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04x21 - Where There's Smoke...

Posted: 04/23/22 09:42
by bunniefuu

Occupational therapist to PT room.

Occupational therapist to PT room.

- Hi.
- Nora, hi.



I didn't even know Mom was in town.
Did you know she was in town?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did.
She was visiting Eunice.

- She called you?
- Nora, I called her.

- All right.
- The point is that she's doing great.

I mean, it's a miracle
that it's only a sprained ankle.

Nurse practitioner to first floor.

What is she doing with her hair
these days?

Maybe she changed salons
or her girl moved away. I remember...

You know, I don't know who you are.

Your mother takes to wandering
the streets, she gets hit by a bus,

and all you talk about
is who's doing her hair?

Hospitals make me anxious.

Hospitals or Mom?


LEWIS: Mr. Holden.
SAUL: Oh, Dr. Lewis. Hi.

This is my sister, Nora.

- Hi. Your mother's doing fine.
- Hi.

Can you tell us what happened?

We don't have much to go on.
It wasn't until an hour or so ago

that she was speaking coherently.


Can you tell us a little bit more
about this disorientation?

Tell me how's she been.
Has she seemed confused?

Well, she would call me and...
With questions about things

that she should have known
the answer to.

And actually, the truth is,
we both live here.

- She lives in New Mexico.
- Alone.

Well, that's gonna have to change.

Disorientation like this
is a serious problem. It...

She's a danger to herself,
she's a danger to others.

God forbid she has one of these episodes,
she gets behind the wheel of a car...

Okay, okay, okay.

So, what you're saying is that
we should either send her to a home

or a live-in nurse.

I recommend -hour care.

- My God.
- What that looks like

is up to you and your mother.

I will say, it may be more than either of you
wanna take on by yourselves.

But I cannot release her
until I know what your plan is.

- Okay. Thank you.
- Thanks.

Okay. Just take your time.

So who gets to tell her?

Robert. Robert. Robert, wake up.

Hey. Hey, what is it? Is it Evan?

Oh, no, Evan is fine. Evan is asleep.
But you are not gonna believe this.

- It started. It...
- What time is it?

- What are you doing up?
- I have a fundraiser in Anaheim at : .

Do you not remember anything?

Come on, Robert,
get with the program and read this.

Too sick to serve.

All about my cancer,
all about your heart attack.

- And they use the word hubris a lot.
- Bummer.

Did you just say "bummer"?

Robert, this is exactly
the kind of thinking

- that just cost you a job.
- Wow.

- Yeah, right?
- Carver hit a walk-off in extra innings.

- I shouldn't have turned that game off.
- You're...

You're talking about baseball?

- Honey. Honey, this is serious.
- Well, what do you wanna do about it?

I can think of a couple of things
I would like to do about it.

Robert, why are you taking this
lying down?

Because it's : in the morning.

Kitty, just let this go.

That's it?

That and I've gotta have more faith
in the team.




Hey, what are you doing awake?
It's still dark outside.

Okay, so when you think of Robert
and you think of me,

- do you think about death?
- Why? What happened?

Oh, you know, the blogs are just calling us
the Catastrophe Couple of California.

And you wanna hear the weirdest part?
Robert is flatlining.

He's not even taking it in.
He's not reacting.

He's pretending that he's concerned
about the baseball scores.

- That doesn't sound like Robert.
- Thank you.

I mean, Robert just lost a job
because of this kind of discrimination.

I mean, you can't not hire somebody
because they have heart surgery.

Look at d*ck Cheney.

Ah. d*ck Cheney. There's a reason
I should move to France with Luc.

Why don't you and Luc
just get married?

Kitty, I've been through this.
I'm not gonna let Luc's visa

be a reason I get remarried.

- Have you made any appeals?
- God, are you kidding me?

We've done everything we can.
He's even in the lottery for a green card.

I've written letters, e-mails,
I've left messages.

- God knows if they get them.
- Okay, easy does it.

It's all gonna work out. You and Luc
are completely committed to each other.

I mean, he's leaving his stuff, right?

Which, when this doesn't work,
I'll have to ship all the way back to France.

Sarah, you are gonna visit each other.

- It's gonna be... It's gonna be great.
- Visit? Come on, Kitty.

Big whoop. You know as well as I do

that absence does not make the heart
grow fonder.

It just makes you realize
that you can live your lives

without each other. And I don't wanna
live my life without him

and now I'm gonna cry again
all over my spreadsheets.

I cried in meetings yesterday.

One of them was to raise capital
at a merchant bank.

Oh, maybe I just need to get my period.


Oh, gosh, hang on. It's Kevin.

Hi, what are you doing up?

I couldn't sleep
and I need some advice.

Be quick about it.
I've got Sarah on the other line.

[WHISPERS] Okay, when you were
pregnant, what was your hCG level?

- What? Kevin, I can't hear you.
- I have to be quiet.

I promised Scotty I wouldn't go online,
but I can't stop reading.

- Your hCG level, what was it?
- I don't know, I just peed on a stick.

Ah! Ours is . Michelle's going for her
second test, but it has to be double.

It'd be so much easier
if we were straight.

We'd just do a daily boob check
and see if she was pregnant or not.

Oh, my God.

- That's it.
- What's it?

- I gotta go.
KEVIN: Wait...

Sarah, did you just tell me
that you haven't gotten your period yet?

No, and it's not helping things.

You know what?
You and I are on the same cycle

and I got mine like a week and a half ago.
So you are late.

- You are very, very late. Yeah.
- Really?

You haven't been this emotional
since you were pregnant with Cooper.

Kitty, the love of my life is moving
to the other side of the world.

Besides, come on, I'm .

I'm more likely to be perimenopausal
than I am to be pregnant.

You know, people get pregnant
in their s all the time.

Well, not me, not me.

Because I happen to be part
of the Catastrophe Couple. But you...

Kitty, I'm not having this conversation.

Oh, my God, this gonna be so much fun.
This is perfect. This is...

Evan's gonna have
a new little playmate, it's...

Okay, goodbye.

Hello? Sarah.

If you just called Michelle at this hour
to have her assess

the tenderness of her breasts,
I'm gonna k*ll you.

I'm not even on the phone.

You are Googling hCG levels,
aren't you?

Well, it's better than what most people do
at odd hours on a computer.

Well, did you know percent of people
ten days post-transfer

who get a end up with a BFN?

- Big Fat Negative. What?
- Kevin.

You heard what the doctor said.
We're supposed to stay off the Internet.

Our situation is unique to us.
Everybody's results are gonna be different.

- I heard the doctor.
- Okay.

Well, then, why don't you
look up movie times?

It'll take our mind off things
until Michelle calls.

Okay, fine, what do you wanna see?


Wanna go to a psychic?

How's that gonna take things
off our mind?

You wanna ask a stranger
if she thinks we're pregnant?

No, but, you know, it'd be fun.

"Miss Nadine. World-renowned."

Psychic to the stars.

- World-renowned?
- Yeah.

IDA: Why do you wanna know
the gory details?

Because, Mother,
you could have been k*lled.

Now, we just wanna know what happened,
that's all.

Fine. I left Chicago...

Chicago? Oh, no, Mother,
this is Los Angeles.

The show, you morons.
The musical, Chicago.

Eunice and I went
with her senior citizens group.

Now, if we could just please fill out
this damn form so that I can get home.

Mom, the doctor said
that you couldn't remember

anything about what happened, so...

What's going on?

Nothing, Mommy.
We're worried about you, that's all.

You should honestly try to call us
when you're thinking of coming to town.

Well, Saul knew I was here.

Well, only because he happened
to call you.

At least someone calls me.


We have to think about the future.

- What about it?
- Nora.

Mother, listen. The doctors...

They feel that you shouldn't be living
by yourself any longer.

Why? Because I sprained my ankle?

No, you were in the middle of the road
and didn't even know it, Mother.

They said that you weren't yourself
for hours, and they're worried

this could happen again.

I lose my way for a couple of hours,
in a city I don't know,

and you wanna box me up
and send me to a nursing home?

That's where this is headed, right?

Mom, you need help.

Fine, Saulie. I'll move in with you.


I don't think so, Mom.
My house is small.

I have work.
And I just don't think you'd be happy there.

Mother, you can live with me. Please,
Mother, please live with me. I'd like that.

I would rather live in a nursing home.

Well, yes, I'm sorry you feel that way.

But you're coming home with me.


Hey, we got the breadmaker
that we registered for.

- The breadmaker, nice.
- Yeah.

Maybe we can have
some bread parties.

- Sounds like a good time.
- Where are we gonna put all this stuff?

Well, you know that little bungalow
above Sunset that I fell in love with?

The one you took a picture of
and is now your screensaver?

Yes, that one.

It's for sale.

I'm just saying.

Yeah, I was thinking more
along the lines of extra shelving.

Because maybe you forgot,
I'm flat broke

and we just sunk millions
into our family business.

No, I know, I know, I know.
I was just fantasizing for a moment.

We'll definitely get some shelves.


A buddy in my unit in Iraq
was k*lled in Afghanistan.

Oh, my God, Justin. I'm so sorry.

The funeral's tomorrow. I should go.

I didn't even know he was still in.

NORA: Okay, here we go.
IDA: No, just don't help me so much.

I just need a little support.
Just stop it. Stop it.

Put your hand on the railing.
Okay, here we go. Oh.


Yes, come in.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.

- Aren't we, Mother?
- Ma.

What are you doing up there?

Your sister left me here.

- What?
- How...? L...

It's all right, it's all right. I can do it.

I'm fine, I've got it.
I'm going to have to do it alone.

Just fine.



- You okay?
- Yes, I'm fine.

We have just taken
too many unnecessary trips

up and down the stairs.

This time, she wanted her book.
I said, "I'll go get it for you."

She said,
"No, no, I don't want you in my things."

So there we went
up Mount Everest again.

- But I talked to Susan O'Malley.
- From your cancer center.

She's now the head of the cen...
Would you please slice this for me?

- Yep.
- Very thin.

- No, very, very thin.
- I remember.

So I talked to Susan and she told me
where I could get her a walker.

And she also told me
that her mother is living with her too.

- So we now have mahjongg on the books.
- Nice.

Every Friday.

So you can just stop worrying
about this arrangement.

- We are flourishing.
- Great, I'm not gonna worry.

What about you?

What about me?

Well, I mean, come on,

this isn't exactly company
for the weekend.

Nora, have you ever thought
about what you're giving up here?

You heard what the doctor said,

that this could very easily go downhill
quickly from here.

And then what have you consigned
yourself to?

And why? For what?

So you could have a second chance
at a relationship with Mother?

What is this? God.

What, are you worried about losing
your favorite-child status, is that it?

- Saul, listen to me.
- Oh, come on.

You get a bigger apartment,

- she can come live with you, how's that?
- Give me a break.

You know that's not the reason
I can't have her live with me.

What would be the reason for me

to tell her at this point
in my life that I'm gay?

It's the truth?

Nice. Nice.

I'm gonna call the kids. I'm gonna tell
them they have to have dinner with us.

We have to, all of us, get used to the idea
that Ida's gonna be staying here,

hopefully for a very, very long time.

I'm seeing a journey.
A voyage of some sort.

Are these the stars
you reference in your ad?

- Kevin.
- Well, I'm sorry,

I've never seen these people.

I'm sorry, you were saying something

- about a journey?

It's not for you. But for someone close.

Perhaps a family member?

Oh, my God, that's totally Luc.
My sister-in-law's boyfriend.

Visa issues. Does that ring a bell?

- I think you just rang it for her.
NADINE: That would make sense.

But before he leaves,
something else is coming.

Don't tell her.

This thing I see coming.


It's a big, dark cloud.

I can't tell you what it is,
but it's going to bring turmoil.

And maybe even smoke.

Smoke? I thought psychics
only brought good news.

That's a fortune cookie.
But for what it's worth,

I am sensing new life.

- Like a baby?
- What?

What? That's what we're here for.

Well, now that I know what it is, yes.
It's a baby.

- Kevin, did you hear that?
- Yeah. Yay.

Oh, Alison?

I was just about to get you
that sales report.

No, actually,
could I ask you a question?

Do you remember that meeting last month
where I kind of flipped out because...?

Because your non-fat dry cap
wasn't very dry?

Yeah. PMS.

Do you remember
when that was, exactly?

- March th.
- Wow, you're good with dates.

It was my birthday.

Oh. Sorry.

Oh, my God.

Six weeks.

I wish we could have lunch,
but they've got me on this schedule.

I have to be back at the State Department
first thing in the morning.

No, no, that's okay. You know,
it sounds worse than the campaign trail.

Hey, I hear you've got a good shot
at the primary.

Well, Ann, I need a favor.

Well, if you're looking to secure
more RNC funding, I've already targeted...

No, no, no. Actually, it's about Robert.

- What about him?
- I'm guessing you know

that he was tapped
for a high-level appointment

concerning national security and...

He went through the whole process

and they practically told him
that he had the job.

And then at the last minute,
they rejected him

because of some leftover scar tissue
from his heart surgery and...



Wait a minute.

- What, did you hear something different?
- No.

If that's what Robert told you,
then he's in the best position to know.

Listen, if he is interested in a think t*nk
or a seat on the board...

Ann. Ann, please don't change
the subject, l... What is going on?

Look, all I'm gonna say

is there are plenty of people
in worse health than Robert

at the highest levels.

A little scar tissue
isn't usually a deal breaker.

I'm sorry. I have a car waiting.

You did this.

You k*lled the job.
You had me blackballed.

Look, if you'd taken that appointment,
you'd have been gagged.

You'd take an oath of silence
and never be able to help us.

We couldn't let that happen.

There are plenty of people
who could help you do this.

You know you're the perfect candidate.

Even if I wanted to,
my wife is running for Senate.

There's no way I'm gonna jeopardize...

Your loyalty is admirable.
Family is important.

But your country needs you.

- My country?
- Yes. Your country.

Joe, find someone else.

Two hundred bucks down the drain,
I still don't feel distracted.

No, but you should be relieved.

We're totally pregnant.

What, is that based on the tenderness
of my breasts?

No, she was dead-on
about a lot of things.

- Luc.
- Yeah, because you told her about Luc.

- No, she said journey first.
- Ugh.

- And there was that thing about new life.
- Yeah.

Could she have been
any more generic?


Oh, my God,

The Wicked Witch of the West
is in town.

- Who?
- Grandma. Gonna be at Mom's tonight.

- Wait, Ida's here?
- Mm-hm.

Kevin, she's the dark force.

She's totally the dark force
bringing turmoil.

Ida's cranky, okay?

A dark force? Kind of a stretch.

All right, smoke, what was that about?

Clouds. We could paint clouds
on the ceiling of the nursery.

I don't think predictions count
if you make them come true.

Plus, we don't have a nursery.

Kevin, I just wanna believe.

Spin. All right. Here we go. All right.

NORA: So are you...? Are you all set here?
- Come on. Come on.

- All set.
- There's nothing else that you need?

MAN: Oh, boy.
- That's what is meant by "all set."

MAN: Oh, I'm sorry.
- Yeah.


You know, Mom,
you really could come with me.

I'm just shopping for dinner.
And it would be like old times.

Remember when we used to shop
at Hannigan's

- and we used to sample all the candies?
- Nora, don't patronize me.

If you're afraid
that I'm gonna wander in the street

and get hit by another bus, just say so.

Mother, I really wasn't patronizing you.

I thought it would be nice
to have your company.

We could spend some time together.

Were you planning on carrying me
around the market

or do I just sit in the car with Bingo?

Bingo died.

Oh, I had no idea.

- When?
- Just, you know, a little while ago.

Mother, listen to me.
I would really like you to come with me.

I'd rather not miss my programs.

So you have my cell phone number.

Oh, Nora,
what time should I feed Bingo?

Go shopping, it was a joke.





Oh, my God.

- What's going on?
- Not much.

Just thought about emptying the trash.

You know, actually,
you really should be getting ready

because we shouldn't be late tonight.
My grandma's coming, did I tell you?

Have you met Ida? Of course,
you have. What am I talking about?

- What?
- You're so nervous.

Yeah, a little bit.
But I'm holding it together.

Babe, I'm gonna call you every night.

It will be lunch time for you.
That way we can have lunch together.

Luc, you know people do move on
with their lives.

I'm worried we might get distracted.

Oh, I'm not gonna get distracted.

Do you remember
when we met the first time?

You just appeared on my doorsteps.

Come on, we're meant to be together.

Let's make the most of the time
we have left, huh?

No. You know what?
Sex is not always the answer.

It can have very serious ramifications.

- What?
- Come on, Luc,

I shouldn't really have to explain to you
the birds and the bees. Kids.


What do you mean? You...
Do you want to have a baby?


No, why? Do you?

I'm leaving in a day.
I don't think it's practical...

Exactly. You're leaving tomorrow.
It's not practical.

All right, you should go get ready
for dinner.

- I'll take out the trash.
- No, I'll get it.

Got it.

I can take out the trash.

Please, I am here one more day.

Would you please stop saying that?

Let me take out the trash, still, yeah?


Oh, God. Mom?

NORA: Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Thank you so much.
I promise I'll be careful next time.

Never let it happen again.

You could have told them I did it. I don't
think they would have locked me up.

No, Mother, it's not your fault.

Okay, you did turn the burner on
and walk away,

but I should not leave
so much stuff around.

This could have happened to anyone.

Fine. We'll play it your way.



- Nora.
- Jeez, just don't say it.

Don't say it, don't say it.
We're fine. Everyone is fine.

- We needn't change our plans.
SAUL: You couldn't call me?

I had to hear it from Sarah?

Well, I knew you were coming over
for dinner tonight.

I mean,
it's not like I'm keeping it a secret.

I'm just glad everything's okay
and the house is still standing.

Mommy, you okay?

I'm peachy.

It was her fault.

Oh, well, we're having pizza tonight.

- Was there a fire?
- Everybody's okay.

Oh, wow!

SCOTTY: It's true.
- Everybody's safe. It's fine.

So there was smoke?

- Can you smell that? I love you.
- Mm-hm.

It's true. It's really true.

SAUL: Excuse me. Excuse me.
KEVIN: Yeah.

Is there something wrong
with the two of you?

No. No, we're just glad everyone's okay.


Is there a chip or something?

Oh, no, I'm just checking to see

if it's the same company
that we registered for.

I've been obsessed with dinnerware.

We've received so many gifts we have
no idea where we're gonna put everything.

Well, buy a house. You're married.
That's what people do.

Well, actually,
there is this one house that we love.

- I didn't know med school paid so well.
REBECCA: We're not in the market.

Just, who knows?
If things turn around with Ojai...

Um, no, but, I mean, we love our
apartment. Don't get me wrong.

- There's plenty of room.
- Our place is tiny.

- We're adding a baby to the mix.
NORA: You've heard?

- Did you hear something?
SCOTTY: No, I just meant at some point.

KEVIN: Yeah, hopefully.

And the fates are with us.


- Sarah, you okay?
SARAH: Mm-hm. I'm just...

...gonna get wine for the table.

Sarah, there's a bottle right here.

Oh, Justin,
I was so sorry to hear about Bingo.

Your dog. Your mother mentioned
that he passed recently.

Uh, Grandma, Bingo...
Bingo passed away about years ago.

- Well, I didn't say it was yesterday.
- No, you said "recently."

Well, why?

So that I would feel better?

Well, I don't know.
Is that such a bad thing?

No, of course not, dear.
It's one of the wonderful things about you.

- You're such a pleaser.
- Mom, come on.

Like taking the blame
for the fire that I caused.

Mother, look, everyone is safe.
No one got hurt.

- It doesn't matter whose fault it was.
- Well, it matters to me, damn it.


KITTY: Hello?
SARAH: Kitty. Come in here.

- Did you take the test?
- I bought the test,

but then Luc came home,
I had to throw it in the trash.

Are you telling me that Luc doesn't know?
Sarah, you have to tell him.

Tell him what?

What's there to tell?
There's nothing to tell.

Even if there was,
he's leaving tomorrow.

I am here to tell you
that this is not something

that you should be keeping
from your partner.

You are in a committed relationship.
You don't keep secrets from each other.

I mean, no wonder you think
the long-distance thing isn't gonna work.

Okay, I might be hormonal, but it feels like
you're being really mean to me.


- He's French. I have two kids.
- I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

It's not you, okay? It's not you.
It's me. It's me.

I went to see this woman today,
Ann Waterman,

to confront her
about why Robert didn't get the job.

- You went to see Ann Waterman?
SARAH: Kevin.

Have you been eavesdropping
outside that door?

No. Well, a little. Just at the end.

Wait a minute,
did Robert tell you anything

about some sort of job in intelligence?

Oh, the job? The big secret job?
God, yeah, what about it?

I went to see Ann Waterman today
because I wanted to talk to her

about how it was discrimination
that Robert didn't get the job

because of his heart surgery
and she looked at me like I was crazy.

- Meaning?
- There's another reason

why Robert didn't get the job.

Oh, you think there's a scandal
you don't know about?

Kev, let's just turn the dial down
on the drama queen.

Okay, well,
maybe he was embarrassed.

He doesn't get embarrassed.

- He wasn't born with the ability to...
- Kitty.

- What?
- Can we not talk about birth, please?

Right. Right, sorry. Sorry.

Has Scotty said something to you two?

About what?

Oh, my God, are you pregnant too?

What do you mean "too"?
Who else is pregnant?

I don't know.

- Kitty? Who's pregnant?
- Nobody.

- I never said anybody was pregnant.
- No, you said "too."

"Too" implies somebody else
is pregnant.


- I meant boo.
- So who's the first pers... Kevin?

- What?
- Are you pregnant?

Oh, we went to a psychic
and she predicted a new life.

But maybe that new life isn't ours.
Maybe it's one of yours.

So tell me, is it? Is it?

Is one of you pregnant?

- Luc. Hi.
- So the birds and the bees, yeah?

- You were serious?
- It is you.


Yes. Maybe. I don't know.

KEVIN: But it might be?
- That would be amazing.

No, it's not amazing.
It's not amazing, Luc.

You're leaving tomorrow
and we were careful.

We were really, really careful.
I thought we were.

- You thought you were being careful?
- Kevin, what is your problem?

- Hey, are we okay in here?
- No, we're not.

- The new life?
- Yeah?

- It's her. It's Sarah.

She stole our baby.


Uh... Kevin.

- Ma, you want some more salad?
KEVIN: Bye, Mom. Bye, Gram.

SCOTTY: Kevin, wait.
- What, is Kevin leaving?

SAUL: Yeah, it sounded like it.
- Excuse me.

- What's going on?
- Uh, nothing.

Thank you for the dinner.
We just really have to go.

No, you guys aren't leaving too.
Justin's getting the ice cream.

Yeah, the sitter. We have to relieve her.

I thought the kids
were with their father this weekend.

- Right. Good night.
SAUL: Good night.

I'm gonna find out what's going on.

I honestly don't know
where that instinct comes from.

What instinct is that, Mother?

The one that tells you
that you have to fix everything.

Who knows what's going on out there?
They're adults.

If they need you, they'll ask you.

SAUL: Come on, Ma,
it's perfectly understandable for Nora

to wanna find out what's happening.

I'm sorry, Mother,
if I don't do things the way you did.

I just want to be there for my children.
That's all.

You're right.
We've always done things differently.

- Can we not do this now? Please?
- No. We're going to do this now.

Nora, I don't want to live
in this house with you

for the next ten years of my life.

There's a place called Fair Willows.

- We've been over this.
IDA: No, you have been over this.

Allow me the dignity
to make my own choices.

Allow me that.

Before it's too late.

KEVIN: Please don't try
and get my hopes up again.

You should've just left me to my blogs
and my dreams of motherhood forums,

full of ectopic pregnancies, BFNs,

and people just acknowledging
what a huge miracle it is to get pregnant.

At least that way, I'd have been able
to manage my expectations,

and wrap my head
around the disappointment.

No, you wouldn't have. Even if Michelle
turns out not to be pregnant,

Miss Nadine or no Miss Nadine,
it's still going to hurt.

There's no way to soften that blow.

I don't think I can handle it
without it being softened.

Yes, you can.
Because I will be right here with you.

You know, maybe this is just a sign
that it's not meant to be.

You're trying to soften again.

If we really wanna be parents,

maybe we could get a dog.

I like dogs.


Boy, for a woman
who was supposedly diminished,

she certainly knows how to turn it on
when she wants to.

She sure does.

But she's right, Nora. She is.

It's her choice how and where she spends
the rest of her life.

She doesn't want to live here. With me.

That's what this is about.

I know that you wanna have a relationship
with her, but you've tried.

You've tried.


But then, I'll never have a relationship
with her like you do.

What do I have with her? Tell me.

I have a lie.

The only reason you think that I'm close
with Mother is because I don't fight her.

I can't live honestly in front of her,
I've never been able to.

But you do. You're yourself.

And I envy that
because that's something I'll never have.

- Really?
- Yeah, really.


If I s...

If I send her off...

When you send her off.

- When I send her off.
- Right.

We can't let this be a new precedent
in the family.

Because I'm gonna live with Kitty
or with Sarah.

Better yet, I'm living with Kevin.

- No one's gonna ship me off.
- Okay.

Okay. I'll have the family bylaws revised
on Monday.

And I'll make sure it says that.

- Okay.
- Okay.


Well, looks like you and Evan
had some fun.

He's gonna be a drummer pretty soon.

- How was dinner?
- Uh...

Dinner. Dinner was fine.

You know, dinner with my family,
you know how it is.

Wait a second. You had Ida, Nora
and Saul all in the same room,

so it must have been great. Spill it.


I went to see Ann Waterman today.

- Why would you do that?
- Because I think you're lying to me.

- What did Ann tell you?
- She didn't tell me anything.

It was very clear
that she was hiding something,

so I'm assuming you are too.

Look, someone intervened
and prevented me from getting the job.

The heart attack was just an excuse.

- Who intervened?
- People. Powerful people.

And you knew that they did this?

- Not until today. They lied to me too.
- I don't understand.

Who would wanna prevent you
from getting this?

- I can't get into it.
- Oh, come on, Robert. I am your wife.

Remember, we promised
we weren't gonna keep

any secrets from each other?
Here I am, in the middle of a campaign,

and I wanna know, is something
gonna come out all of a sudden?

Something that's gonna surprise me?

- Is there going to be an investigation?
- No.

They want me to help them
with something.

And having the job would prevent that.

Look, it's not like there aren't
good motives behind what they're doing,

it's just that I... not sure
that I wanna be a part of it.

Tell them that. You need to tell them

you don't want anything to do with it.
They should get somebody else.

I did.

I told them exactly that.


I'll get him.

So you doing it?

I should have had more to drink.
I was trying to avoid the wine.

You know that women in France
drink wine when they're pregnant.

Well, that explains a lot.

I'm sorry,

but I just can't believe this.
I didn't know I wanted a family.

Well, I already have a family.

I know you do,
but one that includes me.

Sarah, that could be such a great thing.

And like you said, distance is so hard,
but now with...

But what?

You said you thought
this would be no problem.

I know, but the truth is,
it will be a little hard.

People get busy,
move on with their own lives.

What are you saying, Luc? You think
we need a baby to help keep us together?

- What happened to all your optimism?
- Look, I'm nervous too.

But a baby will hold us together
no matter where we are.

We'd be a family.

That's what I really want from us.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that
because it's negative.

I'm not pregnant.

It's such a shame
it's so un-PC to buy a dog.

- Look at that goldendoodle.
- Oh, my God, so cute.


Maybe we could rescue one.

Well, I don't think goldendoodles
need rescuing.

Hi, Michelle. Wait, wait, wait.

Before you say anything, we just...

We want you to know we're grateful
for everything you're going through for us

and no matter what happens,
there's no blame, there's no...

- Four hundred and sixty-one?
- Four hundred and sixty-one?

Her hCG. She's pregnant.

- We're pregnant. We're pregnant.
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Just enjoying the perks
of being without child.

Sarah, I was just...

Don't tell you were trying
to make me feel better about that,

because then I'll have to reevaluate
everything you've ever said to me.

No, I wasn't. I was excited.

This is not the first time
I thought I had someone pregnant.

Not what I need to hear right now.

But this is the first time
I felt the way I felt.

That's because I'm in love with you,

And this is why it's gonna work.

But neither of us actually believe
that a hundred percent, do we?

I'm moving , miles away.

- It's gonna be a big change, but...
- It's gonna suck.

No, we're going in eyes wide open,
but this is what I want.

- And you want this, right?
- Of course, I do.

So then, we're gonna make it work.

You're right, I'm sorry.

We will.



You really do come to all these, huh?

As much as I can.

He seems like
he was a hell of a soldier.

He was.

You know, since I've been back,
he's done three tours of duty.


Yeah, at a place like this,

sometimes it's hard not to feel guilty
for what you have.

Just makes me wonder
since I've been back,

what the hell I've been doing,
you know?

Justin, you served your country
with honor.

You're studying to be a doctor.

But there are shortage of medics
out there now, Robert.

Sometimes I feel this call to serve.
You know, something bigger

than my little corner of the world,
you know?


Yeah, I do know.


Okay, we're almost set.
I just have to find my damn cell phone.

Oh, I spoke with the nicest lady
at Fair Willows who...

Eunice, slow down.

It's a charter bus.

They're not gonna leave without us.

And the show doesn't even start till .

Mom, it's me, Nora.

Nora. Yes. Thank you.

My daughter. I gotta call her.

If she knew that I was here in California
and didn't call her...

Oh, she's probably got a million things
going on.

Always so busy.

I don't ever wanna become a burden
to her.

Well, maybe she's not so busy
that she wouldn't love to hear from you.

Well, it's those children.

I mean, they're fully grown,
but they still keep her on her toes.

But they're wonderful.

How could they not be
with a mother like that?


Baby names?

- When did you have time to get these?
- Oh, a couple weeks ago.

Look at you, Mr. Quietly Confident.

- I knew all along.
- Well, forget Miss Nadine.

Looks like you found your calling.


Okay, well, you're all packed.
Pretty sparingly.

I won the lottery.

You what?

I won the lottery.

- You got a green card.
- It's just arrived.

You got a green card.

Harmony Wandell.

Augustus Walker.

- Hey, you know what?
- We're never gonna agree on a name?

No, no, Miss Nadine's predictions.
There's one outstanding.

You know, the one about a loved one
making a journey.

Well, it's got to be your grandma.

Oh, yeah, I guess.

Okay, I've got everything, Mom.

Do you wanna wear your coat
or shall I pack it?

If I wanted to pack it, Nora,
I would have packed it.

Use your head.

Good point, Mom.

Good point.

I'm glad to get your call, senator.
I'm wheels up in five,

- I don't have much...
- I changed my mind.


I started thinking
maybe I should be worrying

about something bigger
than my corner of the world.

- Are you sure?
- I'm in.

You've made the right decision.

Let's hope so.