetie,who is it?

go,go. Go.

"dear birth mother,"I'm sarah walker.

"Kitty walker mccallister is my sister.

"There is nobody who would
make a better mother than kitty,

"not just because of who she is but
because of who she wants threst of us to be.

" "she has so much hope
for the people she loves,

"even when the road we're
on turns steep and uncertain.

"No one I know understands
family more than she does--

"that we're here to help each other,

"and that part of that "means we
must be patient with our differences.

"She also knows that it's only by giving
"that we gain the things that truly matter.

"It's funny.

"I'm her big sister,but
often,I forget that.

"Because the truth is that most
of the time,I look up to her.

" Sometimes is everything okay?

yeah.It will be.

I hope it will be.